Cindy’s Table The Food Buy Local Vanuatu

Buy Local
Sourcing ethically
raised, sustainable
The Food
Korean Beef Bowl
Pineapple Chili
Trail Mix Bars
‘Not’Meal Cookies
and more!
Tour this stunning
South Pacific island
Apr/May 2012 $5.99
Cindy’s Table
Working hard to bring
paleo cooking to TV
Header Info
Header Info
28 Move or Die
By Adam Farrah
The importance of movement in the modern,
digital age.
66 MovNat: Not Just For Grown-ups
By Liz Bragdon
How movement helps your kids grow up
smarter, happier and healthier.
44 Fermentation 101: Chocolate
By Lisa Herndon
How to taste, and choose this amazing “food
of the gods.”
62 Where Does Your Food Come From?
By Mike Peterson
The importance of sourcing ethically raised,
sustainable food for you and your family.
Cindy Anschutz from Cindy’s Table
(Find out more about Cindy in this issue page 30).
Photo: © Nicole Alekson Photography
4 Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012
30 Cindy’s Table
By Cindy Anschutz
Help support Cindys’ efforts and you just
might see a paleo-centered food show on TV.
32 Is Sleeping on Hard Surfaces Paleo?
By David Csonka
Is that downy, fluffy, soft-as-a-cloud mattress
the best thing for your body?
40 Paleo Island of Vanuatu
By Tate Zandstra
Come along on a trip to this stunning South
Pacific island.
Bill Vick
I Inspire (pg 25)
Bill was 74 years old when
he was diagnosed with an
incurable disease called IPF.
A former Marine, Bill decided
he wasn’t going down without
a fight and found hope in the
paleo lifestyle.
55 Sweet Orange Basil Chicken By The Civilized Caveman
A sweet blend that makes for a perfect chicken to toss on
the grill.
Spicy Pineapple Chili By The Civilized Caveman
Beef, bacon and a spicy kick will add heat to the end of
your summer.
57 Korean Beef Noodle Bowl By Against All Grain
20 The Exuberant Animal
34 Paleo Kids
37 Paleo RD
47 From the Doc
A spicy dish of marinated steak and sauteed veggies
perched atop tender zucchini noodles.
48 Paleo Body
Italian Chicken Casserole By Cindy’s Table
69 Average Joe Paleo
A wonderful blend of spices and juicy, tender chicken.
59 ‘Not’Meal Raisin Cookies By Against All Grain
By using finely shredded coconut to mimic the texture of
oatmeal, these fool even the biggest oatmeal cookie fan.
60 Chocolate Covered Chili Pineapple By Civilized Caveman
An absolute tasty, and simple to make, treat for those last
warm days of summer.
61 Trail Mix Granola Bars By Against All Grain
A perfect way to eat paleo on the go and a welcome
addition to school lunches.
Editor’s Note
11 The Dig
16 Research Roundup
19 Reviews
22 Business Spotlight
53 In Season
Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012 5
The Healthy GF Life, LLC
Paleo Magazine
Executive Editor
Cain Credicott
Creative Director/Photographer
Tammy Credicott
Graphic Designer
Cain Credicott
Research Proofreader
Amy Kubal, RD
Research Roundup
Contributing Writers
Find more info on our contributors at
Liz Bragdon
Editorial Coordinator
Jason Kremer, DC, CCSP, CSCS
Ask the Doc
Amy Kubal, RD
Q&A with the Paleo RD
Tyler Miles
Average Joe Paleo
Recipe Contributors
Cindy Anschutz
George Bryant
Danielle Walker
Paleo Magazine Advisory Board
Robb Wolf
Nora Gedgaudas
Amy Kubal, RD
Aglaee Jacob, RD
Sara Cook
Melissa Hartwig, CISSN, RKC
Contributing Photographers
Jaclyn Nadler, M.D.
George Bryant
Danielle Walker
Paleo Magazine
PO Box 2066
Bend, OR 97709
(541) 350-6088
Aug 2012 Volume 2, Issue 3
Paleo Magazine (PP-4) is published bi-monthly by The Healthy GF Life, LLC dba Paleo Magazine, 19565 Brookside
Way, Bend OR. Application to mail at Periodicals Postage Rates is Pending at Bend, OR and at additional mailing
offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Paleo Magazine, PO Box 2066, Bend, OR 97709.
Paleo magazine is published bi-monthly by The Healthy GF Life, LLC dba Paleo Magazine and may not be reproduced without express written permission, all rights reserved. No liability is assumed by Paleo Magazine or The Healthy GF Life, LLC
regarding any content in this publication. It is vital that before implementing any diet or exercise routines, you first consult
with a qualified health care provider.
Paleo Magazine and The Healthy GF Life, LLC are not responsible for
advertiser claims. We reserve the right to refuse advertising without
6 Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012
David Csonka is a
blogger and natural
health enthusiast living
in Denver, Colorado. His
blog covers topics ranging
from evolutionary diets
to barefoot running and
natural movement.
His interests include
exercising outdoors, hiking
and exploring.
Adam Farrah is a popular
blogger and author of “The
Paleo Dieter’s Missing Link.”
He holds a BS in Chemistry
Cum Laude from the
University of Connecticut
and multiple CrossFit & IKFF
Kettlebell certifications.
Once suffering from
Ulcerative Colitis he’s
regained his health through
popular site, FitnessInAn
com, founded the Orlando
Paleo Diet Meetup Group
and is an American
College of Sports Medicine
certified Health & Fitness
Specialist. His holistic
approach to exercise
and diet has allowed him
the opportunity to help
transform the lives of
hundreds of people.
Frank Forencich is an
internationally recognized
leader in health education
and performance training.
He earned his B.A. at
Stanford University in
human biology and
neuroscience and has
over 30 years teaching
experience in martial art,
functional movement and
health promotion.
Tony Federico runs the
Lisa Herndon, the
Mike Peterson is a chef,
Liz Wolfe is a boardTate Zandstra is an
founder of Lisa’s Counter
who raises grass fed-tocertified Nutritional
independent writer/
Culture is passionate
finish beef and lamb, as
Therapy Practitioner
photographer specializing
about real food and loves
well as pastured pork
who advises individuals,
in travel and cultural
being able to share her
and soy-free eggs at a
groups and nonprofit
features. He earned a
recipes and techniques for
farm in Virginia. Being
organizations on good
degree in photojournalism
creating nourishing and
a consumer and having
nutrition. She’s a
and ancient history at
traditional food. She is
worked in restaurants
Steve’s Club National
Denver Metro University
especially interested and
and the farm, he has a
Program Ambassador, a
before going on to travel
skilled in fermentation.
unique understanding of
member of the Weston
extensively in Asia.
the growing connection
A. Price Foundation and a
between direct marketing Balanced Bites Nutrition
farms and consumers.
Partner. In her spare time
she writes the blog.
Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012 7
Reader Board
A Godsend!
The Misguided Cashew
“I have MS, have a gluten intolerance
and lots of pain and inflammation...
Just started Paleo lifestyle! I am so
excited! Your magazine is a godsend!”
From Kristen M. (via email)
“On page 50 of the latest edition
of the Paleo mag is a “Paleo Pantry
List” courtesy of Diana Rodgers.
Under the listing for Nuts is the
following statement “The best
choices are macadamia nuts, cashews
and hazelnuts.”
As far as I know cashews are not nuts
but are legumes and, in my humble
opinion, should never be listed as an
acceptable paleo food.
Sorry to be pedantic but I think its
important that the paleo community
isn’t telling people incorrect things.”
Sam C. (via email)
Some Paleo Love
“Love your magazine! I’ve been
getting issues since late last year and
look forward to every issue!”
Melissa W. (via Facebook)
“Just got my 1st issue today at Barnes
& Noble. What a great mag!”
David G. (via Facebook)
Digital Cavegirl
“Just bought a single issue (digital)
have thoroughly enjoyed reading
and seeing all the different websites
and companies offering Paleo
Pauline S. (via Facebook)
Eat Meat Not Wheat
“I’m loving the latest issue of Paleo
Mag! ( June/July 2012) The article
on FODMAPs provides great
information, which I plan to
share with many of my clients
and utilize myself as I continue
to understand my own Celiac
Disease. Thank you Paleo for
the wonderful information, resources
and recipes! Eat meat not wheat!”
Cassie K. (via Facebook)
Blowing Minds
“I cannot believe there’s a #paleo
magazine...That just blew my mind”
@thecharlesiwas (via Twitter)
8 Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012
Editor’s Note:
According to the USDA’s Natural
Resources Conservation Service website,
cashews belong to the Anacardiaceae
(Sumac) Family. Other plants that
reside in this classification are mangos,
pistachios and poison oak. The Fabaceae
(Pea) Family contains the legumes such
as peanuts, soybeans and kidney beans.
So, given that cashews and legumes
belong to different botanical families
and the fact that legumes are also selfpollinating whereas cashews are not it
looks like cashews, while not technically
a nut, are not legumes either.
Sound Off
Have a comment,
suggestion, praise or
criticism you want to share?
Contact us at
Paleo Magazine
PO Box 2066
Bend, OR 97709
From the Editor
Supporting Each Other
The concept of the paleo diet has been increasing in popularity
and, ahem, evolving, for the last forty years or so. During this time,
it’s moved from a fad diet, existing on the fringe to a legitimate force,
quickly being embraced by a growing population that’s eager to forgo
processed “food” in favor of whole, natural, real food. As this journey
of ancestral health continues down its evolutionary path, it’s incredibly
exciting for those of us already a part of this amazing community
to see it grow, blossom, gain acceptance and ultimately help people
regain their health and their lives.
Perhaps the best thing about the rapidly expanding paleo lifestyle
is that it encompasses so much more than just the food we eat. Now, don’t get me wrong, food is still a key component
- knowing where your food comes from (pg. 62), ensuring it’s produced in an ethical, sustainable way - but if all you do
is change the way you eat, you don’t yet understand what the paleo lifestyle is all about. The fact is, it’s impossible for
us to replicate exactly how our ancestors ate - the food available then just isn’t available now - but by making changes
to other aspects of our lives we can closer align ourselves to a way of life our bodies more easily recognize (less chronic
stress, more functional movement, etc). The idea is that this ultimately leads to greater health throughout our lives.
To fully appreciate the benefits of this whole ancestral health thing, you need to change the way you sleep (pg. 32),
the way you move (pg. 66), the way you deal with stress, the products you use in your house and on your body (pg. 48)
and how you feel about the sun. Unfortunately, these changes can require people to make a complete one-eighty on
the way they’ve been raised to look at these aspects for the last 20, 30, 40-plus years. Making changes that have been
ingrained for so long, even if the benefits are understood, can be a difficult and lengthy process.
For anyone who has successfully embraced the paleo lifestyle, it’s important to remember that there was a time
when you didn’t understand what healthy food actually was or fully realized the dangers of sugar/processed foods. You
didn’t get enough sleep, you churned away for hours on the treadmill and hid from the sun, cursing its “harmful” rays.
Believe me, I know how easy it can be to forget, but it’s critical we remember, as that’s key to being able to help others
in their journey.
Lately I’ve been disturbed at the “holier than thou” feeling that’s been seeping into some of the paleo online
forums and discussion boards. The suggestions of some have been - if you can’t eat all organic produce, or all grassfed/finished meats, or remain 100% committed to a rigid, “one-size-fits-all” framework you’re destined to fail. Not
only is this line of thinking completely wrong, it does nothing to help those looking for answers or thinking of trying
paleo. Not only does it hinder the growth and acceptance of this movement, but, most importantly, it turns away
people that may have benefited and changed their lives. We need to remember that making a change, no matter how
small, is a step in the right direction. We need to be encouraging and reinforce the positive changes others are trying
to make. If they can’t find, or afford, all grass-fed/finished meats, then applauding them for finding the best meat they
can is helpful. Telling them what they’re doing “isn’t good enough” is not.
The paleo community, as a whole, is incredibly supportive of each other and it’s one of the aspects that makes
living a paleo lifestyle so enjoyable. I just ask that we all do our best to remember how we once were and do what
we can, each and every day, to be supportive of those new to paleo so that they too can experience all the benefits
associated with this amazing way of life.
Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012 9
The Dig
Word on the Street
Antibiotics in Meat
“It is not your job to create rules for someone
else to eat and live by.”
A recent report from Consumer
Reports® titled “Meat on Drugs”,
highlights the overuse of antibiotics
in raising meat animals and the rise
of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, so
called “superbugs”.
Diane Sanfilippo, ( talking about the often alienating and
unnecessary “Paleo Perfectionism”
86% agreed that customers
make you healthy.”
should be able to buy meat and
poultry raised without antibiotics at
their local supermarkets
“You can’t eat a sick and diseased animal and expect it to
Karen Pendergrass, ( reminding us of a simple
concept that most people seem to forget
72% were very/extremely
concerned that widespread use
of antibiotics could create new
superbugs that cause illnesses that
antibiotics can’t cure
67% were very/extremely
concerned that overuse in livestock
feed allows the animals to be raised
in crowded, unsanitary conditions
65% were very/extremely
concerned about consuming
antibiotic residues in the meat
57% said that meat raised
without antibiotics were available in
the meat section where they shop.
Of those that don’t have it in their
local meat section, 82% said they
would buy it if it were available (are
you listening supermarkets?!)
You can access the report online at
“Q1: What do you do for workouts? A1: Lift
weights. Q2: But I mean, what do you do for cardio?
A2: Lift weights *faster*.”
Jen Sinkler, (@jensinkler) giving a quick breakdown of an all too common
conversation, highlighting the misconception of “chronic cardio”
“In just over 100 years, all of us now living will be dead.
We share this time in history. Isn’t that enough to bind us
Don Wilson, (@heiltsuk_runner) giving us all something to think about
“Lack of will isn’t their problem. It’s the
absence of advice that might actually work.”
Gary Taubes, (, talking about the failure of government
efforts to curb obesity (from article on
You can find out more about the
Meat Without Drugs campaign at
Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012 11
The Dig
aising chickens
on pasture is
more ethical, more
environmental and
results in better
nutrition for us.
This technique
mimics their natural
diet, which includes
fresh bugs and
greens. They get
fresh air and move around as they please,
resulting in chickens that are less stressed
and help fertilize the soil.
Studies have shown that when
compared to USDA “conventional” eggs,
pastured eggs contain, on average, twothirds more Vitamin A, two times more
Omega-3 Fatty Acids, three times more
Vitamin E and seven times more beta
So how do you know if you’re getting
pastured eggs? Unfortunately, most of
the terms you see on egg cartons in the
stores - “Cage Free”, “Free Roaming”,
“Free Range”, “Vegetarian Fed”, “All-
Happy chickens livin’ the good life at Clark Farm
in Carlisle, MA.
Natural”, “Farm Fresh”, “Omega-3
Eggs” - don’t mean much of anything
and tell you nothing about how the birds
were raised or what they were given for
feed. No, like most things food, local
relationships are key. Visit farms in your
area or talk to producers at your local
farmers markets. That way, you’ll know
exactly how the chickens spend their
Find out more about pastured chickens
and eggs at
12 Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012
The Dig
21st Century Caveman
The paleo lifestyle is growing rapidly, evolving
almost daily as it expands into new areas. One
of the most exciting areas is the mobile market
and you can now find some amazing, must-have
apps on both Apple’s App Store and Google’s
Play market.
NomNomPaleo App
iTunes Only
The cooking app from NomNom Paleo tops our list of must-haves!
This stunning app is filled with over 1,500 beautiful images, tips, tricks, techniques,
the ability to email shopping lists and more! The initial app purchase includes 53
recipes and you have the option to buy up to 60 more in blocks of 10. Read more
about this amazing app in our Reviews section (pg. 19)
Harvest - Select the Best Produce App
iTunes Only
Hands down, one of our favorite apps. Never again will you be at the
store (or farmers market), scratching your head wondering if the produce you’re about
to buy is fresh and ripe. Harvest, developed by Sean Murphy, is incredibly polished
and easy to use with a clean, simple to navigate user interface. The app includes
info on selecting and storing over 120 different fruits and veggies, pesticide residue
levels and which items continue ripening at home and which ones don’t. We learned
something about selecting lettuce in the first two minutes we had the app.
Only Paleo App
iTunes & Google Play
This simple app from OOPM Creative is handy for when you’re
trying to figure out if a certain food is, or isn’t, paleo friendly. Simply type in a
food, hit search and the results will tell you “Yum, it’s paleo”, “It’s paleo but exercise
moderation”, or “It’s not paleo, skip it”. While we think the app is a bit too simplistic
for paleo veterans, it’s absolutely perfect for anyone new to paleo.
Cuts of Meat App
iTunes Only
This app, from Primolicious LLC, is like taking your own personal
butcher to the market with you! Covering over 50 cuts of beef, including all standard
U.S. cuts, Cuts of Meat gives you information on where each cut comes from, how
tender each cut is, how much fat it contains, how expensive it is, how flavorful it is
and suggestions on how to cook it. As if that’s not good enough, the app also tells
you other names for each cut and good substitutes if you can’t find the specific cut
you’re looking for. A definite life-saver if you’ve got a hankering’ for a flank steak and
the store’s all out (No problem! Skirt steak, hanger steak or tri-tip roast will bail you
Forage On The Go
Food trucks have been a hot
trend for quite a while now, with
a show on Food Network, a ton of
apps showing up in the App store
and Google Play, not to mention
the explosion of new trucks all
across the U.S.
Thankfully, paleo is making its
mark here too. With paleospecific food trucks popping up
almost daily, it’s getting easier to
eat right on the go.
Paleo Food Trucks
Caveman Truck
Location: Indianapolis, IN
Twitter: @CavemanTruck
Cultured Caveman
Location: Portland, OR
Twitter: @CavemanCart
Not So Fast!
Location: San Diego, CA
Twitter: @Notsofastfood
Outside the Box
Location: Seattle, WA
Twitter: @PaleoFoodTruck
Caveman Cafeteria
Location: Denver, CO
Twitter: @denvercaveman
Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012 13
The Dig
Know Your Food
Red Wattle Hog
The origin of the Red Wattle isn’t clear and their history is a bit clouded.
One theory is that they were originally brought to the US by French colonists
in the late 1700s. While initially popular, the breed was soon ignored for
others with higher fat content, and Red Wattles were left to run wild in Texas.
While almost hunted to extinction, the breed was thankfully found in the
early 1970s by H.C. Wengler, who started breeding them, creating the hogs
we have today.
These large hogs have a characteristic fleshy wattle attached to each side
Photo Credit: Donna OShaughnessy
of their necks. Red Wattles can be found in various shades of red, or almost
completely black and some animals can have black specks or patches with red or black hair. They usually weigh about 600-800
pounds, but they can get up to as much as 1200 pounds. They can measure up to four feet high and as much as eight feet long.
Red Wattles are a hardy breed that adapts well to a wide range of climates and they can do well in the snow if they have a dry
area to get out of weather when they need to. This, coupled with the fact that they are excellent foragers, wonderful mothers and
have a mild temperament make them a perfect choice for small, pasture-based farming. They grow rapidly, producing lean meat
that’s flavorful and tender with a taste and texture similar to beef.
Red Wattles are currently listed as “Critical” on the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy Conservation Priority List,
which means there are less than 200 annual registrations in the US and an estimated worldwide population of less than 2,000.
For more information on the Red Wattle Hogs, or to find a producer in your area, check out the Red Wattle Hog Association
( You can also search for producers online at
14 Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012
The Dig
Paleo on the Go
Paleo-centered podcasts to get your
paleo fix while on the go!
Latest In Paleo (i)
The Paleo Solution Podcast (i)
The Bulletproof Executive
Everyday Paleo Podcast (i)
The Healthy Skeptic
Primal Body Primal Mind Radio (i)
Underground Wellness (i)
The Balanced Bites Podcast (i)
The Livin’ La Vida Low Carb Show (i)
(i) Indicates the podcast is also available on iTunes.
We feature a selection of tasty Paleo-friendly meals.
From 100% grass-fed hamburgers, other game, wild salmon and
veggie burgers... to fresh veggies, salads, soups and home-made
desserts... offering many gluten-free and non-dairy options!
Omega-3 Fish Oils
The American diet today versus
our Paleolithic ancestors, with
regard to Omega-3, is sorely
deficient. While humans
evolved on a diet with an equal
ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3
fatty acids, our current,
modern diet is way off with a
ratio somewhere from 10:1 to
as low as 20-25:1. Your body
does not manufacture these
EFAs (Essential Fatty Acids)
on its own and they must be
obtained through food.
DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid)
is an Omega-3 fatty acid that
plays a major role in brain
function and is a primary
structural component of
the cerebral cortex, sperm,
testicles and retina.
EPA (Eicosapentaenoic
acid) is the other essential
Omega-3 nutrient and has
demonstrated an ability to
lower inflammation. While
the body can metabolize EPA
from ALA, conditions such as
diabetes, or some allergies,
may limit this ability.
ALA (Alpha-linolenic acid)
is derived from plants such
as flax or hemp seeds and
To read more information on
Omega-3 fatty acids, and why
they’re important, visit the
Subscriber’s Only section of the
Paleo Magazine website
( and
use the password “PaleoMagFan”
to access.
Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012 15
The Dig
Omega-3 FA’s, Fructose and
Brain Function
This study examined the effects of
omega-3 fatty acid (DHA) and fructose
on the metabolic and cognitive function
of rats. The goal of the study was to
determine whether an omega-3 fatty acid
(FA) rich diet could negate the effects
of fructose-induced insulin resistance on
the brain.
Rats were assigned to four different
diets: an omega-3 FA rich diet (n-3
diet), an omega-3 FA deficient diet (n-3
def ), an omega-3 FA rich diet with free
access to a fructose-containing drinking
water (n-3 diet/Fru), and an omega-3
FA deficient diet with free access to
fructose-containing drinking water
(n-3 def/Fru). Both diets had the same
macro- and micronutrient composition.
The DHA added was in the form of
flaxseed oil (0.5%) and Nordic Naturals
DHA capsule oil (1.2%). Before the
rats were assigned to a diet, they were
trained to find an escape chamber in a
maze. The rats then underwent the same
maze test, in addition to metabolic tests,
after 6 weeks of diet experimentation to
measure the effect of diet on memory
The findings of this study indicate
that impaired insulin receptor signaling
in the brain, caused by n-3 deficiency
and fructose, was associated with poorer
memory retention during the maze test.
Researchers conclude that n-3 deficient
diets, especially in the presence of
fructose, can induce metabolic disorders,
which can impair cognitive function.
They also conclude that n-3 rich diets
can negate these effects, even in the
presence of fructose.
Agrawal, R., et al. (2012). Metabolic syndrome
in the brain: deficiency in Omega-3 fatty acid
exacerbates dysfunctions in insulin receptor
signaling and cognition. The Journal of Physiology,
590(10), 2485-2499. doi: 2485
Daily Fasting Regulates
Recent animal studies suggest that
animals evolved cyclical metabolisms that
16 Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012
Research Roundup
A collection of the latest papers and studies
are in sync with their circadian rhythms
and feeding-fasting cycles, and that
animals with disrupted rhythms develop
metabolic diseases, such as diabetes and
This data led researchers to
hypothesize that humans have the same
kind of cyclical metabolisms and that
disruptions to our cycles are causing mass
onset of metabolic disease.
In order to test whether metabolic
disease stems from diet or impaired
metabolic cycles, researchers split mice
into four different diet groups: an ad
libitum chow diet (29% protein, 13%
fat, 58% CHO,) an ad libitum highfat diet (18% protein, 61% fat, 21%
carbohydrates), a time-restricted chow
diet, and a time-restricted high-fat diet
and fed each group the same number of
calories. The time-restricted subjects were
restricted to eating during a consecutive
8 hour window at night.
The researchers found that the mice
that ate ad libitum showed markers for
impaired metabolic pathways, with an
ad libitum high-fat diet causing more
severe impairment than the ad lib chow
diet. In contrast, the mice assigned to the
time-restricted food regimens showed
improvements in the regulation of
nutrient homeostasis pathways. The mice
fed a time-restricted high-fat diet were
resistant to obesity, inflammation, and
hyperinsulinemia, unlike their ad libitum
The researchers suggest that a timerestricted feeding regimen may help
treat metabolic disorders in humans,
regardless of diet type.
Hatori, M., et al. (2012). Time-restricted feeding
without reducing caloric intake prevents metabolic
diseases in mice fed high-fat diet. Cell Metabolism,
15, 1-13. doi: 10.1016/j.cmet.2012.04.019
Magnesium and Diabetes
This study evaluated the effects of
oral magnesium supplementation on
the endothelial function of a group of
60 elderly (mean age: 71.1 ± 6.1 years ;
M/F: 35/25) diabetic and hypertensive
individuals. Previous research has found
that “decreased circulating Mg-ion
concentrations have…been observed
in subjects with diabetes mellitus and
in untreated patients with essential
Thirty of the individuals took 4.5 g/
day of Mg pidolate (368 mg/day of Mg
ion) for one month, while the other half
of the group did not receive any type of
intervention. Before and after the one
month period, all 60 individuals’ blood
pressure, heart rate, fasting blood glucose,
serum total Mg, serum ionized Mg,
and endothelium-dependent brachial
artery flow-mediated vasodilation were
measured. No medication, diet, or
exercise habits were changed during the
study period.
After the trial, the supplementation
group significantly increased Mg-ion
The Dig
concentration (from 0.42 ± 0.05 mmol/L
to 0.49 ± 0.06 mmol/L; p < 0.05) and
vasodilation (from 3.3 ± 3.6% to 8.4 ±
3.9%; p < 0.05). No significant changes
in blood pressure or fasting blood glucose
were measured in either group.
Barbagallo, M., et al. (2010). Oral magnesium
supplementation improves vascular function in
elderly diabetic patients. Magnes. Res. 23(3), 131137. PMID: 20736142.
Gluten Sensitivity in NonCeliacs
This study tested whether gluten
can cause GI distress and/or intestinal
inflammation/injury in patients without
celiac disease.
Thirty-four subjects who presented
IBS symptoms, had previously improved
those symptoms on a gluten-free (GF)
diet, and yet tested negative for celiac
disease were enrolled in the study.
During the six-week study, all
patients continued eating a GF diet, with
19 patients additionally consuming 16
g/day of gluten, in the form of prepared
muffins and bread, and 15 patients
consuming GF muffins and bread slices
as the control group.
All subjects recorded the severity of
their symptoms of GI distress- bloating,
abdominal pain, satisfaction with stool
consistency, wind, nausea, and fatigue.
Sixty-eight percent of the gluten group
reported that their GI symptoms were
not well-controlled during participation,
as compared to forty percent in the
placebo group. Patients in the gluten
group also experienced significant
changes in all GI symptoms except wind
and nausea within the first week of the
study, especially fatigue. No significant
changes in C-reactive protein, celiac
antibodies, or intestinal permeability
were measured (using noninvasive
Biesiekierski, JR., et al. (2011). Gluten causes
gastrointestinal symptoms in subjects without
celiac disease: a double-blind randomized placebocontrolled trial. AM J Gastroenterol., 106(3), 50814, PMID: 21224837.
Research Roundup compiled by Sara Cook, a senior
Dietetics major at Purdue University (and Paleo
Magazine virtual intern).
Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012 17
The Dig
Fridge Voyeur
1 Michelle Tam is the founder of, an extremely
popular site that was recently named
winner in’s 2012 Homies
Award for the Best Food Photography on a
Blog and Saveur Magazine’s Best Special
Diets Food Blog of 2012. She’s done an
outstanding job in the two short years
that the site has been online.
Prior to launching the site, Michelle
was doing what she could to be healthy
- low-fat, semi-vegetarian, lots of whole
grains, etc, but it just wasn’t working for
her. After seeing her husband (www. achieve some amazing
results eating Paleo she decided to give
it a try. She’s now the healthiest and
strongest she’s ever been, with only one
regret - she didn’t discover paleo until
her mid-thirties!
If you haven’t already, you need to
check out her site. You’ll love her recipes
and be inspired to continue the Paleo
A sneak peek into what some of the most prominent figures in
the Paleo community stock in their fridge.
2 An assortment of grass-fed beef that
Michelle helped butcher herself at the
4505 Meats Whole Beef Butchery Class
( The beef is from
Magruder Ranch (
3 Hawaiian Sun frozen coconut
milk. Fresh from Hawaii, this creamy
goodness was the hands-down winner
of the NomNomPaleo “Which Brand
of Frozen Coconut Milk Tastes Better”
taste test.
4 More tasty goodies from the 4505
Butchery Class - beef fat and brisket.
5 Assortment of Thai curry pastes: two
cans of green and one yellow. Perfect
for making tasty recipes like Braised
Thai Green Curry with Grass Fed
Boneless Beef Short Ribs, Slow Cooker
Thai Yellow Curry with Grass Fed Beef
Brisket or Braised Thai Green Goat
Curry (you can find all these recipes on
6 SFH fish oil. Michelle and her clan
doesn’t down it all the time, saving it for
when they feel sick or after they’ve had a
beat-down at their local CrossFit box.
7 No paleo respectable fridge would be
complete without pastured bacon!
18 Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012
To see more about these great products, visit the “Subscriber’s Only” section of
our website and use password “PaleoMagFan”
The Dig
Pure Indian Foods Ghee
Pure Indian Foods has been making organic, grass-fed ghee for
over 120 years and it shows. For five generations, the company has been
producing their delicious and nutritious ghee fresh in small batches. They
only use non-homogenized milk obtained from cows during the spring
and fall, when the grass is growing rapidly, giving their products a high
amount of fat-soluble vitamins and Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA).
Pure Indian Foods Ghee has an excellent, buttery flavor and is made
from a single ingredient - milk. They also offer an incredibly tasty line
of spiced ghees that are definitely worth a look. This is a company that
does things right, working hard to produce a product that not only tastes
amazing, but is nutrient dense and good for you.
NomNom Paleo’s iPad App
The iPad cooking app from the popular NomNom Paleo is an
absolutely stunning example of the amazing things that can be created in
this age of digital media. Available from Apple’s App Store, it’s a must
have for anyone following a paleo, gluten-free, grain-free or real food diet.
The app is incredibly easy to navigate and provides gorgeous images
of not only the finished recipe, but of the step-by-step instructions to
make each and every one. When we were testing the app, we found it
almost too easy to get lost in the overall beauty of it..It’s definitely worth
the $4.99, which gives you instant access to 53 recipes, with the ability to
purchase up to 60 more in blocks of 10 for only $0.99/block.
It Starts with Food
The best book to demystify how to eat since Robb Wolf ’s Paleo
Solution, It Starts with Food (Victory Belt Publishing) is a fun, captivating
read that takes the complicated issue of proper nutrition and serves it up
in easy to digest pieces.
The authors, Dallas and Melissa Hartwig, start out by breaking down
what they’re trying to accomplish with this book. They address some
common misconceptions associated with the paleo diet and give what is
one of our favorite quotes in the entire book, “We are far more concerned
with health than we are with history.” It Starts with Food isn’t interested
in recreating the lifestyles of our Paleolithic ancestors, but is more
concerned with looking at the science and working to determine what
foods, available now, will make you the healthiest you can be. And they
do an excellent job of it.
Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012 19
The Exuberant Animal
By: Frank Forencich
“I may not yet be as old as dirt, but dirt and I are starting to have an awful lot in
common.” Stephen R. Donaldson
ack in the Paleolithic, we were
The full extent of our
intimate with the earth. Dirt
relationship with the microbial world
was a constant companion in our daily
is staggering: our bodies are home
lives. We touched it with our hands,
to 10 times as many bacterial cells as
our skin and our bare feet; we ate it, we
human cells (bacteria are far smaller).
slept in it, we sniffed it and followed its
This collection of diverse microscopic
shapes, textures and temperatures. Dirt
life is called the “microbiome.” In
told us a story of plants, animals, water
essence, we are an ecosystem, a
and seasons. It was a powerful and vital
habitat with legs. But this is no static
source of knowledge.
or closed system: we are constantly
But somewhere along the line,
exchanging microorganisms and
dirt got a bad rap. Beginning in the
genes with the environment around
19th century, Louis Pasteur, Alexander
us. We are literally embedded in the
Fleming and Joseph Lister revolutionized biosphere; our tissue, our health and
medicine with the germ theory of
even our cognition is being sculpted
disease and surgeons everywhere began
not just by us, but by all the life
to clean up their act. Antibiotics saved
around us and in us.
millions of lives, but they also led us to
Of course, the bacteria that’s
an over-blown cultural war on germs.
in us and on us has to come from
The idea that “germs are the enemy”
somewhere. As soon as we’re born,
has invaded modern consciousness like,
we start picking up microorganisms from
well, an infectious disease. And now,
every surface we encounter. In a primal
most of us are routinely indoctrinated
environment, this microbial seeding of
to fear the soil, the mud, the grime and
the body would have come from local
most of all, the dreaded “germs” that are
soils, from the earth itself. As we grew
everywhere, waiting to pounce on our
into adulthood, we literally grew with
bodies and make
the local ecosystem,
us sick. We have
on us and in
The idea that “germs both
become dirt-phobic.
We clean and
In contrast,
are the enemy” has
sanitize everything.
modern human
invaded modern
We worship sterility,
infants are now
living an illusion
consciousness like, well, seeded with
that we can or
an infectious disease. whatever
should be isolated
they happen to pick
and independent
up immediately
from the microbial world around us.
after birth. We populate infant bodies
But today the pendulum is swinging with the bacteria that live in hospitals,
the other way. Over the last decade,
homes, beds, blankets, sheets and cribs.
a wide range of scientific studies have
In most cases, these bacterial populations
shown that alienation from dirt is
have no particular relationship with local
actually damaging to our immune
habitat or soils; they may even come
systems and our health. The hygiene
from hundreds or thousands of miles
hypothesis suggests that contact with
away. Naturally, this creates a novel
bacteria primes the immune system
recombination of microorganisms and
for full function. Microorganisms are
genes, one that is unprecedented in the
in fact essential to our health on many
body’s history or experience. It therefore
levels; they metabolize nutrients and
comes as no surprise that the modern
vitamins, fight pathogens and contribute
human body would be challenged and
to homeostasis. Our paranoia has gone
that many of us would fall into poor
too far.
health and disease.
20 Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012
Astonishing as it is, the microbiome
is not just a biological curiosity. The
discovery of this vast somatic ecosystem
is about to shake up many of our
beliefs about health, medicine and
our place in the world. For example,
we’re now beginning to realize that
human metabolism and health is always
individual, always in motion and may
even be fundamentally unknowable.
Many of our most cherished assumptions
about nutrition and medicine will have to
be revised. The notion that “substance X
causes biological effect Y” now starts to
look cartoonish in the extreme.
So what to do with our new-found
awareness of the microbiome and our
ancient, primal association with the
earth? For one thing, it’s obvious that we
need more intimate contact with local
dirt and soils, beginning at an early age.
We need to get it under our nails, onto
our skin and even into our guts. And
of course, we need to feel it under our
bare feet; our soles must touch the earth
again. It’s time to give up our war on the
microbial world and embrace the soils
that contribute to our health. We are not
apart from this earth; we are embedded.
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Go Getters
When Kristen Silverman started
training at her local CrossFit box,
CrossFit SouthBrooklyn, she quickly
realized that her high-intensity
workouts would require high-quality
fuel. Looking for the perfect way
to nourish her body she discovered
Paleo and, after only a month, was
firmly hooked. She had more energy,
motivation, and mental focus than
ever before, but something kept
nagging her; a sweet-tooth.
Kristen had grown up baking
with her grandmother and had spent
many hours as her “helper”, whipping
up wonderful baked goods and
confections in the kitchen. Inspired
by these memories, she decided to
break out her pots and pans, pulled
the boxes of shoes out of her oven
(true fact), and set to work modifying
her grandmother’s recipes to fit her
new Paleo lifestyle. This meant no
grains (goodbye wheat and corn), no
legumes (sayonara peanuts and soy)
and definitely no gluten, artificial
sugar syrups, colors, or flavors.
Her creations, lovingly crafted
from wholesome ingredients like
almond and coconut flour, 100%
pure chocolate, coconut oil and
eggs, quickly became popular. Her
friends began requesting baskets of
Paleo-friendly goodies for holidays
and other special occasions and she
soon realized that there might be an
opportunity to expand her hobby into
a full-fledged business.
Capturing her belief that Paleo
is more than just a diet, Kristen
named her online bakery “It’s A
Lifestyle” and began shipping healthy
indulgences across the United States.
Her menu featured chocolatefrosted doughnuts (baked, not
fried), chocolate almond butter cups,
grain-free granola, mini-cheesecakes,
and decadent cupcakes (almond
butter and jelly and coconut to name
a few), but she didn’t stop there.
“It’s A Lifestyle” offers dry rubs for
making delicious meats, homemade
cashew and almond butters, and even
dry baking mixes that are great for
True fans of better-for-you
treats can also join the “dessert of
the month” club. Members not
only receive a special dessert each
month (shipped in a reusable “It’s
A Lifestyle” insulated tote bag) but
they will also get discounts on future
orders and a personalized newsletter
and announcement cards.
In the future, Kristen plans on
offering pre-made pizza dough,
biscotti, and breads “for those that
are not that into sweets” and hopes
to incorporate her other long-time
love, fashion, into her business as
well. To start, she’d like to roll out
her signature couture oven mitts
and cooking aprons as well as baby
onesies for baby-shower gift baskets.
Eventually, she would like to be able
to open an actual brick and mortar
location in New York City, and with
the growing popularity of Paleo and
Choose bite-size, 4” or 9” and
top with chocolate shavings,
strawberries or leave it plain.
Chocolate Almond Butter Cups
Four simple ingredients that blend
together for a perfect way to
satisfy your sweet tooth.
Baked, never fried. Choose from
Chocolate Dipped, Coconut/Honey
Dipped or get an assortment.
22 Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012
Gluten-free, it seems likely that she’ll
“I started the business because
there was a niche market for healthy,
Paleo desserts that was missing. I
was finding that the biggest thing
people crave are desserts. Then they
splurge and feel horrible afterwards.
This is a way to have a healthier
alternative, so that you do not feel
like you over indulged or “fell off the
wagon”. To me, once I started doing
Cross-fit and Paleo, it was a lifestyle,
not a diet. Everyone would ask what
I was doing to be in such good shape
and I would explain Paleo and they
would refer to it as a diet and I would
say its just my lifestyle.”
To purchase your own
“It’s A Lifestyle” goodies, visit
For recipes, pictures and a
behind-the-scenes look at the “It’s A
Lifestyle” bakery, check out Kristen’s
blog at or
follow her on Twitter @itsalifestyles
Subscribe Today
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“You guys did a FANTASTIC job
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More Menu Items
Muffin Mix
Jalapeno and
Squares and
Walnut Date
Dry Rub
And more!
Contact It’s A Lifestyle
“This mag is really good.”
“Got the magazine in the mail yesterday and
immediately read it cover to cover! It’s
beautifully put together and full of great stuff.
Can’t wait for the next issue!”
“Love, love, love the mag guys!”
Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012 23
Go Getters
I Inspire
Bill Vick was a 74 year old
Triathlete who thought he had asthma
when his doctor told him he was going
to die from an incurable disease called
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF). A
former Marine, Bill decided he wasn’t
going to go down without a fight. He
visited “Doctor Google” and discovered
hope in the Paleo lifestyle.
Could you give us a little
background on your life before IPF and
As a kid growing up I was always
involved in sports, in high school I
wrestled and later joined the Marine
Corps. That’s when I learned how to
run, which you’re kinda encouraged to do
there! I was accepted into Force Recon, a
very unique and very physical outfit with
the mission of long range reconnaissance.
In 1957, I got involved in Karate and
lucked into studying with some of the
greats of that area. Well, along came
marriage and children, and I got away
from exercise and got out of shape.
About 15 years ago, I caught the
running bug and got involved in the
very early days
of Triathlons
as an age group
competitor. I did
well and was in
great shape. My
workouts were
primarily based
on running, and
swimming with
some lifting.
Diet was, as it is with many endurance
athletes, primarily a grain-based highcarb diet. What we call the SAD diet.
what you got, but you got something”.
He sent me to a Pulmonologist who took
some high-res CT scans which showed
that I had a disease I’d never heard of
called Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
I started researching IPF and found
that there are about 200,000 people in
the US who have it. Roughly 48,000
people are diagnosed each year and
40,000 people die from it annually. The
survival rate after diagnosis is three
to five years
because there is
no cure, if you
get it you die,
it’s just a matter
of when. There
are a number
of underlying
conditions that
are thought
to contribute,
but most of the current doctors and
researchers believe that it is primarily an
autoimmune response. They can treat the
symptoms of IPF with really heavy duty
immune system suppressing drugs like
prednisone, but they can’t actually treat
the disease.
“...the most
important things
in my life are no
longer the things.”
How did you learn that you had IPF
(Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis)?
About two years ago I was training
for a short-course triathlon and couldn’t
catch my breath. I thought I had asthma,
so I went down to my local doc and he
tap and prods and he says, “I can’t tell
What were some of the thoughts
and feelings that went through your head
when you received your diagnosis?
It’s interesting because I think
you go through a grief cycle. First is
disbelief, second is anger and fear, and
third is acceptance. When I first heard
this from my doctor, I was in disbelief.
I was a Triathlete, I looked good, I felt
good, and my life was on center.
I’m probably at the acceptance phase
now, but there is a lot of anger still there.
I’m mad at the medical field because they
can’t do anything about IPF and I’m mad
at the general population because they’ve
never heard of it. There’s as many people
dying from it each year as lung cancer
and someone is dying from IPF every 13
minutes and yet it’s invisible.
How did you learn about the Paleo
I kinda stumbled into the whole
Paleo movement when I discovered
Mark Sisson and his book “The Primal
Blueprint”. I also read Robb Wolf ’s and
Loren Cordain’s books and the more I
read, the more convinced I became that I
was on to something; that auto-immune
disease can be treated effectively by
modifying your diet.
Continued next page
Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012 25
Go Getters
Continued from page 25
What was it about Paleo specifically
that convinced you it was a better choice
than any other dietary plan such as
veganism, Blood-type diets, etc?
It was one word, “autoimmune.”
Paleo specifically addresses the
autoimmune response and that’s why I
focused on it. I had lived long enough
and had done enough work around diet
and exercise to recognize that this stuff
made sense and it made sense in the
right kinds of ways.
Before I plunged in, I did a lot of
research. I literally sat with one of the
top five pulmonologists in the world
and we talked about IPF and I told him
about the Paleo lifestyle. He sat there
and agreed with me! He said, “You know
it makes sense to me, if it attacks the
autoimmune response then it’s worth
a shot. This might work, let’s see what
The goal is to stabilize the disease.
With IPF you get scarring in your lungs
and once the tissue is gone it doesn’t
come back. I’ve been stable now for the
last five months.
When you went Paleo, was there any
concern from your family that it was a
“fad” diet?
They were and let me tell you why
they stopped. My youngest daughter is
a Triathlete and a science teacher, and
so she was skeptical. What changed
her mind is the fact that when I started
Paleo I was on medication for high
cholesterol, acid reflux and depression.
After two months I was able to stop
all of the medications, and my family
became believers. They aren’t Paleo, but
that’s OK, we collectively eat more meat
and less bread and I’m trying to be an
Has has the IPF diagnosis changed
your perspective on life?
You can go through life in one of
two ways. You can coast along and
occasionally smell the flowers, or you can
aggressively run around and smell them
26 Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
all. That is my philosophy, I’d rather do it
all than some. I don’t intend to die from
IPF, I intend to live with it and to live
my life fully. I greet the day with a smile
and the most important things in my life
are no longer the things.
Surprisingly, having a diagnosis like
this can be a positive thing. My family,
my daughters, my grandsons, they’re the
most important things in my life. It’s no
longer the right pair of shoes, the right
suit, or the right car, it’s the right people
in the right way. It’s about honoring and
respecting them, which I didn’t really do
before, but I do now.
What are your plans for the future?
First and foremost is spreading
awareness of IPF. Until there is broad
awareness there will be no funding to
cure the disease. It might not happen
within my lifetime, but I’m going to do
as much as I can by writing about it and
talking about it.
My other passion is Boomers. I
think that many people in the Boomer
generation have given up because they
are “older”. Well life goes on, and I think
that they can be vital contributors to the
world, their community, their family. I’m
addressing this in two ways, by focusing
on their life and career as well as fitness
through my websites BoomerJobTips.
com and
I’m 74 years old and I still compete.
I’m no longer competing with others,
but I compete with myself. Last week I
did a 1,100 yard swim and it was great.
I was blowing past these young 50 year
old punk kids and it was like winning my
first 5k.
For more information
about IPF, and how you can
help raise awareness, visit and The
Coalition for Pulmonary Fibrosis
What is it?1
According to the A.D.A.M.
Medical Encyclopedia,
“Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
is [the] scarring, or thickening
of the lungs without a known
cause.” It is believed to
result from an inflammatory
response “to an unknown
substance or injury.” It most
commonly affects individuals
between 50 and 70 years old.
Once the lungs become
damaged, it becomes
increasingly difficult to breathe.
How quickly the disease
progresses can vary widely,
with some people experiencing
worsening symptoms in just
months and others having little
change in years.
There is no known cure and no
medications have shown the
ability to improve the condition
for patients.
Since 1999, the number of
patients with pulmonary
fibrosis has increased by 156%
Four times as many people
have pulmonary fibrosis as
Lou Gehrig’s Disease or Cystic
Anyone can get pulmonary
fibrosis, with adults between
30 and 80 years old at higher
EAt grEAt...fEEL grEAt...
Eat Great,
Feel Great
Personal Chef Cindy AnsChutz, of Cindy’s Table, is transforming common
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Entertaining Paleo. Check out her calendar as she may be providing a cooking
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What can you expect to find on
• A wealth of wholesome, Paleo-focused recipes alongside mouth-watering photos of
the final product
• An engaging, informative and helpful video series
• Creative Corner, where you can access cooking tips and ideas on meal planning
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• Information about her Italian-style, family-inspired cookbook
• Access to her several blogs, plus links to the Cindy’s Table Facebook pages and
Twitter feed
Cindy’s Table is more than a website.
It’s a place for people to commune over the common theme of cooking, eating well and feeling great.
Join the family by visiting
Video Production By:
Paleo on Facebook
“It’s time for the body to get
back into the act.”
Frank Forencich
sually, I have to step
away from work and the
computer and start moving before
I feel like moving was a good idea.
It’s because the idea of moving is
in the thinking, ego mind and the
feeling of moving is in the body.
If you ask your mind - likely
your stressed out, thinking,
chattering, busy mind - if working
out is a good idea, it’ll say: “No, I
have too many things to do.” But
if you “ask” your body if moving is
a good idea - and I mean ask it by
moving it and seeing if it feels good
to move - it will very likely say “yes.”
It’s like the saying that floats
around Facebook: “You never regret the
workout that you finished.”
Movement is NOT
A tragic symptom of our age and
our dependence on - and love affair
with - computers, iPads, the internet
and social media is that movement has
become either something optional or
something we just sort of “tack on” to
the day - either before or after work.
Even though I’m a full-time author
and blogger - in the health and fitness
field, no less - and work from home
on my own schedule and at my own
discretion, I’ve still struggled with this
attitude from time to time.
More than once I’ve been in
the very telling situation of falling
into varying degrees of depression
and anxiety when I stop moving and
training regularly or my movement and
training take a backseat to planning
and working and pointing and clicking
on the computer.
I’m fully convinced that the
depression and anxiety I feel when I’m
not moving enough and am spending
too much time sitting and thinking
and working and stressing is my body
telling me to move.
28 Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012
By: Adam Farrah
Not Moving is a Modern
Cultural Problem...
As a culture, we’ve become almost
entirely cerebral. And this cerebral
nature is still pretty universally
respected and ingrained - even if it’s
not quite as well rewarded as it used to
be. (If the “not quite as well rewarded
as it used to be” part of that sentence
intrigues you, read Linchpin by Seth
It’s the typical “working and
paying bills is life or death, exercise
is nice if you have the time” attitude
that’s pervasive in our culture - even
among many of us who know better.
Part of the problem is that this attitude
is at a cultural and many times even
at a sub-conscious level. I could also
say that, even for those who move
and train regularly, many don’t move
properly and they move too often and
intensely - usually driven by the “more
is better” approach of our culture and
consumer society - but that’s a topic
for another time.
The truth is, training and moving
and breathing and physically exerting
ourselves is exactly what we need
to refine and expand our cognitive
abilities and find the inspiration and
energy for the more cerebral and
sedentary work most of us engage in
for a living. Moving and thinking are
NOT mutually exclusive. In fact, they
each impact the other positively.
After really digging into the
topic - and being inspired by Frank
Forencich’s outstanding “Change Your
Body, Change the World” - I began to
see how strongly I was influenced by
my mostly sedentary years studying
chemistry in college followed by my
stint as a scientist in the biotech field.
Even though I’ve worked for a number
of years now to create self-employment
and the freedom to train and move as
often as I need to and whenever I want
to, I can still get stuck in the “work
comes first” mentality that was drilled
into me in academia and corporate
The Two-Way Street between
Mind and Body...
There’s a very interesting
phenomena you can observe in the
interaction between mind and body.
We all know that when the mind is
stressed out, the body reacts. Breathing
becomes shallow, pulse quickens,
thoughts race. Along the same lines, if
you aren’t particularly stressed mentally
and you start to breathe shallowly
and rapidly and flash your mind from
one stressful thing on your to-do list
another, you’ll become stressed. Mind
can influence body just as well as body
can influence mind.
It’s the same if you are mentally
stressed and you go to a quiet,
comfortable place and practice yoga.
When you’re stressed, your muscles
tense up. Yoga releases that tension.
So, even though the tension in the
muscles originated from the mind and
it’s thoughts, the physical act of the
yoga released the tension and calmed
the mind. Mind influences body and
body influences mind.
Evolving Forward and
Backward at the Same Time...
As Albert Einstein so eloquently
said, “The significant problems we face
can not be solved at the same level of
thinking we were at when we created
We’ve evolved to the point of
being cerebrally highly advanced.
Yet our bodies have remained highly
primitive with primal drives, needs
and reactions. We can’t live 100%
cerebrally - as much as consumer and
corporate culture would like us to.
But we can’t live 100% primally either
- responding to impulses that were
appropriate in a much different age.
What I’m proposing here is a
complete paradigm shift. Moving, and
moving properly, is a matter of life or
death. Our movement was once at
a highly evolved and advanced state
- way back at a different time in our
evolution. Currently, our minds are
arguably at a “pinnacle” of thinking
and logic ability. But we’ve left the
movement part far behind and are
paying a price.
The statistics on illnesses like
type II diabetes, heart disease, anxiety,
depression, obesity and many, many
others tell the story. As a culture we’re
not moving enough and many of us
who do move regularly don’t move in
the right ways or at the right times.
It’s time for a cultural shift that
honors the primal nature we all share
and can’t deny or medicate away - as
much as consumer and corporate
culture tries to sell us the fantasy that
we can.
Activity Levels Way Down
In 2001, researchers attempted
to compare the activity
levels of Australian settlers
150 years ago to “modern”
sedentary office workers. They
measured this by having a
group of men reenact life 150
years ago by living in a theme
park near Sydney for a week,
with minimal use of modern
They found the historical group
had activity levels up to 2.3
times greater than the modern
group (the equivalent of
walking up to 9 miles PER DAY
more in the past than today).
It’s my deep belief that a profound
evolution of the human species is on
the horizon. We’re reawakening and
becoming more in touch with the
deep, primal and primitive needs that
our bodies have been more and more
insistently trying to make apparent to
us - often through illnesses like anxiety,
depression or digestive and metabolic
disorders. And, at the same time, we’re
learning and creating and sharing more
and more, faster and faster and in more
technologically advanced ways every
My vision for the evolution of the
human animal in the 21st Century is
a highly fit, primal body with a sharp,
clear and intelligent mind. A mind
that uses the “tools” of our day and
environment just as our ancestors
used what was in their environment
for survival and to support their lives.
And, with the massive advances in
our technology also comes massive
advances in our responsibility to use
that technology in a responsible way responsible to ourselves, our planet and
all the other life we share the planet
And movement is at the core of
this evolution - a bridge between past,
present and future.
Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012 29
Cindy’s Table
By: Cindy Anschutz
Entertaining Paleo
© Nicole Alekson Photography
The talented Cindy Anschutz
is working hard to bring the first
paleo-centered cooking show to TV.
Find out what’s driving her and
how you can help support her efforts!
s a personal chef who believes
in the benefits of a Paleo
life-style, I welcome the opportunity to
spread awareness about its health benefits
and share recipes I’ve created using its
After 20 plus years in the computer
software industry, I decided to pursue
my passion for cooking with the launch
of Cindy’s Table, a personal chef and
catering business, based in the Greater
Hartford, CT area. I also took advantage
of a more flexible work schedule and
joined a local CrossFit training program
in 2010. It was through this group of
enthusiasts that I was introduced to the
benefits of Paleo cooking, and I’ve never
looked back!
Soon after my first introduction
to Paleo, my doctor recommended I
take medication to manage my high
cholesterol. I refused and committed
to the Paleo diet for six months to see
if my cholesterol levels would respond.
I was determined to try it, despite my
doctor’s objections and it was one of the
best decisions I’ve ever made. Not only
did the lifestyle change help lower my
cholesterol, but I was able to lose weight,
sleep better and feel more relaxed on a
daily basis. Since making the transition,
I don’t have as many cravings for
unhealthy foods. Now, two years later,
my cholesterol is normal!
My husband, Glenn, and I have
changed our diets and reaped the
rewards of a Paleo lifestyle. It’s been
so refreshing to learn that Paleo doesn’t
mean boring or bland! After some
practice, I’ve found that by putting a
modern twist on basic ingredients, I can
“wow” my clients, all while remaining
true to my new lifestyle.
I started cooking as a young child
in my Italian Nana’s kitchen. Together
we would plan meals for the week and
prepare Sunday dinner for our family.
Her love of family and Italian cooking
were a springboard for my future success
and consequently, her greatest gift.
Inspiration can hit at anytime.
Sometimes I’m inspired with recipe
ideas while walking down the aisles of
a grocery store. I am also inspired by
my husband, as we love to cook and
entertain together. We have traveled to
cities across the U.S. and overseas and
relish the chance to learn more about
different cultures and their food for
inspiration. Some of my most delicious
creations have come from having the
courage to re-create a favorite dishrelying on memory instead of a recipe.
Don’t be afraid to experiment and have
Paleo recipes can have pizzazz and
are great fun to make. It’s so rewarding
to entertain with a menu that is both
healthy and delicious. However, if you’re
not feeling wildly creative yet, remember
that it will come with time, practice and
the rave reviews you will receive from
your guests. And while creativity is a
bonus in crafting recipes and cooking,
planning is vital.
Planning is a skill I carried over
from my years in the computer software
business, juggling parenthood and
running my own company. I’ve found
that much of the stress that people have
involves knowing which ingredients to
have on hand. Trust me, you can easily
stock your pantry with all the basics
needed to create a delicious meal and rest
assured that even last-minute meals can
be made with ease. (You can find pantry
basics on my website, under Cindy’s
Creative Corner).
If you still feel that cooking
delicious, exciting, paleo-friendly dishes
is a bit overwhelming, it doesn’t have
to be. It’s my goal to teach you how to
turn protein and vegetables into a simple,
week-day meal or transform them
into something worthy of any special
Lately, I’ve been working with Adam
Farrah, the author of “The Paleo Dieter’s
Missing Link,” in a joint effort to spread
Paleo with live cooking demos and
Paleo theory lectures. We have begun
filming a series of videos called “Eat
Great, Feel Great” that you can view on
YouTube. Adam and I have also taken
our “Paleo Road Show” to businesses in
Connecticut like Whole Foods Market
and gourmet cooking venues like Chef ’s
Find these and other great
paleo/gluten-free recipes on
Cindy’s website (cindystable.
• Poached Salmon with
Avocado Salad
• Pork Scallops over a Warm
Mushroom Sauce
• Ossobuco alla Milanese
• Classic Eggplant Caponata
For great menu suggestions,
party planning tips, table
settings and all the details
needed for a special event
How You Can Help
Helping Cindy in her efforts
is quick and easy. Simply like
her Facebook page (http://goo.
gl/wtrUK), watch her videos
on YouTube and “like” them/
comment on them. Numbers
get noticed!
Emporium. Our goal is to introduce and
educate consumers about the benefits
of Paleo and Gluten-Free cooking. For
those already on-board, we hope to
reinforce the message that “diet foods”
don’t have to be tasteless, boring or about
With many of my goals coming to
fruition, I’m now focused on hosting my
own Paleo-focused cooking show. I’ve
already received a lot of positive feedback
about the idea and am hearing that
people are more than ready for such a
What do you think? Please give me
your feedback by emailing me at: cindy@ With your support,
together we can educate the world, make
Paleo fun and show how eating the diet
we were intended to consume can lead to
a longer, healthier life!
Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012 31
Is Sleeping on Hard Surfaces
By: David Csonka
There are a lot of things you can
do now to try and bring your diet and
lifestyle back in line with what your
DNA expects of a modern human being.
Through exploring the concept of the
“paleo lifestyle”, people all over the world
have found renewed vitality and strength,
and made wonderful changes in their
Of course, sleep is certainly an
important facet of health, and we’ve
made great progress in learning
how to make bedtime a more restful
and rejuvenating experience. By
understanding the negative effects
of things like late night alcohol and
caffeine consumption, LED and blue
light exposure, and stress or cortisol
irregularities, we can fine tune our body’s
rhythms so that we can feel more rested
after waking. But, what if there is yet
another piece to the puzzle?
After all, sleep has always been,
and to some extent, remains a mystery.
Scientists have formulated some theories
as to why the human body requires sleep,
and what the purposes of dreams are, but
for the most part these questions are still
unsolved. By applying the evolutionary
heuristic we can easily understand how
the blue colored light from computer
screens, similar to the daytime sky,
can hijack our natural mechanism
for keeping us alert during the day.
Sleep Naturally
We’re constantly told we need
exactly 7-8 hours of sleep
each night for optimal health.
No more, no less. However,
according to researchers like
James McKenna of Notre Dame
and Carol M. Worthman of Emory
University in Atlanta, humans are
biologically designed to sleep in
two or more interrupted bouts at
night and sleep again during the
32 Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012
After all, the daytime is for hunting and
gathering. So, why don’t we apply that
same evolutionary model to that other
important factor of sleep, our beds?
I asked several people if they would
consider giving up their cushioned
mattresses to sleep on the floor, if there
was evidence which demonstrated that
it would be good for their health. The
response was almost uniformly negative,
with a mix of incredulity and skepticism.
After all, aren’t we repeatedly inundated
on a daily basis with advertisements for
the latest and greatest mattresses and bed
technologies which are guaranteed to
give us the best sleep of our lives?
I hate to play the cynic, but it
wouldn’t be the first time that an
indispensable market developed to
provide a supposedly necessary product
that ultimately harmed or at least
did little to improve our health. But,
perhaps I’m being too hasty. Surely,
the rest of the people in the world
outside of developed western countries
sleep in beds just like us. You know,
those cultures which still cling to their
traditional practices and lifestyles, which
we often point to as evidence for the
errors of our modern ways. People like
the Ache foragers in Paraguay, and the
!Kung hunter-gatherers in Africa, for
instance. Well, as it turns out, they sleep
very differently from most of us.
According to Bruce Bower for
Science News, “Adult sleepers in
traditional societies recline on skins,
mats, wooden platforms, the ground,
or just about anything except a thick,
springy mattress. Pillows or head
supports are rare, and people doze in
whatever they happen to be wearing.
Virtually no one, including children,
keeps a regular bedtime. Individuals
tend to slip in and out of slumber
several times during the night. In these
unplugged worlds, darkness greatly limits
activity and determines the time allotted
to sleep. Folks there frequently complain
of getting too much sleep, not too little.”
That sounds interesting, but does it really
apply to the rest of us?
Well, it would certainly seem
difficult to suggest a biological need for
something like a springy mattress, since
they didn’t exist in nature. However, it
would have been relatively easy for our
ancestors to find a soft spot to lie down
on in the evening, if but a patch of grass
or sand. And even the Japanese, who
sleep in their traditional manner, still
employ a small bit of cushioning for their
futons, though their beds are still quite
spartan compared to western standards.
The prevalence of back aches and poor
sleep would indicate that the near
ubiquitous presence of mattresses in
our society has not necessarily been the
panacea that it is thought to be.
One thing that we can be sure of is
that people who already have a diagnosed
spine condition or arthritis should
consult with their doctor before making
any radical changes to their sleeping
conditions. But for everybody else, it
could potentially be therapeutic to switch
from a very soft and cushioned mattress
to something quite a bit more firm, if not
as hard as the floor. Or at, the least, try
sleeping on the floor or a futon and see
how you feel.
Really though, is it really that
much weirder from all of the other
paleo-inspired stuff you’ve tried? I
gave this a try for a week, by sleeping
on the floor with nothing but a small
blanket and a yoga mat, and found that
after a few initial nights of discomfort
my body rapidly adjusted to my new
sleeping conditions. Of course, my
sleeping posture had to change a bit to
accommodate the reality of the rigid
floor, but in a weird way this actually
started to feel “right”. It makes sense
that our body would have mechanisms
for instructing us to move or perform in
the proper ways when presented with an
environment and conditions that meet its
expectations. The firmness of the ground
juxtaposed with the pull of gravity on our
skeleton creates an evolutionary formula
which just makes sense.
I encourage you to think about it the
next time you go camping. Maybe you
can leave the air mattress at home, and
get by with just a small roll-up sleeping
bag. You might just feel better for it.
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Paleo Kids
School Lunches
New USDA rules and how to get your
kids the most “paleo” school lunch.
On January 25th of this year, the
Food Nutrition Service of the USDA
issued their final rule that modified the
nutrition requirements of the National
School Lunch Program (NSLP) and the
School Breakfast Program (SBP). The
ruling aligns these two programs with
the most recent “Dietary Guidelines
for Americans” and only applies to food
schools serve out of their cafeterias in
lunch and breakfast meals and doesn’t
affect any vending machine items.
This process began with a proposed
rule, issued by the USDA on January 13,
2011. They issued a notice requesting
public comment on March 21, 2011 and
received over 130,000 public comments
which they
while putting
together the
final ruling.
The final
rule requires
that school
breakfast and lunch menus meet specific
age/grade food and nutrition standards,
increases the minimum amount of fruit
and whole grains offered at breakfast and
eliminates the proposed provision that
had required schools serve a meat/meat
alternative at breakfast (ie., they don’t need
to serve meat at breakfast, just more grains).
So what are some of the changes
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34 Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012
that will be implemented by this rule?
More fruit at breakfast and lunch.
The rule doubles the amount of fruit that
schools need to offer for breakfast, from
a half cup per day to one cup. It also
doubles the amount of fruit and veggie
servings offered at lunch for certain age/
grade groups.
More vegetable servings and
variety at lunch. Not only do schools
need to increase the amount of veggies
that they serve, but they need to offer
more varieties. These varieties include
dark green vegetables, red/orange
vegetables, legumes, starchy vegetables
and other (ie. tomatoes, onions).
More whole-grain foods. The
ruling requires schools to increase the
servings of whole grain foods and gives
schools two years to fully implement this
requirement for lunch and three years for
breakfast. On a positive note, the rule
does cut down on the number of grainbased desserts schools can offer to two
per school week.
Only fat-free (unflavored or
flavored) and unflavored low-fat (1% or
less) milk. This discontinues the current
policy that allowed schools to offer milk
in various fat content levels (whole, 2%,
etc) and provides no limit on the fat
content of flavored milk.
Saturated fat limits. This is actually
pretty consistent with the current
standards that limits breakfasts and
lunches to providing less than 10% of
total calories from saturated fat (average
over the school week).
Less meat. The final rule does not
require a daily meat/meat alternative to
Paleo Kids
be served for breakfast. In addition, the
final rule gives schools the option to offer
tofu, mature beans, dry peas, cold cuts,
cheese and yogurt to meet the meat/meat
alternative requirements.
With more grains, less fat and less
meat, what’s a family that’s living a paleo
lifestyle to do? Obviously, sending your
kids to school with their own lunch is
the preferred option. However, for some
families that’s not possible due to things
like finances or time. The good news is
that it is possible to get your child a meal
prepared at school that’s more in line
with the paleo framework.
There are regulations in place to
provide meals to students with special
dietary needs and schools that participate
in the NSLP and SBP are required to
make accommodations for kids who can’t
eat the prepared meals due to a disability.
Schools can also, at their discretion,
make substitutions for students who
don’t meet the definition of disability, but
still can’t eat the prepared food due to
dietary restrictions such as intolerances
or allergies.
To have your child exempted from
prepared meals, the school must have
a written statement on file, signed by a
licensed physician. The statement must
state; the child’s disability, an explanation
of why the disability restricts their diet,
the major life activity affected by the
disability, the food(s) that need to be
omitted and the food(s) that must be
For most of us, our child won’t
qualify for modified meals under the
disability regulations. More than likely,
they’ll fall under the umbrella of special
dietary needs.
To have changes made to your
child’s school lunch due to special dietary
needs such as food intolerances or
allergies, the school must have a written
statement on file. The statement must be
signed by a recognized medical authority
and include; the medical issue/special
dietary conditions that is causing the
need for the substitution, the food(s)
that must be omitted and recommended
alternate food(s).
The USDA has published a manual
to help guide school foodservice staff
in accommodating kids with special
dietary needs (see link below). Since this
is the reference your school’s staff may be
referring to when helping you, it’s a good
idea to familiarize yourself with it prior
to speaking with them. The guide gives
example situations explaining different
circumstances when the school is/isn’t
required to accommodate the requested
dietary change.
By doing a little homework and prep
ahead of time you’ll be able to better
identify how to present your dietary
requests to school staff and have a more
paleo-friendly meal served to your child
at school.
USDA Guide: Accommodating Children with
Special Dietary Needs in the School Nutrition
Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012 35
Q&A with the Paleo Dietitian
By: Amy Kubal MS, RD, LN, Paleo Dietitian
I’ve got horrible seasonal allergies that knock me out of
commission for a couple months every year. After reading the
ingredient labels for the over-the-counter allergy meds, I just
couldn’t bring myself to buy any. Is there anything I can do to
help alleviate this and actually breathe?
Aaaa…CHOO! Seasonal allergies are definitely no
fun! The best way to ‘feel better’ is to avoid the things that
are triggering your reactions. Unfortunately, there aren’t too
many people that can lock themselves away until the pollen
and/or mold, etc levels in the air decrease. Luckily, there are a
few things you can do that may help alleviate your symptoms
without medication.
The first and most obvious is - do your best to stay inside
on days when allergen levels in the air are high. Avoiding
the irritant is always going to be the most effective method
of treatment. On the food side of things, stay away from
histamine containing fare including alcohol (all forms),
fermented and/or aged foods (sauerkraut, pickles, kombucha,
cheeses), grapes, and yeast containing foods. Build an antiinflammatory paleo diet which is high in omega-3 fats,
antioxidant rich vegetables, and flavonoid containing tea. A
SMALL (1/4-1/2 tsp) amount of local bee pollen or honey
may also help in some situations. Definitely eliminate
gluten from your diet! On the supplement side of the
coin, a good DHA/EPA fish oil is a great start. Add some
extra magnesium to help relieve the wheezing and consider
adding quercetin and Vitamin C; both of which are natural
Adhering to a paleo lifestyle, including diet, smart
exercise, stress management and adequate sleep, will help to
minimize inflammation, heal a potentially leaky gut and keep
your seasonal allergies at bay.
I’ve been doing some research on raw milk trying to figure
out if I should/need to drink it or not. I know that raw milk is a
“grey area” in the Paleo community. Recently I’ve been seeing
information on some potential hazards to drinking it. What’s
your take? Is it necessary? Is it safe?
Dairy, in and of itself, is not a paleo food; it falls under the
realm of ‘primal’. When primal/paleo groups talk about the
benefits of raw milk they are referring to full-fat, unprocessed,
dairy from pastured animals. This is not raw milk from
traditional/confinement dairies, low-fat or skim products.
Additionally, it is extremely important to know the source of
If you have a question for Amy, the Paleo RD, you can email
them to her at!
the product! Ensure that the animals are truly pastured and
not grain-fed, that the milking conditions are clean and that
the milk is refrigerated immediately following extraction in
order to maintain its immune supporting components and
prevent contamination.
The subject of raw milk is very controversial and in some
states it is illegal to sell or buy raw dairy. The FDA issued a
statement earlier this year claiming that raw dairy is unsafe,
due to risk of food borne illness; and refuting claims that
it has health benefits. There are many health professionals
and groups that disagree with the FDA’s stance and tout the
advantages of raw dairy. Consuming raw dairy is beneficial in
some cases and depending on your situation and health may
be something to incorporate.
To moo or not to moo, that is the question. So, is
consuming raw milk a necessity? No, most definitely not.
While raw milk is nutrient dense, contains probiotics, is an
ethical food choice and tastes great; whether you should or
shouldn’t drink it is a personal decision that needs be based on
your tolerance to dairy, health concerns and overall goals.
My sister is a vegan and loves giving me a hard time
about all the meat I eat. She’s especially vicious during grilling
season and tells me how I’m basically killing myself every time I
cook meat on the grill. She claims that the chemicals created by
grilling are a sure fire way to give myself cancer. Can you help
me out with any info so I can get her off my back once and for all?
It’s that time of year again! The grills are coming out
and the steaks, burgers, and brats are plentiful. It’s enough to
send any vegan off the deep end. Unfortunately, your sister
has a valid argument in regard to grilling and cancer related
Grilling creates two types of potentially cancer causing
agents; polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and
heterocyclic amines (HCAs). PAHs are a product of the
smoke that is generated from the meat’s fat drippings. The
smoke surrounds the food and the PAHs are transferred from
the smoke to the surface of the meat. HCAs are formed
Continued next page
Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012 37
Continued from page 37
when meats are grilled at high temperatures for a long time.
Studies have demonstrated a link between HCAs and the
development of breast, colon and prostate tumors in mice.
This doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to abandon
the barbecue forever! There are several ways to reduce the
risks associated with grilling and still enjoy the flavor. Here’s
what you can do to make your summer grilling safer:
• Marinate! Not only does marinating tenderize and add
flavor to meats; but it also helps blunt heat. This decreases the
number of HCAs formed during cooking.
• Nuke it! Pre-cook your meat in the microwave for 1-2
minutes before putting it on the grill. Microwaving releases
some of the compounds that contribute to HCA formation.
Additionally, starting the cooking process reduces the grilling
• Make it Rare! Avoiding well done meats is another
way to decrease risk of exposure to harmful HCAs and PAHs.
Less time on the grill means less smoke exposure and shorter
grill time!
• Accessorize! Serve your meat with plenty of cruciferous
vegetables. Nutrient rich broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, bok
choy, etc, contain special nutrients that alter the way the body
metabolizes some of the chemicals produced during grilling.
38 Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012
So, while your sister does have a valid argument, you can
take measures to make your grilling as low risk and safe as
possible. Enjoy your summer!
How important is it to drink “eight 8-ounce glasses” of
water every day?
Hydration! It’s kind of a big deal. The average adult
body is between 50-65% water. Water is so important that
without it we can only live for 3-5 days; without food we
can live for up to 4-8 weeks! That’s a big difference! Water
has many important functions in the body it: regulates
temperature, moistens tissues, protects organs, carries/delivers
nutrients, lubricates joints, prevents constipation, flushes
out waste products and dissolves minerals and nutrients so
we can use them. Additionally, as little as a 5% decrease in
body hydration has been shown to hamper performance and
endurance among athletes.
Does everyone need eight, 8-ounce glasses of water every
day? How much water you need varies greatly from person
to person. Factors that determine water need include: body
size, climate, season, sweat losses, exercise/activity level, age,
etc. Additionally, water is part of most of the foods we eat –
especially vegetables and fruits. The water we get from food
and other drinks also counts toward the
daily total – so drinking 64 ounces of
straight water may not be necessary or you
may need more than that. The best way
to determine if you are getting enough
fluid is to look at the color of your urine.
I know – it’s not exactly a fun thing to do,
but it is one of the best indicators. The
optimal shade is “weak lemonade” yellow
not dark yellow, or “apple juice” gold/
brown. If your pee is clear it may mean
that you are over-hydrated and you can
decrease your water intake. On the other
hand, if you are ‘going gold’ you likely
need to chug a few more glasses of H2O.
Green can mean you’ve got a thing for
asparagus and neon yellow is common if
you are taking a multi- or B vitamin and
not absorbing it. If the porcelain holds
any other color (pink, red, tea or dark
brown, cloudy, etc.) see your physician as
this may indicate a health problem.
The amount of water that’s right
for you will change from day to day
depending on food choices, activity, and
conditions. There is no one perfect dose.
The color you are ‘running’ is a great
monitor of where you’re at on the water
scale. Look down and find out if your
water bottle needs to be filled up!
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Paleo Island of Vanuatu
By: Tate Zandstra
loody and filthy, we sat
on the stones beneath the
kai kai tree, an ancient gathering
place where villagers had, since
their Austronesian ancestors, using
naught but the stars, first rowed to
these islands some four millenia
gone. We ate lap lap, a Ni Van dish
of fish and taro root cooked, like
virtually all things in Oceania, buried
in the ground over burning coals
and banana leaves, in basalt bowls of
coconut milk, with fresh, iced fruit
The village of grass huts and fruit
trees looked serene, perched on the
high slopes of this island, as though
missed by time, but the kai kai tree
had served in the past as a prison for
enemies captured from other tribes.
A skeletal tree which grows as a vine,
slowly choking its host to death, the
kai kai eventually leaves a hollow,
cage like structure, and prisoners
were taken out, clubbed, cooked,
and eaten on these very rocks within
living memory.
My friend Alex and I hadn’t
come by dugout to Vanuatu, an
archipelagic South Pacific nation
lying south of the Solomons, East
of Papua, and West of Fiji; we had
flown into the tiny international
airport, where arrivals are searched
for foreign plant seeds. We
crewed on with a yachtie sailing
50 tons of WWII scrap around
the south seas, and found our
way eventually to Nguna (noona)
island. Here we traded a rope of
sticky tobacco and a rusty knife to
a half crazy islander named Tallo
to guide us through the Tabu
villages and up to the top of the
island’s volcano.
“Mi wantim toktok long chief
blong village ia” Tallo called out
in the sing song pidgin which
serves most of Oceania, when we
came to a village on the upper
slopes of the mountain. He
explained we were bound for the
volcano, and the kindly chief bade us
come back for food on our return.
The jungle slopes just past the
village lay dark green and brooding
in the intense heat, energized by the
electric sound of tropical cicadas
and birds unseen in the high canopy.
Clinging to the spiky pandanus trees
on the nearly vertical mountain face,
we surprised meter long fruit bats
which, disturbed, would wing heavily
into the deeper darkness of the forest.
Tallo went from his lazy, loping
stride to being a nimble climber, and
quickly disappeared upward into the
trees. I thought we would lose him,
but every now and then, he shrieked
back to us in a strange, animal tone.
Alex and I struggled up the face
of the volcano, slicing our hands and
arms on the sharp pandanus trunks
which were like our ladder up. The
summit, as volcanic cones go, was
unimpressive though it offered great
views of the island chains falling off
to northward, like so many gleaming
green gems anchored on a sparkling
blue sea, and I was filled with a desire
to be among them, for I knew many
were uninhabited.
We lost Tallo as quickly on the
descent as we had on the ascent, and
decided to follow the gentle grassy
flank of the mountain down, rather
than contend with the jungle. We
found ourselves in sawgrass half
again as high as we, and ultimately
crawled through lava tubes most of
the way back down the mountain,
where we met Tallo and crawled back
to the village of chief David.
Vanuatu, David explained during
lunch, was entirely organic. Most
villagers grew only enough Taro on a
complicated system of garden plots
to feed themselves and maybe trade
to others for different food. Fruit
grew on trees in great abundance, and
men fished from dugout canoes. The
villages were entirely self sufficient.
In the more remote islands,
economies were based entirely on
pigs, and he who owned the most
pigs was likely also the chief, with
many wives.
Continued next page
A small hammerhead caught in a gill net. Fishing was once fantastic here, but no longer.
Factory ships have decimated local fisheries.
Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012 41
Continued from page 41
The islands of Oceania became
famous among explorers for
cannibalism, and not undeservedly
so; enemies, missionaries, virtually
anyone different could wind up as
dinner. It is unclear why human
meat, “long pig” in local parlance, was
favored here since different cultures
have eaten it for different reasons,
but on small islands with scant
wildlife, it may be that any protein
was acceptable. Chief David smiled
indulgently at the question whether
cannibalism is still practiced and said
only that at least in his village, it was
Starting in the 17th century,
missionaries came and, although
some were eaten, eventually managed
to force Christianity on the islanders,
changing the face of Oceania forever.
There are certain places, deep in the
jungles of Vanuatu’s larger islands,
north in the Solomons, and in the
42 Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012
Crabs gathered and tied together, then
sold live.
savagely dangerous jungles of Papua,
where there may yet be tribes living
in the stone age, uncontacted by
the modern world, where western
religion and customs remain alien.
Largely though, the islands of
Oceania are places changed for the
worse by the outside world. Factory
fleets lay miles of long line and
destroy local fisheries, impoverished
island governments unable to stop
them. SPAM, “pisup”, is considered
a delicacy, and preferred above all
other foods. The Ni Van government
however, is vested in keeping Vanuatu
From the deck of our ship, Alex
and I mused on the strangeness
of these islands. Our senses were
enhanced by shells of kava, a slightly
hallucinatory drink composed of
kava root chewed up by village boys
and spit into a large communal pot,
then left to ferment. Watching
the slow motion sunset burning up
the western horizon, the islands
seemed slow and peaceful, the people
contentedly growing gardens and
raising pigs, standing on the beach
at night to shriek weird animalistic
sounds, unseen amid the mangroves.
Chief David, high in his kastom
village, which seemed unchanged
by time, had shown us a small solar
panel sticking from the grass roof of
his hut. It ran a small ice box, with
which he had made the ice in our
juice. Some modernity it seemed,
carefully managed, could be good.
Clockwise from top left: Fruits and
vegetables are grown on small family farms,
the ownership of which has been passed
through generations. Islands necessitate
strict land parceling, which is the chief ’s job;
Root crops like Taro and Kava form the Ni
Van staple; A small lobster, good for eating
or fishing; Grilled fish and taro cakes.
Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012 43
Fermentation 101
By: Lisa Herndon
uch of the creation and origin
of chocolate is a mystery to
much of our current culture. Did you
know that chocolate is fermented? And
that fermentation adds nutrients? With
a bit care and a bit of education, you can
choose healthy and happy chocolate.
Chocolate comes from the seeds of
the cacao or chocolate tree, Theobroma
cacao. Linnaeus ascribed the genus
name meaning “food of the gods” to the
Greek words, theos, (god) and broma
(food) and the specific epithet from the
Native American word for the plant. The
chocolate tree is native to Latin America
and was transplanted to West Africa in
1824 by the Portuguese.
The chocolate tree produces
small flowers along its trunk that are
pollinated by midges (a type of fly).
Each pollinated flower produces a large
pod containing 30 to 40 bitter seeds
embedded in a sweet, sticky pulp. This
sweet pulp was a staple food of the
Mayans 2000 years ago. The Mayans
and Aztecs also used the seeds to make
a chocolate drink. While Columbus
brought the chocolate seeds to Europe
in 1502, the Spanish in the 17th century
added sugar to the bitter beverage to
produce the “food of the gods” that
Linnaeus and many others have enjoyed.
Chocolate has a long history as a
traditional food. Of course, it is hard
to recognize once our current foodprocessing industry has taken it’s toll on
it. But don’t despair, nutrient rich real
chocolate can still be found.
How is Chocolate Grown?
Cacao seeds must be fermented,
dried, and roasted to produce the
chocolate flavor. Fermentation and
drying are traditionally done at the farm
that grows the chocolate trees. After
harvesting, pods are split with a hammer
or machete to reveal the seeds covered
with pulp. Split seeds are piled in a
heap and covered with banana leaves or
placed in a covered box. While in this
heap, the sticky pulp becomes a turbid
broth and the cacao seeds absorb flavors
44 Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012
from the surrounding broth.
The chemical composition of
the pulp changes after being
kept in this heap for five to
seven days. Sucrose goes from 12% to
0%, pectin and citric acid are also almost
entirely consumed and acetic acid and
trace amounts of ethyl alcohol is created.
Beneficial lactic acid and acetic acid
bacteria and yeasts are formed – making
this a probiotic food. Yay!
What Happens After the
Beans Are Fermented?
After the cacao beans are fermented,
dried and sorted, the beans are sent
to the factory. Here the beans are
carefully roasted which results in the
bean separating from the kernel. The
cracked beans are called cocoa nibs. The
first grind of the beans is usually done
in a milling or grinding machine such
as a melangeur. The nibs are ground or
crushed to liquefy the cocoa butter and
produce what is now called chocolate
liquor or chocolate liquid. For the
second refining process, most chocolate
manufacturers use a roll refiner or ball
mill, which has two functions: to further
reduce the particle size of the cocoa
mass (and any other ingredients, such as
sugar) and to distribute the cocoa butter
evenly throughout the mass, coating all
the particles. The rolling process itself
creates heat that melts and distributes
the cocoa butter. This is the first step
to developing chocolate’s smooth and
creamy mouth-feel.
Next up is Conching. This process
develops the flavor of the chocolate
liquor, releasing some of the inherent
bitterness and gives the resulting
chocolate its smooth, melt-in-yourmouth quality. The conch machine has
rollers or paddles that continuously
knead the chocolate liquor and its
ingredients over a period of hours or
days depending on the flavor and texture
desired by the producer.
For the last two steps in the
chocolate process, the conched chocolate
mass is tempered and molded into bars.
What to Look For In Your
Chocolate geeks would say this
is chocolate – nothing else should be
added, period. But many would disagree.
A few other ingredients can enhance
the taste of chocolate and make it even
more enjoyable. I consider the following
perfectly fine additions: salt, nibs, spices
such as chili, ginger, cinnamon, and real
vanilla (not vanillin which is made from
wood). Emulsifiers are certainly not
necessary and I try to avoid any soybased ones.
What about Dutch process cocoa
powder? Dutched chocolate, is chocolate
that has been treated with an alkalizing
agent to modify its color and give it a
milder flavor. Dutched chocolate forms
the basis for much of modern chocolate,
and is used in ice cream, hot cocoa, and
baking. The Dutch process accomplishes
several things. It lowers acidity, increases
solubility, enhances color and lowers
flavor. However, the Dutch process also
destroys flavonoids (antioxidants).
Chocolate Can Be Ethical and
Cacao is grown within 20 degrees
latitude of the equator, so unless you live
within that area you are not purchasing
local chocolate. For me, a Californian,
the best choice is to purchase bars
from a country that grows and makes
the chocolate. And after seeing the
documentary, The Dark Side of Chocolate,
which reveals the slave child labor that is
still continuing, and talking to Kallari (a
farm cooperative and producer in Ecuador),
I am more resolute in supporting only
fair-trade organic and preferably bean to
bar in the country of origin.
Chocolate is a paleo treat rather
than a staple and I think you should
get the most bang for your buck.
Unfortunately, high quality is usually
correlated to higher prices for this
indulgence. But it’s worth it!
How to Taste Chocolate
Surprisingly, this process is similar
to wine-tasting and serious chocolate
nerds can get pretty intense on judging a
1. Have the chocolate at room
temperature. Cold chocolate, like cold
cheese, won’t allow for the scent and full
flavor profile to come through.
2. Before you taste the chocolate,
look at it closely. You want chocolate
that has a glossy surface and is free from
blemishes. If the surface is scarred,
cloudy, or gray, this may be a sign that
the chocolate is old or has been subject
to extremes in temperature or handling.
Next, break the chocolate in pieces. You
want a chocolate with a clean, hard “snap”
to it. If it bends or crumbles, either the
quality is low or the chocolate is old.
3. Good chocolate will smell
strongly of chocolate. Rub your fingers
over the surface to warm the chocolate,
and then smell the bar. If it doesn’t smell
like chocolate, or if it smells primarily
of vanilla or other added ingredients,
it probably won’t taste very much like
chocolate either. Chocolate easily picks
up odors from its environment, so be
aware if your chocolate smells like coffee,
tea, or other aromatic foodstuffs.
4. Finally, taste the chocolate. Pay
attention to the way it melts in your
mouth. Let it hit the roof of your
palate. Does it feel waxy? Does it leave
a slightly slippery feeling? Does it feel
sandy, or smooth? In general, a smooth,
velvety mouth feel is preferred.
5. Also notice what flavors you
can find in the chocolate. Common
descriptions of chocolate notes include
floral, citrus, berry, coffee, and wine
undertones. Notice if the flavor bursts
out all at once, or if it gradually builds in
intensity and lingers after the chocolate
has left. Above all, trust your own taste
buds. Chocolate preference is very
personal, and you know what tastes good
to you, so select chocolate that you will
enjoy eating.
How to Choose Chocolate
Read the ingredients! Eliminate
bars with ingredients that are not healthy
or whole. A good guide is if you need
to Google an ingredient, put the bar
back on the shelf. Look for fair trade
and organic on the label. Bars that are
over 75% are higher in antioxidants
(flavonoids) and lower in sugar content.
I’ve researched several companies to
come up with five top recommendations.
The first three are all made within the
country in which the beans are grown.
All bars should be gluten free. Most of
these companies pay much higher than
fair trade for their beans, so the quality
and flavor of the beans will be seen in
these amazing “happy” chocolates.
Greneda Chocolate
Organic cooperative in Greneda.
Amazing flavor
First biodynamic organic farm to bar
cooperative in Ecuador
A farmer owned cooperative in
Nutrition thousands of
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Rogue Chocolate
Wild harvested from a wild, rare
cacao in Boliva – very smooth and
mellow chocolate. The Silvestre 75%
bar is my favorite
Organic, Mexican style chocolate
using Oaxacan stone mills called
molinos to grind the cacao. These
stones minimally refine the cacao
beans, capturing all their vibrant
flavors and allowing tiny bits of
cacao and organic cane sugar to
remain in the finished chocolate
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Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012 45
Meetings, Special Events and Seminars
Fruit Loops and USDA Guidelines
By: Dr. Jason Kremer DC, CCSP, CSCS
I recently attended a National
symposium for physicians in the field
of Sports Medicine. While a variety
of presentations were offered, one of
particular interest to me focused on
“Nutrition for the Athlete” and was
led by a Registered Dietitian who
specialized in Sports Nutrition. The
speaker had my complete attention as
she discussed the importance of vitamin
D and Omega 3s and discouraged
high fiber grains, legumes, and sugary
energy drinks around workouts. To my
surprise, this speaker was (unknowingly)
presenting fundamental concepts of
the Paleo Lifestyle! However, upon
directly asking her thoughts on Paleo,
the dietician adamantly insisted that this
“unmaintainable” diet lacked the essential
nutrients required for optimal health.
Although a well-educated speaker,
I wasn’t surprised by the dietician’s
ignorant response. After all, she was
only repeating information obtained at
a University where students entering the
field of Nutrition are hammered with
the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s
Dietary Guidelines (as were my wife and
I). Unfortunately, the USDA (which
funds many of the country’s nutritional
programs) is much more interested in
the success of the Food Industry than
the health of citizens (which would
explain why things like corn and wheat
are encouraged while little time is spent
teaching the importance of grass fed
meat and local organic produce). While
I understand why so many educated
health professionals have a hard
time accepting the Paleo Lifestyle,
I also believe that as professionals
there comes a time when we should
consider what we have been taught,
then use common sense to pilfer
through the garbage and ensure that
we are passing on the most effective
information to our patients and the
general public.
For example, when considering
the necessity of grains in our diet,
common sense should allow us to
decipher the importance of this food
group for the average American. The
primary role of grains (and carbohydrates
in general) is to provide energy and fiber.
While athletes and active individuals
require more carbohydrates than the
average person, it’s safe to assume
(judging by obesity rates) that most
individuals don’t need the amount of
carbohydrates that has become the norm.
For those concerned about
consuming high quality carbohydrates,
Paleo does promote fruits, vegetables,
and nuts/seeds, all of which contain
plenty of fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
Take raspberries for example; 1 cup
of these berries offers 64 calories, 15
grams of carbs, 8 grams of fiber and a
healthy dose of Vitamin C. Compare
this to a standard slice of wheat bread
and the bread falls short with about 80
calories, 20 grams of carbohydrates, and
1-3 grams of fiber (and sometimes trace
vitamins/minerals). Granted, there are
those bread varieties that come close
to matching the fiber content in fruit,
however upon reviewing the ingredients
in these products you’ll often find things
like inulin, wheat fiber, and cellulose
fiber; which are all added to increase
the product’s total fiber content.
The truth about grains is the vast
majority on the market are actually
enriched and/or fortified to boost the
nutritional integrity of these foods. In
other words, that colorful box of Fruit
Loops on the store shelf isn’t naturally
high in those vitamins that are so
proudly displayed on the label. In fact,
if you visit the website of Kellogg’s
cereal, you’ll read the company’s claim
that “Your very best starts with a diet
enriched by a variety of vitamins and
minerals; cereal plays a very important
part in providing these nutrients…
By fortifying our cereal with nutrients,
we can better help you meet the daily
dietary recommendations of these
vitamins and minerals.” Does anybody
else see the issue with this? Our top
nutritional experts are telling us that we
need these items in our diets, yet the
only reason these foods have most of the
vitamins and minerals that they boast
is because we put them there. Instead
of consuming Kellogg’s Fruit Loops
to obtain essential vitamins, the Paleo
lifestyle suggests obtaining them from
their natural sources of meats, poultry,
fish, nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables, and
When it comes to nutritional gaps
in the Paleo diet, I believe these are
completely avoidable. You see, one of the
best aspects of this diet is the flexibility.
For active individuals who need more
carbs; sweet potatoes, winter squash, and
fruit all provide ample carbohydrates as
well as natural sources of fiber, vitamins,
and minerals. I also recommend a
quality multi-vitamin to fill in any
possible gaps (especially for athletes). I’d
certainly rather use a daily vitamin to fill
any nutritional gaps than rely on a bowl
of processed, sugar loaded cereal!
Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012 47
Paleo: The Dental Diet?
By: Liz Wolfe
Part II
Paleo folks’ concern for what goes
into their bodies is often matched by their
awareness of what goes onto them.
Many of us are as careful about body
and home care as we are about the foods we
choose. We know that proper fuel helps keep
the “outside” healthy; and we understand
that the skin - our body’s largest organ will draw toxins from our environments
Nowhere on our bodies do these two
ideas intertwine more than in our mouths.
In Part 2 of this two-part series on
Paleo: The Dental Diet?, we explore paleofriendly and alternative oral care.
Part 1, published in our last issue,
addressed the nutritional aspects of oral and
dental care.
Visit the Subscriber’s Only section
on for more
dental resources and info. (Use password
We’re modern folk.
Most of us need to be
fairly clean in order
to navigate our
work and family
environments – or,
at the very least,
be mindful of the
odors we emit. Whether
cavemen were preoccupied
with dental care (actually,
they may have been - early
Neanderthal skulls show signs
of tooth-picking1) isn’t so important
when you consider that Paleo Man
probably never had to run a business
Once the nutritional components for
optimal oral care are in-line, as discussed
in the previous issue, you’ll probably still
want to carry out some type of cleansing
and freshening ritual. Even though
obsessive brushing and conventional
toothpastes may not feel so necessary,
we learn as children that
daily mouth-care is vital,
and there’s no shame in
keeping some version of
that routine going.
options for
breath and
keeping the
mouth clean aren’t
too impressive. The
tissues of the mouth are
extraordinarily absorbent,
and most commercial
toothpastes are a mash-up
of industrial foaming agents, additives,
and fluoride, which many folks want
to avoid. Even popular “natural”
toothpastes contain sodium lauryl sulfate,
a substance that has raised eyebrows at
the Environmental Working Group due
to the potential dangers of long-term,
aggregate exposure to the carcinogenic
contaminant 1,4-dioxane.
Sound alarmist? Then let’s go with
this: conventional toothpastes are just
Banana Nut
Our blend of nuts & banana chips
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Cacao Nut
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Gluten Free • Grain Free • Dairy Free • Salt Free • Zero Trans Fat
48 Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012
kind of lame. They’re pepperminty foam,
augmented with industrial “mouthfeel”
enhancing substances; further, use of
conventional “dentifrice” (toothpaste)
has been shown to be less effective than
using none at all.2
Conventional mouthwash aims to
eradicate all bacteria, but mouthwashes
containing alcohol, a drying substance,
could temporarily zap saliva. According
to the Mayo Clinic, saliva helps cleanse
the mouth, and without it, “bad” bacteria
can more easily re-colonize. (That’s like
bio-film for mouths!) There are way
cooler, legitimately more body-friendly
options if total abstinence just isn’t for
you. Here are a few worthy of note:
Old-School This is the unofficial
routine of grandparents everywhere
– simple soap and/or baking soda for
those brave enough to go mint-free. I
remember my grandmother rubbing
her toothbrush on a bar of soap while I
wondered why she didn’t want to use my
delicious Barbie Princess toothpaste.
Note: The American Dental
Association rates “dentifrice” for
abrasiveness by the “RDA” (Relative
Dentin Abrasivity) index. By my
research, (read: googling, as the ADA
doesn’t make this information readily
available) international standards appear
to state that products above RDA 100
should not be used daily. While it may
seem as if baking soda were highly
abrasive, it appears to rank lowest
on the RDA index at 7. In contrast,
conventional toothpastes jump to RDA
indexes of 30 and above, up through 200,
and many conventional toothpastes are
far above the RDA 100 daily ceiling.
Hydrated silica, the abrasive in most
toothpastes, comes in alone around 75.
Homemade options with Xylitol
Xylitol, a sugar alcohol, is often used
in conventional toothpaste and “proenamel” gums; but it’s also used in
homemade tooth cleansers. While most
sugars are fermented by oral bacteria,
and the corrosive by-product of this
bacterial metabolism is cavities, xylitol
is unique to other sugars in that it is not
fermentable. This means “bad” bacteria
that consume it, in essence, starve to
death. Using xylitol may also enable
the re-mineralization of teeth, and it
appears to have beneficial actions against
“bad” bacteria, but not in the presence
of Sodium Lauryl Sulfate.3a,b Xylitol is
often used with homemade powdered
toothpastes (see below).
Powdered Pastes Combining
bentonite clay with baking soda and
xylitol makes an easy toothpaste.
Though I can’t vouch for the flavor,
herbs can be added to this concoction
as well as coconut oil. No foaming
action, but plenty of raw materials for
Trina Felber, natural body-care
expert and founder of Primal Life
Organics, helped illuminate the use
of clay in oral care, saying, “Earthen
clays contain trace minerals that can
help remineralize the teeth, prevent
further demineralization that leads
to cavities and disease, and their mild
abrasive quality helps polish and whiten
the teeth.” Primal Life Organics’
tooth product is available through
Oil Pulling This method, rooted in
Ayurveda, has many modern advocates,
including Naturopath and Coconut
Oil Guru Dr. Bruce Fife.4 It involves
extended swishing with oil – coconut,
by Fife’s recommendation – which is
believed to pull toxins from the mouth
and body.
Essential Oils My personal
routine involves the Bass Brushing
technique and an organic oil blend
(see The oils of
Almond, Cinnamon, Clove, Peppermint,
Spearmint, Myrrh, and Manuka are
“energetically balanced,” according to
Will and Susan Revak of Orawellness,
and my own experience with this brand
has been excellent. A drop makes an
excellent breath freshener. Clove has
been used in Chinese Medicine for
centuries, and Manuka is similar to Tea
Tree oil in antimicrobial properties.
Chew Sticks Using a neem or tea
tree chew stick is a profoundly ancestral
way to “brush” and “floss.” As you chew
the stick, you create fraying that serves
to clean teeth, and the antimicrobial
properties of neem and tea tree are
widely known.
If your topical routine and lifestyle
are in-line and you’re still struggling
with bad breath, you may be dealing
with low saliva or low stomach acid.
Dentist Search
International Academy of
Biological Dentistry and
Holistic Dental Association
International Academy of Oral
Medicine & Toxicology
The Revaks recommend a traditional
Chinese method for increasing saliva
production (find it at
Supporting stomach acid can be a multipronged approach: first, try to sit down
and focus on your meal as you eat. This
helps stimulate stomach acid production.
Supplementation with Betaine HCl may
also be helpful in ensuring all food is
properly digested, rather than lingering
in the stomach and fermenting, creating
noxious fumes too dangerous to off-gas
in polite company.
Finally, while your search for
dentists and oral care physicians clued-in
to the Paleo lifestyle could be difficult,
you may want to seek “Biological
Dentists” or “Mercury-Free Dentists,”
who may be more in-tune to alternative
self-care. You should vet your choices
carefully, though; like any professional,
there are excellent practitioners and offthe-deep-end ones. Choose carefully.
1 Carlsen, Spike. A Splintered History of Wood.
HarperCollins 2008
2 Jayakumar A et. al. Role of dentifrice in plaque
removal: A clinical trial. Indian Journal of
Dental Research 2010 Volume 21:2
3a Functional Foods, Aging, and Degenerative
Disease. Remacle, C and B. Reusens, Editors.
Woodhead Publishing Ltd. and CRC Press LLC,
3b Lynch, H and P. Milgrom. Xylitol and dental
caries: an overview for clinicians. Journal of the
California Dental Association 2003 Volume 31:3
4 Fife, Bruce. Oil Pulling Therapy: Detoxifying
and Healing the Body Through Oral Cleansing.
Picadilly Books Ltd., 2008
Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012 49
The Food
Paleo Pantry List
Courtesy of Diana Rodgers
Just getting started on Paleo? Congratulations! Here’s a basic shopping list to get
you going.
Beverages: Water, electrolyte enhanced water, coconut water and herbal teas.
For those who still choose to drink alcohol, tequila is a better choice than beer or
sugary mixed drinks. Mix two shots of tequila with the juice of one lime over ice,
and top with soda water for a Robb Wolf “NorCal Margarita.”
Proteins: Look for grass fed meats, pasture raised eggs, free range chicken and
wild caught fish. Eggs, pork (including bacon and sausage), poultry, beef, veal,
lamb, game meats (venison, elk), fish and shellfish. Jerky and sardines are great for
Fats for cooking: Coconut oil, ghee, butter, lard, tallow.
Vegetables: Visit your local farmers market or seek out the freshest, local produce you can find. Cooked vegetables are easier to digest than raw. Roots and
tubers should be peeled. A basic list could include: onions, garlic, carrots, celery,
cauliflower, cucumbers, lettuce, swiss chard, kale, cabbage, mushrooms, peppers,
broccoli, sweet potatoes and winter squash.
Fruits: Go easy on the fruits and focus on berries. Avocados, tomatoes, limes and
lemons are great to have at all times.
Nuts: Just like fruits, go easy on the nuts. They contain high amounts of omega-6
fatty acids and have
anti-nutrients like phytates. It’s best to soak and sprout nuts. The best choices are
macadamia nuts, cashews and hazelnuts.
Herbs & Spices: As many as you can find! Watch out for blends that may
contain fillers or MSG. Fill your cabinets with herbs and spices, and look for fresh
ones like cilantro, basil and parsley at the farmers market or store. Switch your
table and Kosher salt to sea salt.
Other Random Items: Coconut milk, chicken and beef broth, canned tomatoes,
tomato paste, capers, olives, artichoke hearts, roasted red peppers, canned fish (tuna
& sardines), almond butter and other nut butters, canned chipotles in adobo sauce,
mustard, cider vinegar, balsamic vinegar, red wine vinegar, curry paste, coconut
aminos and wheat-free tamari, almond and coconut flour, olive oil (for salad dressing and light cooking), honey, maple syrup for occasional use in those fun Paleo
muffin recipes.
Paleo Shopping Resources
US Wellness Meats
Lava Lake Lamb
Black Pig Meat Company
Tropical Traditions
Kasandrinos Imports
50 Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012
Paleo Sample Weekly Menu
My nutrition clients always find it helpful when starting paleo to see what a sample
week meals looks like. Please adjust portions and carbs to your specific needs. For
a more tailored daily or weekly menu, based on your personal food preferences,
check out
From Diana Rodgers
Breakfast Homemade pork sausages & 1/4 cantaloupe
Breakfast Omelet with tomato and basil
Lunch Two minute tuna salad (recipe link below)
Lunch Leftover salmon from last night over a big
Dinner Roasted salmon with mashed sweet potatoes
and asparagus
Dinner Spaghetti squash with a meat sauce
Breakfast Coconut milk smoothie with blueberries,
beef jerky
Lunch Burger with no bun, sweet potato fries, salad
Breakfast Bacon and sunnyside up eggs with a side of
Lunch Pure Wraps ( filled with
your choice of meat & veggies
Dinner Homemade chicken soup with vegetables
Dinner Cinnamon steak skewers (recipe link below*)
with grilled zucchini & caesar salad (recipe link below**)
Breakfast Pan fried ham steak and some pineapple
(cooked in the pan)
Breakfast Crustless quiche (from Paleo Comfort Foods
cookbook, pg 222)
Lunch Turkey rolled up in lettuce leaves with avocado
Dinner Sweet crockpot pulled pork (recipe link below*)
with yucca fries (recipe link below**) and a side salad.
Lunch (Out!) to Chipotle for salad bowl with double
meat and a dollop of guacamole
Dinner Roasted chicken with sauteed chard, roasted
beets and roasted spiced mushrooms (recipe link below)
Brunch Breakfast hash (Eat Well, Feel Good: Practical
Paleo Living Cookbook), topped with sunnyside up
Dinner Riceless soy-free sushi (recipe link below)
Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012 51
Julian Bakery is proud to announce the newest
addition: Paleo Bread™.
Julian Bakery made Paleo Bread™ to fulfill your
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top quality ingredients. This bread provides the
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Paleo Bread™ comes in two varieties, Paleo Bread
Almond and Paleo Bread Coconut. Visit and order yours today!
* The Paleo Bread is baked in a dedicated Gluten Free facility.
** Since Coconut is not a nut, Paleo Bread Coconut is Starch and Nut free.
This is unlike any
other bread on
the market.
Gluten Free*
Low Calorie
Grain Free
High Protein
Yeast Free
High Fiber
Dairy Free
Low Carbs
Soy Free
Starch Free**
The Food
aka, Muskmelon
Cantaloupe, also called muskmelon, is the most popular melon in the U.S. The origin of this melon is uncertain, some
believing it may have originated in India and others pointing to Africa. There is evidence they were cultivated, and enjoyed, by
the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans and they gradually spread across Europe. Christopher Columbus brought them to North
America in 1494 and they started being grown commercially in the late nineteenth century. While true cantaloupes are not
commercially grown in the US, as it is mostly grown in France, the United States is one of the top producers of the muskmelon.
Growing Them
Muskmelons can be grown up to Zone 4, but require a lot of effort in the northern climates. They require at least three to
four months of actual warm weather to do well. If you do decide to grow them, they need an area that gets full sun, protected
from chilling winds and plenty of air circulation to help them dry quickly after rain. They prefer light, sandy dirt and won’t do well
in heavy, clay soil.
Young seedlings will not grow if the temperature drops below 50-55 F and may not even produce fruit if they are subjected
to cold early on. While the melons need a steady supply of water while growing, you can get better flavor from them by holding
of on watering the last week or two (unless it’s very dry). Don’t cultivate the soil, avoid walking on the vines and after midsummer
remove all blossoms and small fruits that won’t ripen quick enough so the plant puts all its energy into growing the fruit that’s left.
Why Should You Eat Them
Cantaloupe is a very nutrient dense food and provides high levels
of carotenes, potassium, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C and Vitamin A. It
also contains adenosine, which has been shown to possess antiinflammatory properties as well as potentially help relieve angina
attacks in patients with heart disease.
Selecting & Storing*
To find a ripe one, tap the melon with the palm
of your hand and pick one that sounds hollow.
Ripe cantaloupe are tinted gold, not green. They
should feel heavy for their size and smell slightly
sweet. The area where the stem was attached
should give nicely to pressure.
Avoid those that are bruised or contain soft
spots. If you smell an overly strong odor, that
may indicate it’s over ripe and may have begun
The best way to store cantaloupe is to keep
them at room temperature to allow the flesh to
become softer and juicier. Once ripe, you can store
it in the refrigerator for up to five days. Cantaloupe
does easily absorb the odors of other foods, so they are
best kept in plastic wrap in the fridge.
*Selecting & Storing information taken from the Harvest App,
currently available on the App Store. It’s an excellent app for selecting
the freshest and ripest produce.
Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012 53
The Food
Standard Bronze Turkey
A cross between turkeys brought to the U.S. by European colonists and the Eastern wild turkeys, the Standard
Bronze, or Bronze, has been the most popular turkey variety in the U.S. for most of its history. The breed is larger than the
European birds and tamer than wild turkeys. These birds were popular among breeders in the 1800s and recognized by the
American Poultry Association in 1874.
In the early 1900s, commercial breeders crossed the Standard Bronze with a broader breasted bird, which resulted
in a larger, faster growing turkey, the Broad Breasted Bronze, which is now the breed of choice. Falling out of favor with
commercial breeders, the Standard Bronze is currently listed as “Watch” on the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy
Conservation Priority List. This means there are less than 5,000 breeding birds in the U.S and less than 10,000 worldwide.
An Iconic Sight
Standing four feet tall with a six foot wing span, the Standard Bronze is certainly stately and imposing, their appearance
easily conjured up by most Americans when they think of turkeys. Their feathers are a copper-bronze with brown and black
and white bars on their tails. They have broad, sloping backs, long tails and a long, broad head. Toms can weigh up to 36
pounds and hens can get up to about twenty pounds.
Why Should You Eat Them
Protein, protein, protein. Turkey is an excellent source of protein and a good source of selenium, niacin, Vitamin
B6, zinc and Vitamin B12. Turkey is comprised of both light and dark meat, with most of the fat found in the skin and
dark meat. While generally thought to contain high amounts of tryptophan (thus making you want to take a nap on
Thanksgiving), the tryptophan content of turkey is actually very similar to shrimp, tuna, halibut, chicken, lamb, beef and
Selecting and Storing
Ideally, you can find a producer raising
Standard Bronzes in your local area. To find
one, visit or www.localharvest.
org. If you can’t find one in your area, you can
purchase pastured Bronzes to be shipped to you from
small farms such as K&M Farm in North Andover,
Massachusetts (978-332-0786) or Rainbow Ranch
Farms in Southern California (760-868-6206).
When you get your turkey, visually inspect it.
You want it to be firm, but pliable and should not
smell bad or have any strong odor. The skin should
be white with no blemishes, visible bruises or cuts.
Turkeys are best stored in the bottom rear of
your refrigerator to keep them as cold as possible. Raw
turkey can be kept in the fridge for one to two days and
cooked turkey can stay in there for three to four. Frozen
turkeys can keep in the freezer for up to six months.
54 Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012
The Food
Sweet Orange Basil Chicken
From: The Civilized Caveman
• 6 Chicken thighs
• 2 Whole large oranges, juiced for one
cup of orange juice
• Zest of one whole orange
• 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
• 2 TBSP honey, melted
• 1 TBSP fresh parsley, chopped
• 1 tsp fresh basil, chopped
• 1/2 tsp salt
• 1/2 tsp pepper
1. Combine all ingredients in a bowl or dish.
2. Cover and marinate chicken for at least a few hours, but 24 hours in the
refrigerator is ideal.
3. When ready to cook, pre-heat grill to medium/medium high heat or about
400 -450 F.
4. Place chicken thighs on grill and cook 7-10 minutes per side (use meat
thermometer to ensure chicken is cooked to at least 175 F.)
5. Once done, remove chicken from grill and allow to rest for 10 minutes.
6. Enjoy!
Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012 55
Spicy Pineapple Chili
From: The Civilized Caveman
• 2lb grass-fed ground beef
• 1lb bacon, cut into thin strips
• 2 bell peppers, diced
• 2 onions, red and white, diced
• 2 jalapenos (seeds optional), diced
• 15oz tomato sauce
• 14oz diced, fire roasted tomatoes
• 20oz crushed pineapple
• 4 cloves garlic, minced
• 1/4 cup chili powder
• 2 tsp cumin
• Red pepper flakes (optional)
• Salt & pepper to taste
1. Heat a large stock pot or dutch oven
over medium heat.
2. Brown bacon in stock pot.
3. Add all vegetables and saute until
the onions become translucent (about
5 minutes).
4. Add chili powder, cumin and ground
beef. Stir until beef is cooked through.
5. Add all remaining ingredients and
bring to a boil. Once boiling, reduce
heat to low, cover and simmer for 45
6. Enjoy!
The Food
Korean Beef Noodle Bowl
From: Against All Grain
A spicy dish of marinated steak and sauteed vegetables, all perched atop tender zucchini noodles.
Yields: 4 servings
Prep Time: 30 minutes + 6 hours marinating time
Cook Time: 15 minutes
• 1lb flank steak, cut against the grain into thin strips
• 1 tsp freshly grated ginger
• 1/8 cup coconut aminos
• 1 TBSP sesame oil
• 1 clove garlic, minced
• 1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
Noodle Bowl
• 3 medium zucchini
• 1-1/2 TBSP sesame oil, divided
• 1 small yellow onion, thinly sliced
• 1 tsp freshly grated ginger
• 2 cloves garlic, minced
• 2 TBSP coconut sugar
• 1 TBSP apple cider vinegar
• 1/4 cup coconut aminos
• 1 cup shiitake mushrooms, stems removed and halved
• 3 cups baby spinach
• 1 cup shredded carrots
• 1 tsp red pepper flakes
Garnish with sesame seeds
1. Mix all of the marinade ingredients together and pour over the sliced beef. Marinate for 6 hours, or up to 24 hours.
2. Peel the zucchini and use a spiral slicer or a julienne peeler to create long noodles. Discard the seeded portion of the zucchini.
3. Lay the noodles on a tray lined with paper towels and sprinkle them with sea salt. Set aside to “sweat” out most of the liquid
so your dish doesn’t get watery.
4. In a deep saute pan or wok, heat 2 teaspoons of the sesame oil over medium-high heat.
5. Pat the marinated beef dry with
paper towels, then add to the hot oil.
6. Cook the beef for 5 minutes until
it’s browned on the outside. Remove
it from the pan, discard the liquid, and
set the beef aside while you cook your
7. Add the remaining sesame oil to the
pan. Add the onions, garlic and ginger.
Cook for 5 minutes, stirring frequently.
8. Pour in the coconut sugar, apple
cider vinegar, coconut aminos and red
pepper flakes. Bring to a simmer.
9. Add in the mushrooms, spinach and
carrots. Cook for 3-5 minutes, until
the vegetables are soft.
10. Toss in the zucchini noodles and let
them cook for 5 minutes, until soft.
11. Serve with garnish of sesame seeds.
Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012 57
ItalIan ChICken CasserOle
• 1 (2 1/2-3) pound whole chicken,
cut into pieces
• 1/4 cup Olive Oil or Coconut Oil
• 1 yellow onion, thinly sliced
• 3 cloves Garlic, sliced
• 1 tablespoons arrowroot flour
1/2 cup dry white wine
1 24ounce can diced tomatoes with liquid
1 1/2 teaspoons sea salt
1 bay leaf
1 teaspoon dried marjoram
1 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
• Preheat oven to 350 degrees
• Season chicken breasts with salt and pepper to taste.
• In a large cast iron oven proof pan heat pan to medium and add oil.
• Brown chicken on all sides. Cover and cook on low heat for 15
minutes. Remove chicken to large baking dish.
Pour off all but 2 tablespoons drippings. To drippings add onion and garlic. Sauté until tender.
and liquid.
• Cook for 2 minutes stirring occasionally as it thickens.
• Bringtoaboilthencoverandputintotheovenfor20minutes,thenaddcapersandcontinuebakingforanother15minutes(untilchickenistender).
• Garnish with any fresh herbs you have handy!
POrk sCallOPs wIth warm mushrOOm sauCe
• 1 pound pork tenderloin
• 1 teaspoon sea salt
• 1/8 teaspoon white pepper
• 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
• 1 teaspoon basil
• 1 teaspoon garlic powder
For the mushrooms:
• 1/4 cup organic butter
• 3 cups fresh sliced mushrooms
• 2 cloves garlic, sliced
• 1 tablespoon arrowroot flour
• 1/2 cup chicken broth
• 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley
• Preheat oven to 250 degrees F.
• Combinebasil,garlicpowder,coconutflour
and almond meal on a shallow plate. Place
beaten egg in another shallow bowl.
• Dipporkpiecesintoflourmixture,shakeoff.
Place each coated piece on wire rack.
Video Production By:
Paleo on Facebook
1 tablespoon coconut flour
3 tablespoons almond meal
2 large eggs, beaten
3 tablespoons organic butter
2 tablespoons coconut oil
Fresh rosemary
• Inlargesauté,meltbutterwithoilovermedium high heat. Cook one or two coated pork pieces
in oven to keep warm. Repeat with remaining
pork pieces.
To prepare the mushrooms
sliced mushrooms and sliced mushrooms. Cook and stir
a little more broth to make a creamy sauce. Add fresh
parsley at the last minute.
Spoon the sauce over the pork scallops and serve with
fresh rosemary.
The Food
‘Not’Meal Raisin Cookies
From: Against All Grain
• 1/4 cup organic palm shortening
• 1 large egg, room temperature
• 1/3 cup honey
• 1 tsp vanilla extract
• 4 tsp ground cinnamon
• 3/4 tsp dried ground nutmeg
• 1 cup blanched almond flour
• 2 TBSP coconut flour
• 1/2 tsp baking soda
• 1/2 tsp sea salt
• 2 tsp ground flaxseed
• 3/4 cup finely shredded coconut,
(reduced fat is best)
• 1/2 cup raisins
Yields: 15-18 cookies
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 9 minutes
1. Preheat oven to 350 F
2. Cream the shortening and egg in the bowl of a stand mixer for 1 minute on high. Alternatively, use an electric hand mixer.
3. Add honey and vanilla and mix for another minute, until creamy.
4. Combine the cinnamon, nutmeg, almond flour, coconut flour, baking soda, sea salt and flaxseed in a small bowl.
5. Slowly add the dry ingredients to the wet and mix for another minute until combined. Scrape down the sides, then mix again
for 30 seconds.
6. Pour in the coconut and raisins, then mix again for a minute.
7. Using a cookie scoop or a large spoon, drop balls of dough the size of a golf ball onto a lined cookie sheet.
8. Place a piece of parchment paper over the balls, then use a flat spatula to gently press the balls down into circles with about
1/4-inch thickness and 2-inch diameters. (The cookies do not spread much when they bake, so this step is important to assure
even baking)
9. Bake for 9-10 minutes, until the edges are lightly browned.
10. Repeat with the remaining dough.
11. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for one week.
Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012 59
The Food
Chocolate Covered Chili Pineapple
From: The Civilized Caveman
• 1 whole pineapple, or 1 can of
pineapple slices
• 1/2 cup Enjoy Life chocolate chips
• 1/4 cup coconut oil
• 1/4 tsp cinnamon
• 1/4 tsp chili powder
• 1/2 cup crushed macadamia nuts
1. If using fresh pineapple, core the pineapple and cut the pineapple into rings like
you would find in a can.
2. Lay half of the pineapple rings on a parchment lined baking sheet. Place a popsicle
stick in the center of each pineapple ring and place the remaining pineapple rings on
top of the sticks, making a sandwich with the stick in the middle.
3. Freeze the popsicles.
4. When ready to make, melt chocolate and coconut oil over a double boiler.
5. Once tempered, stir in chili powder and cinnamon. Dip popsicles in the chocolate,
then dip in the macadamia nuts and set back on the baking sheet. Do this for all
remaining pineapples.
6. Sprinkle them all with a little chili powder and keep frozen until ready to serve.
60 Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012
The Food
Trail Mix Granola Bars
From: Against All Grain
• 1/2 cup dark chocolate
• 1 TBSP coconut milk
• 1 tsp vanilla extract
• 1/4 cup raw honey
• 1/2 cup almond butter
• 2 TBSP coconut oil
• 1/2 cup raw almonds
• 3/4 cup raw pecans
• 3/4 cup raw cashews
• 5 large dates (soaked for 15 minutes if
they’re really hard)
• 1/4 cup shredded coconut
• 1/4 cup raisins
• 2 TBSP dried cranberries, unsweetened
1. Melt the dark chocolate and coconut milk
over low heat, whisking to make a smooth ganache.
2. Line a 9”x12” baking dish with parchment paper,
pour in ganache and spread it around the bottom.
3. Place in fridge for 10 minutes to let it set.
4. Combine vanilla, honey, almond butter and coconut
oil in a saucepan over medium-low heat.
5. While the mixture is heating, place all of the nuts and dates in a
food processor and chop until the mixture resembles course sand.
6. Add shredded coconut and pulse a few times to combine.
7. Remove the coconut oil mixture from the stove once it has melted
and bubbled slightly. Stir in the nut mixture.
8. Spoon the granola bar mixture on top of the cold ganache and
spread evenly with the back of a spoon.
9. Place a piece of parchment paper on top and use your palms to press
the mixture into the pan evenly. Make sure to pack it down as tightly
as possible. This will help the bars bind and not crumble.
10. Remove the top parchment paper, then place the dish in the freezer
to set for 2 hours. Once set, lift the parchment paper out of the pan
and place on a cutting board. Use a sharp knife to cut the bars into
11. You can store these in the refrigerator for 2 weeks, or the freezer
for a few months. If storing in the freezer, remove the bars about 20
minutes prior to serving.
Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012 61
Where Does Your Food
Come From?
By: Mike Peterson
Let’s try a quick activity. Write
down a list of ten people or companies
that you pay for services they offer
that directly impact you and your life
(doctor, mechanic, hairdresser, etc). Was
it difficult to do? Are you able to put a
face to and name to those that provide
a service for you? How many people on
that list grow the food you feed yourself
and your family?
An increasing issue within our food
system is the lack of transparency. Did
you know that it is illegal to take any
video or photographic documentation of
concentrated animal feeding operations
(CAFOs)? Whether it is cattle, pigs,
or chickens, the public is allowed
nowhere near these types of facilities.
Why? Certainly not for the reason of
transparency in our food system. The
62 Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012
beef, chicken, eggs, and pork you may
purchase in a supermarket have come
from one of these facilities. With
marketing budgets reaching into the
hundreds of millions of dollars, the idea
is to persuade that industrially produced
food has lived it’s entire life on small
family farms with the bucolic red barn
and white picket fence.
With toxic fumes so strong that
you need a Hazmat suit to walk into an
industrial chicken house, this is far from
the truth. A conventionally raised pig
will never touch the Earth, only concrete.
North Carolina uses more antibiotics
on livestock than the rest of the United
States uses on the entire population. Is
there anything about that on the label
of the ground beef you’re purchasing at
the chain store? Not at all, just a photo
of healthy, fat steers in front of that red
barn and white picket fence.
Transparency within our food
system is essential, as an overwhelming
majority of the population has no
relationship with those that grow their
food. The trend is turning the other
way, currently, but still has a long way
to go before we’re comfortable with
the individuals that are growing what
we eat. To put it in perspective, if a
mechanic that you’ve tried for the first
time overcharges for work or doesn’t do
a great job, would you go back to him/
her? Most definitely not. Then why
would one continue to buy food that
is not nourishing and can often lead to
sickness, increased health care bills, and
sometimes death? Our vehicles are often
taken care of better than our bodies,
which is frustrating as a producer.
In addition to attractive labeling,
other terms are now being used to
comfort the consumer into believing
the premonition that what you are
consuming is what the label says, but
loopholes are included in certification
and labeling terms to benefit the CAFO
producers. Eggs are an easy product to
begin with. “Cage Free” is a popular
term. This now means that hens are
still raised in an indoor facility, taking
away the ability to perch, nest, roost, and
absorb sunlight. Organic eggs mean
that the hens receive Certified Organic
feed rations and have access to outdoors.
The loophole here is “access”. An indoor
hen house can have an open window
with a small area outdoors that the hens
will never see, but they do have access
to it. Certified Organic also means that
no antibiotics can be administered and
GMO crops cannot be used in the feed,
which are both very important.
So how can you know for sure how
your hens were raised? Pastured is an
important term to look for. Typically
this refers to hens that have been allowed
in pasture, scratching for bugs and taking
in Vitamin D. Your next step is to
know the farmer. Ask them questions.
You’d be hard pressed to call a producer
whose eggs you purchased in the grocery
store and ask any questions about their
“Natural” has become the new
popular word that major labels have
begun to include, but do you know what
meaning it carries? Nothing, really.
According to the USDA it means:
“A product containing no artificial
ingredient or added color and is only
minimally processed. Minimal processing
means that the product was processed in
a manner that does not fundamentally
alter the product. The label must include
a statement explaining the meaning of
the term natural (such as “no artificial
ingredients; minimally processed”)”
After reading that, are you
comfortable with the addition of
“Natural” to your labels? The legal
meaning allows for conventional
intervention. The legal definition says
nothing of antibiotics, growth hormones,
of the animal,
or the diet of the animal.
Natural is an unregulated term and is not
monitored or audited by anyone.
Aside from what has been
administered and fed to the animal you
are consuming, there are two wellknown certifications, which speak for
the treatment of the animals on the
farm. Certified Humane and Animal
Welfare Approved are two options to
look for on the label of your products.
These two certifications closely monitor
the network of farms that are included
and all aspects of their animal handling,
processing methods, and living
conditions. This label, however speaks
nothing of the diet of the animals that
have been handled well.
Aside from the “Natural” label
claims, grassfed beef is the newest
buzzword and the labeling guru’s are
catching on. There is a certification
program for Certified Grassfed, through
the American Grassfed Association.
This certification ensures ruminants
spend their lives on healthy, diversified
pastures, consuming a diet they have
evolved to digest. The only downfall
is that distiller’s grains are on their list
of approved supplements when forage
quality is low. Grass finished needs to be
your question to your farmer. All beef at
one point or another have been grassfed,
as a large percentage of cattle are born
on pasture and raised to 6-8 months
when they are weaned and their life in
the conventional system begins. Grass
finished needs to be the label claim to
ensure they haven’t been supplemented
over winter or finished on grain.
Through proper grazing planning,
supplementation is not necessary. In
Virginia, we have an abundance of fescue
(Kentucky 31), which is actually more
nutritious in the winter than any hay
that we could feed. So, we’re limiting
the amount of hay that we are feeding
and allowing our cattle to graze year
round. In a very short time, we will have
eliminated hay feeding completely. Ice
is the only condition in which cattle
will not graze. Under two
feet of snow, they will
burrow their heads and eat
the fescue even if there is a
bale of hay in the field with
them. They know what’s best.
Are you overwhelmed
yet? You should be. The
certification system has been designed
to be complicated and overwhelming.
There is not one label, claim, or process
which combines all aspects of holistically
minded farming: Environmental
Impacts, Animal Welfare, Grassfed,
Chemical Inputs, and last but not least
the Quality of Life for those growing
your food. There can be 5 different labels
stamped on a package of beef you’re
purchasing guaranteeing the animals
have been reared and handled humanely,
fed only grass, without chemical inputs,
but the farmer growing your food is
working in unsafe working conditions
Continued next page
Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012 63
Continued from page 63
and is not able to provide for their
families. How is that sustainable?
Mount Vernon Farm, where I
manage, we have no labels and no
certifications. I rely on transparency
when I sell to a customer. Integrity, trust,
and transparency are at the forefront
of a reliable farmer who is honest with
you about their practices. I will answer
any question related to how our farm
is operated from livestock handling,
breeding, slaughtering process, chemical
usage, or lack thereof, etc. The customer
who is label shopping is not the customer
I am after. I am looking for the customer
who has a desire to know the origins of
their food on a basis that runs deeper
than a stamp on our finished product.
The best certification program
available has no label and no cost to sign
up for. There are no auditors making
visits to the farms telling the farmers
how to farm. Transparency is where
our food system needs to go. Ask your
64 Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012
farmer the important questions. Visit
the farm. Are you able to see everything?
Does your farmer appear happy, healthy,
and willing to talk to you about his/
her practices? If not, you may want to
keep looking. What you are purchasing
from them is going to be nourishing
the bodies of you and your family. I
know I would need to know more about
where my food is coming from rather
than relying on an auditor to determine
whether or not a particular farm meets
the labeling claims that they are fully
adhering to the rules and policies set
Use your common sense and be
involved in your food sources. Take the
time to research and make a conscious
decision. Your family, and future
generations of independent, small farms
depend on it.
To find more details on the certifications
listed on the right (such as certification
standards for beef, chickens and pigs),
check out the Comprehensive Standards
Comparison Chart at
Certifications (Beef)
HFAC/Certified Humane
Must have access to outdoors to
pasture or range. Can be feedlot
Animal Welfare Approved
Requires all animals are pasture
Global Animal Partnership (Whole
Can be raised on range, grass
and can be feedlot finished.
30% of dry matter must come
from pasture (minimum of 120
days per year)
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MovNat: It’s Not Just For Grown-ups
How Movement Helps Your Kids Grow Up Smarter, Happier and Healthier
By: Liz Bragdon
Moving is what humans are
built to do. It’s also fun and good
for us. We know this. We can see
the benefits in healthier bodies,
behaviors, and lifestyle choices.
But did you also know that
movement is essential for building
your brain (and therefore, building
every aspect of a healthy ‘you’)? That
it is movement that wires us? In
fact, if you have children, movement
and free play time should be treated
just as seriously (actually, child
development experts and many
neuroscientists say much more
seriously) as ‘hitting the books,’ when
it comes to learning and long-term
personal success.
The basic facts are these: from
conception on, it is movement that
generates, grows, and strengthens
intricate neuronal pathways in our
brain. Beginning with the fluid
rocking and primitive reflexes fired in
utero, to the intentional movement
that integrates and overrides those
reflexes, our neuronal growth keeps
pace with our physical milestones.
We roll, myelination occurs; rock,
more myelination; reach, more; crawl,
66 Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012
more; pull up and walk
– watch out those neural
messages are zinging!
childhood, free play and
movement time in a rich
sensory environment is
necessary for optimal
physical, cognitive, and
emotional development.
When a child is
inhibited or restricted in
their range of motion,
however, developmental
movement patterns are
often delayed, with a subsequent
delay in corresponding cognitive
skills. Less movement and play can
also lead to reduced ability to focus
and think creatively and critically,
as well as a reduction in physical
coordination and body awareness and
increased stress levels.
If you keep up at all with healthrelated news in this country, then
you know our children are not doing
as well as they should be – there
has been an unprecedented rise in
health problems, obesity, and learning
disorders among U.S. children in the
past 40 years that shows no signs of
abating. Lack of movement and free
play time, indoors and out, is part of
the problem. Restoring more of each
is part of the solution.
What struck me immediately
when I came across MovNat over a
year ago is the similarity between the
movement patterns they emphasize
and the movement patterns/motor
skill milestones children naturally
cycle through in the first few years of
life if they are allowed the freedom
to do so. These are the patterns that
are simultaneously helping generate
the neural connections that will allow
children to do those academic-type
things easily and fluidly – like read,
write, work out math equations, solve
complex problems, communicate, etc.
Long ago, the movements that
naturally drive our development from
the time we are infants would have
been tied to our very survival. We
would have needed to access them
on a daily basis, utilizing and refining
our wide range of movement patterns
and abilities throughout our life in
a constantly challenging, sensorilystimulating and often unpredictable
natural environment. As Dr. John
Ratey pointed out in his book, Spark:
The Revolutionary New Science of
Exercise and the Brain, “The body
was designed to be pushed, and in
pushing our bodies, we push our
brains too. Learning and memory
evolved in concert with the motor
functions that allowed our ancestors
to track down food. So far as our
brains are concerned, if we’re not
moving, there’s no need to learn
It is no different today as far as
our mind-body system is concerned
– rich sensory environments, complex
movement, and a ‘fit’ mind go
together for a healthy childhood and
MovNatting with your kids is
simple. The key? Lead by example
and from the heart. No lengthy
explanations necessary. If you get
moving, your kids will, too. Younger
ones appreciate movement games
and stories. Older kids (8 and
up) enjoy mastering specific skills,
respond better to training tips, and
relish games. My son, Nick, 11, and
his friend, Hayley, 9, spent a recent
afternoon playing their own game:
“Move Through the Playground &
Don’t Touch the Ground.” They
climbed, jumped, balanced, crawled,
walked, ran.....many of the basic
MovNat skills. All we gave them was
the example of parents who love to
move naturally, efficiently, with power
and grace, and the space and freedom
to explore.
Enjoy some tips and images
from some of our awesome MovNat
parents and instructors. Wendy
Piret,(Louisiana), Certified MovNat
Instructor, teaches both children and
adults. Elisabet Holmdahl, (Sweden),
Certified MovNat Instructor, is a
veteran MovNat practitioner and
Biathlete. Tanya and Andrew
Carroll, (Australia) parents of
six and owners of LiveStrong
Primal Fitness, developed a
kids’ movement program, based
in part on MovNat skills and
principles. Also watch the
MovNat website and newsletter
for news about MovNat Kids
programming and MovNat
Kids Instructor Training, currently in
Liz Bragdon is Editorial Coordinator for
MovNat, a Yoga Instructor and children’s
movement specialist. She is committed
to reintroducing kids and their grownups back into the wild and encouraging
rehabilitation through nature, sunshine,
camaraderie and training MovNat for
natural human movement efficiency,
real-world competency, mindfulness and
lifelong health. She lives in Louisiana.
You can reach her at
Tanya Carroll
Owner of LiveStrong
Primal Fitness
“Our Cheeky Monkey
sessions structure is
similar to that of our
adult MovNat sessions
- children spend time
practicing their skills
and then we incorporate
a combo putting those
skills into a story or
sequence. The kids
LOVE climbing, jumping,
running, throwing,
swinging, and using their
imagination! The feedback from parents has been that their
children can’t wait for their next session, and they are very
excited to practice their movements.”
Elisabet Holmdahl
Certified MovNat
“We installed a monkey bar in our hallway. Originally, it was my training tool, but soon
became a fantastic and imaginary jungle playground. My two monkey princesses love
to climb the rope on the bar and use it as a swing. Climbing the rope and practicing
the MovNat leg swing makes their day. And don’t get them started on jumping! Nothing
could make them more proud than nailing a precision broad jump and landing quietly
like a cat. Having a blast together, improved health, and more energy for loved ones is
a by-product of moving naturally for our family. MovNat is a big part of our lives. We’re
having more fun and feeling happier than ever before.”
Wendy Piret
Certified MovNat Instructor
“Whether you’re working with kids, or living with
them, the safer they feel, the higher they will fly
independently of you. Walk your talk to model
behavior and movement, be there to help them
any time they need it, and resist the urge to push
them out of the nest. They will naturally, in their
own time, take the leap!”
Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012 67
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68 Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012
Average Joe Paleo
By: Tyler Miles
researching and doing our homework, in developing children from diets
and nearly every book, blog or
polluted with soy, high fructose corn
brochure we stumbled upon preached
syrup and gluten. It certainly wouldn’t
the importance of a healthy diet.
be fair of me to speculate, but I can
This sounds
assure you
It seems the literature
great on the
that we
surface, until
won’t be
surrounding prenatal
among those
nutrition is just as flawed... taking the
as it is for the rest of society. The
a “healthy
diet” from
good news
these “experts” (quotes added for
is, among countless other qualities,
sarcasm) included: whole grain bread,
the Paleo universe has developed a
wheat crackers, lean sources of protein truly inspiring, devoted community
– including beans and soy, pasteurized that supports and provides wonderful
skim milk and other processed, gluten information around pregnancy. The
and/or sugar-laden disasters.
information my wife and I have been
Alas, it seems the literature
able to ascertain from these blogs
surrounding prenatal nutrition is just
has been priceless, and has eased any
as flawed for expectant mothers as it
concerns we may have had around
is for the rest of society. I suppose
choosing the most optimal diet for our
I shouldn’t be so surprised, but part
of me was hoping things would be
Kristyn focuses on getting lots of
different. More progressive. More
fat in her diet – fresh eggs, coconut oil,
informed. I sympathize for all the
plenty of butter and steak. This can
mothers out there who think they’re
make the unenlightened individual
doing the right thing for their
a bit skeptical, but we’re confident
unborn child, they truly mean well,
this high-fat diet will be integral to
but society and a corporate-steered
our baby’s development. A variety of
government have led us astray. Who
veggies, organic whenever possible, are
knows the breadth and magnitude
also eaten in abundance, along with
of repercussions that might result
fruit and nuts; pretty standard Paleo
In conjunction with a fantastic
exercise program, “Crossfit Mom”, the
results have been impressive to say the
About the Author
least. All signs indicate the little guy
is doing great, and Kristyn’s weight
gain, blood pressure and overall sense
Tyler lives in New Hampshire with
of health and well-being couldn’t
his wife Kristyn and his dog Cassius.
be better. We couldn’t be more
He enjoys all things fitness,
appreciative of the community this
nutrition and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
Probably more than his full-time
unbelievable way of life fosters, nor
employer would prefer...
could we be any more excited for what
the future holds. Well, except for the
whole diaper changing and sleepless
night thing!
Of all the life-changing events
one can experience, there’s nothing
quite like finding out you’re expecting
a child. My wife and I received the
amazing news this past March, and I
had every intention of writing about
the experience in an earlier article,
but thought it would be in my best
interests to inform the grandparents
to-be, first!
Kristyn is now 5-months
pregnant, and we couldn’t be more
excited to welcome our son into the
world this fall. Aside from some
first-trimester woes – and I’ll leave it
there to stay out of trouble – one of
the more challenging aspects over the
course of the last few months has been
fighting modern society’s view on
what defines a healthy pregnancy.
My wife would surely add some
additional “challenges” to the list, but
the amount of information out there,
particularly the
wrong kind, has
been absolutely
staggering. Both
of us tend
to enjoy
Paleo Magazine Aug/Sept 2012 69
August 9–11
Ancestral Health Symposium 2012
A (pre) historic, three-day event that unites the Ancestral Health movement.
Harvard University In association with the Harvard Food Law Society.
The Ancestral Health Symposium fosters collaboration among scientists, healthcare professionals and laypersons who study
and communicate about health from an evolutionary perspective to develop solutions to our modern health challenges.
Design: Sarah Rebich
Sponsored by the Ancestral Health Society and the Harvard Food Law Society