Lions International Australia District 201V3 Newsletter Web Site address : I had the pleasure of presenting Lions Club of Balla Balla with their fourdiamond level patch for the current fiscal year. This is the only Club that I have received this award for. Lions are being asked to help reach our Centennial Service Challenge goal to benefit 100 million people by June 2018 in celebration of our 100th anniversary. Every district and club can play a part in reaching this goal and earn special Centennial Banner Patches for each of the four years of the Centennial. Patches are earned based on the completion of youth, vision, hunger and environment projects and by reporting the activities through MyLCI. For those exemplary clubs in your district who have already reported completion of all four service areas, we've enclosed their four-diamond level patch for the current fiscal year. In order to recognize their accomplishment and encourage other clubs to do the same, please present the patches to the clubs listed below at your district convention or another noteworthy event. Please be sure to visit the website for all things Centennial, including the first global progress report on our Centennial service goals, other resources and tools including a new Centennial video, and information on how clubs and districts can earn their special Centennial Banner Patches and report their activities through MyLCI. Thank you to the Clubs that are entering their activities on the International MLCI to help reach the goal to benefit 100 million people. PP363372/00004 May 2015 The State Youth of the Year was held in Ballarat on the 11th April 2015. I congratulate all District representatives on their excellent presentations. The District 201 V3 Entrant was Emma Wiggins. Emma was supported by the Mount Eliza Lions Club Members. The Impromptu questions asked were:Q1 Is it always wrong to lie? Q2 What lessons can we learn from the ANZACS. Emma’s speech was - From little things big things grow. I congratulate Emma on winning the State final and now goes to the Multiple District Final to be held in Newcastle. “LEND A HELPING HAND FOR A HAPPY HEART THROUGH SERVICE” The Ride for sight commenced on the 9th in the Worldwide Week of Service in May! th April at Licola and Concluding on the 12 Worldwide Week of Service Resources April at Moe. I took great pleasure presenting Worldwide Week of Service Club Flyer Club a LEO TYQUINN AWARD to Brian O’Connell Press Release Social Media Resources for his involvement with the Ride for Sight Children in Need Project Ideas Children in project from the inception 22 years ago. I Need Planning Guide - See more at: presented Ride for Sight Bannerettes to the riders, support crew and sponsors present at ams/centennial-servicethe completion of the ride. challenge/worldwide-week-ofPlease do not miss the District 201V3 service.php#sthash.N2mch2k8.dpuf Information Day Sunday 7th June 2015. All Club members are invited and encouraged to CABINET SECRETARY’S REPORT attend the information day at Federation University Northways Road, Churchill. It is very disappointing when, by the due date, Refer to the Revised Suspension I had received only 38 completed PU101 Policy elsewhere in this Newsletter, forms out of a possible 77 which should have International Dues must be paid within 90 st been supplied. Please do not be too upset days from the 1 of July, 2015, formally 120 when a blank space appears next to your days club details in the Multiple District Directory. I It has been brought to my attention also hope that not too many members that when there is a change in Office Bearers attending the MD Convention at Newcastle that the stationery needs to have the contact were shocked when they could not vote as details changed. only 18 clubs (possible 63) returned the form May 16-22: Worldwide Week of Return No. 5 required to enable those Service to help children in need, See more at: attending to vote. Some relatives of deceased members and deceased family members may ndar.php#sthash.92DcX6be.dpuf have been a little upset when only 16 clubs Here's how your club can take part in bothered to forward Return No.6 and these this special service event: Plan your project – deceased persons were not recognised at the Host a service project that benefits youth, convention. I asked that “Nil” returns be vision, hunger or the environment during the forwarded if applicable. Please point out to week of May 16-22. Get project ideas and your club Secretary that these forms are planning tips for helping children in need in needed and not asked for just to help me fill the resources section below. Share your in my time. I hope PDG Peter McShane gets project – Invite your community to serve with a better response next year. you to showcase your club and the power of Please record a new address for all service. Report your project – Report your correspondence to the district: service on the MyLCI Service Activity Report to earn a Centennial Banner Patch for your PO Box 221 club. Celebrate Your Service Share photos of Koo Wee Rup Vic 3981. your project on social media so everyone can Also the new email address for Hampton see what a difference you're making in your Park Club is – community. Use the hashtag #Lions100, and we'll share your images on the LCI Facebook page! Start Planning Today Download the PDG Ken Blay event flyer and share it with your club, then start planning your service project. Don't miss this opportunity to join Lions around the globe “LEND A HELPING HAND FOR A HAPPY HEART THROUGH SERVICE” Revised Suspension Policy In April, 2010 the Board of Directors approved an amended policy, effective July 2, 2010 that affects Clubs that have not paid their club balances on time. The policy is as follows: A Club which has an unpaid balance in excess of US$20 per member or US$1,000 per club, whichever is less, outstanding past 120 days will be automatically suspended including the charter, rights, privileges, and obligation of the Lions Club. In the event, the Club does not reach an active status by the 28th of the following month the club’s charter would be automatically canceled. Suspension is the temporary deferment of the charter, rights, privileges and obligations of a Lions club due to an unpaid balance. Clubs on suspension shall not: (a) Conduct service activities (b) Conduct fund raising activities; (c) Participate in district and multiple district functions or seminars; (d) Participate in any voting procedures outside of the club (e) Endorse or nominate a candidate for district, multiple district and international office; (f) Submit Monthly Membership Report and report forms; (g) Sponsor a Lions club, or organize a Leo or a Lioness club. Clubs on Suspension shall: (a) Hold meetings to discuss the future of the club and identify the steps needed to regain an active status. (b) Make payments to clear the existing outstanding balance, or request a payment plan. and update the membership roster after a Club is released from Suspension. Dues are the primary source of income used to support the programs and services provided to our membership. Regular and prompt payment is expected to ensure continued support of this great operation. Please feel free to contact us at should you require additional information. We hope all clubs will review their statements regularly, and will send the necessary payments to ensure their good status is protected. Accounts Receivable and Club Account Services 300 W. 22nd Street Oakbrook, IL 60523-8842 Phone: 630-203-3820 FAX: 630-706-9108 JUNIOR PUBLIC SPEAKING COMPETITION All Clubs are reminded that participation in the competition requires registration by 31 May and also the payment of a small registration fee of $10. Registration forms will be sent out upon request. All Zone Chairmen will have received the Club Information details by email so they could also be a point of contact. This document contains the Registration form. If in any doubt please contact me and I will send details and information to you by email. I hope many Clubs will take up this opportunity to involve the youth of the community in this very exciting and interesting competition. Colin F. Stevens District Chairman This revised policy has serious consequences for clubs that are in arrears in paying their club balances. This policy could affect Clubs that have as little as two percapita billings or less unpaid at 120 days. Email: Clubs placed on suspension may regain an Tel: 59742364; 0409742364 active status by sending payments sufficient to pay the balance. A re-activation report will not be required to regain an active status, however, officers should immediately review “LEND A HELPING HAND FOR A HAPPY HEART THROUGH SERVICE” HOW TO APPLY FOR A MELVIN JONES FELLOWSHIP Does your Club have sufficient credit (US$1000.00) with LCIF towards the purchase of a Melvin Jones Fellowship? If the answer is YES there are several ways to apply for a Melvin Jones Fellowship, these are: 1. Complete the MJF application form LCIF 42M, this is available from the LCIF web page and also the Lions Australia web page, and either email it directly to PDG George H Barnard OAM at or post it to him at P.O. Box 777, Noble Park, VIC 3174. He then processes the application and ships directly from Melbourne. Shipping time is usually seven to ten days from receipt of application. 2. Complete the MJF application form LCIF 42M, this is available from the LCIF web page and also the Lions Australia web page, and either email it directly to your District LCIF Coordinator or by post to the address shown in the MD201 Directory who then forwards the application to PDG George H Barnard OAM at or posts it to him at P.O. Box 777, Noble Park, VIC 3174. He then processes the application and ships directly from Melbourne. Shipping time is usually seven to ten days from receipt of application. 3. Complete the application by filling out the online application form which is found at the LCIF web page and also the Lions Australia web page, you then send this directly to LCIF where the application is registered. Your application is then forwarded by LCIF to PDG George H Barnard OAM who then processes the application and ships directly from Melbourne. Shipping time is usually seven to ten days from receipt of application. slowest, it could be several weeks before the application is registered by LCIF and forwarded to PDG George thus causing some delay. This is usually the case during May/June/July of each year. Does your Club have sufficient credit (US$1000.00) with LCIF towards the purchase of a Melvin Jones Fellowship? If the answer is NO you should complete the MJF application form LCIF 42M, this is available from the LCIF web page and also the Lions Australia web page, then send it together with a cheque, in Australian currency, for the balance required, monthly exchange rates are available from the LCI web page, to your Cabinet Treasurer who banks it to your Club account with LCI. He/she then send the MJF application together with a copy of the bank deposit slip to PDG George H Barnard OAM, this becomes his authority to ship, he then processes the application and ships directly from Melbourne. Shipping time is usually seven to ten days from receipt of application. A courtesy copy of any MJF application should be sent to your District LCIF Coordinator by email or by post to the address shown in the MD201 Directory. Should there be a problem in delivery your District Coordinator can then follow up on your behalf. DISTRICT V3 INFORMATION DAY SUNDAY 7TH JUNE 2015 The annual District V3 Information Day will be held in building 4N at Federation (formally Monash) University, Northways Road, Churchill. All Club members are invited and encouraged to attend and the day will be full of valuable Lions information, presented by experienced District Lions. The presentations will include: - operating in Club roles (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Chairman) “LEND A HELPING HAND FOR A HAPPY HEART THROUGH SERVICE” Of the three options shown above option one is the quickest, option two is the second quickest and option three is the - - keynote presentation by PDG Shirley Higman aspects of change within the Lions organisation, including information on the approaching Lions Centenary activities and Club opportunities leadership information and upcoming development opportunities for members membership growth initiatives and activities These information days are also an opportunity to meet other Lions, identify members of the District Cabinet and establish ongoing relationships and networks within the District. To assist with catering, all Clubs please advise numbers by an email to: V3 GLT Coordinator, Neil Wingrave at – please advise by 29th May 2015. Lion Greg Leonard Mother-inLaw Our caring thoughts and get well wishes are extended to the following members of the Lions family, whether it is they are recovering from major surgery or a minor cold. We wish you all a speedy recovery. Also members ‘ names that I have not received on the sick list, We wish you good health and a full recovery. Members on the Sick List Lions Club Lion Victor Wells Mornington Lion Malcolm Baker Mornington Hon: Lion Peter Burton Mornington Lion Jim Duggan Bairnsdale Lion Col Oakley Bairnsdale Lion Murray Goff Bairnsdale Lion John Kemp Bairnsdale PDG Lion Phil King Bairnsdale Lion Kay Freeburn District 201 V3 Member Welfare Chairperson Mobile 0418 052 988 MEMBERSHIP WELFARE District Governor Joyce Radford and the Lions family of District 201 V3 pass on their sincere condolences to the families of the following members, also to the Lions family who have had a bereavement in their family. District Members passed away Lion Helen Nikitin Cranbourne Lions Club of Lock Sport Member’s Family Lions Club passed away Lion Bruce Father Strzelecki Chisholm Lions Lady Laurie Father Strzelecki Gregg “LEND A HELPING HAND FOR A HAPPY HEART THROUGH SERVICE” Q: Why did the cow cross the road? A: To get to the udder side. Q: What do you call a fish without an eye? A: Fsh! Q: Why do fish live in salt water? A: Because pepper makes them sneeze! Q: Where do mice park their boats? A: At the hickory dickory dock. “LEND A HELPING HAND FOR A HAPPY HEART THROUGH SERVICE”
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