Upcoming_Events_files/Letter, FAQ, Checklist 2015

Junior Camp
July 17-19, 2015
Friday evening – Sunday afternoon at
Palomar Christian Conference Center
Children ages 7-11
Registration: $149 before July 6, 2015. Late registration $159
Dear Pastor, Teacher, and Children’s director:
It’s almost time for Junior Camp registration! We want you to have everything you need as soon as possible.
Enclosed you will find:
 The flyer to promote Junior Camp 2015. Use this to get your kids excited about camp.
 Junior Camp frequently asked questions for parents and campers.
 Church Leader’s checklist.
 Combined registration and parental consent form for minors.
 Application form for Counselors and Adult assistants
o This must be filled out and signed by the applicant, AND the Pastor and Board
chair to certify that a background check is done. IF your church does not have a
way to do background checks, we can arrange to do that through the Association
 Authorization for Release Of Information
 Click this link to access the promotional CD from Junior Camp 2014.
The promotion flyer and the cover letter are available in a Spanish translation. They are included in this packet.
All forms and flyers are available in an electronic file in PDF format, so you can print them from your computer
if you prefer. Please email the Association office at: office@acogscn.org or check the Association website at
“Church Camp” is a very special experience that helps kids get a new focus on what God has done for them and
what Jesus means to their lives. Junior Camp is a great introduction to camp. Encourage your kids, and
encourage your families to allow those children 7 to 11 to experience Junior Camp. Don’t forget to recruit
counselors to accompany your kids, too. This is one of the most important things they will do all year. Collegeage counselors have lots of energy, other adults still have lots of fun, and all make a difference for the kids.
Counselor applications will be reviewed for proper background checks.
The deadline for registration (to the Association office) is July 6, 2015. Meet that deadline for the standard
$149.00 rate for campers; after that it is $159.00.
The Camp staff is excited about Junior Camp 2015. Our Program Directors are Kimberly Winn, a teacher with
34 years of experience in both public education and Christian Education, and Kathy Jallins, a member of the
Christian Education Commission with over 25 years of Christian Education experience, working with children
of all ages. The returning staff members are Camp Director, Laura Sutton, and Camp Pastor, Dave Collett. The
theme this year is “TO THE EDGE: Encounter the God of the Universe.” We are looking forward to an
exciting, life changing time together. If you need additional information, contact Laura Sutton or Pastor Dave
Collett at (626) 967-2728 or ICChoG@Juno.com. or Kimberly Winn at (714) 348-0793 or winn_k@att.net.
Thanks for your support!
Christian Education Commission
Kimberly Winn, Chairperson Kathy Jallins, Secretary Dorothy Smith Kim Kimble Dave Collett
Association of the Church of God in Southern California and Southern Nevada
1901 Palo Verde Ave., Long Beach, CA 90815 (562) 596-8437 Or office@acogscn.org
Junior Camp Frequently Asked Questions for Parents and Campers:
When should we arrive?
Arrive at between 5:00 and 6:30 pm on Friday. Our first session starts at 7:00 pm. Don’t miss it! Your
church will plan transportation and let you know when to be ready to go to get there.
What meals are served?
Please have your Friday dinner before you arrive!
Meals will be served in the cafeteria for Saturday: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner.
For Sunday: Breakfast and Lunch.
When will camp end?
After lunch on Sunday. We pack up and say our farewells by 1:30 pm.
How will cabins be assigned?
As part of the experience of Junior Camp, campers will be assigned to cabins based on gender and age, to
help them make more friends from other churches. A child can request sharing a cabin with one other
friend who is going to camp.
Who are the counselors?
Every counselor is someone recommended by their home church pastor. All have passed background
checks for the safety of our children. Most activities group the children together, so children always see
familiar faces.
What happens at Junior Camp?
Camp includes group building activities, fun physical activities, games, songs, Bible stories, and the
opportunity to experience the outdoors and, most importantly, the opportunity to learn more about prayer
and salvation.
What do I need to pack?
Shoes (not just flip-flops), pants, shirts, jacket or sweatshirt, pajamas (or shorts & t-shirt), underwear,
socks, washcloth, towel, soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, smell-good stuff, comb or brush, Bible,
notepad. Sleeping bag or bedding, pillow.
What should I leave home?
Don’t bring portable games (GameBoy, PSP, PS2, etc), iPods, Walkman, MP3 players, or other
personal electronic entertainment. We want to focus on God.
Do I need to bring money?
It’s ok to have a little money for the gift shop, but not needed. The camp has Coke machines and a coffee
bar, but they should be avoided. There is plenty to eat and drink, and we want to keep kids healthy.
What if I have an emergency need to contact my child?
Phone Palomar Christian Conference Center at (760) 742-4488, or phone Pastor Dave Collett’s cell at (626) 9224766 and leave a message. Cell phone reception is spotty at the camp. There are pay telephones at the camp if there
is a need for a camper to phone home.
Church Leader’s Junior Camp Checklist:
For Every Child:
 Camp registration form and camper’s fee AND
 Association Medical Info /waiver and release form.
Copy the forms, keep one for travel. Send in all forms with payment to the Association office
by July 6 for the $149 rate. Late registrations will be charged $159.
 Sleeping bag or bedding, pillow.
 Clothes, walking shoes (not just flip-flops), sweatshirt, etc.
 Anticipation for a great time!
For Every Counselor:
 Counselor Application and registration form and camper’s fee AND
 Association Medical Info /waiver and release form.
Be sure that the background check has been completed and the application signed. If the
background check has not been completed by the church, then sign and include the
Background Investigation Consent form BEFORE JULY 6, and it can be done through the
Association. The local church is responsible for the actual cost of the background checks.
Sleeping bag or bedding, pillow.
Clothes, shoes, sweatshirt, toiletries.
Flashlight (every cabin needs one).
A Prayerful Spirit These children need your leadership, example, and positive attitude.
For Every Church:
 At least one counselor for every 7 children
Please consider balance of girls and boys
Transportation for people and gear
Copies of registration forms for everyone
Plans to make sure everyone has dinner on Friday before they arrive at camp
For any last-minute enrollments, the original registration and release forms and
check payment
 Prayer covering from your local prayer warriors