RESEARCH PAPERS CALL TO OPEN ACCESS INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS Professional & Innovative Research Publications Prague, Czech Republic, «BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC HORIZONS» / BEH INTERNATIONAL PEER-REVIEWED RESEARCH JOURNAL, VOLUME 11/ISSUE 2, 2015: Deadline - until the JUNE 20, 2015 ISSN 1804-1205 (Print), ISSN 1804-5006 (Online) Submission format can be downloaded at BEH – Peer-reviewed research and open-access journal, VOLUME 11, 2015 Thematic area: The macroeconomic policy (the monetary and tax-budgetary policies, their influence on business environment); Reforms in real sector (manufacturing, agriculture, non financial services); Development and management of regional economies; Social policy and labor market; Economics, finance and management in enterprises; Direct foreign investments and foreign trade, international economics and regional integration; Development of a financial system (banks, insurance and investment companies, infrastructure of financial market); Financial and economic crises. Other questions and subjects considered topical in understanding economic architecture and performance in the context of financial crisis Structure and format of papers: Submission format can be downloaded at The volume of paper should be at least 10 pages, but desirably not exceeding 20 pages of А4 format. It is a general recommendation and good papers could be accepted in size less than 10. Articles must be written on English. Papers should be printed in MS Word, Time New Roman font (size 12), with 1.5 interval. Tables and pictures must be handled with MS Word drawing tools and supported by source references. Literature references should be placed in the end of paper and represented in required form (see Papers should be provided by the following requisites: Name of paper; JEL codes; List of keywords Summary in the beginning (a maximum of 150 words). References in required form At the end of paper author should precisely specify the following: first name and surname; scientific degree; country of citizenship; affiliated with a given author a research or other organization (company); e-mails (main and alternative); phones with codes (office and mobile); the convenient detailed post address, on which author wishes to receive the journal after printing. Given publications should have research character and must be based on principles of scientific and a professional etiquette. The papers are subject for peer-review process by editorial and independent experts. Publication fee: Article processing fee is 150 Euro, due to pay only after accepting the paper by Editorial Board. Average delivery cost to provide the main author with hard copy makes 10 Euro. Producing reviewed, edited, and formatted article, maintaining it online around the clock and in electronic indexing archives and data bases assume adequate funding. BEH is not subsidized/sponsored periodical and performs as fee-based open access journal. In this model we require payment on behalf of the author, i.e. we charge authors of accepted papers at optimized and effective rates as minor part of a costs incurred by a researcher during the whole research cycle including final publishing. The paper will be printed with ISSN 1804-1205 (Print) and placed online ISSN 1804-5006 (Online) with open access to a global reader. The undergone peer-reviewed process papers are published also on-line for free open access to maximize authors’ value. Paper submission deadline: Electronic copies of paper must be sent to: no later than June 20, 2015.
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