Iowa City Intergroup Meeting Minutes April 4, 2015 - Aa

Iowa City Intergroup Meeting Minutes
April 4, 2015
LIAISON (Geri), GROUP REPRESENTATIVES: Common Solutions (Chris J), Misfits (Nora H), Midwest (Margaret F), Breakfast Club, Living
Room Group (Eric R), Happy Hour Group (Sue V)
Beginning balance
Windstream – Jan
Uptown Bills
Total Deposits:
Total Payments:
Ending balance:
No report.
No report.
Joe receives flyers for events and keeps them current on the website. Everything is going well.
There was a written reported, appended to the minutes and emailed to the Intergroup list. This can be found below.
Note: For the Spring Conference, please make hospitality room donations out to District 13.
Nora H. (Misfits) Large meetings lately. Lots of new comers from treatment
Everything is going well. The meeting is getting to be really large, with lots of
newcomers, making up half the meeting sometimes. They are trying to do more
fellowship within the group to help out with the increased number of new people. They
are planning a barbeque on April 25 from 12-5.
Margaret F. (Midwest) -
Nothing to report. Meetings remain fairly large, around 40 people.
Chris J. (Common Solutions) -
There has been a change in structure. On the first Monday of the month, the meeting
will be a Step meeting, instead of the usual big book study format.
Eric R. (Living Room Group) -
For their meeting, they meet in different homes every week. When you attend their
meeting, you can get on the email list to get updates about the meeting location
schedule. There is also a phone number in the meeting schedule that you can call to find
out the location. They meet on Mondays, and their attendance is around 6-10 people.
Miriam V. (Tues Night Mtg) -
Everything is going well.
Sue V. (Happy Hour Grp) -
They celebrated their fourth anniversary on Wednesday. They are in Coralville at 6pm
on Wednesdays. They might want to cover the Prelude meetings.
Banquet Food: We decided we did not want to do water bottles because it is not environmentally responsible. Margaret will
bring coffee – 1 tin of regular and 1 smaller tin of decaf. She will bring cups, creamer and sugar. She will also bring 2
cases of regular cola, 2 of diet cola and 1 case of seltzer in cans. Geri will help with recycling the cans.
HyVee will pick up the food trays and everything at 8:20 after the speaker. We can give them the check for food on
the day of the event.
Tickets: We will continue to sell the tickets, and Miriam will collect information about how many were sold. Then, she
will inform Margaret about how many people we can expect to attend by April 18. She will contact HyVee and let
them know if we need more or less food for the event. If meetings want to sponsor AA members who cannot afford
to pay for the tickets, they can buy the tickets in advance. That would be great.
Decorations: Geri has volunteered to take care of this. We have given her a budget of $75 for decorations for about 10
tables. We discussed possibly having bags of candy to spread around each table in the center.
Child Care: Margaret will ask the babysitter for Midwest about doing the event. It would only be from 7:15-8:15 and
would be $25 per person. We would like 2 sitters. Sue V. will ask her friend who does baby sitting as well.
Total Budget: $75 for the location, $50 for the babysitter, $75 for the decorations, food is covered by the cost of tickets.
This comes to about $200 total.
We can pay Our Redeemer the night of the event.
Clean Up and Set Up:
Set up is probably going to be fine. For clean up, we will each talk to our friends and each try to grab somebody who
will commit to helping out after the event is over.
Butt Can: We should let people know at the beginning of the meeting, perhaps before they start eating, to dispose of
their butts appropriately.
Chair: Miriam will chair the meeting.
Let’s start talking about the phones next meeting.
The next meeting will be held on May 2
Intergroup District Liaison Report
Highlights from the District Meeting on 3/22/15 at Muscatine Houser meeting location
DCM - Terry V.
Terry was asked by Rick W., the Alternate Delegate/Registrar to send any group changes to him as the new Directory will
soon be published. These changes include your group meeting time/place and GSR or contact information. Terry’s
email is
He also mentioned the District is still in need of an Activities chair and Communicating with the Professional Community
(CPC) chair.
Corrections – Kathleen H.
The Johnson County jail will be under construction soon and meetings may need to be stopped for a while. There are 2
jail meetings each month at Johnson County. Kathleen is attending once a month. She said things are going well at
Oakdale. Big Books have been sent to Johnson County jail and Cedar County jail in Tipton. Pat G. helps run the Cedar
County jail meeting and they need support for this one too. His contact information is There was
contact from Cedar County jail asking that women bring a meeting. The meeting is on the 2nd and 4th Wed of the month.
Kathleen’s email is
Grapevine – Nathan B.
He is collecting Grapevines and La Vinas to take to correctional centers and treatment centers in the area. If you have
any, please give to Nathan. His email is
Public Information - Nora H.
New meeting schedules for the District are ready for April – June. They are pink. Nora created a brochure for local
hotels. It has a map of meeting locations in Iowa City, with a note to call Intergroup for updated meeting information.
This is not date sensitive so it won’t need to be replaced every time we have a new meeting schedule.
The open meeting at the Shelter House is still happening once a month. Participation is low but staff said more will
participate in the warmer months.
Treatment – Jenny T.
Jenny is looking for someone to be on this committee.
She’s created an electronic sign-up for volunteers to sign up for specific dates to help with the treatment meetings.
She’s still in the process of working with the VA on adding a treatment meeting.
The LGBT group has chaired the Wed. night speaker meeting at Prelude (Mecca) and will do so through the first week in
The Tues. night group will chair the Mon. night Prelude meeting for April and May. Let Jenny know if your group is
interested in chairing one of these meetings or if you’re interested in being on this committee. Her email is
Area 24 Conference Planning Report – Terry V.
The next planning meeting will be 4/19 at 2:30 pm at the Clarion Highlander Hotel. Great progress is being made on the
planning of this event. Please register for the event as soon as you can. The Clarion is booked full for this event at this
time. People can stay at the Travel Lodge on North Dodge St. The hospitality committee will be soliciting donations for
the hospitality room.
Highlights from the GSR Reports
AA Squared (Juan G.)
Attendance is steady. They are writing a letter to the Grapevine board of directors supporting the publication of a
collection of approx. 40 articles previously published in the Grapevine which were written by atheists and agnostics.
Flimsy Reed (Chris B.) – Will be holding a BB workshop on Fri., 4/24 from 6 to 9 pm and 4/25 from 9 am to 5 pm at Our
Redeemer Luther Church. Call Chris for additional information at 515-975-0315.
Midwest Group (Kathleen H.) – Good attendance. Sun. night at 7 at Zion. Childcare is provided. They have some
Spanish literature now. They are donating $15 to the hospitality fund for the spring conference.
Melrose Group (Becky) – The 11 pm candlelight meeting has been cancelled. 8 pm meeting attendance is down. They
will be having a fun day in June with a potluck and volleyball. More information will follow.
Next District Meeting – 4/26 at Melrose at 2:30 pm.
-Geri D., Intergroup Liaison
Intergroup District Liaison Report
Highlights from the District Meeting on 3/22/15 at Muscatine Houser meeting location
DCM - Terry V.
Terry was asked by Rick W., the Alternate Delegate/Registrar to send any group changes to him as the new
Directory will soon be published. These changes include your group meeting time/place and GSR or contact
information. Terry’s email is
He also mentioned the District is still in need of an Activities chair and Communicating with the Professional
Community (CPC) chair.
Corrections – Kathleen H.
The Johnson County jail will be under construction soon and meetings may need to be stopped for a while.
There are 2 jail meetings each month at Johnson County. Kathleen is attending once a month. She said things
are going well at Oakdale. Big Books have been sent to Johnson County jail and Cedar County jail in Tipton.
Pat G. helps run the Cedar County jail meeting and they need support for this one too. His contact
information is There was contact from Cedar County jail asking that women bring a
meeting. The meeting is on the 2nd and 4th Wed of the month. Kathleen’s email is
Grapevine – Nathan B.
He is collecting Grapevines and La Vinas to take to correctional centers and treatment centers in the area. If
you have any, please give to Nathan. His email is
Public Information - Nora H.
New meeting schedules for the District are ready for April – June. They are pink. Nora created a brochure for
local hotels. It has a map of meeting locations in Iowa City, with a note to call Intergroup for updated meeting
information. This is not date sensitive so it won’t need to be replaced every time we have a new meeting
The open meeting at the Shelter House is still happening once a month. Participation is low but staff said
more will participate in the warmer months.
Treatment – Jenny T.
Jenny is looking for someone to be on this committee.
She’s created an electronic sign-up for volunteers to sign up for specific dates to help with the treatment
She’s still in the process of working with the VA on adding a treatment meeting.
The LGBT group has chaired the Wed. night speaker meeting at Prelude (Mecca) and will do so through the
first week in April.
The Tues. night group will chair the Mon. night Prelude meeting for April and May. Let Jenny know if your
group is interested in chairing one of these meetings or if you’re interested in being on this committee. Her
email is
Area 24 Conference Planning Report – Terry V.
The next planning meeting will be 4/19 at 2:30 pm at the Clarion Highlander Hotel. Great progress is being
made on the planning of this event. Please register for the event as soon as you can. The Clarion is booked
full for this event at this time. People can stay at the Travel Lodge on North Dodge St. The hospitality
committee will be soliciting donations for the hospitality room.
Highlights from the GSR Reports
AA Squared (Juan G.)
Attendance is steady. They are writing a letter to the Grapevine board of directors supporting the publication
of a collection of approx. 40 articles previously published in the Grapevine which were written by atheists and
Flimsy Reed (Chris B.) – Will be holding a BB workshop on Fri., 4/24 from 6 to 9 pm and 4/25 from 9 am to 5
pm at Our Redeemer Luther Church. Call Chris for additional information at 515-975-0315.
Midwest Group (Kathleen H.) – Good attendance. Sun. night at 7 at Zion. Childcare is provided. They have
some Spanish literature now. They are donating $15 to the hospitality fund for the spring conference.
Melrose Group (Becky) – The 11 pm candlelight meeting has been cancelled. 8 pm meeting attendance is
down. They will be having a fun day in June with a potluck and volleyball. More information will follow.
Next District Meeting – 4/26 at Melrose at 2:30 pm.
-Geri D., Intergroup Liaison