The 201Q2 istrict District Governor Gordon Bailey The 201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Issue 10 – April 2015 Mareeba was next on the list and is the second largest club on the Tablelands. The first District Governor in our District (or 201H as it was then), Mick Borzi AM OBE is still an active member and I was honoured to spend some time with him. I was also honoured to induct two new members into their club who will add to the growing number of younger members this club is attracting. Greetings to all in the Lions Family in our great District of 201Q2. DG Gordon with two new members and their sponsors after their induction into Mareeba Lions Club Diane and I have continued our visits and are now well past the 50% mark with Dimbulah being the first visit for March. We really enjoyed their laid back attitude to Lions and again have been amazed at the variety of projects; notable among them is their assistance in running the Annual Great Wheelbarrow Race which is a 3 stage team relay event where competitors push a wheelbarrow from Mareeba to Dimbulah to Almaden to Chillagoe along the Wheelbarrow Highway. Unfortunately we had a flat tyre on the way back to Atherton which had to be changed and that meant having to clamber under the Suburban to position the jack. Not wanting to get my uniform dirty, it was down to my jocks and mission accomplished. We returned to Townsville for the weekend for the Cabinet Meeting where we welcomed our new Leo Chairperson in Tom Porter, before heading south to visit the Proserpine Lionesses. What a bunch of fun loving ladies. We joined in their 24th Birthday Celebrations and also witnessed their election of officers. Heading north again, this time to Rollingstone and their newly completed Den. The quality and finish of the building is a credit to them. In a bit of a send-up, and anticipating that I would be without a tie (which I wasn’t) a supply of ties was made available to each of their members – and they all wore them! I was again honoured to be able to induct 2 new members on the night. By comparison, Ravenshoe the next night was without incident and another great night was had here. -1- The 201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Issue 10 – April 2015 of priority. It has never been more important to attract more members; membership is in decline and this, apart from our reduced capacity to assist those in need, is having an effect on costs and ultimately our dues. We have already lost our Family Membership subsidy. I would ask you also to please consider hosting a youth or two as part of the Youth Exchange Programme. Every year we have large numbers of youth applying to come to Australia and sadly, we are unable to accommodate them all. This also has a flow on effect to the International Youth Camp held at Camp Kanga each year where we are unable to accept all those applying because we have insufficient host families in the time leading up to the camp. This puts the International Youth Camp in jeopardy when we are unable to take the numbers needed to make it financially viable. Hostings need not be done by an individual, they are often done on a shared basis within a club, and if you think you are too old and don’t have children of your own at home any more, think again. Many of you have grandchildren of a similar age so think about asking your children – they don’t need to be Lions or Lionesses – and there is nothing to stop a Leo being the host either (with their parent’s ok of course). Youth Exchange and Camp Chairperson Lion Damien Mott is full of ideas and is willing to come to your club, so why not give him a call or email him – details in the Directory. DG Gordon inducts two new members during his visit to Rollingstone Lions Club Next it was Townsville Barrier Reef and an evening of irreverent fun. It gave me pleasure to recognise their member Kevin Gietzel who has been appointed to the Multiple District PNG Membership Committee. Kevin lived in PNG for a number of years and has family ties there and will be a valuable member of the committee. Back up to Ingham and St Patrick’s Day at the Ingham Club as well as their 53rd birthday. Again I was honoured to induct a new member. I continue to be amazed at the number and variety of club’s projects and Ingham is no exception – their Hinchinbrook Fishing Classic is an absolute standout raising much needed funds for the community whilst providing the area with an event of note. The only two 50th Anniversary Celebrations for the year occurred during March and I was fortunate to be able to attend both as they were one week apart. The clubs are Malanda on March 14 and Bowen on March 21. 50 years is a remarkable achievement and both clubs are fortunate to still each have 2 Charter Members, but unfortunately only one from each club able to attend. Both functions were well attended and organised, with Bowen producing a pictorial history in book form, and this is something to behold. Remember also, the District’s greatest asset needs a little TLC from time to time and a working bee is planned for the weekend of April 18-19, so grab your paint brushes and rollers, or your tools if you are a trady, and head off to Camp Kanga. See the details elsewhere in the Northern Lion or call the Camp Chairperson PDG Doug Winterflood – details in the directory. Finally, don’t forget the Multiple District Convention in Newcastle from the 1st to the 4th of May. Membership is high on the agenda with the March to May Membership Programme completing its first month. Details of the Programme have been distributed to all clubs and I ask that if your club has not yet become involved that you do so as a matter Until next month, Gordon Bailey -2- The 201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Issue 10 – April 2015 DG Gordon’s Travels DG Gordon is presented with a bannerette from Dimbulah Lions Club Opening ceremony Bowen Lions Club Rotunda Project Malanda Lions Club celebrates 50 years of service to their community Helping to cut the Ingham Lions Club’s 52nd birthday cake with President Kathleen Lynch and Charter Member Maurice Filei DG Gordon exchanging bannerettes with President Neil De Waele during his visit to Townsville Barrier Reef Lions Club Leo James Baker receiving Citizen of the Year Award at Rollingstone Lions Club -3- The 201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Issue 10 – April 2015 DG Gordon presents a 50 years of Lions Service Certificate at Malanda DG Gordon is presented with a Proserpine Lioness Club bannerette Exchanging bannerettes at Mareeba Lions Club Exchanging bannerettes at Ravenshoe Lions Club Zone 4 Chairman Lion Allan Hansen and Ellen Sandwich Board advertising the Ravenshoe Lions Dinner meeting -4- The 201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Issue 10 – April 2015 Cyclone Pam’s Journey of Destruction Across Vanuatu Dear Lions, Lioness and Leos, Cyclone Pam category 5 has been described as one of the most powerful storms in the Pacific – ever; with wind-speeds over 340km/hour. On Friday night, the 13th March 2015 Cyclone Pam smashed through Port Vila and across the many islands of Vanuatu, causing widespread devastation. Unfortunately many deaths are being recorded as families fled their corrugated and thin wooden houses to crowd into emergency shelters or go to higher ground. The members of the Lions Club of Port Vila are at the centre of Lions efforts to look after their community. Your Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) has responded quickly to requests of help from Lion Richard Chenevier Region Chairman for Vanuatu and New Caledonia by immediately sending a LCIF Emergency Grant of US$10,000. This initial Emergency Grant will enable the local Lions Family to distribute bottled water, food, clothes, hygiene packs, baby care, toiletries and medicines to hundreds of displaced people. Authorities have warned of the risk of diseases as the sea covered many small islands and low lying areas of land, disabling freshwater supplies. The 7 Lions Clubs on New Caledonia are preparing to rebuild the community on Tanna Island as they have conducted Sight projects on this island in recent years. Your donation to the LCI/LCIF Disaster Relief Fund will enable much needed assistance to be given to those in distress. Send your cheque in Australian Dollars to your District Cabinet Treasurer. Your donation marked as such is eligible to go towards a Melvin Jones Fellowship or Progressive Melvin Jones Fellowship. Conduct a bucket collection in your local community – everybody knows about Vanuatu and you could gain a few new members. The Lions in Vanuatu are a small part of LCI, but are a part of our Family and need support to offer comfort and help to their communities in times of need with the assistance of LCIF and Lions around the world. 100% of every dollar donated to LCIF goes to the people in need. On behalf of the Lions of the small nation of Vanuatu and their communities thank you for your help Yours in Lionism, Nigel Jeny MDC Nigel Jeny LCIF MD201 Co-ordinator 2/1 Lauderdale Ave Fairlight, Sydney NSW 2094 +61 2 9948 4544 +61 (0)411 01 66 75 -5- The 201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Issue 10 – April 2015 Cyclone Pam Devastates Vanuatu Dear District Governors and LCIF District Co-ordinators Due to the continuing problems of feeding and providing fresh water to the people of Vanuatu, LCIF has given a US$100,000 Major Catastrophe grant to assist the Lions of Vanuatu with both immediate and long-term relief efforts following Cyclone Pam. Please can this latest assistance from LCIF to the Lions of Vanuatu be included in your next monthly newsletter sent to your Clubs. LCIF and the Lions of Vanuatu and their communities are very grateful for the immediate help and generous donations provided by the Lions Family of Australia. Kind Regards Nigel MDC Nigel Jeny LCIF MD201 Co-ordinator 2/1 Lauderdale Ave Fairlight, Sydney NSW 2094 +61 2 9948 4544 +61 (0)411 01 66 75 An update on the LCIF support for Vanuatu. In addition to the $10,000 emergency grant already paid, LCIF have now added a US $100,000 major catastrophe grant to support Vanuatu after the massive destruction caused by cyclone Pam. Any club wishing to contribute to the support of the LCIF assistance effort, please consider discussing this at your next meeting. Have a great Day! Best Regards, Barry Brockbank -6- The 201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Issue 10 – April 2015 LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION (LCIF) MDC NIGEL JENY O.A.M. – Multiple District Co-ordinator HOW CLUBS CAN USE LCIF? Has your Club together with neighbouring Clubs looked for an LCIF Project for your community? LCIF wishes to receive many more applications from Districts in Australia. You can obtain advice and assistance from myself or your LCIF District Co-ordinator on how LCIF helps Lions make a greater impact in their community. LCIF is delighted to receive three applications for International Assistance Grants (IAG), the first for over 10 years. Two Clubs, West Pennent Hills Cherrybrook (N5) and Brisbane Moorooka (Q1) have teamed up with Lions Clubs in Sri Lanka to provide water treatment plants to villages in the mountain interior. These plants will treat local water supplies contaminated with heavy metals that cause kidney failure. The Lions Club of Margaret River (W2) is partnering with the Lions Club of Dili, Timor Leste to fund water tanks and pipework to a reliable spring for a remote hillside community. Currently they have one tap to service the whole area, and this tap runs dry for half the year as it is not connected to any ongoing source of water. LCIF Standard (matching) Grants approved since last convention report: • .C2 US$30,000 air conditioners for Lions Cancer Lodges • W2 US$71,198 Phoenix Micron lV Retinal Imaging Microscope • V1-4 US$40,500 Fluostar Omega Fluorescence machine for Monash University, Victorian Lions Rheumatism & Arthritis Medical Research Foundation • V3 US$32,871 Neurobionics Equipment for Bionics Institute And there are more grant applications waiting to be approved at this year’s LCIF board meetings • N2 US$100,000 Jindelara Cottage – accommodation for homeless women and children • V5 US$25,000 12 seat School Bus for intellectually disabled children Our goal is for every District to achieve at least one successful application each year for a LCIF Standard Grant. You can make dreams come true! LCIF is there to support the immediate disaster relief efforts of Lions and then assist with the reconstruction of affected communities. Overseas, LCIF with the support of Lions around the world, provided grants to care for the orphaned children who have lost both parents to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Following terrible disasters like the August 2014 Zhaotong Earthquake in Yunnan Province of China and the May 2014 Balkans Floods LCIF is there to help Lions provide practical assistance to their people. . Australia is a land continually beset by bushfires, floods and cyclones. This year has seen bushfires in South Australia and Victoria. Cyclone Marcia caused widespread damage to homes and flooding of communities in Queensland and Northern NSW. LCIF is ready to respond to applications for Emergency Grants. LCIF was asked to help Lions to support farmers and their families devastated by the severe drought in Queensland and western NSW. Drought relief is outside the scope of Emergency -7- The 201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Issue 10 – April 2015 Grants. However, LCIF made an US$20,000 Recovery Grant to six Australian Districts, Q2, Q4, Q3, Q1, N1 and N4 to set up a counselling program with Optum totalling US$120,000 to be administered and organised by the Lions Club of Townsville Castle Hill (Q2). In PNG, Australian Lions are partnering Vision 2020 Australia where LCIF is providing a SightFirst Grant to develop a National Resource Centre at the University of PNG to strengthen ophthalmology training. In the last 5 years over US$1.5 million in LCIF Grants has been provided to Australian Lions. 100% of every dollar donated to LCIF goes to the people in need. By making an annual donation to LCIF your Club is giving much needed funds to provide local grants and supporting successful world-wide health projects. Lions have accepted the challenge to raise $30 million by our centenary year 2017 to eliminate measles and rubella. Donations to the One Shot, One Life: Lions Measles Initiative will be matched dollar for dollar by the U.K. Government’s Department of International Development and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, giving a total of $60 million in the fight against measles and rubella. Measles can be prevented with a safe and inexpensive vaccine costing less than $1 per dose. In 2015 Lions is organising with the Global Alliance for Vaccination and Immunisation (GAVI) the vaccination of 157 million children; giving every child the chance of a healthy life. Please help to save a child’s life. Every dollar donated to the One Shot, One Life: Lions Measles Initiative will save two children’s lives. The easiest method to make a donation to LCIF is to apply for a gift of a Melvin Jones Fellowship or Progressive Melvin Jones Fellowship. You can now direct your donation to one of five special areas by ticking a box or writing your choice on the application form. • Disaster Relief • Humanitarian Needs (includes donations to the Measles Initiative) • Sight • Youth • Area of Greatest Need Supporting excellent programs and being a leader in fiscal responsibility is not only part of LCIF’s mission, but what sets LCIF apart from other charities worldwide. EVERY DOLLAR you give to LCIF goes towards a grant to help people lead better lives. For LCIF to have sufficient funds for grants, every Club needs to refill the bucket Does your Club have a fundraising event for LCIF each year? LCIF DVD’s and brochures, MJF application forms (LCIF 42M-EN) can be picked up from the LCIF booth or download from -8- The 201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Issue 10 – April 2015 All donations to LCIF are sent to your District Cabinet Treasurer with a post-it note or Club letter explaining the nature of the LCI/LCIF donation. Please support your Foundation and honour Lions service to your Clubs and District with a MJF or PMJF. June 2015 marks the end of the three year term of our LCIF District Co-ordinators. I wish to thank them for their dedicated and successful service to help their Clubs understand how they can use LCIF. MDC Nigel Jeny O.A.M. LCIF MD201 Co-ordinator Now is the time to recognise the dedicated service of your members to their community. Top of the tree is the Melvin Jones Fellowship or Progressive Melvin Jones Fellowship. By donating to the One Shot, One Life: Lions Measles Initiative your Club will save the lives of thousands of children, giving them the chance of a healthy life. Your gift will go towards bestowing a Melvin Jones Fellowship on a Club Member or Community Champion. Often the hardest workers in your Club already have been honoured with a MJF. Their continued high standards of service can be recognised with a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellowship Diamond Lapel Pin. You can honour your Club President’s year of leadership with a LCIF Contributing Pin 2014-2015. A donation to LCIF of $110 will secure a Gold Lapel Pin for your Club President. Your donation will be listed under your Club’s and President’s name. 100% of every dollar donated to LCIF goes back to Lions in grants. The Gold, Silver ($55) and Bronze ($20) LCIF Contributing Pins are available from your LCIF District Coordinator. If you are a small Club where US$1,000 for a MJF is a stretch, your $20 per member makes your Club a 100% Contributing Member Club receiving a banner patch. A great way of supporting LCIF world-wide grants and programs. “Small Donations that make a BIG Difference” Nigel Jeny Home Address: 1/21Molokai St., Burdell, North Shore, Townsville. Qld 4818 District 201Q2 LCIF Co-ordinator is :PDG Barry Brockbank Email: Mobile: 0409 896 999 -9- The 201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Issue 10 – April 2015 Dear Lions, As Chairperson of your Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF), I have the privilege of travelling the globe to see the amazing work Lions are doing. Every day, you provide disaster relief, empower our young people and serve our communities. You also remain committed to saving sight. Whether you are conducting vision screenings, providing eyeglasses or medicine, you are giving the gift of sight. Together with LCIF and partners like The Carter Center, Lions have helped to restore sight to 7.7 million people through cataract surgeries; prevented serious vision loss for more than 30 million; provided over 271 million treatments for river blindness; built or expanded 660 eye care hospitals and clinics; and trained 681,000 eye care specialists and eye health workers. Congratulations, Lions! As we celebrate these achievements, know that there is still much work to be done. With your contribution, LCIF will be able to support Lions all over the world who continue making a positive impact in the lives of people who are blind or visually impaired. Thank you for commitment to saving and restoring sight. Sincerely, Barry J. Palmer Chairperson, Lions Clubs International Foundation Providing Treatment for River Blindness River blindness is a parasitic infection that occurs through the bite of a black fly, and may lead to low vision or irreversible blindness, as well as disfiguring skin diseases. River blindness is endemic to Central, East and West Africa, parts of Latin America and the Middle Eastern country of Yemen. A SightFirst grant of US$384,298 was recently awarded to Cameroon's National Onchocerciasis Control Program. The grant will be used for continued river blindness treatment activities in the North, Far North and Adamaoua regions. More than 1.5 million Mectizan® treatments will be provided to impacted populations. Expanding Trachoma Services Trachoma is the world's leading infectious cause of blindness. The disease slowly and painfully robs people of their sight, as repeated infection turns eyelashes inwards, scraping the cornea and eventually causes irreversible blindness. LCIF has teamed up with the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Trust to fight blinding trachoma in Africa. A recent SightFirst grant of US$1 million was awarded to Lions of Kenya and Uganda to support trichiasis surgeries through LCIF's partnership with the Trust. This grant is expected to provide more than 55,000 surgeries over the next two years. - 10 - The 201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Issue 10 – April 2015 - 11 - The 201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Issue 10 – April 2015 Lionsonoz Knitting Project a great success. For 8 years now, the Lions Ladies of Australian Lionsonoz, the Lions Club that caters for the growing number of Lions who have become “Grey Nomads” have been busily knitting various garments for underprivileged babies and children both here and overseas. While the Lions travel this great country of ours in caravans and mobile homes, it is usually the husband who drives and the lady sits in the passenger’s seat and fills in her time knitting. It is remarkable just how many garments can get churned out. Apart from the items our ladies produce, we are also supported by quite a number of ladies, in the Lions family and many with no connections with Lions at all, who are busily knitting babies clothes and “trauma” dolls and Teddies to be used in hospitals or ambulances where children are in sometimes frightening situations following an accident or a sudden calamity of some type. Recently, a huge box of children’s clothes were given to the Australian Bush Church Aid and these have been distributed to missions all over Australia where they are needed. The Australian Lionsonoz Lions Club is now in its 8th year. We have a membership at present of 37 with another 4 awaiting transfer from their current Lions Club. President Lion Neil Bilney of Dunsborough Western Australia said that the numbers of our members are constantly changing. When a Lion decides to retire, buy a mobile home or caravan and take off to see the wonders of Australia, many of these Lions were lost to Lionism before Lionsonoz. Now they simply apply for a transfer from their current Lions Club and take up membership with Lionsonoz. When they finish with their travels they have the choice of staying as a member of Lionsonoz or re-join a “Main stream” Lions Club where they intend to settle. He said that the advantage of Lionsonoz is that we meet monthly, the 3rd Monday of the month on the internet through Skype so members can attend meetings no matter where they are in Australia. Members are encouraged to seek out the Lions Club in the various towns they visit and offer their services to assist in that Club’s projects. It works very well. Any Lions wanting more information about Australian Lionsonoz may contact the secretary Lion Gwyneth Payne on 0439258644 or . Photo Above District Governor of N1 Peter Willis-Jones and L.L. Pam with members of Lionsonoz and Pacific City Lions Clubs with knitted “Trauma Teddies” ready for distribution to the Coffs Harbour hospital to be used to help children undergoing scans and X-rays. Photo on Right Our meetings can be conducted anywhere. Here is our President Lion Neil Bilney conducting a Lionsonoz meeting to Lions all over Australia from his car on a back road in Western Australia. - 12 - The 201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Issue 10 – April 2015 Lions Medical Research Foundation Q’Land Ray Phippard and Prof. Ian Frazer Awards. Support our Lions Australia Projects and Foundations The Prof. Ian Frazer Humanitarian Award is named after Prof. Ian Frazer in recognition of his research into cervical cancer and his assistance to the Lions Medical Research Foundation over many years. Membership of Lions Clubs International is not a prerequisite. Dear Members of the Lions Family, A fair bit is happening at the moment with Club Elections, Youth of the Year, Australia’s Biggest BBQ for Children’s Cancer Research and the Lions Medical Research Art Union, just to mention a few. Whilst we continue to participate in our projects, it is also time to think about Handovers and in many cases, distribution of funds to various Lions Foundations and also recognising people who have supported the Club over the past year or more. The Award is given for outstanding services to the community or support of medical research. A plaque and lapel badge is presented to the recipient. Recognising members of your Club and members of the Community who have supported you in some way is most important and there are ways to achieve this and also support our Lions Australia Projects and Foundations. and Australian Lions Childhood Cancer Research Foundation, all these are worthy of consideration. Many of these Awards can be found in our Lions Directory on pages 145 – 170, however there are some that are not listed and well worth supporting. For more than 30 years PDG Neil Williams enthusiastically served his Lions Club, District 201N5, Multiple District 201 and Lions Clubs International with distinction. He spent many years supporting the development of young people by encouraging the Leo Club movement and the Lions Clubs International Youth Exchange Program. Australian Lions Children’s Mobility Foundation starting with the prestigious Barry J. Palmer Award. This award honours the memory of PDG Neil Williams and supports the Australian Lions Childhood Cancer Research Foundation’s vision of 100% survival for kids with cancer. All, or most of our Lions Foundations have an award that would recognise a Club member or Member of your Community and also support our very own Lions Projects, remembering that all the monies go directly to the cause, no fancy overheads. Please don’t forget the President! Enjoy the rest of the Lions Year and if I can help you in any way please do not hesitate to call, also please check the Lions Website as well, there is good information there. The “Barry J. Palmer Recognition Award” may be presented to recognise donations of $1,000 or more in undesignated funds. PDG Aussie Lanphier District Q2 Health Projects B p. 4779 9756 m. 0408 188 852 e. - 13 - The 201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Issue 10 – April 2015 The Deloitte report on the Australian Superannuation system says Australians need to be putting up to 20 per cent of their existing wage into superannuation now to be able to afford a comfortable lifestyle in retirement. Too many future retirees are leaving it too late to check the health of their superannuation account balance and many find the shortfall a painful reality when it’s too late. The reality is, the number of cash-strapped retirees will be forced to access the equity in their homes to fund their retirement is expected to double in the next three to five years. Taking action now to secure a financially sound future, whether working past 65 is planned or not, is vital for people even as young as their 40s. Retiring at 65 may soon be a thing of the past according to the latest 2015 Intergenerational Report, which is conducted every 5 years, which shows that by 2055, there will only be 2.7working age Australians for every person aged over 65, less than half the current number. Ann Nelson, Author, Speaker and Retirement Coach has covered this and other lifestyle choices that face all people in retirement in her new book, Retire Well, Retire Happy. Ann recounts the journey she took through the experts she consulted to help her learn to manage her finances and personal state after being left suddenly a widow in 2009. Federal Treasurer Joe Hockey has issued a call to arms for workers urging them to delay their retirement until after 65 and stay in the workforce longer in an attempt to future-proof the nation for the coming generations. A Lions member on both the Gold Coast and now Mount Stuart, Ann has recently returned to the Townsville district after 7 years living at the Gold Coast to be closer to her Mum and sister. She now lives on a farm at Woodstock with her new partner. As part of Ann’s commitment to giving back to the Lions Club and the community at large Ann has offered to donate 20% of all book sales made through the Lions International clubs (excluding postage) to the Lions Medical Research Foundation (LMRF). The retail price of the book is $29.95. Contact Ann direct to speak to your branch or catch her at the next District meeting. M: 0417727804. Once the ‘Grey Army’ term was used to describe the Grey Volunteers who worked for enjoyment and gave back to their communities. But more and more it seems the ‘Grey Army’ will remain the ‘Working Army’ as life expectancy is predicted to be 95 years for men and 97 for women by 2055. The report says that with improvements in health and new technologies will extend peoples’ lives and is part of the reason why older Australians are being urged to stay in the workforce longer. The big question on most people’s lips is “When retirement DOES eventually come, will I be ready?” The risk of working longer is that people will put off planning for their retirement, feeling they’ll be generating income well into their twilight years. Retirement coach expert and author of the newly released book, Retire Well, Retire Happy, warns older Australians working longer is not the solution to lack of retirement planning. Ann joins Mt Stuart Lions Club - 14 - The 201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Issue 10 – April 2015 ALL CLUB PRESIDENTS – DISTRICT 201Q2 OUR CAMP KANGA Notice is given of a WORKING BEE at the Camp over the weekend of 18th & 19th April 2015. The main thrust of the work will be centred around “A” block. We need labourers, painters, chippies, bring any tools you are capable of using. We would like to have a social night on the Saturday evening. The meals will be fully catered. Please come along and assist YOUR Camp and give us your ideas. Please advise numbers by 10th April 2015 by phone or email as detailed below. Doug Winterflood Camp Kanga Chairman Any queries: 0419 786 077 or - 15 - The 201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Issue 10 – April 2015 Tully Lions make new Obstacle Course Equipment for Camp Kanga Tully Lions Martin Braddick and Michael Ottone with Camp Kanga Manager, Ray Spiller, unloading the new obstacle course equipment that Michael and his helpers made. Hopefully this can be installed at the working bee on April 18th. Miss Popularity Quest Miss popularity Quest is under way and, to date, we have 2 entrants. Please put this Quest on your club and zone meeting agendas to have at least 2 more for this Quest. The Quest closes on 31st July 2015. $100 entry fee can be paid by direct debit into Westpac Flinders Mall branch Townsville BSB 034- 222 Account Number 33-8096 Account Name Miss Popularity Quest. All fundraising, for existing entrants, can also be deposited to this account with an email to me advising of the deposit so I can send a receipt to the club. Please think about supporting this great Quest and sponsor a young Lady from your local community. For further information please contact me or there is information booklets and entry forms on our District Website. Yours in Lionism Di Pyers District Miss Popularity Chair Mob 0428 580 081 - 16 - The 201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Issue 10 – April 2015 Children of Courage Awards The Lions Children of Courage Awards Program is now established as an important and extremely worthwhile project of Lions Clubs in our District. What are the Lions Children of Courage Awards? The Children of Courage awards recognize a very special group of children and their families. There are many awards that recognize the achievements of young people, however children with ‘special needs’ were not catered for. These awards are especially designed to recognize the courage and bravery shown by these children every day. The Children of Courage Awards are not a competition. Every recipient of an award is a “winner” in his or her own right, as the recognition of these young peoples’ achievements will: 1. Act as an encouragement for their future 2. Help them to believe in themselves, and 3. Help to increase their self-worth All Children want to be accepted by others, regardless of any special needs they may have. These awards will portray them as children who have successfully overcome additional barriers which face them in this world. Categories of Awards There are four (4) categories for which a child may be nominated … Special Needs Children with special needs who have shown courage in the face of adversity. Such Children include those who are confined to wheelchairs, who are sight, hearing, or speech impaired, or have undergone long periods of medical treatment, surgery or hospitalization, which has perhaps brought pain and trauma to their young lives. Courageous Act or Deed A child who without regard for personal safety, has been instrumental in the preservation of life and/or property, or has rendered assistance at an accident, or whose concerns for others is worthy of recognition. This category may also include children who have undergone lifesaving surgery, or undergone daily medical treatments i.e. diabetes. A child who acts as a carer for a parent may be recognized under this category. Sibling Recognition Award This category is for siblings who actively participate in the daily care for their brother or sister who has a ‘special need’. I ns pi r i ng S por ti ng Ac hi e ve m e nt For children who have overcome great personal hardship/disadvantage to compete as an individual or team member in their chosen sport. Nominations In every community there are certain to be worthy nominees for a Lions Children of Courage Award. Nominations are forwarded through local Lions Clubs for consideration and approval and are restricted to children aged between the ages of 5 and 15 years. - 17 - The 201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Issue 10 – April 2015 Children Recognized this Year Jarrah Kennedy - Proserpine Club Haley Brayford - Proserpine Trent Sylvester- Proserpine Emilee Rodgers - Proserpine Caelyn Dyson - Proserpine Peter McArdle - Babinda Club Hayley Verwey - Cairns Club Daniel Gilbert - Proserpine Club Cody McCarthy - Proserpine Karli Elder - Proserpine Oliver Davis - Proserpine I'm sure there are many more children out there that need to be recognized by this award, so erg other clubs to award these children. Lions Clubs who may wish to participate may obtain an information kit from the District Chairman: Lion Peter Phillips P O Box 20 Trebonne 4850 Ph: 07 47771248 M: 0437 391 281 Good morning Lions, Lionesses and Leos and anyone else, it’s that time of the year again. Yes It’s Mingela. Meet Ya Mates at Mingela in May!!! Last year we had 6 Clubs with 34members attending and we all had a great time. The Mingela Hotel put on a feast fit for the King of Beasts, that being us; LIONS. Buses are available with a full 20 seater costing $34 per head. 44 seater costing $25 per head, so lets fill the buses and have a great and safe time. If anyone can get buses cheaper please let me know. March to May is also Membership Drive so bring a friend and show them what LIONS is all about. If you don’t have a friend we might be able to pick up some hitchhikers for you. Thank you for not throwing this in the rubbish bin. Jacko Townsville Barrier Reef Lions Club - 18 - The 201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Issue 10 – April 2015 Malanda Lions Club Celebrates 50 Years of Service Malanda Lions held its 50th anniversary last Saturday 14th March with a celebration dinner for 85 guests. Guests included DG Gordon Bailey, Tablelands Regional Council Mayor Rosa Lee Long and MLA for Dalrymple Shane Knuth. Also present were a good representation from the Malanda Business community. Clubs represented were Millaa Millaa, Yungaburra, Atherton, Mareeba, Cairns, Cairns Trinity Bay, Malanda Lioness, Yungaburra Lioness and of course Malanda was well represented. Just one charter member remains, life member Fred Lorensen who shared cutting the cake with Malanda Lioness charter member Ellen Smith. Below is the newspaper report and photos courtesy the Eacham Times. - Story by Eileen Rothwell Photos by Steve Rothwell Past and Present members of Malanda Lions Club celebrate the Club’s 50th anniversary Momentous Event A “Time machine” brought a full house of guests and VIPs back to 1965 on Saturday night. The Malanda Lions' 50th birthday bash boasted a full attendance of dignitaries and past and present members, including Mayor Rosa Lee Lono, MP Shane Knuth and the Lions District Governor Gordon Bailey. The anniversary celebrations not only brought past and present members together for a walk down Nostalgia Lane, it also served to underline the importance of the Lions Club to Malanda. Such was the recognition that MP Shane Knuth said “No matter what was going to happen – whether it was raining or thundering, whether I lost or won the election – I was going to be here tonight”. Mayor Rosa Lee Long underscored the point by giving a rundown of the many projects that the Lions had contributed to the community. Highlights include more than a dozen one-unit cottages that are rented out to Pensioners in need of accommodation, the monthly Malanda markets co-ordinated by the Club, shelter at Eacham Place and the annual Billy kart races. The Malanda Lions are one of 20 clubs in the district to have achieved the honour of a 50th anniversary. District Governor Gordon Bailey presented President Lionel Smith a certificate of achievement for its anniversary and also presented service awards to the Malanda Lions, including 39 years for Bev Rankin and 50 years for charter member and former president Fred Lorenson. The historical link to past and present was summed up best by President Lionel Smith: “It would be easy for our present Lions Club members to take the credit for all the successes over the last 50 years but the facts are that there are many of our achievements which must be credited to our Past members, who had the foresight and ability to get things done. Some of our early members have passed on or have left the Club for different reasons. However, it is what they did when they were members of the Lions Club of Malanda that matters and tonight we acknowledge their contribution.” - 19 - The 201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Issue 10 – April 2015 63rd MD201 Convention 1st – 4th May 2015 in Newcastle NSW Members and their partners or guests are invited to our Lions Clubs National Convention in Newcastle 1 – 4 May 2015. We invite you to visit exhibits across a wide range of Lions Clubs’ non-profit national and international service initiatives. Enjoy entertainment, and the opportunity to come together to meet and greet each other, review achievements and plan the year ahead. What will be different about the Newcastle Convention? • A convention for the everyday Lion – not just the “hierarchy” • Club-hosted home hospitality (for the first-in registrants) on the eve of the Convention District dinners in multiple rooms at one venue Accommodation, dining, cultural and tourism choices in close proximity to the convention venue Free inner-city bus and or Park’n’Ride shuttlebus for daytime convention sessions Pre-purchased night-time social-function bus pass will cover three nights return bus transport to social program for city-accommodated conventioneers. • • • • A Message from the 2015 National Convention Secretary Dear Club Members, District 201N3 is hosting the 63rd National Convention in Newcastle from 30 April - 4 May 2015. We have a wonderful venue – the Civic Theatre and the adjacent City Hall. Our theme is ‘Steel time to See Change’. This is a convention for all conventioneers and a variety of functions have been planned especially for you. Functions include – • Club hosted hospitality, ‘Meet & Greet’ at City Hall & Lioness Dinner on Thursday evening. • District Dinners in multi room venues at the Newcastle Jockey Club on Friday evening. • ‘A Night at the Trots’ and a PDGs Dinner on Saturday evening. • 'Black Diamond' Gala Dinner at Panthers Newcastle on Sunday evening. • A Conventioneers Luncheon on Monday at City Hall. Details about the Convention can be found on the Lions Australia Website – Newcastle awaits you! It's time to register and make your bookings. Don't delay – some functions have limited numbers! PDG Ann Ryan Secretary, 2015 National Convention Committee Lions Paul Clay and Kevin Gietzel are attending the 2015 MD Convention in Newcastle from 30/4 to 4/5, and have arranged self-catered accommodation at a reasonable price, within walking distance ( or virtual free city loop bus at the door) of the convention venues. They appear to still have plenty of both 2 & 3 bedroom units available. I am unable to vouch for them personally but they seem helpful enough over the phone, Details are • • • Terraces for Tourists, ph. 02 4929 4575 or 0419 611 854 (David or Mary Stewart) Email Web This information may be helpful for fellow Lions considering attending the MD convention.. - 20 - The 201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Issue 10 – April 2015 - 21 - The 201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Issue 10 – April 2015 - 22 - The 201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Issue 10 – April 2015 - 23 - The 201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Issue 10 – April 2015 - 24 - The 201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Issue 10 – April 2015 Tunnel Ball – with a pumpkin, Rolly’s strongest man (a timed event where a large boulder had to be carried in quickest time over a set distance), Rock Put (Shot Put but with a large gibber), and old chestnuts like the “Broom Throw” and “Gum Boot Toss” – which saw President John on the roof on a couple of occasions to retrieve errant flying gum boots! A Fun afternoon enjoyed by all. ROLLINGSTONE LIONS CLUB AND ALF FUNDING FOR PURCHASE OF ATV FOR LOCAL USE Here in Rollingstone we have a Local Disaster Management Group(LDMG) chaired in an independent capacity by our very proactive local Police Sergeant. This committee was set up in the aftermath of Cyclone Yasi a few years ago to fill a gap in our Local & State Government’s management of the pre and post Cyclone arrangements. One of the areas identified where Rolly Lions could assist was in their capability to mount Rescue Missions over the more than 350 klms of walking & hiking tracks in our mountainous State Forests and National Parks, bush roads and coastal beaches. The only sure way to reach some of the isolated residents in our area after a natural disaster when tracks are blocked or damaged, or those visitors who become lost while out hiking some of the bush tracks, is by an All Terrain Vehicle (ATV). This vehicle will also greatly assist our Rural Firies and SES members in their efforts to contact remote residents in the event of bushfires and other natural emergencies. Team Tunnel Ball – with a pumpkin At the end of these fun activities, we were able to apply for an Australian Lions Foundation matching grant to help purchase the ATV. Good publicity was rec’d at the hand-over ceremony with exposure for our Lions on 2 local TV News segments and also in the Townsville Bulletin. The presence of this vehicle and practical application by the Police and Emergency Services personnel will also contribute to a reduction of “hooning” by irresponsible members of the public on our local beaches and at other popular weekend getaway swimming holes in our National Parks – making our community safer for all concerned. And the ATV – it has already proved its worth, with location of a marijuana crop in an isolated mountainous area near Paluma, 2 rescues, and a suicide prevention mission to save the life of a returned young Afghan veteran on one of the remote areas of beach towards Ingham. Importantly, and before any fund raising was commenced, it was confirmed that the vehicle will remain under the ownership and control of our Local Disaster Management Group – to fully support our local community. With the support of a generous community, Rolly Lions conducted a couple of activities to raise funds for this purchase:• • • Provided catering support for a Local Golf Club Fundraiser Conducted our own “Rollingstone’s Longest Table” fundraiser. This involved conducting low level entertainment and games for the 180 attendees, a 2 course Barbecue Dinner, and other entertainments. Some of the novelty events including Team Members of the Rollingstone and District Lions Club at the hand-over ceremony for the All Terrain Vehicle - 25 - The 201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Issue 10 – April 2015 Mission Beach Lions Host Youth of the Year Whitsunday Lions Club The Whitsunday Lions Community Market now boasts a new shade area, Mission Beach Lions recently hosted the Judging for the Lions Youth of the Year. An exceptional turn out with enthusiastic speakers and judges at the ready. This was provided for patrons to sit and listen to the world class entertainment, have a refreshing drink, and enjoy a variety of gourmet foods available in our Market. We had seven contestants, all from Tully State High School, and our judges chose four to go on to the zone judging in Babinda. Topics ranged from “Being different” to “the SES”. Babinda Lions Club hosted the zone judging last week and Lily Kars, representing Mission Beach Lioness club, won the public speaking section. The two selected to go on to the Intrazone Judging in Tully (on March 14) are Rachel Crook from Innisfail and Caitlin Welsh representing Mission Beach club! There will also be two contestants from Ingham. We are proud of our youth in this area, and wish them well in the next round of judging and fingers crossed will make it through to the National Final in May. Relaxed Lions Bill & Allan are very relieved that they no longer have to erect and dismantle that big heavy gazebo every week. Alex Dorante, Lily Kars, Rylee Griffin, Caitlin Welsh, John Vasta, Sonja Howard, Kirstine Schoene New Chairs for Tully Hospital Tully Lions President Irene Braddick and Mission Beach Lions President Steve Wells recently donated 10 high backed day chairs with swing out leg rest for the in patients at Tully Hospital. The Whitsunday Lions Youth of the Year judging was held at the Christian College library on Saturday 7th March. Pictured from left to right Contestants from the Whitsunday Christian College are students Kavita Supramaniam, Public Speaking Winner Dayna Marshall, Fia Fitzgerald, & Overall winner for Whitsunday Lions Club YOTY Shontelle Betzel with Jason Costigan, Member for Whitsunday & Whitsunday Lion & coordinator of the Youth of the Year program Gloria Demartini in the back row. Karen Hawkins, physiotherapist, Irene Braddick, Diane Machan Allied Health Assistant, Petra Chvatalova registered nurse and Steve Wells Shontelle now moves on to the Zone Level of judging to be held in Collinsville. - 26 - The 201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Issue 10 – April 2015 Home Hill Lions Youth of the Year Quest Youth of the Year Zone 5, 6 & 7 Final L to R participating students in the YOY: Christina Postma, Sophie Loizou, Rachel Marano, Ryan Attard, Ben Walters and Cassandra Loizou The Zone final of the Youth of the Year Quest for zones 5, 6 & 7 was held at St James Retirement Village in Townsville on Saturday 14th March. The Home Hill Lions club held their annual Youth of th the Year quest on Monday the 9 February at the Crown Hotel, Home Hill. There were seven students who participated in the quest. Students contesting the final (L to R in the photo above) were Kaitlin Lewis representing The Cathedral School and sponsored by The Twin Cities Leo Club, Katelyn Clegg representing William Ross State High School and sponsored by Townsville Mt Stuart Lions Club, Jackson Arthy representing Kirwan State High School and sponsored by Townsville Ross Valley Lions Club, Tahne Lahiff representing Ignatius Park College and sponsored by Townsville Castle Hill Lions Club, Caitlin Deon representing St Margaret Marys College and sponsored by Cleveland Bay Lions Club, Jack McDougall representing All Souls St Gabriels School and sponsored by Charters Towers Gold City Lions Club, Nea O’Connor representing Townsville State High School and sponsored by Townsville Northern Suburbs Lions Club and Thomas Elliott also representing All Souls St Gabriels School and sponsored by Charters Towers Host Lions Club. Speech topics for the evening included “What If?”, “Socially Unacceptable”, “Aussie Affairs”, “The Australian Identity”, “Social Risks” and “The Hunger Games”. Judges for the evening were Cherie Archer (Manager, Ayr National Australia Bank), Matthew Patane and John McVeigh. The judge’s comments at the end of the evening were very encouraging to all the students. They said how hard it was to pick a winner from such high academic achievers. They all felt that Australia’s future is in good hands with the leadership and community values demonstrated by the students. Christina Postma will now go to the next level of judging, which is the zone final. This will be held in Collinsville on Saturday, 14 March 2015. The standard of competition was very high making the judging panel’s task a most difficult one. Jackson Arthy was the winner of the Public Speaking section and Caitlin Deon was selected as the overall winner. Caitlin will now progress to contest the District Final on Saturday 28th March. Congratulations to all eight students for contesting the YOTY quest and to the eight sponsoring Lions Clubs for providing this wonderful opportunity for our youth. Pictured l to r Sam Harris, President of the HH Lions Club, YOY winner Christina Postma, Public speaking winner Sophie Loizou and YOY Chairman Nyree Woods - 27 - The 201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Issue 10 – April 2015 ICOS 2015 It’s time to plan ahead …. By now, elections for incoming officers will be complete in all Clubs. All Lions who have accepted these important leadership roles within their Club should now make it a priority to attend the Training Session in your local area to learn what is required in your role, to help your club be the best it possibly can be. This year, we will be conducting the Incoming Officers’ Schools in 6 locations, so you won’t have to travel far to get to a session near you. These sessions are also an excellent source of information for any Lion who would like to know more about the organisation, and all are welcome to attend. DATE CLAIMERS FOR INCOMING OFFICERS SCHOOLS 2015 Location Date Time Cairns Sunday 17 May 9am – 1pm Tablelands Saturday 16 May 1 – 5pm Tully Saturday 23 May 1 – 5pm Townsville Saturday 9 May 1 – 5pm Whitsundays Sunday 24 May 9am – 1pm Mackay Saturday 23 May 1 – 5pm Venues will be advised next month, but mark your diary now to keep the date clear to start your new Lions year with all the latest information and skills you need. Even if you have done the job before, there is still more to learn! Don’t miss this opportunity. Lion Toni Lanphier District Leadership Coordinator The annual Queensland State Leo conference was held over the weekend of the 13th to the 15th of March in Yeppoon. The weekend was full of fun and fellowship between the Leos from icebreaking games to guest speakers. The annual Leo of the year competition was held on the Saturday afternoon where Sophie Seaden, who was representing our district of Q2, presented her speech and did our district proud. Sophie did not take out the QLD Leo of the year but is a wonderful Leo and should be acknowledged for what she does. The winner was Emily Somerville from Q1. The State Conference was a great success and we must thank the CQ Leos for their organisation of the conference. Our Leos made friends for life and it’s great to see and watch them interact with Leo from other districts and learn about the bigger picture of Lions. Leos and Lions unite for the Qld State Leo Conference held in Yeppoon - 28 - The 201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Issue 10 – April 2015 Hello Lions clubs of Q2 For those who do not know my name is Amanda Wilson and I am the Webmaster and IT Chairperson for 201Q2. I recently I attended a Zone meeting in Townsville, I did a short presentation on Facebook and Websites for Lions, if you are interested in doing a website or a Facebook I can help you out! With a website, all I need to know is your club name, the club member who would be interested in doing the updating of the website. I can run through a little workshop if I get enough interest on how to go through the basics on the website. For Facebook, you do not need me to set it up just let me know and I can talk you through how to do a Facebook page for your club. However if you are worried how to set one 1 up I can help you set it up again I am working on a presentation done to a workshop if you need assistance. If you or your club is not convinced on wanting a either a website or a Facebook page I can talk to them either over email or via a phone call. If you are close by travelling wise I can organise to visit your Zone and do all clubs at one time. If this is not suitable, I am going to be talking to Garry Davey (2015 Convention Coordinator) to do a “workshop” with as many clubs as possible. At this present time in Q2 we have 83 clubs (including Lions, Branch Clubs, Lionesses & Leos) and only 22 Lions Clubs (including Branch clubs) have websites, 1 Leo club and no Lioness clubs have websites (most have not been updated since 2009 & since I have been the IT webmaster created 2 new website which have not been updated since being created). We have 19 Lions clubs (including Branch clubs), 1 Lioness club and 1 Leo Club with Facebook. Clubs with both equals up to 6 Lions Clubs (including Branch clubs) and 1 Leo club has both. The numbers seem great until you see 37 Lions Clubs (including Branch clubs), 7 Lioness Clubs and 2 Leo Clubs do not have either a Facebook or a website, which equals to 46 clubs with no contact with any new potential members that is over 50% of clubs! Trying to get new members the first thing new younger potential members will do is look at a website or a Facebook page to see the work you do, however if these pages are not updated or do not exist you will not be able to get new members from this FREE advertising. If you are not sure if your club has either a website or a Facebook page please go to our website where all clubs in the 201Q2 are listed. If your club name is in blue it means you have a website, if beside your club you have (Facebook) in blue that means you have a Facebook page, you can click on the blue and be able see your website or Facebook page. I really hope more clubs get involved with the website it really is free advertising and networking. Please feel free to email me for information. Q2 District IT Chairperson & Webmaster - Amanda Wilson E: M: 0448 969 478 As Youth Exchange Chairman, I am available to do a Presentation to the Clubs Dinner Meetings regarding the Lions Youth Exchange Program, which includes both finding Host Families and also sending Youth from Australia to many countries around the World. As regards Host families, may I suggest that the Clubs find suitable Host Families outside the Lions Club should their own Club members be unwilling to be Host Families. This can include Lions family members, Police Officers, Ambulance Officers, Fire Brigades and not forgetting School Groups and Church Groups. We really do need to find as many Host families as possible as quickly as possible. Damien Mott Tel: 0416 244 485, 07 4945 4140 201Q2 Youth Exchange Chairperson & Proserpine President International Youth Exchange Camp Director Email: - 29 - The 201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Issue 10 – April 2015 them, to me with names of deceased Club Members. Regarding the Remembrance Form you have until the morning of the Ceremony. I will be leaving for Newcastle on 25th April, however I will be taking the District laptop with me should any of our Lions unfortunately pass away, I will also be able to be contacted on my mobile 0428 453 889. Cabinet Secretary Report Remember the Incoming Officers Seminars are coming up in May and it is really important for ALL incoming Club Officers to attend. I know they have been revamped this year so if you have gone in previous years, you are sure to learn something new. District Governor Gordon and our Leadership Co-ordinator Lion Toni will be passing on more information as the time draws nearer. Hello everyone, Well things are starting to get to the pointy end of the year for all the current Officer Bearers. (Including for Cabinet Officers) With the result all Club Secretaries know that it is time for the PU101 to be sent to me, after you have your Club Elections. I am needing a copy of the PU101 so that I can get the right information into the 2015 - 2016 MD Directory. If you don’t give me the incoming Executive I will only have the option of putting in the information for the current Executive and that means phone calls and emails going to the wrong persons. I’m sure all Secretaries know that to put the incoming officers information on the MyLCI site you only need to go into the “SELECT TERM” at the top left hand side of the Club information, click on that and it comes up with blank places for you to enter the incoming Executive. Very easy!!! Another thing to remember is that if you aren’t having your Club Elections until June and you do have a good idea of who will be your Executive, please send this information on to me as soon as possible as I have to have this information, supposedly by the end of March, however please send it to me as soon as possible before I go away in April AT THE VERY VERY LATEST. Well that seems to be all for this time. I look forward to seeing some of you in Newcastle. I have been told that each District will have lots of room this year. Regards Lion Joyce Cabinet Secretary Newsletter Information If you have any items you would like included in next month’s bulletin (space permitting) this must be received NO LATER than 15th of the month by mail or email. If possible please forward items by email with pictures in JPEG format to:The Editor Graham Fraser 20 St Davids Close Kirwan 4817 Another item to remember is the return of your Delegate Form and Remembrance Form for the Newcastle Convention. Even if you are not sending any one to Convention please return the form with NIL. The same goes for the Remembrance Form however unfortunately several Clubs will be returning Or Email: Phone: 4773 4452 - 30 - The 201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Issue 10 – April 2015 WELCOME TO OUR NEW MEMBERS IN THE LIONS FAMILY Changed Contact Details Cairns Business Lions Club New Email: Mission Beach Lions Club New President Stephen Wells New Email: Tom Porter - Youth Activities Leos Chairman Email: Mobile: 0429491990 On behalf of the family of Lions of District 201Q2, a very warm welcome to the following new members who have recently joined our organisation. Tolga & District Lions Club Correct Postal Address:"Postal address for Tolga Lions Club should read 'PO Box 221' “ Aitkenvale Business Mary Palma-Robles Sponsor Garret Robles Cairns Trinity Bay Lions Club Secretary Irene Bailey Only one number now - no land line Mobile 0455 829 613 Bowen Mark Carty Sponsor Ross Newell Dalrymple Regional Robin Hick Tony Wilkinson Bulwai Cultural Heritage Lions Club Secretary Lion Gary Davis Email: Mob 0437 255229 Sponsor Raymond Bowman Sponsor Lynette Snowdowne Ingham Stuart Bear Silvia Poggio Sponsor Edward Morris Sponsor Rita Lynch Mackay Harriet Loughlin David Taia Sponsor Yvonne Tui Sponsor Yvonne Tui Sponsor Gilbert Teitzel PDG Barry Brockbank- Foundations ALF & LCIF New email Sponsor Donald Holliday Sponsor John Muller Graham Sweeper President Mareeba Lions Club New Sponsor Claire Shepherd - President Mission Beach Lioness Club New email Phone :- 40687242 Townsville Castle Hill Donna Gregory Wayne Gregory New email address:- Lion Amanda Wilson - Chair IT & WEBMASTER New email :- Thuringowa Alice River Jill Arbidans 2nd VDG Brian Hewitt Lion Bill Firth – Health Group A - CoOrdinator New email Rollingstone and District Deeveena Murphy Jeffrey Stark New email address:- Zone 2 Chairman Chris Symonds New email Mareeba David Ferguson PDG Garth Gleeson Sponsor Gay Rebgetz Sponsor Gay Rebgetz Home Hill Lions Club New email We wish all the new members many enjoyable years of Lions Service. - 31 -
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