Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists (CARB) Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints for the Entry-Level Occupational Competencies Recommended to the Provincial Regulatory Authorities October 24 2010 REVISED May 12 2015 Copyright © 2015 Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists All rights reserved Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Introduction The Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints are based upon Entry-Level Occupational Competencies for the Practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Canada, developed in 2009-2010 by the Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists (CARB). The Performance Indicators (PIs) describe actions that regulators will require of registration candidates, in order to demonstrate proficiency in the occupational competencies. The regulators will rely upon two assessment vehicles: 1. Assessment that takes place within an educational program in TCM and / or Acupuncture 2. Assessment by means of a registration examination developed and administered by the regulators, comprising written (multiple-choice) and clinical case study components The Assessment Blueprints provide information on the which PIs may be tested in each assessment vehicle. The following definitions apply to this document. Definition of an Occupational Competency An Occupational Competency is: A job function that can be carried out to a specified level of proficiency Definition of Entry-Level Proficiency The following statement defines Entry-Level Proficiency, and applies to all Occupational Competencies: When presented with routine situations, the entry-level practitioner applies each relevant competency in a manner consistent with generally accepted standards in the profession, without supervision or direction, and within a reasonable timeframe. The practitioner selects and applies competencies in an informed manner. The practitioner anticipates what outcomes to expect in a given situation, and responds appropriately. The entry-level practitioner recognizes unusual, difficult to resolve and complex situations which may be beyond his / her capacity. The practitioner takes appropriate and ethical steps to address these situations, which may include seeking consultation or supervision, reviewing research literature, or referring the patient. Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 2 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Introduction Definition of a Performance Indicator A Performance Indicator is: An externally-observable task that may be undertaken by an individual within an assessment vehicle*, successful completion of which provides an indication of the individual’s capacity to perform an occupational competency. * assessment vehicles utilized by the regulators are (1) assessment within an educational program, and (2) assessment within a registration examination. Performance Indicators for each Occupational Competency are listed in the Performance Indicator Grid that follows. Complexity of Performance Indicators Occupational competencies and performance indicators may differ in complexity. Distinguishing complexity levels assists in learning Domain Descriptor Complexity Cognitive (knowledge and thinking skills) Level 1 Level 2 Performance involves remembering information Performance involves comprehending & applying information Level 3 Performance involves analyzing and interpreting information Level 4 Performance involves synthesizing (creating new) information Psychomotor (hands-on activities) Level 3 Performance involves carrying out simple patterns and tasks Performance involves carrying out complex patterns and tasks & making minor adjustments based upon outcome Performance involves adapting tasks to new situations Level 4 Performance involves developing new tasks Level 1 Level 2 Affective (beliefs and values that affect cognitive and psychomotor actions) Level 1 Performance involves recognizing, and responding within, a required system of beliefs and values Level 2 Performance involves choosing (preferring) to function within a particular system of beliefs and values Level 3 Performance involves internalizing a system of beliefs and values and instinctively functioning within it At entry-level, functioning at Cognitive Level 4, Psychomotor Level 4 and Affective Level 3 is not an expectation. Assessment Blueprint for the Registration Examination Some PIs will be assessed in the registration examination, which consists of written and clinical case study components. Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 3 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Introduction The written component is in multiple-choice format, and lends itself to the assessment of cognitive and (to some extent) affective PIs. The clinical case study (CCS) component consists of 6-8 case studies with open-ended responses. The PIs that are assessed through the registration examination are indicated with a check mark in columns I and J of the PI Grid. In the case of the CCS examinations, the candidate is asked to "describe how to perform" a particular Performance Indicator Assessment Blueprint for Educational Programs Evaluation of students within educational programs lends itself to the assessment of cognitive, psychomotor and affective PIs. Educational programs in TCM and Acupuncture are expected to include: - Academic education which takes place in a classroom or through guided independent study, in which students develop knowledge and thinking skills, and beliefs and values, which enable them to demonstrate relevant PIs. Assessment of academic education must take place through written and / or oral examinations designed to determine proficiency based upon the criterion in the table below. - Practical education, in which students work directly with an experienced practitioner and a simulated patient, to develop hands-on abilities which enable them to demonstrate relevant PIs. Assessment of practical education must take place through practical examinations designed to determine proficiency based upon the criterion in the table below. - Clinical education, in which students work directly with patients in a setting designed to provide patient care. Students must be supervised throughout their clinical education, in a manner that facilitates their development of clinical abilities while ensuring that patient care is safe, effective and ethical. Assessment of relevant PIs must take place in a manner designed to determine proficiency based upon the criterion in the table below. Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 4 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Assessment Environment Introduction Criterion for Success Academic, A Performance consistent with the definition of Entry-Level Proficiency in an academic assessment environment (such as a written or oral examination) Simulated, S Repeated and reliable performance consistent with the definition of Entry-Level Proficiency in a simulated environment (such as utilizing a mannequin, model or simulated patient) Clinical, C Repeated and reliable performance consistent with the definition of Entry-Level Proficiency in a clinical environment with a variety of patients Performance Indicators must be evaluated by educational programs in the Assessment Environment(s) identified in columns K, L and M of the PI Grid. Programs may be called upon to demonstrate to regulators that prior to graduation they assess student performance of PIs in this manner. Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 5 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 5 H I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam 2 1 x Academic x Clinical Case Study 1 Written 2 Clinical G Simulated F 1.1 Utilize professional communication. Speak effectively, using appropriate a terminology. Speak clearly and concisely using biomedical terminology. Speak clearly and concisely using TCM 2 terminology. 1 7 3 Convey TCM concepts using plain language. 8 4 9 b Utilize appropriate body language when speaking. 3 x 1 x 1 1 x x 2 1 x x 2 1 x x 2 1 x x 1 1 x x 1 1 x x Write effectively, using appropriate terminology. 1 11 2 12 3 13 14 15 16 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies 6 10 E Affective 3 4 D Psychomotor 2 C Cognitive 1 B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid 4 5 Write clearly and concisely using plain language. Write clearly and concisely using biomedical terminology. Write clearly and concisely using TCM terminology. Use common medical abbreviations in written communications and medical records. Write legibly. c Comprehend written information. Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 6 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 27 28 29 2 x 2 x 2 x Clinical Academic I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam Clinical Case Study H Simulated Comprehend oral communication in plain language. Comprehend oral communication using 2 biomedical terminology. Comprehend oral communication using TCM 3 terminology. 1 22 26 G 2 x x 2 x 2 x d Comprehend information presented orally. 21 25 F Written Comprehend information written in plain language. Comprehend information written using medical 2 terminology. Comprehend information written using TCM 3 terminology. 1 18 23 24 E Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies 17 19 20 D Affective 3 C Psychomotor 2 B Cognitive 1 Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid e Ensure effectiveness of communication. 1 2 3 4 5 Assess recipient's capacity to comprehend and communciate. Describe commonly-encountered communication problems in TCM practice. Adopt communication approach that is meaningful to recipient. Confirm recipient understands communication. Demonstrate active listening. Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 3 2 x x 2 x x 1 x x x x 1 1 1 7 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 3 4 5 6 43 x 1 1 Clinical 1 Written 2 Simulated I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam Describe the relevance of information to topic at hand. Convey information completely and accurately. Convey information in an objective manner. Distinguish fact from opinion. Distinguish between professional and personal opinions. Adopt a non-judgmental stance. 2 2 2 2 1 x x x x x x x x x x x g Respond to non-verbal communication. Describe commonly-encountered body language. Respond appropriately to recipient's body 2 language. 1 39 42 H Academic 2 38 41 G Clinical Case Study 1 32 33 34 40 F Communicate with professional integrity. 31 35 36 37 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies f E Affective 3 30 D Psychomotor 2 C Cognitive 1 B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid 1 1 1 1 x h Respond to sources of interpersonal conflict. Describe factors that may create interpersonal conflict. Explain the possible outcomes of failing to 2 address interpersonal conflict. Describe strategies that may help resolve 3 interpersonal conflict. 1 Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 2 x 2 x 2 x 8 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints x 2 x 2 x 1 x 2 x Clinical 1 Simulated 49 5 54 Academic Describe the structure of health care in Canada. Describe the role of TCM in an inter2 professional health care setting. Describe the role of TCM practice within the 3 provincial health care system. Identify the functions of other service 4 providers commonly encountered in the practice setting. 1 48 53 I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam x x Develop and maintain effective interprofessional relationships. Work cooperatively in an interdisciplinary e health care setting. 47 52 H 1.2 46 50 51 G Clinical Case Study 45 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies F Written 44 E Affective 3 D Psychomotor 2 C Cognitive 1 B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid Describe situations in which inter-professional collaboration would be of benefit to the patient. b Develop productive working relationships. Respect colleagues and other service providers. Contribute TCM information to the patient care 2 team. Identify professional differences that may lead 3 to conflict. 1 Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 2 x 3 2 x 2 x 9 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 56 57 4 Participate as an active team member. 2 2 Clinical Simulated I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam Academic H x a Show respect toward patients as individuals. Explain the importance of respecting diverse cultures and lifestyle choices in TCM practice. 2 Demonstrate positive regard toward patient. Describe commonly-encountered challenges 3 to establishing an effective therapeutic relationship in TCM practice. Describe strategies to enhance the 4 therapeutic relationship in TCM practice. 60 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x b Exhibit compassion toward patients. 1 63 66 G Develop and maintain effective 1.3 relationships with patients. 58 59 64 65 F Clinical Case Study Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies 1 61 62 E Written D Affective 3 55 C Psychomotor 2 B Cognitive 1 Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid Demonstrate supportive and caring interaction with patients. 2 Demonstrate concern for patient's well-being. 2 x 2 x c Maintain practitioner / patient boundaries. 1 Describe the concepts of transference and countertransference. Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 2 x 10 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 69 70 x 2 x Clinical 2 Simulated I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam Academic H Clinical Case Study G 2 x 2 x x d Facilitate honest, reciprocal communication. Explain the importance of disclosing complete 1 information concerning patient's state of health and treatment. 2 Fully disclose information to patient. Probe for patient's opinions relative to 3 treatment. 4 Respond to patient questions. 72 73 74 75 77 F Written Describe an appropriate response to situations of transference. Describe an appropriate response to 3 situations of countertransference. Demonstrate empathy with professional 4 detachment. Explain the implications of the power 5 differential in the patient - practitioner relationship. 2 68 76 E Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies 67 71 D Affective 3 C Psychomotor 2 B Cognitive 1 Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid 2 1 1 2 x 2 1 2 x 2 1 2 x 2 x Encourage patient to take responsibility for his e / her health. 1 Demonstrate participation in decision-making with the patient. Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 2 11 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Identify relevant federal legislation and related requirements. Identify relevant provincial / territorial 2 legislation and related requirements. Comply with relevant federal legislation and 3 related requirements. Comply with relevant provincial / territorial 4 legislation and related requirements. 1 84 85 86 89 I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam 1 1 Clinical 1 x x x x Academic 1 Clinical Case Study H Written G 2 x 2.1 Comply with legal requirements. Apply to practice current, relevant federal and a provincial / territorial legislation. 83 87 88 F Simulated Advise patient on importance of self-care and health maintenance. Provide patient with options for continuity of 3 care. Respect patient's right to access the health 4 care of their choice. 2 79 82 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies 78 80 81 E Affective 3 D Psychomotor 2 C Cognitive 1 B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid b 2 x 2 x 2 1 x 2 1 x Apply to practice current requirements of regulatory body. 1 Identify requirements of regulatory body. 2 2 Comply with requirements of regulatory body. 2 Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists x 1 x 12 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints x Clinical I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam Simulated H Academic G Clinical Case Study Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies F Written 3 E Affective 2 D Psychomotor 1 C Cognitive B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid Apply to practice current, relevant c requirements of municipal and other local authorities. 90 Identify local regulations relevant to operating a practice. Comply with local regulations relevant to 2 operating a practice. 1 91 92 2.2 93 a 94 1 x Ensure that patient is aware of treatment plan, its benefits and risks. 1 102 2 Practice in a manner that accords patient dignity and reflects patient rights. 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 2 2 3 4 5 6 Explain the role of acupuncture in patient’s overall health care. Explain the role of TCM herbal treatment in patient’s overall health care. Discuss treatment options with patient. Explain treatment procedures. Discuss anticipated outcomes of treatment. Discuss risks inherent in treatment. 2 x 2 x 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 x x x x x x x x b Ensure ongoing, informed consent. 1 Explain the importance of ongoing, informed consent. Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 2 x 13 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints H I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam 1 x x 3 2 x x 3 2 x x 1 1 x x Academic 1 Written Clinical G Clinical Case Study F Simulated 2 Obtain consent to commence treatment. Discuss treatment outcomes and progress 3 with patient on a regular basis. Assess patient's level of satisfaction with 4 treatment. 5 Maintain ongoing consent to treatment. 105 106 Respect patient rights to privacy and c confidentiality. 1 108 2 109 3 110 4 111 5 112 6 113 114 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies 104 107 E Affective 3 103 D Psychomotor 2 C Cognitive 1 B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid d Explain the importance of maintaining patient privacy and confidentiality. Maintain confidentiality with regard to patient information. Maintain privacy during professional interactions with patient. Demonstrate appropriate draping during assessment and treatment. Comply with patient wishes regarding privacy and confidentiality. Involve patient support person / guardian / advocate, when indicated. 2 1 1 1 x x x 2 x x 2 1 x 1 2 x Terminate course of treatment when appropriate. Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 14 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 126 127 2 x 2 x x 2 x 2 x 2 Clinical I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam Academic H Simulated 124 125 G x x x x 2.3 Maintain practitioner self-care. Maintain personal health and wellness in the a context of professional practice. Identify the physical, mental and emotional signs of stress. 2 Describe strategies to reduce stress. Maintain physical, mental and emotional 3 health consistent with provision of effective patient care. 1 120 121 122 123 F Clinical Case Study Describe situations and conditions that indicate termination of treatment. Describe the importance of continuity of 2 patient care. Describe procedures required for termination 3 of therapeutic relationship. 1 116 119 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies 115 117 118 E Written 3 D Affective 2 C Psychomotor 1 B Cognitive Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid 1 1 2 b Exhibit professional deportment. Describe the importance of appropriate professional deportment. 2 Maintain personal hygiene. Maintain personal grooming appropriate to 3 practice setting. Dress in a professional manner appropriate to 4 practice setting. 1 Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 1 1 x 1 1 x x 1 1 x x 15 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints x Clinical Simulated I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam Academic H Clinical Case Study G Written Identify limits of practitioner's personal expertise. Demonstrate practice within limits of 2 practitioner's personal expertise. 1 2 2 2 x x 1 2 x x x x x x b Modify practice to enhance effectiveness. Demonstrate critical self-reflection of performance. Develop and implement plan to enhance 2 effectiveness of personal practice of TCM. 1 2 x x x c Exhibit professional behaviour. 1 Maintain honesty in all professional activities. Describe ethical dilemmas that are commonly 2 encountered in TCM practice. 137 138 139 140 F 2.4 Practice with professional integrity. a Practice within limits of expertise. 133 134 135 136 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies 130 131 132 E Affective 3 128 129 D Psychomotor 2 C Cognitive 1 B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid d 2 2 1 x 3 Identify situations involving conflict of interest. 2 1 x 4 Take responsibility for decisions and actions. 1 2 Remain current with developments in acupuncture practice. Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 16 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 141 Search for information using current technology. Assess validity and reliability of published 3 information. Assess relevance of new information to 4 acupuncture practice. 2 142 143 144 145 e 1 x 1 x 3 x 3 x Clinical Simulated I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam Remain current with developments in TCM herbology practice. Identify sources that provide information on 1 developments in the practice of TCM herbology. Search for information using current 2 technology. Assess validity and reliability of published 3 information. Assess relevance of new information to TCM 4 herbology practice. 146 147 148 149 150 151 Identify sources that provide information on developments in the practice of acupuncture. H Academic 1 G Clinical Case Study Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies F Written 3 E Affective 2 D Psychomotor 1 C Cognitive B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid 1 x 1 x 3 x 3 x 3.1 Maintain patient records. a Ensure complete and accurate records. Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 17 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 4 Demonstrate consistency in record keeping. G H I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam 1 x x 1 1 x x 1 1 1 1 x x 1 x x 5 Ensure that records are legible. Academic 1 Clinical Case Study Clinical 154 F Simulated Document patient information in a timely manner. Demonstrate comprehensive documentation 2 of history, assessment and treatment information. Document patient-specific financial 3 information. 1 153 x b Ensure security and integrity of records. Describe procedures to maintain physical security of records. Describe procedures to ensure privacy and 2 confidentiality of records. Describe procedures for appropriate patient 3 access to records. Identify requirements for preservation and 4 disposal of records. 1 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies 152 155 156 157 E Written 3 D Affective 2 C Psychomotor 1 B Cognitive Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid 2 x 2 x 2 x 1 x 3.2 Utilize effective business strategies. a Ensure sound financial management. 1 Develop a sustainable business plan. Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 3 x 18 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 2 165 166 3 4 167 5 168 169 170 6 175 176 177 178 Explain the importance of complete and accurate business record keeping. Describe required statutory filings. Describe requirements for preservation of business records. Describe approaches to monitor business performance. Explain the importance of professional liability and malpractice insurance. 2 x 1 x 1 x 2 x 1 x Clinical Simulated I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam Academic H Clinical Case Study G b Employ ethical business practices. Communicate fee and payment policies to patient in advance. 2 Describe ethical billing practices. 3 Describe ethical advertising practices. 1 171 172 173 174 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies F Written 3 E Affective 2 D Psychomotor 1 C Cognitive B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid c 1 1 2 2 1 1 x x x Establish office procedures and supervise staff accordingly. Identify activities that require standardized procedures. 2 Develop clear procedural directions. Demonstrate basic principles of good 3 supervision. Describe requirements for mandatory working 4 conditions for staff. 1 Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 2 2 2 1 x 1 x 2 x x 19 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 179 180 181 182 183 1 Describe the yin yang theory in general. Describe the yin yang theory in relation to 2 TCM. b 1 x 2 1 x 2 1 x 2 1 x 2 1 x 2 1 x Clinical 2 Simulated Academic I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam Clinical Case Study H wu xing (five elements) Describe the wu xing (five elements) theory in general. Describe the wu xing (five elements) theory in 2 relation to TCM. 1 c zang xiang (organ theories) Describe the general features, physiological 1 functions and pathological changes of the zang-fu organs. 187 2 188 189 G Apply fundamental knowledge of the 4.1 following Traditional Chinese Medicine principles in diagnosis and treatment. a yin yang 184 185 186 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies F Written 3 E Affective 2 D Psychomotor 1 C Cognitive B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid d Describe the interrelationships between zangfu organs, both in physiology and pathology. jing luo & shu xue (channels, collaterals, and acupuncture points) Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 20 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 192 193 194 195 e 2 1 x 2 1 x Describe the symptoms and signs associated 4 with disorders of the jing luo (channels, collaterals, acupuncture points) system. 2 1 x Define the TCM concepts of qi, xue, jin ye, 1 jing, & shen (qi, blood, body fluid, essence, spirit). 2 1 x 2 1 x Clinical x Simulated Academic Clinical Case Study I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam qi, xue, jin ye, jing, & shen (qi, blood, body fluid, essence, spirit) 2 196 H 1 Describe the components of the jing luo (channels, collaterals, acupuncture points) 1 system, including its distribution and interconnections. Describe the functions of the jing luo 2 (channels, collaterals, acupuncture points) system in physiology and pathology. Describe the general features and functions of 3 acupuncture points. 191 G 2 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies 190 F Written 3 E Affective 2 D Psychomotor 1 C Cognitive B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid Describe the functions of qi, xue, jin ye, jing, & shen (qi, blood, body fluid, essence, spirit). Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 21 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 197 198 Describe the pathologies of qi, xue, jin ye, 3 jing, & shen (qi, blood, body fluid, essence, spirit) . f g 205 206 207 208 i j 1 x Clinical 2 Simulated Academic Clinical Case Study I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam 1 Describe the TCM concept of ti zhi (constitution). 2 1 x 2 Identify the TCM pathologies associated with the various types of ti zhi (constitution) . 1 1 x 1 Describe the TCM model of bing yin (etiology). 2 1 x 2 1 x 2 Define and categorize the bing yin (etiology) . h H bing yin (etiology) 202 203 204 G ti zhi (constitution) 199 200 201 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies F Written 3 E Affective 2 D Psychomotor 1 C Cognitive B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid bing ji (pathogenesis) 1 Describe the TCM concept of bing ji (pathogenesis). 2 1 x 1 Describe the TCM concept of yu fang (prevention). 2 1 x yu fang (prevention) zhi ze ( principles of treatment) Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 22 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 1 209 210 k Describe the TCM concept of yang sheng (health preservation). Explain the principles and methods of yang 2 sheng (health preservation) . 1 212 x 2 1 x 2 1 x x Clinical 1 Simulated Academic 1 Apply fundamentals of acupuncture in diagnosis and treatment. a Characterize the following points. jing xue (points of the 14 channels) 216 2 217 219 I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam 4.2 1 218 H yang sheng (health preservation) 211 213 214 215 Identify the zhi ze (principles of treatment) corresponding to each bing ji (pathogenesis). G Clinical Case Study Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies F Written 3 E Affective 2 D Psychomotor 1 C Cognitive B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid 3 4 Identify the points in the jing xue (points of the 14 channels) grouping referring to World Health organization standard nomenclature, as listed in Appendix 1. Locate the jing xue (points of the 14 channels) using the gu du (proportional measurement) method. Describe the required needling depth and angle for the jing xue . Describe the functions of the jing xue (points of the 14 channels) . Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 1 1 1 2 2 1 x x x 23 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Identify the common points in the jing wai qi 1 xue (extra points) grouping, as listed in Appendix 2. Locate the common jing wai qi xue (extra 2 points) . Describe the required needling depth and 3 angle for the jing wai qi xue (extra points) . Describe the functions of the jing wai qi xue 4 (extra points) . 223 224 b Clinical Simulated Academic I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam Clinical Case Study H Written G 1 1 1 2 2 x 1 x x x x Apply knowledge of the following special groupings of points, in treatment planning: wu shu xue (five transporting points) 1 Identify wu shu xue (five transporting) points. 227 Describe the theoretical basis for wu shu xue (five transporting) points. Describe the therapeutic significance of the 3 wu shu xue (five transporting) points. 2 228 231 F jing wai qi xue (extra points) 222 229 230 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies 221 225 226 E Affective 3 220 D Psychomotor 2 C Cognitive 1 B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid 1 2 1 x 2 1 x x yuan xue (source points) 1 Identify the points in the yuan xue (source points) grouping. Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 1 24 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Describe the theoretical basis for the yuan xue . Describe the therapeutic significance of the 3 yuan xue . 2 243 244 245 1 x 2 1 x x Clinical 2 Simulated I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam Academic H Clinical Case Study G 1 Identify luo xue (connecting) points. Describe the theoretical basis for luo xue 2 (connecting) points. Describe the therapeutic significance of the 3 luo xue (connecting) points. 1 1 Describe xi xue (cleft) points. Describe the theoretical basis for xi xue (cleft) 2 points. Describe the therapeutic significance of the xi 3 xue (cleft) points. 1 1 Describe bei shu xue (back transport) points. 1 2 1 x 2 1 x x xi xue (cleft points) 240 241 242 F luo xue (connecting points) 236 237 238 239 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies 232 233 234 235 E Written 3 D Affective 2 C Psychomotor 1 B Cognitive Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid 2 1 x 2 1 x x bei shu xue (transport points) Describe the theoretical basis for bei shu xue (back transport) points. Describe the therapeutic significance of the 3 bei shu xue (back transport) points. 2 Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 2 1 x 2 1 x 25 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Clinical Simulated Academic Clinical Case Study I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam Written H 1 Describe mu xue (front) points. Describe the theoretical basis for mu xue 2 (front) points. Describe the therapeutic significance of the 3 mu xue (front) points. 1 1 Describe xia he xue (lower sea) points. Describe the theoretical basis for xia he xue 2 (lower sea) points. Describe the therapeutic significance of the 3 xia he xue (lower sea) points. 1 x 2 1 x 2 1 x x 2 1 x 2 1 x x ba mai jiao hui xue (eight confluent points) Describe the ba mai jiao hui xue (eight confluent) points. Describe the theoretical basis for ba mai jiao 2 hui xue (eight confluent) points. Describe the therapeutic significance of the ba 3 mai jiao hui xue (eight confluent) points. 1 256 259 G xia he xue (lower sea points) 255 257 258 F mu xue (front / mu points) 252 253 254 E Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies 248 249 250 251 D Affective 3 246 247 C Psychomotor 2 B Cognitive 1 Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid 1 2 1 x 2 1 x x ba hui xue (eight (influential) points) 1 Describe the ba hui xue (eight meeting (influential)) points. Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 1 26 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 261 262 x 3 Describe the therapeutic significance of the ba hui xue (eight meeting (influential)) points. 2 1 x 1 Describe the zi mu xue (mother / child) points. 1 x Clinical 1 Simulated Academic Clinical Case Study I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam 2 Describe the theoretical basis for zi mu xue (mother / child) points. Describe the therapeutic significance of the zi 3 mu xue (mother / child) points. 2 1 x 2 1 x x jiao hui xue (channel crossing points) Describe the jiao hui xue (channel crossing) points. Describe the theoretical basis for jiao hui xue 2 (channel crossing) points. Describe the therapeutic significance of the 3 jiao hui xue (channel crossing) points. 1 267 268 271 H Describe the theoretical basis for ba hui xue (eight meeting (influential)) points. 2 264 269 270 G zi mu xue (mother / child points) 263 265 266 F 2 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies 260 E Written 3 D Affective 2 C Psychomotor 1 B Cognitive Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid 1 2 1 x 2 1 x 2 1 x a shi xue (ah shi points) 1 Describe the theoretical basis for the a shi xue (ah shi) points. Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 27 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 272 273 2 1 2 3 4 5 278 279 280 6 7 8 1 x 2 1 x Clinical 2 Simulated I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam Academic H Describe the theoretical basis for ear acupuncture. Identify auricular acupunture points. Locate auricular acupuncture points. Describe the functions of auricular acupuncture points. Describe the theoretical basis for scalp acupuncture. Identify scalp acupunture zones. Locate scalp acupuncture zones. Describe the functions of scalp acupuncture zones. 1 1 1 x x 2 1 x 2 1 x 1 1 x 1 x 2 1 2 1 x 2 1 x x c Select points for assessment. 1 284 G ear and scalp acupuncture 277 283 Describe the therapeutic significance of the a shi xue (ah shi) points. F Clinical Case Study Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies 274 275 276 281 282 E Written 3 D Affective 2 C Psychomotor 1 B Cognitive Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid Describe acupunture point assessment techniques, and relate them to jing luo theory. Describe the diagnostic significance of 2 acupuncture point assessment techniques, and relate them to the jing luo theory. Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 28 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 2 1 x 2 1 3 1 x 2 1 x Clinical I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam Simulated H Academic G x d Select points or areas for therapy. Devise a point formula for the treatment of 1 syndromes associated with the illnesses listed in Appendix 5. Describe the relationship between the point 2 formula and the principle(s) of treatment. Explain how local anatomy affects the 3 selection of points and areas for therapy. Explain how acupuncture point functions and 4 indications affect the selection of points and areas for therapy. Explain how precautions and contraindications 5 affect the selection of points and areas for therapy. 289 290 291 294 F Clinical Case Study Describe acupunture point assessment 3 techniques, and relate them to patient presentation. Describe the diagnostic significance of 4 acupuncture point assessment techniques, and relate them to patient presentation. 288 292 293 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies 285 286 287 E Written 3 D Affective 2 C Psychomotor 1 B Cognitive Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid 2 2 1 x 2 1 x 2 1 x e Select stimulation techniques. 1 Describe the functions and therapeutic aims of needling techniques. Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 29 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 297 f 1 x 2 1 x 3 1 x 2 1 x 2 1 x 2 1 x 2 1 x 2 1 x Clinical 2 Simulated I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam Apply knowledge of precautions and contraindications for application of stimulation techniques. 1 299 2 300 3 301 4 302 303 304 305 H Academic 296 G Clinical Case Study Describe the functions and therapeutic aims of moxibustion techniques. Describe the functions and therapeutic aims of 3 cupping techniques. Justify the stimulation techniques selected to 4 achieve specified therapeutic outcome. 2 295 298 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies F Written 3 E Affective 2 D Psychomotor 1 C Cognitive B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid 5 Explain the precautions and contraindications related to needling. Explain the precautions and contraindications related to moxibustion. Explain the precautions and contraindications related to cupping. Explain the precautions and contraindications related to tui na / an mo (including acupressure). Explain the precautions and contraindications related to gua sha . g Apply knowledge of: tui na / an mo (acupressure) Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 30 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Describe the theoretical basis for tui na / an mo (acupressure). Identify each of the major tui na / an mo (acupressure) techniques, including the 2 functions and therapeutic indications of the technique. Describe the therapeutic significance of tui na 3 / an mo (acupressure) . 1 307 308 4 Describe the theoretical basis for qi gong / tai ji . Describe the therapeutic significance of qi 2 gong / tai ji . Explain the precautions and contraindications 3 related to qi gong / tai ji . 1 312 316 2 1 x 1 1 x 2 1 x 3 1 x 2 1 x 2 1 x 2 1 x 2 1 x 2 1 x Clinical I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam Simulated H Academic G qi gong / tai ji 311 313 314 315 Justify the use of tui na / an mo (acupressure) to achieve a specified therapeutic outcome. F Clinical Case Study Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies 306 309 310 E Written 3 D Affective 2 C Psychomotor 1 B Cognitive Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid gua sha 1 Describe the theoretical basis for gua sha . Describe the therapeutic significance of gua 2 sha . Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 31 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 317 318 319 b 1 x 2 1 x 2 1 x x 1 Describe the wu wei (five flavours). Describe the actions of herbs in relation to wu 2 wei (five flavours)i. Describe the therapeutic significance of wu 3 wei (five flavours) . Identify the wu wei (five flavours) of the herbs 4 listed in Appendix 3. 1 1 x 2 1 x 2 1 x x x Clinical 1 Simulated Academic Clinical Case Study I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam 326 327 c 1 wu wei (five flavours) 325 329 H Apply knowledge of the following 4.3 properties and functions of TCM herbs in treatment planning: a si qi (four properties) 321 328 G 1 Describe the si qi (four properties). Describe the actions of herbs in relation to si 2 qi (four properties). Describe the therapeutic significance of si qi 3 (four properties) . Identify the si qi (four properties) of the herbs 4 listed in Appendix 3. Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies 320 322 323 324 F Written 3 E Affective 2 D Psychomotor 1 C Cognitive B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid 1 sheng jiang fu chen (ascending, descending, floating, sinking) 1 Describe sheng jiang fu chen (ascending, descending, floating, sinking). Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 1 1 32 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Describe the actions of herbs in relation to 2 sheng jiang fu chen (ascending, descending, floating, sinking). Describe the therapeutic significance of sheng 3 jiang fu chen (ascending, descending, floating, sinking) . Identify the sheng jiang fu chen (ascending, 4 descending, floating, sinking) of the herbs listed in Appendix 3. 330 331 332 333 334 d 336 340 341 e 1 x 2 1 x x 1 Clinical 2 Simulated I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam Academic H gui jing (channel tropism) 335 337 338 339 G Clinical Case Study Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies F Written 3 E Affective 2 D Psychomotor 1 C Cognitive B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid 1 Describe gui jing (channel tropism). Describe the actions of herbs in relation to gui 2 jing (channel tropism) . Describe the therapeutic significance of gui 3 jing (channel tropism) . Identify the gui jing (channel tropism) of the 4 herbs listed in Appendix 3. 1 1 x 2 1 x 2 1 x x 1 Describe the actions of herbs. Describe the relationship between action and 2 categorization of herbs. Differentiate the actions of herbs within the 3 same category. 2 1 x 2 1 x 2 1 x 1 actions Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 33 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Describe the relationship between actions and the indications of herbs. Describe the therapeutic significance of the 5 actions of herbs. Identify the actions of the herbs listed in 6 Appendix 3. 4 342 343 344 345 346 f g 355 h 2 x 2 1 x x 2 Clinical 2 Simulated Academic I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam 1 Describe the indications of herbs. Describe the therapeutic significance of the 2 indications. Identify the indications of the herbs listed in 3 Appendix 3. 2 1 x 2 2 x x 1 Describe the concept of toxicity of herbs. Describe the dosage ranges and cautions 2 when using toxic herbs. Identify herbs that are designated as toxic or 3 restricted under Canadian regulations. 1 1 x 2 1 x 1 x 1 Describe pao zhi (processing). 1 x 2 Describe the effects of pao zhi (processing) . 1 x 2 toxicity 351 352 353 354 H indications 347 348 349 350 G Clinical Case Study Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies F Written 3 E Affective 2 D Psychomotor 1 C Cognitive B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid pao zhi (processing) Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 1 34 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 356 357 Describe the general principles of composition of formulas. Describe the composition of the formulas 2 listed in Appendix 4. Analyse the composition of formulas listed in 3 Appendix 4. 1 b Describe the principles of substitution of formula constituents. Describe the principles of alteration of the ratio 2 of constituents. Describe the principles of changes in dosage 3 form of the formulas. 1 363 367 368 x x Clinical 1 Simulated Academic Clinical Case Study I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam c 1 2 2 2 x 2 1 x 2 1 x 2 1 x 1 1 x 2 1 x 2 1 x modification of formula 362 366 H Apply knowledge of herbal formulating strategies, with reference to: a composition of formula 359 364 365 G 4.4 358 360 361 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies F Written 3 E Affective 2 D Psychomotor 1 C Cognitive B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid functions & classifications Describe the classification system for formulas. Identify the classification of the formulas listed 2 in Appendix 4. Describe the clinical relevance of each class 3 of formula. 1 Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 35 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 369 d Describe the principal actions of formulas listed in Appendix 4. 2 5 Differentiate the actions of formulas within the same class, for formulas listed in Appendix 4. 2 6 Select formula to achieve a specified therapeutic outcome. 3 Describe the compatibility and incompatibility of herbs. Describe the therapeutic significance of herbal 2 combinations. Select a combination of herbs to achieve a 3 specified therapeutic outcome. 1 374 e 1 Describe the dosage forms of herbal formulas. Describe the methods of preparation for each dosage form. Describe the methods of administration for 3 herbal formulas. 2 378 f x 2 x 2 Clinical Simulated Academic x 1 x x 2 1 3 2 1 1 x 1 x 1 x x dosage form & methods of administration 377 379 380 I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam combinations & compatibility 373 375 376 H 4 370 371 372 G Clinical Case Study Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies F Written 3 E Affective 2 D Psychomotor 1 C Cognitive B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid dosage Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 36 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 385 392 393 Academic Clinical Case Study x x x 2 x Describe potential adverse effects of herbal formulas. 2 1 x 2 Describe methods to prevent adverse effects. 2 2 x 2 2 x 1 1 x 1 1 x x x 3 Describe actions to take in the event of adverse effects. contraindications & precautions Describe contraindications for herbal formulas. 2 Describe precautions for herbal formulas. 1 388 389 390 391 2 2 1 h I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam potential adverse effects 384 386 387 H Clinical g G Simulated Identify the general dosage ranges of the 1 herbs listed in Appendix 3 and the formulas listed in Appendix 4. Determine dosage of herbs to achieve a 2 specified therapeutic outcome. 381 382 383 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies F Written 3 E Affective 2 D Psychomotor 1 C Cognitive B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid Apply knowledge of the following herb 4.5 interactions in treatment planning: a herb – drug interactions Describe potential interactions between herbs and commonly-used drugs. Modify treatment plan based on potential herb2 drug interactions. 1 Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 1 2 1 37 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 406 407 x x x x x x Clinical Simulated 1 Describe potential herb-herb interactions. Modify treatment plan based on potential herb2 herb interactions. 1 1 Describe potential herb-food interactions. Modify treatment plan based on potential herb2 food interactions. 1 2 1 x x x x x x herb – food interactions 2 1 herb – natural health product interactions Describe potential herb-natural health product interactions. Modify treatment plan based on potential herb2 natural health product interactions. 1 402 405 I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam herb – herb interactions 401 403 404 H Academic d G Clinical Case Study 399 400 c F Written 396 397 398 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies b E Affective 3 394 395 D Psychomotor 2 C Cognitive 1 B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid 1 2 1 Apply basic biomedical concepts to TCM practice: a human anatomical structures 5.1 1 Describe basic cell structure and processes. 1 x Describe the structure and function of the body tissues. 1 x 3 Explain the organization of the body systems. 2 x 2 Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 38 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 409 6 410 Identify the surface anatomical structures required to locate acupuncture points. Identify local anatomy of locations at which 8 acupuncture presents an inherent risk of injury. 7 411 412 413 b Describe the structures and functions of DNA, RNA, and proteins. Describe the bioenergetics and metabolism of 2 carbohydrates and lipids. Describe the metabolism of proteins, amino 3 acids and nucleic acids. Explain the roles of minerals, vitamins, 4 enzymes and hormones. 1 415 416 c 1 x x 2 1 x x 1 x x x x 2 1 Clinical 1 Simulated I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam x biochemical processes 414 417 418 Identify the areas of the abdomen and thorax and the corresponding internal structures. H Academic Locate the major bones, muscles, and blood supply of the head, trunk and limbs. Describe the range of joint articulation and the 5 role of major muscles in movement coordination. 4 408 G Clinical Case Study Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies F Written 3 E Affective 2 D Psychomotor 1 C Cognitive B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid 1 x 2 x 2 x 2 x control mechanisms Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 39 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Explain the primary functions of the body systems. Describe the co-ordination and regulation of 2 the body systems. Describe the role of the control mechanisms in 3 maintaining homeostasis. Relate homeostatic imbalance to common 4 dysfunctions of the body systems. 1 419 420 421 422 423 d Describe the role of microorganisms in infectious diseases. Describe immunity and mechanisms of host 2 resistance. Describe the principles of infection control, 3 and the effects of antibiotics and vaccines. 1 425 428 429 430 e 1 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 1 2 1 Clinical Simulated I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam Academic H Clinical Case Study G infectious diseases and infection control 424 426 427 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies F Written 3 E Affective 2 D Psychomotor 1 C Cognitive B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid dysfunctions and common diseases Identify causal factors of the common diseases listed in Appendix 6. Describe the processes of tissue damage, 2 inflammation and healing. Identify signs and symptoms of common 3 diseases listed in Appendix 6. 1 Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists x x x 40 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 4 431 432 433 2 2 x 1 x 2 x 1 x 2 x 2 x Clinical Simulated Academic I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam x Relate biomedical diagnostic and treatment approaches to TCM practice: a diagnosis and treatment methods Identify the purpose of commonly used laboratory tests and diagnostic procedures. Identify abnormal findings in the results of 2 laboratory tests, examinations and diagnostic imaging. Relate abnormal findings to common diseases 3 listed in Appendix 6. Identify typical medical and surgical 4 treatments for common diseases listed in Appendix 6. 1 435 436 437 5 440 H 5.2 434 438 439 Describe biomedical disease classification systems. G Clinical Case Study Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies F Written 3 E Affective 2 D Psychomotor 1 C Cognitive B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid b Identify the underlying principles of biomedical diagnostic and treatment approaches. pharmacology Identify the therapeutic effects, adverse effects and signs and symptoms of toxicity of 1 commonly used drugs from the drug categories listed in Appendix 7. Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 41 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Describe the concepts of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Classify commonly-used drugs from the drug 3 categories listed in Appendix 7 according to their pharmacological actions. 2 442 444 1 x 1 x x Clinical I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam Simulated H Academic G Clinical Case Study F 5.3 Integrate TCM and biomedical concepts. Relate biomedical information concerning a patient’s condition and treatment to TCM state of health. Describe the relationship between biomedical diagnosis and TCM diagnosis. Relate the actions of acupuncture to general 2 biomedical concepts. Relate the actions of herbal treatment to 3 general biomedical concepts. Identify the signs and symptoms, therapeutic 4 effects and adverse effects of common biomedical treatments. 1 445 446 447 448 449 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies 441 443 E Written 3 D Affective 2 C Psychomotor 1 B Cognitive Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid 3 2 3 2 x 3 2 x 2 x Communicate TCM diagnostic and treatment b information for use by other health care workers, and to third parties. Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 42 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 457 458 3 1 Elicit patient's reason(s) for seeking treatment. 2 2 Demonstrate directed interrogation and 1 physical examinations of patient relevant to the chief complaint. 3 2 2 x x 2 x x x x Clinical Simulated Explain patient's TCM diagnosis and clinical 1 progress using terms that are readily understood by other healthcare professionals. Establish priorities for assessment and treatment planning. a Identify chief complaint. b Initiate assessment based upon chief complaint. 455 456 I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam 6.1 453 454 H Academic 451 452 G Clinical Case Study 450 Performance Indicators F Written 3 Occupational Competencies E Affective 2 D Psychomotor 1 C Cognitive B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid Recognize conditions that require urgent c medical treatment, and direct patient appropriately. Describe the signs and symptoms of 1 conditions that require urgent medical treatment. Recognize conditions that require urgent 2 medical treatment. Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 2 2 x x x 43 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Advise patient appropriately in the event of 3 condition that requires urgent medical treatment. 459 460 d Describe the significance of both positive and negative findings for the patient. Justify modification of assessment strategy 2 based on emerging information. 462 464 465 466 468 2 2 Clinical Simulated Academic Clinical Case Study I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam x x 3 x 2 2 2 Identify conditions for which TCM modalities do not provide the most appropriate treatment. 2 Compare the effectiveness of TCM treatments 5 with those of other common therapeutic approaches. 3 x x x x x x x x x Initiate collaboration, consultation or referral as appropriate. Identify conditions for which TCM modalities provide effective treatment. Recognize conditions beyond practitioner's 2 personal clinical knowledge and experience. Recognize unsatisfactory therapeutic outcome 3 of treatment. 1 4 467 H 2 1 e G Modify assessment strategy based upon emerging information. 461 463 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies F Written 3 E Affective 2 D Psychomotor 1 C Cognitive B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists x x 44 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 471 2 x x Clinical Simulated 1 1 Describe the significance of wang zhen (TCM diagnostic inspection method). 2 1 x 2 Describe the diagnostic significance of wang zhen (TCM diagnostic inspection method). 2 1 x 3 Perform wang zhen (TCM diagnostic inspection method). 473 474 b 2 1 x x x x Collect information using wen zhen (TCM diagnostic inquiry method). Describe the significance of wen zhen (TCM diagnostic inquiry method). Describe the diagnostic significance of wen 2 zhen (TCM diagnostic inquiry method) . Perform wen zhen (TCM diagnostic inquiry 3 method). 1 476 477 478 479 I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam 6.2 Assess patient. Collect information using wang zhen (TCM a diagnostic inspection method). 472 475 H Academic 6 Initiate collaboration, consultation or referral. G Clinical Case Study 469 470 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies F Written 3 E Affective 2 D Psychomotor 1 C Cognitive B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid 2 1 x 2 1 x 2 1 Collect information using wen zhen (TCM c diagnostic auscultation and olfaction methods). Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 45 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 482 d Describe the significance of qie zhen (TCM diagnostic palpation method). Describe the diagnostic significance of qie 2 zhen (TCM diagnostic palpation method) findings. Perform qie zhen (TCM diagnostic palpation 3 method). 1 485 491 Academic Clinical Case Study I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam 2 1 x 2 1 x 2 2 1 x x x x x x x x Collect information using qie zhen (TCM diagnostic palpation method). 484 486 487 488 489 490 H Clinical 481 G Simulated Describe the significance of wen zhen (TCM 1 diagnostic auscultation and olfaction methods). Describe the diagnostic significance of wen 2 zhen (TCM diagnostic auscultation and olfaction methods) findings. Perform wen zhen (TCM diagnostic 3 auscultation and olfaction methods). 480 483 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies F Written 3 E Affective 2 D Psychomotor 1 C Cognitive B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid 2 1 x 2 1 x 2 2 1 e Measure vital signs. 1 Describe the significance of the vital signs. 2 Measure vital signs. 3 Identify abnormal vital signs. f 2 x 2 2 x Conduct relevant non-invasive physical examination. Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 46 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Justify the selection of TCM syndrome differentiation method(s) for a patient. Integrate syndrome differentiation methods as 2 necessary. 1 499 501 1 x 2 x 2 2 2 Clinical I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam Simulated H Academic G x x x x 6.3 Analyze assessment information. Organize and interpret the collected a information using the following TCM syndrome differentiation methods: 498 500 F Clinical Case Study Describe the techniques and equipment used in physical examinations. Describe the diagnostic significance of 2 physical examinations. 3 Perform relevant physical examinations. Perform examinations in a manner that 4 minimizes patient distress, embarassment, and risk of injury. 1 493 494 497 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies 492 495 496 E Written 3 D Affective 2 C Psychomotor 1 B Cognitive Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid 3 1 x x x 3 1 x x x 1 1 ba gang bian zheng (eight principles differentiation) Identify syndromes according to the ba gang 1 bian zheng (eight principles differentiation) method. Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists x 47 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints H I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam 1 1 x 1 1 x 1 1 x 3 1 1 1 x 1 1 x Clinical 1 Simulated 3 Academic Describe zang fu bian zheng (organ theory differentiation). Identify the main syndromes of the zang fu 2 bian zheng (organ theory differentiation). Describe the etiology of the syndromes of 3 zang fu bian zheng (organ theory differentiation). Formulate a syndrome diagnosis for a patient 4 according to zang fu bian zheng (organ theory differentiation). 1 506 507 510 G x x x x x zang fu bian zheng (organ theory differentiation) 505 509 F Clinical Case Study Formulate a syndrome diagnosis for a patient 2 according to the ba gang bian zheng (eight principles differentiation) method. 504 508 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies 502 503 E Written 3 D Affective 2 C Psychomotor 1 B Cognitive Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid x wu xing bian zheng (five elements differentiation) Describe wu xing bian zheng (five elements differentiation). Identify the main syndromes of the wu xing 2 bian zheng (five elements differentiation). 1 Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 48 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 1 1 1 x 1 1 x Describe the etiology of the syndromes of san jiao bian zheng (triple warmer differentiation). 1 1 x Formulate a syndrome diagnosis for a patient 4 according to san jiao bian zheng (triple warmer differentiation). 3 1 Describe wei qi ying xue bian zheng (four levels differentiation). 1 1 Clinical 3 Simulated Academic Clinical Case Study I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam x x x x x x san jiao bian zheng (triple warmer differentiation) Describe san jiao bian zheng (triple warmer differentiation). Identify the main syndromes of the san jiao 2 bian zheng (triple warmer differentiation). 1 515 3 516 517 519 H Describe the etiology of the syndromes of wu xing bian zheng (five elements differentiation). Formulate a syndrome diagnosis for a patient 4 according to wu xing bian zheng (five elements differentiation). 514 518 G 1 511 512 F 1 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies 3 513 E Written 3 D Affective 2 C Psychomotor 1 B Cognitive Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid x wei qi ying xue bian zheng (four levels differentiation) 1 Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists x 49 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 521 522 Academic I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam 1 1 x 1 1 x 3 1 1 1 x 1 1 x 1 1 x 3 1 x x x x x liu jing bian zheng (six stages differentiation) Describe liu jing bian zheng (six stages differentiation). Identify the main syndromes of the liu jing bian 2 zheng (six stages differentiation). 1 524 525 3 526 Describe the etiology of the syndromes of liu jing bian zheng (six stages differentiation). Formulate a syndrome diagnosis for a patient 4 according to liu jing bian zheng (six stages differentiation). 527 528 H Clinical Describe the etiology of the syndromes of wei 3 qi ying xue bian zheng (four levels differentiation). Formulate a syndrome diagnosis for a patient 4 according to wei qi ying xue bian zheng (four levels differentiation). G Simulated 520 Identify the main syndromes of the wei qi ying xue bian zheng (four levels differentiation). F Clinical Case Study Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies 2 523 E Written 3 D Affective 2 C Psychomotor 1 B Cognitive Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid x qi xue jin ye bian zheng (qi, blood, body fluid differentiation) Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 50 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 532 535 536 I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam Academic H Clinical Case Study G 1 1 x 1 1 x 1 1 x 3 1 x Clinical 531 F Simulated Describe qi xue jin ye bian zheng (qi, blood, body fluid differentiation). Identify the main syndromes of the qi xue jin 2 ye bian zheng (qi, blood, body fluid differentiation). Describe the etiology of the syndromes of qi 3 xue jin ye bian zheng (qi, blood, body fluid differentiation). Formulate a syndrome diagnosis for a patient 4 according to qi xue jin ye bian zheng (qi, blood, body fluid differentiation). 1 530 534 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies 529 533 E Written 3 D Affective 2 C Psychomotor 1 B Cognitive Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid x x bing yin bian zheng (pathogenic factors differentiation) 1 Describe bing yin bian zheng (pathogenic factors differentiation). 1 1 x 2 Identify the main syndromes of the bing yin bian zheng (pathogenic factors differentiation). 1 1 x 1 1 x Describe the etiology of the syndromes of the 3 bing yin bian zheng (pathogenic factors differentiation). Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 51 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam 1 1 x 1 1 x Describe the etiology of the syndromes of the jing luo bian zheng (meridian differentiation). 1 1 x Formulate a syndrome diagnosis for a patient 4 according to the jing luo bian zheng (meridian differentiation). 3 1 Explain the relevance of biomedical diagnostic 1 data, medical and health history in TCM diagnosis. 2 Clinical Simulated Academic Clinical Case Study H x x x x x jing luo bian zheng (meridian differentiation) Describe jing luo bian zheng (meridian differentiation). Identify the main syndromes of the jing luo 2 bian zheng (meridian differentiation). 1 540 3 541 542 544 G 1 Formulate a syndrome diagnosis for a patient 4 according to the bing yin bian zheng (pathogenic factors differentiation). 539 543 F 3 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies 537 538 E Written 3 D Affective 2 C Psychomotor 1 B Cognitive Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid x Incorporate information obtained from b biomedical diagnostic data, medical and health history. Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists x 52 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Identify conditions that require information on 2 biomedical diagnostic data, medical and health history. Obtain information on biomedical diagnostic 3 data, medical and health history. Incorporate diagnostic information from 4 another health care practitioner. 545 546 547 548 Formulate primary diagnosis according to the illnesses listed in Appendix 5. Formulate secondary diagnoses, as 2 necessary. Differentiate the syndromes associated with 3 the illnesses listed in Appendix 5. Justify diagnoses for a patient based on 4 clinical data. 1 550 551 552 555 2 1 Clinical Simulated I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam Academic H Clinical Case Study G x 1 x 2 x x c Make TCM diagnosis. 549 553 554 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies F Written 3 E Affective 2 D Psychomotor 1 C Cognitive B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid 3 1 x x x 3 1 x x x 2 1 3 1 x x 1 1 x x Establish treatment plan based on diagnosis. a Determine treatment goals and strategies. 6.4 1 Identify the principles of treatment corresponding to pathogenic processes. Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists x 53 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 561 562 563 I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam x x x x x x x x x x x x x Academic H Clinical Case Study G Clinical 560 F Simulated 557 558 559 565 Performance Indicators Describe the TCM approach to the treatment 2 of syndromes associated with the illnesses listed in Appendix 5. Describe the concept of prioritization and its 3 application to the treatment of illness. 4 Determine treatment principles. 5 Prioritize treatment goals for patient. Describe the concept of bu xie (tonification 6 and draining) and its application to the treatment of illness. Determine and justify appropriate methods of 7 treatment for a patient. Determine the potential for success in treating 8 patient with TCM. 9 Formulate and justify treatment plan. 556 564 E Written 3 Occupational Competencies D Affective 2 C Psychomotor 1 B Cognitive Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid 2 1 x 2 1 x 3 3 1 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 x x x Take into account precautions and b contraindications. Describe complications or adverse reactions that could arise during the treatment of 1 syndromes associated with the illnesses listed in Appendix 5. Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists x 54 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 567 569 570 571 c 2 1 3 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 Clinical I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam Academic H Clinical Case Study G Simulated Describe contraindications for the treatment of 2 syndromes associated with the illnesses listed in Appendix 5. Modify treatment strategies and methods to account for contraindications, potential complications or adverse reactions that could 3 arise during the treatment of syndromes associated with the illnesses listed in Appendix 5. 566 568 Performance Indicators F Written 3 Occupational Competencies E Affective 2 D Psychomotor 1 C Cognitive B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid x x x x Adapt treatment according to patient characteristics and needs. Describe the modification of treatment strategies and methods based on patient 1 characteristics and needs during the treatment of syndromes associated with the illnesses listed in Appendix 5. Modify treatment strategies and methods to 2 account for patient characteristics and needs during the treatment of a patient. Justify the modification of treatment strategies and methods to account for patient 3 characteristics and needs during the treatment of a patient. Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists x x x x x x x 55 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 580 581 Clinical 579 Simulated g 3 1 x x x 1 Design a point formula appropriate to a patient. 3 1 x x x 2 1 x x x 2 1 x x x 2 1 2 2 x 3 2 x x x Select appropriate course of acupuncture treatment and therapeutic modalities. Determine point stimulation methods and techniques appropriate to a patient. Determine course of acupunture treatment 2 appropriate to a patient. 1 576 577 578 Modify treatment based on effects and / or symptoms produced by non-TCM therapies. Select appropriate points, point combinations and / or treatment areas. 574 575 I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam Academic d H Clinical Case Study 573 G 4 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies 572 F Written 3 E Affective 2 D Psychomotor 1 C Cognitive B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid h Devise applicable TCM herbal formula. Identify and analyze representative formulas corresponding to TCM treatment strategies. Identify herbal formulas appropriate to the 2 syndromes associated with the illnesses listed in Appendix 5. Develop herbal formula appropriate to a 3 patient. 1 Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists x 56 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 586 592 593 2 x 2 1 x 2 x 2 x Clinical 2 Simulated I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam x x Devise appropriate course of herbal treatment. Determine course of herbal treatment appropriate to a patient. 6.5 Provide acupuncture treatment. Adapt clinical setting to enhance comfort and a safety. Describe modifications of clinical setting to 1 enhance comfort and safety based upon patient needs. Describe modifications of clinical setting 2 according to specific requirements of the illnesses listed in Appendix 5. 587 588 589 590 591 H Academic 584 585 i G Clinical Case Study Select patent medicine (finished TCM product) 4 appropriate to syndromes associated with the illnesses listed in Appendix 5. 582 583 Performance Indicators F Written 3 Occupational Competencies E Affective 2 D Psychomotor 1 C Cognitive B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid b Position patient for treatment. 1 Inform and position patient for needling. 2 Inform and position patient for moxibustion. Inform and position patient for treatment using 3 supplementary devices. 4 Inform and position patient for cupping. Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 2 2 2 2 x x x x 2 2 x x 2 2 x x 57 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 610 I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam x x 2 2 x x 2 2 x x Perform needling on a patient. Perform moxibustion on a patient. Perform cupping on a patient. Perform ear acupuncture on a patient. Perform scalp acupuncture on a patient. Perform tui na on a patient. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 x x x x x x x x x x x x 1 Obtain and interpret feedback from patient. Recognize significant changes in patient 2 condition. Respond appropriately to patient feedback 3 and changes in condition. 2 x x x x x x Academic Clinical Case Study 2 5 Inform and position patient for tui na. Written Clinical H c Locate selected points on patient. Locate points on patients of varying ages and body types. Locate points on patients in various body 2 positions. 1 d Apply treatment techniques. 1 2 3 4 5 6 e Monitor and respond to patient condition during treatment. 607 608 609 G Simulated 605 606 F 2 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 E Affective 3 594 595 D Psychomotor 2 C Cognitive 1 B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid 1 2 2 2 1 6.6 Implement herbal treatment plan. Instruct patient on accessing TCM herbal a formula. Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 58 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 612 Clinical Simulated 1 Academic 1 Identify the local availibility of herbs. Clinical Case Study I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam Written Performance Indicators Describe method of administration of TCM formula for a patient. Describe conditions under which the method 2 of administration for a patient should be altered. x 2 x x x x x x 2 x x x 2 x x x 3 x x x 3 x x x 2 1 Monitor effectiveness of treatment plan and modify where necessary. Evaluate effectiveness of treatment plan on a an ongoing basis. 6.7 Identify anticipated treatment outcomes for a patient. Evaluate patient response relative to 2 anticipated outcomes. Identify causative factors in the event that 3 outcomes are not achieved. 1 618 619 621 H 1 617 620 E Instruct patient on administration of TCM b herbal formula. 614 616 D Occupational Competencies 613 615 G Affective 3 611 F Psychomotor 2 C Cognitive 1 B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid b Modify treatment plan to enhance effectiveness. Explain and justify modification of treatment 1 plan to achieve anticipated outcomes for a patient. Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 59 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints x 1 Explain in plain language TCM concepts as they apply to patient condition. 3 x 2 x x 2 x x 2 x Clinical Simulated 3 Academic Explain in plain language the TCM etiology and pathogenesis of patient condition. Explain TCM concepts as they apply to patient condition. c Inform patient of possible side effects and reaction to treatment. Describe anticipated side effects and reactions to acupuncture treatments. Describe anticipated side effects and 2 reactions to moxibustion, cupping, and tui-na treatments. Describe anticipated side effects and 3 reactions to TCM herbal treatments. 1 629 630 632 I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam Clinical Case Study b 628 631 H 6.8 Educate and counsel patient. Explain etiology and pathogenesis of a condition. 626 627 G 1 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies 624 625 F Written 623 E Affective 3 622 D Psychomotor 2 C Cognitive 1 B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid d Advise patient on yu fang and yang sheng (prevention and health preservation) 1 Explain the TCM principles of prevention and health preservation related to diet. Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 2 1 x 60 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 635 e 640 641 642 1 x 2 1 x 2 1 x x Clinical 2 Simulated I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam Counsel patient on compliance with treatment recommendations. 1 637 638 639 H Academic 634 G Clinical Case Study Explain the use of TCM dietary therapy in the 2 treatment of syndromes associated with the illnesses listed in Appendix 5. Explain the principles of yu fang and yang 3 sheng (prevention and health preservation) through physical exercise and qi gong . Explain the principles of mental cultivation, 4 and the relationship between mental state, lifestyle, illness and longevity. 633 636 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies F Written 3 E Affective 2 D Psychomotor 1 C Cognitive B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid Explain the significance of patient compliance with treatment recommendations. 2 x 7.1 Perform needling. a Perform filiform needling. Describe the characteristics and therapeutic use of filiform needles. Identify the factors affecting insertion depth 2 and angle. Perform needle insertion to the required depth 3 and angle. 1 Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 1 1 x 1 1 x 2 2 x x 61 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 650 651 652 653 b 1 x 1 1 x 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 x x x x x x Perform dermal (plum blossom, seven star) needling. Describe the characteristics and therapeutic 1 use of dermal needles. 2 Describe dermal needle manipulation methods. 1 3 Perform dermal needling 2 1 1 1 2 x x x c Perform intra-dermal tack needling. 1 654 655 656 657 1 Clinical 645 646 647 648 I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam Simulated 644 H Academic Describe needle manipulation methods, 5 including tonifying (bu ), draining (xie ) and even techniques. Perform needle manipulations, including 6 tonifying, draining and even techniques. 7 Identify factors affecting needle retention. 8 Describe needle retraction techniques. 9 Perform needle retraction. G Clinical Case Study 4 Describe characteristics of de qi (arrival of qi). 643 649 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies F Written 3 E Affective 2 D Psychomotor 1 C Cognitive B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid Describe the characteristics and therapeutic use of intra-dermal tack needles. 2 Identify factors affecting needle retention. 3 Perform intra-dermal tack needling. 1 1 2 2 1 1 x x x d Perform three edged needling. Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 62 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 658 659 660 661 662 Describe the characteristics and therapeutic use of three edged needles. 2 Identify factors affecting amount of blood let. 3 Perform three edged needling. 1 Describe the characteristics and therapeutic use of direct moxibustion. Distinguish between scarring, non-scarring 2 and blistering moxibustion. 1 665 666 667 672 1 1 2 1 1 x x 2 Clinical I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam Simulated H Academic G Clinical Case Study F x 7.2 Perform moxibustion. a Perform direct moxibustion. 664 671 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies 663 668 669 670 E Written 3 D Affective 2 C Psychomotor 1 B Cognitive Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid 1 1 1 3 Identify factors affecting moxa cone number. 1 4 Perform scarring moxibustion. 5 Perform non-scarring moxibustion. Identify factors affecting blistering moxibustion 6 duration. 7 Perform blistering moxibustion. 2 2 1 x x x 2 2 1 2 1 x x x 2 x b Perform indirect moxibustion. Describe the characteristics and therapeutic use of indirect moxibustion. Distinguish between warming and partitioned 2 moxibustion. 1 Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 1 1 1 1 x x 63 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints x 2 1 2 2 1 Clinical 1 1 Simulated I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam x x 2 x Describe the characteristics and therapeutic use of needle warming moxibustion. 1 Perform needle warming moxibustion. 2 1 x 2 x Perform treatment utilizing supplementary 7.3 devices. a Perform stimulation using heat lamps. Describe the characteristics and therapeutic use of heat lamps. Identify factors affecting intensity and duration 2 of heat lamp treatment. 3 Perform heat lamp stimulation. 1 682 683 684 685 H c Perform needle warming moxibustion. 678 679 680 681 G Academic Identify factors affecting duration and intensity of warming moxibustion. 4 Perform warming moxibustion. Identify factors affecting cone number and 5 substrate of partitioned moxibustion. 6 Perform partitioned moxibustion. 3 F Clinical Case Study Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies 673 674 675 676 677 E Written 3 D Affective 2 C Psychomotor 1 B Cognitive Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid 1 1 1 1 2 2 x x x Perform stimulation using electro-acupuncture b devices. Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 64 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 686 Identify factors affecting frequency, intensity, 2 wave pattern and duration of electroacupuncture stimulation. Perform stimulation using an electro3 acupuncture device. 687 1 2 691 696 697 698 1 1 1 1 2 x x 2 Clinical I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam Simulated H Academic G x 7.4 Perform cupping. 690 692 693 694 695 Describe the characteristics and therapeutic use of electro-acupuncture devices. F Clinical Case Study Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies 1 688 689 E Written 3 D Affective 2 C Psychomotor 1 B Cognitive Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid 3 4 5 Describe the characteristics and therapeutic use of cupping. Distinguish between stationary and mobile cupping. Identify factors affecting cupping duration and intensity. Perform stationary cupping. Perform mobile cupping. 1 1 x 1 1 x 1 1 2 2 x 2 2 x x 7.5 Perform tui na. Describe the application of tui na in the 1 management of syndromes associated with the illnesses listed in Appendix 5. 2 Perform tui na techniques. 2 2 1 2 x x 8.1 Maintain herbal inventory. Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 65 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Describe the ethical and legal issues associated with the use of herbs. Identify regulations impacting the supply of 2 herbs and herbal products. Identify endangered species used in TCM 3 herbal practice. Clinical Simulated I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam Academic H 2 x 1 x 1 x 1 Identify appropriate packaging for TCM herbs. 1 x 2 Distinguish the condition of packaging. 1 1 b Assess quality of herbs with reference to: packaging 1 x labeling Identify basic labeling requirements for consumer packaging. Identify regulations impacting the labeling of 2 TCM herbal products. Identify labeling requirements for TCM herbal 3 products. Identify labeling concerns that may negate use 4 a product. 1 708 709 710 711 712 G a Identify appropriate supply for herbs. 701 705 706 707 F Clinical Case Study Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies 700 702 703 704 E Written D Affective 3 699 C Psychomotor 2 B Cognitive 1 Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid 1 1 1 x 1 x x x x x physical properties Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 66 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 714 715 Explain the significance of third-party testing services. Explain the significance of Good 2 Manufacturing Practice (GMP) ceftification. Explain the significance of Good Agricultural 3 Practices (GAP) certification. Explain the significance of Natural Health 4 Product (NHP) licence. 1 717 718 719 c 725 1 x 1 Clinical Simulated x 2 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x Store herbs in appropriate conditions, including: environment Describe general environmental requirements for storing herbs. Identify herbs listed in Appendix 3 that have 2 unique storage requirements. 1 722 723 724 I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam available quality assurance information 716 720 721 H Academic Describe physical properties of herbs that indicate quality. Distinguish the quality of samples of herbs on 2 the basis of physical properties. 1 713 G Clinical Case Study Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies F Written 3 E Affective 2 D Psychomotor 1 C Cognitive B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid security 1 Describe security measures for the storage of toxic herbs. Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 67 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 733 734 735 736 737 I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam Academic H Clinical Case Study G Written F Clinical 732 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies x x x x x x x x monitoring 1 Describe methods of monitoring the quality of herbs in storage. 1 x 1 x 2 x 1 1 d Maintain records with respect to inventory. Describe information required in inventory records. Explain the importance of up-to-date inventory 2 records. 1 729 730 731 E Simulated 727 728 D Affective 3 726 C Psychomotor 2 B Cognitive 1 Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid 8.2 Prepare and dispense herbal formulas. Verify formula information is clear, complete a and accurate. Identify information required for TCM herbal prescription. Verify completeness of TCM herbal 2 prescription. 1 3 Verify authenticity of TCM herbal prescription. Identify apparent errors or omissions in the names, preparation methods, herbal 4 combinations or dosages specified on the TCM herbal prescription. Confirm TCM herbal prescription with 5 prescribing practitioner where appropriate. Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 2 2 1 x 68 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 1 Describe the functions of potential substitutes 3 in comparison with the herbs that are not available. Confirm substitutes with prescribing 4 practitioner. 741 747 748 749 750 Determine the stock availability of prescribed herbs. 2 Identify herbs that may be used as substitutes. 740 744 745 746 Academic Clinical Case Study I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam x x x Verify availability of components and confirm substitution if required. 739 742 743 H Clinical b G Simulated 738 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies F Written 3 E Affective 2 D Psychomotor 1 C Cognitive B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid 1 2 x x 1 x x 1 x c Confirm identity of components. 1 Identify unlabelled samples of the herbs listed in Appendix 3. 2 2 x d Compound formula. 1 Convert units of weight as required. Dispense herbs by weight according to TCM 2 herbal prescription. 2 1 x 1 x x x x x x e Apply packaging. Identify herbs listed in Appendix 3 that have unique packaging requirements. Package formula components according to 2 TCM herbal prescription. 1 Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 1 1 1 x 69 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Academic 1 x 1 x Clinical Clinical Case Study I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam 1 1 x x g Provide instructions for storage and use. 1 2 757 764 H Simulated 3 Produce comprehensible and complete labels. 756 763 G Written Describe labeling requirements for dispensed herbs. Describe labeling requirements for individually 2 packaged components of TCM herbal formulas in decoction form. 1 753 758 759 760 761 762 F Apply labeling. 752 754 755 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies f E Affective 3 751 D Psychomotor 2 C Cognitive 1 B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid 3 4 5 Describe general methods of preparing a decoction. Describe specific preparation methods for a particular prescription. Describe storage requirements for dispensed formulas. Describe administration process and timing. Describe post-administration procedure. x x x x x x 1 x x x 1 1 x x x x x x 1 x x 1 2 1 h Maintain dispensing records. 1 Describe requirements for dispensing records. Demonstrate consistency in maintaining 2 dispensing records. Describe procedures to maintain physical 3 security of dispensing records. Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists x 1 1 x 70 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 2 1 x 2 Justify acupuncture treatment where acupuncture treatment poses a risk to patient. 3 1 x 3 Describe conditions in which acupuncture is contraindicated. 2 1 x 2 1 x 3 1 x 2 1 x Clinical Describe conditions in which acupuncture treatment poses a risk to patient. Simulated Academic I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam Clinical Case Study 769 b x Determine level of risk relative to TCM herbal treatment. Describe conditions in which herbal treatment poses a risk to patient. Justify herbal treatment where herbal 2 treatment poses a risk to patient. Describe conditions where herbal treatment 3 plans are contraindicated. 1 771 772 x 9.2 Provide a safe working environment. a 775 H 9.1 Evaluate patient risk profile. Determine risk profile relative to acupuncture a treatment. 768 773 774 G 1 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies 767 770 F Written 766 E Affective 3 765 D Psychomotor 2 C Cognitive 1 B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid Maintain current knowledge of communicable diseases and infection control techniques. Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 71 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 3 781 783 784 785 x 2 x Clinical Demonstrate application of universal precautions for infection control. 2 Demonstrate clean needle technique. 1 c 2 2 2 x x 2 2 x x 2 2 x x Apply universal precautions for infection control. 779 780 782 I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam Simulated b H Academic 777 G Clinical Case Study Describe the principles of communicable 1 disease and infection control in a clinical setting. Describe the principles for the management of 2 sharps and other biohazards. 776 778 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies F Written 3 E Affective 2 D Psychomotor 1 C Cognitive B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid Demonstrate procedures for the management of sharps and other biohazards. Ensure effective supervision of staff and / or students. Identify the chain of accountability within the clinic. Describe the duties of clinic staff and / or 2 students relative to safety. Describe the duties of a student clinical 3 supervisor. 1 Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 2 x 1 x 1 x 72 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints e Identify principles applicable to emergency evacuation. Describe procedures for emergency 2 evacuation of facility. 1 791 f Academic Clinical Case Study 1 x x 2 x 1 x Establish procedures and route for emergency evacuation of facilities. 790 793 I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam Clinical Identify electrical hazards, fire risk, and 1 physical and environmental hazards that may pose risks in clinical facilities. Describe actions to minimize electrical hazards, fire risk and physical and 2 environmental hazards that may pose risks in clinical facilities. 788 792 H Inspect facilities on a regular basis for electrical hazards, fire risk and physical d hazards that may cause accidents, and take action to minimize. 787 789 G Simulated 786 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies F Written 3 E Affective 2 D Psychomotor 1 C Cognitive B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid 1 x Establish procedures to maximize protection of self, staff and patients in the event of abusive or violent behaviour. 1 Describe indicators of potentially abusive or violent behaviour. Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 2 x 73 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Provide clear directions to patient regarding safety precautions. Describe situations in which patient should 2 contact TCM practitioner for direction. 1 798 800 801 802 b Academic Clinical Case Study 2 x x x x x 1 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x Manage adverse reactions and accidents resulting from treatment. 1 2 3 4 803 804 I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam 9.3 Manage risks to patients. Include safety precautions in herbal treatment a plan. 797 799 Describe management principles to enhance protection of all parties. H Clinical 796 2 G Simulated 794 795 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies F Written 3 E Affective 2 D Psychomotor 1 C Cognitive B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid 5 Describe the management of physical harm resulting from needling. Describe the management of physical harm resulting from moxibustion. Describe the management of physical harm resulting from cupping. Describe the management of physical harm resulting from the use of supplementary devices. Describe the management of physical harm resulting from tui na. Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 74 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 7 806 8 807 9 808 10 809 11 810 12 811 812 813 814 815 c Describe the management of unexpected responses resulting from needling. Describe the management of unexpected responses resulting from moxibustion. Describe the management of unexpected responses resulting from cupping. Describe the management of unexpected responses resulting from the use of supplementary devices. Describe the management of unexpected responses resulting from tui na. Describe the management of adverse reactions to herbal treatment. Describe safety precautions in acupuncture treatment to enhance accident prevention. 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x Clinical I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam Simulated H Academic 6 805 G Clinical Case Study Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies F Written 3 E Affective 2 D Psychomotor 1 C Cognitive B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid Respond appropriately to medical emergencies. 1 Perform first aid. 2 Perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Communicate medical emergency conditions 3 in biomedical terms for emergency medical service providers. Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 2 2 2 1 x x 2 1 x 75 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 825 826 827 828 2 x x 1 x 1 x 1 x Clinical Simulated Describe the management of blood-to-blood contact. Describe post exposure follow up for blood-to2 blood contact. 1 e Clean spills of blood and other body fluids. Describe procedures for the clean up of spills of blood and other body fluids. Demonstrate the clean up of spills of blood 2 and other body fluids. 1 821 822 823 824 I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam Manage blood-to-blood contact and provide direction for post exposure follow up. 818 819 820 H Academic d G Clinical Case Study 4 Describe steps for post-emergency follow-up. 816 817 Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies F Written 3 E Affective 2 D Psychomotor 1 C Cognitive B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid f 1 1 x Control and extinguish small fires. 1 Describe the desirable characteristics of equipment for a particular clinical use. 2 2 Select equipment that is safe and functional. 2 1 Describe procedures for small fire control. x Ensure that equipment is safe and 9.4 functional. Select equipment that enhances patient a safety. 1 Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 2 x x x 76 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 4 830 831 832 Demonstrate the hygenic handling of 5 equipment and materials for acupuncture, moxibustion and cupping. 1 x x 1 1 x x 1 1 x x Academic 1 b Maintain equipment in good working order. Describe the procedures involved in the management of treatment equipment and 1 materials for acupuncture (including use of supplementary devices) , moxibustion and cupping. Describe the procedures involved in the 2 management of equipment and materials for preparing and dispensing herbal formulas. Describe the proper storage of equipment and 3 materials. 833 834 835 836 Prepare equipment, materials and work area for preparing and dispensing herbal formulas. I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam Clinical 829 H Simulated Prepare equipment, materials and work area for acupuncture (including use of 3 supplementary devices), moxibustion and cupping. G Clinical Case Study Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies F Written 3 E Affective 2 D Psychomotor 1 C Cognitive B Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid c 1 x 1 x 1 x Clean equipment regularly, and disinfect as appropriate. Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists 77 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 838 3 839 4 Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists I J K L M Assessment Domains of Assessment in in Learning & Educational Registration Complexities Program Exam 1 1 x 1 1 1 Academic H 1 Clinical 2 G Simulated 837 Describe the procedures involved in the cleaning and disinfecting of equipment and materials for acupuncture (including use of supplementary devices), moxibustion and cupping. Demonstrate procedures involved in the cleaning and disinfecting of equipment and materials for acupuncture (including use of supplementary devices), moxibustion and cupping. Describe the procedures involved in the cleaning of equipment for preparing and dispensing herbal formulas. Demonstrate procedures involved in the cleaning of equipment for preparing and dispensing herbal formulas. F Clinical Case Study Performance Indicators Occupational Competencies 1 840 E Written 3 D Affective 2 C Psychomotor 1 B Cognitive Core Acupuncture Herbology A Performance Indicator Grid x x x x x 78 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Appendix 1 - Points of the 14 Channels (jing xue) Lung Channel Soutaiyin Feijing LU 1 LU 2 LU 3 LU 4 LU 5 LU 6 LU 7 LU 8 LU 9 LU 10 LU 11 Zhongfu Yunmen Tianfu Xiabai Chize Kongzui Lieque Jingqu Taiyuan Yuji Shaoshang Large Intestine Channel Shouyangming Dachang-Jing Shangyang Erjian Sanjian Hegu Yangxi Pianli Wenliu Xialian Shanglian Shousanli Quchi Zhouliao Shouwuli Binao Jianyu Jugu Tianding Futu Kouheliao Yingxiang LI 1 LI 2 LI 3 LI 4 LI 5 LI 6 LI 7 LI 8 LI 9 LI 10 LI 11 LI 12 LI 13 LI 14 LI 15 LI 16 LI 17 LI 18 LI 19 LI 20 Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 79 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Stomach Channel ST 1 ST 2 ST 3 ST 4 ST 5 ST 6 ST 7 ST 8 ST 9 ST 10 ST 11 ST 12 ST 13 ST 14 ST 15 ST 16 ST 17 ST 18 ST 19 ST 20 ST 21 ST 22 ST 23 ST 24 ST 25 ST 26 ST 27 ST 28 ST 29 ST 30 ST 31 ST 32 ST 33 Appendix 1 - Points of the 14 Channels (jing xue) Zuyangming Weijing Chengqi Sibai Juliao Dicang Daying Jiache Xiaguan Touwei Renying Shuitu Qishe Quepen Qihu Kufang Wuyi Yingchuang Ruzhong Rugen Burong Chengman Liangmen Guanmen Taiyi Huaroumen Tianshu Wailing Daju Shuidao Guilai Qichong Biguan Futu Yinshi Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 80 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Appendix 1 - Points of the 14 Channels (jing xue) ST 34 ST 35 ST 36 ST 37 ST 38 ST 39 ST 40 ST 41 ST 42 ST 43 ST 44 ST 45 Liangqiu Dubi Zusanli Shangjuxu Tiaokou Xiajuxu Fenglong Jiexi Chongyang Xiangu Neiting Lidui Spleen Channel Zutaiyin Pijing Yinbai Dadu Taibai Gongsun Shangqiu Sanyinjiao Lougu Diji Yinlingquan Xuehai Jimen Chongmen Fushe Fujie Daheng Fu’ai Shidou Tianxi Xiongxiang Zhourong Dabao SP 1 SP 2 SP 3 SP 4 SP 5 SP 6 SP 7 SP 8 SP 9 SP 10 SP 11 SP 12 SP 13 SP 14 SP 15 SP 16 SP 17 SP 18 SP 19 SP 20 SP 21 Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 81 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Heart Channel HT 1 HT 2 HT 3 HT 4 HT 5 HT 6 HT 7 HT 8 HT 9 Small Intestine Channel SI 1 SI 2 SI 3 SI 4 SI 5 SI 6 SI 7 SI 8 SI 9 SI 10 SI 11 SI 12 SI 13 SI 14 SI 15 SI 16 SI 17 SI 18 SI 19 Bladder Channel BL 1 BL 2 Appendix 1 - Points of the 14 Channels (jing xue) Shoushaoyin Xinjing Jiquan Qingling Shaohai Lingdao Tongli Yinxi Shenmen Shaofu Shaochong Shoutaiyang Xiaochangjing Shaoze Qiangu Houxi Wangu Yanggu Yanglao Zhizheng Xiaohai Jianzhen Naoshu Tianzong Bingfeng Quyuan Jianwaishu Jianzhongshu Tianchuang Tianrong Quanliao Tinggong Zutaiyang Pangguangjing Jingming Cuanzhu (Zanzhu) Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 82 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints BL 3 BL 4 BL 5 BL 6 BL 7 BL 8 BL 9 BL 10 BL 11 BL 12 BL 13 BL 14 BL 15 BL 16 BL 17 BL 18 BL 19 BL 20 BL 21 BL 22 BL 23 BL 24 BL 25 BL 26 BL 27 BL 28 BL 29 BL 30 BL 31 BL 32 BL 33 BL 34 BL 35 BL 36 Appendix 1 - Points of the 14 Channels (jing xue) Meichong Qucha (Quchai) Wuchu Chengguang Tongtian Luoque Yuzhen Tianzhu Dazhu Fengmen Feishu Jueyinshu Xinshu Dushu Geshu Ganshu Danshu Pishu Weishu Sanjiaoshu Shenshu Qihaishu Dachangshu Guanyuanshu Xiaochangshu Pangguangshu Zhonglushu Baihuanshu Shangliao Ciliao Zhongliao Xialiao Huiyang Chengfu Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 83 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Appendix 1 - Points of the 14 Channels (jing xue) BL 37 BL 38 BL 39 BL 40 BL 41 BL 42 BL 43 BL 44 BL 45 BL 46 BL 47 BL 48 BL 49 BL 50 BL 51 BL 52 BL 53 BL 54 BL 55 BL 56 BL 57 BL 58 BL 59 BL 60 BL 61 BL 62 BL 63 BL 64 BL 65 BL 66 BL 67 Yinmen Fuxi Weiyang Weizhong Fufen Pohu Gaohuang Shentang Yixi Geguan Hunmen Yanggang Yishe Weicang Huangmen Zhishi Baohuang Zhibian Heyang Chengjin Chengshan Feiyang Fuyang Kunlun Pucan (Pushen) Shenmai Jinmen Jinggu Shugu Zutonggu Zhiyin Kidney Channel Zushaoyin Shenjing Yongquan Rangu KI 1 KI 2 Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 84 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Appendix 1 - Points of the 14 Channels (jing xue) KI 3 KI 4 KI 5 KI 6 KI 7 KI 8 KI 9 KI 10 KI 11 KI 12 KI 13 KI 14 KI 15 KI 16 KI 17 KI 18 KI 19 KI 20 KI 21 KI 22 KI 23 KI 24 KI 25 KI 26 KI 27 Taixi Dazhong Shuiquan Zhaohai Fuliu Jiaoxin Zhubin Yingu Henggu Dahe Qixue Siman Zhongzhu Huangshu Shangqu Shiguan Yindu Futonggu Youmen Bulang Shenfeng Lingxu Shencang Yuzhong Shufu Pericardium Channel Shoujueyin Xinbaojing Tianchi Tianquan Quze Ximen Jianshi Neiguan Daling Laogong PC 1 PC 2 PC 3 PC 4 PC 5 PC 6 PC 7 PC8 Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 85 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Appendix 1 - Points of the 14 Channels (jing xue) PC 9 Zhongchong Triple Energizer Channel Shoushaoyang Sanjiaojing TE 1 TE 2 TE 3 TE 4 TE 5 TE 6 TE 7 TE 8 TE 9 TE 10 TE 11 TE 12 TE 13 TE 14 TE 15 TE 16 TE 17 TE 18 TE 19 TE 20 TE 21 TE 22 TE 23 Guanchong Yemen Zhongzhu Yangchi Waiguan Zhigou Huizong Sanyangluo Sidu Tianjing Qinglengyuan Xiaoluo Naohui Jianliao Tianliao Tianyou Yifeng Chimai (Qimai) Luxi Jiaosun Ermen Erheliao Sizhukong Gallbladder Channel Zushaoyang Danjing Tongziliao Tinghui Shangguan Hanyan Xuanlu Xuanli Qubin GB 1 GB 2 GB 3 GB 4 GB 5 GB 6 GB 7 Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 86 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints GB 8 GB 9 GB 10 GB 11 GB 12 GB 13 GB 14 GB 15 GB 16 GB 17 GB 18 GB 19 GB 20 GB 21 GB 22 GB 23 GB 24 GB 25 GB 26 GB 27 GB 28 GB 29 GB 30 GB 31 GB 32 GB 33 GB 34 GB 35 GB 36 GB 37 GB 38 GB 39 GB 40 GB 41 Appendix 1 - Points of the 14 Channels (jing xue) Shuaigu Tianchong Fubai Touqiaoyin Wangu Benshen Yangbai Toulinqi Muchuang Zhengying Chengling Naokong Fengchi Jianjing Yuanye Zhejin Riyue Jingmen Daimai Wushu Weidao Juliao Huantiao Fengshi Zhongdu Xiyangguan Yanglingquan Yangjiao Waiqiu Guangming Yangfu Xuanzhong Qiuxu Zulinqi Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 87 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Appendix 1 - Points of the 14 Channels (jing xue) GB 42 GB 43 GB 44 Diwuhui Xiaxi Zuqiaoyin Liver Channel LR 1 LR 2 LR 3 LR 4 LR 5 LR 6 LR 7 LR 8 LR 9 LR 10 LR 11 LR 12 LR 13 LR 14 Zujueyin Ganjing Dadun Xingjian Taichong Zhongfeng Ligou Zhongdu Xiguan Ququan Yinbao Zuwuli Yinlian Jimai Zhangmen Qimen Governor Channel Dumai GV 1 GV 2 GV 3 GV 4 GV 5 GV 6 GV 7 GV 8 GV 9 GV 10 GV 11 GV 12 Changqiang Yaoshu Yaoyangguan Mingmen Xuanshu Jizhong Zhongshu Jinsuo Zhiyang Lingtai Shendao Shenzhu Taodao Dazhui GV 13 GV 14 Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 88 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints GV 15 GV 16 GV 17 GV 18 GV 19 GV 20 GV 21 GV 22 GV 23 GV 24 GV 25 GV 26 GV 27 GV 28 Yamen Fengfu Naohu Qiangjian Houding Baihui Qianding Xinhui Shangxing Shenting Suliao Shuigou Duiduan Yinjiao Conception Channel Renmai CV 1 CV 2 CV 3 CV 4 CV 5 CV 6 CV 7 CV 8 CV 9 CV 10 CV 11 CV 12 CV 13 CV 14 CV 15 CV 16 CV 17 CV 18 CV 19 Huiyin Qugu Zhongji Guanyuan Shimen Qihai Yinjiao Shenque Shuifen Xiawan Jianli Zhongwan Shangwan Juque Jiuwei Zhongting Danzhong Yutang Zigong Appendix 1 - Points of the 14 Channels (jing xue) Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 89 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints CV 20 CV 21 CV 22 CV 23 CV 24 Appendix 1 - Points of the 14 Channels (jing xue) Huagai Xuanji Tiantu Lianquan Chengjiang Reference: Study of Acupuncture Points (for acupuncture specialization), 1985 by Yang Jiasan et al, Shanghai Science and Technology Publishing House Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 90 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Extra Point Name Shishencong Yintang Yuyao Shangming Taiyang Qiuhou Bitong Yuyu, Jinjin Jinchengjiang Qianzheng Yiming Anmian Jingbi Sanjiaojiu Tituo Zigong Dingchuan Jiehexue Jiaji, Huatoujiaji Points Weiguanxiashu, Bashu, Cuishu Pigen Yaoyan Shiqizhui Shixuan Sifeng Zhongkui Baxie Luozhen Yaotongxue Zhongquan Erbai Bizhong Zhoujian Appendix 2 - Extra Points (jing wai qi xue) WHO Standard Nomenclature EXTRA 1/M-HN-1 EXTRA 2/M-HN-3 EXTRA 3/M-HN-6 EXTRA 4 EXTRA 5/M-HN-9 EXTRA 6/M-HN-8 EXTRA 7/M-HN-14 EXTRA 8/M-HN-20 EXTRA 9/M-HN-18 EXTRA 10 EXTRA 11 EXTRA 12/M-HN-54 EXTRA 13 EXTRA 14/M-CA-23 EXTRA 15/N-CA-4 EXTRA 16/M-CA-18 EXTRA 17/M-BW-1 EXTRA 18 EXTRA 19/M-BW-35 EXTRA 20/M-BW-12 EXTRA 21 EXTRA 22/M-BW-24 EXTRA 23 EXTRA 24/M-UE-1 EXTRA 25/M-UE-9 EXTRA 26 EXTRA 27/M-UE-22 EXTRA 28/M-UE-24 EXTRA 29/N-UE-19 EXTRA 30 EXTRA 31/M-UE-29 EXTRA 32 EXTRA 33/M-UE-46 Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 91 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists: Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Extra Point Name Jianqian, Jianneiling Huanzhong Heding Xiyan Dannangxue Lanweixue Bafeng Duyin Lineiting Baichongwo Bailao Erjian Haiquan Huanmen Shiqizhuixia Sishencong Appendix 2 - Extra Points (jing wai qi xue) WHO Standard Nomenclature EXTRA 34/M-UE-48 EXTRA 35 EXTRA 38/M-LE-27 EXTRA 39MN-LE-16 EXTRA 40/M-LE-23 EXTRA 41/M-LE-13 EXTRA 42/M-LE-8 EXTRA 43 EXTRA 44 M-LE-34 M-HN-30 M-HN-10 M-HN-37 M-BW-6 M-BW-25 M-HN1 Reference: Study of Acupuncture Points (for acupuncture specialization), 1985, by Yang Jiasan et al, Shanghai Science and Technology Publishing House Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 92 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Appendix 3 - TCM Herbs Materia Medica (Pin-yin, Chinese and Botanical name) A Ai Ye 艾葉 Folium Artemisiae Argyi 巴戟天 白扁豆 百部 白豆蔻 白附子 白果 百合 白花蛇舌草 白芨 白蒺藜/刺蒺藜 敗醬草 白芥子 白茅根 白前 白芍 白頭翁 白薇 白蘚皮 白芷 白朮 板藍根 班蟊 半夏 Radix Morindae Officinalis Semen Dolichoris Album Radix Stemonae Fructus Amomi Rotundus Rhizoma Typhonii Semen Ginkgo Bulbus Lilli Herba Hedyotis Diffusae Rhizoma Bletillae Fructus Tribuli Herba Patriniae Semen Sinapis Albae Rhizoma Imperatae Rhizoma Cynanchi Stauntonii Radix Paeoniae Alba Radix Pulsatillae Radix Cynanchi Atrati Cortex Dictamni Radicis Radix Angelicae Dahuricae Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae Radix Isatidis Mylabris Rhizoma Pinelliae B Ba Ji Tian Bai Bian Dou Bai Bu Bai Dou Kou Bai Fu Zi Bai Guo Bai He Bai Hua She She Cao Bai Ji Bai Ji Li/Ci Ji Li Bai Jiang Cao Bai Jie Zi Bai Mao Gen Bai Qian Bai Shao Bai Tou Weng Bai Wei Bai Xian Pi Bai Zhi Bai Zhu Ban Lan Gen Ban Mao Ban Xia Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 93 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Bei Xie Bian Xu Bie Jia Bin Lang Bing Pian Bo He Bo/Bai Zi Ren Bu Gu Zhi 萆薢 萹蓄 鱉甲 檳榔 冰片 薄荷 柏子仁 補骨脂 Rhizoma Dioscoreae Hypoglaucae Herba Polygoni Avicularis Carapax Trionycis Semen Arecae Borneolum Syntheticum Herba Menthae Semen Biotae Fructus Psoraleae 蠶砂 蒼耳子 蒼朮 草豆蔻 草果 側柏葉 柴胡 蟬蛻 車前子 沈香 赤芍藥 赤石脂 赤小豆 川貝母 川楝子 川芎 磁石 Faeces Bombycis Fructus Xanthii Rhizoma Atractylodis Semen Alpiniae Katsumadai Fructus Tsaoko Cacumen Biotae Radix Bupleuri Periostracum Cicadae Semen Plantaginis Lignum Aquilariae Resinatum Radix Paeoniae Rubra Halloysitum Rubrum Semen Phaseoli Bulbus Fritillariae Cirrhosae Fructus Meliae Toosendan Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong Magnetitum Appendix 3 - TCM Herbs C Can Sha Cang Er Zi Cang Zhu Cao Dou Kou Cao Guo Ce Bo Ye Chai Hu Chan Tui Che Qian Zi Chen Xiang Chi Shao Yao Chi Shi Zhi Chi Xiao Dou Chuan Bei Mu Chuan Lian Zi Chuan Xiong Ci Shi D Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 94 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Da Fu Pi Da Huang Da Ji Da Ji Da Qing Ye Da Zao Dai Zhe Shi Dan Dou Shi/Chi Dan Shen Dan Zhu Ye Dang Gui Dang Shen Di Fu Zi Di Gu Pi Di Long Di Yu Ding Xiang Dong Chong Xia Cao Dong Gua Pi Du Huo Du Zhong 大腹皮 大黃 大戟 大薊 大青葉 大棗 代赭石 淡豆豉 丹參 淡竹葉 當歸 黨參 地膚子 地骨皮 地龍 地榆 丁香 冬蟲夏草 冬瓜皮 獨活 杜仲 Pericarpium Arecae Radix et Rhizoma Rhei Radix Euphorbiae Pekinensis Radix Cirsii Japonici Folium Isatidis Fructus Ziziphi Jujibae Haematitum Semen Sojae Praeparatum Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae Herba Lophatheri Radix Angelicae Sinensis Radix Condonopsis Pilosulae Fructus Kochiae Cortex Lycii Radicis Lumbricus Radix Sanguisorbae Flos Caryophylli Cordyceps Exocarpium Benincasae Radix Angelicae Pubescentis Cortex Eucommiae 阿膠 莪朮 Colla Corii Asini Rhizoma Zedoariae 番瀉葉 防風 Folium Sennae Radix Ledebouriellae Appendix 3 - TCM Herbs E E Jiao E Zhu F Fan Xie Ye Fang Feng Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 95 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Fen Fang Ji Feng Mi Fo Shou Fu Ling Fu Pen Zi Fu Xiao Mai Fu Zi 粉防己 蜂蜜 佛手 茯苓 覆盆子 浮小麥 附子 Radix Stephaniae Tetrandrae Mel Fructus Citri Sarcodactylis Poria Fructus Rubi Fructus Tritici Levis Radix Aconiti Praeparata 甘草 乾薑 甘遂 藳本 高良薑 葛根 蛤蚧 狗脊 枸杞子 鉤藤 骨碎補 瓜蔞 廣防己 龜板 桂枝 Radix Glycyrrhizae Rhizoma Zingiberis Radix Euphorbiae Kansui Rhizoma Ligustici Rhizoma Alpiniae Officinarum Radix Puerariae Gecko Rhizoma Cibotii Fructus Lycii Ramulus Uncariae cum Uncis Rhizoma Drynariae Fructus Trichosanthis Radix Aristolochiae Fangchi Plastrum Testudinis Ramulus Cinnamomi 孩兒茶 海浮石 海蛤殼 Catechu Pumex Concha Cyclinae Appendix 3 - TCM Herbs G Gan Cao Gan Jiang Gan Sui Gao Ben Gao Liang Jiang Ge Gen Ge Jie Gou Ji Gou Qi Zi Gou Teng Gu Sui Bu Gua Lou Guang Fang Ji Gui Ban Gui Zhi H Hai Er Cha Hai Fu Shi Hai Ge Ke Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 96 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Hai Jin Sha Hai Zao Han Lian Cao He Huan Pi He Shou Wu He Zi Hei Zhi Ma Hong Hua Hong Teng Hou Po Hu Huang Lian Hu Jiao Hu Po Hu Tao Rou Hua Jiao Hua Shi Huai Hua Huang Bo/Bai Huang Jing Huang Lian Huang Qi Huang Qin Huo Ma Ren Huo Xiang 海金沙 海藻 旱蓮草 合歡皮 何首烏 訶子 黑芝麻 紅花 紅藤 厚朴 胡黃連 胡椒 琥珀 胡桃肉 花椒 滑石 槐花 黃柏 黃精 黃連 黃耆 黃芩 火麻仁 藿香 Spora Lygodii Sargassum Herba Ecliptae Cortex Albizziae Radix Polygoni Multiflori Fructus Chebulae Semen Sesami Nigrum Flos Carthami Caulis Sargentodoxae Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis Rhizoma Picrorhizae Fructus Piperis Nigri Succinum Semen Juglandis Pericarpium Zanthoxyli Talcum Flos Sophorae Cortex Phellodendri Rhizoma Polygonati Rhizoma Coptidis Radix Astragali seu Hedysari Radix Scutellariae Fructus Cannabis Herba Pogostemonis 雞內金 雞血藤 僵蠶 Endothelium Corneum Gigeriae Galli Caulis Spatholobi Bombyx Batryticatus Appendix 3 - TCM Herbs J Ji Nei Jin Ji Xue Teng Jiang Can Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 97 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 薑黃 降香 桔梗 金錢草 金銀花 金櫻子 荊芥 菊花 橘皮/陳皮 決明子 Rhizoma Curcumae Longae Lignum Dalbergiae Odoriferae Radix Platycodi Herba Lysimachiae Flos Lonicerae Fructus Rosae Laevigatae Herba Schizonepetae Flos Chrysanthemi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae Semen Cassiae 苦楝皮 苦參 款冬花 昆布 Cortex Meliae Radix Sophorae Flavescentis Flos Farfarae Thallus Laminariae Eckloniae Lai Fu Zi Li Zhi He Lian Qiao Lian Zi Liu Huang Liu Ji Nu 萊菔子 荔枝核 連翹 蓮子 硫黃 劉寄奴 Semen Raphani Semen Litchi Fructus Forsythiae Semen Nelumbinis Sulfur Herba Artemisiae Anomalae Long Dan Cao Long Gu Long Yan Rou Lu Feng Fang Lu Gan Shi 龍膽草 龍骨 龍眼肉 露蜂房 爐甘石 Radix Gentianae Os Draconis Arillus Longan Nidus Vespae Calamina Jiang Huang Jiang Xiang Jie Geng Jin Qian Cao Jin Yin Hua Jin Ying Zi Jing Jie Ju Hua Ju Pi/Chen Pi Jue Ming Zi Appendix 3 - TCM Herbs K Ku Lian Pi Ku Shen Kuan Dong Hua Kun Bu L Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 98 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Lu Gen Lu Hui Lu Rong 蘆根 蘆薈 鹿茸 Rhizoma Phargmitis Aloe Cornu Cervi Pantotrichum 馬兜鈴 麻黃 麻黃根 馬錢子 麥門冬 麥芽 蔓荊子 牤蟲 芒硝 明礬 沒藥 牡丹皮 木瓜 牡蠣 木通 木香 Fructus Aristolochiae Herba Ephedrae Radix Ephedrae Semen Nux-Movicae Radix Ophiopogonis Fructus Hordei Germinatus Fructus Viticis Tanabus Natrii Sulfas Alumen Myrrha Cortex Moutan Radicis Fructus Chaenomelis Concha Ostreae Caulis Akebiae Radix Aucklandiae 南瓜子 牛蒡子 牛膝 女貞子 Semen Cucurbitae Fructus Arctii Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae Fructus Ligustri Lucidi 藕節 Nodus Nelumbinis Rhizomatis 佩蘭 Herba Eupatorii Appendix 3 - TCM Herbs M Ma Dou Ling Ma Huang Ma Huang Gen Ma Qian Zi Mai Men Dong Mai Ya Man Jing Zi Mang Chong Mang Xiao Ming Fan Mo Yao Mu Dan Pi Mu Gua Mu Li Mu Tong Mu Xiang N Nan Gua Zi Niu Bang Zi Niu Xi Nu Zhen Zi O Ou Jie P Pei Lan Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 99 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Pi Pa Ye Pu Gong Ying Pu Huang 枇杷葉 蒲公英 蒲黃 Folium Eruobotryae Herba Taraxaci Pollen Typhae 茜草 前胡 芡實 羌活 秦艽 秦皮 青黛 青蒿 青皮 瞿麥 全蠍 Radix Rubiae Radix Peucedani Semen Euryales Rhizoma seu Radix Notopterygii Radix Gentianae Macrophyllae Cortex Fraxini Indigo Naturalis Herba Artemisiae Annuae Pericarppium Citri Reticulatae Viride Herba Dianthi Scorpio 人參 肉蓯蓉 肉豆蔻 肉桂 乳香 Radix Ginseng Herba Cistanches Semen Myristicae Cortex Cinnamomi Olibanum 三棱 三七 桑白皮 桑寄生 桑螵蛸 桑椹 桑葉 桑枝 砂仁 Rhizoma Sparganii Radix Notoginseng Cortex Mori Radicis Ramulus Taxilli Ootheca Mantidis Fructus Mori Folium Mori Ramulus Mori Fructus Amomi Appendix 3 - TCM Herbs Q Qian Cao Qian Hu Qian Shi Qiang Huo Qin Jiao Qin Pi Qing Dai Qing Hao Qing Pi Qu Mai Quan Xie R Ren Shen Rou Cong Rong Rou Dou Kou Rou Gui Ru Xiang S San Leng San Qi Sang Bai Pi Sang Ji Sheng Sang Piao Xiao Sang Shen Sang Ye Sang Zhi Sha Ren Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 100 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Sha Shen Sha Yuan Zi/Tong Ji Li Shan Yao Shan Zha Shan Zhu Yu She Chuang Zi She Gan / Ye Gan Shen Qu Sheng Di Huang Sheng Jiang Sheng Ma Shi Chang Pu Shi Di Shi Gao Shi Hu Shi Jue Ming Shi Jun Zi Shi Liu Pi Shi Wei Shu Di Huang Shui Zhi Si Gua Luo Su Mu Su Zi Suan Zao Ren Suo Yang 沙參 沙苑子/潼蒺藜 山藥 山楂 山茱萸 蛇床子 射干 神麴 生地黃 生薑 升麻 石菖蒲 柿蒂 石膏 石斛 石決明 使君子 石榴皮 石葦 熟地黃 水蛭 絲瓜絡 蘇木 蘇子 酸棗仁 鎖陽 Radix Glehniae Semen Astragali Complanati Rhizoma Dioscoreae Fructus Crataegi Fructus Corni Fructus Cnidii Rhizoma Belamcandae Massa Medicara Fermentata Radix Rehmanniae Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens Rhizoma Cimicifugae Rhizoma Acori Graminei Calyx Kaki Gypsum Fibrosum Herba Dendrobii Concha Haliotidis Fructus Quisqualis Pericarpium Granati Folium Pyrrosiae Radix Rehmanniae Praeparata Hirudo Vascularis Luffae Fasciculus Ligum Sappan Fructus Perillae Semen Ziziphi Spinosae Herba Cynomorii 太子參 檀香 桃仁 天花粉 天麻 天門冬 Radix Pseudostellariae Lignum Santali Albi Semen Persicae Radix Trichosanthis Rhizoma Gastrodiae Radix Asparagi Appendix 3 - TCM Herbs T Tai Zi Shen Tan Xiang Tao Ren Tian Hua Fen Tian Ma Tian Men Dong Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 101 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Tian Nan Xing Ting Li Zi Tong Cao Tu Si Zi 天南星 葶藶子 通草 菟蕬子 Rhizoma Arisaematis Semen Lepidii seu Descurainiae Medulla Tetrapanacis Semen Cuscutae 瓦楞子 王不留行 威靈仙 五倍子 蜈蚣 五加皮 五靈脂 烏梅 五味子 烏藥 烏賊骨/海螵蛸 吳茱萸 Concha Arcae Semen Vaccariae Radix Clematidis Galla Chinensis Scolopendra Cortex Acanthopanacis Radicis Faeces Trogopterori Fructus Mume Fructus Schisandrae Radix Linderae Os Sepiellae seu Sepiae Fructus Evodiae 細辛 西洋參 夏枯草 仙鶴草 仙茅 香附 香薷 小茴香 小薊 薤白 血竭 辛夷 杏仁 雄黃 Herba Asari Radix Panacis Quinquefolii Spica Prunellae Herba Agrimoniae Rhizoma Curculiginis Rhizoma Cyperi Herba Elsholtziae seu Moslae Frictus Foeniculi Herba Cephalanoploris Bulbus Allii Macrostemi Resina Draconis Flos Magnoliae Semen Armeniacae Amarum Realgar Appendix 3 - TCM Herbs W Wa Leng Zi Wang Bu Liu Xing Wei Ling Xian Wu Bei Zi Wu Gong Wu Jia Pi Wu Ling Zhi Wu Mei Wu Wei Zi Wu Yao Wu Zei Gu/Hai Piao Xiao Wu Zhu Yu X Xi Xin Xi Yang Shen Xia Ku Cao Xian He Cao Xian Mao Xiang Fu Xiang Ru Xiao Hui Xiang Xiao Ji Xie Bai Xie/Xue Jie Xin Yi Xing Ren Xiong Huang Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 102 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Xu Duan Xuan Fu Hua Xuan Shen Xie/Xue Yu Tan 續斷 旋覆花 玄參 血餘炭 Radix Dipsaci Flos Inulae Radix Scrophulari Crinis Carbonisatus 延胡索 夜交藤 益母草 薏苡仁 益智仁 銀柴胡 茵陳蒿 淫羊藿 郁金 郁李仁 玉米鬚 魚腥草 玉竹 芫花 遠志 Rhizoma Corydalis Caulis Polygoni Multiflori Herba Leonuri Semen Coicis Fructus Alpiniae Oxyphyllae Radix Stellariae Herba Artemisiae Scopariae Herba Epimedii Radix Curcumae Semen Pruni Stigma Maydis Herba Houttuyniae Rhizoma Polygonati Odorati Flos Genkwa Radix Polygalae 皂角刺 澤瀉 浙貝母 蟅蟲 珍珠母 枳殼 知母 枳實 梔子 豬苓 竹茹 Spina Gleditsiae Rhizoma Alismatis Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii Eupolyphaga seu Steleophaga Concha Margartifera Usta Fructus Aurantii Rhizoma Anemarrhenae Fructus Aurantii Immaturus Fructus Gardeniae Polyporus Umbellatus Caulis Bambusae in Taeniam Appendix 3 - TCM Herbs Y Yan Hu Suo Ye Jiao Teng Yi Mu Cao Yi Yi Ren Yi Zhi Ren Yin Chai Hu Yin Chen Hao Yin Yang Huo Yu Jin Yu Li Ren Yu Mi Xu Yu Xing Cao Yu Zhu Yuan Hua Yuan Zhi Z Zao Jiao Ci Ze Xie Zhe Bei Mu Zhe Chong Zhen Zhu Mu Zhi Ke Zhi Mu Zhi Shi Zhi Zi Zhu Ling Zhu Ru Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 103 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Zi Cao Zi Hua Di Ding Zi Su Ye Zi Wan Zong Lu Tan 紫草 紫花地丁 紫蘇葉 紫菀 棕櫚炭 Appendix 3 - TCM Herbs Radix Arnebiae seu Lithospermi Herba Violae Folium Perillae Radix Asteris Traachycarpi Carbonisatus Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 104 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Appendix 4 - TCM Herbal Formulas TCM Formulae 1. Formulas for relieving superficial syndrome (Jie Biao Ji 解表劑) (8) 1-1 Formula for relieving superficial syndrome with pungent and warm 辛溫解表 (4) Ma Huang Tang Ephedra Decoction Gui Zhi Tang Cinnamon Twig Decoction Xiao Qing Long Tang Minor Blue-green Dragon Decoction Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Tang Nine-herb Decoction with Notopterygium 1-2 Relieving superficial syndrome with pungent and cool 辛涼解表 (3) 麻黃湯 桂枝湯 小青龍湯 九味羌活湯 Yin Qiao San Honeysuckle and Forsythia powder Sang Ju Yin Mulberry Leaf and Chrysanthemum Decoction Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Gypsum and Licorice Deco 1-3 Relieving superficial syndrome with tonics 扶正解表 (1) 銀翹散 桑菊飲 麻杏石甘湯 Bai Du San Toxin-Vanquishing Powder) 敗毒散 Major Order the Qi Decoction Minor Order the Qi Decoction Regulate the Stomach and Order the Qi Decoction 大承氣湯 小承氣湯 調胃承氣湯 2. Formulas for purgation (Xie Xia Ji 瀉下劑) (7) 2-1 Purging with cold energy herbs 寒下 (3) Da Cheng Qi Tang Xiao Cheng Qi Tang Tiao Wei Cheng Qi Tang 2-2 Purging with warm energy herbs 溫下 (2) Wen Pi Tang Warm the Spleen Decoction Da Huang Fu Zi Tang Rhubarb and Prepared Aconite Decoction 2-3 Purging with moistening/lubricating herbs 潤下 (2) Ma Zi Ren Wan Ji Chuan Jian 溫脾湯 大黃附子湯 Hemp Seed Pill Benefit the River (Flow) Decoction 麻子仁丸 濟川煎 Minor Bupleurum Decoction Artemisia Annua and Scutellaria Decoction to Clear 小柴胡湯 蒿芩清膽湯 Minor Bupleurum Decoction Rambling powder 四逆散 逍遙散 3. Formulas for harmonizing (He Jie Ji和解劑) (6) 3-1 Harmonizing Shao yang 和解少陽 (2) Xiao Chai Hu Tang Hao Qin Qing Dan Tang 3-2 Harmonizing Liver and Spleen 和解肝脾 (3) Si Ni San Xiao Yao san Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 105 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Tong Xie Yao Fang 3-3 Harmonizing Stomach and Spleen 和解脾胃 (1) Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang Appendix 4 - TCM Herbal Formulas Important Formula for Painful Diarrhea 痛瀉要方 Pinellia Decoction to Drain the Epigastrium 半夏瀉心湯 4. Formulas for clearing heat (Qing Re Ji清熱劑) (25) 4-1 Clear the heat in Qi portion/level 清氣分熱 (2) Bai Hu Tang White Tiger Decoction Zhu Ye Shi Gao Tang Lophatherus and Gypsum Decoction 4-2 Clear heat in the ying & blood portion/level 清血分熱 (2) 白虎湯 竹葉石膏湯 Qing Ying Tang Xi Jiao Di Huang Tang 4-3 Clear the heat and detoxify 清熱解毒 (3) 清營湯 犀角地黃湯 Clear the Nutritive Level Decoction Rhinoceros Horn and Rehmannia Decoction Liang Ge San Cool the Diaphragm Powder Huang Lian Jie Du Tang Coptis Decoction to Relieve Toxicity Pu Ji Xiao Du Yin Benefit Decoction to Eliminate Toxin 4-4 Clear heat in both the Qi and blood 氣血兩清 (1) 涼膈散 黃連解毒湯 普濟消毒飲 Qing Wen Bai Du San 4-5 Clear heat in the Zang-fu (organ network) 清臟腑熱 (9) 清瘟敗毒散 Long Dan Xie Gan Tang Zuo Jin Wan Yu Nu Jian Ting Li Da Zao Xie Fei Tang Shao Yao Tang Dao Chi San Xie Bai San Qing Wei San Bai Tou Weng Tang 4-6 Clear the deficient heat 清虛熱 (4) Gentiana Long Gan Cao Decoction to Drain the Liver Left Metal pill Jade Woman Decoction Descurainia and Jujube Decoction Peony Decoction Guide Out the Red powder Drain the White powder Clear the Stomach powder Pulsatilla Decoction 龍膽瀉肝湯 左金丸 玉女煎 葶藶大棗瀉肺湯 芍藥湯 導赤散 瀉白散 清胃散 白頭翁湯 Qing Hao Bie Jia Tang Qin Jiao Bie Jia San Qing Gu San Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang 4-7 Clear the summer-heat 清暑熱 (4) Artemisia Annua and Soft-Shelled Turtle Shell Deco Gentiana Qinjiao and Soft-Shelled Turtle Shell Powder Cool the Bones Powder Tangkuei and Six-yellow Decoction 青蒿鱉甲湯 秦艽鱉甲散 清骨散 當歸六黃湯 Six to One Powder 六一散 Liu Yi San Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 106 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Qing Shu Yi Qi Tang Xin Jia Xiang Ru Yin Qing Luo Yin Appendix 4 - TCM Herbal Formulas Clear Summer-heat and Augment the Qi Decoction Newly Augment Mosla Drink Clear the Collaterals Decoction 清暑益氣湯 新加香薷飲 清絡飲 5. Formulas for warming interior 溫裏劑 (8) 5-1 Warm up interior and expel cold 溫中袪寒 (4) Li Zhong Wan Regulate the Middle Pill Xiao Jian Zhong Tang Minor Construct the Middle Decoction Wu Zhu Yu Tang Evodia Decoction Da Jian Zhong Tang Major Construct the Middle Decoction 5-2 Restore yang and save critical (reverse counterflow) 回陽救逆 (2) 理中丸 小建中湯 吳茱萸湯 大建中湯 Si Ni Tang Frigid Extremities Decoction Hui Yang Jiu Ji Tang Restore and Revive the Yang Decoction from Revised Popular Guide 5-3 Warm up channels and disperse cold 溫經散寒 (2) 四逆湯 回陽救急湯 Dang Gui Si Ni Tang Huang Qi Gui Zhi Wu Wu Tang 6. Formulas for relieving interior-exterior 表裏雙解劑 (4) Da Chai Hu Tang Fang Feng Tong Sheng San Ge Gen Huang Qin Huang Lian Tang Wu Ji San Tangkuei Decoction for Frigid Extremities Astragalus and Cinnamon Twig Five-Substance Decoction 當歸四逆湯 黃耆桂枝五物湯 Major Bupleurum Decoction Ledebouriella Powder that Sagely Unblocks Kudzu, Scutellaria and Coptis Decoction Five Accumulation Powder 大柴胡湯 防風通聖散 葛根黃芩黃連湯 五積散 Four Gentleman Decoction Ginseng, Poria, and Atractylodes Macrocephala Powder Tonify the Middle and Augment the Qi Decoction Generate the Pulse powder 四君子湯 參苓白朮散 補中益氣湯 生脈散 Four-Substance Decoction Tangkuei Decoction to Tonify the Blood Restore the Spleen Decoction Honey-Fried Licorice Decoction 四物湯 當歸補血湯 歸脾湯 炙甘草湯 7. Formulas for tonifying 補益劑 (18) 7-1 Qi tonic 補氣 (4) Si Jun Zi Tang Shen Ling Bai Zhu San Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang Sheng Mai San 7-2 Blood tonic 補血 (4) Si Wu Tang Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang Gui Pi Tang Zhi Gan Cao Tang Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 107 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Appendix 4 - TCM Herbal Formulas 7-3 Both Qi and blood tonic 氣血雙補 (3) Ba Zhen Tang Shi Quan Da Bu Tang Ren Shen Yang Rong (Ying) Tang 7-4 Yin tonic 補陰 (4) Eight Treasure Decoction All-Inclusive Great Tonifying Decoction Ginseng Decoction to Nourish the Nutritive Qi 八珍湯 十全大補湯 人參養榮(營)湯 Liu Wei Di Huang Wan Da Bu Yin Wan Yi Guan Jian Zuo Gui Wan 7-5 Yang tonic 補陽 (3) Six-Ingredient Pill with Rehmannia Great Tonify the Yin Pill Linking Decoction Restore the Left (Kidney) Pill 六味地黃丸 大補陰丸 一貫煎 左歸丸 Kidney Qi Pill Kidney Qi Pill from Formulas to Aid the Living Restore the Right (Kidney) Pill 金匱腎氣丸 濟生腎氣丸 右歸丸 Jin Kui Shen Qi Wan Ji Sheng Shen Qi Wan You Gui Wan 8. Formulas for tranquilization 安神劑 (6) 8-1 Tranquilizing the mind with heavy and compressing 重鎮安神 (2) Zhu Sha An Shen Wan Ci Zhu Wan Cinnabar Pill to Calm the Spirit Magnetite and Cinnabar Pill 硃砂安神丸 磁硃丸 8-2 Tranquilizing the mind with nourishing 滋養安神 (4) Suan Zao Ren Tang Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan Bai Zi Yang Xin Wan Gan Mai Da Zao Tang 9. Formulas for astringing 固澀劑 (6) Yu Ping Feng San Si Shen Wan Mu Li San Jin Suo Gu Jing Wan Zhen Ren Yang Zang Tang Sang Piao Xiao San Sour Jujube Decoction Emperor of Heaven's Special Pill to Tonify the Heart Biota Seed Pill to Nourish the Heart Licorice Wheat and Jujube Decoction 酸棗仁湯 天王補心丹 柏子養心丸 甘麥大棗湯 Jade Windscreen powder Four-Miracle Pill Oyster Shell Powder Metal Lock pill to Stabilize the Essence True Man's Decoction to Nourish the Organs Mantis Egg-Case powder 玉屏風散 四神丸 牡蠣散 金鎖固精丸 真人養臟湯 桑螵蛸散 10. Formulas for regulating Qi 理氣劑 (10) Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 108 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Appendix 4 - TCM Herbal Formulas 10-1 Improving Qi circulation 行氣 (5) Yue Ju Wan Ban Xia Hou Po Tang Zhi Shi Xie Bai Gui Zhi Tang Escape Restraint Pill Pinellia and Magnolia Bark Decoction Unripe Bitter Orange, Chinese Garlic, and Cinnamon Twig Decocion 越鞠丸 半夏厚朴湯 枳實薤白桂枝湯 Hou Po Wen Zhong Tang Magnolia Bark Decoction for Warming the Middle 厚朴溫中湯 Top-Quality Lindera Powder 天台烏藥散 Perilla Fruit Decoction for Directing Qi Downward Arrest Wheezing Decoction Inola and Hematite Decoctioon Tangerine Peel and Bamboo Shavings Decoction Clove and Persimmon Calyx Decoction 蘇子降氣湯 定喘湯 旋覆代赭湯 橘皮竹茹湯 丁香柿蒂湯 Tian Tai Wu Yao San 10-2 Bring Qi downward 降氣 (5) Su Zi Jiang Qi Tang Ding Chuan Tang Xuan Fu Dai Zhe Tang Ju Pi Zhu Ru Tang Ding Xiang Shi Di Tang 11. Formulas for regulating blood 理血劑 (12) 11-1 Improve blood circulation and remove blood stagnation 活血袪瘀 (7) Tao He Cheng Qi Tang Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang Fu Yuan Huo Xue Tang Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang Sheng Hua Tang Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan Shi Xiao San 11-2 Stop bleeding 止血 (5) Xiao Ji Yin Zi Shi Hui San Ke Xue Fang Huang Tu Tang Huai Hua San Peach Pit Decoction to Order the Qi Drive Out Stasis in the Mansion of Blood Decoction Revive health by Invigorate the blood Decoction Tonify the Yang to Restore Five (Tenths) Decoction Generating and Transforming Decoction Cinnamon and Poria Pills Sudden Smile Powder 桃核承氣湯 血府逐瘀湯 復元活血湯 補陽還五湯 生化湯 桂枝茯苓丸 失笑散 Small Thistle Drink Ten Partially-Charred Substances Powder Coughing of Blood Formula Yellow Earth Decoction Sophora Japonica Flower Powder 小薊飲子 十灰散 咳血方 黃土湯 槐花散 Eliminate Wind Powder Ligusticum Chuanxiong Powder to Be Taken with Green Tea Xanthium Powder 消風散 川芎茶調散 蒼耳子散 12. Formulas for treating wind related diseases 治風劑 (10) 12-1 Expel external wind 疏散外風 (5) Xiao Feng San Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao San Cang Er Zi San Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 109 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Appendix 4 - TCM Herbal Formulas Lead to Symmetry Powder Minor Invigorate the Channels Special Pill 牽正散 小活絡丹 Antelope Horn and Uncaria Decoction Sedate the Liver and Extinguish Wind Decoction Gastrodia and Uncaria Decoction Major Arrest Wind Pearl Rehmannia Drink 羚角鉤藤湯 鎮肝熄風湯 天麻鉤藤飲 大定風珠 地黃飲子 13. Formulas for treating dryness diseases 治燥劑 (8) Qing Zao Jiu Fei Tang Xing Su San Sang Xing Tang Mai Men Dong Tang Bai He Gu Jin Tang Yu Ye Tang Zeng Ye Tang Yang Yin Qing Fei Tang Eliminate Dryness and Rescue the Lung Decoction Apricot Kernel and Perilla Leaf Powder Mulberry Leaf and Apricot Kernel Decoction Ophiopogonis Decoction Lily Bulb Decoction to Preserve the Metal Jade Fluid Decoction Increase the Fluids Decoction Nourish the Yin and Clear the Lungs Decoction 清燥救肺湯 杏蘇散 桑杏湯 麥門冬湯 百合固金湯 玉液湯 增液湯 養陰清肺湯 14. Formulas for eliminating dampness 袪濕劑 (17) Ping Wei San Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San Yin Chen Hao Tang Ba Zheng San San Ren Tang Gan Lu Xiao Du Dan Er Miao San Wu Ling San Fang Ji Huang Qi Tang Zhu Ling Tang Wu Pi Yin Zhen Wu Tang Shi Pi Yin Bei Xie Fen Qing Yin Calm the Stomach Powder Agastache Powder to Rectify the Qi Artemisiae Yinchenhao Decoction Eight Herb Powder for Rectification Three Seed Decoction Sweet Dew Special Pill to Eliminate Toxin Two-Marvel Powder Five-Ingredient Formula with Poria Stephania and Astragalus Decoction Polyporus Decoction Five Peel Decoction True Warrior Decoction Bolster the Spleen Decoction Dioscorea Hypoglauca Decoction to Separate the Clear 平胃散 藿香正氣散 茵陳蒿湯 八正散 三仁湯 甘露消毒丹 二妙散 五苓散 防己黃耆湯 豬苓湯 五皮飲 真武湯 實脾飲 萆薢分清飲 Qian Zheng San Xiao Huo Luo Dan 12-2 Distinguish internal wind 平熄內風 (5) Ling Jiao Gou Teng Tang Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin Da Ding Feng Zhu Di Huang Yin Zi Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 110 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Tang Appendix 4 - TCM Herbal Formulas Poria, Cinnamon Twig, Atractylodes and Licorice Decoction Angelica Pubescentis and Taxillus Decoction Notopterygium Decoction to Overcome Dampness 苓桂朮甘湯 獨活寄生湯 羌活勝濕湯 15. Formulas for eliminating phlegm 袪痰劑 (11) 15-1 Dissolve phlegm and drying dampness 燥濕化痰 (2) Er Chen Tang Wen Dan Tang 15-2 Dissolve phlegm and clear heat 清熱化痰 (3) Decoction of Two Aged (Cured) Drugs Warm Gallbladder Decoction 二陳湯 溫膽湯 Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan Clear the Qi and Transform Phlegm Pill Xiao Xian Xiong Tang Minor Decoction (for Pathogens) Stuck in the Chest Gun Tan Wan Vaporize Phlegm Pill 15-3 Dissolve phlegm and moisten dryness 潤燥化痰 (1) 清氣化痰湯 小陷胸湯 滾痰湯 Bei Mu Gua Lou San Fritillaria and Trichosanthis Fruit Powder 15-4 Dissolve cold phlegm with warm herbs 溫化寒痰 (2) 貝母瓜蔞散 Ling Gan Wu Wei Jiang Xin Tang San Zi Yang Qin Tang 15-5 Dissolve phlegm and treat wind 治風化痰 (3) Poria, Licorice, Schisandra, Ginger, and Asarum Decoction Three Seed Decoction to Nourish One’s Parents 苓甘五味薑辛湯 三子養親湯 Pinellia, Atractylodes Macrocephala and Gastrodia Decoction Arrest Seizures Pill Stop Coughing Powder 半夏白朮天麻湯 定癇丸 止嗽散 Preserve Harmony Pill Strengthen the Spleen Pill Unripe Bitter Orange Pill to Guide out Stagnation Aucklandia and Betel Nut Pill Unripe Bitter Orange and Atractylodes Pill Unripe Bitter Orange Pill to Reduce Focal Distention 保和丸 健脾丸 枳實導滯丸 木香檳榔丸 枳朮丸 枳實消痞丸 鱉甲煎丸 Mume Pill Fat Baby Pill 烏梅丸 肥兒丸 Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang Ding Xian Wan Zhi Sou San 16. Formulas for improving digestion 消導劑 (7) Bao He Wan Jian Pi Wan Zhi Shi Dao Zhi Wan Mu Xiang Bin Lang Wan Zhi Zhu Wan Zhi Shi Xiao Pi Wan Bie Jia Jian Wan 17. Formulas for parasite diseases 驅蟲劑 (2) Wu Mei Wan Fei Er Wan Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 111 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 18. Formulas for abscess (yong yang) 癰瘍劑 (7) Xian Fang Huo Ming Yin Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin Yang He Tang Si Miao Yong An Tang Wei Jing Tang Da Huang Mu Dan Pi Tang Yi Yi Fu Zi Bai Jiang San Appendix 4 - TCM Herbal Formulas Immortals' Formula for Sustaining Life Five Ingredient Decoction to Eliminate Toxin Balmy Yang Decoction Four-Valient Decoction for Well Being Reed Decoction Rhubarb and Moutan Decoction Coix, Aconite Accessory Root and Patrinia Powder 仙方活命飲 五味消毒飲 陽和湯 四妙勇安湯 葦莖湯 大黃牡丹皮湯 薏苡附子敗醬散 Total formulas listed above: 171 Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 112 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Appendix 5 - TCM Illnesses Internal Medicine abdominal mass (ji ju) abdominal pain (fu tong) atrophy-flaccidity (wei zheng) bleeding disorders (xue zheng) chest impediment (xiong bi) common cold (gan mao) constipation (bian bi) consumptive disease (xu lao) consumptive thirst (xiao ke) convulsuve syndromes (jing zheng) cough (ke shou) depression (yu zheng) diarrhea (xie xie) drum distension (gu zhang) dysentery (li ji) dysphagia occlusion syndrome (ye ge) dyspnea (chuan zheng) edema (shui zhong) epigastric pain (wei tong) epilepsy (xian zheng) fainting (jue zheng) goiter (ying bing) headache (tou tong) hiccoughing and belching (e ni) hypochondrial pain (xie tong) impediment syndrome (bi zheng) impotence (yang wei) insomnia (bu mei) Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 113 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Appendix 5 - TCM Illnesses internal damage fever (nei shang fa re) ischuria (long bi) jaundice (huang dan) lumbago (yao tong) lung distention (fei zhang) malaria (nue ji) mania (dian kuang) palpitation (xin ji) pulmonary abcess (fei yong) pulmonary tuberculosis (fei lao) seminal emission (yi jing) spontaneous sweats, night sweats (zi han, dao han) stranguria (lin zheng) tinnitus and deafness (er ming er long) vertigo (xuan yun) vomiting (ou tu) watery phlegm/sputum (tan yin) wheezing syndrome (xiao zheng) wind stroke (zhong feng) External Medicine acne (fen ci) acute mastitis (ru yong) alopecia areata (you feng) anal fissure (gang lie) bedsore (ru chuang) boil (ding chuang) breast cancer (ru yan) breast lump (ru pi) carbuncle (yong) Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 114 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Appendix 5 - TCM Illnesses contact dermatitis (jie chu xing pi yan) digital gangrene (tuo ju) drug rash (yao wu xing pi yan) eczema (shi chuang) erysipelas (dan du) furuncle (jie) goiter (ying) hemorrhoid (zhi) herpes zoster (she chuan chuang) phlegmon (fa) prostatic hyperplasia (qian lie xian zeng sheng zheng) prostatitis (qian lie xian yan) scrofula (luo li) sebaceous cyst (zhi liu) shank ulcer (lian chuang) tinea (xian) urticaria (yin zhen) varicose veins (jin liu) warts (you) Gynecology abdominal masses (zheng jia) amenorrhea (bi jing) bleeding during pregnancy, unstable pregnancy (tai lou, tai dong bu an) dysmenorrhea (tong jing) infertility (bu yun) insufficient breastmilk (que ru) intermenstrual bleeding (jing jian qi chu xue) irregular menstruation (yue jing bu tiao) leukorrhagia (dai xia) Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 115 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 Appendix 5 - TCM Illnesses lochiorrhea (chan hou e lu bu jue) menstrual breast aching (jing xing ru fang zhang tong) menstrual edema (jing xing fu zhong) menstrual headache (jing xing tou tong) menstrual hematemesis and epistaxis (jing xing tu niu) menstrual mental disorder (jing xing qing zhi yi chang) menstrual oral ulcer (jing xing kou mei) metrorrhagia and metrostaxis (beng lou) miscarriage (zhui tai, xiao chan, hua tai) morning sickness (ren chen e zu) perimenopausal syndrome (jue jing qian hou zhu zheng) postpartum abdominal pain (chan hou fu tong) postpartum convulsion (chan hou jing zheng) postpartum dizziness (chan hou xue yun) postpartum fever (chan hou fa re) postpartum retention of urine (chan hou pai niao yi chang) uterine prolapse (yin ting) Pediatrics anorexia (yan shi) asthma (xiao chuan) chang dao chong zheng (intestinal parasitic worms) chicken pox (shui dou) common cold (gan mao) convulsions (jing feng) cough (ke shou) diarrhea (xie xie) enuresis (yi niao) epilepsy (xian zheng) erysipelas (chi you dan) Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 116 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 fetal jaundice (tai huang) food retention (ji zhi) malnutrition (gan zheng) measles (ma zhen) mumps (zha sai) pneumonia (fei yan ke sou) purpura (zi dian) retardation and flaccidity (wu chi wu ruan) rubella (feng sha) scarlatina (dan sha) sweating (han zheng) thrush (e kou chuang) whooping cough (dun ke) xiao er shui zhong (infantile edema) Orthopedics and Traumatology 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 Achilles tendon injury (gen jian sun shang) acute lumbar muscle sprain (yao bu niu cuo shang) Appendix 5 - TCM Illnesses bone fracture (gu zhe) calcaneodynia (gen tong zheng) carpal tunnel syndrome (wan guan zong he zheng) cervical spondylosis (jing zhui bing) frozen shoulder (jian guan jie zhou wei yan) ganglionic cyst (jian qiao nang zhong) joint dislocation (tuo wei) knee joint collateral ligament injury (xi guan jie ce fu ren dai sun shang) lumbar muscle strain (yao bu lao sun) meniscal injury (ban yue ban sun shang) prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc (yao zhui jian pan tu chu zheng) pyriformis syndrome (li zhuang ji zong he zhang) Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 117 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 141 142 143 Appendix 5 - TCM Illnesses sprained ankle (huai guan jie niu cuo shang) strained neck (luo zhen) tennis elbow (hong gu wai shang ke yan) References: Chinese Medicine Internal Medicine (for Chinese medicine and acupunture specializations), 1985, by Zhang Boyu et al, Shanghai Science and Technology Publishing House Chinese Medicine External Medicine (for Chinese medicine specialization), 1986, by Gu Bokand et al, Shanghai Science and Technology Publishing House Chinese Medicine Gynecology (for Chinese medicine specialization), 1985, by Luo Yuankai et al, Shanghai Science and Technology Publishing House Chinese Medicine Pediatrics (for Chinese medicine specialization), 1985, by Jian Yuren et al, Shanghai Science and Technology Publishing House Chinese Medicine Traumatology (for Chinese medicine specialization), 1985, by Cen Zebo et al, Shanghai Science and Technology Publishing House Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 118 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Appendix 6 - Common Diseases Infectious & Parasitic Diseases bacillary dysentery cholera epidemic encephalitis leptospirosis malaria mumps schistosomiasis typhoid fever viral hepatitis Respiratory Diseases bronchial asthma bronchitis pneumococcal pneumonia pneumothorax primary bronchopulmonary carcinoma pulmonary tuberculosis Cardiovascular Diseases chronic heart failure chronic lung cardiopathy hypertension ischemic heart disease rheumatic fever rheumatic heart disease viral myocarditis Gastrointestinal Diseases acute pancreatitis chronic gastritis gastrointestinal ulcers Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 119 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Appendix 6 - Common Diseases hepatocirrhosis primary hepatic carcinoma stomach carcinoma ulcerative colitis Urinary System Diseases chronic glomerulonephritis chronic renal failure urinary tract infection Hematological Diseases aplastic anemia leukemia leukopenia & agranulocytosis thrombocytopenic purpura Endocrine Diseases diabetes hyperthyroidism Nervous System Diseases acute cerebrovascular diseases epilepsy facial paralysis Guillain-Barre syndrome Meniere's disease neurosis sciatica trigeminal neuralgia Acute Poisoning acute poisoning organic phosphate insecticide poisoning 47 48 Reference: Western Medicine Internal Medicine Foundations (for Chinese medicine, acupuncture and tui-na specializations), 1986, by Yin Fengli et al, Shanghai Science and Technology Publishing House Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 120 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Appendix 7 - Common Drugs Efferent Nervous System Pharmacology adrenergic drugs (noradrenaline; isopreterenol; adrenaline; ephedrine; dopamine) antiadrenergic drugs (propranolol; acetabulol; atenolol; metoprolol) anticholinergic drugs (atropine) cholinergic drugs (pilocarpine; nicotine; pyridine; neostigmine) Central Nervous System Pharmacology analgesic drugs (morphine; codeine; naloxone; dolantin; fentanyl; methadone; pentazocine) antiepileptic & antiparkinsonism drugs (phenytoin; ethosuximide; valproate; phenobarbital; clonazepam; levodopa) antipyretic analgesic drugs (aspirin; paracetamol; indomethacin; ibuprofen; aminopyrine; phenylbutazone) central stimulants (caffeine; coramine; doxapram) psychotherapeutic drugs (chlorpromazine; haloperidol; imipramine; amitriptyline) sedative hypnotic drugs (benzodiazepines; barbituates) Cardiovascular System Pharmacology antianginal drugs (nitroglycerin; beta blockers; dipyramidole; nifedipine) antiarrhythmic drugs (quinidine; procainamide; lidocaine; phenytoin; propranolol; amiodarone; verapamil) antihypertensive drugs (reserpine; beta blockers; prazosin; hydralazine; hydrochlorothiazide; captopril) cardiacglycosides (digoxin) diuretic drugs (thiazides; furosemide; antisterone; spironolactone; triamterene; mannitol) drugs for hyperlipidemia (clofibrate; nicotinic acid; cholestyramine) Respiration, Gastrointestinal, Hematologic and Uterine Pharmacology drugs for gastrointestinal tract disorders (antacids; H2 receptor antagonists; magnesium sulfate; irritant laxatives; diphenoxylate; loperamide) drugs for respiratory tract disorders (salbutamol; aminophylline; beclomethasone) hematologic and hemopoetic drugs (heparin; dicoumarol; warfarin; aspirin; vitamin K; ferrous sulfate; folic acid; vitamin B12) uterine stimulant drugs (oxytocin; ergot; prostaglandins) Endocrine Pharmacology adrenal steroids and related drugs (cortisone; hydroxycortisone; prednisone; prednisolone; dexamethasone) drugs for diabetes mellitus (insulin; tolbutamide; metformin) Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 121 Pan-Canadian Standards for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists Performance Indicators and Assessment Blueprints 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Appendix 7 - Common Drugs drugs for hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism (thyroxine; triiodothyronine; methylthiouracil; carbimazole) endogenous peptides and their antagonists (histamine; diphenylhydramine; cimetidine; prostaglandin; 5-HT; methylsergide; angiotensin) Chemotherapy antibacterial drugs (penicillins; cephalosporins; erythromycin; clindamycin; aminoglycosides; tetracyclines; chloramphenicol) antimycotic & antiviral drugs (griseofulvin; amphotericin B; nystatin; clotrimazole; amantadine) antineoplastic drugs (cyclophosphamide; methotrexate; mercaptopurine; fluorouracil; hydroxyurea; bleomycin; vincristine; colchicine) antiparasitic drugs (chlorquinine; primaquine; pyrimethamine; piperazine; pyrantel; mebendazole) antituberculotic drugs (isoniazid; streptomycin; rifampicin; ethambutol; pyrazinamide) sulfonamides & other drugs (sulfisoxazole; sulfadiazine; sulfamethoxazole; sulfamidine; phthalylsulfathiazole; sulfacetamide; silver sulfadiazine; sulfamylon; trimethoprim; furantoin) Reference: Pharmacology (for Chinese medicine, Chinese herbology specializations), 1984, by Wang Qinmao et al, Shanghai Science and Technology Publishing House Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists Page 122
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