SAP HANA EFFECT Title: Episode 16 – Dr. Pepper Refreshes its BW system with HANA (Duration: 13:20) Publish Date: May 11, 2015 Description: Roopa Amin, BI Director at Dr. Pepper, tells us about their phenomenally successful BW on HANA migration from a slow 20TB DB to a screaming 5TB HANA DB. THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. JEFF: Welcome to The HANA Effect. I’m your host, Jeff Word, from SAP. Each week, we bring listeners the real stories of how companies are taking advantage of real-time computing to transform their organizations and let them share the lessons they’ve learned along their journey. Welcome to another episode of The HANA Effect. I’m your host, Jeff Word, from SAP, and I’m joined today with one of my favorite customers, Dr. Pepper Snapple Group. And we’re here today with Roopa Amin. She’s the Director of BI. Welcome. ROOPA: Well, thank you, Jeff. Thank you for coming here. JEFF: Want to talk a little bit today about the BW on HANA that you guys just went live with a couple of months ago. So, take us bank in history a little bit and talk to HANA Effect Episode 16 – Dr. Pepper Refreshes its BW system with HANA 1 us about what led up to that decision to switch your regular BW system over to BW on HANA. ROOPA: We were actually implementing a project called Capstone. And this project was to add some case sales data into our existing BW system. Case sales at a very basic level is the sale of our product to a retail store at a SKU and day level. The sales at retail stores are, of course, done by Dr. Pepper. We sell our product, but so do other bottlers and we take our SAP data from our ECC 6 system and combine it with this external data and do a lot of reporting and the case sales data gives us some insight into who are our most effective bottlers and what funding models should we use, what sort of displays should we fund and what type of promotions. As we were implementing this project, we found that our data volumes were much higher than we’d initially projected and, therefore, the data processing requirements were much higher as well. So, we started looking at HANA to see if we could optimize our data load times. And we did two proof of concepts; one with another vendor and one with SAP to really understand which product would be better for us in the long run to improve our data processing times. JEFF: ROOPA: What size data volumes are we talking about? When we cutting over to production at that point in time, our database was about 20 terabytes. And, if you exclude HANA Effect Episode 16 – Dr. Pepper Refreshes its BW system with HANA 2 all the unused space and indexes etc., it was probably around 13 terabytes that we actually migrated. JEFF: And what did you end up with now in HANA with the compressions? ROOPA: It’s about 4 ½ terabytes. JEFF: So, about 5X compression. ROOPA: Mmm hmm. JEFF: That’s actually pretty standardized. The day you talked about this case level data is very, very granular, right? ROOPA: Yeah, so we used to pull the data in our legacy systems at a chain and a month level, and now we’re bringing it down to a store and day level. And this is not just our internal data, but it’s data from external bottlers that we pull in. JEFF: So, you could really see all of the different products flowing into the retail stores. ROOPA: Exactly. Right. JEFF: That’s amazing. And what was the result when you did that proof of concept? HANA Effect Episode 16 – Dr. Pepper Refreshes its BW system with HANA 3 ROOPA: We saw a significant difference between the other product and HANA. HANA gave us the performance that we were looking for. There was definitely some places that was 1012 times faster than on the other product. And then there was areas like DSO activation that you have in BW that we couldn’t do in our current environment and we certainly couldn’t do it in the other POC. But on HANA, that flew. It was amazing. JEFF: What were some of the key decisions you guys had to make as you were getting ready to embark on this HANA project for BW? ROOPA: So, some of the key decisions we had to make were, first of all, which hardware vendor do you go with? We have a very good relationship with HP. We have a hosting agreement already with them. So, we decided to go with HP hardware, and then we didn’t have to make a decision on did we want it on prem or did we want to host it in Toronto with the rest of our hardware. Some of the other things that we had to think about was do we want to patch our BW and if so which version? JEFF: When you guys actually went live with this thing, what was the technical aspects of your cut over to the new HANA system? ROOPA: There are a lot of different migration options and one of the migration options is to have a zero downtime. We HANA Effect Episode 16 – Dr. Pepper Refreshes its BW system with HANA 4 could not pick that as an option. We’ve got a lot of nonSAP interfaces and the work involved in actually setting those up for two environments was going to be difficult. And so, we decided to go with the downtime option. So, one of the challenges that we had was to really make sure that we could reduce that to as low as possible, and so we used SAP services to help us come up with techniques on lower that downtime. It’s a bit of an art, but we were really successful at it. So, that’s one of the things that we looked at. We also worked with the ambassador program to help us identify which version of the software we should go to. We made decisions on what patch level in BW. But, in terms of the actual cutover, it was very uneventful. We had one small issue; other than that, the actual cutover when really smooth. We were done actually sooner than we had anticipated and we were able to start our data loads earlier. JEFF: It was ahead of schedule. ROOPA: Yes and I think one of the reasons was we were going to from a production environment to a production environment, so that made it a lot faster. JEFF: So, what was your life like over that weekend when the cutover happened? HANA Effect Episode 16 – Dr. Pepper Refreshes its BW system with HANA 5 ROOPA: Ah! Well, you know, you’re always worried about how will it go? But it went so smooth; it was actually a little bit boring. JEFF: So, let’s talk now, you guys had had BWA for a few of your cubes, but now on Monday when the whole company comes in, all of their stuff is now turbocharged with HANA. ROOPA: Right. JEFF: What was the reaction of the business users before and then after? What were they thinking, expecting about HANA and then what did they really feel when they got it? ROOPA: Well, so the users that actually didn’t have their data on BWA were just ecstatic. I mean we had one person, who wrote to me that said, “I used to spend about two hours downloading and running reports, and now those same reports run in about 10 minutes and I use the balance of my time to do the analysis.” And then in terms of the rest of our users, what was interesting was, well first, everyone was so happy that it had gone in so smoothly. And then in terms of the month end close for our business users, I debated on whether I should email them and tell them, hey, this is our first month end close on HANA. But I decided instead just to see their reaction after the close happened. So, typically, what we do is the month end HANA Effect Episode 16 – Dr. Pepper Refreshes its BW system with HANA 6 starts in the afternoon and the jobs run and late into the night our business users are asked to log in and validate the data, so that we have it available for our sales guys in the next morning. So, instead, we started our jobs as normal in the afternoon and we were done in the evening. And I got an email from one of our business users that said this is amazing. HANA really works. And she went and told our senior management, in fact, the president of our beverage concentrate business, how well the implementation had gone and that we were able to deliver our report sooner. JEFF: That is a pretty big applause and atta boy. ROOPA: Yes, and we’re still working to improve it some more. We’re now starting to get rid of the cubes and move our reports, the DSO. So, every month we see a little improvement in their process and we’re continuing to condense our cycles down. Until now, we couldn’t even run both close cycles at the same time. So, we have our ECC6 data and this baller case sales data and we run one in the day and one at night. And now we’re shrinking down the time, so we can run both at night and optimize our offshore resources to actually monitor those data loads at night and use our on shore, more expensive resources to work with the business. JEFF: We’ve heard about a lot of other success stories from a lot of other SAP customers. And the HANA Effect Episode 16 – Dr. Pepper Refreshes its BW system with HANA 7 confidence that the business gets in that first project of, yes okay, HANA’s different, but it really delivers. This stuff really is as good as everybody hoped it is, probably sometimes even better than people expected. Then they start building on that and looking and saying, hey, what can we do next? What can we do next? Where can we apply this new technology to improve other aspects of it? ROOPA: Right. JEFF: That’s what we call the HANA Effect, right? So, explain to me a little bit about what Dr. Pepper’s going to be doing next in your HANA roadmap. Where do you think this type of technology is going to have an impact going forward for you guys? ROOPA: We started our HANA roadmap discussions now, and so our senior IT management is very interested in pursuing putting ECC6 on HANA. And actually the recent announcements about S4 are just amazing. Everyone is very impressed by the whole scenario of reducing the data footprint by consolidating the tables. It makes so much business sense. It really does. And eliminating all of the checks and balances people have to do across all those different transactions; we spend so much time closing our financials, etc. So, we’re really looking now into how we’re going to optimize HANA further. And so, our next step is to really understand how we migrate ECC6 to HANA and then HANA Effect Episode 16 – Dr. Pepper Refreshes its BW system with HANA 8 really subsequently how do we implement simple finance, etc.? So, what we want to do really look for good use cases to showcase how we would add business value as we implement this further. JEFF: Now that you guys have had this massively successful BW project, you’ve learned a whole lot I’d imagine through that process. ROOPA: Mmm hmm. JEFF: What kind of advice would you give yourself that now that you’ve been through it now you know? ROOPA: Well, one of the things that I wasn’t sure about was what sort of skillsets would I need. It is more basis intensive, so you want to make sure that you have some strong basis staff on your project. Another thing that you want to make sure you account for is all the lead time in installing and setting up the hardware. You also want to think about all your things like how do you want to handle fail over on a node? Do you want disaster recovery? Do you want it mirrored in another data center? So, all of those things, which are available with the HANA product are choices that you need to go through and make decisions on. HANA Effect Episode 16 – Dr. Pepper Refreshes its BW system with HANA 9 JEFF: All of those incredibly important things to think about and they all depend based on your situation. ROOPA: And you also have some non-business value that you gain. So, for example, we talked about the data processing times are reduced. We talked about how query performance has improved. But there’s also some other things. And some of those things are: well, obviously from a basis perspective, the amount of time building indexes, doing restores, restoring from production down to QA is so much faster. We did our first restore just recently and instead of taking days, it took hours. It was our first time, so we were learning but we really think we could do a refresh from production down to QA in about an hour. The other things that are really great are backup times. Our old database it used to take us 14 hours to back up that database. So, imagine three days a week there’s a job running for 14 hours to backup your database. And it’s using resources that your business users are also competing with to run their reports and if you run too many things in parallel, the system can tank. Now, those backups run in an hour, even less actually. So, backup, restores, refreshes, DBAs not having to build indexes for you, and then just housekeeping things, like if you want to delete data, you’ve got PSA data, you’ve got change logs, etc. Deleting those used to be difficult. And now, we can delete data so much faster and it makes housekeeping tasks, so much easier. HANA Effect Episode 16 – Dr. Pepper Refreshes its BW system with HANA 10 JEFF: What were some of the things that your technical people had to adjust to in order to take advantage of all the new stuff in the turbo charged HANA world? ROOPA: Definitively from a developer’s standpoint they needed to think about simplifying what they did. So before, we had all these layers that we used to build and now we don’t. We also can allow for more granular data reporting. In other words, instead of having to summarize everything and stick it in a BWA cube, we can now bring it in at the lowest level and start reporting. From a basis perspective, there’s a lot less work. There’s not as much work to build indexes or there’s no work to build indexes etc. So, the focus has now shifted to more of the housekeeping— keeping the system lean. Doing housekeeping that one should’ve always been doing and not spending time on trying to actually tune it. So, there’s not as much time spending on tuning; there’s more just basic housekeeping and providing reporting faster. JEFF: Basically, squeezing more value out of that data because you don’t have to do all the stupid stuff anymore. ROOPA: Exactly. All the non-value add stuff is gone. JEFF: Well listen, Roopa, this has been absolutely phenomenal. Like I said, you guys are my favorite caffeine deliver. Love, love, love the product and HANA Effect Episode 16 – Dr. Pepper Refreshes its BW system with HANA 11 love the company. You guys have done a phenomenal job here. Can’t say enough about the success of this BW project and I’m just thrilled to see the momentum and confidence that its built, so you guys can continue marching forward on that road to simple, as for HANA, simple finance and simplify IT operations. ROOPA: Yes, we’re excited about more implementations using HANA. JEFF: I want to say, thanks a lot for sharing your story with everybody on the HANA podcast. ROOPA: Thank you. JEFF: And with that, we’ll close off today another episode of the HANA Effect. If you’d like to continue to get episodes, please subscribe to us on iTunes and SoundCloud. And if you’d like to learn more about SAP HANA go to Thanks a lot. HANA Effect Episode 16 – Dr. Pepper Refreshes its BW system with HANA 12
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