CENTRAL ELECTRICITY SUPPLY UTILITY OF ODISHA ( Formerly CESCO ) IDCO TOWERS ( II nd Floor) , Janapath ,Bhubaneswar-751 022 Phone : 2540808 , 2545681 , 2542895 , 2541727 , Fax : 0674- 2543125 Web Site : www . cescoorissa . com . SHORT OPEN TENDER NOTICE Tender Notice No. CESU / H.Qrs. / P & S / 588 / Vol – I // 8009 Dt. 30.03.2015 For and on behalf of CESU, the undersigned invites Sealed tenders in two separate envelops (One Envelop containing Techno Commercial offer with EMD etc & Other envelop containing only Price Bid ) duly Super scribing the Tender No., Item & Due Date of opening from reputed Manufacturers only for supply of following materials ( under RGGVY 11 th plan Scheme ) as per schedule below. Sl.No A 1 2 3 4 Description L.T. Distribution Box For 16 KVA, 11 / 0.23 KV Distribution Transformer 25 KVA, 11 / 0.4 KV Distribution Transformer 63 KVA, 11 / 0.4 KV Distribution Transformer 100 KVA, 11 / 0.4 KV Distribution Transformer Unit Qty EMD Amount (`) No No No No 19 508 850 666 1,000.00 65,000.00 1,40,000.00 1,70,000.00 Note : - The bidders are free to quote for single or multiple items , but EMDs are to be furnished in shape of A / C payee Bank Draft in favour of CESU , Bhubaneswar for each item separately. For details of Short Tender , please visit our website : - www.cescoorissa.com Sd/Chief General Manager ( Purchase & Stores ) CENTRAL ELECTRICITY SUPPLY UTILITY OF ODISHA ( Formerly CESCO ) IDCO TOWERS ( II nd Floor) , Janapath ,Bhubaneswar-751 022 Phone : 2540808 , 2545681 , 2542895 , 2541727 , Fax : 0674- 2543125 Web Site : www . cescoorissa . com . SHORT OPEN TENDER NOTICE DETAILS OF ENCLOSURE FOR WEBSITE : - www.cescoorissa.com Tender Notice No. CESU / H.Qrs. / P & S / 588 / Vol – I // 8009 Dt. 30.03.2015 For and on behalf of CESU, the undersigned invites Sealed tenders in two separate envelops (One Envelop containing Techno Commercial offer with EMD etc & Other envelop containing only Price Bid ) duly Super scribing the Tender No., Item & Due Date of opening from reputed Manufacturers only for supply of following materials ( under RGGVY 11 th plan Scheme ) as per schedule below. Sl.No A 1 2 3 4 Description L.T. Distribution Box For 16 KVA, 11 / 0.23 KV Distribution Transformer 25 KVA, 11 / 0.4 KV Distribution Transformer 63 KVA, 11 / 0.4 KV Distribution Transformer 100 KVA, 11 / 0.4 KV Distribution Transformer Unit Qty EMD Amount (`) No No No No 19 508 850 666 1,000.00 65,000.00 1,40,000.00 1,70,000.00 Note : - The bidders are free to quote for single or multiple items , but EMDs are to be furnished in shape of A / C payee Bank Draft in favour of CESU , Bhubaneswar for each item separately. For details of Short Tender , please visit our website : - www.cescoorissa.com TERMS & CONDITIONS : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The Bidders should be the Manufacturer only of the tendered item. A) For all items , the Bidders should have supplied at least 50 % of the Tendered quantity during last three financial years for the items quoted to the organizations of repute. The Bidders should furnish P.O. copies along with the related inspection, verification & Performance Reports , if any. The Bidder has to give certificate for successfully executing the order in preceding three years of Tender. The bidders , who have earlier failed to execute the P.O. of CESU & Or Black listed // Debarred by CESU shall not be eligible to participate in this tender. The bidders must quote for the full tendered quantity or else the offer shall not be considered. Bids accompanied without support of certified copies of P.O. will not be considered for evaluation. The average annual turnover of the Bidder during last three financial years shall be as per following Sl. No Unit A Description L.T. Distribution Box For Average Last date & annual turn Time of EMD Amount submission at over Qty Amount 1 PM // (`) Opening on ( ` ) in same day at Lakhs 1 2 3 4 16 KVA, 11 / 0.23 KV Distribution Transformer 25 KVA, 11 / 0.4 KV Distribution Transformer 63 KVA, 11 / 0.4 KV Distribution Transformer 100 KVA, 11 / 0.4 KV Distribution Transformer No No No No 19 508 850 666 1,000.00 15.04.15 3.00 P.M. 65,000.00 1,40,000.00 1,70,000.00 at 1.00 65.00 140.00 170.00 Contd : - P – 2 P–2 Note : A) The bidders are free to quote for single or multiple items , but EMDs are to be furnished in shape of A / C payee Bank Draft in favour of CESU , Bhubaneswar for each item separately. B) Bidders offering for multiple items , must meet the sum of minimum turn over requirement of each item , mentioned above. C) The Bidder has to furnish self attested audited profit & loss account & balance sheet of last three years to establish their turn over requirement. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. The Bidders should have valid PAN No., VAT // CST , Excise Regn. ( if any ). The offer should be accompanied with EMD , only in shape of D.D. in favour of CESU payable at Bhubaneswar, failing which the offer shall not be considered. No previous deposit with us shall be adjusted for EMD. The EMD shall be forfeited , if the order is not accepted // executed. The Bidders should submit the following sheet (as per enclosed format ) duly signed along with the offer for each Group with documentary evidence OR else Bids shall not be considered for evaluation. (A) DECLARATION FORM ( B ) INFORMATION SHEET (Qualifying Requirement ) ( C ) SELF DECLARATION OF BLACK LISTING ( D ) PRICE BID ( In separate sealed envelop ) The offer // price is to be valid for 180 days from the date of opening of Bid. The offer // price should be Firm , contain all the Commercial details including the Unit Price for Ex factory , Packing & Forwarding , Excise Duty , VAT , Freight & Insurance along with the rate of taxes & duties ( wherever applicable ) . Lastly the unit landing cost at our Stores Depot at Choudwar and Bhubaneswar is to be submitted separately . The Bids , which meet our technical & commercial terms of the tender as per Information sheet , shall only be considered for opening of the Price Bid The Price evaluation shall be made on the basis of the unit landing cost at our Stores Depot at Choudwar and Bhubaneswar separately for each item. If the lowest evaluated price ( L – I ) of more than one responsive Bidders are same , then in such event , the tender quantity shall be awarded in equal proportion. For timely supply of materials , the quantities may be distributed among bidders ( maximum Two ) at L – I rate & the ratio shall be 70 % ( L – I ) : 30 % ( L – II ) Or the quantity offered / quoted by Bidders whichever is less. The supply is to be made after 30 days & completed within 180 days from the date of issue of the P.O. ( At least 50% supply within 90 days & balance within 180 days ) in phased manner from the date of issue of the P.O. Any delay // deviation in execution shall attract penalty of 0.5 % per week for the un – delivered quantity subject to maximum of 5 %. Without amounting to any of the terms , the P.O. shall remain valid up to 10 weeks beyond the last date of delivery as stipulated. Hence order for the un-delivered quantity of the materials shall be treated as cancelled without any further correspondences. The pre dispatch inspection shall be done by the Purchaser or Authorized representative and on issue of dispatch clearance , the materials shall be dispatched to our Stores // Site . The materials not found suitable during inspection shall be rejected. The performance B.G. of 10 % of the Contract Price is to be submitted within 30 days from the date of issue of the P.O. from any Nationalized Bank ( encashable at Bhubaneswar ) on Non – judicial Stamp paper worth ` 100/-, covering 90 days over and above the Guaranteed obligation. However , initially the B.G. shall be furnished for a minimum period of 27 months ( 6+18 + 3 ) from date of issue of P.O. for acceptance. In case of non – submission of Performance B.G. as above within 30 days from date of issue of P.O. , the E.M.D. amount submitted earlier shall be forfeited with other consequential action as provided under Tender specification. In case the delivery period is extended // rescheduled beyond scheduled period , mentioned in the P.O. , the validity of the P.B.G. is to be extended accordingly to cover the required guarantee period. Contd : - P – 3 P–3 20. 100 % payment shall be made by OPTCL within 30 days after receipt of materials for each phase in good condition as per specifications mentioned above and verification , subject to submission of the following to the Paying Officer. (a) Approval of Guarantee Certificate, Test Certificate, (b) Tax invoice in triplicate (c) Delivery Challan (d) Transportation copy ( if any ) (e) Way Bill copy ( if any ) (f) Any other document ,as required (g) Submission & acceptance of the P.B.G. (Or else an amount of 10 % of the Contract Price shall be deducted towards P.B.G. & this amount shall be released after completion of Guarantee period of last lot of supply) A) Payment Procedure : – The Payment is to be released to the Supplier directly by OPTCL , BBSR on certification by CESU , i.e. after receipt of materials in good condition at CESU’s Stores & accounting there of , the bill is to be passed by ESD , CESU , Cuttack & send to DGM – I ( Finance), H.Qrs., CESU in charge of RGGVY scheme ) who in turn ( after vetting ) shall send the bill to OPTCL for release of payment to supplier directly under intimation to CESU. The Paying Officer will be ESD , CESU , Cuttack. 21. The materials are to be guaranteed for trouble free performances for a period of 18 months from the date of delivery // last supply or 12 months from the date of actual use , whichever is earlier. If any defect is noticed during the above period , you shall replace the equivalent quantity of the defective material free of cost. 22. Failure to deliver the entire // Part quantity of the order , shall call for forfeiture of the Composite P.B.G. 23. For the purpose of dispute resolution , this agreement shall be governed by the provision of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. 24. In case of any dispute arising out of the P.O., the jurisdiction of the Court at Bhubaneswar and Writ Jurisdiction of Hon’ble High Court of Odisha at Cuttack. Neither party should go out of this place to decide in the matter. 25. No Telegraphic or Fax tender will be accepted. 26. The Tender is to be submitted by 1 P.M. of due date of opening & shall be opened on the same day at 3.00 P.M. on wards. 27. CESU reserves the right to relax the qualifying norms // to waive minor deviation ( if they do not materially affect the capacity of the bidder to perform the contract ) without assigning any reason there of , if the situation warrants. 28. The Authority reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantity // distribute the quantities among tenderers & the right to accept all // any tender or reject the tenders without assigning any reason there of. Chief General Manager ( Purchase & Stores ) Contd : - P – 4 P–4 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: L.T. Distribution Box for 16 KVA , 25 KVA , 63 KVA & 100 KVA Transformers. 1 ) Scope : - For 16 KVA , 11 / 0.23 KV Sub-Station 19 Incoming MCCB Current capacity ( A ) 63 For 25 KVA , 11 / 0.4 KV Sub-Station For 63 KVA , 11 / 0.4 KV Sub-Station For 100 KVA , 11 / 0.4 KV Sub-Station 508 50 4 Pole 63 A Kit-Kat Fuse 6 Nos 8 (service cables) / 8 Sets (each set of 1 no of fuse for phase & neutral service cable) 2 / 2 Sets (each set of 3 Nos of fuse) 850 100 4 Pole 100 A Kit-Kat Fuse 6 Nos 2 / 2 Sets (each set of 3 Nos of fuse) - 666 200 4 Pole 100 A Kit-Kat Fuse 6 Nos 2 / 2 Sets (each set of 3 Nos of fuse) - LT DBs Qty (No) No of Outgoing Kit Kat of Poles current capacity (Incoming) 1 Pole 32 A Kit-Kat Fuse 8 Nos Number of Out going Feeders / Set No of Poles - - 2 ) DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS:The L.T. Distribution Cabinets are meant for installation in the D.P. Structure Pole Mounted Distribution 11 / 0.23 KV / 11 / 0.433 KV Sub- station of the ratings indicated above. These Distribution Cabinets are to be outdoor type and to be fabricated out of 2 mm G.I. sheet steel. The body of the boxes shall have sufficient reinforcement with suitable size of channels keeping a provision for fixing these boxes on DP structure . The Box shall have door with self locking ( When the main MCCB is in close position the door can not be opened and after closing of the door only the main MCCB can be closed ) arrangement and a door handle conforming to general quality conditions. Any compromise on quality of the door handle used shall be liable for rejection. The roof of the box shall be slightly slanting both sides as per drawing with an over hang of 50 mm on all side. Locking arrangement shall be Godrej Type, 3 Position Locking System for better Security. However, a separate provision for manual locking arrangement shall also be provided as stand by. The nuts, bolts, washers used in the box shall be galvanized to avoid rusting. The door hinges shall not be visible from outside. The box shall have two nos of solid Earthing points on either side with an arrangement for sufficient ventilation. The boxes should confirm to IP-55 degree of protection. The bidders shall have to enclose type test certificate for degree of protection ( IP-55 ) after their product duly tested at CPRI or any Govt. approved laboratory failing which their bid is liable for rejection. Preference shall be given to those who have successfully conducted type test as mentioned above. The box shall have provision of bus bars of Electrolytic Aluminium mounted on epoxy resin cast bus insulators fixed on suitable fixing arrangement. The bus bars shall be conveniently placed so as to provide adequate clearance from the body of the box conforming to I.E. Rules applicable for L.T. supply with provision for one Bus Bar arrangement with 4 pole MCCB for all capacities of LT DBs & 2 Nos of out going feeder arrangement with 2 sets of (3 no each) Kit Kat fuse block for O/G feeder for 100 KVA ,63 KVA & 25 KVA & 8 Sets (each set of 1 no of fuse for phase & neutral service cable) for 16 KVA LTDBs. The Bus-Bar arrangement may be suitably made to house two out-going feeders with sufficient clearance between phases inside the LT Distribution Boxes. There should be Heat Shrinkable bus bar insulation tubing of Red ,Yellow , Blue & Black. Alternatively phase coloured insulated paint (not less than 3.0 KV) should be applied on the Bus-Bars. The indication LED lamp of R-Y-B Colour will be provided on the door of LTDB of 25 KVA , 63 KVA and 100 KVA and only R Colour for LT DB for 16 KVA. The arrangement and dimensions shall be as per the drawing enclosed. Contd : - P – 5 P–5 The provision of Earthing is to be made up with Copper Flat of Size 25x 4mm. Suitable cable glands of heavy duty, double compression type made up of Brass shall be provided at the bottom of the Box. One for incoming cable and two / eight for outgoing cables. Detachable plates shall be provided for fixing of cable glands. 2. 1 ) DEVIATION FROM SPECIFICATION :The Drawings shown are indicative. Prior to manufacturing , the bidder shall submit detail drawing with arrangement of Bus bar, MCCB , Kit Kat fuse , phase indicator lamps etc for approval by the purchaser. 3) ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS :3.1 a) Maximum temperature of air in shade b) Minimum temperature of air in shade c) Maximum temperature of air in sun. d) Maximum humidity e) Average number of thunder storm days per annum f) Average number of dust storm days per annum g) Maximum rainfall per annum h) Average rainfall per annum i) Maximum ambient temperature daily average j) Wind pressure k) Altitude - 450 C - 00 C - 500 C - 100% - 70 days - 20 days - 2000 mm - 1500 mm - 45 0 C - 200 Kg / M2 - Less than 1000 m 4) REQUIRED MAKE:- Make must be specified in the tender 4.1) MCCB :- It may be of reputed make preferably of M/s L&T / M/s Siemens / M/s Havells / M/s C&S / M/s Schneider / M/s ABB 4.2) KIT- KAT FUSE ( 32 Amps, 50 Amps , 63 Amps & 100 Amps ) :- It may be of reputed make preferably of M/s Havells / M/s Anchor The purchaser reserves the right to choose any one out of 4 & 1 Pole MCCB with / without Neutral Protection:I ) Standard :- IS -13947 (Part-2) / 1993 & IEC Pub - 947 - 2 (1989 ) II ) Rated Voltage :- 230 / 415 Volt AC. III ) No. of Poles for protection :- For 16 KVA – 1 pole for incomer & 1 pole Kit Kat fuse each for Out Going Service Cables :- For 25 KVA , 63 KVA & 100 KVA – 4 pole for incomer & Kit Kat fuse for 2 Nos Out Going feeder (3 nos of fuse for each O/G) IV ) Rated current :63 A, 50 A, 100 A & 200 A V ) Rated service short circuit breaking capacity:The Percentage of Rated Service short Circuit breaking capacity to Rated Ultimate Short circuit Breaking Capacity shall be mentioned as per Table-1, Page-13 of IS:13947(part-2) . All other features of the MCCB shall confirm to the IS : 13947 (Pt. - 2) / 1993 & IEC Pub - 947 (Pt. 2) /1989. Preferably the rated ultimate Short Circuit Breaking Capacity is as follows, The Percentage of Rated Service short Circuit breaking capacity ( Ics ) to Rated Ultimate Short circuit Breaking Capacity ( Icu ) shall be mentioned as per Table-1, Page-13 of IS:13947(part-2) / 1989. VI ) Type of protection :- Overload & short circuit protection is a must with static / electro magnetic / thermo magnetic trip release with manual resetting. For Neutral un-balance current protection , the bidders are to furnish alternative rates as indicated above. Contd : - P – 6 P–6 DRAWING for L.T. Distribution Box for 16 KVA, 11 / 0.23 KV , 25 KVA, 63 KVA & 100 KVA , 11/ 0.433 KV Transformers Details:Sl. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Dimension / Description A B C D E Incomer MCCB 7 Cable size for Incomer Out –going feeder 63 A (Single Pole), with Over Current Setting 80% to 100 % 16 mm2, 2 core cable 32 Amp Kit Kat Fuse (8 Sets (each set of 1 no of fuse for phase & neutral service cable)) Bus Bar for Incoming & Out going feeders 20 x 5 mm Flat 8 9 10 11 Bus Bar material 16 KVA 600 500 250 25 KVA 63 KVA 100 KVA 700 600 400 80 90 50 A (4Pole), with Over Current Setting 80% to 100 % 35 mm2, 3 ½ core cable 63 Amp Kit Kat Fuse (2 sets each of 3 nos) 700 600 400 80 90 100 A (4Pole), with Over Current Setting 80% to 100 % 1000 800 500 170 250 200 A (4Pole), with Over Current setting 80% to 100 % 95 mm2, 3 ½ core cable 100 Amp Kit Kat Fuse (2 sets each of 3 nos) 150 mm2, 3 ½ core cable 100 Amp Kit Kat Fuse (2 sets each of 3 nos) 25 x 6 mm Flat 25 x 6 mm Flat 40 x 6 mm Flat Electrolytic Electrolytic Electrolytic Electrolytic Aluminium Aluminium Aluminium Aluminium A Neutral Bus Bar similar to phase bus bar is to be provided Contd : - P – 7 P–7 N.B. : - 1 ) 4 Pole MCCB for Incomer & Kit Kat Fuse for outgoing feeder for individual tripping of each phase due to faults in the respective phases in the outgoing feeder, of reputed make to be specified in the tender along with test report from CPRI / Govt. testing lab. It shall confirm to IS - 13947 (pt - 2 ) / 1993 with latest amendment. The bidder should also furnish the purchase order of MCCBs with serial number for verification of genuineness of the MCCBs. 2) The in-coming cable should be connected to the terminals of the MCCB with Bi-metallic lugs preferably of Usha Martin make duly crimped with Die-less crimping tools. There should be a metallic / heat resistant insulating barrier between the individual MCCBs so that the heat generated during any fault inside the Box should not pass to the other MCCBs. General Technical Particulars for LT Distribution Boxes : 1) The LT Distribution Boxes should be of the dimensions as per the drawing & details in the table furnished. 2) The bidders can quote with their own design suitably accommodating the components as indicated in this bid in conforming to the approved clearances and technical requirements. The dimensions are only illustrative. Tolerances of dimensions are 10% over & above the dimensions specified. The bidder may specify their own dimensions and quote accordingly. The drawing and dimension should be submitted with the bidding document. 3) The distribution boxes shall be duly wired with suitable size of PVC insulated single core copper cable or equivalent section copper / aluminum flat. 4) Terminal connectors for the earth connections to be provided in the box. 5) The distribution cabinet should be preferably of IP-55 protective category, with provision for lighting inside the cabinet. The lighting bulb & socket should be screw type . Purchaser’s Name & Sl. No. Punching Marks should be given on any one of the sidewalls of each box as an identification of Purchaser’s property, besides furnishing a non-detachable Nameplate, which should exhibit the details of L.T. Distribution Cabinet. 6) TESTS : - The 4 pole & 1 pole MCCBs and Kit Kat Fuse to be mounted with Distribution Boxes shall have been fully type tested as per the relevant standard at CPRI / Govt. approved laboratory / NABL accredited laboratory. The bid shall be accompanying with type-test reports conducted at Central Power Research Institute / Govt. approved laboratory for the offered materials conducted within five years before the date of opening of the Tender. Copies of type test reports in respect of Impulse and Short Circuit tests must be enclosed with the tender failing which the Bid is liable for rejection. Purchaser reserves the right to demand repetition of the tests without any extra cost. The test certificates must show the actual values obtained from the tests, in the units used in this specification, and not merely confirm that the requirements have been met. In the case of components for which specific type tests or routine tests are not given in this specification, the Supplier shall include a list of the tests normally required for these components. All materials used in the Contract shall withstand and shall be certified to have satisfactorily passed such tests. The Purchaser at his discretion may re-confirm the Test Results in his own laboratory or laboratory of his choice. Bids not accompanied with type test reports conducted within five years prior to date of opening of Tender shall not be considered for evaluation. 7) INSPECTION:(a) The inspection may be carried out by the Purchaser at any stage of manufacture. The successful tenderer shall grant free access to the Purchaser’s representative at a reasonable time when the work is in progress. The manufacturer shall afford the Purchaser without charge, all reasonable facilities to assure that the equipment being manufactured is in accordance with this specification. Inspection and acceptance of any equipment under this specification by the Purchaser shall not relieve the supplier of his obligation of furnishing equipment in accordance with the specification and shall not prevent subsequent rejection if the equipment is found to be defective. Contd : - P – 8 P–8 (b) The supplier shall keep the Purchaser informed in advance about the manufacturing programme so that arrangement can be made for inspection. (c) The purchaser reserves the right to insist for witnessing the acceptance / routine testing of the bought out items. (d) The Purchaser reserves the right to reject an item of equipment if the test results do not comply with the values specified or with the data given in the technical data schedule. (e) Adequate facility with calibrated testing equipment must be provided by the manufacturer free of cost to carry out the tests. Type test certificates must be furnished along with the tender for reference of the Purchaser. (f) All costs in connection with the testing, including any necessary re-testing, shall be borne by the Supplier who shall provide the Purchaser with all the test facilities which the latter may require, free of charge. The Purchaser shall have the right to select the samples for test and shall also have the right to assure that the testing apparatus is duly calibrated and correct. Measuring apparatus for routine tests shall be calibrated at the expense of the Supplier at an approved laboratory and shall be approved by the Purchaser. (g) The Supplier shall be responsible for the proper testing of the plant or materials supplied by sub-suppliers to the same extent as if the work, plant or materials were completed or supplied by the Supplier. (h) Any cost, incurred by the Purchaser in connection with inspection and re-testing as a result of failure of the equipment under test or damage during transport or offloading shall be to the account of the Supplier. (i) No inspection or lack of inspection or passing by the Purchaser’s Representative of equipment or materials whether supplied by the Supplier or sub-supplier, shall not relieve the Supplier from his liability to complete the contract works in accordance with the contract or exonerate him from any of his guarantees. 8 ) ACCEPTANCE AND ROUTINE TESTS :a) All acceptance and routine tests as stipulated in the relevant standards shall be carried out by the supplier in presence of owner’s representative. b) Immediately after finalization of the programme of type/ acceptance/ routine testing, the supplier shall give fifteen days advance intimation to the Purchaser to enable him to depute his representative for witnessing the tests. 9 ) DOCUMENTATION :The Bidder shall furnish the following drawings along with the offer. 1. General outline and assembly drawing of the L.T. Distribution Box 2. Cross Sectional view 3. Arrangement of terminals & details of connection studs provided 4. Name plate 5. Schematic drawing 6. Type test reports, in case MCCB has already been type tested 7. Test reports, literature of the bought out items and raw materials 8. Testing facilities available at the works 9. List of customers with detailed address / purchase reference, quantity and year of supply with user certificate for such items. 10 ) COMPLETENESS OF EQUIPMENT :- Any fittings accessories or apparatus which may not have been specifically mentioned in this specification but which are usually necessary in equipment of similar plant shall be deemed to be included in the specification and shall be supplied by the Tenderer without extra charge. All plant and equipment shall be complete in all details whether such details are mentioned in the specification or not. 11 ) GENERAL TECHNICAL PARTICULARS: - The bidders are required to furnish the Guaranteed Technical Particulars duly filled in the format given as per Annexure-IV . Contd : - P – 9 P–9 12 ) SUBMITTALS : The following shall be submitted with the technical bid : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Completed technical data schedule Descriptive literature giving full technical details of equipment offered Outline dimensions drawing for each major component, general arrangement drawing showing component layout and general schematic diagram Type test certificates conducted within 05 years prior to date of opening of Tender of the offered material conducted at CPRI / or any National Govt approved Laboratory Sample routine test reports Details of manufacturer’s quality assurance standards and programme and ISO 9000 series or equivalent national certification Deviations from this specification. Only deviations approved in writing before award of contract shall be accepted 13 ) NON COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE : On this schedule the bidder shall provide a list of non compliance with this specification, documenting the effects that such non compliance is likely to have on the equipment’s life and operating characteristics. Each non compliance shall refer to the relevant clause of the specification. Clause No Non Compliance 14 ) TEST CERTIFICATES SCHEDULE : On this schedule a list of the test certificates included with the bid shall be provided. The list should include type test certificates and sample routine test reports. Each certificate listed shall be referred to the relevant specification clause and item of equipment to which the test applies. Clause No Type Test Certificate or Routine test Report Contd : - P – 10 P – 10 15 ) TECHNICAL DATA SCHEDULES GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS FOR LT DISTRIBUTION BOX : Please complete the following schedule for LT Distribution Box Sl No Particulars Specification Annexure - IV Bidder’s offer Make Name & address of manufacture A 1 Rated Voltage & Type 100 KVA , 450 V AC Pole mounted Out door type 63 KVA , 450 V AC Provision of Only Front Door with Danger Board Provision of Only Front Door with Danger Board 25 KVA , 450 V AC Provision of Only Front Door with Danger Board 16 KVA , 230 V AC Provision of Only Front Door with Danger Board 2 Materials & Thickness 2.0 mm thick GI Sheet Steel. 3 Size & material of Bus bar 100 KVA 40 x 6 mm Electrolytic Aluminium 63 KVA 25 x 6 mm Electrolytic Aluminium 25 KVA 25 x 6 mm Electrolytic Aluminium 16 KVA 20x 5 mm Electrolytic Aluminium Size & material of neutral Bus bar 100 KVA 40 x 6 mm Electrolytic Aluminium 63 KVA 25 x 6 mm Electrolytic Aluminium 25 KVA 25 x 6 mm Electrolytic Aluminium 16 KVA 20x 5 mm Electrolytic Aluminium 4 5 6 Overall dimension (DxWxH) 100 KVA 500 x 800 x 1000 mm 63 KVA 400 x 600 x 700 mm 25 KVA 400 x 600 x 700 mm 16 KVA 250 x 500 x 600 mm Bus Bar supporting 100KVA SMC / DMC Insulators 63 KVA SMC / DMC Insulators 25 KVA SMC / DMC Insulators 16 KVA SMC / DMC Insulators Contd : - P – 11 Sl No 7 Particulars Degree of protection 8 Standard followed 9 Terminal capacity 10 200 A 63 KVA 100A 25 KVA 50 A 16 KVA 63 A Gland size Inlet/Outlet 63 KVA -do- 16 KVA -do- 12 Heat Shrinkable insulation to bus B 1 In Comer MCCB Name of manufacturer & Type 100 KVA LTDB (Four Pole) 63 KVA LTDB (Four Pole) 25 KVA LTDB (Four Pole) 16 KVA LTDB (Single Pole) 2 As per technical specification Suitable for In Coming // Out Going cable of rated Current capacity -do- 25 KVA Separation barrier between I/C & O/G( MCCB & Kit Kat Fuse ) Bidder’s offer IS-13947 (part-I /1993 & IEC pub-9472(1989)ISI 13947 (part-2) /1989 100 KVA 100 KVA 11 P – 11 Specification IP55 2.5 mm thickness Bakelite barrier Heat shrinkable bus bar insulation tubing of Red, Yellow, Blue & Black ABB / Havells / L&T / Seimens / Schineider / C&S ABB / Havells / L&T / Seimens / Schineider / C&S ABB / Havells / L&T / Seimens / Schineider / C&S ABB / Havells / L&T / Seimens / Schineider / C&S ABB / Havells / L&T / Seimens / Schineider / C&S Out going Kit Kat Fuse Name of manufacturer & Type 100 KVA (Kit-Kat Fuse) Kit-Kat Fuse of Havells / Anchor Kit-Kat Fuse of Havells / Anchor 63 KVA (Kit-Kat Fuse) Kit-Kat Fuse of Havells / Anchor 25 KVA (Kit-Kat Fuse) Kit-Kat Fuse of Havells / Anchor 16 KVA (Kit-Kat Fuse) Kit-Kat Fuse of Havells / Anchor Contd : - P – 12 P – 12 Sl No 2 Particulars 63 KVA 25 KVA 16 KVA 1 No of 200 A, Four Pole MCCB (I/C) & 6 Nos of 100 A Kit-Kat Fuse (O/G) 1 No of 100 A , Four Pole MCCB (I/C) & 6 Nos of 100 A Kit-Kat Fuse (O/G) 1 No of 50 A MCCB, Four Pole (I/C) & 6 Nos of 63 Amps Kit- Kat Fuse (O/G) 1 No of 63 A, Single Pole MCCB (I/C) & 8 Nos of 32 Amps Kit- Kat Fuse (O/G) No of poles 100 KVA 63 KVA 25 KVA 16 KVA 4 Pole, 200A MCCB for 1 No I/C & 100 Amps Kit Kat fuse for 2 Nos Out Going feeder (3 nos of fuse for each O/G) 4 Pole, 100A MCCB for 1 No I/C & 100 Amps Kit Kat fuse for 2 Nos Out Going feeder (3 nos of fuse for each O/G) 4 Pole, 50A MCCB for 1 No I/C & 63 Amps Kit Kat fuse for 2 Nos Out Going feeder (3 nos of fuse for each O/G) 1 Pole, 63A MCCB for 1 No I/C & 32 Amps Kit Kat fuse for 8 Nos Out Going Service Cables 4 Standard followed 5 7 Rated insulated level in voltage Rated operational voltage & frequency Type of release provided 8 Overload setting i Short circuit As per IS ii Trip setting As per IS iii Operation setting As per IS Shunt Release coil As per IS Rating As per IS Pick up As per IS Relay As per IS Pick up As per IS Time Delay As per IS 6 Bidder’s offer Rated current 100 KVA 3 Specification IS-13947 (part-I /1993 & IEC pub-9472(1989) ISI 13947 (part-2) /1989 1100 V 450 / 230 V, 50 Hz Static / electromagnetic/thermo magnetic trip release 80% to 100% C 1 2 Contd : - P – 13 P – 13 Sl No 3 4 Particulars Specification Saturation factor Bidder’s offer As per IS Rated service short circuit breaking capacity (Ics) 5 100 KVA / 200 A Ics = 18.00 KA 63 KVA / 100 A Ics = 15.00 KA 25 KVA / 50 A Ics = 10 KA 16 KVA / 63 A As per IS Rated ultimate short circuit breaking capacity (Icu) 100 KVA / 200 A Icu = 36 KA 63 KVA / 100 A Icu = 30 KA 25 KVA / 50 A Icu = 20 KA 16 KVA / 63 A As per IS Overload & SC protection with static 6 Type of protection provided electromagnetic / thermo magnetic trip release with manual resetting 7 D E F Extra preference if any Embossing/ Punching/ Casting Locking Arrangement Louver Red, Yellow & Blue Indication LED lamp CESU Odisha / PO No …. Dt……/ Supplier Name / Year of mfg on the name plate of LTDB MCCB can not be made ON unless door is closed & vice versa. Louver type ventilation windows shall be provided in each LTDB with rain water protection Contd : - P – 14 P – 14 CENTRAL ELECTRICITY SUPPLY UTILITY OF ODISHA ( Formerly CESCO ) IDCO TOWERS ( II nd Floor) , Janapath ,Bhubaneswar -751 022 Phone : 2540808 , 2545681 , 2542895 , 2541727 , Fax : 0674- 2543125 Web Site : www . cescoorissa . com . A) DECLARATION FORM To The Chief General Manager ( El) Purchase & Stores Cell , CESU IDCO Towers ( II nd Floor ) , Bhubaneswar - 751 022 Sir , Having examined the above specifications together with the Tender terms and conditions referred to therein 1 – I / We the undersigned do hereby offer to supply the materials covered there on in complete shape in all respects as per the rules entered in the attached contract schedule of prices in the tender. 2 – I / We do hereby under take to have the materials delivered within the time specified in the tender. 3 – I / We do hereby guarantee the technical particulars given in the tender supported with necessary reports from concerned authorities. 4 – I / We do hereby certify to have purchased a copy of the tender specifications by remitting Cash / Demand draft & this has been duly acknowledged by you in your letter No…………Dt………… ( If applicable ) 5 – I / We do hereby agree to furnish the composite Bank Guarantee in the manner specified / acceptable by CESU & for the sum as applicable to me / us as per Terms & Conditions of this specification within fifteen days of issue of Letter of intent / Purchase Order , in the event of purchase order being decided in my / us favour , failing which I / We clearly understand that the said LOI / P.O. shall be liable to be withdrawn by the purchaser Signed this…………….Day of……………………2015 Yours faithfully (Signature of Tenderer with Seal of Company) (This form should be duly filled up by the Tenderer & submitted along with the original copy of the Tender for the item quoted ) Contd : - P – 15 P – 15 CENTRAL ELECTRICITY SUPPLY UTILITY OF ODISHA ( Formerly CESCO ) IDCO TOWERS ( II nd Floor) , Janapath ,Bhubaneswar -751 022 (B) INFORMATION SHEET (Qualifying Requirement ) Sl.No. Description To be filled up & furnished by the Bidder ( With documentary evidence ) 1 2 3 1 GROUP No. , ITEM No. EMD ( Amount , DD No & Dt and Name of Bank ) 2 Manufacturer OR Not Experience ( For Tendered Qty ) ( Year wise ) ( Quantity ) 3 A 2011 –12 F.Y. B 2012 – 13 F.Y C 2013 – 14 F.Y Copies of P.O.s during last 3 Financial 4 Years ( As above ) List of Inspection // Verification // Performance Reports ( Relating to 5 Such P.O.s ) 6 7 8 9 Type Test ( If any , with documents ) Whether failed to execute the P.O. of CESU OR Black listed Audited Profit & Loss Account & Balance Sheet of last 3 Years ( Submitted // Not Submitted ) Average Annual Turn Over during last 3 Years ( Gross Income ) ( in ` ) A 2011 –12 F.Y. B 2012 – 13 F.Y C 2013 – 14 F.Y PAN No // VAT // CST // Excise Regn. 10 (Submitted // Not Submitted) Validity of Offer ( 180 days from date 11 of opening ) 12 Delivery ( as per schedule ) 13 Payment ( Within 30 days from date of receipt of all materials at our stores subject to acceptance of 10 % PBG , GC & TC ) 14 Agreed to other Terms & Conditions ( Yes Or No ) Signed this…………….Day of……………………2015 (Signature of Tenderer with Seal of Company) (This form should be duly filled up by the Tenderer & submitted along with the original copy of the Tender for the item quoted ) Contd : - P – 16 P – 16 CENTRAL ELECTRICITY SUPPLY UTILITY OF ODISHA ( Formerly CESCO ) IDCO TOWERS ( II nd Floor) , Janapath ,Bhubaneswar -751 022 (C) SELF DECLARATION OF BLACK LISTING Name of the Purchaser :------------------------Tender No :----------------------------- To The Chief General Manager ( El) Purchase & Stores Cell , CESU IDCO Towers ( II nd Floor ) , Bhubaneswar - 751 022 Sir, 1. I / We, the undersigned do hereby declare that, I / We have never ever been blacklisted and / or there were no debarring actions against us for any default in supply of material / equipments or in the performance of the contract entrusted to us in any of the Electricity Utilities of India. 2. In the event of any such information pertaining to the aforesaid matter found at any given point of time either during the course of the contract or at the bidding stage, my bid / contract shall be liable for truncation / cancellation / termination without any notice at the sole discretion of the purchaser. Yours faithfully, PlaceDateSignature of the bidder With seal (This form should be duly filled up by the Tenderer & submitted along with the original copy of the Tender for the item quoted ) Contd : - P – 17 P – 17 CENTRAL ELECTRICITY SUPPLY UTILITY OF ODISHA ( Formerly CESCO ) IDCO TOWERS ( II nd Floor) , Janapath ,Bhubaneswar -751 022 ( D ) PRICE BID ( In separate sealed envelop ) The Rate is to be quoted in the following Price Bid Format only Or else the offered price shall be rejected. Description of Materials Unit 1 2 Ex works (`) Packing & Forwardi ng (` ) Excise Duty , Ed.Cess (` ) VAT 3 4 5 6 (` ) Unit Freight & Insurance (` ) 7 Unit Entry Tax (` ) 8 Unit Landing Cost at Store(`) 9 Total Qty Total Amount 10 11 (` ) Note : 1) Any column left blank Or NIL in the Price Bid Format shall be treated as included in the landing price. 2) In case of discrepancy between unit price and total price, the unit price shall prevail over the total price. Price is to be quoted in Indian Rupees. Signature of Tenderer With Company Seal Place: Date: (This form should be duly filled up by the Tenderer & submitted along with the original copy of the Tender for the item quoted ) Contd : - P – 18 P – 18 PROFORMA FOR COMPOSITE BANK GUARANTEE FOR SECURITY DEPOSIT, PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE This Guarantee Bond is executed this ______ day of ___________________________ 2015 by us the _____________________________________________________ Bank at ___________________ P.O.__________ P.S. ____________Dist ________________ State __________ ( indicate designation of purchaser ) Whereas the CENTRAL ELECTRICITY SUPPLY UTILITY OF ODISHA , Head Office - IDCO Tower ( II nd Floor ) , Bhubaneswar – 751 022 a Body corporate , constituted under the Electricity Act, 2003 (here in after called “the CESU”) has placed Purchase Order No._________ Dt.___________ (hereinafter called “the Agreement”) with M/s_________________ _________________________ (hereinafter called “the Contractor”) for supply of ________________ (name of the material) and whereas CESU has agreed (1) to exempt the Contractor from making payment of security deposit, (2) to release 100% payment of the cost of materials as per the said agreement and (3) to exempt from performance guarantee on furnishing by the Contractor to the CESU a composite Bank Guarantee of the value of 10% (ten percent) of the Contract price of the said Agreement. 1. Now, therefore, in consideration of the CESU having agreed (1) to exempt the Contractor for making payment of security deposit, (2) to release 100% payment to the Contractor and (3) to exempt from furnishing performance guarantee in terms of the said Agreement as aforesaid, we the ____________________ Bank, Address ____________________________ (code No. ________) (hereinafter referred to as “the Bank”) do hereby undertake to pay to the CESU an amount not exceeding Rs._____________ (Rupees _______________________________ ) only against any loss or damage caused to or suffered by the CESU by reason of any breach by the said Contractor(s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement. 2. We, the ______________________ Bank do hereby undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under the guarantee without any demur, merely on a demand from the CESU stating that the amount claimed is due by way of loss or damage caused to or suffered by CESU by reason of any breach by the said Contractor(s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement or by the reason of any breach by the said Contractor’s failure to perform the said Agreement. Any such demand made on the Bank shall be conclusive as regards the amount due and payable by the Bank under this Guarantee. However, our liability under this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs.___________ (Rupees _________________________________________ ) only. 3. We, the ________________________ Bank also undertake to pay to the CESU any money so demanded not withstanding any dispute or dispute raised by the Contractor(s) in any suit or proceeding instituted // pending before any court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this Agreement being absolute and irrevocable. The payment so made by us under this bond shall be valid discharge of our liability for payment there under and the Contractor(s) shall have no claim against us for making such payment. 4. We, the _________________________ Bank further agree that the guarantee herein contain shall remain in full force and affect during the period that would be taken for the performance of the said Agreement and it shall continue to remain in force endorsable till all the dues of the CESU under by virtue of the said Agreement have been fully paid and its claim satisfied or discharged or till CENTRAL ELECTRICITY SUPPLY UTILITY OF ODISHA certifies that the terms and conditions of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor(s) and accordingly discharge this guarantee and will not be revoked by us during the validity of the guarantee period. Unless a demand or claim under this guarantee is made on us or with__________________________ ________________________________________ (Local Bank Name, address and code No.) _________________________________________________, Bhubaneswar in writing on or before __________________ (date) , we shall be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter. Contd : - P – 19 P – 19 5. We, the _________________________ Bank further agree that the CESU shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said Agreement or to extend time of performance by the said Contractor(s) and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor(s) or for any forbearance act or omission on part of the CESU or any indulgence by the CESU to the said Contractor(s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would but for this provisions have effect of so relieving us. 6. The Guarantee will not be discharged due to change in the name, style and constitution of the Bank and or Contractor(s). 7. We, the _________________________ Bank lastly undertake not to revoke this Guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the CESU in writing. Not withstanding anything contained herein above. Our liability under this Bank Guarantee shall not exceed Rs.______________ (Rupees _______ ____________________________________________________________________ ) only. The Bank Guarantee shall be valid up to Dt _____________________ only. We or our Bank at Bhubaneswar (Name & Address of the Local Bank) are liable to pay the guaranteed amount depending on the filing of claim and any part thereof under this Bank Guarantee only and only if you serve upon us or our local Bank at Bhubaneswar a written claim or demand and received by us or by Local Branch at Bhubaneswar on or before Dt.__________ otherwise bank shall be discharged of all liabilities under this guarantee thereafter. Dated ___________the __________ day of Two thousand _________ For _____________________________ ( indicate the name of the Bank ) N.B.: (1) Name of the Contractor: (2) No. & date of the purchase order // agreement: (3) Amount of P.O. : (4) Name of Materials : (5) Name of the Bank: (6) Amount of the Bank Guarantee: (7) Name, Address and Code No. of the Local Branch: (8) Validity period or date up to which the agreement is valid: (9) Signature of the Constituent Authority of the Bank with seal: (10) Name & addresses of the Witnesses with signature: (11) The Bank Guarantee shall be accepted only after getting confirmation from the respective Banks. Contd : - P – 20 P – 20 CENTRAL ELECTRICITY SUPPLY UTILITY OF ODISHA IDCO TOWERS ( II nd Floor) , Janpath ,Bhubaneswar-751022 Phone : 2540808 , 2545681 , 2542895 , 2541727 , Fax : 0674- 2543125 Web Site : www . cescoorissa . com . Information to be furnished by the Consigner of goods towards on- Line issue of Waybills 1 Name of the Consigner of Goods 2 Address of the Consigner 3 Notice Inviting Tender No. & Date 4 P.O. No. & Date 5 Place of dispatch 6 State of dispatch 7 Date of dispatch 8 Name of the Entry // Exit check gate 9 Details of Invoices 10 Material Description 11 Invoice No. & Date 12 Quantity 13 Value 14 Vehicle Regd. No 15 Drivers' Name 16 Lorry Receipt No. 17 Owner of the Vehicle 18 Transporter Name & Address Signature of FIRM with Comapany SEAL
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