Eldercare Foundation`s

Gift of Age Cabaret Event Committee
Angela Bernat
Nancy Bottar, RN
Jay Donohue
Louis G. Fournier, III
Melody Holmes
Michele Johnson
Keri Kane
Anthony P. Marshall, Esq.
Jeffrey Pawlowski
Warren D. Wolfson, Esq.
Anita P. Lombardi
Eldercare Foundation Chair
President & CEO, VNA Homecare
For more information about the Eldercare Foundation, please call 315.477.9301 or visit www.477HOME.org
Eldercare Foundation’s
Saturday Evening
May 2, 2015
Mattie Lee Campbell &
David G. Murray, MD
Featured Entertainment
Internationally acclaimed jazz trombonist Delfeayo Marsalis is back by popular demand! A member of the famed
Marsalis family, he is known for his technical excellence, inventive mind and frequent touches of humor. Combining
technical prowess, savvy bandleading skills and southern charm, Marsalis enthralled guests of last year’s “Gift of Age”
Cabaret, and this year’s performance is sure to be equally engaging.
The Eldercare Foundation is pleased to welcome “Emotion into Art” performer Tom Varano for his first performance
in the Syracuse area. Using his fingers, palms and multiple brushes, Varano paints 4-foot-by-5-foot custom portraits
in just a matter of minutes. Choreographed to high energy music, Varano’s performances stimulate the senses and
take his audiences on an exciting and suspense-filled journey.
Thank You to Our Generous Sponsors
Event Sponsor
Cabaret Sponsors
Cygnus Management
Foundation, Inc.
Cocktail Party Sponsors
Bottar Leone, PLLC
Franciscan Companies
Speedy Medical Transport
Welch Allyn, Inc.
Sheraton Syracuse University Hotel
801 University Avenue, Syracuse
Complimentary parking in attached garage
6:00 p.m. Cocktail Party
Hors d’oeuvres and Open Bar
Award Sponsors - Contd.
Metro Mattress
Stickley, Audi & Co.
SUNY Upstate Medical University
Upstate Orthopedics, LLP
Printing Sponsor
7:00 p.m. Dinner & Performance
Cash Bar
9:30 p.m. Sitrus After Hours
Post-Cabaret jazz club inspired
performance featuring Delfeayo Marsalis
(also open to the public)
Award Sponsors
Community Bank System, Inc.
Excellus BlueCross BlueShield
Gilroy, Kernan & Gilroy
Hancock Estabrook, LLP
Harris Beach PLLC
Anthony P. Marshall, Esq.
Saturday Evening
May 2, 2015
Decor Sponsor
RSVP by Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Cocktail attire
The Eldercare Foundation proudly salutes
this year’s honorees:
Eldercare Achiever Award
Mattie Lee Campbell
Ms. Campbell will be honored for her ability to look
at life with a positive attitude while advocating for the
rights of the elderly. She receives care from several
of VNA Homecare’s entities, including the Eldercare
Social Day Program, Home Aides of Central New
York and VNA Homecare Options.
Eldercare Champion Award
David G. Murray, MD
Dr. Murray will be honored for his dedication and
commitment to Central New York and to the countless
individuals he has inspired throughout his 40-year
medical career. He sees his work as an opportunity
to better the lives of the people he cares for, and he
exemplifies the spirit of giving in all he does.
Funds from this event will be used to support the mission of the Eldercare Foundation, a division of VNA Homecare.
Saturday Evening, May 2, 2015
Sheraton Syracuse University Hotel
Daytime Phone:
Menu: Beef Tenderloin with Crab Stuffed Cajun Shrimp
Please Reserve: _____Tickets @ $150 per person
_____Vegetarian dinners
_____Tables @ $900 per table (tables of 6)
Other dietary restrictions: _____________
Guest Names (please print names as they should be recognized publicly):
Number of Guests Planning to Attend Sitrus After Hours (free for Cabaret attendees*): _____
* Tickets for non-Cabaret attendees are $15. For more information, please call 315.477.9301.
Please see reverse side
Thank You!
I would like to reserve an ad for the playbill program:
full page ad (7.5h x 4.5w)
Email ads in a print-ready format to:
half page ad (3.75h x 4.5w)
Ad deadline is Monday, April 13, 2015
quarter page ad (1.75h x 4.5w) $150
I would like to be a sponsor at the following level:
I am unable to attend, but wish to make a donation of: $ _______________
in honor of: _______________________________________________________
My check payable to “Eldercare Foundation” is enclosed
Charge $ ________________ to my:
American Express
Account No: __________________________________
Security Code: __________
Exp. Date: ___________
Signature: _________________________________
The non-deductible portion of each ticket reservation is $50. Contributions are
tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. For more information, please call 315.477.9301.
Please mail your reply in the enclosed envelope by Wednesday, April 15, 2015 or fax to 315.671.5132.