College of ACES Alumni Association 2015 Award of Merit

 College of ACES Alumni Association 2015 Award of Merit Call for Nominations
The University of Illinois College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental
Sciences alumni bring honor to themselves and their alma mater through many
ways. The ACES Alumni Association celebrates alumni who have demonstrated
outstanding professional achievement, or through outstanding leadership or
service have significantly enhanced or improved the lives of others.
Nominations due October 15, 2014
Recognizes the outstanding accomplishments of living University of Illinois College of ACES alumni who have excelled in
their careers, leadership or service upon graduation from college. Awardees will be honored on Monday, April 13, 2015 as
part of the ACES Alumni Award of Merit Alumni Recognition events and at the college’s FUNK Awards Banquet.
Scoring will consist of 40% Professional Accomplishments, 25% Service to the University and College, 30% Service to
Professional Organizations, Community and Awards and Honors and 5% Narrative Endorsement/Letters of
Guidelines for Nomination:
 Complete the nomination form.
 Provide a biographical sketch (1 page maximum) about nominee. (included in packet)
Please attach:
 Attach a minimum of two letters of reference and a maximum of five, in support of this nomination. One letter of
reference should be from a University of Illinois faculty or staff member. Names and addresses must be included on
reference letters.
 Attach resume of nominee (no vitas please).
All nominations are kept on file for three years to be reviewed for the Award of Merit Alumni Award. Updates can be added
to each application prior to the next year’s review.
Applications due October 15, 2014 to:
Tina Veal
Director of Alumni Relations
College of ACES Alumni Association
University of Illinois – MC - 631
Suite 124 ACES Library, Information and Alumni Center
1101 S. Goodwin Ave.
Urbana, IL 61801
Questions please call: 217-333-7744 or email
Previous Award of Merit Alumni Award Recipients
View all award winners online:
College of ACES Alumni Award of Merit
James J. Albrecht, ’58 - 2011
Ruth Large Allen, ’54 - 2002
Dale E. Aupperle, ’72 - 2005
David H. Baker, ’61, ’63, ’65 - 2007
M. Margaret Barth, ’91- 2014
Kenneth R. Bolen, ’62, ’76 - 1996
Douglas L. Bosworth, ’64 - 2006
Jerry R. Brookhart, ’63- 2014
William L. Brown, ’56 - 2002
Lloyd Burling, ’61 - 1996
Rudolfo Juan Carlos Cantet ’90 - 2012
Jack A. Cavanah, ’60, ‘62 - 2005
David. L. Chicoine, ’79 - 2003
Patricia A. Clickener, ’64, ’70 - 1998
Ivery D. Clifton, ’76 - 2005
Molly N. Cline, ’78, ’80 - 2008
Robert J. Collier, ’76 – 2006
Kenneth L. Dalenberg, ’71, ’04- 2014
Carroll Chris Doll, ’49 - 2002
Rebecca Carlisle Doyle, ‘75, ’77 - 1999
Donald N. Duvick, ’48 - 1996
Harry C. (Bo) Eaton, ’52 - 1997
Richard J. Feltes, ’70 - 2007
Larry L. Fischer, ’74 – 2007
James R. Fraley, ’87 - 2013
Keith A. Garleb, ’85, ’87, ’90 - 2009
Larry G. Gerdes, ’71 - 2004
Steven H. Gerdes, ’77 – 2004
Eldon F. Gould, '63 - 2010
James W. Guilinger, ’51, ’58 - 1997
Harold D. Guither, ’49, ’50, ’62 – 1999
Larry H. Hageman, ’78- 2014
Judith K. Hevrdejs, ’73 - 1999
Eleanor A. Hill, ’72 – 1996
Steven E. Hill ’89, ’92 - 2012
Diane A.S. Hirakawa, ’81, ’83, ’86 – 2006
Douglas L. Hixon, ’68, ’70, ’80 - 2013
Sharon L. Hoerr, ‘71, '76, '85 - 2010
Donald A. Holt, ’54, ’56 - 2001
Guy H. Johnson, ’71, ’76 - 2008
Caroline Becker Joss, ’84 - 2000
Ann L. Mackey Keim, ’73, ’76 – 2001
Barbara P. Klein, ’74- 2014
J. Dan Lehmann, '74,'75,’82 – 2010
Howard M. Katz, ’82 - 2011
Carol Keiser-Long, ’68 - 2005
Roger E. Marcoot, ’72, ’73 – 2000
Lynette L. Marshall ’83, ’00 - 2013
Kenneth G. McMillan, ’67, ’69 - 2012
Samuel A. Meers, ’82 – 2003
Bruce A. Molitoris, ’73 – 2011
Nancy J. Moriarity, ’79, ’89 - 2012
Lawrence D. Muller, ’64, ’66 - 2003
William R. Mullins, ’63 - 2009
Delbert D. Mundt, ’54 - 2004
Ollie Myers, ’51 – 1998
Charles E. Olson, ’68- 2010
Lyle E. Orwig, ’74 – 2008
Johnny W. Pendleton, ’51, ’55 - 2011
Roscoe L. Pershing, ’64, ’66 - 2007
Harold F. Reetz Jr., ’70 - 2000
Ray E. Ropp, ’64 - 2006
Edward C. A. Runge, ’55, ’57 – 2001
Tami Craig Schilling, ’90 - 2013
David Schingoethe, ’64, ’65 - 2002
Jon H. Scholl, ’78 - 2008
Mark S. Scholl, ’73 - 2010
P. Scott Shearer, ’70, ’75 – 2009
David D. Shockey, ’80, ;83 - 2013
Richard A. Sikora, ’70 - 2004
Islam A. Siddiqui, ’66, ’69 - 2001
Randy L. Sims, ’69 - 2003
Bir Bahadur Singh, ’65, ’67 - 2009
Robert E. Smith, ’63 - 2009
Janet Gettings Stevens, ’70, ’75, ’80 – 1997
Steven L. Stice, ’83- 2001
Duane W. Strunk, ’63 - 2008
Rodney E. Swoboda, ’73 - 2007
Eugene R. Terry, ’70 - 2000
A. Forrest Troyer, ’56 - 1997
Thomas M. Tunney, ’77 – 1998
Jay J. Vroom, ’74 - 2011
Piet Paul Van Waeyenberge, ’62 – 2005
Howard L. Wakeland, ’50, ’54- 2012
Ron Warfield, ’65, ’67 - 1999
J. Robert Warmbrod, ’62 - 2004
M. Mark D. Wilson - 1998
John L. Woods, ’60, ’65, ’74 - 2006
Agriculture Alumni Award of Merit
Louis A. Abbott, ’14 - 1961
Joseph F. Ackerman, ’29, ’30, ’38 - 1965
Karl F. Adams, ’31 - 1979
R. Clayton Ainsworth, ’37, ’40 - 1981
Thomas C. Ainsworth, ’64 - 1991
John S. Albin, ’50 - 1977
Richard E. Albrecht, ’40 - 1980
Denton E. Alexander, ’41, ’50 - 1976
Ralph Allen, 1876 - 1966
Frank W. Andrew, ’38, ’47 - 1974
Jo H. Armstrong, ’48 - 1983
Robert D. Armstrong, ’36 - 1969
Roy L. Ax, ’73, ’74, ’78 - 1991
Victor Ball, ’36 - 1995
Dale Bauman, ’69 - 1995
Edwin Bay, ’21 - 1969
Walter G. Baysinger, ’19, ’20 - 1964
William G. Beeler, ’61 - 1991
Richard E. Bell, ’57, ’58 - 1979
Richard B. Best, ’22 - 1969
Gary K. Bielfeldt, ’58, ’59 - 1988
Donald C. Beitz, ’62, ’63 - 1990
J. Gordon Bidner, ’58, ’62 - 1992
Carrol D. Bolen, ’59, ’60 - 1984
Nye F. Bouslog, ’43 - 1977
George J. Bouyoucos, 1908 - 1968
George M. Brauer, ’47 - 1968
Robert I. Brauer, ’76, ’99 - 1994
Louis F. Briggs, ’42 - 1978
George H. Bruington, ’24 - 1967
Colleen Callahan Burns, ’73 - 1985
E. Wise Burroughs, ’34, ’39 - 1969
Martin G. Burrus, ’42, ’46 - 1964
G. Richard Carlisle, ’47, ’48 - 1983
Jacob G. Cash, ’31, ’36 - 1974
John B. Claar, ’47, ’48, ’59 - 1982
G. Donovan Coil, ’47, ’49, ’55 - 1978
Willard J. Corbett, ’34, ’42 - 1982
John W. Curry, ’50 - 1974
Homer W. Curtiss, ’27 - 1970
James R. Davies, ’43 - 1984
Kenneth D. Diehl, ’31, ’49 - 1977
Ed Dunphy, ’62, ’64 - 1986
Curt Eugene Eckert, ’30 - 1972
Robert M. Edwards, ’51, ’53 - 1987
Robert J. Eggert, ‘35, ’36 - 1981
William W. Erwin, ’49 - 1973
E. Ray Fosse, ’40 - 1991
Fred C. Francis, ’40, ’42 - 1987
Philip L. Francis, ’68 - 1993
Thomas L. Frey, ’58, ’59, ’70 - 1989
Eugene D. Funk Jr., ’22 - 1967
Leonard Gardner, ’55, ’58 - 1982
Elroy E. Golden, ’50 - 1980
Kenneth W. Gorden, ’47 - 1978
Edwin D. Griffin, ’24 - 1966
R. Earl Grossmann, ’53, ’57 - 1994
Joe L. Hampton, ’65 - 1995
Ray Hankes, ’69, ’73, ’74 - 1993
Harold W. Hannah, ’32, ’35 - 1965
Kenneth E. Harshbarger,’37, ’39, ’70 - 1986
Melvin Henderson, ’25, ’32 - 1965
James E. Hill, 1961
Walther A. Hill, ’78 - 1995
William J. Hoover, ’50, ’54, ’63 - 1980
Frederic B. Hoppin, ’41, 1966
John G. Huftalin, ’60 - 1988
Earl M. Hughes, ’29 - 1968
John L. Huston, ’66 - 1990
Edwin A. Jaenke, ’52 - 1974
Russell L. Jeckel, ’50 - 1971
P. E. (Pat) Johnson, 1961
Lyle Johnstone, 1965
Trevor L. Jones, ’27 - 1969
W. Howard Kauffman, ’31 - 1975
Carl J. Kensil, ’51, ’59 - 1983
J. Kennedy Kincaid, ’48 - 1987
Jerry D. King, ’58 - 1989
William F. Kirk, ’64 - 1986
Carl G. Klehm, ’38 - 1970
Jake L. Krider, ’39, ’41 - 1962
Paul R. Krone, 1971
Russell J. Laible, ’20, ’25 - 1970
Russell E. Lamoreux, ’30 - 1980
Alvin L. Lang, ’20 - 1973
Donald O. Lee, ’25 - 1963
Eugene D. Leman, ’64 - 1993
John A. Lundgren, ’30 - 1972
Earl M. Lutz, ’36, ’42 - 1994
Theodore N. Mangner, ’37 - 1963
William E. Marshall, ’57, ’59, ’61 - 1994
Leslie E. Mathers Sr., ’13 - 1962
H. Richard McFarland, ’52 - 1988
Vern J. McGinnis, ’63, ’65 - 1992
Dale E. McKee, ’41 - 1976
Walter W. McLaughlin, ’20 - 1965
Ed McMillan, ’69 - 1995
Lee L. Morgan, ’41 - 1971
Arthur T. Mosher, ’32, ’41 - 1979
Orville O. Mowery, ’26 - 1972
George A. Muck, ’59, ’61, ’62 - 1986
Kenneth D. Naden, ’39, ’40 - 1983
D. Wayne Niewold, ’50 - 1981
Harold E. Noren, ’39 - 1978
Ralph E. Nowlan, ’23 - 1968
Russell T. Odell, ’36, 40, ’48 – 1985
Charles E. Olson - '68, '73, '80 - 2010
Ronald E. Olson, ’69 - 1993
John A. Otte, ’73, ’74 - 1990
Russell E. Perkinson, ’41, ’43 - 1992
George S. Peters, ’41 - 1976
Ralph L. Primm, ’41 - 1975
Russell J. Ramsey, ’30, ’32 - 1972
Franklin J. Reiss, ’40, ’42, ’52 - 1986
Irwin H. Reiss, ’41 - 1979
Robert J. Rimington, ’38 - 1988
Gordon L. Ropp, ’55 - 1990
Virgil Rosendale, ’57, ’64 - 1984
John F. Rundquist, ’46, ’47 - 1982
Harry G. Russell, ’30, ’32 - 1964
W. Michael Sager, ’51, ’67 - 1981
Eugene E. Scherer, ’48 - 1982
Dean L. Searls, ’37 - 1973
Art Sechrest, ’59 - 1993
Wilfred Shaw, ’20 - 1970
Charles B. Shuman, ’28, ’29 - 1975
Frank H. Shuman, ’21 - 1968
Minott Silliman Jr., ’33 - 1971
Lawrence H. Simerl, ’32, ’39 - 1966
Doug D. Sims, ’68 - 1995
Fay M. Sims, ’41, ’58 - 1977
Melvin Sims, ’41 - 1964
S. Dean Sims, ’40 - 1989
Fred W. Slife, ’47, ’49, ’52 - 1979
Guy D. Smith, ’30, ’40 - 1967
J. George Smith, ’40 - 1963
John C. Spitler, ’07 - 1967
Ernest V. Stevenson, ’43 - 1975
Wilbert N. Stevenson, ’42, ’50 - 1973
Richard P. Stone, ’56 - 1977
Earl R. Swanson, ’43 - 1976
John B. Swisher, ’51 - 1985
E. George Thiem, ’21 - 1963
William N. Thompson, ’41, ’42, ’52 - 1960
Reid R. Tombaugh, ’26 - 1976
Bernard A. Tomlin, ’23 - 1976
Paul H. Tracy, ’20, ’22, ’30 - 1971
Edward B. Trovillion, ’48 - 1990
Stewart L. Tuckey, ’28, ’30, ’37 - 1975
Harold B. Tukey Sr., ’18, ’20 - 1970
Jonathan B. Turner, ’23 - 1962
John O. Volk, ’67 - 1988
Paul Walker, 1972
O. Glenn Webb, ’57 - 1987
Robert J. Webb, ’37, ’39 - 1974
Clarence W. Weldon, ’23 - 1964
Larry A. Werries, ’62 - 1989
Warren K. Wessels, ’51, ’58 - 1994
Jack Widholm, ’61 - 1992
Paul E. Woodson, 1961
Harold Wright, ’32 - 1983
HRFS/Home Economics Alumni Award of
Merit Recipients
Marilyn Buck, ’78, ’80 - 1991
Annabelle Gray Burgland, ’42 - 1994
Kathryn VanAken Burns, 1977
Doris Kelley Christopher, ’67 - 1992
Betty Johnson Church, ’54, ’59 - 1989
Ruth McNabb Dow, ’56, ’61, 80 - 1986
Susanne Lamar Dunlap, ’72 - 1990
Dorothy D. Dunn, ’39 - 1981
Roberta Larson Duyff, ’70 - 1985
Jo Mendenhall Epping, ’42, ’69 - 1993
Cleo Fitzsimmons, ’33, ’45 - 1986
Barbara Fortino, ’62 -1991
Helen Bitterman Francis, ’41 - 1981
Susan J. Funkhouser, ’59, ’63 - 1985
Frances Wang Klein Gershon, ’45 - 1994
Audrey Gronert Gieseking-Williams, ’61, ’63 - 1980
Margaret Goodyear, ’28 - 1980
Jane Stevens Gore, ’66 - 1992
Rosemary Archibald Goss, ’51 - 1983
Virginia Guthrie, ’46, ’51 - 1983
Bessie Dixon Hackett, ’57, ’70 - 1989
Cleo Hall, ’51 - 1991
Louise Rice Hassenplug, ’47, ’55 - 1990
Hazel Hughes Hasty, ’28, ’42 - 1986
Bernice Engelking Hayes, ’40 - 1986
Colien Hefferan, ’74, ’76 - 1987
Caroline Farrar Heinrichs, ’35 - 1987
Nancy Grosboll Hendren, ’38 - 1992
Victoria Feit Hennenfent, ’60 - 1985
Dorothy Whitton Herm, ’39 - 1982
Alice Goist Herron, ’41 - 1982
Helen Wolcott Horton, ’49 - 1984
Dorothy J. Iwig, ’18 - 1979
Virginia Wesolaski Johnson, ’61 - 1983
Gertrude Kaiser, ’46 - 1979
Carla Kunkel Kay, ’61 - 1992
Charlotte Herman Kerr, ’40 - 1980
Naomi R. Koehler, ’36 - 1993
Maxine McDivitt, ’40, ’41 - 1994
Queenie B. Mills, ’59 - 1978
Caryl Towsley Moy, ’54 - 1988
Janet Turney Mulvaney, ’58 - 1988
William P. Myers, ’56 - 1988
Hope Hotchkiss Niedling, ’43 - 1979
Faith Paich, ’53 - 1991
Pauline C. Paul, 1977
Marion Kaeser Piper, ’37 - 1978
Elizabeth Jane Simpson Pucinski,’55 - 1989
E. Louise Olson Rogers, ’73 - 1988
K. Virginia Seidel, ’38 - 1993
Virginia Sharp, ’40, ’54 - 1991
Hazel Taylor Spitze, ’43 - 1989
Janice M. Smith, ’30, ’32 - 1980
Kathryn Watford Smith, ’66 - 1981
Mary Beth Stine, 1984
Lola Cremeans Tilly, ’20, ’21 - 1979
Lorraine Davies Trebilcock, 1982
Helen Drew Turner, ’32, ’49 - 1979
Frances O. VanDuyne, ’36 - 1978
Kathryn Armstrong Vegso, ’51 - 1982
Alice Patterson Vernon, ’58, ’74 - 1992
Clareta Walker, ’47 - 1984
Nancy Kay Walker, ’60 - 1983
Carol Larson Warfield, ’67, ’77 - 1987
Emma May Brittin Whiteford, ’51, ’55 - 1988
T. Geitel Winakor, ’50 - 1982
Margy Janette Woodburn, ’50 – 1981
Louise A. Young, ’32 - 1985
Martha Rosenberger Zimmerman, ’58, ’60 - 1982
2015 Award of Merit Nomination Form
Nominee’s Full Name:____________________________________________________________________________
Nominee’s Mailing Address:________________________________________________________________________
Work Telephone: _________________________________ Home Telephone:________________________________
Cell Phone: _______________________________________ Fax: ___________________________________
Email: ____________________________________________________________________
Nominee’s Current Position: _________________________________________________________________________
Nominees Occupation:_____________________________________________
Nominee’s Degrees from the College of ACES:
Major: ________________________________
Year: ________________________
Nominee attended other Universities/Degrees:_____________________________________________________________
The nominee:
does know that he/she has been nominated for this award.
does not know that he/she has been nominated for this award.
** please be sure you have current and accurate information for application.**
Nominator’s Name:___________________________________________________________________________
Nominator’s Title:____________________________________________________________________________
Nominator’s Mailing Address:________________________________________________________________________
Work Telephone: _________________________________ Home Telephone:________________________________
Fax: ___________________________________ Email: _______________________________________
Nominator’s Signature:_____________________________________________________________________________
If submitted online, a signature is not required.
References: (minimum of 3 references, max of 5 references. 1 University of IL reference)
Please include emails and addresses of references on letters submitted.
Name: __________________________________________
2. Name: __________________________________________
3. Name: __________________________________________
4. Name: __________________________________________
5. Name: __________________________________________
Nominee Biographical Sketch
___________________ Nominee Name
You may not exceed maximum of one page.
Please provide a brief summary (1-2 paragraphs) of nominees professional /educational accomplishments, service to
others and community involvement. This statement will be used to introduce the nominee if he/she is selected for the
___________________ Nominee Name
You may not exceed maximum of one page.
Nominators Narrative of Endorsement (Nominator does not need to include additional letter of reference).
Please describe, using specific examples when possible, why you believe this nominee has demonstrated accomplishments
in the areas of professionalism, service to the university and college and community involvement. Limit one page.
5% of score
40% of score
___________________ Nominee Name
You may not exceed maximum of one page.
Professional Accomplishments
Current Employer:__________________________________________________________________________
Current Position: ___________________________________________________________________________
___________________ Nominee Name
You may not exceed maximum of one page.
Career/Business Affiliations and position titles (most recent first):
(Professional work history listed here)
Service to Professional Organizations, Community & Awards
30% of score
Service to Professional Organizations
___________________ Nominee Name
You may not exceed maximum of one page.
If in Education field: _______ # peer reviewed articles published, _______# invited presentations, _______# invited
chapters published in books, and _______# other: ____________________
___________________ Nominee Name
You may not exceed maximum of one page.
Awards and Honors
Service to Community
___________________ Nominee Name
You may not exceed maximum of one page.
Include description of specific examples of having made contributions to the betterment of society through involvement in
community and charitable organizations.
Community/Charitable Organizations Involved In and Activities Completed. List dates and leadership roles, if applicable.
Awards and Honors:
25% of score
Service to College of ACES and University of Illinois
___________________ Nominee Name
You may not exceed maximum of one page.
How has nominee provided service to University of Illinois or College of ACES since graduation? (e.g. Campus or
classroom speaker, volunteer, leadership role, provided internships for students etc.)
Activities involved in while a student at ACES
___________________ Nominee Name
You may not exceed maximum of one page.
Please list past activities nominee was involved in while on campus as a student.