Vendor Name: _____________________ TARRANT COUNTY PURCHASING DEPARTMENT JACK BEACHAM, C.P.M., A.P.P. PURCHASING AGENT ROB COX, C.P.M., A.P.P. ASSISTANT PURCHASING AGENT BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BIDS DUE APRIL 22, 2015 2:00 P.M. BID NO. 2015-102 TABLE OF CONTENTS SPECIFICATIONS PRE-BID CONFERENCE ................................................................................................1 OPENING DATE, TIME, PROCEDURES, CONTACTS ..................................................2 GENERAL CONDITIONS ................................................................................................3 DELIVERY REQUIREMENTS .........................................................................................5 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ............................................................................6 EVALUATION CRITERIA .............................................................................................. 15 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS .................................................................................... 16 TARRANT COUNTY HUB POLICY ................................................................ 22 FORM FOR DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISES ..................... 26 VENDOR REFERENCES............................................................................. 27 PROPOSAL FORMS BID PROPOSAL SIGNATURE FORM ........................................................................... 28 CERTIFICATION OF ELIGIBILITY ................................................................................ 30 BID FORMS/DOCUMENTS CHECKLIST ...................................................................... 31 BID PROPOSAL ............................................................................................................ 33 This Table of Contents is intended as an aid to bidders and not as a comprehensive listing of the bid package. Bidders are responsible for reading the entire bid package and complying with all specifications. ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER AND OEM PRE-BID CONFERENCE All Bidders are encouraged to attend a Pre-Bid Conference to be held as follows: DATE: THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 2015 TIME: 10:00 A.M. LOCATION: TARRANT COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING PURCHASING DEPARTMENT CONFERENCE ROOM 100 E. WEATHERFORD, SUITE 303 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76102 RSVP: Vendors planning to attend the pre-bid conference should RSVP, in writing, via facsimile, no later than 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, April 8, 2015. Send RSVPs to Tim Jones at (817) 884-2629. Questions from bidders will be addressed at the pre-bid conference. Any vendor who submits a bid without attending the scheduled pre-bid conference does so at his own risk. Such applicant who submits a bid and does not attend the scheduled pre-bid conference waives any right to assert claims due to undiscovered conditions. PAGE 1 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER AND OEM Tarrant County is requesting bids for the ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM, COUNTYWIDE. All bids must be submitted on the attached Bid Proposal Form. This bid consists of sixty-seven (67) sections. Vendors may bid on any or all sections, but must bid on all items with each section bid. Tarrant County will not enter into any contract where the cost is provisional upon such clauses as “escalator” or “cost-plus” clauses. BY MAIL VIA US POSTAL SERVICE ORIGINAL AND ONE (1) COPY BY COURIER, FEDERAL EXPRESS, UPS OF COMPLETED BID PROPOSALS MUST BE RECEIVED IN THE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT AT 100 E. WEATHERFORD, SUITE 303 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76196-0104 ON OR BEFORE APRIL 22, 2015 AT 2:00 P.M. OF COMPLETED BID PROPOSALS MUST BE RECEIVED IN THE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT AT 100 E. WEATHERFORD, SUITE 303 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76102 ON OR BEFORE APRIL 22, 2015 AT 2:00 P.M. ORIGINAL AND ONE (1) COPY All bids, including a “NO BID”, are due in the Purchasing Department by the due date in sealed envelopes or boxes. All bids must be clearly marked with the Bid Number, the name of the company submitting the bid, and date and time of opening on the outside of the envelope/box and/or Air Bill/Delivery Receipt. Original bid must be clearly marked "ORIGINAL" and contain all original signatures. Any bid received after the date and/or hour set for bid opening will not be accepted. Bidder will be notified and will advise Tarrant County Purchasing as to the disposition by either pick up, return at bidder’s expense, or destroyed with written authorization of the bidder. If bids/proposals are sent by mail to the Purchasing Department, the bidder shall be responsible for actual delivery of the bid to the Purchasing Department before the advertised date and hour for opening of bids. If mail is delayed either in the postal service or in the internal mail system of Tarrant County beyond the date and hour set for the bid opening, bids thus delayed will not be considered and will be disposed of as authorized. Bids may be withdrawn at any time prior to the official opening. Alterations made before opening time must be initialed by bidder guaranteeing authenticity. After the official opening, bids become the property of Tarrant County and may not be amended, altered or withdrawn without the recommendations of the Purchasing Agent and the approval of Commissioners' Court. Tarrant County is exempt from Federal Excise and State Sales Tax; therefore, tax must not be included in this bid. Tarrant County reserves the right to accept or reject in part or in whole any bids submitted, and to waive any technicalities for the best interest of the County. No oral explanation in regard to the meaning of the bid specifications will be made and no oral instructions will be given before the award of the contract. Request from interested bidders for additional information or interpretation of the information included in the specifications and all questions should be directed in writing, via facsimile, to: TIM JONES, SENIOR BUYER FAX: (817) 884-2629 PAGE 2 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER AND OEM All documents relating to this bid, including but not limited to, the bid document, questions and their answers, addenda and special notices will be posted under the Bid number on the Tarrant County website and available for download by bidders and other interested parties. It is the bidders’/respondents’ sole responsibility to review this site and retrieve all related documents up to the Bid due date. The deadline for receipt of all questions is 12:00 (Noon), Fort Worth time, Monday, April 13, 2015. After the question deadline, all questions and their responses will be posted on the website and available for download by bidders. All bids shall specify terms and conditions of payment, which will be considered as part of, but not control, the award of bid. County review, inspection, and processing procedures ordinarily require thirty (30) days after receipt of invoice, materials, or service. Bids which call for payment before thirty (30) days from receipt of invoice, or cash discounts given on such payment, will be considered only if, in the opinion of the Purchasing Agent, the review, inspection, and processing procedures can be completed as specified. Invoices shall be sent directly to the Tarrant County Auditor’s Office, Attention: Accounts Payable, 100 East Weatherford, Room 506, Fort Worth, Texas 76196. It is the intention of Tarrant County to make payment on completed orders within thirty days after receipt of invoice or items; whichever is later, unless unusual circumstances arise. Invoices must be fully documented as to labor, materials, and equipment provided and must reference the Tarrant County Purchase Order Number in order to be processed. No payments shall be made on invoices not listing a Purchase Order Number. Continuing non-performance of the vendor in terms of Specifications shall be a basis for the termination of the contract by the County. The County shall not pay for work, equipment, or supplies which are unsatisfactory. Vendors will be given a reasonable opportunity before termination to correct the deficiencies. This, however, shall in no way be construed as negating the basis for termination for non-performance. The contract may be terminated by either party upon written thirty (30) days’ notice prior to cancellation. Bids will be considered irregular if they show any omissions, alteration of form, additions or conditions not called for, or irregularities of any kind. However, Tarrant County reserves the right to waive any irregularities and to make award in the best interest of the County. Tarrant County reserves the right to accept or reject in part or in whole any bids submitted, and to waive any technicalities for the best interest of the County. Bids may be rejected, among other reasons, for any of the following specific reasons: 1. Bids received after the time limit for receiving bids. 2. Bids containing any irregularities. 3. Unbalanced value of any items. PAGE 3 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER AND OEM Bidders may be disqualified and their bids not considered, among other reasons, for any of the following specific reasons: 1. Reason for believing collusion exists among the Bidders. 2. Reasonable grounds for believing that any Bidder is interested in more than one Bid for the work contemplated. 3. The Bidder being interested in any litigation against the County. 4. The Bidder being in arrears on any existing contract or having defaulted on a previous contract 5. Lack of competency as revealed by a financial statement, experience and equipment, questionnaires, etc. 6. Uncompleted work, which in the judgment of the County, will prevent or hinder the prompt completion of additional work, if awarded. 7. Bidders shall not owe delinquent property tax in Tarrant County. It is the bidders’ sole responsibility to print and review all pages of the bid document, attachments, questions and their responses, addenda and special notices. The Bid Proposal Signature Form must be signed and returned. Failure to provide signature on this form renders bid non-responsive. Failure to complete and the submission of all required forms, including but not limited to the Reference Page, Certification of Eligibility, Checklist, Questionnaires (when applicable), Addenda (including revised forms), and any other specified forms or documents will be grounds for rejection of entire bid. CONFIDENTIALITY: Any material that is to be considered confidential must be clearly marked as such and shall be treated as confidential to the extent allowable under Chapter 552, Government Code. Trade secrets or confidential information MUST be placed in a separate envelope marked “CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION.” Note: PRICING INFORMATION IS NOT CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL AND IF MARKED AS SUCH, WILL RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR BID. Due care and diligence has been used in preparation of this information, and it is believed to be substantially correct. However, the responsibility for determining the full extent of the exposure and the verification of all information presented herein shall rest solely with the proposer. Tarrant County and its representatives will not be responsible for any errors or omissions in these specifications, nor for the failure on the part of the proposer to determine the full extent of the exposures. The successful bidder may not assign their rights and duties under an award without the written consent of the Purchasing Agent. Such consent shall not relieve the assignor of liability in the event of default by the assignee. PAGE 4 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER AND OEM Prices shall include all charges for freight, F.O.B. inside delivered to: VARIOUS LOCATIONS WITHIN TARRANT COUNTY AS INDICATED ON INDIVIDUAL PURCHASE ORDERS Hours of operation shall be between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Delivery date is important to the County and may be part of the bid proposal and a factor in evaluation of each bid. Tarrant County considers delivery time to be that period elapsing from the time the individual order is placed until that order is received by the County at the specified delivery location. The delivery date indicates a guaranteed delivery to Tarrant County, Texas. Failure of the bidder to meet guaranteed delivery dates or service performance could affect future County orders. The County reserves the right to demand bond or penalty to guarantee delivery by the date indicated. If order is given and the Bidder fails to furnish the materials by the guaranteed date, the County reserves the right to cancel the order without liability on its part. A packing list shall accompany each shipment and shall show: Tarrant County Purchase Order Number Name and address of Vendor Name and address of receiving department Description of material shipped, including item numbers, quantity, etc. PAGE 5 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER AND OEM SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT 1. CONTRACT TERMS: Successful vendor(s) will be awarded a twelve (12) month contract, effective May 22, 2015, or notice to proceed as determined by Tarrant County Purchasing. At Tarrant County’s option and approval by the vendor, the contract may be renewed for three (3) additional twelve (12) month periods, as further explained in Renewal Options. Prices must remain firm for the entire contract. 2. RENEWAL OPTIONS: Tarrant County reserves the right to exercise an option to renew the contract of the vendor for three (3) additional twelve (12) month periods, provided such option is stipulated in the Special Conditions and agreed upon by both parties. If the County exercises the right in writing, the Bidder shall update and submit any legal documents required during the initial solicitation by no later than thirty (30) calendar days prior to the commencement of the option period. These documents, if applicable, will be specified in the Special Conditions and include, but are not limited to, Insurance Certificates and Performance Bonds and must be in force for the full period of the option. If the updated documents are not submitted by the Bidder in complete form within the time specified, the County will rescind its option and seek a new bid solicitation. This bid consists of sixty-seven (67) sections. Bidders may bid on any or all sections. Bidder must bid all or none for each section bid. Bids will be considered from only those vendors that offer a single, fixed-percentage discount by section. Contract award will be by section, with award going to the lowest bidder who meets all specifications. Award of each section will be based upon a comparison of net pricing for items identified on the bid proposal form for each section. Tarrant County reserves the right to award by item, section, group of items, or low total overall bid, which ever Tarrant County determines to be in its best interest. Prices may only be increased by submission of increased price list, thirty (30) days prior to effective date of increase. Price increases will only apply to items specifically listed on the increased price list for that Section(s) awarded. No other increases will be allowed or considered. Tarrant County reserves the right to: (1) Accept the price increase, or (2) If Tarrant County considers the increase to be excessive or out of line with industry standards by comparing to the secondary/alternate vendors’ pricing. Tarrant County may choose to reject the increase and award that Section to the secondary/alternate awarded vendor(s). It shall be the successful bidder’s responsibility to ensure that accurate prices (with discounts applied) are being charged to Tarrant County. Failure to comply with this specification could result in termination of contract. PAGE 6 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER AND OEM SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT Each Bid Proposal Section will state the name of the price list that will be used for that Section. The page or pages of the stated price list which lists the part number for each item listed in that Section shall accompany the bid package. If pricing is being provided via the Internet, a screen shot or print sheet of that part number with price shall be printed. The entire stated price list is not required. Price on the Bid Proposal Forms, before discounted applied, must match those listed on the price list for that Section. In order to facilitate and expedite the evaluation process, vendors are requested to highlight the part number and price on the price page being submitted and to insert the price page(s) behind the Bid Proposal Form for the Section to which it applies. The bidder guarantees that the replacement parts offered are genuine standard new stock product specifically designed and manufactured for use with original equipment; and are identical in all respects to original equipment manufacturer’s replacement parts; also that no part shall be substituted contrary to the manufacturer’s standard warranty. Any faulty part shall be immediately replaced by the successful bidder without any cost to Tarrant County. In addition to the manufacturer’s standard warranty, Tarrant County desires all parts furnished (new and rebuilt) to be guaranteed for a period of six (6) months from date of pick-up/delivery and acceptance if such guarantee is not included in the manufacturer’s standard warranty. Bidder hereby warrants and guarantees all parts obtained under this contract for a period of six (6) months from date of final acceptance, he will, at his own expense and without any costs to Tarrant County, replace all defective design, material, or workmanship, or by reason of non-compliance with these specifications. It is understood that some price lists are extremely large and vendors are often unable to provide a complete price list; however, if possible, Tarrant County desires the successful bidder(s) to provide the price list if possible. In the absence of a complete price list, Tarrant County will occasionally, request that a copy of the page of a particular part number appears on to be provided to Tarrant County for pricing confirmation. All price lists and requested copies of selected pages will be at no charge or expense to Tarrant County. Deliveries shall be made in various quantities, during various periods, and to various locations as needed by Tarrant County Departments. Tarrant County reserves the right to demand bond or penalty to guarantee delivery by the date indicated. If order is given and the bidder fails to furnish the materials by the guaranteed date, Tarrant County reserves the right to cancel the order without liability on its part. All prices are to be F.O.B. Destination, to the Tarrant County delivery location stated on each Purchase Order, all freight prepaid. If the requested item is not available from the primary vendor Tarrant County shall attempt to obtain the item from the secondary vendor. . PAGE 7 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER AND OEM SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT Tarrant County reserves the right to conduct site visits to vendors’ warehouses, prior to awarding contract Vendors must bid exact items specified for all Sections. Successful bidder(s) are warned that any attempt to substitute and make delivery of brands and trade names other than those proposed, without prior written approval of Tarrant County, shall be grounds for immediate termination of the contract. Accuracy for all mathematical and number entries are the responsibility of the bidder. Tarrant County will not be responsible for errors in these fields. If mathematical errors are encountered, Tarrant County will use the list price column on the bid proposal forms to determine the total bid per section in order to perform bid evaluations. Discounts for brands not listed. Some vendors might have additional brands of Automotive Parts that are not listed in these specifications. If desired, vendors may submit a list of these brands with their bid package. The list of additional brands should include the discount (if any) and the name of the price list which applies. Categories of items within a specific bid may have various discounts. If a vendor is awarded any section of this contract the discounts offered for any additional brands will apply for those brands. No award will be made for any additional brands for vendors who are not awarded any part of this contract. No additional documentation needs to be submitted for any “additional” brand(s). Discounts offered for the additional brand(s) must remain a firm fixed discount for the duration of the contract. Price lists are not required for any additional brand(s); however, Tarrant County reserves the right to request the current price list for a particular brand in order to confirm pricing. Vendors desiring discounts for additional brands must complete discount for other items included in the Bid Proposal Forms. 3. COOPERATIVE PURCHASING: Tarrant County has the lead role in developing and encouraging Cooperative Purchasing efforts among the governmental entities that are listed on pages 11-13; therefore it would be in the vendor’s best interest to help Tarrant County facilitate this cooperative effort. A “NO” answer could result in complete rejection of bid. A. Should other Governmental Entities decide to participate in this contract, would you, the Vendor, agree that all terms, conditions, specifications, and pricing would apply? _____Yes _____No PAGE 8 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER AND OEM SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT 1) B. If you, the Bidder, checked yes, the following will apply: a) Governmental Entities utilizing Inter-Governmental Contracts with Tarrant County will be eligible, but not obligated, to purchase materials/services under the contract(s) awarded as a result of this solicitation. All purchases by Governmental Entities other than Tarrant County will be billed directly to that Governmental Entity and paid by that Governmental Entity. Tarrant County will not be responsible for another Governmental Entity’s debts. Each Governmental Entity will order their own material/services as needed. b) Delivery to governmental entities located within Tarrant County will be at no charge or as otherwise provided for in the Award Document. Delivery charges, if any, for governmental entities located outside Tarrant County shall be negotiated between the successful bidder and each governmental entity. c) Tarrant County utilizes County Purchase Orders as its primary means of encumbering funds and pays for goods and services utilizing vendor invoices. In the event Governmental Entities utilizing Inter-Governmental Contracts use other payment methods, including but not limited to, purchasing cards, debit cards, check requests or other methods which cause the vendor to incur service, processing, or other fees, these fees are the responsibility of that Governmental Entity, unless otherwise negotiated with the vendor. d) Vendor(s) awarded contract(s) resulting from Request for Bid (RFB) shall be responsible for providing to Tarrant County, at no additional charge, a complete list of all governmental entities currently utilizing the contract and their annual expenditures. This information shall be provided ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of the contract, or as otherwise requested by Tarrant County. Failure to provide the requested information when requested could delay the renewal process. SECONDARY/ALTERNATE AWARD: Secondary or alternate vendors serve in a backup capacity only. In the event the primary is unable to honor the terms and conditions of the contract, the secondary vendor may be called. If the secondary vendor is unable to honor the terms and conditions of the contract the alternate may be called. The primary vendor is the first contact. Use of the secondary or alternate must be approved, in writing, by the Tarrant County Purchasing Agent or his designee. PAGE 9 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER AND OEM SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT 1) In the event the secondary or alternate vendors are called upon, they will offer the goods and services at the bid prices, or better. Any attempt to increase the original bid price may be cause to remove the vendor from the contract. This in no way negatively affects the status of the primary vendor. 2) If the secondary or alternate vendor represents themselves as the primary vendor without written authorization from the Tarrant County Purchasing Agent, or his designee, the secondary or alternate vendor may be removed from the contract. Would you, the Bidder, be willing to accept a secondary/alternate award based on the above? _____Yes _____No PAGE 10 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER AND OEM Entities Currently Participating in Cooperative Purchasing Program with Tarrant County 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. Alamo Heights ISD Allen ISD Alvord ISD Anna Fire Department Arlington ISD Armstrong County Atascosa County Bastrop County Bell County Benbrook Water Authority Bethany Special Utility District Bexar County Birdville ISD Blue Ridge Fire Department Bosque County Branch Fire Department Brazoria County Brazos County Briar Volunteer Fire Department Brooks County Constables, Precincts 1-4 Brown County Bulverde Police Department Burnet County Cameron County Carroll ISD Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD Castleberry ISD Cedar Hill ISD Chambers County Cherokee County City of Aledo City of Allen City of Alvord City of Amarillo City of Anna City of Arlington City of Athens City of Aubrey City of Austin City of Azle City of Balch Springs City of Bangs City of Baytown City of Bedford City of Bells City of Benbrook 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. City of Blue Mound City of Bovina City of Bowie City of Boyd City of Bridge City City of Bridgeport City of Brownwood City of Bryan City of Burkburnett City of Burleson City of Caddo Mills City of Carrollton City of Castle Hills City of Cedar Hill City of Cedar Park City of Celeste City of Celina City of Cibolo City of Cleburne City of Cockrell Hill City of Colleyville City of Combine City of Commerce City of Coppell City of Copperas Cove City of Corinth City of Corsicana City of Crowley City of Cumby City of Dalworthington Gardens City of De Leon City of Decatur City of Deer Park City of Denison City of Denton City of DeSoto City of Diboll City of Duncanville City of Early City of Eastland City of El Paso City of Electra City of Emory City of Euless City of Everman City of Farmers Branch City of Farmersville City of Ferris City of Floresville City of Forest Hill City of Forney PAGE 11 OF BID NO. 2015-102 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. City of Fort Worth City of Frisco City of Gainesville City of Galena Park City of Galveston City of Ganado City of Garland City of Gatesville City of Georgetown City of Glen Heights City of Godley City of Granbury City of Grand Prairie City of Grand Saline City of Grapevine City of Greenville City of Haltom City City of Heath City of Horizon City City of Hudson Oaks City of Huntsville City of Hurst City of Hutchins City of Hutto City of Irving City of Italy City of Jefferson City of Keene City of Keller City of Kennedale City of Killeen City of Krum City of Kyle City of La Vernia City of Lake Worth City of Lancaster City of League City City of Leander City of Lewisville City of Lindale City of Little Elm City of Littlefield City of Live Oak City of Lubbock City of Lucas City of Lufkin City of Lumberton City of Mansfield City of Marshall City of McAllen City of McKinney City of Melissa ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER AND OEM Entities Currently Participating in Cooperative Purchasing Program with Tarrant County 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. City of Merkel City of Mesquite City of Midlothian City of Morgan’s Point Resort City of Murphy City of Nacogdoches City of Nederland City of New Braunfels City of North Richland Hills City of Odessa City of Palestine City of Pasadena City of Pelican Bay City of Pharr City of Plano City of Pottsboro City of Port Isabel City of Princeton City of Ralls City of Red Oak City of Richardson City of Richland Hills City of River Oaks City of Roanoke City of Rockwall City of Round Rock City of Rowlett City of Royse City City of Runaway Bay City of Sachse City of Saginaw City of San Angelo City of San Benito City of San Marcos City of Sanger City of Sansom Park City of Seagoville City of Sherman City of Sour Lake City of Southlake City of Southmayd City of Springtown City of Sulphur Springs City of Taft City of Taylor City of Temple City of Terrell City of Texarkana City of Texarkana, AR 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. City of The Colony City of University Park City of Van Alstyne City of Venus City of Waco City of Watauga City of Waxahachie City of Weatherford City of Westworth Village City of White Settlement City of Whitesboro City of Whitewright City of Wills Point City of Wilmer City of Wylie Clay County Clear Creek ISD Cochran County Collin County Collin County Community College Comal County Cooke County Coryell County Cottondale Volunteer Fire Department Crowley ISD Dallas County Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport Board Decatur ISD Denison ISD Denton County Denton County Fresh Water Supply Dist No. 1-A Denton ISD DeSoto ISD Diana Special Utility District Duncanville ISD Duval County Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD East Texas Council of Governments Ector County Ector County ISD Education Service Center Region XI El Paso County El Paso County Hospital District dba University Medical Center of El Paso PAGE 12 OF BID NO. 2015-102 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. Electra ISD Ellis County Erath County Everman ISD Fannin County Fort Bend County Fort Worth Housing Authority Fort Worth ISD Fort Worth Transportation Authority Freestone County Frisco ISD Grandview Police Department Grapevine\Colleyville ISD Grayson County Gregg County Guadalupe County Hardin County Harris County Emergency Services District Harrison County Hays County Heart of Texas Region MHMR Center Henderson County Hood County Hopkins County Housing Authority of the City of Austin Hunt County Hurst Euless Bedford ISD Hutchinson County Idea Public Schools Jasper County Jefferson County Jim Wells County Johnson County Johnson County Special Utility District Karnes County Kaufman County Kaufman ISD Keller ISD Kennedale ISD Kinney County Krum ISD Lake Dallas ISD Lake Worth ISD Lamar County Lamb County ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER AND OEM Entities Currently Participating in Cooperative Purchasing Program with Tarrant County 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 309. 310. 311. 312. 313. 314. 315. 316. 317. 318. 319. 320. 321. 322. 323. 324. 325. 326. 327. 328. Lampasas County Lavon Police Department Leon County Lewisville ISD Limestone County Little Elm ISD Lovejoy ISD Lowry Crossing Volunteer Fire Dept. Lubbock County Mansfield ISD Marilee Special Utility District McKinney ISD McLennan County McLennan Community College MHMR of Tarrant County Midland County Midway ISD Milam County Mills County Montgomery County Montgomery County Hospital District Nacogdoches County Navarro County Nevada Volunteer Fire Department Nolan County North Central Texas Council of Governments North Texas Municipal Water District North Texas Tollway Authority Northwest ISD Nueces County Olton Police Department Orange County Palo Pinto County Panola County Paradise ISD Parker County Parker County Emergency Services District 1 Potter County Public Transit Service of Mineral Wells Rancho Viejo Police Department Red Oak ISD Red River County 329. 330. 331. 332. 333. 334. 335. 336. 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. 343. 344. 345. 346. 347. 348. 349. 350. 351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. 360. 361. Rockwall County Region 9 Education Service Center Wichita Sam Rayburn ISD San Jacinto College District San Patricio County Schleicher County Senior Center Resource and Public Transit, Inc. of Hunt County Seven Points Fire Rescue Sherman ISD Smith County Springtown ISD South Montgomery Fire Department South Texas College SPAN, Inc. Tarleton State University Tarrant Appraisal District Tarrant County 9-1-1 Emergency Assistance District Tarrant County College District Tarrant County Emergency Services District 1 Tarrant County Hospital District Tarrant County Workforce Development Board Tarrant Regional Water District Taylor County Terrell ISD Texas A&M University at Commerce Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission Texas Dept. of Parks & Wildlife Texas Dept. of Public Safety Titus County TML MultiState Intergovernmental Employee Benefits Pool Tom Green County Town of Addison Town of Argyle PAGE 13 OF BID NO. 2015-102 362. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. 375. 376. 377. 378. 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. 384. 385. 386. 387. 388. 389. 390. 391. 392. 393. 394. 395. 396. 397. 398. 399. 400. 401. 402. 403. Town of Edgecliff Village Town of Fairview Town of Flower Mound Town of Hickory Creek Town of Highland Park Town of Lakeside Town of Little Elm Town of Northlake Town of Pantego Town of Ponder Town of Prosper Town of Sunnyvale Town of Trophy club Town of Westlake Town of Westover Hills Travis County Travis County Healthcare District Trinity River Authority United States Marshals Service University of North Texas University of North Texas Health Science Center University of Texas at Arlington University of Texas at Dallas University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Upper Trinity Regional Water District Upshur County Upton County Van Zandt County Victoria County Waco ISD Walker County Ward County Weatherford College Westminster Fire Dept. Weston Volunteer Fire Department White Settlement ISD Williamson County Williamson County Emg Services District #3 Wilson County Wise County Wood County Zapata County ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER AND OEM SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT 4. CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECK: Certain contracts may require vendors to enter sensitive security areas. These include, but are not limited to, Tarrant County Sheriff’s Department, Tarrant County Courts, Tarrant County District Attorney’s Offices, Tarrant County Information Technology, etc. If a particular contract requires your personnel to enter such a location the following could apply. a. The successful bidder shall provide information, including, but not limited to, name, date of birth, and driver’s license number for each individual who will be performing work on Tarrant County property. b. Vendor personnel who perform work on Tarrant County property must submit to and pass a Sheriff’s Department Criminal Background Check. That status must be maintained by all vendor personnel entering County buildings for the duration of the contract. c. Criminal Background checks conducted by your firm may or may not be acceptable to certain departments depending on their particular requirements. The County reserves the right to conduct additional Criminal Background Checks as it deems necessary. d. Award of a contract could be affected by your firms’ refusal to agree to these terms. Award could also be affected if your firm is unable to supply personnel who can pass a Criminal Background Check. Note: The Criminal Background Check applies to the individual and not the Company. PAGE 14 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER AND OEM Evaluation criteria shall include, but is not limited to the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. Unit Price Delivery Vendor's past performance record with Tarrant County Tarrant County's evaluation of vendor's ability to perform Confirmation of vendor’s provided references Tarrant County's experience with products bid Special needs and requirements of Tarrant County On-Line Catalogs Vendor’s agreement to extend pricing under this contract to other governmental entities Quantities indicated on the Bid Proposal Forms are estimates based upon the best available information. The County reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantities to meet its actual needs without any adjustments in the bid price. Vendor MUST BID EXACT ITEMS for each section. Vendor must have been in business selling automotive and light truck parts for the past five (5) years. References provided must be able to verify and confirm that parts provided were adequate. PAGE 15 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER AND OEM TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Tarrant County is requesting bids for Domestic Automotive and Light Truck Parts and Supplies, After Market and OEM. This specification covers the parts and supply requirements of Tarrant County for use on Automobiles and Light Trucks. All items must be new (except where rebuilt is specified), first line quality and equal to or better that the current, most widely used OEM quality level. The burden of proof for OEM level quality will rest with the bidder. Filters: Tarrant County desires to purchase only new, premium, first line, top grade filters. Second grade (pro-gage), recycled or generic filters will not be accepted and if offered shall be cause for rejection of bid. Tarrant County currently has a Fleet of over five hundred (500) vehicles. This number is subject to change without notice and could increase or decrease as requirements for vehicles change. In the past twelve (12) months Tarrant County expended $192,000 for Domestic Automotive and Light Truck Parts and Supplies; After Market and OEM. This amount should be considered when completing the Bid Proposal Forms. PAGE 16 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER AND OEM SECTIONS Section Section Title Brand 1 Air Conditioning & Heating Systems ACDelco 2 Air Conditioning & Heating Systems Four Seasons 3 Air Conditioning & Heating Systems Motorcraft 4 Alternators, Starters and Electrical ACDelco 5 Alternators, Starters and Electrical Motorcraft 6 Alternators, Starters and Electrical Ultima 7 Batteries ACDelco 8 Batteries Interstate 9 Batteries Motorcraft 10 Bearings and Seals Motorcraft 11 Bearings and Seals Timken 12 Belts and Hoses ACDelco 13 Belts and Hoses Gates 14 Belts and Hoses Motorcraft 15 Brakes and Rotors ACDelco 16 Brakes and Rotors Bendix 17 Brakes and Rotors Brake Best PAGE 17 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER AND OEM SECTIONS 18 Brakes and Rotors Centric 19 Brakes and Rotors Motorcraft 20 Brakes and Rotors Pronto 21 Brakes and Rotors Wagner 22 Charging and Starting Systems ACDelco 23 Charging and Starting Systems Motorcraft 24 Chassis and Steering Components ACDelco 25 Chassis and Steering Components Moog 26 Chassis and Steering Components Motorcraft 27 Chemicals and Additives Berryman 28 Chemicals and Additives CRC 29 Chemicals and Additives Krylon 30 Chemicals and Additives Lucas 31 Chemicals and Additives Permatex 32 Chemicals and Additives Sta-Bil 33 Cooling System ACDelco 34 Cooling System Motorcraft 35 Emission Control and Sensors ACDelco PAGE 18 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER AND OEM SECTIONS 36 Emission Control and Sensors Motorcraft 37 Filters ACDelco 38 Filters Baldwin 39 Filters Donaldson 40 Filters Fram 41 Filters Filtran 42 Filters Motorcraft 43 Filters Wix 44 Floor Mats Kraco 45 Floor Mats Plasticolor 46 Floor Mats Premier 47 Floor Mats Weather Tech 48 Fuel Systems ACDelco 49 Fuel Systems Motorcraft 50 Ignition ACDelco 51 Ignition Motorcraft 52 OEM Dodge 53 OEM Ford PAGE 19 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER AND OEM SECTIONS 54 OEM General Motors 55 OEM Honda 56 OEM Toyota 57 Shocks and Struts ACDelco 58 Shocks and Struts KYB 59 Shocks and Struts Monroe 60 Shocks and Struts Motorcraft 61 Spark Plugs ACDelco 62 Spark Plugs Champion Iridium 63 Spark Plugs Motorcraft 64 Spark Plugs Toyota Iridium 65 Windshield Wipers and Blades Bosch 66 Windshield Wipers and Blades Motorcraft 67 Windshield Wipers and Blades Trico PAGE 20 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER AND OEM TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS, continued List any exceptions to these specifications. Failure on the part of the bidder to comply with any and all requirements or conditions of this specification could subject vendors bid to being rejected. Any exception MUST be specifically stated by bidder as an exception and a detailed statement completely defining exception or exceptions MUST accompany bid. PAGE 21 OF BID NO. 2015-102 TARRANT COUNTY HISTORICALLY UNDERUTILIZED BUSINESSES (HUB) POLICY I. POLICY STATEMENT The Tarrant County Commissioners Court, being the policy development and budgetary control unit of county government, will strive to ensure that all businesses, regardless of size, economic, social or ethnic status have an equal opportunity to participate in the County’s procurement processes. The County is committed to promote full and equal business opportunity for all businesses to supply the goods and services needed to support the mission and operations of county government, and seeks to encourage the use of certified historically underutilized businesses (HUBs) through the use of race, ethnic and gender neutral means. It is the policy of Tarrant County to involve certified HUBs to the greatest extent feasible in the County’s procurement of goods, equipment, services and construction projects while maintaining competition and quality of work standards. The County affirms the good faith efforts of firms who recognize and practice similar business standards. II. DEFINITIONS Historically underutilized businesses (HUBs), also known as a disadvantaged business enterprise (DBE), are generally business enterprises at least 51% of which is owned and the management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more persons who is/are socially and economically disadvantaged because of his or her identification as a member of certain groups, including women, Black Americans, Mexican Americans and other Americans of Hispanic origin, Asian Americans and American Indians. Certified HUBs includes business enterprises that meet the definition of a HUB and who meet the certification requirements of certification agencies recognized by Tarrant County. Businesses include firms, corporations, sole proprietorships, vendors, suppliers, contractors, subcontractors, professionals and other similar references when referring to a business that provides goods and/or services regardless of the commodity category. Tarrant County: Historically Underutilized Business Policy PAGE 22 OF BID NO. 2015-102 Page 1 of 4 Statutory bid limit refers to the Texas Local Government Code provision that requires competitive bidding for many items valued at greater than $50,000. III. POLICY GUIDELINES A. Tarrant County, its contractors, their subcontractors and suppliers, as well as all vendors of goods, equipment and services, shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, gender, age, religion, national origin, citizenship, mental or physical disability, veteran’s status or political affiliation in the award and/or performance of contracts. All entities doing business or anticipating doing business with the County shall support, encourage and implement affirmative steps toward a common goal of establishing equal opportunity for all citizens and businesses of the county. B. Tarrant County will use and recognize the State of Texas certification process in conjunction with the implementation of this policy. The County may recognize other agencies’ certification processes recognized by the State of Texas. Tarrant County reserves the right to review the certification status of any vendor applying to do business with the County. This review will be accomplished to determine the validity and authenticity of the vendor’s certification as a HUB. C. The Commissioners Court may establish HUB target goals. Through a systematic approach of soliciting quotes, bids and proposals from certified HUBs and in compliance with applicable state and federal law this policy will strive to meet those goals. 1. Target goals should consider: • the availability of HUB firms within the specific category of goods or services to be procured; and • the diversity of the county’s population. 2. The goals should be reviewed and amended periodically. 3. The program may apply to all County procurements including construction and professional services. 4. Particular attention will be given to HUB participation on purchases in excess of the statutory bid limit. 5. The Commissioners Court herein establishes a 20% good faith target goal for Tarrant County. Tarrant County: Historically Underutilized Business Policy PAGE 23 OF BID NO. 2015-102 Page 2 of 4 D. E. Tarrant County will actively seek and encourage HUBs to participate in all facets of the procurement process by: 1. Continuing to increase and monitor a database of certified HUB vendors, professionals and contractors. The database will be expanded to include products, areas of expertise and capabilities of each HUB firm. 2. Continuing to seek new communication links with HUB vendors, professionals and contactors to involve them in the procurement process. 3. Continuing to advertise bids on the County’s website and in newspapers including newspapers that target socially and economically disadvantaged communities. 4. Continuing to provide copies of bid specifications to minority Chambers of Commerce. As prescribed by law, the purchase of one or more items costing in excess of the statutory bid limit must comply with the competitive bid process. Where possible, those bids will be structured to include and encourage the participation of HUB firms in the procurement process by: 1. Division of proposed requisitions into reasonable lots in keeping with industry standards and competitive bid requirements. 2. Where feasible, assessment of bond and insurance requirements and the designing of such requirements to reasonably permit more than one business to perform the work. 3. Specification of reasonable, realistic delivery schedules consistent with the County’s actual requirements. 4. Specifications, terms and conditions reflecting the County’s actual requirements are clearly stated, and do not impose unreasonable or unnecessary contract requirements. F. A HUB Policy statement shall be included in all specifications. The County will consider the bidder’s responsiveness to the HUB Policy in the evaluation of bids and proposals. Failure to demonstrate a good faith effort to comply with the County’s HUB policy may result in a bid or proposal being considered non-responsive to specifications. G. The Purchasing Department will actively seek the participation of HUB firms in the quotation process for purchases under the statutory bid limit. HUB firms will be identified on the computerized database and linked to the commodities they represent. Buyers will be encouraged to use available internal and external databases of certified HUB firms. Tarrant County: Historically Underutilized Business Policy PAGE 24 OF BID NO. 2015-102 Page 3 of 4 H. IV. Nothing in this policy shall be construed to require the County to award a contract other than to the lowest responsive bidder as required by law. This policy is narrowly tailored in accordance with applicable law. ADMINISTRATIVE GUIDELINES A. The Purchasing Department shall serve as the County’s HUB Office with responsibility for the implementation, monitoring and general operations of the HUB policy. The Purchasing Agent shall serve as the County HUB Officer. 1. The HUB Officer will establish procedures to implement this policy across the full spectrum of the procurement process. The County HUB Office will periodically review with department head and elected officials regarding procurement opportunities. 2. Managing the policy and training buyers and other County personnel in order to meet County goals will be the responsibility of the HUB Office. 3. The HUB Office will cooperate with other local government entities to increase HUB participation throughout the county and region. The HUB Office is encouraged to participate in educational and other outreach programs to assist HUB firms. 4. The HUB Officer will receive and review complaints and recommendations regarding the implementation of the HUB Policy and the good faith efforts of bidders. Further, the HUB Office will audit for compliance to the HUB Policy on eligible projects after award, during the performance of the contract and after completion, while also making any recommendations to Commissioners Court regarding any irregularities or misrepresentation of facts as they relate to compliance with the policy. The HUB Office will review documentation submitted by HUB firms in compliance with this policy. 5. An annual report along with recommendations shall be provided to the Commissioners Court and Purchasing Board. The annual report will provide statistical data and efforts reflected in the number of purchase orders, value of goods and services purchased, percentages to HUB firms, and outreach and marketing efforts. Other statistics may be required or requested by the Commissioners Court or Purchasing Board. 510 Historically Underutilized Businesses Policy Adopted: Court Order 64788 (December 17, 1990) Amended: Court Order 69958 (December 7, 1993) Amended: Court Order 99651 (December 28, 2006) Tarrant County: Historically Underutilized Business Policy PAGE 25 OF BID NO. 2015-102 Page 4 of 4 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER AND OEM FOR DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISES ONLY Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) are encouraged to participate in Tarrant County's bid process. The Purchasing Department will provide additional clarification of specifications, assistance with Bid Proposal Forms, and further explanation of bidding procedures to those DBEs who request it. Representatives from DBE companies should identify themselves as such and submit a copy of the Certification. The County recognizes the certifications of both the State of Texas General Services Commission HUB Program and the North Central Texas Regional Certification Agency. All companies seeking information concerning DBE certification are urged to contact. Texas Procurement and Support Services Statewide HUB Program 1711 Jacinto Blvd. PO Box 13047 OR Austin, TX 78711-3047 (512) 463-5872 North Central Texas Regional Certification Agency 624 Six Flags Drive, Suite 100 Arlington, TX 76011 (817) 640-0606 If your company is already certified, attach a copy of your certification to this form and return with bid. COMPANY NAME: ______________________________________________________ REPRESENTATIVE: ____________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP: ______________________________________________________ TELEPHONE NO. __________________________ FAX NO . ____________________ Indicate all that apply: ______Minority-Owned Business Enterprise ______Women-Owned Business Enterprise ______Disadvantaged Business Enterprise PAGE 26 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER AND OEM VENDOR REFERENCES Please list three (3) references, other than Tarrant County, who can verify your performance as a vendor. Performance includes but shall not be limited to, sales and/or service, delivery, invoicing, and other items as may be required for Tarrant County to determine your firm’s ability to provide the intended goods or service of this bid. The County prefers references to be from customers for whom your firm has provided the same items (sales and/or services) as those specified in this bid. Inaccurate, obsolete or negative responses from the listed references could result in rejection of your bid. REFERENCE ONE GOVERNMENT/COMPANY NAME: ________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________________________________ CONTACT PERSON AND TITLE: _________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE NUMBER: _________________________________________________________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________________________ SCOPE OF WORK: ____________________________________________________________________________ CONTRACT PERIOD: ___________________________________________________________________________ REFERENCE TWO GOVERNMENT/COMPANY NAME: ________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________________________________ CONTACT PERSON AND TITLE: _________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE NUMBER: _________________________________________________________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________________________ SCOPE OF WORK: ____________________________________________________________________________ CONTRACT PERIOD: ___________________________________________________________________________ REFERENCE THREE GOVERNMENT/COMPANY NAME: ________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________________________________ CONTACT PERSON AND TITLE: _________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE NUMBER: _________________________________________________________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________________________ SCOPE OF WORK: ____________________________________________________________________________ CONTRACT PERIOD: ___________________________________________________________________________ THE ORIGINAL AND ONE (1) COPY OF THIS FORM MUST BE RETURNED WITH BID! PAGE 27 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SIGNATURE FORM The undersigned agrees this bid becomes the property of Tarrant County after the official opening. The undersigned affirms he has familiarized himself with the local conditions under which the work is to be performed; satisfied himself of the conditions of delivery, handling and storage of equipment and all other matters which may be incidental to the work, before submitting a bid. The undersigned agrees, if this bid is accepted, to furnish any and all items/services upon which prices are offered, at the price(s) and upon the terms and conditions contained in the Specifications. The period for acceptance of this Bid Proposal will be ninety (90) calendar days. The undersigned affirms that they are duly authorized to execute this contract, that this bid has not been prepared in collusion with any other Bidder, nor any employee of Tarrant County, and that the contents of this bid have not been communicated to any other bidder or to any employee of Tarrant County prior to the official opening of this bid. Vendor hereby assigns to purchaser any and all claims for overcharges associated with this contract which arise under the antitrust laws of the United States, 15 USCA Section 1 et seq., and which arise under the antitrust laws of the State of Texas, Tex. Bus. & Com. Code, Section 15.01, et seq. The undersigned affirms that they have read and do understand the specifications and any attachments contained in this bid package. Failure to sign and return this form will result in the rejection of the entire bid. Signature ____________________________________________________X Authorized Representative NAME AND ADDRESS OF COMPANY: ___________________________________ Date ________________________________ ___________________________________ Name _______________________________ ___________________________________ Title ________________________________ Tel. No. ____________________________ FAX No. _____________________________ E-Mail Address: ______________________________________________________________ AFTER HOURS EMERGENCY CONTACT: Name: ______________________________ Tel. No. _____________________________ THIS FORM MUST BE SIGNED. THE ORIGINAL WITH ORIGINAL SIGNATURE AND ONE (1) COPY MUST BE RETURNED WITH BID. PAGE 28 OF BID NO. 2015-102 Did you sign your bid and/or your addendum? If not, your bid will be rejected. ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER AND OEM COMPANY IS: Business included in a Corporate Income Tax Return? ______YES ______NO _____Corporation organized & existing under the laws of the State of ____________________ _____Partnership consisting of _________________________________________________ _____Individual trading as ______________________________________________________ _____Principal offices are in the city of ____________________________________________ PAGE 29 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER AND OEM CERTIFICATION OF ELIGIBILITY By submitting a bid or proposal in response to this solicitation, the bidder/proposer certifies that at the time of submission, he/she is not on the Federal Government’s list of suspended, ineligible, or debarred contractors. In the event of placement on the list between the time of bid/proposal submission and time of award, the bidder/proposer will notify the Tarrant County Purchasing Agent. Failure to do so may result in terminating this contract for default. Signature _____________________________________________________X THIS FORM MUST BE SIGNED. THE ORIGINAL WITH ORIGINAL SIGNATURE AND ONE (1) COPY MUST BE RETURNED WITH BID. PAGE 30 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER AND OEM BID FORMS/DOCUMENTS CHECKLIST Indicates Compliance A check mark () in the space provided indicates these forms/documents have been completed and are included in your bid package. The original and one (1) copy of all forms/documents should be submitted. Failure to check all items could result in rejection of the entire bid. All deviations from specifications must be documented separately and included with bid package. 1. Vendor References. Bidder has provided three (3) references, other than Tarrant County. References must be able to verify the quality of service your company provides and that your company has completed a project of similar size and scope of work to this bid. 2. Signatures. All forms requiring a signature must be signed. Bids not signed will not be considered for award. 3. Bid Proposal Forms. All sections of Bid Proposal Forms have been completed. Insurance Certificates (If required). Bidders must submit all Insurance Certificates and endorsement verification prior to commencement of contract. If no insurance requirements specified, mark N/A. 4. 5. Addenda. When applicable, Bidder acknowledges receipt of all addenda and has included the signed Addenda cover pages and any revised Bid Forms in their bid package. 6. It is the bidders’ sole responsibility to print and review all pages of the bid document, attachments, questions and their responses, addenda and special notices. The Bid Proposal Signature Form must be signed and returned. Failure to provide signature on this form renders bid non-responsive. Failure to complete and the submission of all required forms, including but not limited to the Reference Page, Certification of Eligibility, Checklist, Questionnaires (when applicable), Addenda (including revised forms), and any other specified forms or documents will be grounds for rejection of entire bid. 7. Bidder has read, understands, and agrees to Tarrant County’s Criminal Background Check requirements. 8. Accuracy for all mathematical and number entries is the sole responsibility of the bidder. Tarrant County will not be responsible for errors made by the bidder. THE ORIGINAL AND ONE (1) COPY OF THIS FORM MUST BE RETURNED WITH BID! PAGE 31 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER AND OEM BID FORMS/DOCUMENTS CHECKLIST Indicates Compliance A check mark () in the space provided indicates these forms/documents have been completed and are included in your bid package. The original and one (1) copy of all forms/documents should be submitted. Failure to check all items could result in rejection of the entire bid. All deviations from specifications must be documented separately and included with bid package. 9. Bidder’s company is registered on TVORS (Tarrant On-Line Vendor Registration System). 10. Failure to comply with the requirements set forth in this Request for Bid may result in rejection of bid and/or cancellation of contract after award. THE ORIGINAL AND ONE (1) COPY OF THIS FORM MUST BE RETURNED WITH BID! PAGE 32 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 1: AIR CONDITIONING AND HEATING SYSTEMS - ACDELCO Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. ACDelco, Compressor No. 15-22189 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. ACDelco, Blower Motor No. 15-81683 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. ACDelco, Compressor No. 15-22232 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. ACDelco, A/C Accumulator No. 15-11066 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: ____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):__________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - ACDELCO PAGE 33 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 2: AIR CONDITIONING AND HEATING SYSTEMS - FOUR SEASONS Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Four Seasons, Compressor No. 97293 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Four Seasons, Blower Motor No. 75777 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Four Seasons, Condensor No. 83902 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. Four Seasons, Blower Motor No. 75736 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: ____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):___________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - FOUR SEASONS PAGE 34 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 3: AIR CONDITIONING AND HEATING SYSTEMS - MOTORCRAFT Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Motorcraft, Hose No. YF-3223 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Motorcraft, Condensor No. YJ-564 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Motorcraft, Orifice No. YG-343 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. Motorcraft, Blower Motor No. MM-929 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - MOTORCRAFT PAGE 35 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 4: ALTERNATORS, STARTERS & ELECTRICAL- ACDELCO Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. ACDelco, Alternator No. 25877026 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. ACDelco, Alternator No. 334-1427-A 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. ACDelco, Alternator No. 335-1236 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. ACDelco, Alternator No. 2278-1131 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - ACDELCO PAGE 36 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 5: ALTERNATORS, STARTERS & ELECTRICAL - MOTORCRAFT Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Motorcraft, Alternator No. GLV-8713-RM 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Motorcraft, Alternator No.GL-671 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Motorcraft, Alternator No. GL-8666 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. Motorcraft, Alternator No. GL-8665 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - MOTORCRAFT PAGE 37 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 6: ALTERNATORS, STARTERS & ELECTRICAL - ULTIMA Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Ultima, Alternator No. 13893 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Ultima, Alternator No. 391614 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Ultima, Alternator No. 11469 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. Ultima, Alternator No. 394414 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - ULTIMA PAGE 38 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 7: BATTERY - ACDELCO Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. ACDelco, Battery No. 31-900CT 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. ACDelco, Battery No. 90PS 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. ACDelco, Battery No. 51R-PS 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. ACDelco, Battery No. 51-PS 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - ACDELCO PAGE 39 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 8: BATTERY - INTERSTATE Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Interstate, Battery No. MTP-65 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Interstate, Battery No. 31P-MHD 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Interstate, Battery No. MTP-48/H6 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. Interstate, Battery No. MTP-78DT 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):___________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - INTERSTATE PAGE 40 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 9: BATTERY - MOTORCRAFT Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Motorcraft, Battery No. BXS-65 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Motorcraft, Battery No. BXT-65-650 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Motorcraft, Battery No. BXT-65-750 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):___________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - MOTORCRAFT PAGE 41 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 10: BEARINGS & SEALS - MOTORCRAFT Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Motorcraft, Seal No. BRS-90 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Motorcraft, Seal No. BRS-118 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Motorcraft, Seal No. BRS-124 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - MOTORCRAFT PAGE 42 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 11: BEARINGS & SEALS - TIMKEN Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Timken, Seal No. 4764 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Timken, Seal No. 3604 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Timken, Seal No. 493291 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. Timken, Bearing No. 5707 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - TIMKEN PAGE 43 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 12: BELTS & HOSES - ACDELCO Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. ACDelco, Belt No. 6K935 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. ACDelco, Belt No. 4K355-SF 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. ACDelco, Belt No. 6K-923 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. ACDelco, Belt No. 6K388 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - ACDELCO PAGE 44 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 13: BELTS & HOSES - GATES Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Gates, Belt No. K-060935 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Gates, Belt No. K-040355-SF 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Gates, Belt No. K-060923 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. Gates, Belt No. K-060388 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - GATES PAGE 45 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 14: BELTS & HOSES - MOTORCRAFT Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Motorcraft, Belt No. JK6-455-C 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Motorcraft, Belt No. JK8-1214 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Motorcraft, Belt No. JK6-914 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. Motorcraft, Belt No. JK6-926 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - MOTORCRAFT PAGE 46 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 15: BRAKES & ROTORS - ACDELCO Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. ACDelco, Brake Pad No. 17D-1092-CH 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. ACDelco, Brake Pad No. 17D931-CH 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. ACDelco, Rotors No. 18A1214 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. ACDelco, Rotors No. 18A1213 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - ACDELCO PAGE 47 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 16: BRAKES & ROTORS - BENDIX Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Bendix, Brake Pad No. MKD-1400 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Bendix, Brake Pad No. D-1363 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Bendix, Brake Pad No. 465-AF 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. Bendix, Brake Pad No. D-1194 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - BENDIX PAGE 48 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 17: BRAKES & ROTORS - BRAKE BEST Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Brake Best, Brake Pad No. MKD-1399 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Brake Best, Brake Pad No. 780143-RGS 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Brake Best, Brake Pad No. 580279-RGS 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. Brake Best, Brake Pad No. 580422-RGS 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - BRAKE BEST PAGE 49 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 18: BRAKES & ROTORS - CENTRIC Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Centric, Brake Pad No. 105.121 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Centric, Brake Pad No. 105.1273 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Centric, Brake Pad No. 105.0764 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. Centric, Brake Pad No. 122.40014 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - CENTRIC PAGE 50 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 19: BRAKES & ROTORS - MOTORCRAFT Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Motorcraft, Brake Pad No. BRF-1475 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Motorcraft, Brake Pad No. BRF-1383 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Motorcraft, Front Rotor No. BRRF-207 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. Motorcraft, Rear Rotor No. BRF-92 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - MOTORCRAFT PAGE 51 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 20: BRAKES & ROTORS - PRONTO Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Pronto, Rotor No. BR-54103 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Pronto, Rotor No. BR-54105 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Pronto, Brake Pad No. LMD-1194 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. Pronto, Brake Pad No. LCD-1363 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - PRONTO PAGE 52 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 21: BRAKES & ROTORS - WAGNER Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Wagner, Brake Pad No. QC-1022 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Wagner, Brake Pad No. QC-465-A 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Wagner, Brake Pad No. MX-803 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. Wagner, Brake Pad No. MX-655 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - WAGNER PAGE 53 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 22: CHARGING & STARTING SYSTEMS - ACDELCO Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. ACDelco, Starter No. 323-1662 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. ACDelco, Starter No. 336-2150-A 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. ACDelco, Starter No. 323-1657 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. ACDelco, Starter No. 336-2148-A 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail): ___________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - ACDELCO PAGE 54 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 23: CHARGING & STARTING SYSTEMS - MOTORCRAFT Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Motorcraft, Starter No. SA-848 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Motorcraft, Starter No. SA-973 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Motorcraft, Starter No. SA-873 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. Motorcraft, Starter No. SA-1014RM 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - MOTORCRAFT PAGE 55 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 24: CHASSIS & STEERING COMPONENTS - ACDELCO Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. ACDelco, Inner Tie Rod End No. 45A1168 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. ACDelco, Inner Tie Rod End No. 45A1059 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. ACDelco, Inner Tie Rod End No. 45A1269 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. ACDelco, Outer Tie Rod End No. 45A1092 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - ACDELCO PAGE 56 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 25: CHASSIS & STEERING COMPONENTS - MOOG Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Moog, Ball Joint No. K-8678 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Moog, Ball Joint No. K-8685 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Moog, Tie Rod End No. EV-80988 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. Moog, Tie Rod End No. ES-800086 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - MOOG PAGE 57 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 26: CHASSIS & STEERING COMPONENTS - MOTORCRAFT Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Motorcraft, Inner Tie Rod End No. ME0E-174 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Motorcraft, Outer Tie Rod End No. ME0E-91 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Motorcraft, Outer Tie Rod End No. MEOE-92 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. Motorcraft, Lower Ball Joint No. MCS0E-34 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - MOTORCRAFT PAGE 58 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 27: CHEMICAL & ADDITIVES - BERRYMAN Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Berryman, Brake Clean No. 1420 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Berryman, Total Battery No. 306 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Berryman, Fuel Treatment No. 1112 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. Berryman, Fuel Treatment No. 116 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - BERRYMAN PAGE 59 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 28: CHEMICAL & ADDITIVES - CRC Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. CRC, Battery Cleaner No. CRC5023 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. CRC, Battery Terminal Protector No. CRC5046 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. CRC, Mass Airflow Cleaner No. CRC5110 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - CRC PAGE 60 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 29: CHEMICAL & ADDITIVES - KRYLON Item No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Description Brand and Product No. Krylon, Battery Cleaner No. 1336 Krylon, Spray Paint, Gloss Black, 15 oz. Spray Can No. R00799 Krylon, Spray Paint, Flat Black, 15 oz. Spray Can No. R00789 Krylon, Spray Paint, Semi-Gloss Black, 15 oz. Spray Can No. R00779 Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1 ea. $ % $ $ 1 ea. $ % $ $ 1 ea. $ % $ $ 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - KRYLON PAGE 61 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 30: CHEMICALS & ADDITIVES - LUCAS Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Lucas, Oil Stabilizer No. LUC10001 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Lucas, Power Steering Additive No. LUC10008 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Lucas, Gear Oil No. LUC10043 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. Lucas, Power Steering Stop Leak No. LUC10011 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - LUCAS PAGE 62 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 31: CHEMICALS & ADDITIVES - PERMATEX Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Permatex, Disc Brake Quiet No. PRM8007 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Permatex, Dielectric Grease No. PRM22058 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Permatex, Battery Cleaner No. PRM80369 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. Permatex, Battery Protector and Sealer No. PRM80370 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - PERMATEX PAGE 63 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 32: CHEMICALS & ADDITIVES - STA-BIL Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Sta-Bil, Fuel System Revitalizer No. 21205 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Sta-Bil, Fuel System Stabilizer No. 22207 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Sta-Bil, Fuel System Stabilizer No. 22208 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. Sta-Bil, Fuel System Stabilizer No. 22214 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - STA-BIL PAGE 64 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 33: COOLING SYSTEM - ACDELCO Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. ACDelco, Water Pump No. 251-713 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. ACDelco, Thermostat No. 131-160 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. ACDelco, Coolant No. 10-101 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. ACDelco, Cooling Fan Kit No. 15-80051 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - ACDELCO PAGE 65 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 34: COOLING SYSTEM - MOTORCRAFT Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Motorcraft, Water Pump No. PW-464 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Motorcraft, Cooling Fan No. RF-272 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Motorcraft, Thermostat No. RT-1234 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. Motorcraft, Coolant No. VC-7-B 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - MOTORCRAFT PAGE 66 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 35: EMISSION CONTROL & SENSORS - ACDELCO Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. ACDelco, Oxygen Sensor No. 213-3866 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. ACDelco, T.P.S. Sensor No. 19269452 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. ACDelco, Knock Sensor No. 213-1576 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. ACDelco, Speed Sensor No. 213-4336 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - ACDELCO PAGE 67 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 36: EMISSION CONTROL & SENSORS - MOTORCRAFT Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Motorcraft, T.P.S. Sensor No. DY-1164 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Motorcraft, Oxygen Sensor No. DY-1034 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Motorcraft, Speed Sensor No. DY-1235 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. Motorcraft, Oxygen Sensor No. DY-1060 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - MOTORCRAFT PAGE 68 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 37: FILTERS - ACDELCO Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. ACDelco, Oil Filter No. PF46E 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. ACDelco, Air Filter No. A-2014-C 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. ACDelco, Fuel Filter No. TP-3012 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. ACDelco, Transmission Filter No. 24208576 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - ACDELCO PAGE 69 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 38: FILTERS - BALDWIN Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Baldwin, Lube Filter No. B99 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Baldwin, Lube Filter No. P7235 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Baldwin, Fuel/Water Separator Filter No. BF1280 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. Baldwin, Hydraulic Filter No. BT8841-MPG 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - BALDWIN PAGE 70 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 39: FILTERS - DONALDSON Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Donaldson, Fuel/Water Separator Filter No. P552020 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Donaldson, Lube Filter No. P553000 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Donaldson, Fuel Filter No. P556915 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. Donaldson, Lube Filter No. P550761 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - DONALDSON PAGE 71 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 40: FILTERS - FRAM Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. FRAM, Oil Filter No. PH3682 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. FRAM, Oil Filter No. PH3614 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. FRAM, Oil Filter No. PH4967 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. FRAM, Air Filter No. CA-5056 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - FRAM PAGE 72 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 41: FILTERS - FILTRAN Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Filtran, Transmission Filter No. 76010 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Filtran, Transmission Filter No. A-74010-ECP 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Filtran, Transmission Filter No. 124010 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. Filtran, Transmission Gasket No. 72300-F 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - FILTRAN PAGE 73 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 42: FILTERS - MOTORCRAFT Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Motorcraft, Oil Filter No. FL400SB12 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Motorcraft, Air Filter No. FA-1883 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Motorcraft, Fuel Filter No. FG-986-B 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. Motorcraft, Transmission Filter No. FT-130 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - MOTORCRAFT PAGE 74 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 43: FILTERS - WIX Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Wix, Oil Filter No. 51365 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Wix, Oil Filter No. 51394 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Wix, Air Filter No. 42725 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. Wix, Fuel Filter No. 33481 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - WIX PAGE 75 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 44: FLOOR MATS - KRACO Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Kraco, Floor Mats No. C614A - GRAY 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Kraco, Floor Mats No. C614A - TAN 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Kraco, Floor Mats No. C614 - BLK 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - KRACO PAGE 76 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 45: FLOOR MATS - PLASTICOLOR Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Plasticolor, Floor Mats No. 1457R-01 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Plasticolor, Floor Mats No. 1642-01 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Plasticolor, Floor Mats No. 1644-01 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - PLASTICOLOR PAGE 77 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 46: FLOOR MATS - PREMIER Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Premier, Floor Mats No. 763040-22 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Premier, Floor Mats No. 763040-23 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Premier, Floor Mats No. 763040-25 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - PREMIER PAGE 78 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 47: FLOOR MATS - WEATHER TECH Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Weather Tech, Floor Mats No. W25 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Weather Tech, Floor Mats No. W25GR 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Weather Tech, Floor Mats No. W25TN 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - WEATHER TECH PAGE 79 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 48: FUEL SYSTEMS - ACDELCO Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. ACDelco, Throttle Body No. 217-3151 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. ACDelco, Fuel Pump No. MU-1876 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. ACDelco, Fuel Pump Relay No. D-1777-C 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - ACDELCO PAGE 80 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 49: FUEL SYSTEMS - MOTORCRAFT Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Motorcraft, Fuel Pump No. PFS-615 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Motorcraft, Fuel Injector No. CM-5116 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Motorcraft, "O" Ring No. CM-4717 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - MOTORCRAFT PAGE 81 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 50: IGNITION - ACDELCO Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. ACDelco, Wire Set No. 748-UU 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. ACDelco, Ignition Coil No. D-510-C 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. ACDelco, Camshaft Position Sensor No. 213-3826 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - ACDELCO PAGE 82 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 51: IGNITION - MOTORCRAFT Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Motorcraft, Coil No. DG-508 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Motorcraft, Wire Set No. WR-6135 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Motorcraft, Oil Pressure Switch No. SW6357 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. Motorcraft, Throttle Position Sensor No. DY1286 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - MOTORCRAFT PAGE 83 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 52: OEM PARTS - DODGE Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Dodge, Tire Pressure Sensor No. 68239720-AC 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Dodge, Tire Pressure Sensor No. 56029139-AA 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Dodge, Handle No. 55276237-AA 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. Dodge, Seal No. 05086789-AA 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - DODGE OEM PAGE 84 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 53: OEM PARTS - FORD Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Ford, Throttle Body No. 9W72-9E926-A 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Ford, Valve No. F81Z-9A153-AA 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Ford, Power Window Switch No. 5L1Z-14529-AA 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. Ford, Jewel No. BW1Z-10A936-A 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - FORD OEM PAGE 85 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 54: OEM PARTS - GENERAL MOTORS Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. General Motors, Trailing Arm No. 22868629 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. General Motors, Oil Cooler Lines No. 20828695 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. General Motors, Handle No. 15232594 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. General Motors, Coupler No. 15650056 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - GENERAL MOTORS OEM PAGE 86 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 55: OEM PARTS - HONDA Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Honda, Base Mount No. 51920-55A-751 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Honda, Sensor No. 37840-RJH-006 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Honda, Seal No. 91213-P2F-A01 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. Honda, Wheel Bearing Seal No. 51726-55A-701 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - HONDA OEM PAGE 87 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 56: OEM PARTS - TOYOTA Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Toyota, Floor Mats No. PT208-03120-13 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Toyota, Wiper Blades No. 85222-YZZ18-TM 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Toyota, Wiper Blades No. 85212-YZZ08-TM 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. Toyota, Wiper Blades No. 85242-47030 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - TOYOTA OEM PAGE 88 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 57: SHOCKS & STRUTS - ACDELCO Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. ACDelco, Front Shock No. 580-435 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. ACDelco, Front Shock No. 580-432 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. ACDelco, Rear Shock No. 580-428 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. ACDelco, Rear Shock No. 580-640 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - ACDELCO PAGE 89 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 58: SHOCKS & STRUTS - KYB Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. KYB, Front Shock No. 221121 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. KYB, Rear Shock No. 555054 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. KYB, Front Shock No. 551600 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. KYB, Rear Shock No. 551603 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - KYB PAGE 90 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 59: SHOCKS & STRUTS - MONROE Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Monroe, Front Shock No. 553001 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Monroe, Rear Shock No. 550018 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Monroe, Rear Shock No. 40050 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. Monroe, Rear Shock No. 911506 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - MONROE PAGE 91 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 60: SHOCKS & STRUTS - MOTORCRAFT Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Motorcraft, Front Shock No. ASH-12274 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Motorcraft, Front Shock No. ASH-12275 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Motorcraft, Rear Shock No. ASH-12276 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. Motorcraft, Rear Shock No. ASH-24538 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - MOTORCRAFT PAGE 92 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 61: SPARK PLUGS - ACDELCO Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. ACDelco, Spark Plug No. 41-101 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. ACDelco, Spark Plug No. 41-103 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. ACDelco, Spark Plug No. 41-110 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. ACDelco, Spark Plug No. 41-993 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - ACDELCO PAGE 93 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 62: SPARK PLUGS - CHAMPION IRIDIUM Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Champion Iridium, Spark Plug No. 570 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Champion Iridium, Spark Plug No. 9407 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Champion Iridium, Spark Plug No. 9055 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - CHAMPION IRIDIUM PAGE 94 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 63: SPARK PLUGS - MOTORCRAFT Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Motorcraft, Spark Plug No. SP-493 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Motorcraft, Spark Plug No. SP-506 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Motorcraft, Spark Plug No. SP-509 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - MOTORCRAFT PAGE 95 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 64: SPARK PLUGS - TOYOTA IRIDIUM Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Toyota Iridium, Spark Plug No. 90080 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Toyota Iridium, Spark Plug No. 91184 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Toyota Iridium, Spark Plug No. SK16R11 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - TOYOTA IRIDIUM PAGE 96 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 65: WIPERS & BLADES - BOSCH Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Bosch, Wiper Blade No. 20A 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Bosch, Wiper Blade No. 20B 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Bosch, Wiper Blade No. 41920 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - BOSCH PAGE 97 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 66: WIPERS & BLADES - MOTORCRAFT Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Motorcraft, Wiper Blade No. WW-1202 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Motorcraft, Wiper Blade No. WW2046 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Motorcraft, Wiper Blade No. WW-2705 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. Motorcraft, Wiper Blade No. WW-2700 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - MOTORCRAFT PAGE 98 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL SECTION 67: WIPERS & BLADES - TRICO Item No. Description Brand and Product No. Est. Qty. Catalog/List Price Percentage Discount Amount of Discount Net Price Each 1. Trico, Wiper Blade No. 31-180 1 ea. $ % $ $ 2. Trico, Wiper Blade No. 31-200 1 ea. $ % $ $ 3. Trico, Wiper Blade No. 31-220 1 ea. $ % $ $ 4. Trico, Wiper Blade No. 31-260 1 ea. $ % $ $ Percent Discount, This Section: ____________________________% Total Bid, This Section: $__________________ Price sheet to be used for pricing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Warranty (Explain in Detail):____________________________________________________________________________________ DISCOUNT MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL ITEMS - TRICO PAGE 99 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM BID PROPOSAL If unable to guarantee parts for six (6) months, please indicate warranty information: Delivery: Delivery time is very important to Tarrant County. requirements will apply: The following delivery Emergency Requirement Same Day Delivery Normal Requirement Delivery within three (3) working days Stock Replenishment Delivery within five (5) working days Can your company meet these delivery times? _________Yes __________No If no, please provide your company’s delivery times: _________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ State normal delivery response times for same day delivery, i.e. hot shot service: __________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Is direct pick-up service available? _________Yes __________No State normal time for pick-up after receipt of order: __________________________________ Special Delivery requirements for emergency vehicles: Tarrant County has the responsibility for maintaining emergency vehicles which must be ready for service at all times. With this urgency in mind, please state the normal delivery times for these requirements: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ (Specify hours/days) On-Line Catalog: Tarrant County prefers access to On-Line Catalogs. On-Line Catalogs provide Tarrant County with access to parts information and allows Tarrant County to place orders which reduces order processing time for both the vendors and Tarrant County. Can your company give Tarrant County access to On-Line Catalogs? Yes________ No________ Cost, if any, for providing the On-Line Catalog: $_______________________ PAGE 100 OF BID NO. 2015-102 ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR DOMESTIC AUTOMOTIVE AND LIGHT TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES; AFTER MARKET AND OEM Bid Proposal Form Discounts For Other Items If you the vendor have other brands of products related to this bid which were not previously covered, you may list them here with the discount that will apply. If your company is awarded any part of this bid these discounts will be included in your award. Please use additional pages if required. Brand Name Name of Price List, include source i.e. website and/or hard copy Discount % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % PAGE 101 OF BID NO. 2015-102
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