WEEKLY REPORT OF DOMESTIC BILL AND NOTE AUCTIONS 29 June - 03 July LOCAL OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT - B.C.R.A. 2015 • The Central Bank of Argentina called for tender for LEBAC bills denominated in pesos and US dollars on June 30th, 2015. In the peso segment, bids reached NV $10.382 billion, out of which NV $9.796 billion were awarded; the remaining bills for NV $586 million were rejected. In turn, on the dollar side, bids for series ‘V’ and ‘N’ LEBAC bills amounted to NV US$225 million and NV US$11.3 million, respectively, and were awarded in full. • As regards peso-denominated domestic LEBAC bills with residual terms of 98 and 119 days, and predetermined cut-off yields of 26.04% and 26.39%, the amounts of NV $527 million and NV $519 million were awarded, respectively. This decision has been adopted based on the growth in fixed-term deposits raised by each privatesector financial institution from May 22nd, 2015 to June 19th, 2015 both in terms of total deposits in the financial system and in the retail segment. • The remaining peso-denominated LEBAC bills were auctioned as under the Dutch system, their cut-off yields standing at 26.96% for 161 days, 27.64% for 210 days and 28.25% for 252 days. • In the case of series ‘V’ LEBAC bills in US dollars with residual terms of 35, 91, 182 and 357 days, and predetermined cut-off yields of 3.25%, 3.9%, 4.0% and 4.2%, awards amounted to NV US$131.2 million, NV US$77.8 million, NV US$4.3 million, and NV US$11.6 million, respectively. • In turn, series ‘N’ LEBAC bills in US dollars with residual terms of 35, 91, 182 and 357 days and predetermined cut-off yields of 3.75%, 4.4%, 4.5% and 4.7%, were awarded for NV US$1.3 million, NV US$7 million, NV US$2.4 million and NV US$0.7 million, respectively. • The average duration of the portfolio fell from 128 to 127 days. Chart 1 YIELD CURVES 30,0 27,64 28,25 Annual Yield 26,96 26,04 LEBAC Fixed Rate 26,39 25,0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 -Term (months)- Chart 2 BILL RATE TRENDS in PESOS Chart 3 BILL MATURITIES, BID and RENEWAL AMOUNTS Millions - annual yield (%) - 35 LEBAC 3m LEBAC 6m 30 25.000 25.000 Bill Maturities 20.000 LEBAC 9m Market Renewal Amount 20.000 Market Bid Amount LEBAC 12m 25 20 15 15.000 15.000 10.000 10.000 5.000 5.000 10 - - - Auction dates - Auction dates - Chart 5 DURATION and AVERAGE COST 400 400 Overall Stock LEBAC/NOBAC 30,0% 350 TNA Billions Chart 4 OUTSTANDING BILL TREND 300 300 26,0% 250 250 200 200 150 150 100 100 50 50 350 Stock LEBAC $ 400 28,0% 350 Duration days Average Cost Stock NOBAC $ 300 24,0% 250 22,0% 200 20,0% 150 18,0% 100 16,0% 0 0 14,0% 50 12,0% 0 - Auction dates - Auction dates - Chart 6 CURRENT STOCK of OUTSTANDING BILLS by MATURITY 1-2 years; 0% less than 1 month; 12% 1-3 months; 24% Chart 7 CURRENT STOCK of OUTSTANDING BILLS by SEGMENT Pesos Floating 0% 6-12 months; 27% 3-6 months; 38% Pesos Fixed 100%
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