Term 2 Disco - Danze Gallery

Dancing and Singing is
about more than just
singing…. Just look at
the friendships, the
social development,
the self-confidence,
the self esteem, the
achievements .
Danze Gallery on Facebook
19th April 2015
Please do not park in the karate carpark, at all. They don’t like it.
Ashley Jones
Crystal Jones
Amanda Chang
Ann Page
Ben Cady
Sheraden Brackstone
Junior Teachers
Caitlyn Zimmerman
Ruby Schmidt
Casual Teachers
Miss Nicki
Mr Troy
Student Teachers
Chloe Pessego
Jessie Ingram
Erin Hawken
Sophie Elbourn
2nd May - Dance 4
9th May - Studio
24th May - Dare 2
31st May - Decadance
21st June Oh La La
(14th also if needed)
27th & 28th June High Energy.
Friends Southern
Stars Ball - 4th July
WelcomeToTerm2- We
hope everyone enjoyed their
Easter and me off. A er a massive Term 1, I know all of us at
Danze Gallery had a great
break! Classes are recommencing this Saturday, 18th April.
That means Monday 20th April
for the weekday dancers. Please
note, regardless of pupil free
days, Danze Gallery is running
classes on Monday 20th April.
Costume Deposits - Please be
sure to pay your first costume
deposit on or before Friday
15th May. Costumes will not be
ordered for anyone who has not
paid their deposits by this date.
Staff and Student Safety - As of
the commencement of Term 2,
under no circumstances are
ANY students to be wai ng outside the studio to be picked up.
We will not allow it ! It is too
dark now that daylight savings
has finished and there is increased traffic around the studio. Please instruct your child to
stay inside the studio un l you
come in to collect them or they
see you pull up outside. We
care about our student’s safety
at all mes, whether or not they
are within our duty of care
mes or not. I would also like to
ask for parents to refrain from
parking right outside the studio
door! That is our drop off and
go zone! A big favour to ask of
parents: if you no ce that a
teacher is the last one to leave
the studio when you pick up
your child, please offer to
wait with him/her to make
sure they get safely into
their car. We are not expec ng anything dangerous
to happen to our staff or
students, however I’m sure
you will appreciate us being
extra cau ous.
Easter Show - Congratulaons, and a big round of
applause for our students
who performed at The Sydney Royal Easter Show. We
had a great day and spent
heaps of money at the show
bag pavilion and loved the
Woolies Pavilion :-)
Intermediate Classes - It has
been no ced that several
Intermediates are absent for
some of their classes . Parents please be aware of your
teenager’s dance schedule.
Danze Gallery completely
understands the heavy
school loads and homework
demands, but o en students are missing a class
only to arrive and sit upstairs for lesson . This is not
a problem, but I am concerned that parents are
simply not aware that paid
lessons are being missed
and students are arriving
and doing some classes and
not all of them. Uniforms Our studio colours are RED
and BLACK it is expected that
ALL students wear their
dance uniform and correct
shoes to every lesson. Ballet you must
wear a black leotard and black skirt
from pre junior to Intermediate. Pe tes
and Kindy wear a black leotard and a
red skirt. Please also ensure your hair
is completely ed back! Sadly a lot of
our students are not se ng a good
example for the rest of the studio.
Please show respect for your teacher
and studio and be in full uniform with
hair fully secured.!!
Pe te Parents - We would like to ask
you to understand, it is now me for
your pe tes to get used to you not
being in the class. It has become distrac ng for some of the other students in the class. Miss Crystal will
send a junior teacher out to get you
as we move closer into the term, so
you can watch them, and we will also
send a junior teacher out to get you if
your child is upset. It is now me for
them to concentrate on their rou ne
and we will film this for you.
Kindy Classes - Wow! how good have
our li le Pe tes from last year se led
into the big boy and girl classes. This
term it will be easier as they get used
to being at school for 5 whole days
and their a er school ac vi es. It was
hard at first ,but they are coping very
well now. Be PROUD.
Special Men on - Well done to those
girls that par cipated in compe ons
over the holidays. Well done to our
dancers - Bri nee, Imogen, Sophie and
Jessie for being accepted into Company and Touring Ensemble with Southern Stars. Just a touch
Term Two Tip
If your taps keep coming out
of your shoes, simply fill the
holes with the ends of
matchs cks - Put a li le
super glue on the end of the
screws and then screw them
into place! - Now the hole is
full and the screw has
something to grab onto!
Hey Presto your tap screws
are now secure :-)
Danze Gallery on Facebook
19th April 2015
Please do not park in the karate carpark, at all. They don’t like it.
ConcertCostumes-It is
that me of the year, teachers are looking for music and
Miss Ashley and I are on the
hunt for costumes. We have
found some and now we require deposits from everyone. Deposits are $30 per
class your child is in. So if
your child is in jazz,tap and
hip hop it = $90 . Pe te parents your deposit would be
$90 as your dancers have 3
rou nes. Full prices are as
follows - Pe tes $60 per
dance - Pre Juniors $76 per
class - Elementary $81 - $86
per class and Intermediate
$91 - $105. I will not be invoicing Elementary and Intermediate Singing classes as
Miss Sheraden has something in mind. When paying
your costume deposit into
bank account please make
reference - Smith Costume
Deposit. You can pay by direct deposit into Danze Gallery - BSB 641-800 - Account
200467642. Please be sure to
pay your costume deposit on
or before Friday 15th May.
Costumes will not be ordered
for anyone who has not paid
Pie Drive - In line with our costume deposits for Concert, we
will have a pie drive. Pies are
from Albion Park Rail Bakery. Every Family Pie you sell, $1 comes
off your concert costume invoice.
So if you sell 50 Family Pies, $50
comes off your concert costume
invoice. Trivia Night - Venue Albion
Park RSL Club. Time arrive at 6.30 for
a 7pm start. This will be hosted by
our teachers and by some of our
senior students. Votes came in and
40 families voted for Shoalhaven
Entertainment Centre. As I stated in
email that was sent out to all families
twice, we will be having a Trivia
Night to help keep the concert ckets at an affordable price. We have
86 families and if all of these families
supported the Trivia Night we will be
able to have the concert ckets at
$35 and be able to have the students
inside the venue a er they have performed their final rou ne. If we are
able to raise $3000 at our trivia night
this will go straight to the venue and
ckets will be $35. Concert Levy Every year we have a rehearsal levy,
it is $20 per student, this year whoever supports the Trivia Night - It will
be $10 per child. This will be payable
at the first rehearsal at the studio.
Saturday 14th NovemberPhotos and
DVD - Last year I was able to work
with our photographer and DVD
team and source a great deal. I am
working on the same package as last
year. I will keep everyone informed.
Danze Gallery Teachers at Dance 4
Cancer - These last few weeks have
seen our teachers working with local celebri es teaching them to dance :-) We are
working with Cancer Council in our own
version of Dancing with the Stars. It will
take place Saturday 2nd May in Wollongong at The Portofino. Miss Ann, Miss
Amanda, Miss Crystal and Mr Troy are choreographing the rou nes and Miss Ashley
will be judging along with a celebrity judge.
We will have some of our students performing their as well. Friends of Southern
Stars - If you have a child involved in
Southern Stars, we are holding a Black and
White Ball. Date is July 4th at The Fraternity. This is a great way to support Southern
Stars. I will have more details to follow.
Relay For Life Ball - Saturday 22nd August
is Shellharbour Relay For Life's Ball . It will
be held at Villadora in Wollongong and
ckets will be $120 for a 3 course fine dining and a 5 hour drink package. This was
such an exci ng me last year, and bound
to be so much fun again this year. Lets get
a couple of tables :-) Facebook - Those that
are on Facebook (which is most of us I’m
sure) make sure you “like” Danze Gallery
Facebook fan page, we also have a private
group Danze Gallery parents. Please don't
be offended if a teacher has not accepted
your friend request. It just ensures the
safety and privacy of both. This is why we
have our private group.
When you need something to believe in start
with yourself…..Someone once said that….
its not who you are ..that holds you back
…..its who you think you are not.
How Do I Pay My Fees ?
We all ask, how do I pay my fees ?
If your child does 1 2 or 3 classes a week paying by the term is preferred. Term payments must be paid
by week 3 at the very latest. Refunds are not available for change of mind.
If you are going on holidays please send a note in to Jenny in advance and we will credit towards next
terms fees. It would be great if we could have 3 weeks notice. If your child has been sick please bring
in doctors certificate for credit towards next terms fees.
If payment is more than 4 weeks behind your child will NOT be allowed to continue classes. They will
automatically lose their place in each class and it will be given to anyone on the waiting list.
In the case of extreme financial difficulties payment plan can be requested from Jenny. Please do not
be offended if a payment schedule cannot be negotiated remember we too have bills to pay (electricity,
water, rent, public liability, amcos, apra, wages.) Just like everyone else we have to pay ours on time.
I highly recommend direct debit as it is always easier to find $50 than $500. All solo students who are
with Miss Crystal, Miss Ann and Miss Amanda are too pay them weekly with one week in advance. All
solo lessons with Miss Ann and Miss Amanda are to be paid to Jenny in advance. Those doing acro are
to pay weekly to Jenny $15 or by the term $120.
You can pay by direct deposit into BSB 641-800 Account No. 200467642.
Please leave your child’s last name as a reference it is important.
All cheques to be made out to Jenny Jones.
If paying by cash please place in an envelope with your child's name on it.
All fees if not paid by weekly direct debit must be paid in full by 8th May.
Costume Deposits = $30 per class your child is in.
Special Men on -
Well done to those girls that par cipated in compe
ons over the holidays.
Well done to our dancers - Bri nee, Imogen, Sophie and Jessie for being accepted into Company and Touring Ensemble with Southern Stars. Just a touch PROUD, not only do they do their studio proud, they make
their schools PROUD. Our studio is very heavily involved with Southern Stars, as most of our teachers are
apart of it! I also have to give a plug for Music Camp, all those budding singers and musicians, please speak
to Miss Crystal Jones if you go to a Public Primary or High School. Music camp is something that I encourage all singers and musicians to do! It is a wonderful experience and one that will stay with them for many
many years. Miss Crystal went from year 5 and has never le . Now, she is a tutor and we love seeing our
students there :-) This is there website h p://www.southernarts.det.nsw.edu.au/
Term 2 Disco - Come one come all to our disco Saturday 9th May all families are invited and
students may bring their friends. Cost will be $10 per person which will include unlimited cordial sausage
sizzle chips lollies. We will also have a cake and coffee stand for the parents. Face pain ng at a cost of
$3.00 per child. Lots of fun games and a great way to meet other parents and the teachers. 6:30 pm to
8:30pm. Please send in slip and payment by April 29th.
I agree for my child to attend welcome disco on Saturday 9th May
From 6pm till 8.30pm
Yes / No Please Circle:
Students Name:_________________________________________________________
Parents Name:_______________________ Parents Signature______________________
Number Attending:____________________ Total Amount : $ ___________________________
MEDAL DAY - Saturday 25th July
Ok, what is Medal Day? And why does my child have to do it?
Medal Day is a day when all student’s in ballet, jazz, tap, guitar and singing get to show our examiner what they have
learning in class. It is very important, that every child, INCLUDING THOSE WHO ONLY COME ONCE A WEEK - par
Medal Day!
All students from our youngest student’s petites, kindys, pre junior’s, elementary and intermediates will be doing Med
Why you say? It is helping your child gain confidence; they will get stronger in their dancing singing and guitar. It is al
them conscience of their grooming and presentation.
Cost for Medal day is $40 for all students, every child will get a report and a medal. They will not get these on the day
dicator will have to write the reports and grade.
I have had so many students come up and say, well Miss Jenny I am not doing Medal day as it’s a waste of money an
said you’re just not doing it. Can I just say this……….
It may seem like a waste of time and money to you, but to us your children are getting stronger, they are learning and
ing it all in.
Our pre junior, kindys and petites thrive on the work. Please encourage them, as children thrive on praise and practic
our ballet students sitting their ATOD exams later in the year, this is a warm up for you.
Each child will be allocated a number and this is how the adjudicator will distinguish each child.
Petites and kindy, your uniform is black leotard and red skirt. The red skirt you can purchase from me at studio for $1
child must look the same and dress the same.
Pre juniors, elementary and intermediates your uniform is black thin strap leotard and black skirt.
Grooming is a very important part of Medal Day. Hair must be in a neat and tidy bun.
On the actual Medal Day, all students will arrive with hair done and uniform on ready to go. Please wear a black cardi
Danze Gallery jacket on the day if it is cold.
Thank you
Miss Ashley and teachers.
Dates for 2015
TERM 2: Monday 20th April – Saturday 27th June.
TERM 3: Monday 13th July – Saturday 19th September.
TERM 4: Monday 6th October – Friday 11th December.
Public holidays:
Danze Gallery does not hold classes on public holidays.
Anzac Day - Saturday 25th April.
Queens Birthday – Monday 8th June.
Labour Day - Monday 5th October.
Please note, An Afternoon At The Gallery Concert is held in Term 4 and is the last event for the year, and yes it
is booked in for Sunday, 13th December. We voted for the venue and 40 parents emailed in their votes after, I
sent emails to all families. Tickets will be on sale at Shoalhaven Entertainment Centre in November.
Dance 4 Cancer Saturday 2nd May. (selected troupes)
Friends Southern Stars Ball - Saturday July 4th. (selected troupes)
Medal Day in 2015, will be Saturday 25th July.
Danze Gallery and All That Jazz Song and Dance Challenge will be in September. ALL STUDENTS
Rehearsals for concert 2015 will be Saturday 14h November, Saturday 5th December and again morning of the concert, at Shoalhaven Entertainment Centre.
Photos will be in November, Friday 2nd, Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th November. 2015.
Presentation and Troupe and Soloist Show will be Saturday 5th December 2015.
As we get more information we will forward onto you.
Yes lots of information, to take in but better we be on the ball.