America Walks Mail - America Walks April 2015 Newsletter 4/30/15, 9:39 AM Heidi Simon <> America Walks April 2015 Newsletter 1 message Scott Bricker <> Reply-To: To: Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 3:31 PM Monthly Newsletter - April 2015 Take Action to Make Your Community More Walkable From our Executive Director, Scott Bricker America Walks plays a vital role in taking action on the federal level and strongly pushing for a renewed and stronger Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP). We work with our partners and other organizations to make sure that funding for programs that provide safe and accessible walking conditions for all communities are protected in the legislation. By participating in a collective TAP Lobby Day on Capitol Hill in late April and adding our strength to several sign-on letters, we hope to support the efforts of legislators working towards a more walkable America. We hope you will follow in our footsteps and support these efforts as well. Your work is critical to grow the collective walking movement. We ask you to get involved in the following ways: Write your representatives and urge them to support strengthening TAP and other legislation. Share the walking message with the new Every Body Walk! Messaging Toolkit. Over the next year, America Walks and the Every Body Walk! Collaborative will be providing fresh messages as we integrate your messaging examples to the research. Register for the 2nd National Walking Summit or one of our upcoming webinars. Page 1 of 5 America Walks Mail - America Walks April 2015 Newsletter 4/30/15, 9:39 AM America Walks is excited to serve you and the walking movement...walk on! America Walks Program Updates America Walks is putting its best foot forward in 2015 with several new programs, webinars and publications to help you make America a great place to walk. Mayors' Challenge Webinar: Our final webinar in the 3-part Take Action series will be held on May 22nd. Join Barbara McCann from the US Department of Transportation and four mayors from across the US will discuss Secretary Foxx's Challenge for Safer People, Safer Streets and ways their cities are embracing change. Register now! Every Body Walk! Video Challenge: The walking movement is growing across America and the Every Body Walk! Collaborative wants to highlight this growing strength by putting a face on the movement with a video competition. Grab your cameras and join us on Instagram and YouTube! Walkable Town on the Prairie: The latest article from Jay Walljasper looks at how the small town of Albert Lea, MN is embracing walking and a healthy lifestyle. Walking College: We were excited to receive over 70 applications to the Walking College Fellowship Program! Fellowships will be awarded in May and stay tuned to the America Walks website for more on the work being done by the Fellows. Seeking Best Practices for Walking Clubs and Groups America Walks is partnering with member organization Walk2Connect to conduct a national survey of programs that develop, support, and sustain "Walking as a Practice" throughout the country. This important component of the national walking movement emphasizes recreational, spiritual, and healthy lifestyle walking behaviors, as distinct from practical trip walking and designing walkable places. Please let us know the following: What local or national walking clubs, programs, organizations, campaigns, and/or tools are you aware of that specifically focus on increasing walking behavior and practice? How popular/prevalent are these opportunities and what do you find works the best? Please send all ideas, information, and inquiries directly to Jonathon Stalls. Inspiring & Nationwide, we are seeing inspiring acts of advocacy and progress toward the creation of safe and accessible walking conditions for all. Page 2 of 5 America Walks Mail - America Walks April 2015 Newsletter InnovativeLocal and State Highlights 4/30/15, 9:39 AM San Francisco, CA: San Francisco has made great strides in pedestrian safety and placemaking recently. Partners including Walk SF launched the Pedestrian Safety curriculum to teach kids how to walk safe and be smart pedestrians. The city is making sure the kids will have fun and interactive places to walk smart with new efforts to redesign areas including San Francisco's Market Street. Indiana: Health by Design in Indiana is making the most of a Plan4Health grant to develop a pedestrian program and master plan for Indianapolis including developing a plan and implement a campaign to promote walking and walkability, and conducting education for planning and public health professionals statewide. New York City, NY: We aren't the only ones who think New York is a great place to walk. Earlier this month the New York Times Magazine highlighted the magic of New York's available walks as well as the efforts being made to protect the pedestrians who enjoy them. Does your community or advocacy group have a success story you would like to share? Email Heidi Simon to be featured in future newsletters. Recent News America Walks is encouraged by the recent attention walking and walkability is receiving. Vision Zero Network Launches: A collaborative effort to advance the national Vision Zero movement launched with a new website complete with resources and information on the Vision Zero initiative and highlights of the great work being done across the US. Surgeon General Murthy Sworn In: Dr. Vivek H. Murthy was sworn in during a ceremony with Vice-President Joe Biden. Dr. Murthy emphasized his commitment to promoting physical activity as a critical part of a healthy lifestyle and made mention of his upcoming Call to Action on Walking and Walkability. AARP Livability Index: America Walks sponsor AARP released an exciting new resource, the Livability Index. The index combines neighborhood data including housing, transportation and environment to calculate a Livability Score. Page 3 of 5 America Walks Mail - America Walks April 2015 Newsletter 4/30/15, 9:39 AM Other Events and Resources What Caught Our Eye in April Resources and Events Available We Need Your Stories As a new section for the America Walks Newsletters, we want to share with our network some of the interesting things that cross our desk. This series will highlight books, films and other media that adds color to the walking movement and could be interesting to readers. America Walks Webinar Series America Walks wants to hear from our great network to find stories, testimonials and pictures that show examples of the great work you have done. The Apple Watch was a step forward in new technology and Kaiser Permanente is walking in the right direction with a new Every Body Walk! app. The app will engage people looking to add physical activity to their daily lives. Guide for Creaing Safer Communities Advocacy Advance Rapid Response Grants NHTSA 2013 Pedestrian Fact Sheet Smart Growth Community Workshops Project for Public Spaces Great Street Campaign AARP Livability Index We want to highlight the hard work and successful changes communities and local advocates have accomplished on our website and can't do it without your contributions. Those interested in contributing should contact Susan Lyon or visit the Share Your Stories page on our new website. Thank You Sponsors America Walks would like to thank our sponsors for their generous support of this publication and all of the work being done by America Walks to promote the Walkable movement. Thanks for helping to make America a great place to Walk! 8-80 Cities, AARP, Accessible Design for the Blind, Active Living By Design, Active Transportation Alliance, Alliance for Biking & Walking, APBP, APHA, BungyPump, California Walks, Carmanah, CDC, Circulate San Page 4 of 5 America Walks Mail - America Walks April 2015 Newsletter 4/30/15, 9:39 AM Diego, Daniel Rose Law, Eco-Counter, Estey & Bomberger, LLP, Every Body Walk!, Federal Highway Administration, Feet First, Health by Design, Hoosier Rails to Trails Council, Idaho Bike Walk Alliance, Jurewitz Law Group, Kaiser Permanente, Kellogg Foundation, Knight Foundation, Landman Facmily Charitable Trust, Law Offices of Jay S. Knispel, MIG, Inc., Muscle Powered: Citizens for a Bikable and Walkable Carson City, National Association of Realtors, National Physical Activity Society, Nelson Nygaard, Nemours, Orthotic Shop, Partners for Health, PedNet Coalition, PEDS, PhillyWalks, Posternak, Rails to Trails Conservancy, re:Streets, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, S&G Endeavors, Safe Routes to School National Partnership, Sally Flocks Charitable Fund, Sam Schwartz Engineering, Shaping New Jersey, ShoreWalkers, Inc., Swanson, Thomas, Coon and Newton, Synergy, LLC, Tennessee Department of Transportation, The Franklin Law Firm, The Reeves Law Group, TVA Architects, Vermont Bicycle & Pedestrian Coalition, W-Trans, Walkable and Livable Communities Institute, Walk Boston, WalkSacramento, Wallace Consulting & Training, Inc., Weissman-Landman Family Trust Connect with Us America Walks (503)757-8342 PO Box 10581 Portland, Oregon 97296 UNSUBSCRIBE Page 5 of 5
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