ACS WA CONFERENCE 2015 Converging Technologies: Beyond

Converging Technologies:
Beyond Smart TVs and Mobile Apps
Sponsorship Prospectus
7 May 2015
The University Club
Crawley WA
• Be seen as a contributing member of the ICT
profession in WA.
The ACS WA Conference 2015 is targeted at the
ICT profession in Western Australia. This includes
industry, government, academia and interested
technologists. The annual conference represents
a unique opportunity for key supporters and
sponsors to place their brand alongside the
thought leadership and key industry directions for
2015. The conference has become a high-profile
event for the ICT community in Western Australia.
• Opportunity to suggest a speaker from your
organisation for consideration on a noncommercial topic relevant to the conference
• Brand presence throughout the entire
calendar year at multiple ACS WA events.
• Exposure in front of a targeted audience.
The Australian Computer Society (ACS) is the ICT
professional association for Australia.
Sponsorship of the ACS WA conference can provide
an organisation with many benefits. Members of the
ACS are widespread in the industry and hold many
positions in the ICT landscape. Sponsors of the
conference have a fantastic opportunity to promote
their business. We will promote the sponsors
before, during and after the conference. Sponsors
will also gain consistent exposure throughout the
year with recognition at all of the ACS Monthly
Forums for 2015.
In everything we do, our goal is to help our
members be the best they can be. We’re passionate
about recognising professionalism. We aim to
develop ICT skills and build a community with a true
sense of belonging.
Each year the ACS in Western Australia hosts a
conference to assist professional development of
its members. It is a fantastic opportunity to learn
new ideas and mix with professional peers. The
conference is open to all industry and academic
participants, and the wider ICT community.
The conference will be delving into the wide ranging
topic of Convergence. Convergence is where varied
systems merge to an entity of similar function.
This occurs in obvious places such as portable
electronic devices like mobile phones.
The conference will also examine less obvious
areas like human resourcing and its effect.
This year’s conference draws together a rich and
varied set of topics that contribute to the need
for the ICT industry to recognise the inescapable
arrival of convergence. In doing so, the conference
committee has incorporated industry feedback so
that the day goes beyond simple mashups and data
convergence to examine the social, technical, and
financial challenges of tomorrow’s ICT synergies.
For this conference the ACS will be giving students
an opportunity to present in Bright Sparks.
Placed in the programme on the morning of the
conference, ICT Students from High School, VET
and Higher Education will have 10 minutes on
the stage to share their idea, project or business.
The people presenting will be competing for the
privilege of presenting at the main conference. We
will encourage all delegates to attend and see the
bright future WA ICT has to offer.
Varied tiers allow an organisation to contribute in a
meaningful way according to budget.
• Want to see every delegate have a lanyard with
your company logo?
• Do you like the idea of everyone having a
conference bag with your company name /
logo on it?
• Does your organisation like to celebrate with
the best of them?
• Would you prefer to simply showcase your
Let us help you show the rest of WA who you are.
• Showcase your products and services in the
sponsor’s hall and conference bag.
• Social media exposure (Facebook / Twitter)
• Support a growing ICT community.
• Email marketing to ACS members
• Engage with customers, potential business
associates and potential talent.
• Promotion at Branch Forums and other events
leading up to conference.
• Direct marketing to ACS PPP’s (B2B clients)
• Networking opportunities.
• Tiered benefits based on sponsorship amount
can be found in the Sponsorship Packages.
Title ACS WA Conference 2015
Theme Converging Technologies: Beyond Smart TVs and Mobile Apps
Date Thursday 7 May 2015
The University Club
Crawley, WA
The ACS WA Conference 2015 will see a unique
mix of ICT professionals, students, Individual
Members and Professional Partners in attendance.
Organisations in SME, large enterprise and
government will be there. This wide range
of exposure provides excellent opportunities
for engagement. The conference provides a
major source of CPD (continued professional
development) for Members.
If you wish to connect with a particular group, let
us know.
Morning Registration
8:30 – 9:00
Bright sparks –
New Ideas from Young IT
9:00 –11:00
Main Conference Registration 11:00 –12:00
It is our priority that every sponsor gets value from
their contribution.
11:30 –12:30
Sponsorship is not only about promoting your brand
to an audience. Sponsorship of our conference
allows organisations to give back and support the
ICT community.
Conference Commences
12:30 – 2:30
Afternoon Tea and
Networking (break)
2:30 – 3:00
Conference Continues
3:00 – 5:30
5:30 – 7:30
All sponsors will have an area to promote their
organisation before and during the conference.
A presentation hall where delegates mingle with refreshments - will ensure exposure for
each stand.
Conference Promotions
• Online promotions on the ACS website
“… this is probably the most interesting IT
conference I have attended in WA in a long while.
I usually go to the Leader Summit but I think I will
be making our Annual conference instead. I have
also attended several industry briefings like the
Fujitsu Executive breakfast on cloud last year
which was good – but yesterday was fantastic.”
“It made me rethink the way I look at how my
team goes about its future planning”
“Great, contemporary theme and good selection
of speakers. Although it was a half day, it seemed
longer in a good way!”
“Like the half-day format. Punchy”
Platinum Packages
$4,000 + GST
Gold Packages
$2,000 + GST
Bag Sponsor
Afternoon tea
Silver Sponsor
Silver Packages
$1,000 + GST
Before the event
Acknowledgement on key publicity
material, i.e. event poster, brochures
Corporate name
and logo as
Platinum Sponsor
Corporate name
and logo as
Platinum Sponsor
Corporate name
and logo as
Gold Sponsor
Corporate name
and logo as
Gold Sponsor
Corporate name
and logo as
Silver Sponsor
Company’s name and logo framed on
website with hyperlink to Company’s
corporate website
Corporate name
and logo as
Platinum Sponsor
Corporate name
and logo as
Platinum Sponsor
Corporate name
and logo as
Gold Sponsor
Corporate name
and logo as
Gold Sponsor
Corporate name
and logo as
Silver Sponsor
Acknowledgement at Bright Sparks
Young IT Morning Event
Corporate name
and logo as
Platinum Sponsor
Corporate name
and logo as
Platinum Sponsor
Corporate name
and logo as
Gold Sponsor
Corporate name
and logo as
Gold Sponsor
Corporate name
and logo as
Silver Sponsor
Complimentary Table Exhibition at
the foyer
2 tables
1 table
1 table
1 table
1 table
Projection of Company logo on ACS
Conference screens
Provide promotional insert in the ACS
Conference bag
Company logo on ACS Conference
Program, flyer and website
10 minute address at the ACS
3 Passes
3 Passes
2 Passes
Acknowledgement at ACS WA Monthly
Branch Forums during 2015
On the day
5 minute address at the beginning of
the Afternoon Tea
Provide promotional materials at the
Afternoon Tea
10 minute address at the beginning of
the Networking Sundowner
Provide promotional materials at the
Sundowner’s foyer bar
Complimentary Tickets to 2015 ACS
WA Conference
4 Passes
Passes for the ACS Conference
4 Passes
10 Passes
After the event
Ongoing acknowledgement at ACS WA
Monthly Branch Forums during 2015
Sponsors can be accommodated with a wide range
of options designed to communicate with attendees
in a creative and engaging manner. While there are
a set number of packages available we are open to
negotiating the right package to meet your needs.
Contact Brett Waters to discuss.
Brett Waters
WA Branch Manager
D 08 9260 3701 M 0438 102 506
Liszt Jimenez
WA Branch PD Events Coordinator
D 08 9260 3702 M 0427 483 029