Central Office #8 - 2020 Douglas St. Victoria, BC, V8T 4L1 250-383-0415 Fax: 250-383-0417 vicintgpco@shaw.ca www.aavictoria.ca JULY 2015 24hr HELPLINE: 250-383-7744 WE ARE NOT A GLUM LOT Is maintaining personal anonymity within AA a violation of Tradition Eleven? What- beyond protection from stigma-can anonymity mean for a newcomer? For an old-timer? Several good discussion meetings could center on individual experiences with the “spiritual substance” of anonymity All three topics from Grapevine August 1981 Deadline for AUGUST In Touch is July 27th You really ought to stop smoking Don G., Hornell, N.Y. C O N T AC T S w i t h C e n t r a l O f f i c e Come and visit YOUR local AA/Central Office, JUNE 2015 AA 12 Step General CO 166 15 52 TAS 37 04 00 TAS Missed: 08 No Stats: 04 EMAIL 178 Visits Come on your own, bring your sponsor / sponsee, a newcomer….See what we are all about. We sell AA and Grapevine Literature 164 WEBSITE 2219 TIGERTEL 02 Your IN TOUCH is a vehicle for AA information published after the Intergroup meeting, which is held on the 1st Thursday of each month. Content is for information only; inclusion does not imply Intergroup endorsement or approval. AA World Services Inc. & AA Grapevine Inc. content is reprinted by permission. 1 LOCAL EVENTS, RALLIES, N E W S & U P D AT E S District 12 meeting, 1st Sunday of every month, 6pm @ Gordon United Church, 935 Goldstream Ave. PI/CPC meeting 2nd Thu of the month 5:15pm @ Central Office, 2020 Douglas St. MEETINGS: CHANGES, CANCELLATIONS & NEW MEETINGS William Head Roundup, Aug 8, 12.30-5pm Clearance forms will be available at Central Office. Please submit prior to July 31. Info Jeff 250-478-1579 EJeagle475@gmail.com Sober & Serene meeting has changed their name to Peace of Mind and their new location is 4566 West Saanich Rd. Saanich Community Church. Their meeting will be held Tue, 7.30pm .Entrance double side doors off parking lot. Sidney Noon Serenity 10030-3rd St, (St Elisabeth’s Church) has added two more meetings; Tuesday & Thursday @ 7 am. Effective immediately. District 15 Fun in the Sun Picnic, Aug 23, 11am-3pm @ Centennial Park off Wallace Drive, Sidney. More VICYPAA will be meeting info: Kevin every 2nd and 4th 250-888-4795 Wednesday of the month 6 pm at Central Office.82020 Douglas Street For more info; Benny 250-893-2774 CLUE invites women in the fellowship to our annual summer potluck on Tuesday, July 28, 2015 at 6:00 pm at St. Patrick's Catholic Church, 2060 Haultain, followed by our open birthday celebration & regular meeting @7:30. William Head meeting could benefit from some more volunteers to go into the institution for Beachcombers AA meeting- If you think this type of service work might interest you then please contact Jeff E. at 250-478-1579 New meeting; Sober Riders meeting, O, Sat 10am, 7728 Tsawout Rd,, Council Chamber. Starting Date July 4th More info Renee 250-891-6978 District 10 Workshop; Social Media and Anonymity, Sep 19, 10am2pm @ 511 Michigan, James Bay United Church. For more info contact Gayle; 250-385-1321 Sixty Minutes Monday, 7.30pm will be changing locations starting Aug 3, to City Lights Church, 550 Obed Ave. Sunny Side up Women’s Sobriety, Sat, 11am, 234 Menzies, James Bay New Horizons is changing from Joe & Charlie Study to Tape/Discussion meeting. Effective immediately. Archives Chair is forming a committee looking for volunteers to help sort, inventory and preserve our archives material Contact Craig 250-216-8832 New A.A contact # for Salt Spring meetings effective immediately 250-221-1559 Not in July directory until later July printing. OUT OF TOWN EVENTS, RALLIES & ROUNDUPS If you are looking for something to criticize in this newsletter you will probably find it. We aim to please everyone! Salt Spring Rally; Aug 14-15-16 @ Farmer’s Institute, 351 Rainbow Rd, www.saltspringaa.org Email; ssirally@gmail.com Pre-registration; Debbie; dosmanich@yahoo.com More Rally info; www.aa.org www.bcyukonaa.org 2 CHAIR REPORTS LITERATURE CHAIR T.A.S. CHAIR Feel free to email me or visit central office if you have any questions or are requiring literature. Please remember that if you have a question about AA policy , we probably have a pamphlet that shares our collective experience in that. Rob Mc, victorialiterature@outlook.com We have been experiencing a number of missed shifts and late cancellations. It has been difficult to find people to sub so last minute Please give us a heads up so we have time to find a replacement. We need more volunteers!! 250-383-0415 TREASURER We will have the finance report for the months of July and August in the August In Touch. For info contact Central office 250-383-0415 P.I. & C.P.C. CHAIR Interested in learning more about or participating in PIC/CPC activities? Join us at our meetings on the second Thursday of the month, 5:15pm at Central Office, or contact Jason, the PIC/CPC Chair, at 778-430-2049 or by email at aa.victoria.cpc.pic@outlook.com CENTRAL OFFICE WE are in real NEED for more males and females to be added to our 12th step list, and pm volunteers to add their name to the sub list. Please contact us for more info. Volunteers welcome anytime. Central Office is a great place to be between meetings. INTERGROUP CHAIR During the summer it is common to have a few visitors and it is very helpful to them to have a supply of current meetings. Please stop by Central Office . Central Office has a good supply of literature, medallions, current meetings, newcomer packages, and Adopt a Doctor packs. Yilas, David C. 5 DISTRICTS CHAIR Victoria AA has lots to look forward to this summer. We are happy to have Jade, the Alternate Delegate from Area 79 visit us on June 28th. The DCM’s are preparing to go to the July Area 79 Quarterly in Williams Lake, and Intergroup is meeting in July for the 1st time in a long while. Other events to look forward to are the Salt Spring Rally, William Head Round Up and many more great times coming up to enjoy our sobriety in 5 Districts. Yours in Love and Service, Emma C. HELPING OTHERS July 24 Our very lives , as ex problem drinkers, depend upon our constant thought of others and how we may help meet their needs ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, p 20 Self-centeredness was my problem. All my life people had been doing things for me and I not only expected it, but I was ungrateful and resentful they didn’t do more. Why should I help others, when they were supposed to help me? I was filled with self-pity, anger and resentment. Then I learned that by helping others, with no thought of return, I could overcome this obsession with selfishness, and if I understood humility, I would know peace and serenity. No longer do I need to drink SUITING UP & SHOWING UP INTERGROUP REPRESENTATIVES at your July 02, 2015 Intergroup meeting: There were 20 people present with 12 Non-Voting members and 08 Voting members Akron, Attitude Adjustment, C.L.U.E, Daybreak, Discovery, It Works, Keystone, Living Today, Process to Recovery, Sidney Noon Serenity, Sixty Minutes, Soberettes, Come check out intergroup and let your group have a voice For more info call Central Office 250-383-0415 3 BOOK of the MONTH Here is Bill W., the man everybody knew and nobody knew. Here too, inextricably entwined with his life, is the dramatic story of the founding of Alcoholics Anonymous, its early struggles and amazing growth. Bill’s character was complex and contradictory. Although we always tried to place him on a pedestal, he strove for genuine humility, declining honors and stressing the spiritual value of anonymity. The co-founder of A.A., he was never a member of A.A., because we never allowed him to be. Ego-driven, he nevertheless always gave credit to others: to Ebby, to Dr Bob, to Lois, as appropriate. A charismatic leader, he eschewed power and “was willing to let go of us before we were willing to let go of him” (in Dr Jack Norris’ words). He has been hailed as one of the most significant figures of the 20th century; yet a nonalcoholic typist for the manuscript of this book commented, Isn’t it too bad he never did anything with his life!” In these pages is the full and rounded story of a remarkable life; The boy growing up in Vermont, always striving to be Number One. The army officer serving over there” in World War I. Bill’s romance and marriage to Lois. The fair haired boy of Wall Street plummeting to rum-soaked despair. Ebby T. and Dr Silkworth, Bill’s spiritual experience, and his meeting with Dr. Bob. And of special significance to the A.A. reader, Bill’s role in Alcoholics Anonymous. In preparation over five years, this is the definitive biography of Bill W. Every word is documented, every source is checked. For the scholar this volume is invaluable. For all of us, it is exciting reading. Quotes from the 1940 AA Preamble: “We have all come to know that as alcoholics we are suffering from a serious illness for which medicine has no cure.” “Our condition may be the result of an allergy which makes us different from other people. It has never been by any treatment with which we are familiar, permanently cured. The only relief we have to offer is absolute abstinence, the second meaning of A.A.” “An Alcoholics Anonymous is an alcoholic who through application and adherence to the A.A. program has forsworn the use of any and all alcoholic beverage in any form.” “We do not speak for A.A. as a whole and you are free to agree or disagree as you see fit, in fact, it is suggested that you pay no attention to anything which might not be reconciled with what is in the A.A. Big Book.” “If you don't have a Big Book, it's time you bought one. Read it, study it, live with it, loan it, scatter it, and then learn from it what it means to be an A.A.” Yours in service, Craig T., Archives Chair 4 Group Information pg S 28 It is important for the group to send information to each of the following entities: G.S.O. and the district, the area and to the local intergroup/central office. While local, area and national offices communicate regularly, they have different purposes and different mailing lists. Two simplified forms have been developed to facilitate transmittal of information to G.S.O.: 1) Alcoholics Anonymous New Group Form is for one time-use only, when a new group is started; 2) the Group Information Change Form is to be filled in whenever a groups changes its name or meeting address, elects a new G.S.R., reports a change of address and/or phone number, reports the designation of a new second contact, or reports a change of address or phone number for the second contact. To assure direct and regular communication between the group and G.S.O., each group is assigned a service number. It is helpful to refer to this number when writing to G.S.O. and when sending contributions. We learn that Step 1, 2, and 3 tell us “Give up.” Step 4, 5, and 6 tell us, “Clean up.” Step 7, 8, and 9 tell us, “Make up.” And Step 10, 11, and 12 tell us, to “grow up.” 5 Your AA Central Office in Victoria keeps track of all the groups, their service numbers, addresses, contact info for groups as well. We send a group info form out every year. Make sure your groupinfo is up to date at your AA Central Office. Want to check your groups Info 250-383-0415 PA M P H L E T P I C K S PAMPHLET # P-47 These newsletters include information about A.A. history and current activities; sharing What is the purpose of anonymity in Alcoholics Anonymous? Why is if often referred to as the greatest single protection the Fellowship has to assure it’s continued existence and growth? If we look at the history of A.A. from it’s beginning in 1935 until now, it is clear that anonymity serves two different yet equally vital functions: At the personal level, anonymity provides protection for all members from identification as alcoholics, a safeguard often of special importance to newcomers. AT the public level of press, radio, TV, films and other media technologies such as the Internet, anonymity stresses the equality in the Fellowship of all members by putting the brake on those who might otherwise exploit their A.A. affiliation to archive recognition, power, or personal gain When using the digital media, A.A. members are responsible for their own anonymity and that of others. When we post, text, or blog, we should assume that we are publishing at the public level. When we break our anonymity in these forums, we may inadvertently break the anonymity of others. from groups, service committees, and individual A.A. members; and notices of upcoming events. About A.A. is the newsletter from the General Service Office of the U.S. and Canada for professionals of all types who deal with alcoholics, including professionals in the fields of healthcare, law, corrections and clergy. Box 4-5-9 is a quarterly news bulletin from the U.S./Canada General Service Office. This newsletter includes information about A.A. service, literature, events, sharing from groups, service committees and individual U.S./Canada A.A. members. Other content: Anonymity on a person-to-person basis. Anonymity at the public level. The Archives eNewsletter, Markings features Some questions and answers about anonymity. stories about the history of A.A. and articles relating to the Archives profession for A.A. local Archivists involved ingathering and preserving the Fellowship ’s history. Facts about anonymity in A.A. 6 CALENDAR SUN JULY/AUGUST 2015 MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 6 7 8 VICYPAA 6 pm Central Office more info pg 2 9 10 PI/CPC @ 5:15pm Central Office. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 VICYPAA 6 pm Central Office more info pg 2 23 24 25 26 5 Districts meeting;, 2 pm. @ 1611 Quadra/ Mason John the Divine Church 27 28 29 C.L.U.E Annual summer potluck. More info pg 2 30 31 1 5 District 12 Meeting, 6pm @Gordon United Church, 935 Goldstream Ave JULY JULY 27 is the deadline for the AUG IN TOUCH AUG 2 District 12 Meeting, 6pm @Gordon United Church, 935 Goldstream Ave 3 CENTRAL OFFICE CLOSED 4 5 6 Steering Committee meeting 6 pm @ Central Office. Intergroup meeting @ 7.30pm @ 901 Kings 7 7 August In Touch ready for pick up by 11 am @ Central Office 8 William Head Round Up More info pg 2
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