Boyd Academy of Dance … Term 3 Newsletter Issue 1 - 13th July, 2009 Welcome back …. Contact Us: Studio: 1/18 Laser Drive, Rowville 3178 Phone: 9764 1119 Email: General Enquiries: Fee Enquiries: Website: www.boydacademyofdance Cale nda r o f Eve nts FEES DUE th SATURDAY 25 JULY *** TERM 3 EVENTS th th 18 & 19 August Ballet Exam Ballet Exam rehearsal (Date to be advised) Week Beginning th 24 August – Term 4 Invoices go out and are payable in full by th 19 September th 19 September Last day of Term 3 (No Open Days in last week of Term 3) *** B.A.D. CONCERT st Saturday 31 October (Matinee & Evening) REHEARSAL th Thursday 29 October PHOTO SHOOT th Sunday 25 October (Concert tickets on sale in Term 4) CO NC ERT DA TE S … CONCERT REHEARSAL: THURSDAY 29th OCTOBER 2009 CONCERTS: SATURDAY 31st OCTOBER (MATINEE & EVENING) [Times will be notified later in Term 3] 2008 Terms th th Term 3 – Monday 13 July – Saturday 19 September th th Term 4 – Monday 5 October – Saturday 12 December th (Fees due Saturday 25 July) th (Fees due Saturday 19 Sept) Fees for Terms 3 & 4 Term 3 Invoices have now been emailed – hard copies will be sent home the first week th back for those with no access to email. Fees are due no later than Saturday 25 July. Payments can be made at the studio during office hours any day except Thursdays (after Week 2) and Sunday. Stacey will be manning the office for the first two Thursdays only from 4:45-6:15pm. Term 4 Invoices are to be issued during Week 7 and must be paid in full by the end of Term th 3 (Saturday 19 September). Costume Hire charges will be added to the Term 4 Invoice. This early Term payment is to be made to ease the weight of the Term 4 finances when costume fees, tickets, photo & DVD money are all due. Thanks for your co-operation. Student’s Apprearance and Uniform Requirements Uniform in Winter: Boyd Academy jackets may be worn at the start of class but are required to be removed once students are warmed up. For students feeling the cold, the following items have been added to our “Uniform Requirements” which may be worn throughout the class: SUB-SENIOR JAZZ: Knitted Energetics Dance Top (Plum or black) in long or cross-over style. INTER JAZZ: Knitted Energetics Dance Top (Lilac or black) in long or cross-over style. SUB-INTER JAZZ: Knitted Energetics Dance Top (Colour: Pink) in long or cross-over style.or Mulberry cotton lycra crossover. ALL BALLET CLASSES: Cotton Lycra cross-over in leotard colour or knitted Energetics dance top. Also students are welcome to wear knitted leg warmers in either pink, white or their leotard colour. Samples of colours and styles of dance tops are on display in the studio foyer and are available for purchase. Please note – as uniform is compulsory, no other tops (including primary or secondary school tops) will be permitted. Student’s Appearance: Students are reminded that a neat appearance is required for every class. Hair is to be neatly pinned back in the style appropriate for the class and full uniform (with no ‘individual’ variations) being worn. If you are unsure about any item of uniform being worn, please check with Tracey. Primary Ballet students are reminded that no undies are to be worn under the leotard, and that the leotard needs to be white (not grey). Deodorant: If student’s are of an age requiring deodorant please ensure it is applied before class and kept in the dance bag in case a second application is required. No “Impulse” or similar body sprays please as they can cause breathing problems in enclosed spaces. Newsletter Title Now Selling at the Studio: Stockings (ballet and jazz) $12.00 ea (full range of sizes available) Primary Ballet Pink Socks (Ask at front desk for price) Student Achievements Ballet Teachers Workshop: Recently students of the Boyd Academy attended audition workshops for the prestigious Ballet Teachers’ Workshop annual competition. Two of our talented students Ali Brunton and Emma Sexton (both Grade 5 Ballet) have made it through to the final performance night in September. They will be competing against Victoria’s best students in their age group. Congratulations and good luck girls. RAD Annual Winter Workshop: th During the school holidays the RAD held its 26 Annual Winter Workshop at the Victorian College of the Arts with Victorian Examiners. Four of our Boyd Academy students attended the week long workshop along with many other Victorian ballet dancers. Well done to all four for a fabulous week and our congratulations in particular to Emma Sexton (Grade 5) and Gus Upchurch (Grade 7) who won Encouragement Awards in their respective Grades. Choreographic Competition: In June the Boyd Academy held its own Choreographic competition. It was a warm and delightful event with an array of impressive choreographic routines. Thank you to our adjudicator Brooke Appleyard and congratulations to our winners First: Ruby Winters & Bessi Upchurch Second: Holly Pearce & Millie Dempsey Equal Third: Taylah Fulton, Natalie Costa & Isabella Meerwald and Mia Bergles & Georgia Hood. Ballet Exams th th The examiner has been booked for Tuesday 18 & Wednesday 19 August, with a compulsory rehearsal with the pianist scheduled for the week before (day & time to be advised). Exams and rehearsal will be held at the studio. Times allocated for students will be on display in the foyer and a separate notices will also be issued shortly. If you have any questions regarding the exams, please contact Tracey. Ballet exam fees are now overdue – if you have not already paid please do so by the end of the first week. Wednesday Junior Song & Jazz – timetable change With the ballet exams being held at the studio during the day, the Wednesday Junior Song & Jazz class will be changed for one week only. Our apologies for this inconvenience. Please choose one of the following alternate times for that week: Monday 10-10:45 am OR Monday 11-11:45am OR Friday 4-4:45pm Doorbell for Late Arriving Students The studio front door is locked when the studio office is closed in the evenings after class has started for the safety of our students and their belongings. Please ensure your child arrives early for class to avoid being locked out. Late students only: Ring doorbell firmly twice to gain access. Parking in the Driveway ** PLEASE KEEP THE DRIVEWAY CLEAR AT ALL TIMES ** If your child’s class has not finished, please park in the street to wait. Show consideration for those wishing to drop and go. Do not park in front of the entry door or roller door for the studios (or the church) as access is required at all times. Parents in the Studios ** PARENTS ARE NOT PERMITTED IN STUDIOS OR STUDIO SITTING AREA ** An increasing number of parents are breaking this rule…. please remain in the foyer at all times. These arrangements are made for the safety of our students, the protection of their belongings and most importantly to protect the privacy of students changing. Students are familiar enough with the studio now that they can walk themselves to class if late, or if assistance is required (for younger or new students) please ask at the front desk for a staff member or senior student to walk them down. No exceptions. Student Attendance Term 3 is the time for Concert dances to be finished, rehearsed and costumed. It is therefore extremely important that students arrive on time, sign in on arrival and attend every class. Students may miss out on a costume if we do not know you are in the class because you haven’t signed in and may miss corrections or alterations to their dance if your are late to class or not in attendance each week. Costume Storage Rooms Please do not use the two costume storage rooms located off the foyer as change rooms. These rooms are for staff and teachers only. CONCERT NEWS A separate newsletter outlining all information for our 2009 Concert Performance will be out later in Term 3 once arrangements have been finalised. It will include all procedures regarding the two compulsory performances, all performance times, extra rehearsal required, dress rehearsals, costume requirements and hire costs, ticket prices and how to purchase them, hair and make-up requirements, photo shoot and purchase of photos, DVD costs, etc. 2009 BOYD ACADEM Y OF DANCE CONCERT All Students will perform in Matinee and Evening Performances to be held on Sa tur day 31 s t Oc to ber (times to be confirmed) at The Besen Theatre (Mt Scopus College Campus), Station Street, Burwood. Costumes Costumes are currently being finalised and students will be fitted during class at various times throughout Term 3. Our costumes are hired out to students at a minimal cost for the performance, saving parents hundreds of dollars in having costumes individually made (as is the practice at many dance schools). Costume hire charges range from $25-$35 per costume (one costume per class). We are currently running very behind with our sewing and are desperately seeking more helpers. ** SEWERS DESPERATELY REQUIRED …. ALL LEVELS OF EXPERIENCE REQUIRED ** We require assistance from experienced machine sewers to basic hand sewers to those who can glue or tie a bow… and everyone in-between! (Please contact Julie-Anne at the Studio Front Desk if you are able to spare some time to help) Backstage Helpers The concert cannot run without the assistance of Parents. We will shortly be asking for volunteers to help out backstage on the day of the performances – we require two Mums per group for matinee and two Mums per group for evening. (Sorry … as our students are mainly female, we cannot accept Dads to assist backstage.) We also need approx. 8 ushers per show - - Dads are welcome! Running two shows means you can assist for one and watch the other – backstage helpers no longer miss out on seeing the show! Rosters will be put up in the foyer shortly – please consider putting your name down to help out! P LEAS E NO TE …W A TER BO TTL ES WILL NO LONG ER BE SO L D A T TH E S TUDIO . Due to the non-biodegradable nature of the clear plastic bottles, we will no longer be selling bottles of water. Students are required to bring their own bottle of water to class.
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