The Changing Face of GI Tuesday 2 June 2015 • Sydney Sponsorship Opportunity The Actuaries Institute would like to invite your organisation to sponsor The Changing Face of GI one-day seminar to be held on Tuesday 2 June in Sydney. Program Outline In this increasingly changing, complex and competitive corporate environment, navigating your business can be challenging. The Australian General Insurance industry is going through a period of rapid change, including strategic industry shifts, emerging new technologies and the growing importance of big data. This one-day seminar will delve into what these changes mean for General Insurance actuaries, both in terms of evolving traditional roles as well as new strategic opportunities. Sponsorship Benefits • • • • • • Profile your organisation alongside high-calibre speakers, cutting-edge topics and case studies. Promote your organisation to an expected audience of over 100 Insurance professionals. Increase your organisation’s brand recognition among industry professionals. High visibility of your logo on The Changing Face of GI website. Opportunity to network and develop key business relationships. Opportunity to link your brand to high-profile plenary sessions. Sponsorship Offer – The Changing Face of GI The Sponsorship offers five sponsorships at one level of AUD$2,750 (including GST) per sponsor as follows: 1. Plenary: General Insurance Landscape and Outlook. 2. Plenary: Technological Change and its Impact on General Insurance. 3. Plenary: Data and Analytics: Bottom Up or Top Down? 4. Plenary: The Changing Role of Actuaries. 5. Refreshment Breaks Sponsor. The sponsorship package includes: • your firm’s logo on the marketing flyer for a premier Institute Seminar; • hot link from the Institute’s Seminar webpage to your firm’s site; • opportunity to include an A4 flyer promoting your firm in the Seminar satchel; • one free registration; • signage onsite (details to be discussed closer to the event); • opportunity to network with key industry figures; • acknowledgement as a sponsor at the beginning and end of the your plenary and overall Seminar; and • your logo included in the pre-event promotion and acknowledgment in the post-event report and pictorial in Actuaries. This offer is available for a limited time. Complete and lodge your sponsorship booking application form by Friday 17 April 2015. Please contact Lisa Pronesti on (02) 9239 6109 or via for more information. Sponsorship Booking Application Form – The Changing Face of GI I confirm I would like to purchase the $2,750 (Incl. GST) Sponsorship Package: Full payment due and payable by Friday 17 April 2015 Total (Incl. GST) $ TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE (AUD) $ Organisation name (for invoicing purposes) Address City State Postcode Sponsor Contact: Tel Mobile Email Sponsorship Option Payment Details (please tick) If you are planning to pay by cheque or EFT, a credit card number must be provided to secure your booking. If we do not receive a cheque or EFT payment within two weeks of receiving your Sponsorship Application Form, then the nominated credit card will be charged. MasterCard VISA AMEX Expiry Date | Date CVV Credit Card Number Name on Card Cardholder Signature I wish to pay by company cheque. Note: All cheques must be made payable to: The Institute of Actuaries of Australia and mailed to the Institute at the address below. I wish to pay by EFT. Bank details will be provided by the Institute with your tax invoice. Privacy policy: Your privacy is important to us. Personal information provided on this form will be collected and used by the Institute in accordance with our Privacy Policy available at As set out in our Privacy Policy, personal information collected from you may be shared with event sponsors or partners so that they may contact you directly. SUBMISSION OF ALL BOOKING APPLICATIONS WILL REQUIRE CONFIRMATION OF ACCEPTANCE BY THE ACTUARIES INSTITUTE ON ACCEPTANCE OF YOUR APPLICATION THIS AGREEMENT IS BINDING. Sponsorship Booking Terms and Conditions 1. Sponsorship items for the CFofGI2015 will be allocated under the following terms and conditions on a ‘first come first served’ basis. To secure your items, complete and lodge this form together with payment by close of business Friday 17 April 2015. Once payment is received, a letter of confirmation will be provided to confirm your booking, together with a tax invoice covering the full amount paid. 2. The Australian Goods and Services Tax (GST) at 10% is applicable to all goods and services offered by The Actuaries Institute (the Institute) and all prices in this document are inclusive of GST. 3. All monies are payable in Australian dollars. Cheques should be made payable to the Institute of Actuaries of Australia and must be drawn on an Australian bank. 4. All monies due and payable must be received (and cheques cleared) by the Institute by Friday 17 April 2015. No company will be listed as a Sponsor in any official marketing materials until full payment and a Booking Application Form have been received by the Institute (in accordance with Term 1). 5.CANCELLATION POLICY: No refunds will be made for cancellations. Once Sponsorship has been confirmed and accepted, a reduction in Sponsorship is considered a cancellation. 6. No Sponsor shall assign, sub-license or apportion the whole or any part of their Sponsorship Package except upon prior written consent of the Institute. 7. Sponsorship monies will facilitate towards the successful planning and promotion of the Seminar in addition to subsidising the cost of management, communications, invited speakers, program and publications. Sponsorship monies are not expended on any entertainment incurred which is incidental to the activities of this Seminar. 8. Privacy Statement – All information provided on this application will be collected and used in accordance with the Institute’s Privacy Policy available at: This may mean the information is shared with suppliers and contractors of the Seminar to assist with my participation and sponsorship. The information will also be used for inclusion in participant lists and for information distribution in respect of other relevant events organised by the Actuaries Institute YES, I consent NO, I do not consent to the information provided being used as described above. Yes, I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions set out above. Authorised by: Signature Date Send to: Lisa Pronesti – Actuaries Institute, Level 2, 50 Carrington Street SYDNEY NSW 2000, Australia T +61 (0) 2 9239 6170 F +61 (0) 2 9233 3446 E W
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