WELCOME TO 3SB - 3rd Street Beat Entertainment Inc.

Sept-June 3SB Dance Season
Non-Compete Clause
November 15 Competition fees due! Check newsletter.
Due to the increase in hip hop companies in Edmonton and
surrounding areas, we want to ensure we are not competing against our own students at competitions and that our
training and investment into our students is protected. We
believe this will also help our students focus on growing
and developing their skillset, performance and bonding with
their peers. Any new student starting hip hop dance classes
at 3SB Studios cannot compete with any other Studio or
Company. The only exception applies to students who have
previously been enrolled at other studios in the past.
December 2 week break for Christmas Holidays
October 1
Deadline to set-up monthly billing
Costume/Warm-Up Gear sizing & ordering
begins and runs for the entire month
October Youth Classes Events: Bring a buddy
week & Youth Party
January Classes resume for the New Year
March - May 3-4 competitions entered annually
June Class Photoshoots & Pre-registration
July 1 Fall Registration opens for new clients
August 2nd last weekend offering our Bootcamp Workshop/In Studio Registration
Please email “your teachers name”@my3sb.com to notify
your teacher. If you have more than 2 un-verified absences,
the teacher will remove you from the current combo they
are working on.
Cancellation Procedure
Only a written notice via email, or hand delivered to our
front desk from the account holder or parent/guardian will
be acceptable. This must be received 1 week prior to the end
of a month. On November 30th all costume and competition fees become non-refundable. There is no refund for
missed or prepaid classes.
No Pay - No Dance
If a late fee goes unpaid for more than 30 days, the student
will not be allowed to dance until the account is fully cleared
up. This includes competing in competitions.
Paying Your Monthly Fees
All students must set up an automatic monthly payment plan. Options are:
Via your online account in the Payments Area
with credit card.
Post Dated Cheques for the year
Studio is always closed for:
Thanksgiving, Christmas Break,
Spring Break, Artists Emerge,
Easter Weekend,
Victoria Day long weekend
Sorry! We do not accept monthly cash payments.
No Food or Drinks, other than water,
allowed in the studios.
Any lost or missing items are the responsibility of
the student. We cannot keep lost & found items.
All students must have clean inside shoes; no
street shoes in the studio to maintain our flooring.
3SB Creative Youth Centre
13883 156 st nw, Edmonton, AB T6V1J1
We work with the most
experienced instructors in the city
Program Breakdown
When registering for classes, your initial
fees are:
$30 Registration Fee - per student
First (Sept) & last (June) months
$65 Costume Deposits per class
This is due by closure of the Bootcamp or
on the first day of your classes unless you
are auditioning and do not have your results.
The season runs from September - June.
3SB Facts
Over 12 years of business experience in the
dance industry
16 professional instructors who teach &
perform worldwide
Studio trips & tours in the U.S., Europe, South
America & China
Raised over $200,000 for local youth charities
We volunteer in our community at special
events & teach specialized workshops in
schools across Alberta
Email Make sure you have a current email
address in your account so you don’t miss out!
Facebook Like our page and stay in the loop
In Person @ Studio Hours posted on website
Monthly Newsletters On website, mass
emailed out, & on studio bulletin board
Text Opt-in via your
Online Account
Welcome to
3rd Street Beat Studio!
We are a company dedicated to fostering positive
youth development while shining an updated light on
Hip Hop Culture. 3SB began in 2001 as a competitive
dance studio and now includes a professional
entertainment company producing multiple events
throughout the year. We have a long history of
working with young people and a genuine passion for
youth culture. At 3SB our diverse faculty is focused on
delivering top-notch, relevant & creative instruction
that makes a real impact on the lives of our students.
Artists Emerge EDM - Jubilee Aud
Represent Street Dance
Peak Invitational - Myer Horowitz
Standing Ovation - Myer Horowitz
Dance Power - Myer Horowitz
Costumes & 3SB Gear
Students will need a separate costume for every
class they are enrolled in. $65 costume fee per class
enrolled. New Students will need to purchase a one
time Studio Jacket to represent at competitions/
events/studio trips. You do not need new gear every
year. Sizing and ordering is done in October only.
Apr -May
*Competition fees are due by no later
than Nov 15th.
Each class will attend 4 competitions. The fees
are approx $145 per class enrolled. All groups will
participate in Artists Emerge and Represent Street Dance
Competition annually. All other competitions will vary from
year to year.
Let us know
if you are not getting
our monthly emails.