NORTHERN PALM BEACH COUNTY BRANCH OUT Volume 56, Number 9 May 2015 Calendar Installation of Officers Tuesday, May 5 – (Cinco de Mayo) – 7 p.m. Bridge Club at Gloria Kaplan’s home. RSVP to Judy Pierman. Wednesday, May 6 – 6;30 p.m. Candidates night for North Palm Beach Village May 12 election. North Palm Beach Library. Wednesday, May 13 – Deadline for reservations for May 18 installation of officers dinner meeting. Send checks to Jacquie Balaschak. Monday, May 18 – 6:30 p.m. Installation of officers. Juno Beach Fish House, US 1 in Juno Beach. Wednesday, May 20 – Deadline to RSVP to Ann Hutchins for May 28 Year-End Big Easy Bash. Saturday, May 23 - 6 p.m. Dinner Club’s Year-End Big Easy Bash at Liz Shapiro’s home. Open to all branch members and their guests. Tuesday, May 26 – Postmark deadline for paper ballots for national AAUW election. Friday, June 19 – Deadline for online voting for national AAUW election. Thursday, June 18 to Sunday, June 21 – AAUW National convention, San Diego. Saturday, June 27 to Friday, July 3 – AAUW-FL Tech Trek, St. Petersburg. Monday, 6:30 p.m. May 18 Juno Beach Fish House 13980 U.S. 1 and Donald Ross Rd., Juno Beach President:Gretchen Rauch-Herron Newsletter: Carol MacDonald Sally Bailey, Carol Whalen, Web: AAUW Florida co-presidents Susan Berlin and Virginia Farace will install the incoming branch officers at our annual dinner meeting, to be held this year at the Juno Beach Fish House on Monday, May 18. Officers who will be installed are as follows: ▪President– Cheryll Plotkin ▪Secretary – Marie Flynn ▪Charitable Foundation representatives – Sue Slone, Susan Seufer ▪Program –Shirley Koo, Susan O’Connell, Leonie Escoffery, Heather Naylor ▪Membership – Liz Shapiro. At the restaurant, you’ll be able to choose from six menu items: Grilled Mahi, Grilled Salmon, Fried Grouper, Chicken Francaise, New York Strip Steak, or Vegetarian Pasta. Salad, dessert, tax, and gratuity are included for $35. There will be a cash bar. Feel free to bring your spouse, a guest, or a potential member, but no dogs, please. Let Fido stay home. We need to know if you’re coming and how many are in your party. But there’s no need to indicate your choice of entrees, since you’ll be ordering at the restaurant. Send your check to cover the diners in your party to Jacquie Balaschak by Wednesday, May 13. ♦ Why you need to vote in AAUW election A proposal that would eliminate the degree requirement for AAUW membership is on the AAUW National Election ballot. Go to page 3 to get highlights of this and other proposed changes, and information on board of directors candidates. Make sure you cast your vote by June 19 online, or by May 26 with a paper ballot. You’ll need your AAUW ID number and a voter PIN. Both are on the back of the most recent Outlook magazine, and in an email sent April 15 or 16. Can’t find the email? Check your Spam folder. ♦ May 2015 Branch Out Enjoy a taste of New Orleans You’re invited to join the RSVP by Wednesday, May Dinner Club for a Year-End Big 20, to Ann Hutchins, at Easy Bash Dinner Party at 6 p.m. or on Saturday, May 23. 561-863-1621. Names are needed so you can enter the gate The party is open to all AAUW members and guests, and at Ironhorse Country Club. will be held at Liz and Buddy Shapiro's home, 8385 Ironhorse Court, West Palm Beach. Let Ann know the number attending and type of dish you're bringing (salad, main dish, or dessert). Bring a New Orleans-type dish to serve five times the Paper goods and nonnumber in your party. For alcoholic drinks will be example, if there are two in your provided; please bring your own party, bring a dish to serve 10. wine or beer, if you choose. ♦ Another success for April Is for Authors This year marked the Fifth Annual April is For Authors. Since its inception in 2011 attendance has grown every year; the number of books sold has gotten larger; and the event expanded in 2014 from one day to a second for a special workshop for emerging authors on Sunday afternoon. A new attraction this year was a raffle that included authors’ posters and books, Barnes & Noble gift certificates, and other small items, and that raised over $700. Activities were moved around a bit this year. The book sales and author signings were moved to the cafeteria to give In 2014, James Patterson, was both more space; the poetry contest awards were moved to the first featured speaker. This the Media Center; and for the year, there were two, Tyler first time the chorus room was Whitesides in the morning and Sharon Draper in the afternoon, used for panel discussions. both popular with their Next year promises to respective age groups. continue the success. ♦ Maltz students entertain at April meeting The Maltz Jupiter Theater may be known for performances by professionals, but it also has a Conservatory of Performing Arts, with programs for students, as we learned at our April meeting. After Pam Dyar, Maltz development director, spoke, members of the conservatory’s Youth Touring Group treated us to a musical performance. ♦ Page 2 Book Club off to good start Mark your calendars for Thursday, October 8, if you’d like to join the Book Club. The meeting will be at 1:30 p.m. at the home of Susan O’Connell, chairman. The rest of the calendar will be organized then, with meetings set for every second Thursday of the month. Sally Bailey, Maria Fanno, and Carol Nill joined Susan for a planning meeting last month. It was suggested that reading a variety of genres would be more interesting. You’re asked to bring recommendations to the October meeting. Susan is recommending reading The Traitor's Wife by Allison Pataki, a story about Alexander Hamilton's wife, so the club can start with a fun discussion. If you’re interested in joining, let Susan know your email address, so she can keep you up-to-date. Contact her at ♦ Another Candidates Night for North Palm Beach Our branch is sponsoring a Meet the Candidates Night at 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, May 6, at the North Palm Beach Library. Karen Marcus, honorary member of AAUW, will be the moderator. Refreshments and greeters from AAUW are needed. Please let Judy Pierman (389-0714) know if you can help. A special election is being held May 12, due to the death of Councilman Bill Manue. AAUW member Judy was appointed to fill that seat until the election. ♦ May 2015 Branch Out Page 3 Elimination of degree requirement proposed Should the degree requirement for AAUW membership be eliminated and membership open to anyone who believes in the mission? That’s the most significant of several proposed amendments to the bylaws on the AAUW National Election ballot, and would result in a fundamental change if passed. First section. This is the 2015-2017 Public Policy Program and the Action Priorities. Most of the changes are add emphasis or explanations or change wording. Second section. This has proposed bylaws amendments, including Proposal 1, which would eliminate the degree requirement. If you agree, you should vote yes. On the other hand, if you think the degree requirement signifies an educated membership that does its homework before embarking on any undertaking and is why AAUW has the respect of other organizations as well as federal and state lawmakers, you should vote no. Proposals 2, 3A, and 3B, proposed by the Governance Committee make sense. It’s worth noting that an AAUW member proposed the change, not the AAUW Governance Committee. Here’s a rundown of other items on the ballot. Get your vote in online by the June 19 deadline, or make sure to postmark your paper ballot by May 26. Currently, officers may serve two consecutive terms and then must sit out for a term before running for office. This does not apply to the office of president. Proposal 4, from an AAUW member, allows directors who have served two terms to then serve as vice-president for two terms, and then be president for two terms. That’s a total of 12 years without a break. If you think this proposal is a good idea, vote yes; if you think even the best board members Farewell to branch leader Gretchen Gretchen Rauch-Herron joined our branch in 2008 after initially joining AAUW as a Member at Large. She served as our Public Policy Chair, then became Program Vice President, and has been our President for the last four years. Sadly, she will be leaving the area soon, before her term is officially over at the end of June, to join her husband, Chris Herron, who started a new job in his hometown of Houston, Texas, in March. In the meantime, Gretchen has continued to work as director of early intervention programs at The ARC of Palm Beach County, and hopes to put her talents to work in Houston. She has served us capably in spite of handling Chris’ serious medical problems and lengthy recuperation. Thank you, Gretchen, for all you have done for our branch. All the best in Houston. ♦ need a one-year break before being vice-president, vote no. Proposal 5, from the Governance Committee, proposes that anyone who has served two terms on one committee be permitted to serve on another committee. Now, committee members who have served two terms must sit out for a term unless they are selected to be the chair. If you think this proposal is good, vote yes. If you think it would reduce the number of members who can serve on a national committee, vote no. Board of directors. Bios for board of directors candidates are in the latest Outlook. Links and videos are available online in the Meet the Candidates part of the election site. It is important to have a variety of professional backgrounds, nonAAUW organizational experience, and geographical representation on the board. Editor’s note: Thanks to Sally Bailey for these voting highlights. ♦ New member Update your directory with contact information for another new member: Lisa Hyman, 26 Selby Lane, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418; 561-7990897; Sunshine and Shadow Condolences and sympathy to Barbara Quirk-Rizzo, whose husband, Queque, passed away suddenly last week. AnnRuth Blum is on the mend after back surgery. ♦ April 2015 Branch Out Page 4 Pay your dues the easy way – online Dues for 2015-2016 are due. And you now have a choice in how to pay. You can do it the oldfashioned way, with a check mailed to our treasurer. Or you can save time and postage, and pay securely with a credit card online. Our dues year runs from July 1 to June 30 of the following year, so it’s time. The total amount due is the same as last year: AAUW dues –$49** State dues – $12 Branch dues – $13 TOTAL $74 Here’s how to pay securely online by using the link on our branch web site. 1. Go to http://northernpalm beach-fl, and click on the Membership tab at the top of the page, and then on Renew Membership Today–CLICK HERE. That will take you to 2. Click on Login at the top or bottom of the page. You’ll need a password and your member ID. ▪ If you never set up your password, click on “First time logging in? You will need to register.” Complete the short form. You’ll get an email that will allow you to create your password. Click on the link in that email message. ▪ If you had a password but cannot remember it, click on Forgot Password? If you don’t know your member ID, click on Forgot Member ID? or check the back cover of the latest AAUW Outlook magazine. 3. Once you’re logged in, you’ll be able to click on Access Member Services Database. 4. Click on Renew My Membership on the left. Fill in the required information and follow instructions for submittal, and you’re finished. ♦ **$46 of your 2015-2016 AAUW dues is income tax deductible! The other $3 of your AAUW dues will support the public policy (lobbying) division of AAUW, which has 501(c)(4) IRS status and is NOT income tax deductible. ♦ How to pay dues by mail, update directory To pay your dues the old-fashioned way, make your check for $74 payable to AAUW NPBC, and mail it to: Jacquie Balaschak 14272 Leeward Way Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410. Let Jacquie know if your name, address, phone number, or email address were not included in the directory or have changed. ♦ State conference attendees Branch members who attended the AAUW Florida State Leadership Conference April 17-19 in Melbourne were (left to right) Liz Shapiro and Sally Bailey, who are on the AAUW Florida Board of Directors, and Cheryll and Wendy Plotkin, representing the branch. ♦ Your suggestions needed Your feedback helps ensure that programs and activities we design are of the most interest to our membership. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome, and we hope you’ll take the time to complete the interest survey on page 5. Please print and complete the survey and bring it with you when you attend the May 18 installation of officers or the May 23 Dinner Club party. You can also email or snail mail the form to Shirley Koo, Program Committee chair at the addresses on the survey form. Thanks for your help! ♦ No scholarships this year The Scholarship Committee decided not to make any awards this year, due to the small number and poor quality of the applications received. ♦ May 2015 Branch Out Page 5 AAUW Northern Palm Beach County Branch Interest Survey Please complete and turn in at the May dinners on 18 or 23 or deliver via email to Shirley Koo at or mail to: 12476 Aviles Circle, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418 . Name ___________________________________ Best Phone _________________________ Email __________________________________________ I work ______ I am retired _______ I would like to help with the following or am interested in seeing programs about: free to choose as many as you like) ________College Events/Activities _____Photography at events ________Branch Historian/Scrapbooks _____Provide venue for special events ________Women’s Health Issues _____ Human Trafficking Information ________Bridge Group ________Book Club ________ Publicity (Check or circle. Feel _____Dinner Club or dining out– singles & couples ________Local Scholarships _____Website/Social Media/Facebook ________World News about women ____Publications/Computer work/Flyers Brochures ________ Provide refreshments as needed ____ Attend Performances : The arts _____ Financial Education for self/family ________ Fundraising Committee ________ Teach financial independence _______ Market branch activities _____ Creative Talents – Centerpieces, table arrangements, etc at events _____Politics or Get Out The Vote _____ Daytime Meetings/Activities _____Saturday Meetings /Activities ________Other activities **I am willing to be on a committee for _________________________________ I have some ability or experience in the following areas: (circle any that apply) Fundraising, marketing, writing, finance, Internet research Computer skills (publisher, MS Word, Photo Shop etc) _________________________ Other ___________________________________________ Suggestions ( Your ideas for future fundraisers, programs or events.) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
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