28 & 29 OCTOBER R 2015 6 ORGANISED BY ENDORSED BY IN COOPERATION WITH OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OIC-ASIA TRADE AND ECONOMIC FORUM 2014 FACT SHEET The OIC-Asia Trade & Economic Forum 2014 was attended by 222 local and international delegates from the various government and private sectors. TOPICS OF DISCUSSION • • • • • • Special Presentation by Diversified Economic Industry Experts Special Presentation by Ministry of International Trade & Industry, Malaysia Logistic Challenges and Solutions in Trade with the Muslim World Innovation as an Economic Driving Force in OIC Member Countries and Asian Countries Accelerating Borderless Economy Among OIC Member Countries and Asian Countries Bi-lateral Trade and Investment Opportunities Between OIC Member Countries and Asian Countries: Opportunities, Trends, Incentives and Culture in the Muslim World Date: 11 & 12 November 2014 (Tuesday & Wednesday) Venue: Tun Hussein Onn Hall, PWTC Guest of Honor: Y.B. Dato’ Seri Fadillah Yusof, Minister of Works, Malaysia No. of Panellists: 14 speakers and 3 moderators No. of Delegates: 222 local and international CONFERENCE SPONSOR DELEGATES EVALUATION 86% 82% 65% 70% Achieved conference objectives Finds the topics and discussions relevant C o n f e r e n c e was managed professionally at a good pace Satisfied with the Conference and would participate again RANGE OF DELEGATES Corporate Sector Government Sector Investment Board Finance Industry Business NGOs Researches 47.6% 23.4% 11.4% 7.2% 6.6% 3.8% 2 THE OIC-ASIA TRADE AND ECONOMIC FORUM 2015 www.muslimworldbiz.com www.muslimworldbiz.com THE OIC-ASIA TRADE AND ECONOMIC FORUM 2015 3 MESSAGE FROM ALLAHYARHAM DATO’ RAJA MUHAMMAD ABDULLAH 4 THE OIC-ASIA TRADE AND ECONOMIC FORUM 2015 www.muslimworldbiz.com OIC-ASIA TRADE AND ECONOMIC FORUM 2015 Realizations of Asian economic growth With the emphasis on enhancing Trade and Investment among OIC and Asian Countries, this 2 day Conference will bring leading financial, trade and economic experts to share their knowledge, their expertise and most importantly their success and how it can be applied. This 2-Day Forum brings together potential investors and key decision makers from the OIC Member Countries and Asia, with a view towards encouraging and supporting intra-trade among the countries. The forum is aimed at exploring the prospective industries, such as business investment, trading and development for building economic strength and encourage multi-lateral business cooperation between international investors, practitioners, and policy makers from said countries. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Anyone involved in the following industries: • Agriculture Industry • Airlines- Premium, Boutique & Budget • Art & Handicraft • Automotive Industry • Banking & Finance • Building & Construction Industry • Embassies & High Commissions • Energy & Utilities • Event Management Companies • Fashion & Clothing Industry • Food & Beverage Industry • Government Sectors • Hotels & Resorts • Halal Industry • Healthcare & Beauty Industry • Information & Communication Technology (ICT) • Insurance Sector • Logistics Providers • Media Sector • Medical Tourism • National Tourism Organizations (NTO’s) • Property Sector • Telecommunication Service Providers • Travel Agents & Tour Operators • Tourism Industry • Trade & Investment Companies • Universities & Educational Institutions • Wellness, SPA & Health Tourism www.muslimworldbiz.com THE OIC-ASIA TRADE AND ECONOMIC FORUM 2015 5 SPEAKERS 6 Prof Dato’ Dr. Mohd Azmi Omar, Director General IRTI-IDB Mr Rushdi Siddiqui, Co-Founder and CEO of Zilzar.com Mr Nik Shahrizal Sulaiman, Executive Director PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) H.E Pr. Dr El Hassane Hzaine, Director General of Islamic Centre for Development & Trade (ICDT) Dr Sayd Farook, Global Head Islamic Finance, Global Growth & Operations United Arab Emirates Mr Daud Vicary Abdullah, President and Chief Executive Officer, INCEIF (The Global University of Islamic Finance) Mr Abdulkader Thomas, President & CEO SHAPE® Knowledge Services, Kuwait Ms Samia Bouchareb, General Manager, Coca-Cola Morocco and Equatorial Africa Franchise, Morocco Dr Zakariah Abdul Rashid, Executive Director, Malaysian Institute of Economic Research Tan Sri Dato’ Azman Bin HJ. Mokhtar, Managing Director, Khazanah Nasional Berhad, Malaysia Mr Amr Al Menhali, Head of Islamic Banking, Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank, United Arab Emirates Ms Raja Teh Maimunah, Chief Executive Officer, Hong Leong Islamic Bank, Malaysia Mr Kenneth Aboud, Partner at Allen & Overy Singapore Mr Ahmad Suhaimi Bin Yahya, Regional Head of Shariah of Kuwait Finance House Berhad Malaysia Datuk Dr. Mohd Daud Bakar, Founder and Group Chairman, Amani Advisors Mr Hazem Galal, Partner, State & Local Government Sector, PricewaterhouseCoopers, State of Qatar Mr Christian Stauffer, CEO and Founding Partner of EuroFin Asia Group Mr Duncan Clark, Chairman and Founder of BDA China Ms Clare Woodcraft-Scott, Chief Executive Officer of Emirates Foundation Dr Emir Hrnjic, Director for Education and Outreach at the Center for Asset Management Research & Investments (CAMRI) and Visiting Senior Fellow in the Finance Department at NUS Business School. Mr Davis Chung, Head of Talent Acquisition at KPMG MALAYSIA Mr Goris Mustaqim, President and Founder, Asgar Muda Foundation, Republic of Indonesia Mr Paul Sumner, Partner, PriceWaterHouseCoopers (PwC) WMS Thailand Mr Bindu N. Lohani, Vice-President for Knowledge Management and Sustainable Development. Datuk Ismail Ibrahim, CEO, IRDA THE OIC-ASIA TRADE AND ECONOMIC FORUM 2015 www.muslimworldbiz.com *The speakers are subject to confirmation. SPEAKERS Prof. Savas Alpay, Director General Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz, Former Minister of International Trade and Industry Mr Hasan Shakib Al Jabri, CEO SEDCO Capital KSA Dr Massoud Janekeh, Mr. Ihsan Al-Shaikh, Chairman of United Arab Director, Head of Islamic Investment Pte Ltd. UAE Capital Markets, Bank of London and Middle East Plc, United Kingdom Mr Monem Salam, Director Saturna Capital Corporation Mr Gavin Maguire, Asia Commodities Editor in Charge, Thomson Reuters, Chicago YBhg Dato’ Carl BekNielsen, Chief Executive Director, United Plantations Berhad Malaysia Mr Ibrahim Saif , Minister of Planning and International Cooperation of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan *The speakers are subject to confirmation. MODERATORS Prof Khaeruddin Sudharmin, Adjunct Professor and Board Member of MRC Malaysia Mr Rushdi Siddiqui, Co-Founder and CEO of Zilzar.com Ms Haslinda Amin, Bloomberg TV’s ASEAN news correspondent and anchor *The moderators are subject to confirmation. Gallery www.muslimworldbiz.com THE OIC-ASIA TRADE AND ECONOMIC FORUM 2015 7 PROGRAM DAY 1 VENUE: TUN HUSSEIN ONN A, PWTC, KUALA LUMPUR 28 OCTOBER 2015 08.00 AM Registration 09.00 AM SESSION 1: Muslim World Today (Economy Outlook) Topics: • Global economy outlook / Asian economic demographics / Muslim countries economic demographics • Evolution of macroeconomic and cooperation between Asian and Islamic countries for the past years • Services liberalization under the Islamic economic community – what has been implemented and upcoming/new implementation Panelist: 1. H.E Pr. Dr El Hassane Hzaine - Director General of Islamic Centre for Development & Trade (ICDT) 2. Mr Rushdi Siddiqui – CEO Zilzar Tech Sdn Bhd Malaysia 3. Mr Nik Shahrizal Sulaiman - Executive Director PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) 4. Dr Sayd Farook – Global Head Islamic Finance, Global Growth & Operations UAE 5. Mr Daud Vicary Abdullah - President and Chief Executive Officer, INCEIF (The Global University of Islamic Finance) Moderator: Prof Khaeruddin Sudharmin - Adjunct Professor and Board Member of MRC Malaysia 10.30 AM Networking Break 11.00 AM SESSION 2: OIC TODAY: Key Challenges and Thinking Forward Topics: • Enhancing macroeconomic & financial stability: How increased regional growth has led to greater diversification of corporate financing needs and options • Supporting equitable growth and building borderless connectivity, industry, organization and government efforts • Inflation risks as a result of fluctuating commodity prices and geographical tensions Panelist: 1. Mr Abdulkader Thomas – President, SHAPE Knowledge Services Kuwait 2. Ms Samia Bouchareb – GM Coca-Cola Morocco 3. Dr Zakariah Abdul Rashid - Executive Director Malaysian Institute of Economic Research Malaysia 4. Tan Sri Dato’ Azman Bin Hj Mokhtar – MD, Khazanah nasional Berhad Malaysia Moderator: TBA 8 THE OIC-ASIA TRADE AND ECONOMIC FORUM 2015 www.muslimworldbiz.com PROGRAM DAY 1 VENUE: TUN HUSSEIN ONN A, PWTC, KUALA LUMPUR 12.30 PM Networking Lunch 02.00 PM SESSION 3: Islamic Finance Going Global - Sukuk Globalisation Topics: • Sukuk market overview & structural trends • Sukuk development, issues and challenges • Global Sukuk potential for market standardization • Role of sovereign issuers in Sukuk market development • Corporate Sukuk issuances 28 OCTOBER 2015 Panelist: 1. Mr Amr Al Menhali – Head of Islamic Banking, Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank UAE 2. Ms Raja Teh Maimunah – CEO Hong Leong Islamic Bank Malaysia 3. Mr Kenneth Aboud – Partner Allen & Overy Singapore 4. Mr Ahmad Suhaimi Yahya - Chief Regional Shariah Officer Kuwait Finance House (Malaysia) 5. Datuk Dr Mohd Daud Bakar – Chairman, Shariah Advisory Council Bank Negara, Malaysia Moderator: TBA 03.30 PM SESSION 4: New Path in Creating Growth of Islamic Finance - Initiatives taken by OIC in developing Islamic finance statistic among OIC member countries Topics: • Going cross border through OIC-Muslim countries – an Asia perspective • Trading concept & strategies – when hedging is permissible – A Sharia perspective Panelist: 1. Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mohd Azmi Omar - Director General IRTI-IDB, Malaysia 2. Mr Hazem Galal – Partner, PriceWaterHouseCoopers, Qatar 3. Mr Christian Stauffer – CEO EuroFin, Singapore 4. Mr Duncan Clark – Chairman, BDA China Moderator: Mr Rushdi Siddiqui – CEO Zilzar Tech Sdn Bhd Malaysia 05.00 PM Networking Break 05.30 PM End of Conference Day 1 07.30 PM Jewels of Muslim World Award Gala Dinner www.muslimworldbiz.com THE OIC-ASIA TRADE AND ECONOMIC FORUM 2015 9 PROGRAM DAY 2 VENUE: TUN HUSSEIN ONN A, PWTC, KUALA LUMPUR 29 OCTOBER 2015 08.00 AM Registration 09.00 AM SESSION 5: Harnessing Our Youth - Human Capital Capabilities Topics: • Asian Human capital capabilities in global standards – the setbacks and tools required to overcome • Necessary Initiatives to generate large social gains for the economy and benfit the community at large • How Immigration of Foreign Workers & Expatriates contibute towards economic growth- A OIC Member Country & Asian Perspective Panelist: 1. Ms Clare Woodcraft-Scott – CEO, Emirates Foundation 2. Dr Emir Hrnjic - Director for Education and Outreach at the Center for Asset Management Research & Investments (CAMRI) Singapore 3. Mr Davis Chung, Head of Talent Acquisition at KPMG MALAYSIA 4. Mr Goris Mustaqim – President, Asgar Muda Foundation, Indonesia Moderator: Ms Haslinda Amin - Bloomberg TV’s ASEAN Anchor 10.30 AM Networking Break 11.00 AM SESSION 6: Importance of Cross Border Trade to Alleviate Poverty in Islamic Countries Topics: • Financing Aid for Trade - The universal banking model and its role in the new global funding marketplace • Creating an enabling environment and the role of regional integration in reducing economic vulnerabilities • Customs and International Trade practices Panelist: 1. Mr Paul Sumner - Partner, PwC WMS Thailand 2. Mr Bindu N. Lohani – VP Asian Development Bank Philippines 3. Datuk Ismail Ibrahim - CEO, IRDA 4. Prof Savas Alpay – Director General SESRIC Turkey Moderator: TBA 10 12.30 PM Networking Lunch 02.00 PM Launching Ceremony THE OIC-ASIA TRADE AND ECONOMIC FORUM 2015 www.muslimworldbiz.com PROGRAM DAY 2 VENUE: TUN HUSSEIN ONN A, PWTC, KUALA LUMPUR 03.30 PM 29 OCTOBER 2015 SESSION 7: Development of Investment & Trade Topics: • What is the impact of rules in the Trade & Investment Flows and How to Leverage on Regulations and Policies? • What we can learn from successful development strategies that harness the strengths of interconnection between trade & investment? • What regulatory factors shape companies’ trade and investment decisions, and how should they be aligned to better serve development purposes? Panelist: 1. Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz - Former Minister of International Trade and Industry 2. Mr Hasan Shakib Al Jabri – CEO, SEDCO Capital Saudi Arabia 3. Mr Ihsan Al-Shaikh - Chairman of United Arab Investment Pte Ltd. Singapore 4. Dr Massoud Janekeh – Head of Islamic Capital Markets, Bank of London Moderator: Ms Haslinda Amin - Bloomberg TV’s ASEAN Anchor 04.45 PM SESSION 8: Investment and Regional Integration Topics: • How has regional integration in different parts of the world influenced corporate investment strategies and shaped regional value chains; and how did they in turn strengthen regional integration? • How do global/regional value chains affect and shape regional economic integration efforts? • What mechanisms can be adopted at the multilateral level to facilitate the exchange of experience and lessons learned among regional groupings? Panelist: 1. Mr Monem Salam - Director with US-based Saturna Capital Corporation Malaysia 2. Mr Gavin Maguire - Asia Commodities Editor in Charge, Thomson Reuters 3. YBhg Dato’ Carl Bek-Nielsen - Chief Executive Director, United Plantations Berhad 4. Mr Ibrahim Saif – Ministry of Planning & International Cooperation of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Moderator: TBA 06.00 PM www.muslimworldbiz.com End of Conference THE OIC-ASIA TRADE AND ECONOMIC FORUM 2015 11 12 THE OIC-ASIA TRADE AND ECONOMIC FORUM 2015 www.muslimworldbiz.com INCORPORATING THE 6TH MUSLIM WORLD BIZ EXHIBITION ZONE • Expected participation from 300 exhibitors from over 40 countries occupying 650 booths • Had 245 Exhibitors from 30 countries occupying 465 booths during 5th OIC World Biz 2014 • Total of 30 countries took part in the 5th OIC World Biz 2014 • An ideal platform for entrepreneurs, government sectors and investors from all parts of the globe to explore trade opportunities • The Soft Launch was officiated by Y.B. Datuk IR. Haji Hamim Bin Samuri Deputy Minister of International Trade and Industry THE ROUND TABLE TALK • Ten Movers and Shakers of the Muslim World Economies will spearhead in depth discussions on the current topics on trade, investment and economy. • Over 167 Malaysian and International CEO’s tycoons, entrepreneurs and government key personnel attended the Round Table Talk 2014 • This Talk shall enhance the skills of the participants with emphasis on the globalization of their products and services THE JEWELS OF MUSLIM WORLD AWARD GALA DINNER 2015 • 34 recipients from Malaysia and International countries have received the presitigious award • Among the recipients are the founder of Kingdom Holding Company, H.R.H Prince AlWaleed, Chairman of Ambank, Tan Sri Azman Hashim, Chief Executive of Petrofac, Mr Ayman Asfari, Secretary General of Federation of GCC Chambers, Abdulrahim Hassan Naqi, Chairman of Shirin Asal Food Industrial Group Company, Younes Zhaeleh and Chairman of Perbadanan Usahawan Nasional Berhad, Datuk Seri Haji Mohd Ali Mohd Rustam, and a number of prominent figures THE OIC HIGHER EDUCATION CONFERENCE 2015 • Over 134 professionals are expected to attend this forum • 222 Professionals and over 30 Speakers and Panellists from various industries both Malaysian and International attended the OIC Higher Education Fair 2014 • • • Over 250 Tourism Experts are expected to attend this international tourism conference The World Islamic Tourism Conference 2014 had 210 delegates from major sectors of the travel and tourism industry 35 speakers and panellists shared their expertise with the Keynote Speech delivered by the Minister of Tourism & Culture, Malaysia OIC TODAY MAGAZINE • A renowned International Business & Investment magazine providing information and communication link to the OIC Member Countries’ economies • Circulation of over 30,000 copies in over 50 countries • 82% of the readers are professionals, business people, top management in government offices and private sectors Muslim World BIZ Tabloid • A newspaper with an easier read of OIC Today targeting the general public readership • Circulation of over 20,000 copies mainly in Malaysia • Freely distributed at universities, colleges, government buildings, banks and selected offices www.muslimworldbiz.com THE OIC-ASIA TRADE AND ECONOMIC FORUM 2015 13 14 #&/&'*54 #&/&'*54 THE OIC-ASIA TRADE AND ECONOMIC FORUM 2015 TOTAL WORTH ONE CONFERENCE SEAT ONE CONFERENCE SEAT WORTH RM1,200 WORTH RM1,200 TWO HALF ADS TWOPAGE HALFCOLOR PAGE COLOR ADS IN MUSLIM BIZ TABLOID IN MUSLIM BIZ TABLOID WORTH RM7,000 WORTH RM7,000 OFFICIAL SHOW DAILY OFFICIAL SHOW DAILY ( 1 FULL PAGE COLOR ADVERTISEMENT (1 FULL PAGE COLOR ADVERTISEMENT) ) WORTH RM5,000 WORTH RM5,000 TWO FULL ADS TWOPAGE FULLCOLOR PAGE COLOR ADS IN OIC TODAY MAGAZINE IN OIC TODAY MAGAZINE WORTH RM15,000 WORTH RM15,000 JEWELS OF MUSLIM JEWEL OF MUSLIM WORLDWORLD AWARD AWARD GALA DINNER 1 SEAT GALA DINNER -WORTH 1SEAT RM500 WORTH RM500 TWOCONFERENCE CONFERENCESEATS SEATS TWO WORTH RM2,400 WORTH RM2,400 STANDARD SCHEME STANDARD SHELLSHELL SCHEME BOOTH BOOTH (9SQM) (9 sqm)WORTH WORTHRM7,500 RM7,500 RATES RATES RATES PACKAGE PACKAGE 27 - 30 OCTOBER 2015 RM 38,600 111 PREMIUM PACKAGE PREMIUM PACKAGE RM13,500 RM13,500 RM 23,600 2 PEARL PACKAGE PEARL PACKAGE RM9,898 RM9, 898 R EXHIBITION USD 539 RM7,500 USD3,140 RM10,989 4 GOLD PACKAGE 3 6 R 2015 RM 32,900 RM 4,800 USD 2,143 RM1,888 (CONFERENCE 4 DELEGATES BOOTH) SILVER PACKAGE 5 RM 1,200 USD343 RM1,200 PER DELEGATE) CONFERENCE 6 * Loyalty Discount : 5% (T & C ) * Early Bird Discount 8 % ( T & C ) * Exhibition Rate Applicable for 4 Days * Conference Rates Applicable for 2 Days RM 7,500 (18SQM STD SHELL BOOTH) (9SQM STD SHELL BOOTH) Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC), Kuala Lumpur PACKAGE RATES instead of 6th OIC WORLD BIZ www.muslimworldbiz.com REGISTRATION FORM BOOK BOOK NOW NOW !!! !!! 27 - 30 OCTOBER 2015 PUTRA WORLD TRADE CENTRE (PWTC), KUALA LUMPUR TH TH Enjoy our Early Bird Offer by 31st March 2015 Please complete and return this Registration Form together with your FULL PAYMENT to : OIC International Business Centre Sdn Bhd Level 24, Unit 1A, Menara TH Selborn 153, Jalan Tun Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel : +603- 2681 0037 Fax : +603 2681 0032 Email : info@oictoday.biz Website : www.muslimworldbiz.com Organisation : Address : Fax : Tel : H/P : Contact Person : Email : Designation : Nature of Business : E USIV ES L C X E KAG PAC N TIO I B HI X E -ÊÊPremiumÊPackageÊ Ê -ÊÊPearlÊPackageÊ Ê -ÊÊGoldÊPackageÊÊ Ê Ê Ê Ê -ÊÊSilverÊPackageÊÊ Ê RM13,500.00Ê Ê RMÊÊ9,898.00Ê Ê ÊÊÊÊ RM10,989.00ÊÊÊ RMÊÊ1,888.00Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ A TotalÊPackageÊ:ÊÊÊÊÊ____________________ Ê StandardÊShellÊSchemeÊBoothÊ(Ê3mÊxÊ3m) RM7,500.00ÊÊÊx Ê Ê ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊbooth = BareÊspaceÊ(minimumÊpurchaseÊ18Êsqm) RMÊÊÊ615.00ÊÊÊx ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊsqm = B Ê Ê T MI M SU RoundÊTableÊTalkÊ 2015 Ê OICÊHigherÊEducationÊ ÊConference 2015 C 2015 ÊOICÊAsiaÊTradeÊ&Ê EconomicÊForumÊ2015 Ê ConferenceÊDelegate = RMÊ1,200.00ÊÊÊx EarlyÊBirdÊdiscountÊ:Ê8Ê%Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê ______________ LoyaltyÊdiscountÊ:Ê5Ê%Ê ______________ Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê TotalÊ:ÊCostÊofÊAÊ+ÊBÊ+ÊCÊ Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê ______________ 6Ê%ÊGovernmentÊTaxÊ Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê ______________Ê GRANDÊTOTALÊ Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê ______________ *ÊPleaseÊspecifyÊtypeÊofÊProductsÊÊ/ÊServicesÊ 1. 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AuthorisedÊSignatureÊ&ÊCompanyÊStamp Date DateÊReceived ChequeÊNo. Amount ReceiptÊNo. Note:ÊAÊPhotostatÊcopyÊofÊtheÊBookingÊFormÊisÊacceptable.ÊHoweverÊproofÊofÊpostageÊisÊnotÊproofÊofÊreceipt.ÊTheÊOrganiserÊshallÊnotÊbeÊresponsibleÊforÊanyÊlostÊdocument.ÊAllÊbookingÊ MUSTÊbeÊsummitedÊwithÊtheÊrequiredÊfullÊpayment.ÊTheÊOrganiserÊreservesÊtheÊrightÊtoÊrejectÊanyÊbookingÊdeemedÊinappropriateÊatÊitsÊdiscreationÊandÊnoÊquerriesÊshallÊbeÊentertained. www.muslimworldbiz.com THE OIC-ASIA TRADE AND ECONOMIC FORUM 2015 15 2015 2015 HONOURING CONTACT OIC INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS CENTRE SDN BHD Unit 1A, 24th Floor, Menara TH Selborn, 153 Jalan Tun Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel: +60326810037 Fax: +60326810032 Email: info@oictoday.biz www.muslimworldbiz.com SUPPORTED BY OFFICIAL BANK OFFICIAL INSURANCE FEDERATION OF ARAB BUSINESSMEN STRATEGIC PARTNER OFFICIAL AIRLINE OFFICIAL TABLOID OFFICIAL OUTDOOR MEDIA
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