FEATURE The Australian retail landscape in 2015 and beyond By Paul Greenberg – Executive Chairman, National Online Retail Association B eing asked to write an editorial piece on the future of retail is both an honour and more than a little daunting. With the seismic shifts in technology-led retail, crystal balling our retail future is not easy. So as I began writing this piece, from the NRF Big Show in New York, I naturally focused on the themes that dominated 2014 as my departure point. These themes include how mobility has profoundly changed the retail rhythm. How social media had seen a shift of power away from the retailer to the hyperconnected shopper. How we, as an industry, wrestle with ‘big data’ and indeed, how we convert mountains of data into insights that help us understand our customer in a most personal way. That 2015 will see further proof that customers shop by brand, not by channel, with customers rewarding retailers with multiple touch points. How the ‘flat world’ had seen a flurry of global retailers open shop in Australia, and how some of our best and brightest have made some global ripples themselves. How cross border trade is an incredible opportunity to expand our addressable markets. I pondered the explosion of retail in China, which is fast moving from the manufacturer to the world, to the retailer to the world. I also noted the acceleration of ‘disintermediation’- where manufacturers and brand owners are increasingly going “ …crystal balling our retail future is not easy. direct to consumer, challenging the ‘middle man’ retailer. All of these themes were to be central to this opinion piece, and then I stumbled on a quote by Bill Webb, an academic in Retail Management, University of the Arts London, Honorary Member Ebeltoft Group of Global Retail Experts. Webb writes: “As I see it, the key challenge for 2015 is to reinstitute humanity as the central core of the retail marketing mix.” With this short quote, Webb makes a profound statement. Firstly, a veiled caution that with our obsessive focus on big data, we dare not forget that retail is a deeply creative endeavour at its core. I believe in 2015 retailers will moderate the pendulum swing, which in 2014 felt more ‘head than heart.’ 08 Webb’s point speaks to the fact that in 2015 good retailers will balance that commendable focus on data insights with what I term ‘retail feel’- a more emotive connection with shoppers. Great musicians have always appreciated that the space between the notes are just as important as the notes themselves. Indeed, behavioural scientists have always hypothesised that transactional decisions by customers are in fact emotional decisions, not rational. Good retailers will therefore focus on the ‘post-rational’ drivers of customer engagement. The emotive connection is where the art of retention dwells, in an increasingly homogenous retail environment. Lastly, Webb’s quote must surely have reference to leadership in retail, both in Australia and around the globe. I would argue that we will see the shift from ‘IQ to EQ’ as the core skill driving successful retail leadership. Australian retail leadership has certainly not been short of IQ, intelligence quotient, with a talent pool full of highly qualified retail practitioners, many of whom have spent decades building their careers through the ranks. Whilst that is to be commended, ‘new retail’ will see a focus on EQ or ‘emotional quotient.’ As the future hurtles towards us and customers continue to seek out a deeper post-rational connection with their brands of choice, retail leadership will need to keep pace. Paul Greenberg is the Executive Chairman of NORA - The Voice of New Retail in Australia. He has been a pioneer in pure play retail, as the co-founder of DealsDirect and Auctionbrokers. He now has a portfolio career of directorships and advisories. For more information visit www.nora.org.au or www.paulgreenberg.com.au SAVVY RETAILERS ARE REALISING INCREMENTAL SALES WITH JAM PAYMENTS CREATE A NEW CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE BY OFFERING THE OPTION FOR CUSTOMERS TO TAKE PURCHASES HOME TODAY AND PAY LATER – INTEREST FREE! Traditional lay-by has evolved, retailers now receive payment the next business day. No set-up costs, only a small fee on sales through the Jam system. You, the retailer set the minimum spend therefore boosting sales and not eroding margins. Enjoy repeat purchases from satisfied customers. CONTACT US TODAY FOR AN APPLICATION FORM OR MORE INFORMATION PAY M E N T S SPREAD YOUR SPEND +61 3 9009 7211 info@jampayments.com.au jampayments.com.au
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