Using Neuromarketing in the Different Stages of

Using Neuromarketing in the Different Stages
of Website Design
Testing website design and user interaction for GFI Software The two sites are positioned
to engage with a number of target user groups.
The organization of content (text, photography and
video) within the overall design and layout schemas
of the new sites are critical factors in determining
whether users will actually interact with content in
the manner envisaged by the GFI project team -i.e.
whether they will progress to specific inner pages
within the site, click on ”special offers”, engage
with specific areas, proceed to checkout etc.
GFI entrusted AAT Research to apply its neuromarketing expertise and proprietary technology to
conduct in-depth usability analysis of the proposed
design schemas of the new sites by testing a large
number of webpage templates (screens). At AAT
we were confident that we were in a position to
optimize GFI’s online marketing and customer
The project was divided into two phases. The aim of
the first phase of the study was to obtain physiological
evidence on how people respond to specific elements
of the dummy website design using screenshots. A
specific battery of tests to highlight sections of the site
that triggered “user friendliness” and attention were
accurately designed. The website was then created
with these results as guidelines. The aim of the second
phase was to test the subjects’ physiological response
to the actual website design and functionality once it
was put online.
relationship management operations by focusing
on the areas of the brain that would produce the
desired response in GFI target demographic groups.
In the process, this will secure GFI a competitive
advantage in an aggressive marketplace.
neuromarketing > y e a r b o o k 2 0 1 3
In a project with the scope and scale of the GFI Project,
data was gathered using a range of equipment including
a clinical 21-channel EEG system, eye-tracking cameras,
Galvanic Skin Response, and purposely built software
for cognitive analysis and analysis of mouse
movement when navigating through the actual website.
By analyzing EEG readings, it is possible to detect
the processes that lead to certain decisions and to
determine the part of the brain that implemented these
processes. The additional physiological data gathered
on changes in skin temperature, eye movement, as well
as mouse movement and clicks, creates a more holistic
and accurate picture of the subjects’ responses to
specific triggers.
The results show that the most effective parts of the
webpages are those which mention the company’s
products. Subjects focused on these areas as these
are the details that offer a product to the customer.
Subjects generally do not focus on
areas which contain a lot of text, but
read subtitles which are usually in a different color or
held in a colored button. These therefore contain short
but effective information from which the subjects
obtain an indication of what can be of personal interest.
Users, especially those who are executive, do not have
much time on their hands so they need brief details
that give enough information quickly, without having
to scroll or enter other pages.
The research on this project for GFI shows that
neuromarketing can be an integral part of the design
process of any product. Testing was done on the first
drafts of the design of the webpages. The results
indicated to the designers which areas were effective
and which needed amending. The final functional
website was tested in the second phase. This project
indicates that neuromarketing is not just useful for
testing final products, but also for testing products in
the design phase therefore saving the developer time
and money by being set on the right track from the
Final Thoughts
Neuromarketers can, and should, work hand in hand
with designers, engineers and developers, every step
of the way.
The results show that both websites were engaging and
maintained the users’ attention and interest. The pages
were also visually enticing and the design concept
was highly successful. A number of recommendations
were made based on the results gathered, particularly
regarding the use of colored details, images and text
Lt d
customer-facing websites: and
GFI Software opted for neuromarketing testing as
opposed to their usual market testing using focus
groups due to the high importance they attributed to
these new websites. They believe that neuromarketing
techniques could assist them in creating a more
engaging experience for their new and regular
customers. AAT Research and GFI had already
successfully collaborated on a neuromarketing project
related to software design so it was only natural that
we would extend our collaboration to the testing of the
design and functionality of their websites.
They lingered on these details as they tried to figure
out which product could be of use to them. Sections of
the websites which attracted attention were those with
colorful details and a visually stimulating layout. This is
important to maintain the overall attention span of the
subject. If the subject gets bored he or she will quickly
move on to another page. Some
areas which had too many focal
points, created by colored details or
buttons, did not hold attention for a
considerable period on a particular
area, but the eyes, and mouse,
moved from one section to the
other quickly. This means that the
subjects did not stop to consider
the information that was given at
each section.
R e s e a r ch
company’s process of re-designing two key
The project for GFI software was related to the
Contact Information
AAT Research Ltd, Malta
Contact Person: Krystle Farrugia
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