REPUBLIC OF NAMIBIA OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTER Tel: (061) 2873911 Fax (061) 225076 Telex: 908605 Ref No. 13/18/5 Department Public Service Management P.O. Box 1117 Windhoek 14 APRIL 2015 TO: SECRETARY TO THE CABINET ALL PERMANENT SECRETARIES DEPUTY AUDITOR GENERAL DIRECTOR: NAMIBIA CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE SERVICES DIRECTOR: ANTI-CORRUPTION COMMISSION DIRECTOR: ELECTIONS SECRETARIES: NATIONAL ASSEMBLY/NATIONAL COUNCIL PSM CIRCULAR NO. D OF 2015 VACANCIES IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE OF NAMIBIA The vacancies contained in the annexure currently exist on the establishments of various Offices/Ministries/Agencies. You are herewith requested to timeously bring this circular to the attention of all staff members who may qualify within your Office/Ministry/Agency. Candidacy is limited to Public Servants. Preference will be given to Namibian Nationals. INSTRUCTIONS 1. All internal advertisements are to be forwarded by e-mail to Ms Sezuni at not later than the 10th of each month at 14H00.The Offices/Ministries/Agencies are requested to ensure that only approved funded essential services posts are forwarded for advertising. 2. Offices/Ministries/Agencies must take full responsibility to ensure that any e-mail sent to the Department is not virus infected because it will not be opened and processed. The consequences will be borne by the Office/Ministry/Agency whose e-mail contains viruses. In the event of any computer dysfunction at the above e-mail address, an alternative e- mail address will be provided. 3. Offices/Ministries/Agencies who have decentralized their human resources functions retain the responsibility of co-coordinating their recruitment advertising efforts. This office will only deal with the headquarters. PSM CIRCULAR NO. D OF 2015, VACANCIES IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE, ADVERTISED 14 APRIL 2015, CLOSING DATE 15 MAY 2015 4. All Offices/Ministries /Agencies are urged to make sure that the contents of the requests emailed for advertising are correct in all respects because this office will not edit nor take responsibility for any wrongly placed advert. (a) To Candidates NB: Candidacy is limited to Public Servants. Preference will be given to Namibian Nationals. (i) Applications (on form 156043) must be addressed to the Permanent Secretary of the relevant Office/Ministry/Agency at the address indicated in the annexure and must be submitted via the Human Resource Office. (ii) Applications must be accompanied by a comprehensive curriculum vitae and certified copies of educational qualifications. (iii) A separate application must be submitted for each post applied for and the number of the circular as well as the post designation and relevant post number (where applicable) must be clearly indicated on each application form (form 156043). (iv) The required appropriate experience referred to in the annexure includes all previous appropriate experience, irrespective of which rank or post it was acquired in, as well as appropriate experience gained whilst employed in the private sector (where applicable). (v) Note must be taken that competitions for vacancies have been limited. Staff members must have completed their probation successfully and may only compete for vacancies, which are on the next higher grade/post level (e.g. a Senior Administrative Officer Grade 10 whose probation is confirmed can apply for a vacancy of Chief Administrative Officer Grade 8). (b) To Offices/Ministries/Agencies of Candidates (i) E ach application that is received by the Personnel Office must be submitted to the relevant Office/Ministry/Agency at the address indicated in the annexure, under cover of the prescribed form ZO/352(1). (ii) Representations for retention of services: The Public Service Commission considers the movement of staff members on promotion between Offices/Ministries and Agencies as a sound staff practice and it will consider applications for the retention of services only in exceptional circumstances. Representations in this connection must, at the time when ZO/352(1) is forwarded, be directed to the Commission. A remark to this effect in remark column is not permissible. The Commission will not receive representations received after it has already made a recommendation for filling of a post, which involved transfer between Office/ Ministries/Agencies. Once approved the transferred staff member is in the employ of the new Office/Ministry/Agency. PSM CIRCULAR NO. D OF 2015, VACANCIES IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE, ADVERTISED 14 APRIL 2015, CLOSING DATE 15 MAY 2015 Any temporary arrangements between the affected two permanent secretaries for the shortterm retention of the staff member will be mutual agreement between those permanent secretaries. If necessary formal secondment can be resorted if the situation so dictates (vide PSSR BVII/IX on secondment) (b) To the Offices/Ministries/Agencies who’s vacancies are contained in the Annexure (i) Applications which do not meet the requirements set out in paragraphs 2(a)(i), (ii) and (iii) as well as paragraph 2(b)(i) above, must be returned without further delay to the relevant Office/Ministry/Agency for rectification. (ii) Applications are scheduled on form ZO/353(1) according to the prescriptions contained in PSSR B.II/II. (iii) The schedule [form ZO/353(1)] as well as the application form and other relevant documents of all scheduled candidates must be submitted to this department together with the letter of nomination. Full motivation must be provided with regard to the candidates not nominated. The last column on the right-hand side of the schedule [form ZO/353(1)] must be used for this purpose. (d) General Candidates as well as Offices/Ministries/Agencies are advised to take cognizance of the provisions of PSSR B.II/II, especially paragraphs 2.6, 2. 7 and 2.8 of the said chapter. 5. All staff members who were appointed/promoted/transferred to job designations or job categories with relaxation of the prescribed educational qualifications will no longer be allowed to advance further in the job categories for which relaxations were granted, unless they obtain the prescribed educational qualifications required for the job designations they are aspiring to. 6. CLOSING DATE: 15 MAY 2015 Signed by Deon Van Zyl DEON VAN ZYL DIRECTOR: BENEFITS AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS PSM CIRCULAR NO. D OF 2015, VACANCIES IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE, ADVERTISED 14 APRIL 2015, CLOSING DATE 15 MAY 2015 MANAGEMENT CADRE MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES DIRECTORATE: TERTIARY HEALH AND CLINICAL SUPPORT SERVICES DIVISION: WINDHOEK CENTRAL HOSPITAL Post Designation 1x Post Salary Scale Housing Benefit Motor Vehicle Allowance : : : : : Deputy Director Grade 4 (M) Windhoek N$ 405 749 - 430 584 N$ 63 137 p.a N$ 97 667 p.a Minimum Requirements: A B-Degree or equivalent qualification (NQF Level 7) in Public Administration, Business Administration or Finance Supplementary Requirements: Candidate must have 9 years approximate appropriate experience in Health Sector and or/ Hospital environment with five (5) years at supervisory level. Organizational effectiveness, communication skills, planning, monitoring, evaluation and reporting. Proficiency in computer literacy (Microsoft Office, Excel and PowerPoint). Conceptual and problem solving skills, Leaders and Managerial skills. Primary Purpose of the position Providing strategic and functional direction in regards to management of resources. Serving as a source of administrative management and link to the office of the Medical Superintendent. Providing administrative support in regards to general services, finance, human resource, information technology and facility management. Ensuring the provision of effective and efficient management of information Technology. Ensuring capacity building of operational technical and administrative staff at all levels within the domain of Administrative Supports. Key Performance Areas General Services Management Human Resources Management Financial Management Physical Facility Management Information Technology Management Duties and Responsibilities Provision of strategic and functional direction to the administrative subdivisions in terms of planning, coordination, leading and controlling of resources. Directing the determination and execution of administrative policies, organization, financing, personnel provisioning and utilization; the determination of procedures and control as well as making management decisions and coordination of related functional activities. Provision of efficient and effective general services, financial and human resource management. Ensuring the provision of effective and efficient maintenance of the physical facilities, plant and equipment. Ensuring the provision of effective and efficient management of information communication technology. Approval of requests for Expenditure IFMS Applications. Approval of payments of goods and services using IFMS Applications. Authentication of Purchase Orders in accordance with the provisions of Treasury Instructions. Approval of requests for patient refunds using IHCIMS Applications. Spearheading and coordinating the planning process with regards to development and review of operational plans and capital projects. PSM CIRCULAR NO. D OF 2015, VACANCIES IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE, ADVERTISED 14 APRIL 2015, CLOSING DATE 15 MAY 2015 Consolidation and enhancement of communication and information technology infrastructure and equipment Ensuring integration of systems of external health service providers with IHCIMS Applications. Ensuring the provision of technical support and management of the existing and emerging Information Management Systems of (e.g. HIS, IFMS, HCMS, IHCIMS and Telemedicine). Custodian of all policies, development and functional plans of the hospital. Ensuring capacity building of operational, technical and administrative staff at all levels within the domain of Administration Support. Skills and Competence: Writing, conceptual, interpersonal, initiative, analytical and management skills. Computer literacy. Failure to complete all items on the application form for employment and not attaching the necessary documents will disqualify the application. An application (on form 156043 obtainable at all Government offices) together with a comprehensive curriculum vitae and certified copies of education qualifications must be address to: Enquiries: Dr. Sarah Shalongo, Tel: (061) 203 3004 Address: Windhoek Central Hospital Private Bag 13215 Windhoek PSM CIRCULAR NO. D OF 2015, VACANCIES IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE, ADVERTISED 14 APRIL 2015, CLOSING DATE 15 MAY 2015 MANAGEMENT CADRE MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS AND IMMIGRATION DIRECTORATE: ADMINISTRATION DIVISION: HUMAN RESOURE MANAGEMENT Post designation 1 Post Salary Scale Motor Vehicle Allowance Housing Allowance : : : : : Deputy Director, Grade 4 Windhoek N$ 405,749 – 430,584 N$ 97,667 p.a N$ 63,137 p.a Minimum requirement: A B- Degree in the following fields: Human Resource Management or Public Management majoring in Human Resources on NQF L7 plus nine (9) years approximate appropriate experience in the field of Human Resource Management. Five (5) years should have been spend at a supervisory middle management level. Job Description: To manage and promote sound Human Resources administration within the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration. DUTY SHEET: To execute the functions of the Ministry as stipulated in the : Public Service Act, Labour Act, Public Service Regulations, Public Service Staff Rules and any other legislations or policy documents that are in force regarding the general administration of Human Resources; To ensure proper internal supervision and control measures of staff members related to the Public Service Act, Labour Act, Public Service Regulations, Public Service Staff Rules and any other legislations or policy documents; are in place and implemented accordingly; To act as Human Resource consultant of the Ministry in respect of all matters regarding the general resource administration and be accountable to the Permanent Secretary; To give attention to all Human Resource enquiries directed to the Ministry and provide answers/responses accordingly; To keep the prescribed Human Resource records and provide and all relevant information and documentations regarding Human resource information in the Ministry; To represent the Ministry at all meetings where Human Resource matters are discussed; To check all Ministry’s submissions to the Public Service Commission or the Office of the Prime Minister to ensure that provisions and requirements of the Public Service Act, Labour Act, Public Service Regulations, Public Service Staff Rules and any other legislations or policy documents that are in force regarding the general administration of human resources, are complied with; To advise the Permanent Secretary on new developments in Human Resource administration policies and their implications to the management and administration of the Ministry; To serve as liaison between the Ministry, the Public Service Commission and the Office of the Prime Minister on matters related to Human Resources guidance to the Ministry’s management; To compile annual reports for on Human Resource matters for the Public Service Commission and the Office of the Prime Minister; To brief the Permanent Secretary on all major Human Resource issues affecting the function of the Ministry; To issue with the approval of the Permanent Secretary and on his/her behalf issues necessary supplementary instructions to staff members in the Ministry who are not complying with the Public Service human resource policies and regulations; To execute any other reasonable, lawful and relevant duties assigned to by the Management; Enquiries: Mr. D. Scott - 061- 29222035 PSM CIRCULAR NO. D OF 2015, VACANCIES IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE, ADVERTISED 14 APRIL 2015, CLOSING DATE 15 MAY 2015 MANAGEMENT CADRE MINISTRY OF WORKS AND TRANSPORT DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT DIRECTORATE TRANSPORTATION POLICY AND REGULATION Post designation 1 x Post Salary scale Motor Vehicle Allowance Housing Allowance : : : : : Director Grade 3 Windhoek N$399 269 – 423 707 N$108 770.00 per annum N$75 517.00 per annum Minimum requirements: A Master’s Degree in Economics OR Degree in Civil Engineering OR Bachelor in Law with majors either in transport economics III, economics III, civil engineering or speciality in legal. The candidate must have at least nine (9) year working experience in policy advisory or transport and/or civil engineering related environment and with at least five years at management level. The candidate must have excellent verbal and written communication skills, must be computer literate and have a strong appreciation for people and sensitive to the needs for the industry the Ministry regulates. Responsibilities: Monitor and supervise the management of the respective divisions, their sub-ordinates staff and the adherence to transport policies by State Owned Enterprises (SOEs), Participates and/or represent the Ministry at national, regional and international platforms on matters related to transport policies, Namibia’s compliance to its regional and international obligations, Manage a functional data bank to Bilateral Agreements entered into and follow up on responsibilities emanating from all Joint Permanent Commissions, Formulates and compiles the Directorates annual management plan as derived for the strategic plan of the Ministry, Drafts duty sheets of all subordinate staff members in consultation with the direct supervisor and regularly update these duty sheets, Identifies training needs amongst subordinates and provide technical training where relevant, Set goals for the directorate and determines overall levels of performance required, Controls the timely execution of all duties by scrutinizing summary reports of monthly activities and evaluates against pre-determined priorities and programmes through the performance management system, Addresses instance of poor performance where relevant through the disciplinary process. A fully detailed job description will be made available on request. Enquiries: Mr Phillip Amunyela/Mr Rector Fenyeho; Tel: 061-2088803/2088114 Address: The Permanent Secretary Ministry of Works and Transport Private Bag 13341 Windhoek PSM CIRCULAR NO. D OF 2015, VACANCIES IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE, ADVERTISED 14 APRIL 2015, CLOSING DATE 15 MAY 2015 MANAGEMENT CADRE MINISTRY OF WORKS AND TRANSPORT DIRECTORATE AIRCRAFT ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION DIVISION PREVENTION Post designation 1x Post Salary Scale Motor Vehicle Allowance Housing Benefit : : : : : Deputy Director Grade 4 Windhoek N$405 749 – 430 584 N$97 667 per annum N$63 137 per annum Minimum requirements: The incumbent should be a qualified Aircraft Accident Investigator with a Diploma or a Certificate in Aircraft Accident Investigation. OR The incumbent should be an Aircraft engineer, pilot or Air Traffic Controller with the following qualification: Aircraft Engineer: A BSc. Degree in Aeronautical Engineering (or equivalent) plus a Diploma in Aircraft Accident Investigation; OR (a) An appropriate National Diploma in Aviation Maintenance for Technicians (or equivalent qualification); (b) Completed apprenticeship plus ten (10) years appropriate experience in aviation maintenance; (c) Registration as Engineering Technician Plus a Diploma in Aircraft Accident Investigations plus three (3) years experience with an Airplane maintenance licence endorsed under categories A and B, or B or D. Pilot: A Commercial Pilot License with Instrument Rating, Multi-Engine rating and Night rating plus a total of 2000 hours flying experience. OR Airline Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL) and a total of 2000 hours flying experience plus a Diploma or Certificate in Aircraft Accident Investigations. Air Traffic Controller: with Aerodrome control, approach procedural control, area procedural control, approach radar control and area radar control Plus A certificate in Aviation Safety and Security. Responsible for: Monitor safety accomplishments and implementation of safety recommendations from investigators reports; Evaluates the effectiveness of other relevant government authority programs for preventing aircraft accidents; Liaise with Defence Force, legal, medical, airport and security authorities on aircraft accident investigation and prevention matters; Ensure that the regulations and procedures are in accordance with (ICAO) International Civil Aviation Organization Annexes and documents; Compiles and analyses data/statistics on accident prevention, forwards such data and statistics to relevant or concerned authorities and ICAO; Prepares for publication, information, circulars manuals relevant to accident prevention and aviation safety; Supervising aircraft FDR/CVR (Flight Data Recorders/Cockpit Voice Recorders, radar and audio recordings for and in conjunction with accident investigators. Enquiries: Mr E Nengola/ Mr Rector Fenyeho; Tel: 061-2088410/2088114 Address: The Permanent Secretary Ministry of Works and Transport Private Bag 13341 Windhoek PSM CIRCULAR NO. D OF 2015, VACANCIES IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE, ADVERTISED 14 APRIL 2015, CLOSING DATE 15 MAY 2015 MINISTRY OF FINANCE DIRECTORATE CUSTOMS AND EXCISE DIVISION STATISTICS, TARIFF AND RISK MANAGEMENT Post Designation : Senior Customs and Excise Officer Grade 8 1X Post : Research and Risk Management Salary Scale : N$ 183 759 X P – 219 610 Minimum Requirement: An Appropriate National Diploma (Or Equivalent Qualification – NQA Level 6) Plus Four (4) Years Approximate Experience. Additional Requirement: Must Have A Good Written And Oral Communication Skill In English Language. Must Have Strong Research Capability, Analytical Skills and Experience in Risk Management ENQUIRIES: MS. J. TJISESETA: 061-2092735 DIRECTORATE CUSTOMS AND EXCISE DIVISION SUPPORT SERVICES Post Designation : Senior Customs and Excise Officer Grade 8 1X Post : Subdivision Training Salary Scale : N$ 183 759 X P – 219 610 Minimum Requirement: An Appropriate Diploma in Human Resource Management with Special Emphasis on Training and Development, NQA Level 6 Plus Four (4) Years Appropriate Experience. Additional Requirement: Candidates Must Be Able To Administer Training and Development Functions, Have Good Communication Skills and Be Computer Literate ENQUIRIES: MR. U. MAENDO: 061-2092651 DIRECTORATE CUSTOMS AND EXCISE DIVISION LEGISLATION, ENFORCEMENT AND INTERNATIONAL MATTERS Post Designation : Senior Customs and Excise Officer Grade 8 Posts : 1X Origin : 3 X Enterprise Auditing : N$ 183 759 X P – 219 610 Salary PSM CIRCULAR NO. D OF 2015, VACANCIES IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE, ADVERTISED 14 APRIL 2015, CLOSING DATE 15 MAY 2015 Minimum Requirement: An Appropriate National Diploma (Or Equivalent Qualification – NQA Level 6) In Accounting or Auditing. Additional Requirements: Preference Will Be Given To Candidates With One Or A Combination Of The Following Experience: Customs And Excise Background, Revenue Collection, International Trade, Public Management, Accounting, Finance, Economics And Law. ENQUIRIES: MR. F. Van der Merwe: 061-2099111 DIRECTORATE CUSTOMS AND EXCISE DIVISION LEGISLATION, ENFORCEMENT AND INTERNATIONAL MATTERS Post Designation : Senior Customs and Excise Officer Grade 8 1X Posts : Preventive Measures & Investigations Salary Scale : N$ 183 759 X P – 219 610 Minimum Requirement: An Appropriate National Diploma (Or Equivalent Qualification – NQA Level 6) Plus Four (4) Years Approximate Experience. Additional Requirements: Preference Will Be Given To Candidates With One Or A Combination Of The Following Experience: Customs And Excise Background, Revenue Collection, International Trade, Public Management, Accounting, Finance, Economics And Law. ENQUIRIES: MR. F. Van der Merwe: 061-2099111 DIRECTORATE CUSTOMS AND EXCISE DIVISION LEGISLATION, ENFORCEMENT AND INTERNATIONAL MATTERS Post Designation : Senior Customs and Excise Officer Grade 8 1X Post : Section International Agreements Salary Scale : N$ 183 759 X P – 219 610 Minimum Requirement: An Appropriate National Diploma (Or Equivalent Qualification – NQA Level 6) Plus Four (4) Years Approximate Experience. Additional Requirements: Knowledge of Trade Agreements, Eg. SADC, SACU AND WCO ENQUIRIES: MR. F. Van der Merwe: 061-2099111 DIRECTORATE CUSTOMS AND EXCISE DIVISION NORTHERN REGION Post Designation : Senior Customs and Excise Officer Grade 8 Posts : 1 X Oshakati Section Enforcement : 2 X Section Kasamane : 1 X Section Omahenene PSM CIRCULAR NO. D OF 2015, VACANCIES IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE, ADVERTISED 14 APRIL 2015, CLOSING DATE 15 MAY 2015 Salary Scale : 1 X Section Tsumeb/Grootfontein : N$ 183 759 x P – 219 610 Minimum Requirement: An Appropriate National Diploma (Or Equivalent Qualification – NQA Level 6) Plus Four (4) Years Approximate Experience. Additional Requirements: Preference Will Be Given To Candidates With One Or A Combination Of The Following Experience: Customs And Excise Background, Revenue Collection, International Trade, Public Management, Accounting, Finance, Economics And Law. ENQUIRIES: MR. T. SIMATAA: 065-229600 DIRECTORATE CUSTOMS AND EXCISE DIVISION CENTRAL REGION Post Designation : Senior Customs and Excise Officer Grade 8 Posts : 1 X Section Clearance : 2 X Section Enforcement : 1 X Section Post Office : 1 X Section Otjiwarongo : 1 X Hosea Kutako & Eros Airport (Section Passenger Control) Salary Scale : 1 X Trans-Kalahari Section Clearance : N$ 183 759 X P – 219 610 Minimum Requirement: An Appropriate National Diploma (Or Equivalent Qualification – NQA Level 6) Plus Four (4) Years Approximate Experience. Additional Requirements: Preference Will Be Given To Candidates With One Or A Combination Of The Following Experience: Customs And Excise Background, Revenue Collection, International Trade, Public Management, Accounting, Finance, Economics And Law. ENQUIRIES: MS. T. HAMBIRA: 061-2092856 DIRECTORATE CUSTOMS AND EXCISE DIVISION SOUTHERN REGION Post Designation : Senior Customs and Excise Officer Grade 8 Posts : 1 X Ariamsvlei Section Clearance : 2 X Ariamsvlei Section Enforcement : 2 X Noordoewer Section Enforcement : 1 X Noordoewer Section Clearance PSM CIRCULAR NO. D OF 2015, VACANCIES IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE, ADVERTISED 14 APRIL 2015, CLOSING DATE 15 MAY 2015 Salary Scale : 2 X Section Oranjemund : 1 X Keetmanshoop Section Clearance : 2 X Keetmanshoop Subsection Enforcement : 1 X Keetmanshoop Subsection Risk Management : 1 X Subsection Klein Manase : 1 X Section Luderitz : N$ 183 759 X P – 219 610 Minimum Requirement: An Appropriate National Diploma (Or Equivalent Qualification – NQA Level 6) Plus Four (4) Years Approximate Experience. Additional Requirements: Preference Will Be Given To Candidates With One Or A Combination Of The Following Experience: Customs And Excise Background, Revenue Collection, International Trade, Public Management, Accounting, Finance, Economics And Law. ENQUIRIES: MR. B. HAIKONDA: 063-222749 DIRECTORATE CUSTOMS AND EXCISE DIVISION NORTH EASTERN REGION SUBDIVISION KATIMA REGIONAL OFFICE Post Designation : Senior Customs and Excise Officer Grade 8 Posts : 1 X Section Ngoma Salary Scale : N$ 183 759 X P – 219 610 Minimum Requirement: An Appropriate National Diploma (Or Equivalent Qualification – NQA Level 6) Plus Four (4) Years Approximate Experience. Additional Requirements: Preference Will Be Given To Candidates With One Or A Combination Of The Following Experience: Customs And Excise Background, Revenue Collection, International Trade, Public Management, Accounting, Finance, Economics And Law. ENQUIRIES: MR. W. PONISO: 066-262100 DIRECTORATE CUSTOMS AND EXCISE DIVISION STATISTICS & TARIFF MANAGEMENT Post Designation : Senior Customs and Excise Officer Grade 8 Posts : 1 X Tariff Management Salary Scale : N$ 183 759 X P – 219 610 Minimum Requirement: An Appropriate Diploma in Human Resource Management with Special Emphasis on Training and Development, NQA Level 6 Plus Four (4) Years Appropriate Experience. PSM CIRCULAR NO. D OF 2015, VACANCIES IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE, ADVERTISED 14 APRIL 2015, CLOSING DATE 15 MAY 2015 Additional Requirements: Preference Will Be Given To Candidates With One Or A Combination Of The Following Experience: Customs And Excise Background, Revenue Collection, International Trade, Public Management, Accounting, Finance, Economics And Law. ENQUIRIES: MS. J. TJISESETA: 061-2099111 DIRECTORATE CUSTOMS AND EXCISE DIVISION STATISTICS & TARIFF MANAGEMENT Post Designation : Senior Customs and Excise Officer Grade 8 Posts : 1 X Internal Inspection Salary Scale : N$ 183 759 X P – 219 610 Minimum Requirement: An Appropriate Diploma in Human Resource Management with Special Emphasis on Training and Development, NQA Level 6 Plus Four (4) Years Appropriate Experience. Additional Requirements: Preference Will Be Given To Candidates with One or A Combination of the Following Experience: Customs and Excise Background, Revenue Collection, International Trade, Public Management, Accounting, Finance, Economics and Law. ENQUIRIES: MS. C. RAMOTHIBE: 061-2099111 DIRECTORATE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION HUMAN RESOURCE, TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Post Designation : Chief Learning and Development Officer Grade 6 1 X Post : Subdivision Training & Development Salary Scale : N$ 273 057 X P – 326 329 Minimum Requirement: An appropriate National Diploma or equivalent qualification at NQF Level 6 plus 6 years appropriate experience. Main Duties and Responsibilities Formulate Ministerial training Policy in collaboration with the Ministerial Training Committee. Serve as a member of the Ministerial Training Committee Advise the Ministry on all Training matters Conduct Training Needs Assessment Produce Training Materials Conduct Training as required Compile Training Reports and other Training Statistics Represent the Ministry in all Training Forums as delegated by the Permanent Secretary PSM CIRCULAR NO. D OF 2015, VACANCIES IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE, ADVERTISED 14 APRIL 2015, CLOSING DATE 15 MAY 2015 Coordinate the Ministerial Training Program covering all Directorates in order to ensure that training is coordinated and harmonized Coordinate Training Budget Preparation with the Training Committee Enquiries:Ms. A. Titus, Tel: 061-2092036 DIRECTORATE ASSET, CASH AND DEBT MANAGEMENT DIVISION CASH AND DEBT MANAGEMENT Post Designation : Senior Accountant Grade 7 1 X Post : Domestic Debt Salary Scale : N$ 224 002 X P – 267 704 Minimum Requirement: An appropriate National Diploma or equivalent qualification at NQF Level 6 majoring in Accounting plus four (4) years appropriate experience. Additional Requirement: Extensive knowledge in all modules of integrated financial management system (IFMS). Main Duties and Responsibilities Assist in the implementation of overall policies, strategies and procedures related to Domestic Debt Management; Maintain the annual Government debt securities auction calendar; Keep record of all Government domestic debt securities (Treasury Bills and Bonds) auctions after each issue up-to-date (e.g. auction volumes, offer amounts and allotted amounts) and new loans on CS – DRMS; be aware of the rationale behind the formulated short-term borrowing strategies; Provide allocations for payments and repayments/ disbursements as made through the State A/C to enable Bank Reconciliation to make the journal entries (domestic debt) Reconcile actual transactions with the GL and make corrections for monthly and each end of fiscal year reports; Receive all hedged/ swapped or restructured external debt from foreign debt Sub-division for recording and further handling including special loan arrangements (e.g. Foreign loans for on-lending purposes); Assist with the calculation of interest paid and outstanding for updating the Directorates of Budget Management and EPAS in the Ministry of Finance for the purpose of MTEF and macro-economic framework preparation; Assist the Fiscal Projections Division in acquiring the required materials for the preparation of monthly cash flow management committee meetings; Prepare a quarterly report on domestic debt statistics (volumes) for the Deputy Director and as required by various Divisions/ Ministries/ agents with consultation of the Unit Supervisor and the Deputy Director; PSM CIRCULAR NO. D OF 2015, VACANCIES IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE, ADVERTISED 14 APRIL 2015, CLOSING DATE 15 MAY 2015 Compile annual statement for Auditor General on domestic debt and balance such with the final GL for financial year; and Required to carry out any other task delegated to him/ her. Enquiries:Mr. Marten Ashikoto, Tel: 061-2092833 DIRECTORATE ASSET, CASH AND DEBT MANAGEMENT DIVISION CASH AND DEBT MANAGEMENT Post Designation : Senior Accountant Grade 7 1 X Post : Parastatal Control Salary Scale : N$ 224 002 X P – 267 704 Minimum Requirement: An appropriate National Diploma or equivalent qualification at NQF Level 6 majoring in Accounting plus four (4) years appropriate experience. Additional Requirement: Extensive knowledge in all modules of integrated financial management system (IFMS). Main Duties and Responsibilities Ensure that the functions of budgetary monitoring over SOE’s parastatals are carried out; Maintain and update a database of all Parastatals/State Owned Enterprises in the country; Carry out periodic review and analysis of the SOE’s and Parastatals’ financial performance/ soundness to update the Permanent Secretary of Finance; (a quarterly report thereof should be submitted to the Permanent Secretary with consultation of the Head of Division); Carry out periodic review and analysis of the SOE’s and Parastatals’ financial performance/ soundness to update the Permanent Secretary of Finance; (a quarterly report thereof should be submitted to the Permanent Secretary with consultation of the Head of division); Contribute with active participation in the development, formulation and implementation of state owned entities’ Investment and Dividend Policy Framework of the Ministry of Finance. Liase with the state owned enterprises for dividend contribution to shareholder and rectify with the data at the Bank of Namibia for updating the database and Minister when so required; Evaluate and examine SOE’s budgets and determine whether funds are spent for the purpose for which it is allocated; Provide revenue and expenditure statistics for the MTEF period to the Minister through the Head of the division; Provide advice to the Minister of Finance on expenditure directions of SOE’s and information on dividends received through the Deputy Director of the Division; Assist with the assessment of guarantee applications, loan offers and negotiations, debt hedging, restructuring and refinancing matters; PSM CIRCULAR NO. D OF 2015, VACANCIES IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE, ADVERTISED 14 APRIL 2015, CLOSING DATE 15 MAY 2015 Responsible for receiving SOE’s and various International multilateral institutions submissions to and from the Minister and timely circulation to addressees as may be required; and Assist the Heads of the Directorate (Deputy Director and the Director of Asset, Cash and Debt Management) with the co-ordination and data collection for drafting of debt management development update workshops and other subjects briefing papers; Responsible for formal/ informal training of subordinates; and Any other task delegated to him/ her. Enquiries:Mr. Marten Ashikoto, Tel: 061-2092833 CONFIRMATION OF PROBATION LETTERS SHOULD ACCOMPANY APPLICATIONS. FOREIGN QUALIFICATIONS MUST BE EVALUATED BY THE NAMIBIA QUALIFICATIONS AUTHORITY (NQA) AND PROOF OF EVALUATION OF QUALIFICATION SHOULD BE ATTACHED. PSM CIRCULAR NO. D OF 2015, VACANCIES IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE, ADVERTISED 14 APRIL 2015, CLOSING DATE 15 MAY 2015 MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES DIRECTORATE TERTIARY HEALTH CARE AND CLINICAL SUPPORT SERVICES DIVISION: WINDHOEK CENTRAL HOSPITAL SUBDIVISION: PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SECTION: MEDICAL SERVICES (INTERNAL MEDICINE) Post Designation 1x Post Salary Scale Fixed overtime Housing Benefit Motor Vehicle allowance : : : : : : Medical Officer Grade 4 (Principal Medical Officer) Windhoek N$ 405 749 – 430 584 N$ 203 856 p.a N$ 63 137 p.a N$ 63 862 p.a Minimum Requirements: Registration as a Medical Practitioner with the Health Professional Council of Namibia plus two (2) years in clinical experience in Internal Medicine. Management (supervisory) experience and/or training in management or public heath will be an advantage. Job Description: The Principal Medical Officer will be required to perform both clinical & management functions. He/she is expected to spend ±80% of his/her time on clinical work ±20% on management/administrative work. Apart from the provision of clinical services as directed by the medical superintendent & head of department, the PMO is expected to deputise the head of department in matter concerning administrative e.g. allocating medical interns & medical officers to different sections; organizing & recommending leave; drawing up of monthly duty roster, etc. PREFERENCE WILL BE GIVEN TO NAMIBIAN CITIZENS AND PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES ARE ENCOURAGED TO APPLY. Enquiries: Dr Sarah Shalongo, Tel.: (061) 2033004; Ms R. R Podeweltz, Tel.: (061) 2033071 DIRECTORATE: TERTIARY HEALTH CARE & CLINICAL SUPPORT SERVICES DIVISION: WINDHOEK CENTRAL HOSPITAL SUBDIVISION: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SECTION: RECORD MANAGEMENT Post Designation 1x Post Salary Scale : : : Administrative Officer Grade 12 (Formerly Registry Clerk) Windhoek N$ 81 935 – 98 273 Minimum Requirements: Grade 12 (or equivalent) Certificate with 20 points over five (5) subjects, including at least E- symbol in English. Additional Requirements: Knowledge in records management will be an added advantage. Failure to complete all items on the application form for employment and not attaching the necessary certified documents will disqualify the application. Enquiries: Ms. E. Goagoses, Tel: (061)-203 3065 DIRECTORATE: KHOMAS REGION Post Designation 1x Post Salary Scale : : : Health Programme Officer Grade 8 Windhoek N$ 183 759 – 219 610 PSM CIRCULAR NO. D OF 2015, VACANCIES IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE, ADVERTISED 14 APRIL 2015, CLOSING DATE 15 MAY 2015 Minimum Requirements: An appropriate National Diploma in Nursing or equivalent qualification on NQF Level 6. Additional Requirements: A Degree in Nursing will be an added advantage. The candidate should have five (5) years appropriate experience. Preference will be given to candidates who are having experience in training. Job Description: Be involved at operational level with planning, development, organization, control, monitoring and evaluation of health service programs and health training and education activities at regional and national/central levels. The drafting of protocols and directives. The initiating and coordinating of research projects. The coordination of and liasing withintra – en inter-ministerial health services programmes. Enquiries: Ms. P. Hamunyela, Tel: (061) 2035025 Address: The Regional Director Directorate: Khomas Region Private Bag 13322 Post Designation 1x Post Salary Scale Housing Allowance Transport Allowance : : : : : Senior Health Programme Office Grade 7 Windhoek N$ 224 002 – 267 704 N$ 12 000 p.a. N$ 7176 p.a. Minimum Requirements: An appropriate National Diploma or equivalent qualification on NQF Level 6. Additional Requirements: The successful candidate should have four (4) year experience in Management Information System. Job Description: To ensure proper monitoring trends in the regions. To report all health related problems in the region. To evaluate Health Information System Programmes in the regions. To plan, implement and evaluate training sessions concerning Management Information Systems (MIS) in the region. Enquiries: Dr. L. Ndaningina Address: Chief Medical Officer Khomas Region Private Bag 13322 Windhoek DIRECTORATE: POLICY, PLANNING & HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT DIVISION: NATIONAL HEALTH TRAINING CENTRE SUBDIVISION: PRE-SERVICE EDUCATION Post Designation 1x Post Salary Scale : : : Senior Health Programme Officer Grade 7 Windhoek N$ 224 002 – 267 704 Minimum Requirements: An appropriate National Diploma or equivalent qualification on NQF Level 6. PSM CIRCULAR NO. D OF 2015, VACANCIES IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE, ADVERTISED 14 APRIL 2015, CLOSING DATE 15 MAY 2015 Additional Requirements: Registration with the Professional Council of Namibia as a Radiographer with a Degree in Health Education and Training/Human Resource Development or Adult Education and Training. Enquiries: Ms. J. Leboea, Tel: 061-2032586 DIRECTORATE: POLICY, PLANNING & HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT DIVISION: NATIONAL HEALTH TRAINING CENTRE SUBDIVISION: PRE-SERVICE EDUCATION Post Designation 1x Post Salary Scale : : : Senior Health Programme Officer Grade 7 Windhoek N$ 224 002 – 267 704 Minimum Requirements: An appropriate National Diploma or equivalent qualification on NQF Level 6. Additional Requirements: Registration with the Pharmacy Council of Namibia as a Pharmacist with a Degree in Health Education and Training/Human Resource Development or Adult Education and Training. Enquiries: Ms. J. Leboea, Tel: 061-2032586 DIRECTORATE: POLICY, PLANNING & HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT DIVISION: NATIONAL HEALTH TRAINING CENTRE SUBDIVISION: OTJIWARONGO HEALTH TRAINING CENTRE Post Designation 2x Posts Salary Scale : : : Senior Health Programme Officer Grade 7 Otjiwarongo N$ 224 002 – 267 704 Minimum Requirements: An appropriate National Diploma or equivalent qualification on NQF Level 6. Additional Requirements: Registration with the Nursing Council of Namibia as a Registered Nurse & Midwife with a Degree in Nursing Education/Health Training and Training/Human Resource Development. Adult Education and Training plus five (5) years appropriate experience. Enquiries: Ms. J. Leboea, Tel: 061-2032586 DIRECTORATE: POLICY, PLANNING & HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT DIVISION: NATIONAL HEALTH TRAINING CENTRE SUBDIVISION: OSHAKATI HEALTH TRAINING CENTRE Post Designation 1x Post Salary Scale : : : Senior Health Programme Officer Grade 7 Oshakati N$ 224 002 – 267 704 Minimum Requirements: An appropriate National Diploma or equivalent qualification on NQF Level 6. Additional Requirements: Registration with the Nursing Council of Namibia as a Registered Nurse & Midwife with a Degree in Nursing Education/Health Training and Training/Human Resource Development. Adult Education and Training plus five (5) years appropriate experience. Enquiries: Ms. J. Leboea, Tel: 061-2032586 PSM CIRCULAR NO. D OF 2015, VACANCIES IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE, ADVERTISED 14 APRIL 2015, CLOSING DATE 15 MAY 2015 DIRECTORATE: OSHANA REGION DIVISION: INTERMEDIATE HOSPITAL OSHAKATI SUBDIVISION: PARAMEDICAL & CLINICAL SUPPORT SERVICES SUBSECTION: REHABILITATION SERVICES PHYSIOTHERAPIST Post Designation 3xPosts Salary Housing allowance Transport Allowance : : : : : Physiotherapist Grade 6 Oshakati N$ 273 057 – 326 329 annum N$ 12 000 per annum N$ 7176 per annum Minimum Requirements: Registration as Physiotherapist with allied Health Professions Council of Namibia. Additional Requirements: Candidates should have three (3) years appropriate experience. Enquiries: Dr J. Augustinus, Tel: (065) 2233143 or Ms F. Akawa , Tel (065)2233214 Address: The Medical Superintendent, Intermediate Hospital Oshakati, Private Bag 5501, Oshakati. DIRECTORATE: OSHANA REGION DIVISION: INTERMEDIATE HOSPITAL OSHAKATI SUBDIVISION: NURSING SERVICES SECTION: GENERAL NURSING SERVICES SUBSECTION: CLINICAL WARDS Post Designation 1xPost Subdivision Section Subsection Salary Scale Housing Allowance Transport Allowance : : : : : : : : Registered Nurse Grade 7 Oshakati Nursing Services General Nursing Services Clinical Wards N$ 224 002 – 267 704 N$ 12 000 per annum N$ 7176 per annum Minimum Requirements : Registration as a Registered Nurse and Midwife with the Nursing Council of Namibia. Additional Requirements : Three (3) years appropriate experience and a Post Basic Diploma or Degree in Nursing Management. Enquiries: Ms S. Dumeni, Tel: (065) 2233367 /Ms Fiina Akawa (065) 2233214 PSM CIRCULAR NO. D OF 2015, VACANCIES IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE, ADVERTISED 14 APRIL 2015, CLOSING DATE 15 MAY 2015 DIRECTORATE: OSHANA REGION Post Designation 1xPosts Salary Housing Benefit Motor Vehicle Allowance Capital cost Running cost Fixed overtime : : : : Chief Medical Officer Grade 3 Oshakati N$ 439 196 – 466 078 annum N$ 75 517 per annum : : : N$ 81 497 per annum N$ 27 273 per annum N$ 200 600 per annum Minimum Requirements : Registration as a Medical Practitioner with Medical and Dental Council of Namibia. Additional Requirements: Candidates should have skills and knowledge in managerial position. Enquiries: Mr. Sakaria Taapopi, Tel: (065) 2233118 or Ms. Monika Shilunga, Tel (065)223355 Address: The Regional Director Oshana Region Private Bag 5538 Oshakati. DIRECTORATE ERONGO REGION Post designation : Registered Nurse Grade 8 2x Posts : Omaruru and Karibib Salary Scale : N$183759 – 219610 Housing Allowance : N$12000 per annum Transport Allowance : N$7176 per annum MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Registration as a Registered Nurse and Midwife with the Nursing Council of Namibia. Enquiries: Ms. L. Kanana, Tel.No. (064) 4106009; Ms. SJ. Visagie,Tel.No. (064) 4106062 Post designation : Social Worker Grade 8 1x Post : Usakos Salary Scale : N$183759 – 219610 Housing Allowance : N$12000 per annum Transport Allowance : N$7176 per annum MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Registration as Social Worker with the relevant Council of Namibia. Enquiries: Ms. B. Van Rooyen, Tel.No. (064) 4106010; Ms. SJ. Visagie,Tel.No. (064) 4106062 PSM CIRCULAR NO. D OF 2015, VACANCIES IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE, ADVERTISED 14 APRIL 2015, CLOSING DATE 15 MAY 2015 Post designation : Chief Environmental Health Officer Grade 7 1x Post : Swakopmund (Hospital) Salary Scale : N$224002 – 267704 Housing Allowance : N$12000 per annum Transport Allowance : N$7176 per annum MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: An appropriate National Diploma or B.Tech in Public and Environmental Health. Registration with the relevant Council of Namibia plus three (3) years approximate experience. Additional Requirements: A Code 08 driver’s license. Enquiries: Mr. GN Willemse, Tel.No. (064) 4106006; Ms. SJ. Visagie,Tel.No. (064) 4106062 Post designation : Medical Officer Grade 5 2x Posts : Swakopmund and Walvis Bay Salary Scale : N$332856 – 397793 Housing Allowance : N$12000 per annum Fixed Overtime Allowance : N$178096 per annum Motor Vehicle Allowance : N$75070 per annum MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: An appropriate Degree plus registration with the Medical and Dental Council of Namibia. Enquiries: Dr. Musasa, Tel.No. (064) 4106007; Ms. SJ. Visagie,Tel.No. (064) 4106062 NB: Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. All supporting documents must be originally certified by the Namibian Police. Failure to attached all the required documents including confirmation of probation letters (where applicable) will disqualify the application. Applications (on form 156043 obtainable at all Government Offices) must be submitted to the Regional Director, Directorate Erongo Region, P/Bag 5004, Swakopmund DIRECTORATE KUNENE REGION Post designation : Chief Medical Officer Grade 3 1x Post : Opuwo (Regional Office) Salary Scale : N$439196 – 466078 Fixed overtime : N$220661 per annum Motor Vehicle Allowance : N$108770 per annum Housing Benefit : N$75517 per annum PSM CIRCULAR NO. D OF 2015, VACANCIES IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE, ADVERTISED 14 APRIL 2015, CLOSING DATE 15 MAY 2015 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Registration as a Medical Practitioner with the Medical and Dental Council of Namibia plus appropriate experience in areas of health. Job profile: This level includes personnel who supervise and manage/give practicalguidance to various occupationally related, supervisory and operational staff Enquiries: Mr. Tomas Shapumba, Tel.No. (065) 272801; Ms. Tekla Ngitotelwa, Tel.No. (065) 272845 Post designation : Senior Medical Officer Grade 4 1x Post : Opuwo Salary Scale : N$405749 – 430584 Fixed overtime : N$203856 per annum Motor Vehicle Allowance : N$97667 per annum Housing Benefit : N$63137 per annum MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Registration as a Medical Practitioner with the Medical and Dental Council of Namibia plus appropriate experience in areas of health. Enquiries: Mr. Tomas Shapumba, Tel.No. (065) 272801; Ms. Tekla Ngitotelwa, Tel.No. (065) 272845 Post designation : Senior Occupational Therapist Grade 6 1x Post : Opuwo (Regional Office) Salary Scale : N$273057 – 326329 Housing Allowance : N$12000 per annum Transport Allowance : N$7176 per annum MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Registration as Occupational Therapist with the relevant Council of Namibia. Enquiries: Mr. Tomas Shapumba, Tel.No. (065) 272801; Ms. Tekla Ngitotelwa,Tel.No. (065) 272845 NB: Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. All supporting documents must be originally certified by the Namibian Police. Failure to attached all the required documents including confirmation of probation letters (where applicable) will disqualify the application. Applications (on form 156043 obtainable at all Government Offices) must be submitted to the Regional Director, Directorate Kunene Region, P/Bag 3003, Opuwo PSM CIRCULAR NO. D OF 2015, VACANCIES IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE, ADVERTISED 14 APRIL 2015, CLOSING DATE 15 MAY 2015 MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS AND IMMIGRATION DEPARTMENT: CIVIL REGISTRATION DIRECTORATE: NATIONAL, IDENTIFICATION AND PRODUCTIONPOPULATION REGISTER DIVISIONS: NATIONAL POPULATION IDENTIFICATION AND PRODUCTION, AND NATIONAL POPULATION REGISTER, HEAD OFFICE WINDHOEK Post Designation 1 Post Salary Scale Housing Allowance Transport Allowance : : : : : Control Administrative Officer Grade 6 Windhoek N$ 273 057- 326 329 N$ 12 000 p.a N$ 7175 p.a Minimum Requirements: A National Diploma at (NQL 6) or equivalent qualification plus eight (8) years approximate appropriate experience. Post Designation 4 Posts Salary Scale Housing Allowance Transport Allowance : : : : : : Chief Administrative Officer, Grade 8 Windhoek x3 Opuwo x1 N$ 183 759 - 219 610 N$ 12 000 p.a N$ 7175 p.a Minimum Requirements: A National Diploma at (NQL 6) or equivalent qualification plus six (6) years approximate appropriate experience. Post Designation 1 Post Salary Scale Housing Allowance Transport Allowance : : : : : Senior Fingerprint Officer Grade 10 Windhoek N$ 122 728 – 147 201 N$ 9 600 p.a N$ 7175 p.a Minimum Requirements: An appropriate National Diploma or equivalent qualification (NQF Level 6) plus one (1) year approximate appropriate experience OR A Grade 12 Certificate (NQF Level 3) plus three (3) years approximate appropriate experience. Enquiries: Ms. Anette Forsingdal - 061- 2922109 DIRECTORATE: ADMINISTRATION DIVISION: GENERAL SUPOORT SERVICES SUBDIVISION: AIXILIARY SERVICES SECTION: PROCUREMENT Post Designation 2 Posts Salary Scale Transport Allowance Housing Allowance : : : : : Senior Administrative Officer Grade 10 Windhoek N$ 122 728 – 147 201 N$ 7 176 p.a N$ 9 600 p.a PSM CIRCULAR NO. D OF 2015, VACANCIES IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE, ADVERTISED 14 APRIL 2015, CLOSING DATE 15 MAY 2015 Minimum requirements: An appropriate National Diploma or equivalent qualification (NQF Level 6) plus one (1) years approximate appropriate experience Or A Grade 12 certificate (NQF Level 3) plus 3 years appropriate approximate experience. Knowledge on IFMS will be added as an advantage. Job Description: Supervising staff members in procurement and stores section; Responsible for all purchasing.; Coordinate the Economizing Committee and preparing of requisitions for Economizing Committee; Checking of requisitions for validity and compliance with existing regulations before final approval.; Make sure that requisitions are properly filled; Ensure that Commitment Registers are up to date; Ensure that items are checked or verified, the quantity and price before payment; Responsible for the recommending of leave and keeping of leave registers for all staff members under your supervision; Ensure feedbacks to your supervisor; Identify staff members training needs; Compiling annual reports; Perform other duties as assigned. Enquiries: Mr. L N Valombola, 061-292 2016 DEPARTMENT: IMMIGRATION CONTROL AND CITIZENSHIP DIRECTORATE: IMMIGRATION AND BORDER CONTROL Post Designation 5 Posts : : Chief Immigration Officer, Grade 7 Rooikop, Walvisbay Airport x1 Kunene Region, Opuwo x1 Oshana Region, Oshakati x1 Ohangwena Region, Eenhana x1 Kavango Region, Rundu x1 Salary Scale Transport Allowance Housing Allowance : : : N$ 224 002 – 267 704 N$ 7 176 N$ 12 000 Minimum requirements: An appropriate National Diploma or equivalent qualification (NQF Level 6) plus four appropriate experience. (4) years approximate Enquiries: Mrs. E. Shiponeni, 061 – 2922041 or Mr. Nehemia Nghishekwa, 061 - 2922020 Post Designation 3 Posts Salary Scale Transport Allowance Housing Allowance : : : : : : : Control Immigration Officer, Grade 6 Karas Region, Keetmanshoop x1 Ohangwena Region, Eenhana x1 Zambezi Region, Katima Mulilo x1 N$ 273 057– 326 329 N$ 7 176 N$ 12 000 Minimum requirements: An appropriate National Diploma or equivalent qualification (NQF Level 6) plus six (6) years approximate appropriate experience. Enquiries: Mrs. E. Shiponeni, 061 – 2922041 or Mr. Nehemia Nghishekwa, 061 – 2922020 In terms of the Affirmative Action Plan of the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration, qualifying females and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. PSM CIRCULAR NO. D OF 2015, VACANCIES IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE, ADVERTISED 14 APRIL 2015, CLOSING DATE 15 MAY 2015 Note must be taken that competitions for vacancies in the Public Service have been limited. Public Servants must have completed their probation successfully and may only compete for vacancies, which are on the next higher grade/post level. NB! Failure to complete all items on the application for employment form (156043) and not attaching all the necessary certified documents will disqualify the application. Foreign qualification should be accompanied by NQA evaluation. Failure to attach such a proof will lead to disqualification. Please take note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and no personal documents will be returned. An application (on form 156043) as well as a comprehensive curriculum vitae and certified copies of education qualifications must be addressed to: The Permanent Secretary Private Bag 13200 Windhoek PSM CIRCULAR NO. D OF 2015, VACANCIES IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE, ADVERTISED 14 APRIL 2015, CLOSING DATE 15 MAY 2015 MINISTRY OF LANDS & RESETTLEMENT DIVISION GENERAL SERVICES SUBDIVISION HUMAN RESOURCES Post Designation Salary Scale : : Senior Human Resource Practitioner Grade 7 N$224 002 - 267 704 Housing allowance : N$ 12 000.00 p.a Transport allowance : N$7 176.00 p.a Duty station : Windhoek Minimum Requirements: An appropriate National Diploma (or equivalent qualification) on NQF level 6 majoring in human resources plus six (6) years experience in human resource management experience. Generics duties: Conducting of human resources planning; the recruitment, selection, provisioning of staff and staff maintenance; the directing and advising on personnel management programs; the advising on organizations and establishments; the advising on, supervising of and the performance or provision of staff leadership and technical guidance with regard to personnel-related legislation, policies and guidelines and the advising on human resources development; deal with Industrial Relations matters; representative in Arbitration/Conciliation hearings; handling of grievances; responsible for employee wellness and safety; educating share on Human Resources and HIV/AIDS matters; mainstreaming HIV/Aids Programs and Advice in conflict related issues; involved in decision making and problem solving human resource activities; NB:Applications must be completed on form 156043, which is obtainable at any Government Office. A comprehensive CV, certified copies of all qualifications and identity documents must be attached. All foreign qualifications must be submitted with an evaluation of qualification from Namibia Qualification Authority. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Enquiries: Ms. Njahi Mushe/ Mr Simeon V. Amushelelo;Telephone: 061-2965328/061-2965334 Applications should be addressed to: The Permanent Secretary Ministry of Lands and Resettlement Private Bag 13343 WINDHOEK PSM CIRCULAR NO. D OF 2015, VACANCIES IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE, ADVERTISED 14 APRIL 2015, CLOSING DATE 15 MAY 2015 MINISTRY OF URBAN AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT DIRECTORATE: HOUSING, HABITAT, PLANNING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES COORDINATION 1x Post Designation : Division : Salary Scale : Duty Station : Accountant Grade 8 Housing Finance N$ 183, 759 x P- 219, 610 Windhoek Minimum requirements: An appropriate Diploma on NQF Level 6 majoring in accounting plus two (2) years appropriate experience 1x Post Designation : Senior Science and Technology Officer Grade 6 Division : Habitat Research Development Centre Salary Scale : N$273 057 - N$326 329.00 Duty Station : Windhoek Minimum requirements: A Degree or an equivalent qualification on NQF Level 8 majoring in one of the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Botany, Zoology, Biology, Geology, Food Technology, Marine Biology, Life Science and Mathematics plus six (6) years appropriate experience. Supplementary requirements: Candidates majoring in Chemistry or Marine Biology will serve as an added advantage Valid driver’s license Report writing skills Knowledge of MS Word, PowerPoint and Excel Functions: Supervising staff members and management of HRDC resource center Assists with planning annual research program Conducts research on potential indigenous materials as a building resource Tests/causes tests to be conducted on viability of researched materials as a building material Knowledge of building materials/ technologies Compiles report on findings of research conducted Provides training on utilization of researched materials to interested members of the public/small builders. Responsible for safekeeping of equipment allocated for research purposes Reports to the Deputy Director: HRDC 1x Post Designation : Science and Technology Officer Grade 8 Division : Habitat Research Development Centre Salary Scale : Duty Station : N$ 183, 759 x P – 219, 610 Windhoek PSM CIRCULAR NO. D OF 2015, VACANCIES IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE, ADVERTISED 14 APRIL 2015, CLOSING DATE 15 MAY 2015 Minimum requirements: A Degree or an equivalent qualification on NQF Level 8 majoring in one of the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Botany, Zoology, Biology, Geology, Food Technology, Marine Biology, Life Science and Mathematics plus six (6) years appropriate experience. Supplementary requirements: Candidates majoring in Chemistry or Marine Biology will serve as an added advantage Valid driver’s license Report writing skills Knowledge of Ms Word, PowerPoint and Excel Functions: Assists with planning annual research program Conducts research on potential indigenous materials as a building resource Tests/causes tests to be conducted on viability of researched materials as a building material Knowledge of building materials/ technologies Compiles report on findings of research conducted Provides training on utilization of researched materials to interested members of the public/small builders. Responsible for safekeeping of equipment allocated for research purposes Reports to the Senior Science and Technology Enquiries: Mr. LD Uyepa; 061-297 5286 DIRECTORATE: FINANCE, HUMAN RESOURCE, ADMINISTRATION AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1x Post Designation : Division : Salary Scale : Duty Station : System Administrator Grade 9 Information Technology N$ 202, 885 x P – 228, 482 Windhoek Appointment requirements: A Degree in Information Technology on NQF Level 7 Supplementary requirements: A valid driver license is required (ICT support for Regional Councils and Governor Offices) Knowledge in Network will be an added advantage A+ / N+ Certification will be an advantage Windows 2012 Server certification will be an advantage Good knowledge of Solaris operating system administration will be an advantage Good knowledge of the management and support of Wide Area Networks will be an advantage 1x Post Designation : Division : Salary Scale : Duty Station : Computer Technician Grade 11 Information Technology N$ 115, 511 x P - 130, 397 Windhoek PSM CIRCULAR NO. D OF 2015, VACANCIES IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE, ADVERTISED 14 APRIL 2015, CLOSING DATE 15 MAY 2015 Appointment requirements: A National Diploma or equivalent qualification in Information NQF Level 6 Technology on Enquiries: Mr. Evans S. Maswahu; 061-297 5268 DIRECTORATE: REGIONAL, LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND TRADITIONAL AUTHORITY COORDINATION Division: Local Authorities Coordination Sub-Division: Land Delivery Management 1x Post Designation : Chief Administrative Officer Grade 8 Salary Scale : N$ 183 759 x P – 219 610.00 Duty Station : Windhoek Appointment requirements: An appropriate National Diploma or equivalent qualification on NQF Level 6 plus appropriate experience Supplementary requirement: Bachelor degree in Land Management plus four (4) years relevant experience in land management Enquiries: Mr. K Ndoroma; 061-297 5235 NB: candidates with foreign qualifications must attach proof of evaluation of such qualifications from Namibian Qualification Authority (NQA). Failure to complete all items in the application form of employment and not attaching the necessary documents will disqualify the application. Fax and email applications will not be considered. Applicants must be a Namibian citizen. Applications (on form 156043 obtainable at all Government Offices) together with a comprehensive Curriculum Vitae and certified copies of educational qualifications must be mailed to: The Permanent Secretary Ministry of Regional and Local Government, Housing and Rural Development Private Bag 13289 WINDHOEK OR Hand Delivery at: Government Office Park, Luther Street Ministry of Regional and Local Government, Housing and Rural Development First Floor Human Resources Division PSM CIRCULAR NO. D OF 2015, VACANCIES IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE, ADVERTISED 14 APRIL 2015, CLOSING DATE 15 MAY 2015 MINISTRY OF WORKS AND TRANSPORT DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION AND CENTRALISED SUPPORT SERVICES DIRECTORATE CENTRALISED SUPPORT SERVICES DIVISION GOVERNMENT GARAGE SUBSECTION INVENTORY CONTROL Post designation 1 x Post Salary scale : : : Senior Administrative Officer Grade 10 Windhoek N$122 727 – 147 201 Minimum requirements: National Diploma or equivalent qualification (NQF Level 6) plus one (1) appropriate experience OR a Grade 12 Certificate (NQF Level 3) plus three (3) years appropriate experience. Candidate should be familiar with the State Finance Act, Treasury Instructions, and Tender Board Act and should have attended the Basic Stock Control Course offered by Ministry of Finance. SUBSECTION POOL AND VIP TRANSPORT Post designation 1 x Post Salary scale : : : Senior Administrative Officer Grade 10 Windhoek N$122 727 – 147 201 Minimum requirements: National Diploma or equivalent qualification (NQF Level 6) plus one (1) appropriate experience OR a Grade 12 Certificate (NQF Level 3) plus three (3) years appropriate experience. Candidate should have extensive experience in Transport Management and should be in possession of a valid Driver’s License, Code B. SUBSECTION WINDHOEK WORKSHOP Post designation 1x Post Salary scale : : : Artisan Foreman Grade 9 Windhoek N$150 205 – 180 157 Minimum requirements: Completed apprenticeship OR a Trade Diploma issued in terms of existing legislation. Enquiries: Mr S Martin/Ms E Tjivau Tel: 061-2946000/2088109 DEPARTMENT OF WORKS DIRECTORATE MAINTENANCE DIVISION TECHNICAL AND MAINTENANCE SUPPORT SECTION MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION: OMAHEKE Post designation 1 x Post Salary scale : : : Artisan Foreman Grade 9 Leonardville N$150 205 – 180 157 Minimum requirements: Completed apprenticeship OR a Trade Diploma issued in terms of existing legislation. Enquiries: Ms E Elago/Ms E Tjivau Tel: 062-577100/2088109 DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION AND CENTRALISED SUPPORT SERVICES PSM CIRCULAR NO. D OF 2015, VACANCIES IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE, ADVERTISED 14 APRIL 2015, CLOSING DATE 15 MAY 2015 DIRECTORATE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION FINANCE SECTION BUDGET AND REVENUE Post designation 2 x Posts Salary scale : : : Senior Accountant Grade 7 Windhoek N$224 002 – 267 704 Minimum requirements: An appropriate Diploma on NQF Level 6 majoring in accounting plus five (5) years appropriate experience. Enquiries: Mr C Mungandjela/Ms E Tjivau;Tel: 061-2088310/2088109 Address: The Permanent Secretary Ministry of Works and Transport Private Bag 13341 Windhoek PSM CIRCULAR NO. D OF 2015, VACANCIES IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE, ADVERTISED 14 APRIL 2015, CLOSING DATE 15 MAY 2015
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