First name PATRICK Charlie Robert Last name SILVA Estes Granillo Email Comment Gordo, you are doing a good thing here. B Trp 1/10th TC 80 68-69 I was with 1st plt. 1/10 cav. B troop. We went over on the Walker from Ft. Lewis. this was 1966. I was on track B-12 with sgt. Morgan, Dutoit, Elliot. Would like to hear from anyone who was there at that time. I live in Chandler, Az. (480786-1831). C Troop 1/10th Cav. 1st Plt. July 69 thru July 69 James McIntyre Albert Jacquez Served with A Co. 3/8 4th Inf. Div. Jan 8 1969-1970 served in 4th Platoon spent just a hair over 11 months in the Bush. Ron Price Chuck Cardani Chuck Campbell HOWARD YOAST Mike Christensen Larry Estep Rafael (Ralph) Perez I was with C troop 1/10 cav. 3rd heard,69-70.I now live in Fort Smith, Arkansas. Looking for anyone in my unit. Later Brothers I was in "B"Troop 1/10th Cav 2nd platoon from April 1969-Apr 1970.I live in New Philadelphia,Ohio.I've located a couple people I was in Nam with but still looking.I lost my address book and mind not as sharp as it was so would like to hear from anybody who remembers me or was there same time.Welcome Home C troop 1/10 cav. Third platoon 19691970 ATRP.1/10 CAV.3RD.PLT.6-6-68 THUR 12-18-68- CTRP.2/1. CAV.2ND.PLT.1219-68 THUR 6-6-69. B Trp 1st platoon-TC of B-14 with Greg Ericksen, Sam Ratliff and Bob Lewis. Mar 69 to Mar 70 then B Trp mail clerk at Ankhe. Anyone who remembers me please contact. Was with B-Troop for 7 months and then was transfered to Hq troop. Served from 7-68 to 7-69. I served with C Troop, 1st Suadron, 10th Cavalry, 4th ID. Went to Vietnam from Fort Lewis, WA, on the USS Walker, in September 1966. Infantry track with Sgts. MacIndra, Imes; and R. Gallegos, A. Souza, E. Evans...also remember H. Sengstack, A. Chaney and C. Ray. I was later transferred to B, 2/1, 196th LIB on about Feb/March 1967. Attending 196th LIB reunion in Seattle, WA this year. Welcome Home! Robert Bosko Good Morning, Great web site. I served with the 4th Inf. Div., 1/10th Cav. in Vietnam from Jan. 1970 through Feb. 1971. I was looking at some of the photo's posted by "Gordo", who I spent a lot of time with, and continue to stay in contact with today. I've got a lot of pictures to add if I can find them. I transfered them to a DVD, but not sure where it is. I'll see if I can find them.Thanks,Bob Bosko Richard Stevens Bruce Jimmy Gass Cochran Served in Vietnam April 67 April 68 Delta co. 1/35 inf 4th inf Div, 2nd platoon Thank you for this new web site.. I went by Steve D/1st/22nd Infantry Nov. 67-July 68 A Troop 10 Cav 3rd Pontoon AUG 67 AUG 68 gerry oliver Marvin "Buck" Barber Jerry Hollis Bruce Bridenbaugh I would like to hear from anyone that was there during that time I served in the 4th infantry division and was in country from april, '68 to april, 69. I would like to connect with old buddies,and hope to find some of you here. B-troop 1/10th Cav. MOS mechanic April '69 to April '70 drove #80 for a short time, TC track comm. for #81 later drove #81 after Steve left. I was platoon leader for 2nd. platoon C troop 1/10 Cavalry 1969. I was XO for troop under Capt. Timothy Donovan, who is a friend of mine on facebook. I left Vietnam in late January of 1970. was with B co. 3/12 67-68 as a rifleman and fire team leader Larry Ray I was stationed at Pleiku with A.Co. 4th Aviation Battalion from June 1968 to June 1969. I was a crew chief on a Huey!(Black Jacks) We flew re-supply missions to firebases, Air Assault missions! Some of the best times of my Service were with my friends in my unit at Pleiku! I was at Camp Enari! Would love to hear from any of them! Gary Boyle Glad to see a website out there to get together with fellow Troopers. Gary Wally Allport Scott Moffat Terry Weibel I was in the 4th inf. Div. 1/10 cav HHT Scout platoon 3-69 to 3-70 I was the TC of track 36 Welcome HomeI served with A Troop, 1/10 Cavalry. One of the first boat people, went over with the 1st Brigade in September 1966 on the USNS Gordon. Spent the first six months in Tuy Hoa on the South China Sea before heading to Pleiku in March 1967.Member of the 1/10 Cavalry Chapter of the National 4th Infantry Division Association as well as Past National President, 2005-2006. 1/10th Cav, HHT, Support platoon RSB Buffalo, Ankhe, 1971. 4th ID went home in 1970 but we were there till 1971. Bob Cimino tom owens Ervin Morris Walter Bendick Served at LZ Oasis from October 1968 October 1969. Camp Enari October 1969- December 1969 at dakto for several months then moved to fb blackhawk then to an-khe when deros out. drove in convoys to alot of places to many to remember.was in all welcome.was there 68 to 69. Like to hear from anyone that was in D/3/8 inf. july 69-70 I was in Charlie Company 1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry in Vietnam from September 1968 to September 1969. I was a medic and everyone knew me as "Doc". I would like to know about any of the guys in my unit and communicate with them if possible. Ervin Morris vietnam july 69-70 with the D/3/8 INF. I would like to hear from anyone who served in that unit during that time. Rex Wayne Loveland Served from December 10, 1966 to December 10, 1967.4th Infantry Division A Company4th Engineers2nd PlatoonE-4 Demolations Specialist ExtraordinaireWas with C Company 3/8th on a hill out on Cambodian Border, was going to link up with other company but fire fight broke out. They talked them out of the hill.Best buddy was Jack Munson from Texas.Also fondly remember Lieutanent Roses, my platoon leader (although not on that hill). WILLIAM ROBERTS 4th Inf.Aviation from late 1967 to mid 1969. Thomas Finch TFINCH808@AOL.COM Call sign Lizard 7. Would like to find John Shea and Jim Rush. 704TH MAINT 1969-1970 JULY TO JULY ENGINE SHOP MOSTLY IN THE FIELD larry gilliand Bryan Dockham Jose Munoz AND PATROLLING AROUND AHN KHE PASS dec67july694thinfanty4thcombatengdiv stay in bonies from kontum to lzbaldy about 20 diffrent lz or firebases lineplt I am USAF retired I was attached to the Air Force TACP/FAC team with the 4th for almost 2 years and and worked periodically with them for another 2 years. assigned RVN 1966-1970 I served from 1968 to 1971 in the army.I was a TC on tanks in Vietnam, C 1st/10th cav 4th infantry Div in 1969 to 1970 started from LZ Oasis around plieku ,komtun and up to areas I don't remember anymore.Would like to know if any members from the troop are still around.Would like to make contact with them. Howard jody Cothran thiaville douglas 'whitey' Bryan koskiniemi Dockham Allen McGiboney Don McHugh BERNARD WILLIAMS LAW7@EARTHLINK.NET FRED robert NOWICKI dilworth Patrick Dudney Dudney Michael Miner Loel Hunt I was a member of the USAF Tactical Air Control Party attached to the 4th ID off and on from 66-68 and then permanently 68-70......a lot of people knew me as Doc.....I had some close friends and buddies in E company motor pool with the 4th engineers mtr sgt was at the time was SFC Pat Pascquerrelli(sp)...... Served with 3/12 C Company 3rd Platoon. Oct. 69 -Oct. 70. 2nd PLT B Co 1/14INF 6/70-11/701st PLT B Trp 1/10CAV 11/70-3/71 Track 18 SIR IM A MEMBER OF 4 INF. DIV. DUES IS IN NEED A CODE to GET In REISTRATION THANK YOU SERVICE WITH 704 MAINT BALLATION CO D MAY 1969 to NOV 1970 Co A 3rd Bn 8th Inf 4th Div.1966/67 1969-1970 B troop 1/10, tank 25 was known as tiny tanker.Just wanted to say hay.F T A Thanks for having me aboard.I served with D Co. 3/12 Infantry First Platoon Medic I was called ( Doc Niner one Butcher Six Butcher. and a few names we will not mention. Today I feel honored to have been a part of the first platoon . We called ourselves the BOYS then and it is a name we still take pride in . When things got bad the Farmer would always say (The boys can handle it) and somehow we did. what a great bunch. Cool Pictures. Brings back memories. I was in Aco 1/22nd and had my summer cruise on the USNS Walker. Served with C/3/22, 3rd Bde, 4th Inf Div Loel Hunt 1/18/67 - 1/18/68 at Dau Tieng,RVN Served with C/3/22, 3rd Bde, 4th Inf Div 1/18/67 - 1/18/68 at Dau Tieng,RVN 1966-67 HHC 4th Inf Div G-3 D Troop, 1/10 Cav (an original) Richard Larry Ward Corthell Looking for the 1/12 c co. 4th inf. div. looking for buds 4th inf admin motor pool B trp 3rd plt 1/10th cav july68 to july69 Joined D Trp in Jan '66 at Ft Lewis UH-1D Crew Chief Sailed to RVN in Sep '66. departed RVN in Jun or Jul '67 John Plummer I was the 2nd Platoon Leader of B Troop from late April 1969 until October, then XO of B Troop for about 3 months. I finished that tour as the security platoon leader on Dragon Mountain outside Camp Enari. Would love to hear from other 2/B guys. Became an Army Aviator and served a second tour with the Air Cav Troop, 11th ACR. I served with the 4th I.D.; 2/8th Inf.; U.S. Army in the Republic of Vietnam from April of 1969-April of 1970. About half of my tour I was a rifleman in the infantry. The other half of my tour, I served as a squad leader in the infantry. My experiences as a soldier in Vietnam are similar to both the movie, "Platoon", and the movie, "Avatar". C.V. Shaw rodney bessert rodney_bessert Rod Pavloski john laseke I went to vietnam advance party for the 4th inf from ft lewis wa with B comany 4th engeneers flew there on a c130 max worthington Charles Simmons Daniel Wedge John Plummer I was there in 1968 and 1969. Inf. sgt. with the 3bn 12 inf. c company 4 plat. I was in the 124th Signal Battalion from July 1968 till July 1969. I was proud to be part of the division and the signal battalion. anyone can contact me at my e-mail address. I served with the 2/8, Hq Co. 4.2 Mortar Plt. From 6/67 to 6/78. I would like to connect with guys I served with. I was 2nd Platoon Leader in B Troop from April to October of 1969. I was also the XO from October to January 1970 when I transferred to 3/12 Infantry. It was an adventure of a life time. supply &transport B Co. Volenteer patrol base camp served with HHT, 1/10th Armored Cav...the Buffalo Soldiers from Jan 69 until Oct 69..READY and FORWARD... I'm retired now and live in Pinehurst, NC and the Villages, FL. I visited our old AO in II Corps last fall and highly recommend the trip to everyone who served there during the war. Thurel J. Poe Jack Morris Michael Walsh Donald J Serra Ervin D Smith Ervin D Smith Terrence McConnell James Hurdle Michael Frias My second VN tour was with D Trp 1/10th CAV 4th INf Div. 1967-'68. XO. Pilot who served in D Troop, 1/10th Cavalry 4 ID at Camp Enari Jan 1969 Jan 1970. I was a warrant officer pilot with the 4th Avn. Bn. A and B Co. and flew slicks for nine months and guns for three. Our A/O ran from well north of Dak To south to Ban Me Thout. My call sign was Hustler 29. Here's a link to my blog where I've posted my flying stories. No blood and guts, swearing,political stands or whining. Welcome home my brothers and may God bless you! D troop 1/10 CAV 1968 Lt scout Flew OH23-G, OH-6A, UH-1C. and UH1-D. What a ride! A great outfit. I served with the 4th MP Company from 1970 to1971. I served with the 4th MP Company from 1970 to1971. Served with HHB, 4th Division Artillery, 66-67 in the "como" section. (Communications). Was also battery clerk for HHB 4th DivArty. Served in Fire Direction Center of A Battery, 2nd/9th Artillery from February 1969 to March 1970. Company C 2d of the 8th Infantry Battalion 6/68 - 8/69. 5 months forward, then bitten by a rat at Duco. Became a REMF thereafter as company clerk. Often think about those who helped me when I first went to the field - Mike Goebel, Frank Williamson, Phillip Schmidt, Jim Moyer, the alabama hound dog. Would like to hear from anyone who might remember me. Byron Larry Perry Cutrone barry levy Frank Kaczmarek Gene steve Gasparas sullivan fourseasonsus2@att.net66 C Co 3/8th 66-67 I was with 3rd platoon B trp from 6/69 thru 11/69 then went to HHQ S4 at TC/RTO on S4 track at LZ Merideth. With B Trp I was at LZ Buffalo, Ple Djerang (sp), Mang Yang Pass, LZ Action. Later went from Merideth, to Action to Camp Radcliff in Ahn Khe. Spent the 1st weeks of my last month in country in the field with HHQ as a favor to "Top Sgt", then back to the world! Knew Jack Aragon, Tim Sepulvado, Larry Levy, Larry Bechtel, and many others I have lost touch with. C-4-4 Division Preventive Medicine Specialist Pleiku, 1967-68 4th m.p. co. mar. 67 to mar. 68 "Jackson's hole" Germany for 3 months. 1049'd back to the 4th sept. 68 to sept. 69 Dakto, Pleiku. 66-67 4th division 77th arty B battery I served with 3rd of the 8th &headquarters 1st brigade lrrp welcome to contact me. Thomas EDWARD Howard BEATTY Lyle Darrell Dibb Dean Hello fellow comrades served with A TROOP 1ST-10TH from july68-july69.was driver and tank commander for short time on tank #36 better known as the judge.the judge was in the stars and stripes paper and i have the copy plus i have the search lite cover with here comes the judge on it.if any of you out there seen me and want i would be glad to hear from you. welcome home to all. edward beatty 1/10 Cav C Troop C-35 1967-1968 This is my first post to this site. My service was from September 1968 October 1969 as one of the General Medical Officers. My locations were Ban Me Tout, Kontum, An Khe, Sui Doi and then was transferred to 8th Field Hospital in Nha Trang. I met many good soldiers while in Vietnam. The only one I have seen since my time there was Dr. Len Goddy who I visited in Louisville, Kentucky some years ago. Sgt. Gabriel R. andrew John "BabySan" Bustamante, Sr. longo Robertson I am what everyone at the V.A. Hospital refers to as a Vietnam "ERA" Veteran, since I served from January of 1974 to March of 1980. We were not completely out of Nam until April of 1975. Although I came very close to going to help get everyone out Saigon our flight was cancelled and as was the orders. I truly wanted to go... Wasn't my turn. I ended up injured during a field training exercise and just this year was medically Retired with 100% disability. I would have been so proud to have been there with those of you who went. God Bless! dog handler 64th ipct aug69-apr70 Was in country from March of '68 to March of '69. Drove in convoys for the 4th S & T, in the beginning, volunteered for patrols and ambush set-ups for a few times and was M-60 machine gunner, riding in the back of a jeep, as security for our convoys. My driver was Kenneth Barkley of West Palm Beach, Florida and I have just located his whereabouts in Jupiter, Fla. after 44 years and will surprise him with an xmas card this year. The Central Highlands was a beautiful piece of the world but very deceiving in its hidden dangers, not so much because of "Charlie" but of its fauna. Tigers, elephants, orangutangs, monkeys, lizards, snakes and insects of all kinds! Probaly not new to any of YOU! I wouldn't trade that experience for a million bucks! I wouldn't do it again for ANY amount of money! Welcome home my brothers! I hope life has treated you kindly! Fred Yoder Vietnam 1967-1968 1st/10 B Troop 4th Infantry Division james johnson Roy Larry Warwick Herrington Dirk 'Steve' Holcomb frazeur benedict robert galbraith Gilmer Branch Jr. Tim larry Donald Zack riggs Walker John Shaeffer Jim Southall LEONARD FULLER LCJF111@YAHOO.COM served in the 4th infantry division dec 1969- nov 1970 1/35th and 2/8th mechanized 81 mortar crew chief Looking for old friends 1967-1968 1st platoon delta co 1/14th 11/6910/70 Served with 2nd Brigade Headquarters at:Oasis 67-68 hhc 1/22 4 dec 1969-22 nov 1970, medic, lots of weed, no skag, I didnt have the emotional maturity necessary to be a trained killer, and for years I have had difficulty between my ears...but what vet hasn't, eh? nobody died when I was onsite, and I didn't carry a weapon, because we were wrong to be there. Served 69-70 with 2nd/9th arty in pleiku .served as a mechanic but drove the wrecker on alot of convoys.anywhere from anke to old plie dierang. Had a new york flag on it . My father Cpl. Gilmer S. Branch was there in 1967-68. I'm just trying to learn more on this conflict. Would love to talk with anyone who would help me. 4th admin co 1969 6/29th HHQ 1966-1977 HHC & A Co, 704th Maint Bn, 4th Inf Div My unit was B Co 2nd of the 8th - I served as 3rd platoon leader for 5 months and as company XO for 5 months, then as interim CO for the last 2 months as a 1st Lt. Have been in touch with many of the members of B 2/8 who served in RSVN lately and we plan a reunion at Pidgeon Forge, Tn in April. July 1969-july 1970 Co C 2nd Bn(Mech) 8th Inf. 1ST/22ND AND 4TH MP CO-ROAD RUNNERS Roger Gil Roger Gill Jamesj Cooper jcooper158@roadrunner.comB I went to Viet Nam with only 8mo. left to serve in the Army. I was there from April 1969 to Nov. 1969 with C trp. 1st 10th. Cav. 4th. Infantry Div. B Troop 2/1st Cav Feb !968 to Feb 1969 Jamesj Cooper jcooper158@roadrunner.comB Chelsie Baldwin Dennis Gibson Robert Holloway Ray Mattey Lonnie White charles hampton charles hampton Gerald Womack Stephen Jacobs Steve Delp; B Troop 2/1st Cav Feb !968 to Feb 1969 My grandfather was Phillip "twiggy" Cole, he was in the ivy division in the Vietnam War. I know he carried a radio. I have lots of pictures and wanted to find out more about his time in the war. Battery D 5th and 16th Artillery 4th Inf. Div. Cook, March 1968 to End of Sept. 1968. Send me a E-mail. Thanks. Nov. 69 to Nov. 70. 4th MP. Convoy security out of Ankhe. Was in he 4th Inf Btl / 4th inf div / 4th med btl / charlie co.Great pics of walking down memory lane. Was there 67 / 68.Ran convoys between Plieku and Dakto and places in between.Welcome home to all that made it and to those who didn't. I had a friend by the name of Robert Woolridge from Newton Iowa and believe he was in the 4th infantry and fought in the battle of Duc Tu. And information letting me know if he was in this outfit I would appreciate it. just found this site i was in b troop 1/10 cav 3rd plt scouts i was track com. on b36 when i left in aug 1970 nick name chuck if you remember me please email me at its been a long time guys but i still remember you guys i live in arkansas well i started looking for anyone that served with me and found this site i was in b troop 1/10 cav 3rd plt scouts track 36 i was with them from april 1970 until aug 1970 i was trans from 1st 69th armor when they went home my nick name was chuck i live in arkansas please email me Just wanted to visit and find some folks from my time in country. I knew then no matter how miserable it may have been I would remember it with fondness. Because I was young and the danger made me feel so alive. I commanded E and A Companies, 4th Engineers in early '68, then with Div G-2 for the rest of the year. Now volunteering with Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund. Larry Cutrone Edwardo Ochoa David stanley McMann anderson paul James falcon Gamboa Thomas Bifulco George Bailey Robert Kelly Gerald Hoffman I wish ALL our 1/10th Gav brothers could find this site. Thanks to Gordo's daughter Franchelle! 1/14 4th Inf Division July 1970 to Nov. 1970 11B mos looking for ssg. Caralas (close) or veneta or stol from new york, or reed, or pacheco B Battery 4/42 Artillery Served with C Company 3rd Battalion 12th Infantry from June 1967 to June 1968. great to be with my brothers I was in Vietnam from May 69 thru July 70. I was in the "C" Company 2nd Batallion 35th Infantry 4th Infantry Division. Our Capt at the end of tour was Burl D Magee. What a Great Capt He was and I hope still is..My last 4 or 5 months over there, I was the Company Clerk and the last couple of weeks I drove a jeep for the watch commander.Somehow or the other, I got that darn Agent Orange and for the last 5/6 years, I have been 100% disabled. Bad Sugar, Bad Heart and Bad Lungs. Don't get around very much anymore but I'm alive. mY WIFE AND I LIVE IN Ramona Ca., just about 40 miles north east from San Diego--in the mountains a little bit.If you remember me or think you do, please drop me a email to I would LOVE to chat a little..SGT James W. Gamboa(Buddy) 1967-68 4th Div 1/35 infantry 3rd BDE Echo Co Recon B-Troop, 1st platoon Mortar & Scout. Sept 66-Aug 67 Weapons Squad, D Co., 1/35th, 4th Infantry Division, 1969 My service time covered 1968-1969. Served with Co E, LRRP's. Worked out of Kontum. Finished my tour at supply, HHC, 1/22 in Plieku. Trying to locate a buddy from Basic, Elmer B Hall. I have questions about his processing me out. Love to hear Ed Emerson of/from others that served there. A/1/8/ 1969 charles smith Mike Casey I SERVED IN VIETNAM IN A CO. 4TH INF. ENGINEERS FROM JULY 1966 TO JULY 67, WOULD LOVE TO HERE FROM ANYONE WHO SERVED IN THAT UNIT In country July 1969-70. Humped with D 1/35th and then transferred to B 3/12. All over the Central Highlands. Main base was Camp Enari but didn't see much of it. In the boonies for a month at a time. Guarded the choppers AFTER the sappers blew up twenty some. Went into Cambodia, even before we were supposed to be there. Always, wet, hungry, cold, tired, hot or sick.(typhus) Oh God, wasn't it great. Main association with indigenous population was with the Montagnards. Otherwise, hump, hump, hump. Ended up with Sgt stripes and PTSD. James E. robert Booth Sr. kekaha Dick L.C. Anderson Hines BUT-- I'm still alive when 58K plus aren't Anybody remember me? Tall skinny kid from PA. Lt. Swift? Weird Harold? Just Found your site i am hoping to fined some of my friends that were with me in an khe, sgt. ron wahl lt. terry brandon, sgt lynch, bucannon its been so long i have a hard time remebering their names we used nick names one was called vice i forgot his real name but he was always into getting girls to marry him as we went through a village. Battery A, 4tH BN, 42nd Artillary I served in A Co 2nd Bn. 35th Inf. from May 67 to May 68. We were based in Duc Pho until Dec 67 when we were sent north to work with the Americal Div. In March of 1968,I went to Singapore on R&R and when I returned my Unit was operating in Kontum. I PCS in May. While in Vietnam In, I served as rifleman, machine gunner, Squad Leader. Upon returning stateside I was sent to Ft. Riley,Ks.I often think of my time in Vietnam and of the fine men I had the pleasure to serve. I later volunteered to retun to Vietnam and was trained as an advisor and in the Vietnamese language and served as an Advisor to a Vietnamese Ranger Bn. I retired in May of 1987 and now reside in Louisville, Ms. Alberto Davalos Served in Viet Nam, Central Highlands 4th Infantry Division, 704th Maintenance Battalion, May 1969 to May 1970, attended NCO Combat Academy and on Short Range Recon Patrol. We were overrun by VC following our move to camp Radcliff at the base camp 3/4 of company evacuation, I was knocked out, from a concussion grenade and can't recall much, other than firing at the VC dropping sapper charges to chase them out of the camp. Robert (Bob) Robert (Bob) Bott Bott Randy Buroker L.C.H Hines Howard Watts Charles Karen Haile Houck BENNY MEDFORD lacey moore Contact me at this e-mail Discom 4th S & T Co B, 1969 - 1970 4th DISCOM B co 4th S & T drove c-132, walked patrol short range I arrived in country in Sept 1968 and went on a 5 man patrol about three weeks later and was wounded and never returned. I didn't even get my feet wet. I have always wondered about the rest of the men on that patrol. We we taken out and to the hospital by chopper and I never seen anyone again. Slight chance someone might have been with me on that patrol. Served in ACo 2nd Bn 35th Inf from May67-May68.would like to here from anyone in the 35th LT Joel E.Rexford was myPlt Ldr when IPCSd I was in Vietnam from 1966-1967. 42nd Artillery Battery B 4th infantry Division. Just looking for general information. My husband Gordon served in Vietnam 67-68 in A Troop 2/1 Cav Regt 4th Infantry DivBe great to hear from anyone remembering him Arrived in Vietnam May 5th 1969, was assigned to 2nd platoon, A Co.3/8 Inf. Division of 4th ID.Is there anyway a person can get the names of officers and enlisted men during 19691970.Only want names people of people in A Co.3/8 Inf. I was an RTO May 1969 - April 1970. I was in Bravo Company First Platoon 1/14 in country 1969 saw action on Chu Pa mountain around Kontum and Ban Me Tut danny hutson John Loyd Robertson Danny Begley Jose Munoz Tony Dan Pepper Watson Larry Fullington Larry Fullington keith rudolph Manuel Pena Sam Kelley dennis grunder chris bubnis I am trying to help my brother in law find all the after action reports from 4th.inf.div.3rd brigade task force he was in mortar platoon may 1967 may 1968 I was stationed with the 4th at Camp Enari from March of '68 to March of '69. Drove truck with the 4th S and T. Was an M60 machine gunner for my last 6 months of my year long tour. My nickname was Baby-San. I was also known as the Great White Monkey Hunter. Iwas a medic attached to A Co. 1/14th Inf. from 6/70 to 12/Dec 70. A Troop, 1/10th Cav, 4th Infantry DIvision. Oct 69 - Oct 70. Pleiku, An Khe, Meredith DZ, Duco, LZ Blackhawk, LZ Action, Pump Station #9 adn other now forgotten locations. Echo company 1st-12th 4th division I am looking for the Guy who shot me. Accidental Friendly Fire, Tuy Hoa late 66 early 67. Just want him to know it worked out OK for me. I was with A co 3/12 4th Infantry, was there 68-69, LZ Swinger and LZ Cider I would like to hear from anyone in my unit. It seems like it was just a bad dream and didn't really happen because until recently I couldn't find anyone. I now have 5 brothers. I was with A co 3/12 4th Infantry, was there 68-69, LZ Swinger and LZ Cider I would like to hear from anyone in my unit. It seems like it was just a bad dream and didn't really happen because until recently I couldn't find anyone. I now have 5 brothers. would like to hear from buddies in the 4th . 1968/69.berry parr or jerry southall. 332nd RRU, Pleiku/Tuy Hua, Vietnam 7/66-7/67 if I remember correctly. I was in 4id, 4th Medical Bat. HQ/A Co. March 1969-March 1970 Camp Enari and Camp Radcliff. Motor pool. I am looking for a roster from d co 1/14th 4inf div 1968-69 C Co. 3/8 july 68>july69 rochester ny Eugene Montgomery thomas protsik keith rudolph robert farabee Olaf De Koning Robert Swann Paul Rossicone Paul Rossicone dennis martin Ronald Germany PATRICK SILVA Jim Olesak Served with B troop 1/10 Cav, B29 mortar Plt from June 1967 to June 1968. I would like to welcome everyone home. 24July69-24July70 1st Battalion 12th Brigade 4th Infantry Charlie Co. 3rd Platoon. would like to connect with my buddies from b -co 2/35 4th id C co.1/35th inf from april 1968 to april 1969 Would like to know if there are any men out there who served in 4th. S&T Battalion from June, '67 to June, '68. Send me an email if that's you! Served in the 4th ID, HHC & Band, 1966/67 in Pleiku,VN. Anyone who was there at Dragon Mountain/Camp Enari please contact me. Hello I served with 1/8 1/14 from Dec 1969nov 1970 .I think with humped the 60mgun. Rosco from Boston Hello I served with 1/8 1/14 from Dec 1969nov 1970 .I think with humped the 60mgun. Rosco from Boston Worked logistics for 6th Army out of Fort Lewis, WA, supporting 4th Division in Vietnam. Looking for Albie Albertson - Court Martial 1966 at Fort Lewis assigned 6th Army, may have been attached 4th Division. Sad story associated with him. I was in Charlie Company from July 17. 1970 until it stood down and sent the colors home in October 1970. I was then resigned to the americal Division at Duc Pho and chu Lai.. I was with C Company 2nd 35th Infantry. 69-70 B- troop 1/10 Cav. Camp Enari, LZ Oasis and Ankhe were some the places that I can remember. Any one can contact me at my e-mail address. Ready and Forward Came in country Aug 1967 to Eco 704th Maint Bat 4th Inf Div Camp Enari Worked with 4th Aviation and !/10 air cav My MOS was 68G20 / 67N20 left Vietnam Aug 1968 was a E5 What a year of my life,It will be with me forever Slick Out Stead Fast And Loyal J.B. SHYE served with D Co. 1/35th !967-1968with 25th Inf Div. & the 4thwent by ship from Ft Lewis WA, 1967USNS UPSHUR William Frakes garry Marvin kerley Hamilton Assigned to 4th Infantry Division in Vietnam from July 17, 1967 to July 17, 1968. looking for old friends and pic Bravo Co., 1st Battalion, 8th Inf. Brigade (B1/8) 4th Inf. Div. May 1969March 1970. 60 gunner, last C.O. Capt. Herron. A.O from An Ke to Pleiku, Dak To, Kontum province. Known as "Ham" from Utah. Spencer tom Bailey Sr dorrell or tom dorrell or Richard Ward LZ Bullet, Firebase Denise (both near An Khe), 61st Evac. Hosp. in Qui Nhon June 69. would like to contact others I served in Vietnam in the latter part of 1968 and beginning of 1969. I was in Pleiku. I can't remember any of the guys I served with. I was attached to the 4th infantry division engineer battalion. Would love to get reacquainted with my fellow army buddies. Thanks so much I served in Vietnam in the latter part of 1968 and beginning of 1969. I was in Pleiku. I can't remember any of the guys I served with. I was attached to the 4th infantry division engineer battalion. Would love to get reacquainted with my fellow army buddies. Thanks so much HHC 4ID G-3 1965-1967 stationed at Dragon Mountain BC and the LZ Oasis Juan Taitano from Guam aka "Tai" Juan Taitano August 1967 to August 1968 Pielku Camp Enari; stationed with Spears Baker Pierce(Deceased) 1969-1970 54th Artillery 2nd Field Force Benwa Roger Reynolds I was in A Battery 5 of 16 Arty Jan 71 till we stood down at Sha Rang valley M 109 SP Howitzer I would love to communicate with anyone about it Bill Walker Alfred (Al) Alvarez I served with CO. B 2nd Platoon 4th S&T Battalion 4th ID from 10/67-09/68. Just wondering if any of my guys are out there. I was assigned with the 4th Infantry Division from December 1969 thru November 1970 and returned home with the 4th Infantry Division Colors at Fort Carson Colorado. I spent several years in the Army Reserves and decided to return to active duty until my retirement on April 5th 1990. In Viet Nam I was assigned with a Tactical Communications Company and we were always first in last out. To the life of me I can't find any documents whatsoever as to the commo unit I was assigned to. If and when I can find the information that I'm looking for, I would like to get in contact with all my buddies in the unit. Welcome Home everyone, Alfred (Al) Alvarez Thomas H Coffey Lawrence Willenborg Jerry Lux Daniel Wedge John RICK Thomas Bales RICE Finch Coc5th46@yahoo.comi Roger Rhoades jerry sneathern SFC I served in the 4th MID from June 1067June 1968. I was at the Division HQ and also at Dak To September 1967 December 1968. Served 1/22nd Infantry as 81 mm mortar man 17 August 1967 to 17 August 1968. 66-67, HHC Looking to reconnect with friends. Have photos of Richard Haug, J. Fermaneck, Lundford,Ralph Orguita, Wilken (all spellings probably off). I served with Hq Company 4.2' mortar pl. 8th Infantry Reg. (Mech.) 4th Infantry Div. from June 1967 - June 1968. I need to find the after action reports and morning reports of my unit. Also would like to contact guys I served with. I was with Co. C 3rd/8th in 1970 Was at LZ Oasis late 1969 June 68/69. Dak To, Ben Het, FB 29, Poli Klang, Plei Mrong, Would like to look up a few people from 1970 Vietnam tour rto for C 2/12 3rd brg 4th inf Vietnam 10/66 to10/67 larry gilliand Steve JOHN Carter CLARK JR William (Bill) Markwick Jimmie Stephens FRANK A DUNCAN FDUNCAN9@AOL.COM Lee Hickman C. Company 4th inf div com bant eng Dec 1967-july 1969 Vietnam veteran from 68-69 in vietnam mar 69 to mar 70. company D, 3rd of the 8th infantry, 4th platoon. nick name,"Tiger" ran search and destroy missions. was with civil affairs for a few months. looking for any documents that might have my name. I was in country from August 67 through August 68, I was in the 2/35th 3rd brigade, 4th div. co B, However when I first got in the field we were the 25 Infantry. and within about a month we change to the 3rd brigade of the 4th. I would like to know some of the history of co. B where we were and about some of the fire fights like Jan 2nd 68. I was pretty screwed up when I did my year in the field. At the beginning my mother died I got to come back to her funeral and then was sent back to the field to finish my tour. I guess I wasn't smart enough to stay in the world or fined a shame job in the rear. HHC, 1st Bde, 4th ID, Dec 1969-Nov 1970. D BTRY,5/16th ARTY.1967-1968 3RD SECTION. I'm looking for those who served with my father, Emory Lee Hickman, Plt. Sgt. in Co B3d Bn12th Inf 4th Inf Div USARPAC. And then Co A 3dBn12th Inf 4th Inf Div USARPAC from 6 Sept. 67 to 15 Sept. 67 till his WIA date 20 Jan 68. During this time there was a NBC Film Crew embedded with you, I need the names and dates of the film crew to be able to obtain a copy of the film. Thanks to you all Emory Lee Hickman Jr. Marvin Hamilton A Proud Son of A Vietnam Veteran Co, B, 1/8 May '69-April '70. 60 gunner known as "Ham". Camps Radcliffe and Enari in Anke and Pleiku, 61st Evac. Hosp. in Qui Nhon. LZ Bullet, FSB Denise, boonies and small FSBs in 4th Div. AO. Wecome home! Debbie Solomon Roy Schindler Fredrick Kelley F.Kelley @ Wendell Lancaster Dave Stanley Elton Wadley Sr JIM Tommy William CALLAHAN McRoberts Perkins CALLMEJCC@GMAIL.COM Wendell william Lancaster grady Curtis Woodall Micheal wendell Calhoun Lancaster Kevin Daniels Claudious Stokes Michael Clough Gilbert Taeger Donald Karbonic My husband served the tail end of 68 69-70,He was with Delta then a door gunner on chopper called Black Jack,His uncle was pilot Ellis T Hornsby.My husband name is Sgt.Robert L Solomon Jr He died on Sept 27th of 2013 looking for dog handler served with 4th inf div HQ Div Arty From FEB1967 TOFEB 1968 I was in the 4th S&T Bn. from Oct67 until Oct 68 "B" Co vehicle maint. HHC 1/14th, 3rd Bde Central Highlands 1967-68 I served in the country from Dec.19661967 Was with HHC 1st/14th Inf 3rd Inf beg 25th Div.In Aug 1967 we changed to the 4th Div.I was an SSG and was the leader of the L.R.R.P. when they got started in 1967 NOV. 67 TO NOV.68 Co D 1/35 68-69 I served with alpha co. 1/14 inf. golden dragons 25 th inf. div April 67- aug 67 and then delta co. 1/14 3rd platoon 67jan. 68. I served under capt. Sells, lt. Bender and lt. Ordway mostly as a RTO. Would like to here from snow, Johnson and reed. B Co 4th S&T Bn. Oct67 Oct68 I arrived in 1970 just as the 4 was standing down. I was a 11c40 they moved us to tuy hoa and we became 1 field forces in between Plakio ad the air force base in tuy hoa on the south china sea Nickname - headshot, 4th from Jan 68 may 69..started in aero rifle platoon with 4th avn, then transferred to 1/8 inf b co, Just want to keep in touch Was in 4th S&T BN B Co. Vehicle Maint Oct 67 Oct.68 We run the Supplies all over Looking for vets I served with in Vietnam 1070 to 1971 I was with HHC 3/8 Inf from 1966-1967. Welcome home brothers. Assigned to "A" Company, 4th Aviation Bn, 4th Infantry Division. Crew Chief Grateful to all who served. 4.2 mortars 1/12 HHC 67-68 3rd bdg , hq company nov. 1967-nov. 1968 RTO /TOC Ronald Vycital I was in the 4th Infantry Division,4th Engineers Battalion, 1968 at the Oasis LZ/Firebase. in Pleiku (the highlands)., then we moved to a fire base in Ban Me Thout. My twelve month tour in Vietnam was 1/6/68 to 1/6/69. ralph phaneuf Jim McHugh Michael Fishman 4th med. company D battalion sept,1966-sept.1967 Left from Fort Lewis as a unit, Started out in Bien Hoa and not long after moved up to Dau Tieng. Love to hear from anyone who served in that unit I was with the 2nd of the 9th artillery, initially at LZ Oasis south of Pleiku. Assistant operations officer. Then as a forward observer attached to 1/14 infantry, company A, I think. Last part of my tour, I was XO of a M102 firing battery. Anyone who knows Sam Plum (Lt. in A company, 1/14 inf.), it'd be great to hear from him. 4th Admin Co.Awards and Decorations Lilli Jones Duane Struntz Butch Alan Fortney Cunningham Michael Stranz Robert Hebert Robert Hebert Terry William Motes Perkins William Perkins Barry W Presley Looking for information on my first husband (now deceased) William Thomas (Tommy) Russell, SP4, wireman. I was SP5 Huey Crewchief assigned to both A and B Company, 4th Avn Bn, from Jan 67 to Jan 68. July 1969 to July of 1970 2ndPlt/"BTrp"1/10ACR Am glad to see some of the names of other soldiers who were there at the same time I was. Served with the 2nd Bde, 4ID Feb 67 to Aug 67; served with the 4th Admin Co, 4 ID Aug 67 to Feb 68 (Chaplain Assistant) Served December 1966 to December 1967 with 4th Admin Co. served dec 66 dec 67 4th admin co. classifed msg ctr. like to hear from someone who served with me. Looking for some ole friends! Served with the a co. 25th infantry 1/14 from April 1967 thru aug 67 and then with d co. 3rdplatoon 4thinfantry 1/14 golden dragons. Served with the a co. 25th infantry 1/14 from April 1967 thru aug 67 and then with d co. 3rdplatoon 4thinfantry 1/14 golden dragons. Served in D co 1/8 Inf, 4 Id from Sept 67-Sept68. 11B Asst machinegunnerpointman Kathleen Allman richard felberg BOYLAND TAYLOR Elmer Hale Thomas Taiclet ruben martinez Joseph Mallia sargent jack William feick Martin John Butterfield ronald mediate My sister is looking for Clarence Jackson who served in Vietnam with her husband, my brother in law, Micheal Bouchard. Mike has been trying for years to find Clarence with no luck. We would so like to find him and fullfil one of Mikes dreams. We would like to surprise Mike if we do find Clarence. The last Mike knows is that Clarence was a sergeant when he left the service and that he was originally from tuskegee Alabama...thank you all for your service. We owe everything to all of you who are brave enough to risk your lives for those of us at home. Thank you HHC 3rd Brigade Dec 19,1967 to DEC. 12, 1968 I am trying to contact my buddies of mine in Bco 3/12th inf. from JulyDec.1969. I was with C company 1Bn 22 Inf From Nov 67 To Nov 68. I was stationed from Jan 1971-March 1971 as a E-6 in An Khe with a special unit for closing AN KHA the unit was the 4th Inf called Task Force Ivy.. I have been looking for the roster of the personnel that was assigned withe me. We worked 2 1/2 months inventorying and convoying equipment over An Khe pass to Qui Nhon port for shipment to US. Myself and another SGT were the last to leave the group on a Caribou. I would like to hear from anybody that was on the Task Force with me or you ever heard of Task Force in An Kha. I have been looking for info on the unit with no luck but I did find the combat operation after action report (RCS: MACJ3--32 (R2) 14 March 1971. I am now Retired at 73yo with disability's from Agent orange Plt inf medic 2/8th Cco 1st plt highlands 67/68 I miss you guys. Vietnam 8/69-8/70 1/14 Infantry Battalion 1968/69 co b 1 battalion 4th inf. div. Looking for brothers who were in A co 3/12 1968, 1969 looking for Michael McCurdy. Served in 4infantry division Vietnam 1968, 1969 4th inf engerneer div John P. Anderson Gilbert Taeger I served with I I GF5 and the Q-4 Radar Section HQ the BTRY 2ND BTN 9TH ARTY - 4TH ID from September 1967 to March 1969. Most of my time was in I I Corp. 1/12 HHC 4.2 mortars 67-68 Love to hear from anyone. Thomas Bifulco US Army 6/67/ to 6/69 4th Infantry Division 1/35th 3 Brigade Echo company Recon Dannie Moses Ernest "Butch" Holland Dac To, Pleiaku Vietnam 11/67 to 11/68 we found the grave sites of Reynaldo Martinez and David Chalou in Michigan . Sept 2014 Served 1968 & 1969. 4th Infantry Division 4th Supply and Transport. Served 1971 & 1972 MICHAEL FORD CSO.M.FORD@GMAIL.COM Tom "Tony" Antonson Harold (Butch) Plotner Jim Callander roy parkerson Jack Schoonhoven Larry Johnson 228 S&S Company (DS) DLSA 48 Trans GP. OCT 68 - OCT 69, HQ&A, 704TH Maint Bn, Pleiku 1969 July to 1970 July Echo Co. 3RD BN 8th INF. 4th Div.4.2" Mortar SquadWould like to hear from anyone from this groupNickname "Tony" from Minneapolis, Minnesota I was with the 1st/22nd with the 4.2 Mortars from 4/68 to 4/69. Some of the folks I served with are: Hank Rigler, Dave Weatherby, Rich Kubesh, Bill Prizer, Mike Amia. Unfortunately I have forgotten a lot of the names. I was assigned as a cook to E Company 4th Engineers at Ft. Lewis in August of 1966. We sailed for Viet Nam in September '66 and spent most of the next year at Camp Enari. Greatfull to get home safely! Would like o say hi to all fellow Viet vets who served in b. Co. 3/12 4th I.d.around toy how.1966-67.and served with staff Sgt. Maurice Moore. Served in 68&69 echo co. With 1st 12th inf. red warriors. Mortar plt. I was there from March of 1967 through April of 1968 and drove a truck from Camp Enari to Quinon hauling freight and supplies for the troops. jim dolwick Robert Ryan howard cravens howardcravens 48@GMAIL.COM. DANTE M PUCCETTI US Army Ret Jack Rod Mundy Mock Johnnie Holloway Ralph Haynes I served during the time june of 1969 andjune of 1970. We were stationed in Plieku and An Khe. I was assigned to Company A; 1st division; 8th infantry BDE. Would kike to contact yhe guys I served with. 4th Infantry Division Veteran March 1969-1970. Bravo Company 1/22 Inf. I AM LOOKING FOR VETRAN WHO SERVICE IN C. COMPANY 1ST. BN 8TH INFANTRY FROM AUG. 1968 TO AUG 1969. COMPANY COMM. NAME CPT.DEHART I AM NOT SURE BUT I THINK I WAS IN SEC. PLT. I was in HHB, 4th Divarty survey section at Camp Enari in Pleiku, RVN. I am a 100% DV, and WIA in VC Valley on March 14, 1969. I;m trying to contact other members of Divarty Served with 2-35 infantry all of 1968 Company A, 3/12, 4th Infantry Div, 4th platoon. Served from Aug 67 to Mar 68 then transferred to Company B, 2/39, 9th Infantry Div. I was a point man, then point squad leader. Was on Hill 1338, 943, 851, 886, 750, plus others. Mostly in front leading the Company with map and compass. I reconned Hill 943 with 9 other men the day before we assaulted it. I am looking for my platoon leader that was wia, and maybe kia will taking a foxhole/bunker. About 1/2 of 4th platoon was wia/kia in this assault by 3 direct hit mortar rounds that hit us. At camp Anary from April 20, 1967-68 in B Battery 42nd Artillary fought at Dakto, Kontum, Tat Offensive and many others. Received Purple Heart and Bronze Star Army Accomidations Metals. Live in Keller Tx. I'm a Texas A&M Graduate. Jul70 to Nov70 2/35 B company Russell Williams Assigned to 3rd Brigade HQ CO, Helicopter Pilot for Col Garth and Staff. Was a part of the rescue mission on Mt St Helens which was the subject of a Readers Digest story a year later in July 67 - "The Courage of Carla Little" Went over on a Jeep Tender with all Div Aircraft landing in Cam Rahn Bay in Sept. The 3rd Brigade was sent to Camp Bearcat and we received the main body that came over on a Victory Ship. WO Dana Razz and I were the two Pilots there and Capts Priest and ??? came over with the main group. At the time, there was a policy of swapping half the Pilots in a unit to bring some experienced persons in. Since Mr Razz was the WO and I the JR Capt (promoted on the boat), we were transferred to the First Cav . I think Mr Razz went on to fly Chinooks, I went to A/1/9 and flew lifts briefly then guns. Wounded in flight in Mid Jan. Also had a good friend who had been my boss in the 59th Aviation in Korea. We were both sent to the 4th and he was assigned to a Maintenance unit. Maj James Butler if any one knows of his service. Saw him briefly the night I spent at Pleiku being out processed to the Cav. Would like to hear from anyone about this. (Capt.) Russ Williams Fort Oglethorpe, GA James Rymes April 1968 - January 1969Company B Helicopter Crew Chief Peter Colville Cladious Stokes My unit was 4th. Aviation battalion A company from June 1967 to June of 1968. I was a crew chief on what we called a slick. I also had the pleasure of being there for the 1968 TeT offensive, good times I served with 3/8 inf from 1966 to 1967. Left Ft Lewis with them
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