2015 ANNUAL EEO PUBLIC FILE REPORT MMP License LLC Max Media of Pennsylvania LLC Stations: WVSL-FM, Riverside, PA WYGL-FM, Elizabethville, PA WWBE(FM), Mifflinburg, PA WFYY(FM), Bloomsburg, PA Reporting Period: March 22, 2014 – March 21, 2015 No. of Full-time Employees: Small Market Exemption: 5 – 10 _____ / More than 10___XX____ Yes During the Reporting Period, a total of 4 full time positions were filled. The information required by FCC Rule 73.2080(c)(6) is provided in the charts that follow. INITIATIVES The employment unit engaged in the following broad outreach initiatives in accordance with various elements of FCC Rule 73.2080(c)(2): Participated in at least 4 events sponsored by organizations representing groups present in the community interested in broadcast employment issues, including conventions, career days, workshops, and similar activities. Max Media was the media sponsor for the Greater Susquehanna Valley Chamber of Commerce Women’s Leadership Symposium on 10/2. As media sponsor we promoted the event on WWBE/WYGL and WFYY. Promoted on the air, conducted interviews with the Chamber organizers and posted on our website yoursusquehannavalley.com. GM was in attendance at the event. Max Media of Pennsylvania LLC conducted tours of its facilities as follows: Kreamer Boy Scouts toured the station on April 25, 2014. WFYY evening On Air Talent conducted the tour. Mifflinburg Area High School students toured the station on June 18, 2014. WFYY evening On Air Talent conducted the tour. Elysburg Cub Scouts toured the station on February 7, 2015. WWBE On Air Talent conducted the tour. Cub Scouts of America Troop #3309 of Sunbury toured the station on February 23, 2015. WFYY evening On Air Talent conducted the tour. Cub Scouts of America Troop #3309 Pack member of Sunbury toured the station on March 4, 2015. WFYY evening On Air Talent conducted the tour. MMP LICENSE LLC 2015 ANNUAL EEO PUBLIC FILE REPORT – PAGE 1 Bloomsburg High School students toured the station on April 22, 2014. WFYY evening On Air Talent conducted the tour. Bloomsburg Cub Scouts troop #20 toured the Mall Studio on March 7, 2015. Mark Roberts, ESPN PD, conducted the tour. Established an internship program designed to assist members of the community to acquire skills needed for broadcast employment. The licensee intern programs as follows during the reporting period: Max Media of Pennsylvania LLC is under contract with Bloomsburg University to provide internships to students. Agreement will remain in effect through 2016. Max Media of Pennsylvania LLC has an intern program with Susquehanna University (Non contract). The contact person at the University is the department head of the Mass Communication Department. Note: the company hired a full time staff member (prior yr) from this affiliation. Participated in at least 4 events or programs sponsored by educational institutions relating to career opportunities in broadcasting. Each month, Max Media of Pennsylvania LLC participated in “Adopt a Classroom” with Selinsgrove Intermediate School for the 2014-2015 school year. WFYY FM Program Director Tom Morgan, WWBE Program Director Shelly Marx, Local Sales Mgr/Digital Manager Chad Evans, IT/Engineer Kyle Alexander and various on air staff participated. The “Adopt a Classroom” is designed to explain and showcase what members of the radio stations do in their careers and counsel students on which classes and skills are needed to pursue a career in radio broadcasting. The program also takes the current class curriculum and relates that to duties/responsibilities of a job in a radio station. Max Media of Pennsylvania LLC participated in Millville High School Job Fair, May 2014. Staff members Trevor Polly from Digital and Nate O’Brian from admin/on air attended. Max Media of Pennsylvania LLC participated in the Bloomsburg Middle School Career Day March 2014. Tom Morgan PD WFYY and Shelly Marx PD WWBE/WYGL attended. Max Media of Pennsylvania LLC spoke to a class at McCann School of Business in Sunbury about Broadcasting and Digital sales opportunities that are available. Chad Evans, Local Sales Mgr/Digital Manager spoke to the class. April 2014. MMP LICENSE LLC 2015 ANNUAL EEO PUBLIC FILE REPORT – PAGE 2 Max Media of Pennsylvania LLC participated in the Penn State University Job Expo on March 20, 2015. Production Director/On Air talent Nick Shoe & IT/Engineer/On Air talent Kyle Alexander, attended to discuss/answer questions about broadcast opportunities as an intern or employee. Provided training to management level personnel on methods of ensuring equal employment opportunity and prevent discrimination. General Manager, Nancy Dymond, held meetings with the management team on hiring, mentoring and internal cooperation, sensitivity and effective communication. Developed a mentor program for Sales supervised by Sales Manager and General Manager. Senior team member mentors a new member of the sales team answering daily questions and/or traveling with the rep to help build team unity. Started this program 7/1/14. Participated in other activities designed by the station employment unit reasonably calculated to further the goal of disseminating information as to employment opportunities in broadcasting to job candidates who might otherwise be unaware of such opportunities. General Manager, Nancy Dymond, along with an Account Executive, participated in the Greater Susquehanna Valley Chamber of Commerce’s Women’s Leadership Symposium on 10/2/14 at Country Cupboard in Lewisburg, PA. Participated and answered questions on positions in broadcasting for women and also discussed advertising and community involvement with attending clients. As a General Manager, Nancy Dymond was one of a small number of women in upper management at the conference (example for the young women in business). Max Media (WFYY / WWBE/WYGL) were the media partners for the Symposium. This was a 9a-4p all day event ________________________ LIST OF POSITIONS FILLED DATE OF HIRE JOB TITLE RECRUITMENT SOURCE REFERRING HIREE April 21, 2014 General Manager Referral July 1, 2014 Account Executive/Sales Newspaper Feb 16, 2015 Account Executive/Sales Referral July 7, 2014 Office Manager/Sales Asst – Referral MMP LICENSE LLC 2015 ANNUAL EEO PUBLIC FILE REPORT – PAGE 3 INTERVIEWEE REFERRAL SOURCE SUMMARY Total Number of Persons Interviewed during the Reporting Period: 27 Bloomsburg University Number of Persons Interviewed that the Source Referred 0 Susquehanna University 0 McCann School of Business – Sunbury 0 Pennsylvania College of Technology 0 Susquehanna University 0 Pennsylvania Association of Broadcasters 0 Radio Announcements 2 Internal Postings – station websites (3) and community information bulletin board posting 1 Employee Referrals 7 Recruitment Sources Referring Interviewees in Reporting Period Daily Item – Newspaper & newspaper On line Monster post 15 Spots and Dots – print and on line web post & Craigslist on line 1 The Daily Record – Newspaper & web 0 Walk in/Phone call in 1 Penn State University 0 MMP LICENSE LLC 2015 ANNUAL EEO PUBLIC FILE REPORT – PAGE 4 RECRUITING SOURCES USED Job Title of Position: General Manager Date of Hire: Account Executive Date of Hire: Office Mgr/Sales Assistant Date of Hire: Account Executive Date of Hire: REFERRAL SOURCE * ADDRESS OF SOURCE April 21, 2014 July 1, 2014 July 7, 2014 February 16, 2015 CONTACT PERSON AT SOURCE Amy Johnson TEL. NO. AND E-MAIL ADDRESS OF SOURCE (570) 389-4070 E-mail: ajohnson@bloomu.edu Bloomsburg University N Career Development Center 201 Student Services Center Bloomsburg, PA 17815 Susquehanna University N Center for Career Services 514 University Avenue Selinsgrove, PA 17870-1001 Tish Showers (570) 372-4146 E-mail: career@susqu.edu McCann School of Business – Sunbury N 1147 N 4th St Sunbury, PA 17801 Tony Fetter (570) 988-2290 Pennsylvania College of Technology N One College Avenue DIF 72 Williamsport, PA 17701 Shawnalee E. Miller Secretary, Career Services Can now post on line. Phone: 570-327-4502 Fax: 570-321-5445 Email: smiller3@pct.edu Susquehanna University N 514 University Ave. Selinsgrove, PA 17870 Larry D. Augustine Head, Department of Communications 570-374-0101 Pennsylvania Association of Broadcasters On Air Announcements WVSL FM, WYGL-FM, WWBE(FM), or WFYY(FM) Daily Item Newspaper N PAB.org N/A N/A N P.O. Box 90 Selinsgrove, PA 17870 Nancy Dymond General Manager or Chad Evans Sales Mgr Max Media of Pennsylvania LLC Phone: (570) 374-8819 Fax: (570) 374-7444 Email: nancymaxmedia@ptd.net or Chadevans@ptd.net N Ms. E. Borgese Phone: (570) 286-5671 eborgese@dailyitem.com Monster.com posting thru Daily Item – Web advertising N Ms. E. Borgese Phone: (570) 286-5671 eborgese@dailyitem.com Spots n Dots print & on line N Ms. Borgese Daily Item P.O. box 607 Sunbury PA 17801-0607 Ms. Borgese Daily Item P.O. box 607 Sunbury PA 17801-0607 SND Publishing LLC 1635 Old Highway 41 NW, Suite 112-338 Kennesaw GA 30152 Ad rep Ad repr The Daily Record Newspaper & on line N The Daily News-Record P.O. Box 193 Harrisonburg, VA 22803 Ad reo Ad rep Craigslist N On Line/Craigslist.com On line – n/a On line – n/a Phone: (814) 863-4674. Penn State University, 208D Bob Martin rpm163@psu.edu Carnegie Building, University Park, PA 16802 * Indicate “Y” (yes) or “N” (no) if the organization requested that the station provide it with notice of all job vacancies. Penn State University N MMP LICENSE LLC 2015 ANNUAL EEO PUBLIC FILE REPORT – PAGE 5
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