NEWS Retail sentiment swings back PROPERTYEU’S RETAIL INVESTMENT BRIEFING (LEFT TO RIGHT): DIRK WOLLWEBER, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR CORPUS SIREO ASSET MANAGEMENT RETAIL; HERMAN KOK, HEAD OF RESEARCH MULTI CORPORATION; PROPERTYEU MODERATOR RICHARD BETTS; JOHN WELHAM, HEAD OF EUROPEAN RETAIL INVESTMENT AT CBRE; AND WILL ROWSON, CHIEF INVESTMENT OFFICER CBRE GI EMEA Appetite for retail investment has returned in Europe, according to John Welham, head of European retail investment at CBRE. ‘Two years ago, investors were asking themselves whether it made sense to invest in retail with all the talk about the threat of e-commerce. But there has been a huge shake-up in the indus- try and investment sentiment has massively swung back. Investors are now seeing that yes, shopping centres do have a future. There are new things that are now happening in shopping centres, and investors see now that they’re still a good place to invest their money. That’s a fundamental change since two years ago.’ USAA Realco signs first European de The new European real estate business of US-based financial giant USAA has secured its first investment and signed on the dotted
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