lltllltlllrlllllllltlllltllllll llllt llllllr lllllt lt lat llt lll: lllllllllt lllllll t l l l l l l l l CerddwyrAberystwyth Ramblers ,t4af./ t-lydref 2014 Swrn'mer / Auturnn ..*:.'.::r:::.:,"::.y:.y:::y::Y,..,,i.0...,.:?:y.'::: i Cromgrildwiththeklp ofChisandarope fffF/l4 ChmTYoods wayover Janleadingtre Alanoilingfu waythougfi lmagescourtesyof Michaeland Val Deaville. f t t t lrrrrllrrttlllllltllilrrrr r r r t r t t llt t t t t t lt t t t lllt t t at t t t t t t at t t att t t t t t a t t t l t t t l t t a t t t a t t l t t t t l l t t t r l r t i I I i i ! : i Word from the Chairman, Chris Hodgson (ernail: tryfan638@gmail.com) Dear Fellow walkers/members. I would like to thank you all for your support and encouragementin the five months that I was electedby you to Cttuit the Aberystwyh Group. You will find enclosedwith this Newsletter the summer wallcing prog.u*-" for the Aberystwyth Ramblers Group - thank you to Chris Belsey our ProgrammeEditor for all the work he has done to bring this to fruition. It is not easyto compile a balancedhalf year programmeof walks - we are very reliant on our tremendouswalks leaders,the datesthey are available to lead and the type/gradeof walks that they submit to Chris - so another big thank you to all of them. If any of you feel that there is an imbalance of any particular grade/typellocationof walk then pleasemake sure you submit walks for the next programme(s) with the type of walks you think we are lacking. The Group has a committed and enthusiasticcommittee who endeavourto do their best for our members.We also have active enthusiasticmemberswho are not on the committee but work hard to make our Group successful. There is a lot to look forward to during the rest of this year. We have some super walks to look forward to; about 40 of us are going on a walking trip to Edinburgh; 37 walkers are coming to walk and socialise with us between the 5th and 12th July from our twin town - Kronberg im Taunus (pleasecome and take part in the walks and join the last evening meal and drinks on Friday 11th July); and we have a walking weekend away in Tenby, Pembrokeshirebetween10thand 12th October. (Chairman:continued) I am very mindful that not all of you are able to walk with us, but we are grateful for your supportof our charitableobjectives,especiallykeepingour Rights of Way network open and in good condition and protecting the natural beauty of our varied landscape. Pleasevisit our new improvedwebsitefor up to date inforrnation about our activities We also have http://aberysfrvythramblers-org.ukl/cmrs/. Judith Johnston'sexcellentRamblerscolumn in the CambrianNews, Nigel Kelly's publicity fliers/writeups, David Taylor hasuploadedour walks programme on to The Ramblers National Walks Finder which publicises our walks throughout Britain, we have an up to date Noticeboard by the Co-op in Aberystwl'th with photographs/forlhcomingwalks and other information. We are very grateful to our award winning Rights of Way working party. They do great work so that we can enjoy walking olrr paths.Have you seenthe recent publication: "Pathsfor People"producedby the CeredigionFootpathsworking pariy? - well worlh looking at. Enjoy your summer walking and thank you to everyone who makes Aberysytwy'th Ramblers such a specialGroup to belongto. The Fence There was a fence with spacesyott Could loolcthrough if you wantedto. An architect wha saw this thing Stoodthereone stutrmet'evening, Too/tottt the spaceswith great care And built a castlein the air. Thefence was utterly dumbfounded: Eaclt post stood there with nothing round it. A sight most terrible to see. (They charged it with indecency) WEEKEND AWAY IN TENBY ocToBER 10-122014 Our October Week-End away this year will be in the delightful resort of Tenby. Situatedon the beautiful Pembrokeshirecoast line with its castle,harbour and lovely beaches,Tenby, is an ideal location'for our annual week end getaway.We willbe staying at The Park Hotel, a comfortable hotel on the Coast Path with delightful views of the harbour and Caldey Island. The hotel has attractive rooms, a delightful gardenand plenty ofparking - a real bonusin Tenby. As usual we will start the week end on the Friday, October1Othuntil the afternoonof SundayOctober 12'l'. With 2 nights dinner, bed and breakfastand a choiceof walks on all three days. Pricesare:f 113 per personfor 2 nights dinner,bed and breakfast (NO packed lunch) Or f.T27 perpersonfor 2 nights, dinner,bed and breakfast and2 packed lunches. We have been offered 5 single rooms with no single supplementon a first come first servedbasis. Further single rooms may incur a suppiementand are limited in numbers. As the hotel is not in the town centre as it has been for the previous two years, the option of a packed lunch'maybe a good choice. The hotel is about a 15 minute walk, in each direction, away from any supermarketor food shop and there is poor parking in the town centre . For further details and to book contact Dwynwen on 01970 820166 or dbolsoy@hotmail-co.ukbefore Ilrne 22"d. Deposits are f25 per person. The architect then ran away To Afric- or Americ-a1t. ChristianMorgenstern (translatedby R FC Hull) Taken from Penguin'sMore Comic and CuriousVerse (1 e 5 6 ) sentbyJ.I tl',, I yc€rffiw 3.fi !'*hJ *3:i;;{:,irifi i ii :,: r€ rnblels;.oig.rtli tr,tvv,,. Fi..ll:;i:r aal Ciraril i' Elusen Gofteetr.eii:r "i 0935;/7 Fark Hotel, Tenby / Dinbychy Pysgod I Oman - a walk in JabalAk1rdar(,theGreenMountains) Most walks in Jabal Akhdar involve an overnight camp but Wadi Qurai is close enoughto make it there and back in a day. We were defeatedthe last time we tried the route with Eddy - an ex Royal the three of us are Marine but to crack it this time, leaving determined heading south through the early and until we reach the wadi mountains entrance. vehicles near a small begin the walk in, unexpectedly meeting an couple gathering herbs who elderly warmly. A watercourse greet us Welsh leat and known in similar to a 'falaj' runs high along the Arabic as a wadi carrying water all year side of the village. As we head further round to the in past groves of trees it narrows perceptibly until finally we come to a network of pools that have been dammedto provide a constant supply of water for the falaj. Leaving the village we Here the track turns and begins to climb steeplyover rugged and wild terrain. A family of wild donkeys watch impassively from the heights before disappearingamong the boulders. We passthe point at which we had turned back the first time and carry on for severalhours until an increasing wind revealswe are near the top. We seethe walls of housesand Eddy advisesthat this is as far as we clipq lyigg about o-qthe should go. We stop to eat andhe picks up.somq-disEarded-amnun-ition ground. Theseplateau villages were the last bastion of resistancein an insurrection many years before that was put down with the help of the British, so it as well not to reveal our presence. Job done we descendand return along the wadi, en route stopping to admire a fine example of ancient Arab technology - the Siphon. Built higher on one bank than the other it forces water from the falaj under the wadi bed and up the other side. As we leave we ndtice alarge tank below sometrees across the main road, once used to water camel herds en route to the interior - and supplied with water via the Wadi Qurai Siphon. JJ FootpathVolunteerWorking Party The sood news from 2073: project finishes later this year. There do Nine active volunteers,out on 54 days,66 gatesbrought back into working order, 1 not appearto be any replacements imminent for theseexternally-funded stiIe,2 bridges,36 way-markerposts,4 projects and hence for the employment of setsof stepsand 3 boardwalks constructed, pioneer clearanceon 31 different paths, in the rangersserving as project officers on them. In addition, there are now only two some 1200 hours of volunteer effort given to Ceredigion County Council. This is full- time rangerson the Coast and Countryside staff for the whole county; equivalent to a full-time worker for more than 8 months. where were four about five years ago. Without Ceredigion CC rangers to direct And the bad news for 2014: the work, the activities of the Working The Pathsfor Peopleproject has come to Party in2014 are likely to be well done on an end (get your free copy of the attractive booklet describingthe walks openedup by the magnificent achievementsof last year. it from the Tourist Information Office) and Len Kerslev. Coordinator the Ceredigion on Horsebackbridle path i I I I I I Where have we been? MalcolmTunleylooks backon past weekendsaway Recently,5ue Greaveslwrote an interestingpieceon "our first weekendsaway".This,and anotherhighly s uc c es s f ul w e e k e n di n P o rth m a d o g i n O c to ber20L3set someof us specul ati ng how manysuchtri psw e haveenjoyedover the years.Havingmissedvery few and beinga hoarderof pastprogrammes,I set about m ak inga lis t.l t i s l i m i te dto th e s h o rt b re a k sw e makeover a w eekendand excl udes the l ongertri psto B r it t anyCr , et e ,l re l a n de tc . C o rre c ti o nasn d a d di ti onsare w el comebecauseI am uncertai non somepoi nts;I t hink f or ex amp l eth e re w a s n o tri p i n 2 0 0 1b ecauseof foot and mouth and I am not sureof exactdatesi n 2 or 3 cases.We startedwith one trip a year but for severalyearshad two outingsbeforesettlingmore re c e n tl yw i th o ne per year usual l yi n October. Y H= Y out hHos te l May 7/9l-993 BroadhavenYH;May 6/8 1994 Broadhaven YH; May 4/81995 BroadhavenYH;Sept8/10 1995 Llanber is Y H; M a y t7 /1 9 1 ,9 9 6P l a s T a n y b w l ch S tudyC entre; S ept27/291996Manorbi erY HMaV ; 23/26 1997St BriavelsYH;Sept5/7 1997PlasTanybwlch;May 1,/41998PlasTanybwlch;Oct 1-6/tB1998 BroadhavenYH;May 1"4/16tggg ConwyYH; May t2/!4 2OOO Llangollen; Oct 6/8 2000 DanywenalltCentre; (2001Footand Mouth); lune 7/9 2002 DanywenalltCentre;May t6/L8 2003 BangorYH;Oct L0/!2 2003 DanywenalltCentre;Oct 1,5/172004 LlynPeninsulanearAberdaron;Oct t4/16 2005LongMynd; MaV5/7 2006 Beddgelert;Oct 27/29 2006 OxwichBayGower;OcLl9/2I2007 Chepstow;Oct * * 2008 Llangollen; Oct g/tt 2009 UskValley;Oct 8/10 2010 NefynLlyn;Oct ** 201-tFishguard;Oct5/7 2012 Ludlow;Oct 78/2O 2013P or t hm a d o g . David Morgan runs the Welsh Ponyand Cobstud at Pen-y-parc,Betws Bledrws,which Aber Ramblersvisitedon their walk 13 November2013.rmaces courtesy ofNiget Kely. Chris' presentation to David Morgan "Where did the jockeys fall"? "Tired? Could anyone do with a ride"? "My bet is on this horse" 1-. Cerddwr -2012p2 AberRambler lssue35 Winter/Spri n9201,1,
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