——————————— The Peconic Bay Shopper • guest at this very house. Between the building’s unusual architecture and Helen Keller’s historical significance, I decided it was a place worthy of being preserved. With only a few months to spare, I raised enough local and nationwide support for saving the house, that I was able to appear in front of the Suffolk County Legislature. I was no longer the only one who wanted to see Helen Keller’s former summer home become a landmark. I gave the Legislature a brief history of the house, and stressed why I, and my community, wanted to save it. To gather information, I contacted Olive Rogers Penfield. She remembered meeting Helen when she was a young girl, when her father and realtor, Ed Dickenson, took her to greet the three women that were going to be renting the house. One of her most significant memories was that Helen noticed her little dog, without even being able to see or hear it. Preserving Local History • April 2015 ——————————— Helen Keller House, circa 1950 courtesy of Maryann Strauss Sewell 13 14 ——————————— The Peconic Bay Shopper • Preserving Local History Interior photos of the quaint house, circa 1996. • April 2015 ——————————— ——————————— The Peconic Bay Shopper • It is scheduled for demolition once again. Preserving Local History • April 2015 ——————————— Next, I contacted Maryann Strauss Sewell. She informed me about how the house was transferred from her parents to the county, and her attempt to buy it back. Upon recognizing my community’s concern for saving the house, Suffolk County agreed to postpone the demolition. Although I had much support, I ran into obstacles with getting the house’s history properly documented and received by several organizations. By this point, the house had grown even more unstable, and would have needed to be rebuilt almost entirely. If the house had been confirmed an official historic landmark, there would have been a much greater chance for its survival, even if much of it had to be reconstructed. Since 2010, the house has continued, as it has been for the past fifty years or so, to deteriorate. Suffolk County has stated that it is scheduled for demolition, once again. Since the house is on the verge of collapsing completely, there is not much one can do to save it, now. The best way to look at this situation, at least for those who appreciate the history of this place, is to accept it as a mistake made by Suffolk County, and to learn from it. Most importantly, Helen and Annie’s presence on the Long Island’s East End should never be forgotten. J Since 1954 “Think First!” HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING You Don’t Wait Until It Rains to Buy an Umbrella, so... Why Would You Wait Until It’s Hot to Get Air Conditioning? Introducing Flanders’ Pre-Season AC Savings Event!* Right Now Get Up to 1000 $ One Full Year of In Instant Rebates + 0% APR Financing Why Flanders for Air Conditioning? Because we tackle the tough jobs – the ones other companies don’t want to take. The technically demanding ones. The most exacting LEED-certified jobs. The high-tech custom ones. Because we’re 100% Certified, and have decades of design and installation experience. Why Else? Because we’re honest, and fair. And because we take the time to sit down with you and never sell, but always solve. Your problem. Your challenge. Fit to Your Budget. And we back it up today with our total satisfaction guarantee – and over the long haul with 24/7 service you can trust. That’s Why. Get Your Cool Comfort Solution Now – Call Flanders Today! 24/7 Emergency Service Serving ALL of Eastern Suffolk www.Flandershvac.com 100% Certified Technicians 727-2760 Heating, Cooling & Comfort Since 1954 24/7 EMERGENcY SERvIcE *As a PSEG-Approved Cool Homes Contractor, Flanders can offer you up to $1000 in Rebates. Offer applies to qualifying high-efficiency installations and/or upgrades. Add’l rebate programs available. Financing subject to approval. See dealer for details. Offer expires 04/30/15. ©2015 LGM creative, LLC/631.775.7844 15 16 ——————————— The Peconic Bay Shopper • Preserving Local History • April 2015 ——————————— Continued from page 9.... FAMOUS BOAT BUILT IN GREENPORT: In 1876 Frederick Chase Beebe, co-designer of the Beebe- McClellan Life-Saving boat opened a boat building shop at the foot of Ludlum Place in Greenport. Three years later, Beebe and Captain C.H. McLellan, head of the United States Life Saving Service, designed a surf boat (shown here in East Marion). The boat was “self-bailing” and “self-righting”. Hundreds of these boats were built in Greenport and shipped all over the United States and to many European countries. ——————————— The Peconic Bay Shopper • Preserving Local History • April 2015 ——————————— 17 UNITED STATES LIFE-SAVING STATION AT ROCKY POINT, EAST MARION: The U.S. life-saving service was begun in 1848 and the Rocky Point station was formed in 1896. It was built in a style unique to Long Island called “Duluth” and cost $6,800. to construct. Among the original crew members were Captain Harvey Brown, George Clark, Porter Rackett, William Paterson, Selden Case, George Udell and Isaac Hallock. The station had a rescue wagon on wheels, first aid equipment, a breeches buoy and a Lyle cannon. All the life-saving stations on Long Island used the Beebe-McClellan boats built in Greenport. William H. Reinhardt was the first keeper of the Rocky Point station. The Life Saving Service and the Revenue Cutter Service merged in 1915 to become the United States Coast Guard. 18 ——————————— The Peconic Bay Shopper • Preserving Local History • April 2015 ——————————— LIST YOUR EVENTS! Our monthly listings are free to all non-profit organizations and fundraisings. Email: rita@academyprintingservices.com C.A.S.T. SUPERMARKET FOOD DRIVES KICK-OFF saturday april 11 Many people in Southold Town suffer from food shortage and rely on C.A.S.T.’s Food Pantry for food assistance. C.A.S.T.’s first Supermarket Food Drive of the season will take place on Saturday, April 11th at the following locations: Greenport IGA: 9:30am - 1:30pm Southold IGA: 9:45am - 1:45pm, King Kullen, Cutchogue: 10:00am - 2:00pm Waldbaums, Mattituck: 10:15am - 2:15pm. C.A.S.T. conducts four Supermarket Food Drives a year. The next C.A.S.T. Food Drive will be held on Saturday, June 13th. C.A.S.T.’s food pantry is a valuable resource that helps struggling families stretch their monthly budget by providing basic food items. If you are unable to make a contribution to the food drive at a local supermarket on April 11th, but wish to make a contribution, look for C.A.S.T. collection bins at stores, where non-perishable food items can be dropped. In addition, C.A.S.T. accepts donations of non-perishable food items and gift cards, at its Greenport office Monday through Friday from 9-12pm and 1-5pm. “Neighbors helping Neighbors” – please consider helping in any way you can. For info: 477-1717. A NIGHT AT THE RR MUSEUM SATURDAY APRIL 11 The Board of Trustees of the Railroad Museum of Long Island, in partnership with the Metopolitan Division of the Train Collector’s Association, is pleased to announce our third annual “Night at the Museum” to be held on the Museum grounds at 476 Griffing Avenue, across from Riverhead’s Long Island Raiload Station from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Admission for children 8 - 14 yrs. $20, parent or guardian: FREE. Please register at www.rmli.org This is an educational Museum event geared toward youngsters interested in model building. Our focus is to introduce the concepts of building a model train layout, including electricity, scenery, painting, trackwork and the history of toy trains and their relationship to people on Long Island. By the end of the evening, each child will have built his or her own model diorama from materials provided. Each participant must be accompanied by an adult. Class space is limited to ten (10) children and ten (10) adults. Questions? Contact Don Fisher: 637-765-2757 or dfisher@rmli.us. “HOBBLING THROUGH SOUTHOLD” NOW THROUGH MAY 2 The Southold Historical Society is hosting an exhibition that discusses the changing streetscape of Main Road in Southold during the 19th century. This exhibit entitled “Hobbling Through Southold” is in the Cosden-Price Gallery in the Reichert Family Center, 54127 Main Road, Southold, is based upon a series of articles that were published in the Long Island Traveler in 1898. The articles went by the byline “Hobbles” when they were first published and were composed of the memories of at least two older men who called themselves “The Old Traveler Boys.” Both men had grown up in Southold and used their memories to paint a picture of how Main Road had changed during their lifetimes, particularly since 1848. At least one of the men involved in creating the original newspaper columns is known. His name was J. Horton Case (1830-1904). He was a farmer and lived on Main Road next door to the Cleveland-Gagen Blacksmith shop (present location of Jasmine Lane). Later in life he worked for local newspapers and as a fertilizer dealer. “The kind of information they impart is invaluable as it would be almost impossible to find from other published sources,” stated Geoffrey K. Fleming, Director of the Society. This includes information on owners, their families, as well as interesting events that happened at the sites. One of these comments related to the property of Michael Stelzer, located just west of the present day Wayside Market, and a terrible outbreak of disease which nearly wiped out his entire family. As one of articles noted “Next we come to Michael Steltzer’s who in 1811 lost in one week seven children between the ages of 9 months and 10 years to diphtheria. In one afternoon there were brought to his house four coffins to receive his dead.” The exhibit will be on display through May 2, Thursday-Saturday, 1-4pm. For more info (631) 765-5500 or visit us online at www.southoldhistoricalsociety.org. Chinese Auction Fundraiser SATURDAY APRIL 11 The Southold Historical Society special fundraiser Chinese Auction will be held at the Peconic Recreation Center, 970 Peconic Lane, Peconic, 11am to 4pm. The ‘Honest Abe’ fundraiser will benefit the conservation and preservation of the Society’s rare Civil War “Wide Awake” parade banner. The banner was originally created for the Mattituck “Wide Awake” Club. The “Wide Awakes” were a paramilitary campaign organization affiliated with the American Republican Party during the United States Presidential election of 1860. Local newspapers report that on the day before the election of 1860, the “Wide Awake” groups of the North Fork marched in a torchlight parade through Southold in support of Abraham Lincoln’s election. The Mattituck Club is mentioned as marching in that parade. The banner survived mostly intact over the years, but it does require preservation work to ensure its long term survival. At the Chinese Auction, there will be a large selection of special items, including elaborate gift baskets, fine jewelry, and art. Those who attend need not be present to win and will be notified the following Monday. ELIH AUXILIARY FUNDRAISER SATURDAY & SUNDAY APRIL 11 & 12 Celebrate the Grand Opening of the Crinoline Fashion Boutique and the Eastern Long Island’s Hospital Auxiliary “Ladies in Pink” in honor of National Volunteer Week. A percentage of all sales during the weekend will benefit the ELIH Auxiliary. Crinoline Fashion Boutique, “a lifestyle clothing store for women with gifts for men”, is located at 449 Main St, Greenport. SCHS RECEPTION THURSDAY APRIL 16 Opening & Dedication of the newly restored Noel J. Gish Sr. Gallery will be held from 6 - 8 PM at the Suffolk County Historical Society, 300 W. Main St., Riverhead. Built in 1933 as the headquarters of SCHS, our Georgian revival site has undergone a major renovation of its East Wing as a magnificent gallery space. Not seen by the general public since 1984, the new gallery is being dedicated to Noel J. Gish Sr., a local history educator and author who has served on the SCHS Board for over 25 years. Member $20 NonMember $30 Friend $50 Patron $100. Wine and hors d’oeuvres will be served. RSVP and prepayment required. 631-727-2881 x106 or kmckillop@schs-museum.org. The newly restored gallery will feature a Maritime Painting Exhibition curated by the J. Russell Jinishian Gallery, Inc. About the art: Joseph B. Smith, The Bark James L. Davis on Long Island Sound, c. 1857. Oil on canvas, 24” x 36”. Courtesy J. Russell Jinishian Gallery, Inc. Annual APRIL SHOWERS DINNER THURSDAY APRIL 16 The Southold Historical Society April Showers Dinner will be held at the Sound View Restaurant, Route 48, Greenport from noon until 8 pm. Choice of roast chicken, fish, or vegetarian entrée will be available, and an exciting cash raffle will take place during the evening. Tickets for the dinner are $25 (includes tip) and tickets for the raffle are $1 each or 6 for $5. Dinner tickets can be purchased at the Southold Historical Society Headquarters located in the Prince Building on Main Road, from 9-4 Monday-Friday, or at the Sound View Restaurant on the day of the event. Takeout will also be available. For more info: (631) 765-5500. NEW YORK STATE BOATING COURSE APRIL 18TH - MAY 16TH Mattituck Laurel Library in conjunction with the NYS Office of Parks, Recreation, Historic Preservation will be hosting a NYS Boating Course. The course is required for all youngsters ages 10-18. Those born on or after May 1, 1996 who plan to operate a boat alone, youngsters ages of 14, and older who plan to operate a jet ski are also required to take a boating course. Course will be held on Saturday, April 18 - May 16, from 10 AM to noon at Mattituck-Laurel Library, 13900 Main Rd., Mattituck. All students are required to attend all sessions to be certified. A parent or guardian is to be present on the first day of class. Must preregister at the library. Class is limited to 25 students, $10 will be charged for materials. For more info contact the Mattituck-Laurel Library at 631-298-4134. Antiques Fair & Bake Sale SATURDAY & SUNDAY APRIL 18 & 19 The Old Town Arts & Crafts Guild in Cutchogue is hosting 2 special events: Antiques Fair & Country Bake Sale, Indoor/Outdoor - 8:00am - 5:00pm. Historical Art Collections of the North Fork Saturday - April 18 - Gallery open; Sunday, April 19, Guest speaker & Book signing by Geoffrey Fleming 1-4 pm. Gallery open April 25 & 26, Sat. & Sun. Main Road, Cutchogue. For more info, check us out on the web: www.oldtownartsguild.org SOUTHOLD SUNSHINE SOCIETY GAME DAY MONDAY APRIL 27 The Southold Sunshine Society Inc. is holding its 9th Annual Fundraising event on Monday, April 27 at the Wharf House and Founders Landing in Southold. Along with the scenic setting, attendees will enjoy a sandwich luncheon and an afternoon of game playing, complete with a prize for the high score at each table. Admission is $15 per person. Pre-registration is necessary. Contact Anne Swanson to make your reservation at 765-5735. Space is limited. Gather your foursome, select and bring the game of your choice, and make your reservation. The folks of the Southold Sunshine Society look forward to greeting you at 12 Noon for lunch. Games will continue until 3 PM. SOUTHOLD ROTARY DINNER TUESDAY APRIL 28 Join the Southold Rotary any time between noon and 8pm for a great dinner at the Soundview Restaurant, Greenport. Donation $20. Takeout available. Tickets may be purchased from Rudy Bruer (631-765-5100), Soundview (631-477-0666), Barbara Ackermann 631-298-5868, or any Southold Rotarian. Proceeds to benefit club projects. annual Achievement Day & Craft Exhibit FRIDAY MAY 1 Riverhead – Jamesport Homemakers will hold its Annual Achievement Day & Craft Exhibit Held from 11AM to 1PM at the George Young Community Center, South Jamesport Ave., Jamesport. Free admission. Free refreshments will be served. In addition to the display of the member’s crafts, there will be raffles of handmade items and theme baskets, a special quilt raffle, a plant sale, and homemade cookies for sale. For more info call: Loretta Buscemi @ 631-298-4084 FREE CONCERT SUNDAY MAY 3 The Riverhead No Doubt World Famous Monday Night Band closes its 69th season with a free concert. Operating with the Riverhead School District and directed by John Eyre, you are invited to attend the final concert in the Howard Hovey Auditorium in the Pulaski Street School, Riverhead. The program includes a wide variety of styles to please all musical tastes including marches, works by Alfred Reed, Edward Elgar, Camille SaintSaens, and John Williams. Special highlights include Recorded by Sinatra and Selections from three Broadway hits: Carousel, Music Man, and The Sound of Music. We invite you join us and enjoy an afternoon of live music performance. The concert begins at 2:00 p.m. Admission is free and the school is handicapped accessible. For information please call our director at 631-727-6538. ——————————— The Peconic Bay Shopper • Preserving Local History Cassatt String Quartet on Saturday May 9 The internationally celebrated Cassatt String Quartet (Muneko Otani, violin, Jennifer Leshnower, violin, Marka Gustavsson, viola - substituting for Cassatt violist, Sarah Adams, and Elizabeth Anderson, cello) performs a soul-stirring concert at 7:30PM at the Jamesport Meeting House, 1590 Main Road, Jamesport. Works on the program include Franz Schubert Quartet D. 810, Death and the Maiden, Jamesport Meeting House composer-in-residence and Columbia University professor, Peter Susser String Quartet No. 1, and former Cutchogue native, Douglas Moore String Quartet. Tickets are $20 in advance or $25 at the door, and for students, $8 in advance or $10 at the door. Call 631.722.5170 or access the Jamesport Meeting House on the web. 23rd ANNUAL GOLF CLASSIC WEDNESDAY MAY 13 Eastern Long Island Hospital is pleased to celebrate the life and legacy of John Romanelli at the Golf Classic to be held at Gardiner’s Bay Country Club, Shelter Island. Participation directly supports patient care, specifically the Emergency Department, a service vital to all 25,000 year-round North Fork and Shelter Island residents and summer visitors. Highlights of the day include 18 holes of golf with tournament and hole-in-one prizes, a bbq lunch, grab and go sandwiches at halfway, cocktails, dinner and awards ceremony. “Due to the growing popularity of the event and the fact that we are remembering John, we anticipate this Golf Classic to sell out early,” notes David Fujita, Golf Classic CoChair. “In an effort to accommodate as many golfers as possible and speed play, we are offering two tee time options, a morning start at 8:30 am and an afternoon start at 1:30 pm. Tickets will also be available to attend the dinner for family and friends including John’s wife, Heather, a former employee of ELIH and his children, Tara and Ethan.” Sponsorships are vital to the success of the event, all sponsorship opportunities offer signage on the course, media recognition, pre and post event publicity, commemorative scroll inscription and ELIH website listing. Cost for individual golfers is $295. Dinner tickets are $100pp. For more info call (631) 477-5164 or visit www.ELIH.org/Golf. FLOYD MEMORIAL LIBRARY 539 First Street, Greenport • 631-477-0660 floydmemoriallibrary.org • All Welcoome! ADULT PROGRAMS April 12: Here’s to the Ladies: A concert with a twist 3pm April 11: Friends of the Library Meeting, 1pm April 15: Friends of the Library Meeting, 1pm Mystery Book Discussion, 3:30pm April 22: Orient Outreach, 1-3pm April 24: Brunch Poems, 10:30am Death Café 7, 3-5pm April 27: Book Discussion, 2pm at Library, 4pm at Peconic Landing April 29: Community Gift Circle, 6pm May 1: Preserving Plum Island for Future Generations, 6pm Ongoing: Mondays & Wednesdays, 6:15-7:45pm: ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) Tuesdays, April 14, 21, 6:30-7:30pm: Mindfulness Meditation Wednesdays, 12noon-4pm: Scrabble Wednesdays, 11am: Qi Gong & T’ai Chi, Films: Thursdays at 6pm April 15: Mona Lisa is Missing April 16: 400 Blows April 30: The Loved One CHILDRENS PROGRAMS April 18: April Showers Craft, 11am Ongoing: Mondays 10am: Toddler Time. Apr. 13, 20, 27 Tuesdays, 5:30pm: Drop-In Crafts Thursdays, 10-11:30am: Free Play Movies: Wednesdays at 3:30pm April 8: Max & Ruby-Sweet Siblings April 15: Night at the Museum Secret of the Tomb April 22: Penguins of Madagascar April 29: Jasper-Journey to the End of the World TEEN PROGRAMS April 10: Knittin’ Around, 1pm Movie: Teen Anime Movie Choice, 5pm April 12: Teen Advisory Board Meeting, 3pm April 15: Books & Cookies, 6pm April 17 & April 24: Board Games, 6pm April 22: LEGO Lounge, 6pm April 29: Manga Madness, 6pm Ongoing: Homework Hangout 3-5pm on School Days • April 2015 ——————————— 19 Life Jacket World Record Day! Saturday MAY 16 Peconic Bay Power Squadron, eastern Long Island’s local unit of the United States Power Squadrons will participate in “Ready, Set, Wear It!”, at Strong’s Marine in Mattituck. The worldwide event kicks of the start of National Safe Boating Week and is designed to raise boating safety awareness. Participants will be part of the attempt to break a world record for the most life jackets worn at one time. Peconic Bay Power Squadron will have an information table set up and will be conducting Vessel Safety Inspections from 9am to 4pm, the “Ready, Set, Wear It” will happen an noon, and it will be followed by a flare demonstration. “Ready, Set, Wear It!” is sponsored by the National Safe Boating Council and the Canadian Safe Boating Council, with support from allied organizations including the United States Power Squadrons, to raise awareness to the importance of wearing life jackets. Strong’s Marine is located at 2400 Camp Mineola Rd. in Mattituck. The event is free and photos will be taken for world record documentation. To learn more call Larry Hynes: 631-929-4369 or www.ReadySetWearIt.com or www.SafeBoatingCampaign.com. The Peconic Bay Power Squadron will present “Boat Handling Under Power”, part of the USPS University seminar series, at 9am. Learn techniques for controlling boats in various situations and under a variety of wind or tidal conditions. The classroom seminar will be followed by an On the Water exercise using boats provided by Strong’s Marine. (Class size is limited, advance registration is required.) With many different types of boats, drive systems, weather conditions, sea conditions, boating circumstances and more, no two boating situations are exactly the same. Understanding these variations is the first step in being prepared to handle what life on the water throws your way. The Boat Handling Under Power seminar covers using lines to assist you; close quarters maneuvering; departing & docking; single screw, twin screw or jet drives; steering in reverse and much more. Learn some new skills for the summer season and even have the opportunity to try them on the water. Strong’s Marine is located at 2400 Camp Mineola Road in Mattituck. There is a $70 fee which includes a waterproof quick guide and student note book. To learn more or to reserve your space, call Fred Smith at 631-298-1930 or visit www.PBPS.us. 20 ——————————— The Peconic Bay Shopper • Preserving Local History MILE MARKER DAY SATURDAY MAY 16 The Southold Town’s 375th Committee is hosting “Mile Marker Day,” a series of events all along the 23-mile route of the markers, believed to measured out by Benjamin Franklin alongside what was then known as “The Kings Highway” from Laurel to Orient in 1755. Attendees at Mile Marker Day will be asked to start their voyage at the westernmost remaining mile marker, Marker #7, on Franklinville Road in Laurel, where they will be given a series of riddles about each mile marker they pass as they head east along the route. After they check in at the final marker in Orient, Benjamin Franklin himself will stamp a postcard, designed by artist Alan Bull, with an official commemorative stamp cancellation. There will also be music, refreshments and performances at selected mile markers along the way. Daniel McCarthy, an author of many local history articles in the Peconic Bay Shopper, who works in the Whitaker Historical Collection room of the Southold Library, will play Benjamin Franklin. Mr. McCarthy is also a stamp collector, and has been working with the Southold Post Office to prepare the commemorative stamp cancellation for the event. Southold 375th Anniversary Station April 25, 2015 Southold, NY 11971 This is First Class! Southold 375th Anniversary Committee, under Dan McCarthy’s idea, arranged with the Southold Post Office and the Post Office District, for two stampers to be available at the Southold Post Office front counter. The stampers have a Southold Town 375th Anniversary logo plus the date of April 25, 2015. Postal patrons can stop by with an item to be cancelled that already has postage affixed. Stamps can be purchased as well. The postal stampers will be available until May 25, when they have to be returned to the Post Office District. GREENPORT ROTARY Tuesday May 19 Help a local family remain in their home. Greenport Rotary Club’s “Locals for Locals” Fundraiser, will be a GREEK NIGHT at Hellenic Snack Bar & Restaurant. 100% of each ticket goes to benefit the RUFFNER FAMILY. Adults are $20, kids under 12 are $15, seating 5:00 - 8:00 pm. Contact for tickets: Heather Walker 276-1993 or Joe Cherepowich 276-1729 or any Rotarian. Tickets may be purchased from: Greenport McMann Price Insurance Agency or Hampton Jitney. “America’s Boating Course®” (ABC) WEDNESDAY MAY 20 Get ready for summer & meet new regulations with ABC! The United States Power Squadrons will present “America’s Boating Course®” (ABC), beginning at 6pm at the Moose Lodge in Riverhead. ABC is approved by NY State and is the finest course available for boaters to comply with the new state boater education law, as it provides essential information for new boaters or a great brush up for experienced boaters. The course is also approved by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators and the U.S. Coast Guard. The 3 sessions (continues 5/27, 6/3) will cover boating law, safety equipment, safe boating practices, navigation, boating emergencies, personal watercraft, charts, GPS, trailering and much more. Attendees will receive a 244 page America’s Boating Course manual, companion CD and after passing an exam, a completion certificate. Many insurance companies offer discounts to boaters who earn their completion certificate. The Moose Lodge is located at 51 Madison St. in Riverhead. The $50 fee covers the cost of the manual and CD. Students must be at least 10 years of age on or before 20 May 2015. Register on line at www.PBPS.us before 5/6/15 or call Fred Smith at 631-298-1930 to learn more. (This course is presented locally by Peconic Bay Power Squadron, Eastern Long Island’s local unit of the United States Power Squadrons.) DISNEY FLOWER SHOW Wednesday, June 17 Second District Southold Town and Riverhead Garden Clubs have partnered to present a standard flower show entitled “Disney Floral Fantasy” at Raphael Vineyard, 39390 Main Rd., Peconic. The show is free and open to the public from 2-5:30PM. For more information call: 765-1337, 727-7312. • April 2015 ——————————— EASTERN LONG ISLAND HOSPITAL www.ELIH.org • 201 Manor Place, Greenport • 477-5164 Ongoing: Caregiver Support Group – A support group for caregivers, who care for the chronically ill or elderly, 3rd Tuesday each month, 1:30pm – 2:30pm sponsored by Southold Town Senior Services, 750 Pacific St, Mattituck. For information, call 631.298.4460. Ongoing: Senior Wellness Education Series – This free education series features timely topics specifically targeted for older adults, their family, friends and caregivers. Meets the 1st Friday of every month, 11 am – 12 noon. Southold Town Senior Services, 750 Pacific St., Mattituck. For more information or to request transportation, call 631.298.4460. Presented in cooperation with the Town of Southold Human Services and ELIH. Now thru May 2015 – ELIH Auxiliary Car Raffle, co-sponsored by Mullen Motors, $50 per ticket. Win a brand new 2015 Dodge Dart or walk away with $15,000 cash. Drawing: May 15, 2015, 12 noon. For info call 631.477.5463. May 6 – “Living Healthy Workshop” – Sign up for a free six-week series developed by Stanford University for adults 55 or older with an on-going health condition. Caregivers also welcome. You will learn real-life skills, understand new treatment options, find practical ways to deal with pain and fatigue, discover better nutrition and exercise choices, set goals and improve your health. This free program will be held at the Cutchogue-New Suffolk Library Community Room, Wednesdays, May 6, 13, 20, 27, June 3 & 10, from 1:00-3:00 p.m. To register, call 631. 734.6360. May 13 – ELIH John Romanelli Memorial Golf Classic – Title sponsor: Bridgehampton National Bank, Tournament Style Event, Gardiner’s Bay Country Club. For information or to inquire about sponsorship, call 631.477.5164. August 8 – ELIH Summer Gala, “Blue by the Bay, Paradise Point, Southold” - Enjoy a festive outdoor lawn party with delicious local fare, including signature cocktails, raw bar, passed hors d’oeuvres and dinner served butler style. Event includes luxury raffle and a live auction. Proceeds benefit the Emergency Department at ELIH. To make reservations for the event or to lend support through sponsorship, call 631.477.5164. CUTCHOGUE NEW SUFFOLK FREE LIBRARY All welcome. 631-734-6360 • www.cutchoguelib.org Art on the Mezzanine: Solo Show: “Leaves & Things” Paintings by Laura Stroh ADULT Thurs. thru June 4, 6:30-7:30pm. ZUMBA TONING. Fee: $60/10 weeks. Register. Mon. thru June 15, 6:30pm POUND-ROCKOUT WORKOUT. Fee: $60/10 weeks. Register. Sat. Apr. 11, 10:00 am. Sand Dollars, Starfish, and Seashell ORNAMENTAL BOUQUETS. Material Fee: $12. Registration required. Sat. Apr. 11, 2:00 pm. “B is for Brooklyn D is for Dog” BOOK CHAT & SIGNING with Joel Reitman. Registration requested. Sat. Apr. 18, 2:00 pm. LAND AND SEA COOKING DEMONSTRATION. Surf & Turf with Rob Scott. Material Fee: $5. Registration required. Wed. Apr. 22, 6:00 pm. FILM SCREENING & DISCUSSION. Slow Food East End moderated by Lara McNeil. Registration requested. Thur. Apr. 23, 10:00 am. BOOK DISCUSSION. “Wild” by Cheryl Strayed. All welcome. Sat. Apr. 25, 10:00-12:00 pm. INTRODUCTION TO WINDOWS 8.1 at Southold Free Library. Registration required. Sat. May 2, 10am - noon ORGANIZE YOUR WINDOWS 8 COMPUTER. Must register. Wed. May 6-June 10, 1-3pm. LIVING HEALTHY WITH BETTER CHOICES. Registration requested. Sat. May 9, 9:00 am-4:00 pm. AARP DRIVER SAFETY COURSE. $20/$25 Payable to AARP. Advanced registration. TWEENS Tues. April 14, 4-5:00 pm BOOK CHAT-Sisters by Raina Telgemeier. Grades 4-6. Register. Thurs. April 23, 6:00-7:00 pm. WAFFLE CONE S’MORES. Ages 10-14. Register. Sat. April 25, 2:00-3:00 pm. DAISY NAILS with Brittany. Register. Thurs. April 30, 6:00-7:00 pm. BUILD A ‘100’ CUP STRUCTURE. For our 100th anniversary of the Library. Register. Tues. May 5, 6:00-7:00 pm. CRAZY FOR QUESADILLAS! For Grades 4-6. Register. TEENS Sat. April 11, 2:00-3:00 pm MASON JAR DIY W/ANIMALS. Spray painting. Dress accordingly. Register. CHILDREN FOR ALL AGES: Wed. Apr. 15, 10:00-10:45 am. LYRICAL CHILDREN/MUSIC TOGETHER. Ages birth to five. Register. Thur. Apr. 16, 4:00-5:00 pm. LEGO-MANIA. Grades 3-6. Registration required. Thurs. Apr. 16, 10:00-10:30 am. TERRIFIC TWOS & THREES. RAINDROPS ABD RISES! Register. Fri. Apr. 17, 5:30-6:15pm. CHICKEN CRAZE STORYTIME. Ages 4-5. Register. Sat. Apr. 18 & May 16, 10:00-10:45 am. BI-LINGUAL STORYTIMES. AGES3-5 Mon. Apr. 20, 10:00-10:30 am. DIG IN! STORYTIME. Ages 2-3. Register. Tues. Apr. 21, 4:15-5:00 pm. THE ADVENTURES OF A PLASTIC BOTTLE STORYTIME: Ages 6-8. Register. Fri. April 24, 4:00 pm. FRIDAY FAMILY FLICKS. “Annie” (2014 Version). Mon. Apr. 27, 6:00-7:00 pm. THE VERY KIND RICH LADY & HER 100 DOGS!!! Ages 3-8. Register. Mon. May 4, 10:00-10:30 am. CHEWY LOUIE! STORYTIME. Ages 2-3. Register. Tues. May 5, 6:00-7:00 pm. CRAZY FOR QUESADILLAS! Grades 4-6. Register. ——————————— The Peconic Bay Shopper • Preserving Local History FREE PROGRAMS AT THE RIVERHEAD FREE LIBRARY All welcome. 631.727.3228 • www.riverheadlibrary.org Lego Club Tuesdays at 5:15 -6 pm ESL Classes Tuesdays at 5:30 – 6:30 pm or 7 – 8pm Thursdays at 10:30 – 11:30 am Party Chickens Thursday, April 2, 1 – 1:30 pm Mid-Day MOVIE Thursdays at 1:30 pm Anime Night with Annie Friday, April 3 at 6-8 pm Drive-In Movie Wednesday, April 8, 1 – 1:30 pm Raising Backyard Chickens Wednesday, April 8, 7 – 8:30 pm Mother Goose Rhyme Time Fridays, April 10, 24 at 10 – 10:30 am Teen Game Night Friday, April 10 at 6-8 pm Facebook 101 Saturday, April 11, 1 – 3:30 pm Drumming Circle Saturday, April 11 at 2-3 pm Piano Plus Concert with Bradley Burgess Sunday, April 12 at 2-4 pm Circle of Stories Tuesdays, April 14, 21, 28 at 11 – 11:45 am Meet the Breeds Tuesday, April 14 at 4 – 4:45 pm My First Story Time Wednesday, April 15, 22 and 29 at 11 – 11:30 am Classic Comedy Movies Wednesday, April 15, 4 – 5 pm Teen Poetry Slam Friday, April 17, 4 – 5 pm Autism and Special Needs Fair Friday, April 17, 6 – 8 pm Harry Potter Fandom Meetup Friday, April 17, 6 – 8:30 PM Busy Bees Monday, April 20 and 27 at 4 – 4:30 pm Self-Hypnosis & Stress Management Tuesday, April 21 at 6 – 7:30 pm Senior Singles: Meet & Greet Wednesday, April 22, 6:30 – 8 pm Introduction to Surf Fishing Workshop Thursday, April 23 at 7 – 8:30 pm Mother Goose Rhyme Time Friday, April 24 at 10 – 10:30 am Getting Started Tracing Your Family Tree Saturday, April 25 at 10 – 11:30 am Get Your Game On Saturday, April 25 at 2 – 4:30 pm Horsing Around, Tuesday, April 28 at 4-5 pm HALLOCKVILLE MUSEUM FARM 6038 Sound Avenue, Riverhead 631-298-5292 www.Hallockville.com Spring Clean Up Volunteer Day - Thursday April 16 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Help us get the museum farm spruced up for the season! Light raking, gardening and yard work. Please RSVP- refreshments will be served. Annual Spring Tea - Friday, April 24 1:00 p.m.- 3:00 p.m. Join us for a lovely afternoon of savories, sweets and good company at this annual fundraiser for the museum. Enjoy a display of hand-hooked rugs by local artists, plus a fun raffle featuring handmade knitted pieces by the Hallockville Knitters. Don’t forget to wear your favorite spring hat! Reservations required, $30 per person. Applique Sewing Class - Saturday April 25, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. This class is geared for any skill level, including beginners. You will learn the blanket and french knot embroidery stitches, as well as the basics of appliqué layering and working with wool, and take a finished piece home with you. No sewing machine needed! All materials and expert instruction will be provided. Limited space in class, advance registration required. $40/$30 museum members. Make Your Own: Wooden Spatula - Saturday April 25, 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Learn to make a kitchen spatula from freshly cut unseasoned wood using only hand tools. We use a froe to cleave (split) the wood from a freshly cut log and then move on to use a shaving horse and drawknife. After shaping the blank you work with a spokeshave and whittling knife to complete your spatula. The spatula will then be ready for years of use and happy memories of making your own kitchen spatula – scrambled eggs will never be the same again! Class instruction, materials and access to tools are included. $50/ $40 museum members. Advance registration is required as space is limited. Make Your Own: Marmalades - Sunday April 26, 1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. Beat the winter doldrums and evoke warmer climes in this favorite class presented by A Taste of the North Fork and Hallockville Museum Farm. Learn the differences between mamalades, jams and jellies, while making your own sampling including classic orange in this hands-on workshop. Participants will enjoy samples and take home two jars of their own. Advance registration required, $45/$35 museum member price, includes materials fee. This class will be held at a commercial kitchen facility in Cutchogue. Hallockville Carving Club - Sunday April 26 1:00 p.m.- 4:00 p.m. New or experienced woodworkers& carvers are invited to come to this monthly gathering at Hallockville. Please bring your own projects, tools and supplies, or come to watch and learn some new techniques. Club meets the last Sunday of each month. $3 suggested donation or free for museum members. ONGOING EVENTS: Membership Drive! Please join Hallockville Museum Farm as a supporting member and get involved with preserving history right here on the North Fork. Hallockville Museum Farm reconnects the community to our shared agricultural heritage through educational programs and classes, special events and festivals, museum exhibits and more. Members receive discounted admission rates and other benefits throughout the year, including 10% off non-consignment items in Miss Ella’s Gift Shop. Join as a member at Hallockville.com or call to request an info packet by mail. Miss Ella’s Gift Shop Open Fridays-Sundays, 12-4pm: Shop for everyone on your list at Miss Ella’s this holiday season. Find vintage, antique and other collectible items, imported Polish pottery, handmade jewelry and craft items by local artisans, books and souvenirs of local interest, children’s educational games and toys, greeting cards, framed art and photographs, and and so much more. Museum members receive 10% off all nonconsignment purchases. • April 2015 ——————————— 21 MATTITUCK-LAUREL LIBRARY All welcome. 631-298-4134 • www.mattlibrary.org Fri., April 10, 1:30 p.m. – FILM: The Imitation Game (PG-13) In the winter of 1952, British authorities arrest the pioneer of modern-day computing, Alan Turing, on charges of “gross indecency”, which leads to his conviction for the criminal offense of homosexuality. Free of charge. Sat., April 11, 2 p.m. – Baby Bertha Model Rocket Workshop. Learn how to build and launch your very own Estes Level 1 Rocket. Meets weekly for 4-5 Saturdays. Open to ages 12 thru adult. $10 per person. Register at the Circulation Desk. Space is limited. Sun., April 12, 2 p.m. – CONCERT: The Music of Ireland by “Fiddler’s Green”. Playing a variety of instruments, this band brings you unique and breathtaking renditions of Irish airs, lively jigs, reels, hornpipes and evocative ballads. This program is presented by the Friends of the Library. FREE. Mon., April 13, 4 p.m. – FOR TEENS: CSI: Who Done It? for grades 7-10. Explore the science of crime scene investigation. Registration is required. FREE. Mon., April 13, 6 p.m. – Library Board of Trustees Meeting. Open to the public, all are welcome to attend. Wed., April 15, 11 a.m. – Baby’s Rhyme Time for ages birth-12 mo. (with caregiver). Mother Goose rhymes, puppets, finger plays, action songs and flannel board tales. Program will be repeated on April 22nd & 29th. Registration is required. FREE. Wed., April 15, 6:30 p.m. – Introduction to Surf Fishing. Learn basic techniques from Bernie Hoyt, a NYS certified fishing guide with 30 years experience. One lucky attendee will win a 3-hour guided session. No registration necessary. FREE. Fri., April 17, 1:30 p.m. – FILM: Tracks (PG-13) A young woman goes on a 1,700-mile trek across the deserts of West Australia with four camels and her faithful dog. Free of charge. Sat., April 18, 1 p.m. – Chess Workshop for grades 2-6. Jim MacLeod will instruct beginners, while those who know how to play begin their matches. Registration is required. FREE. Tues., April 21, 9:30 a.m. – Friends of the Library Meeting. Open to the public, all are welcome to attend. Wed., April 22, 2:30-5:30 p.m. – Friends of the Library Book Sale. Books, music, videos, games and much more – all at bargain prices. Thurs., April 23, 6:30 p.m. – BOOK DISCUSSION: “Where’d You Go, Bernadette” by Maria Semple. Pick up a copy of the book at the library and join our Reader’s Advisor, Bev Wowak for a lively discussion. FREE. Fri., April 24, 1:30 p.m. – FILM: The Village Barbershop (R) A fading smalltime barber is forced to hire the last person on earth he’d want working in his shop — a woman. Free of charge. Tues., April. 28, 2 p.m. – Toddler Baseball for ages 24-35 months (with caregiver). Registration required. FREE. Tues., April. 28, 3 p.m. – Pre-School Baseball for ages 3-5 years. Registration required. FREE. Tues., April. 28, 4 p.m. – K-1 Baseball for grades K-1. Registration required. FREE. Wed., April 29, 7 p.m. – Zentangle … and relax. Create complex designs with no previous drawing experience. All supplies provided. Register in advance. $5 per person. Fri., May 1, 1:30 p.m. – FILM: Wild (R) A chronicle of one woman’s 1,100-mile solo hike undertaken as a way to recover from a recent catastrophe. Free of charge. Mon., May 4, 4:30 p.m. – FOR TEENS: Embossed Metal Encaustics for grades 7-10. Use melted was to paint and create embossed drawing on metal foiling. Registration is required. FREE. Thurs., May 6, 10 a.m. – Parent/Child Workshop. For ages 18 mo. to 3 years (with caregiver). Spend quality time with your child through play and art activities. Registration is required. FREE. ON-GOING CLASSES: * Low Impact Dance Aerobics: Mondays from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. $$ Yoga for Beginners: Mondays from 5 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. $$ Mahjong: Mondays at 10 a.m. & Tuesdays at 11 a.m. FREE Apple Users Group: 1st Monday of every month from 6-8 p.m. FREE Yoga Instruction: Tuesdays at 5 p.m. or 6 p.m. & Saturdays at 8 a.m. $$ English Conversation Group: Tuesdays at 7 p.m. FREE Chair Aerobics: Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. $$ French Conversation Group: Thursdays from 6:15 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. FREE Yoga of 12-Step Recovery: Saturdays at 10 a.m. Donation IN THE LIBRARY’S APRIL ART GALLERY Mattituck-Cutchogue Student Art Exhibition, Featuring a variety of selected artworks by students from grades 7-12 in the Mattituck-Cutchogue School District. MAY: Paintings and Sculptures by Gina Gilmour, originally from North Carolina, came to the East End for the first time as an artist-in-residence with the William Steeple Davis Foundation in Orient, NY. She now lives and maintains an art studio in Mattituck. LIST YOUR EVENTS! Our monthly listings are free to all non-profit organizations and fundraisings. Email: rita@academyprintingservices.com 22 ——————————— The Peconic Bay Shopper • Preserving Local History SUFFOLK COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY (Museum & Library) 300 W. Main St., Riverhead • www.suffolkcountyhistoricalsociety.org 631-727-2881 • Gallery Hours: Weds.- Sat. 10:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Library Hours: Weds.-Sat. 12:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. Thursday, April 16, 6pm – Newly Renovated NOEL J. GISH SR. GALLERY Opening and Dedication. Includes Maritime Painting Exhibition curated by J. Russell Jinishian Gallery. Members $20; Non-Members $30. Wine and hors d’oeuvres will be served. RSVP Required. Saturday, April 18, 5pm – OPENING RECEPTION: From Shore to Shore: Boatbuilders and Boatyards of Long Island. Wine and cheese will be served. Free admission. April 18 - thru Sept. 19 - From Shore to Shore: Boatbuilders and Boatyards of Long Island Exhibit, in collaboration with Long Island Traditions. Since the 19th century, Long Island and Westchester have been home to many boatbuilders, ranging from traditional builders such as Gil Smith of Patchogue to the 35 modern builders featured in this exhibit. Other Upcoming From Shore to Shore Exhibit Events: Members Free; Non-Members $5 • Check our website for details! April 30 - Roundtable Discussion on Historic Boatyards May 13 - Captain Mike Caldwell on the Pricilla Restoration May 30 - Marty Sievers on the LIMM’s Penney Boat Shop June 13 – Boatbuilder Christopher Hale’s Half-Model-Making Demonstrations June 18 - J. Russell Jinishian on Maritime Art of Yesterday and Today Sunday, April 26, 2015 – 2:00 PM – Honoring Our Living Treasures Awards Ceremony. SCHS is delighted to honor our 2015 Living Treasures Award recipients: Dr. John A. Strong, Dr. Richard Wines, John H. Halsey, David N. Ebner, and the ASCHS Board. Our annual Living Treasures Awards honor individuals and groups who have made significant contributions to Suffolk County on behalf of arts, culture, history, and preservation, thereby enriching both Suffolk County and the quality of life of its residents. Light refreshments will be served. Free admission. RSVP by April 24. Thursday, April 30, 6pm – From Shore to Shore Roundtable Discussion on Historic Boatyards and Traditional Boatbuilders. Panelists include Donn Costanzo of Wooden Boat Works in Greenport, Nancy Solomon of LI Traditions, Kevin Weeks of Weeks Boatyard in Patchogue, and others. Members Free; Non-Members $5. RSVP Requested. Thursday, May 7, 6pm – BOOK & BOTTLE with George Giannaris of the Hellenic on Ferry Tales: “Unaware of his incredible, gifted palate, my father created a landmark restaurant, by accident, in the middle of nowhere.” Members Free; Non-Members $5. Book discussion and signing includes wine and cheese. RSVP Requested. Weds., May 13, 6pm – From Shore to Shore: Captain Mike Caldwell Presentation on the Restoration of the Pricilla and the Long Island Maritime Museum Sailing Program. Members Free; Non-Members $5. RSVP Requested. Thursday, May 21, 6 pm – BOOK & BOTTLE with Howard Kroplick on Chrysler’s Chrysler. Members Free; Non-Members $5. Includes wine & cheese. RSVP Requested. Saturday, May 30, 6pm – From Shore to Shore: Master Boatbuilder Marty Sievers Presentation on the Long Island Maritime Museum’s Penney Boat Shop/Volunteer Boatbuilding Program. Members Free; Non-Members $5. RSVP Requested. Weds., June 3, 6pm – BOOK & BOTTLE with Harrison Hunt and Bill Bleyer on Long • April 2015 ——————————— Island and the Civil War. The Civil War affected the 100,000 people living on Long Island at the time, with more than 3,000 young men answering their country’s call to preserve the Union, local women raising thousands of dollars for Union hospitals, and LI companies manufacturing uniforms, drums, and medicines for the army. Includes wine and cheese. Members Free; Non-Members $5. RSVP requested. Saturday, June 13, 1pm – From Shore to Shore Presentation: Christopher Hale’s Half-Model-Making Demonstrations. Boatbuilder Christopher Hale will demonstrate a method of half-model making by utilizing specialized hand tools and line drawings of specific boats. He will craft working boats indigenous to the South Shore of Long Island, including a 1970s-era Garvey and a sail-powered tonging boat from the early 1900s. Members Free; Non-Members $5. RSVP Requested. Thursday, June 18, 6pm – From Shore to Shore Presentation: J. Russell Jinishian on the Maritime Art of Yesterday and Today. The 45-minute presentation will chronicle the history of marine art from its beginnings to the present day, highlighting key artists and their most important works. Members Free; Non-Members $5. RSVP Requested. ONGOING: Membership Drive! Please join the Suffolk County Historical Society and support local history preservation. Founded in 1886, SCHS is a non-profit organization that collects and preserves the rich history of Suffolk County. We operate a history museum, offer an expansive library and archives, and host a multitude of events, programs, and educational lectures and workshops. Our unique collection reflects more than three centuries of local history! Visit our website or call for more information. OFF-SITE EXHIBITION: Dental Instruments: Past and Present at Stony Brook University Health Sciences Library through November 2015. See instruments used by dentist in the 19th and early 20th centuries. The exhibit is presented by Stony Brook University Libraries, Stony Brook Medicine, the School of Dental Medicine, and the SCHS, and showcases the fascinating tools and practices that are precursors to today’s dental instruments and care. More info.: 631-632-6320 or confevents@stonybrook.edu. SCHS Photo of the Week Series! To subscribe to our free and popular Local History Photo of the Week Series, visit our website or send an email request to librarian Wendy Polhemus-Annibell: wannibell@ schs-museum.org Proudly serving the community for 156 years. My Life. My Community. My Bank. Learn how you can do >more® with the NYCB Family of Banks. Ask us how to maximize your FDIC insurance protection! 1-877-786-6560 • NYCBfamily.com ©New York Community Bank - Member FDIC Equal Opportunity Lender ©New York Commercial Bank - Member FDIC ——————————— The Peconic Bay Shopper • Preserving Local History • April 2015 ——————————— DELIVERING CONCIERGE SERVICE NORTH FORK WINE COUNTRY & SHELTER ISLAND SOUTHOLD Harbor Lights Incredible Views from Waterfront Residence w/multiple docks & private Bay Beach EXCLUSIVE I WEB# 26644 I $1,990,000 CUTCHOGUE To Be Finished North Fork Estate 5,000 sf cedar-shake residence on over 4 acres in farming community EXCLUSIVE I WEB# 45225 I $925,000 Nicholas J. Planamento Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker, CBR 631.948.0143 (c) • 631.298.0600 (o) NPlanamento@1Townand Country.com MATTITUCK Bright & Sunny Waterfront Contemporary Ranch with views and access to “The Anchorage” park EXCLUSIVE I WEB# 15620 I $799,000 23 24 ——————————— The Peconic Bay Shopper • Albertson_Ad_PBS_4_7_15 OL.indd 1 Preserving Local History • April 2015 ——————————— 4/7/15 5:17 PM
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