SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER - MAY 10, 2015 First Communion Saturday, April 25th, 5pm. A People Called EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATIONS Weekends Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 8:00am 10:00am Weekdays Mon Tues Wed 8:00AM Fri 8:45AM Parish Office PO Box 95 Hwy. D & 83 Genesee Depot, WI 53127 Tel. 262/968-3865 First Communion Sunday April 26th, 10am. School: 262/968-3175 Fax. 262/968-5546 Religious Ed: 262/968-2276 Hours Mon-Fri 8:00am to 4:30pm Website Email INVITATION-TO-COMMITMENT WEEKEND! From Your Associate PASTOR’S PEN We have been working and praying toward this day for the past several weeks. Thanks be to God for the many blessings we have received, and the willingness of our members to respond generously with their time and financial support through our Building Community - Living Our Faith Appeal. Please return your commitment forms in the special offering today. Members of our Appeal Leadership Team will be available in the gathering space after the service to answer any questions you may have about the appeal. For the last two weeks, I have had the honor to be able to first hand witness and distribute First Communion to the youngsters of St. Bruno Parish. This is always a fun day for me as I get to chat with the kids during the homily about what it means to receive Jesus in this particular and very intimate way, I (hopefully, we) get to experience the excitement of the children as they get to fulfill a long-time dream to come to the table and receive the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, and I get to distribute this glorious gift of spiritual nourishment to the these who hunger so much for it. It’s a great day. "How can I repay to the Lord all His goodness to me?"- Psalm 116:12 Giving is at the heart of the Christian life: It is an expression of thanksgiving, an act of faith, and an investment in growing forward that God intends for all people. I try to remember back to my first communion. I can’t remember back that far, at least not with great detail or clarity. I have had other moments in my life that have shown me the great significance that the Eucharist can be/should be in life. I pray that as people come up to receive every week that it is not just a routine action that we do simply because everyone else in the church is doing it. I pray that we take a moment to intentionally prepare ourselves to receive such a great gift that strengthens us on our journey until we meet again the next week. Human Concerns Kettle Moraine Food Pantry Thank you for your Loaves & Fishes donations. The Pantry is currently looking at a shortage of the following items. If you can help strengthen our supply in these areas, we would be very grateful. Needed: Canned pears, peaches, corn, baked beans, pork and beans, chicken noodle soup, Chunky or Progresso soups, noodle and rice side dishes, diced tomatoes, tomato sauce and paste. Please watch expiration dates as we cannot shelve items with expired dates. I came across this paragraph in one of my books I use for homily prep by Fr. Stanley J Kempa: There is such a thing as a spiritual recession, a decline in the spiritual life of an individual or a nation. Baby bottle Update: Our total donations have risen from $3566.63 to $4236.26. Again, Thank You! Receiving the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist implies recommitment, the imitation of Christ’s love, the embrace of dying as a way to life, the acceptance of Christ’s mission as our own and the personal graces of the Eucharist. These are all ways that we can prevent a spiritual recession or even a spiritual depression from occurring in our lives. It’s Egg Roll Time! Pick up orders after 5pm Mass!! PARISH STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE The Eucharist is how we sustain and strengthen our new life in Christ. It is our protection against spiritual decline. We are truly grateful for your sacrifice and generosity. Fr Chuck P.S. Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers. I wish everyone could have a perfect mom like I had in mine and I have again in my step-mom. God Bless you ALLways. Weekly Stewardship Received May 3, 2015 Children’s Stewardship May 3, 2015 $ 13,593.23 $ 36.81 Stewardship received Electronically–Mar. 2015 $ 11,933.00 Mortgage Update Monthly Mortgage Payment Current Mortgage as of 4-21-15 $ 23,362.43 $2,033,705.61 Loan on Rooftop Units Total $ 110,000.00 $2,143,705.61 Note: Only 3 mortgage payments are allocated in the Operating budget. The other 9 are made through donations to the Building Fund. Monthly Finance Update - March, 2015 Budgeted Stewardship and other income Actual YTD Stewardship and other income Budgeted Expenditures YTD Expenditures $1,529,729.00 $1,253,765.00 $1,529,717.00 $1,076,154.00 Financial highlights for month of March 2015 Maintenance supplies $721.68, Semi-annual Property & Liability Ins. $10,556.50, Strategic Planning $435.24, WE Energies $10,475, Lightbulbs & ballasts $881.89, Snowplowing $3858. God bless you and your families. 2 NEPAL EARTHQUAKE Faith Formation Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Responds to Nepal Earthquake Thank you for your initial outpouring of prayers and support for all those affected by the 7.8-magnitude earthquake that struck Nepal on April 25. More than 6,200 people have been recorded as dead up to this point. More than 8.1 million people have been injured and/or left homeless. CRS, the official international humanitarian agency of the Catholic Church in the United States, is responding to the crisis in your name. Their history of emergency response in the region, as well as their network of experienced local partners, allows them to provide aid quickly and effectively. Your donations will assist with this immediate emergency response and help CRS to reach even more families. Please keep the Napalese people, and all those affected by the earthquake, in your prayers! Thank you! Gifts can be made: Online at; By telephone at 877-435-7277; or By check to CRS, P.O. Box 17090, Baltimore, MD 21297-0303 (“Nepal Earthquake” on the memo line.) Mass intentions for Nepal will be included in the Friday, May 15, 8:45am Mass and Sunday, May 30, 10:00am Mass. We are looking for more people to consider joining our KidZone (childcare during Mass) and Children’s Liturgy of the Word teams to help with our Children’s Ministry endeavors here at St. Paul. Karen at or (262)968-2276 . New Team Members always Welcome St. Paul’s Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program utilizes the Liturgy and Sacred Scripture to form children in their relationship with God through His Church. It is used throughout the world and has the support of many different Religious Communities – including the Missionaries of Charity (the community founded by Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta). We are excited to announce that there is a training in the Archdioceses of Milwaukee hosted by St. Mary’s Visitation Catholic Parish in Elm Grove. This training is part one of level one (out of three) for the three to six year olds. It will be held Thursday, July 23rd through Friday, July 31st (minus Sunday, July 26th) from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The cost is $300 but there are scholarships available through The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd National Association ( Please contact Kathy Shea for any questions at (262) 894-7074 or (evenings preferred). Today is Mother’s Day! Make sure to give your mom a big hug… and don’t forget to love on those other motherlike people: grandmas, god-mothers, and women in your life that teach you to love. You know who else you should spend a little time thanking is Mother Mary. She is the mother over the ENTIRE Church. She is amazing! Without her, we wouldn’t have had Jesus be born and save us from sin. What’s more, Jesus gave her to us to be our mother. And we all know that mothers are really important. They teach us to love. Today’s second reading tells us the importance of love – when we love, we see God. I think one of the best ways to say thank you to all of the mothers in our life is to go out and love. Take what they have given you and give it to the world. And we have a world that really needs love. And of course, don’t forget to love on mom. Adoration Chapel If you are interested in offering an hour of prayer in the Adoration Chapel on Wed. May 13 (The Feast of Our Lady of Fatima) please call Dave Gergen 262-968-1712. These prayers are for the intention of a successful Mortgage Reduction campaign, along with your personal needs and intentions. LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS May is the month of Our Lady. Come and honor her. Join our Rosary Ministry at Linden Grove Nursing Home. We help to bring the residents into the Garden Room where we gather to pray together. We meet once a week on Wednesday mornings at 9:00 A.M. Our meetings last about 1 ½ hours. We would love you to say yes to this most meaningful ministry. If you are interested in being a part of our team every week or occasionally when you are available please call Chris Yehle at 414-940-0057 for more information. This coming school year we will be starting a new curriculum in Faith Formation. It has been worked on by myself and Ann Hepp, the Children’s Minister at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. We began looking at what we have been doing and asking ourselves, is this working? We also began doing some research and looking into what has been more successful. It required having to let go of the way things have been and look to the possibilities of what could be. It meant, in large part, letting go of what was comfortable. The Catholic Church has been utilizing textbooks forever. It is just how it has been done. Yet we can all think of the kids who went through different programs and have walked away from the Faith. Some of them may be in your own family – they are in mine. So Ann and I decided to take it upon ourselves to develop a new curriculum that will hopefully be able to better meet the needs of the children in Western Waukesha County. Over the next few weeks, I am going to let you know a bit more about this program. Let’s just say that the Faith Formation office here at St. Paul’s is pretty excited about it. Please pray for this endeavor. It is a huge undertaking but one that has been a source of joy and excitement – and with God all things are possible. If you have questions, please contact me at (262) 968-2276 or Blessings! LORD, TEACH ME TO PRAY A Spiritual Journey with St. Ignatius of Loyola Lord, Teach Me To Pray is a three-part Ignatian prayer series developed to meet the desire for on-going spiritual growth; for an appropriate response to the call to holiness; and for a deeper commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord. In facilitated faith-sharing prayer communities, the Lord, himself, teaches us to pray. Groups for Women To register or for more information about groups meeting in St. Paul’s Parish, contact: Annette Quinn 262.370.3648 or Lisa Bixby Starts: June 2nd, 2015 Time: 7pm Location: St. Paul’s church 3 Women of Bethany Breakfast ST PAUL SCHOOL NEWS “A Day in Jerusalem” 262-968-3175 Get connected to our POWER! Saturday, May 16 9-11:00am St. Paul’s Cafeteria Enrolling Now !! 3K, 4K, and 5K to 8th Grade Please contact us at 262-968-3175 for a school tour if you are interested in enrolling now or for the 2015-16 school year. We may be exactly what you are looking for in a school? Spread the word to your families, friends, and neighbors. This event includes a full, catered breakfast with a talk on the life of a 1st century Jew (like Jesus). It is for women to learn and grow in their faith and in fellowship with other Christian women. All are welcome! 3K Update-The 3K program is in need of two to three more students to sign up to make the class viable for the 2015-16 school year. We cannot operate unless the number reaches the cost of the program. We have had many inquiries, but we need an application and $100 registration fee to truly and honestly count the students as part of the program. Please contact us at 968-3175 to discuss the program. We know that there is still time left for these decisions, but the sooner the better to make this program a reality. We truly want to provide this resource to our parish and local community families. Tell everyone you know with a three year old about our program. Thank you. 4K Update-We now will have a second session of morning 4K. We are interested in gently used kindergarten furniture, playthings, books, puzzles, and other materials to enhance our 3K, 4K, and 5K classrooms. Thank you to the people who have brought in many wonderful items so far. Cost: $10/person, or host a table of 6 for $55. Full, catered breakfast provided • Free Childcare Available Sign up after Mass, or by email/phone and pay at the door.; (262) 968-2276 DONUT SUNDAY May 17 MIDDLE SCHOOL ON FIELD TRIP TO TIMBER LEE On April 28, St. Paul’s Middle School students enjoyed an extended day at the Timber-lee Christian Center in East Troy. Students were involved in activities that centered on team building, science education, and outdoor adventure. Classes ranged from discovering glacial and kettle landscapes, energy and forces, global positioning, animal encounters to leather crafting. All of the experiences gave the students first- hand knowledge of Wisconsin. Our day ended with an exciting competition in Nature’s Game Show. Birthday Wishes Happy Birthday to Marj Kastenholz celebrating 93 years on May 11th and Elizabeth Warden celebrating 84 years on May 14th. And to Alli Blonien, Rosemarie Etzel, Judi Mickel, Dennis Budzban, and Lora Migliaccio, all St. Paul staff members who are celebrating May birthdays. Best Wishes! ‘A Landmark Event’ Monday, May 18th & Tuesday, May 19th 6:30pm-9:00pm Vina Mundi: an uncommon wine experience S42W31428 State Hwy 83 Genesee Depot Reminders: Which Waukesha County landmark was built in Greek Revival fashion? How did one small local historic structure play a huge role in the growth and advancement of our community? Continue to pray the Memorare for St. Paul School St. Paul School and Vina Mundi cordially invite you to a special 'landmark' event. Come see students’ artful renditions of some of Waukesha County’s most well known historic landmarks and learn how these buildings helped to build and shape the community we live in today. You will also have a chance to take home a featured landmark piece. Other various student artworks will also be on display for your enjoyment. Vina Mundi’s wine bar will be open, so lift a glass and celebrate our community’s wonderful history with us! SAVE THE DATE: “Fore the Kids” Golf Outing Scheduled for July 13, 2015 We love St. Paul School! John E. Shanahan, Ph.D., Principal *All proceeds from art purchases will support St. Paul School’s. 4 Waukesha County 2015 Drive-Through Drug Collection Saturday, May 16 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Working Together with the Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE) In the desert of Peru, lies the city of Paita, where some communities do not have access to water and others obtain contaminated river water supplied by the municipality. The water is unsafe to drink— but they don’t have a choice. And they suffer from the resulting intestinal parasites and disease. St. Paul parishioners Deb Passino and her son, Juan, will be traveling with three people from MSOE, Professor Doug Nelson and students Karissa and Mikala. The self-funded 10 day trip Table-top unit will be departing on May 20. They will be meeting with officials from Paita to help identify solutions to any water problems. One of the short-term solutions is the installation of 25 tabletop water purification systems. These inexpensive, but very effective, systems will be installed at the school and at selected homes. Long-term solutions may require a future project or involvement of another agency to enable detailed design and implementation. Please pray for the team embarking on this endeavor and for our Brothers and Sisters in Peru without access to basic needs such as clean water, food and medical care. Oconomowoc Memorial Hospital is the closest site. Bring your unwanted and expired prescription & over-thecounter medications; ointments, sprays, inhalers, creams, vials, herbals, and pet medications to the Drug Free Communities Coalition Drug Collection. For specifics visit St. Lawrence Seminary High School Summer Action Retreat June 22-25, 2015 The Summer Action Retreat will be held at St. Lawrence Seminary High School, which is located in Mt. Calvary, Wisconsin. This retreat is designed to give young men an opportunity to have an enriching, team building, faith-based experience. This retreat is a great way for all young men, while in community with others, to grow as adults in the Catholic Faith. Register by June 17. Transportation is available. Get details at or 920-753-7570 11th Annual Spring Retreat for Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon Friday, May 15 - Sunday, May 17, 2015 Save the Date: Enjoy this weekend with other members of Alcoholic Anonymous and Al-Anon as we discuss the 12 steps and related topics. Plenty of time for great fellowship, relaxing walks on the beautiful grounds of the retreat center, games and fun, great food and endless ice cream. St. Paul School “Open” It’s FORE the kids Monday, July 13th, 2015 Registration: Friday, May 15 at 3:00 pm-- Concludes Sunday after lunch, May 17 Cost: $200 includes room, board and materials Scholarships available to cover the retreat fee for those that would not attend due to financial reasons. Contact: Br Gerry Patin, C.Ss.R. To register: Call 262-567-6900 or visit us on the web at Redemptorist Retreat Center 1800 N Timber Trail Lane Oconomowoc, WI 53066 Newly renovated The Legend At Merrill Hills For Questions and more information on how you can participate Please contact: Cindy Gaudion – 414-704-2817 or Nazareth Family Day at Holy Hill Sunday, July 12, 2015 - 12:30 P.M. Cost: $20.00 per family (includes meal after Mass) Families are invited to this special day, which will begin with Mass at 12:30 p.m. with Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki. (Confessions will be heard from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.) Mass will be followed by a picnic, games for all ages, face painting, music, relay races and a "bouncy house" for younger children. For more information & registration form, please visit Walk-ins are welcome. For questions, contact Susan McNeil at or (414) 758-2214. Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary, Help of Christians, at Holy Hill 1525 Carmel Rd., Hubertus 53033 Other Events Outside our Parish Bereavement Support Group Sessions You are invited to join this eight-week, Christ-centered support group that focuses on grief topics associated with the death of a loved one. The presentations are taken from Alan Wolfelt's book Understanding Your Grief: 10 Essential Touchstones for Finding Hope and Healing Your Heart. The group will meet from 6:30-8:30 p.m. on Tuesdays, June 9 – July 28, in the Parish Room. To register, please call Peggy at 262-424-4567. Information is also online at Be sure to check out our new website to stay up to date on the latest news, formation offerings, mass times, and more! 5 Parish Events this Week St. Paul’s Liturgical Week Monday, May 11 8AM-6:00PM Gym Reserved 4:00PM Cafeteria Reserved 6:30PM Silver Wings/Fam Rm 7:00PM School Committee/8th Gr. Rm 6-8:30PM Men’s Basketball (**closed after 8:30pm) READINGS FOR SUNDAY, May 17 Acts of the Apostles 1:1-11 Ephesians 1:17-23 Mark 16:15-20 May ALTAR CARE– Mary Grall Home Communion Minister– Sara Drolet Tuesday, May 12 9AM-2PM Catholic Study Club/CH & Caf 8AM-9:00PM Gym Reserved 7:00PM Human Concerns Mtg/PO MASS INTENTIONS - MAY 11-17 Wednesday, May 13 9:30-11:30AM Church Cleaning-Volunteers always welcome 8AM-9:00PM Gym Reserved 7-9:00PM Youth Group/Youth RM 7-9:00PM Praise Ensemble/CH Thursday, May 14 3:00PM Divine Mercy Chaplet/Chapel 8-6:00PM Gym Reserved 7:00PM Boy Scout Troup 135/Gal 7-9:00PM Jubilation Choir/CH 6-8:30PM Men’s Basketball (**closed after 8:30pm) Friday, May 15 8AM-9:00PM Gym Closed Saturday, May 16 Loaves & Fishes 7-9:30AM Men’s Basketball (**closed after 9:30am) 8:00AM Charles Hansen by Family Tues 8:00AM Valerie Wolter by Rasmussen Family 11:00AM Catholic Study Club Mass/May Crowning Wed 8:00AM Mary Beyer by Fri Night Lenten Group Fri 8:45AM Nepal Earthquake Victims Sat 5:00PM Benjamin & Helen Stawski by Family Sun 8:00AM Alice Johnston by Lammer Family 10:00AM James & Marcella Edlebeck by Family Lectors: 5:00PM Jenessa Gittens, Rosemary McCarthy 8:00AM John Lammer, Anne Schultz 10:00AM Craig Haubach, Rita Borowski Sunday, May 17 9:30-11:30AM Mon Loaves & Fishes Donut Sunday Kid’s Zone/Gym Greeters: 5:00PM Brian & Debbie Campbell, Jim & Karen Grande 8:00AM Loaves & Fishes 10:00AM Loaves & Fishes ` Other Upcoming Events May 18 All Saints Lutheran Church Blood Drive 2:30-6:30pm. Register at 1-800-BE A-HERO. 705 W. Tomlin Rd. Wales Ushers: 5:00PM Dennis Budzban, Tom Strupp, Jerry Sutkiewicz, Mike Wolf 8:00AM Bill Johnston, Jim Prellwitz, Pete Pugal, Trish Pugal, Mike Zignego 10:00AM Ruth Brown, Art Lemm, John Van de Casteele, Dan Zehnpfennig, John Ziobro May 25 St. Theresa, Eagle Memorial Day Mass 9am at cemetery . Jun 3-6 St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Gigantic Book Sale. Located at Hwy 18 & 67. For more information: Call 965-3924or 965-4104. Catholic Memorial 2015 Summer Camps Camps for students Grades 1-9. A variety of sports, weight training, art, and drama camps available. To view Camp Descriptions and Online Registration, Go to For questions, call 262-542-7101 WEDDING BANNS Please Join Us in Praying For….. III Kristy Madaus & Stephen Schroeder I Sarah Phillips & Nicholas Hendren Esther Franklin and Ralph Day PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR PARISHIONERS AND FRIENDS WHO ARE SICK: In Loving Memory Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. Jared Bajczyk, Martha Beerkircher, Barb Bishop, Helen Brady, Dee Cassidy, Kathy Dalgren, Owen Fouts, JoAnn Hanson, Jennifer Heidger, Harold Hinterberg, Eli Kelliher, Charles Kirchner, Larry Presta, Pat Roche, Tim Roche, Clarence Stellpflug, Robert Stephens, Joan Timlin, Myron Toshner, Jean Vicenzi, and Lisa Zimmerman. Memorial Day Weekend is just around the corner, and that means bulletin articles will have an early due date. This will be on Thursday, May 21, by 10:00 a.m. PLEASE NOTE: The Parish Office will be closed on Monday, May 25. REGULAR PARISH OFFICE HOURS Mon.-Fri., 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. NOTICE: Bulletin articles are due 9am on Mondays. Please submit to Like us: St. Paul Genesee and/or St. Paul School Genesee 6 PARISH PERSONNEL Shared Pastor/Administrator Fr. Ralph Gross Shared Associate Pastor Fr. Chuck Wrobel Shared Deacons Mauricio Fernandez Gordon Snyder John C. Mezydlo School Principal John Shanahan Dir. of Child & Family Ministry Karen Farrell Dir. of Youth & Adult Ministry Sarah Daszczuk Dir. of Liturgy and Music Peggy Kolonko Dir. Admin. Services Rosemarie Etzel Pastoral Council Chairperson Dawn Sarandos 968-3865, Ext. 201 ............ 968-3865, Ext. 231 ............ 414-915-9100 ...................... 965-5500................................ 602-885-1642 ...................... 968-3175, Ext. 210 ........... 968-2276, Ext. 214 ........... 968-2276, Ext. 208 ........... 968-3865, Ext. 205 ............ 968-3865, Ext. 218 ............ …………………………………… Additional Information can be found on the Parish Website…………… Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults: Prepare for the sacraments of initiation with a small group to join the Catholic church. Call Sarah Daszczuk. Infant Baptism: Parent sessions are required. Infants receive the sacrament during the Eucharistic Celebration every 2nd & 4th Sunday of the month. Other arrangements are possible. Call Sarah Daszczuk. Confirmation: Youth at least 16 years of age or adults seeking to be confirmed, call Sarah Daszczuk. First Eucharist: Parent/child preparation required. Contact Karen Farrell. Reconciliation: Saturdays 4:00-4:45 PM or by appointment. Marriage: Arrangements should be made six months in advance. One of the parties must be a registered parish member and a practicing Catholic. Weddings on Saturdays, 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM, or Friday evenings. Care of Sick: Sacramental care of the sick, call the Parish Office. Anointing of the Sick: Call the Parish office with request. St. Paul Cemetery: Hwy DE & Snowdon Rd. Call Parish Office for information. 7
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