Curriculum Vitae Wu, Yuh-Yin, Ph. D. Updated: May, 2015 Professor, Department of Psychology and Counseling Dean, College of Education National Taipei University of Education 134 Hoping East Road, Sec. 2, Taipei 10671, Taiwan 886-2-27321104 ext. 62240, 886-9-11955123(C) Research Interest wisdom of cultivation and education, assessment for learning, validity issues in assessment and research, Adlerian approach counseling and guidance Awards and Honors Distinguished researcher/teacher(特殊優秀人才彈性薪資), Ministry of Education, Taiwan(教育部): 2015-2018 Distinguished researcher(特殊優秀人才), National Science Council, Taiwan(國科會): 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Research project award (研究甲等獎勵), National Science Council, Taiwan (國科會): 1994, 1995, 1999, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Distinguished teacher award(傑出教師), National Taipei University of Education(國立臺北教育大學) 2005 1 Education Years 09/198812/1992 09/198606/1988 09/198107/1985 Degree Department Ph. D. Measurement, Statistics, and Evaluation M. Ed. Counseling and Personnel Services B. A. Foreign Languages and Literature University University of Maryland at College Park, Maryland, USA University of Maryland at College Park, Maryland, USA National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan Major Measurement and Assessment School Counseling Literature and Linguistics Professional Activities Years Institute Country 2012present Dean College of Education, Taipei University of Education, Taiwan Taiwan 2010present 2006-2008 Editor in Chief Journal of Educational Practice and Research National Taipei University of Education (TSSCI) Taipei, Taiwan 2011present Editor Bulletin of Educational Research (TSSCI) Taipei, Taiwan 1998Present Professor Department of Counseling and Psychology, Taipei University of Education Taipei, Taiwan 20082013 Committee Supporting and Consultation Group of Curriculum & Instruction Design for the National Curriculum Guidelines--Life (Grade 1-9) National Institute of Educational Research Taipei, Taiwan 4/200712/2007 Committee National Curriculum Guidelines Revision: Life (Grade 1-9) Ministry of Education Taipei, Taiwan 2009 Visiting Scholar Department of Education Studies, University of Oregon Oregon, USA 2009 Fulbright Foundation of Scholarly Exchange, Washington, 2 Senior Scholar USA D. C., USA 9/2007 Visiting Scholar Freie Universität Berlin, Deutsche (Free University Berlin, Germany) Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG, German Research Foundation (Host: Professor Jorg Ramseger) Berlin Germany 2007-2009 Editor Contemporary Educational Research Quarterly Center for Educational Research, National Taiwan Normal University Taipei, Taiwan 7/20051/2006 Visiting Scholar Department of Educational Studies University of Edinburgh, Scotland (Host: Professor Mary Simpson) Scotland, UK 8/20017/2004 Chair Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling National Taipei University of Education Taipei, Taiwan 8/19997/2000 Visiting Scholar Program of Research and Evaluation Methodology University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder (Host: Professor Lorrie Shepard) Colorado, U.S.A. Publications in the recent years (A)Referred Journal Articles Wu, Y.-Y. (2015). Teachers’ dual responsibilities for academic achievement and character development. In S. Hsu & Y.-Y. Wu (Eds.), Education as cultivation in Chinese culture (pp. 223-239). Springer. (NSC 102-2410-H-152-013) Yen, H.-C., & Wu, Y.-Y. (2015). The conflict between social mobility and individual development. In S. Hsu & Y.-Y. Wu (Eds.), Education as cultivation in Chinese culture (pp. 201-221). Springer. (NSC 101-2410-H-152-013) Hsu, S., & Wu, Y.-Y. (Eds., 2015) Education as cultivation in Chinese culture (Series: Education in the Asia-Pacific region: Issues, concerns and prospects, vol. 26). Springer. (NSC 102-2410-H-152-013) (NSC 101-2410-H-152-013) 3 吳毓瑩、蔡振州(2014)。東 南 亞 裔 新 移 民 女 性 之 子 女 的 學 業 成 就 真 的 比 較 差 嗎 ? 與 本 地 對 照 組 比 較 之 三 年 追 蹤 探 究。教育研究集刊,60 ( 1) , 77-113。 (TSSCI) Wu, Y.-Y., & Tsai, C.-C. (2014). Are they really lagging behind?: A three-year longitudinal comparison of academic performance between the Southeast Asian female immigrants’ children and the local children. Bulletin of Educational Research, 60(1), 77-113.(TSSCI)(In Chinese) 吳毓瑩(2013)。老師的品評智慧。國民教育,53(6),1-9。 Wu, Y.-Y. (2013). Teachers' wisdom of connoisseurship and criticism. Elementary Education, 53(6), 1-9. (In Chinese) 胡君梅、吳毓瑩(2013)。正念減壓(MBSR)團體性質之探究──對照團體治 療與團體諮商。應用心理研究,58,233-250。 Wu, Y.-Y., & Hu, J.-M. (2013). Probe into the essence of MBSR group―comparison with group therapy or group counseling. Research in Applied Psychology, 58, 233-250. (In Chinese) 吳毓瑩、蔡振州、蕭如芬(2011)。東南亞裔新移民母親參與子女學習之狀況與 阻礙。教育學刊,37,1-35。(NSC 95-2420-H-152-001-KES)(TSSCI) Wu, Y.-Y., Tsai, C.-C., & Siao, R.-F. (2011). Southeast Asian immigrant mothers’involvement in their children’s learning. Educational Review, 37, 1-35. (NSC 95-2420-H-152-001-KES)(TSSCI)(In Chinese) 蔡振州、吳毓瑩(2011)。以涵化策略詮釋族群多元文化的另一種可能方向。教 育與多元文化研究期刊,5,1-39。(NSC 94-2420-H-152-001-KES) Wu, Y.-Y., & Tasi, C.-C. (2011). A possible ethnic multicultural approach on acculturatioin strategy. Journal of Educational and Multicultural Research, 5, 1-39. (NSC 94-2420-H-152-001-KES)(In Chinese) 吳毓瑩、蔡振州、蕭如芬(2010)。東南亞裔新移民母親之家長參與及其與子女 學校生活適應之關聯。教育科學研究期刊,55(4),157-186。(NSC 95-2420-H-152-001-KES)(TSSCI) Wu, Y.-Y., Tsai, C.-C., & Siao, R.-F. (2010). Parental involvement of Southeastern Asian female immigrants and its relationship to their children’s school life adjustments. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 55(4), 157-186. (NSC 95-2420-H-152-001-KES)(TSSCI)(In Chinese) 4 胡惠絮、吳毓瑩、徐式寬(2010)。長高──教學評量實踐知識的意象內涵與運 作。課程與教學季刊,13(4),111-131。(NSC 96-2413-H-152-013-MY3) (TSSCI) Hu, H.-H., Wu, Y.-Y., & Hsu, S.-K., (2010). Growing tall: The image and operation of a teacher’s practical knowledge of assessment in instruction. Curriculum & Instruction Quarterly, 13(4), 111-131. ( NSC 96-2413-H-152-013-MY3 ) (TSSCI)(In Chinese) 陸希平、吳毓瑩、陳美足、陳美惠(2010)。醫學教育未來發展之重要趨勢探討: 課程與教學。教育研究與發展期刊,6(2) ,87-112。 (NSC 94-2516-S-303-001) Luh, S.-P., Wu, Y.-Y., Chen, M.-T., & Chen, M.-H. (2010). Trends in the development of medical education: Curriculum and instruction. Journal of Educational Research and Development, 6(2), 87-112. ( NSC 94-2516-S-303-001)(In Chinese) 吳毓瑩、呂金燮、吳昭容(2009)。重讀幾何思維的階層論:載體理論的啟示。 科學教育學刊,17(2),157-177。(TSSCI) Wu, Y.-Y, Lu, C.-H., & Wu, C.-J. (2009). Reconsidering the hierarchical view in geometric thinking from the perspective of genre theory. Chinese Journal of Science Education, 17(2), 157-177. (TSSCI)(In Chinese) 吳毓瑩、陳彥名、張郁雯、陳淑惠、何東憲、林俊吉(2009)。以常態混組模型 討論書籤標準設定法對英語聽讀基本能力標準設定有效性之輻合證據。教育 心理學報,41(1),69-90。(TSSCI) Wu, Y.-Y., Chen, Y.-M., Chang, Y., and Chen, S.-H., & He, T.-H. (2009). Normal mixture model as convergent validity evidence to bookmark standard setting of English reading and listening ability. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 41(1),69-90。(TSSCI)(In Chinese) 林怡呈與吳毓瑩(2008)。多元評量的活化、迷思、與神話─教學歷程的個案研 究。課程與教學季刊,11(1),147-172。 Lin, Y.-C., & Wu, Y.-Y. (2008). Activation, misconception, and myth of classroom assessment: A case study. Curriculum & Instruction Quarterly, 11(1), 147-172.(In Chinese) 吳毓瑩(2008)。華人教養之道的探詢──全球視野在地理解。載於呂金燮、吳 毓瑩、吳麗君、林偉文、柯秋雪、徐式寬、袁汝儀、蔡敏玲、閻鴻中(合著), 華人教養智慧──若水(頁 3-24)。台北:心理。 Wu, Y.-Y. (2008). Chinese way of cultivation: Local understanding with global perspective. In C.-H. Lu, Y.-Y. Wu, L.-C. Wu, W.-W. Lin, C.-H. Ke, S.-K. Hsu, 5 R.-Y. Yuan, M.-L. Tsai, & H.-C. Yan (Authors.), wisdom of Chinese way of cultivation (pp. 3-24). Taipei: Psychological Publishing. (In Chinese) 羅逸群與吳毓瑩(2007)。高職學生性別角色特質與生涯發展阻礙的關係。國民 教育雙月刊,48(1),56-62。 Lo, Y.-C., & Wu, Y.-Y. (2007). The relationship between gender role trait and career barriers of vocational high school students. Compulsory Education, 48(1), 56-62.(In Chinses) 魯俊賢與吳毓瑩(2007) 。過程技能之二階段實作評量:規劃、實踐與效益探究。 科學教育學刊,15(2) ,215-239。 Lu, C.-H., &Wu, Y.-Y. (2007). Conducting a performance assessment on designing and implementing experiments in physical sciences. Chinese Journal of Science Education, 15(2), 215-239. (In Chinese) 蕭玉佳與吳毓瑩(2006)。成長路上話成長:幼稚園學習歷程檔案建構之行動與 省思。應用心理研究,32(4),217-244。 Hsiao, Y.-C., & Wu, Y.-Y. (2006). Growing up: Reflections on the implementation of portfolio assessment in early childhood education. Research in Applied Psychology, 32(4), 217-244. (In Chinese) 魯俊賢、陳美英、吳毓瑩(2005)。過程技能能力要項藉由能力指標聚焦並轉化 成實作評量設計之行動研究。當代教育研究,13(4),95-131。 Lu, C.-H., Chen, M.-Y., & Wu, Y.-Y. (2005). An action research of a performance assessment design on assessing students’ ability of conducting experiments. Contemporary Educational Research Quarterly, 13(4), 99-132. (In Chinese) 吳毓瑩(2005)。回訪春天─新移民女性的學校參與之直接與間接的影響。學生 輔導,97,28-37。 Wu, Y.-Y. (2005). School Participation of the female south eastern Asian immigrants. Student Guidance, 97, 28-37.(In Chinese) (C) Conference Presentations Wu, Y.-Y., Chang, Y.-T., Wu, S.-Y., Wu, S.-C., Chang, Y.-S., Wu, J. (2014, May). The Wonders of being human: Suffering and overcoming. Paper presented at 6 Paper presented at the 2014 North American Society of Adlerian Psychology Conference (NASAP), Chicago, IL, USA. Chang, Y-.S., Wu, J., Wu, S.-C., & Wu, Y.-Y. (2013, June). How to encourage? Five angles to convey--an Adlerian encouragement training program for parents and teachers. Paper presented at the 2013 North American Society of Adlerian Psychology Conference (NASAP), San Diego, CA, USA. Wu, Y.-Y., Chang, Y-.S., Wu, J., Wu, S.-C., & (2013, June). Discouraging factors of practices of encouragement. Paper presented at the 2013 North American Society of Adlerian Psychology Conference (NASAP), San Diego, CA, USA. Wu, S.-C., Chang, Y. –S., Wu, J., & Wu, Y.-Y. (2013, June). Adlerian Teacher training program on guidance: Development and effects on beliefs and practices. Paper presented at the 2013 North American Society of Adlerian Psychology Conference (NASAP), San Diego, CA, USA. Wu, Y. Y., Hu, J. M., Chien, Y. J., Huang, Y. N., Wu, T. E., & Hsiung, P. C. (2013, April). Experiences in increasing capacity of self-care and letting go: MBSR for Chinese women with breast cancer. Paper presented at the 2013 Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO) Conference, Ottawa, Canada. Hsiung, P. C., Hu, J. M., Huang, Y. N., Chien, Y. J., Wu, T. E., & Wu, Y. Y. (2013, April). Effect of mindfulness-based stress reduction on psychological status, sleep quality and quality of life in women with breast cancer in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 2013 Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO) Conference, Ottawa, Canada. Hsiung, P. C., Wu, Y.-Y., Lai, N. H., Huang, Z. H., Ho, P. S., Wu, M. F. & Lin, W. C. (2013, April). Is quality of life better for women with breast cancer who volunteer? Paper presented at the 2013 Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO) Conference, Ottawa, Canada. Wu, Y.-Y., & Tseng, P.-K. (2012, June). Connoisseurship and criticism--practical wisdom in assessing students in the classroom. Paper presented at the 6th European Conference on Positive Psychology, Moscow, Russia. ( NSC 100-2410-H-152-024) 7 吳毓瑩(2012)。是教學卓越?還是教學卓越計畫?從具身性到客體化的轉變。 臺灣教育評論月刊,1(4),8-10。(NSC 100-2410-H-152 -024) Wu, Y.-Y. (2012). Between teaching excellently and Program for Promoting Teaching Excellence: From embodiment to objectification. Taiwan Educational Review, 1(4), 8-10. (NSC 100-2410-H-152 -024) 吳毓瑩(2012,5 月) 。多元價值社會中教師的雙重任務:現代性與後現代性。 分享華人世界教育智慧學術研討會,南京師範大學,中國。( NSC 100-2410-H-152-024) Wu, Y.-Y. (2012, May). Teachers’ dual roles in value pluralism society: Modernity and post-modernity. Paper presented at the Symposium on Chinese Education Wisdom, Nanjing, China. ( NSC 100-2410-H-152-024) (In Chinese) 吳毓瑩(2012,5 月) 。現代與後現代交錯──藝術領域多元評量的實踐與展望。 發表於「展望十二年國教之教育與藝術領域多元評量」學術研討會。國立 台北藝術大學,關渡,臺灣。 Wu, Y.-Y. (2012, May). Weaving modernity into postmodernity: The practice and prospect of multiple modes of assessment in art learning. Paper presented at the Symposium on Multiple Modes of Assessment in Education and Art Learning in 12-year Compulsory Education, Guandu, Taiwan. (In Chinese) 吳毓瑩(2012, 3 月) 。升學主義的代罪羔羊何罪之後?十二年國教成功之關鍵。 十二年國教人才培育座談會。台大師培中心,臺灣。( NSC 100-2410-H-152-024) Wu, Y.-Y. (2012, March). The scapegoat of credentialism: The key of 12-year compulsory education’s success. Paper presented at Human Resource Development of 12-year Compulsory Education, Taipei, Taiwan. ( NSC 100-2410-H-152-024) (In Chinese) Wu, Y.-Y. (2010, December). A virtual role play in reality: Taking over a school as a pre-service teachers’ practicum project. Paper presented at the 2nd East Asian International Conference on Teacher Education Research, Hong Kong. (NSC 96-2413-H-152-013-MY3) Wu, Y.-Y., Hu, H.-H., Hsu, W.-T., & Hsu, S. (2010, December). The growing of teacher’s practical knowledge on learning assessment—As wise as water. Paper 8 presented at the 2nd East Asian International Conference on Teacher Education Research, Hong Kong. (NSC 96-2413-H-152-013-MY3) Wu, Y.-Y., Tsai, C.-C., & Siao, R.-F. (2010, August). Parental involvement of south east Asian female immigrants and the relationship to their children’s school life adjustments. Paper presented at The International Conference of 4th Asian Congress of Health Psychology, Taipei, Taiwan. Tsai, C.-C., & Wu, Y.-Y. (2010, August). An interpretation to ethnic multiculturalism on acculturation strategy. Paper presented at The International Conference of 4th Asian Congress of Health Psychology, Taipei, Taiwan. Chang, Y.-W., & Wu, Y.-Y. (2010, August). Attitudes of housework fairness, co-parenting, and activity status of south eastern Asian female immigrants: A comparison between the immigrant and the local. Paper presented at The International Conference of 4th Asian Congress of Health Psychology, Taipei, Taiwan. Wu, Y.-Y., & Hu, H.-H. (2010, June). Growing tall—Image and operation of a teacher’s practical knowledge of classroom assessment. Paper presented at the European Conference on Positive Psychology, Copenhagen, Denmark. (NSC 96-2413-H-152-013-MY3) 蔡振州、吳毓瑩(2008 年 12 月)。涵化理論在台灣之跨文化意義。論文發表於 2008 台灣教育學術研討會-e 世代的教育與師資培育:研究、創新與評鑑, 國立台北教育大學,台北,台灣。 Tsai, C.-C., & Wu, Y.-Y. (2008, December). The transcultural meaning of cultivation theory in Taiwan. Paper presented at 2008 Taiwan Education Symposium on Education and Teacher Education in E-generation, Taipei, Taiwan. (In Chinese) 蕭如芬、吳毓瑩(2008 年 10 月)。東南亞裔新移民女性家長參與及其子女學校 生活適應之關聯。論文發表於臺灣輔導諮商學會 2008 年會暨學術研討會, 台灣輔導諮商學會,彰化,台灣。 Siao, R.-F., & Wu, Y.-Y. (2008, October). Parental involvement of Southeastern Asian female immigrants and its relationship to their children’s school life adjustments. Paper presented at 2008 Taiwan Guidance and Counseling Association Annual Meeting and Symposium, Changhua, Taiwan. (In Chinese) 9 彭佳伶、吳毓瑩(2008 年 10 月)。東南亞裔新移民家庭語言環境與子女學業成 就之關連。論文發表於 2008 年第 47 屆台灣心理年會,台灣心理學會,台北, 台灣。 Peng, C.-L., & Wu, Y.-Y. (2008, October). The domestic language environment of Southeastern Asian immigrant family and its relationship to children’s academic achievement. Paper presented at 2008 Taiwan Psychology Annual meeting, Taipei, Taiwan. (In Chinese) 張淳熙、吳毓瑩(2008 年 10 月)。從文化資本與社會資本探究東南亞裔新移民 子女學業成就與自我效能之共變結構模式。論文發表於 2008 年第 47 屆台 灣心理年會,台灣心理學會,台北,台灣。 Chang, C.-S., & Wu, Y.-Y. (2008, October). The inquiry into covariance structure model of Southeastern Asian immigrant children’s academic achievement and self-efficacy in terms of cultural capital and social capital. Paper presented at 2008 Taiwan Psychology Annual meeting, Taipei, Taiwan. (In Chinese) Wu, Y.-Y., & Yuan, M.-M. (2008, January). The effect of achievement level and self-esteem on self assessing quality and writing performance. Paper presented at the 2008 Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu, Hawaii, January 5th-8th, 2008. Lo, I.-C., &Wu, Y.-Y. (2008, January). How gender and gender-role traits relate to vocational high school students’ perception about their career barriers. Paper presented at the 2008 Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu, Hawaii, January 5th-8th, 2008. Wu, Y.-Y., & Peng, C.-L. (2007, September). What makes difference on school achievement of the south eastern Asian immigrants’ children at Taiwan? Paper presented at the “16. Jahrestagung der Kommission „Grundschulforschung und Pädagogik der Primarstufe“ of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE), Freie Universität Berlin, September 24th-26th, 2007. (16th Annual Conference of the Commission for Teaching and Research into Primary Education of the German Association for Education (DGfE): Lack of Equal Opportunities in Primary Education: Causes and Possible Solutions, Free University Berlin) 10 林俊吉與吳毓瑩(2007 年 6 月)。兒童分數概念能力之探究。論文發表於 2007 國小數學認知與評量研討會,2007 年 6 月 15 日。屏東,台灣:屏東教育大 學。 Lin, J. J., & Wu, Y.-Y.. (2007, July). Developing an item bank of fraction concepts. Paper presented at the Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Symposium (PROMS), July 17-19, 2007. Linkou, Taiwan. (In Chinese) 吳毓瑩與彭佳伶(2007 年 3 月)。東南亞裔新移民女性之子女的學業成就議題: 統計顯著差異與意義。論文發表於第六屆台英學術研討會:多元社會中的教 育領導 3/22/2007。台北:台灣師範大學。 Wu, Y.-Y., & Peng, C.-L. (2007, March). School achievement differences between the immigrants’ children and local children. Paper presented at the sixth Taiwan-UK joint conference: Educational leadership in the multicultural society. Taipei. (In Chinese) Wu, Y.-Y.., & Wang, H.-Y. (2006, May). The effects of interpersonal social statuses and assessment training on children’s peer assessment quality. Paper presented at the Second World Curriculum Studies Conference, May 21-24, 2006, Tampere, Finland. Wu, Y.-Y., Hsia, H.-C., Huang, Y.-F., & Chen, H.-Y. (2005, May). The path model of school life of the second generation of transnational marriages in Taiwan: implications for conversion of economic capitals to cultural capitals. Paper presented at the International Sociological Association Research Committee 28 (RC28) on Social Stratification and Mobility Oslo Meeting. Oslo, Norway, May 5-8, 2005. 11
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