Giving Thanks to God for over 60 years of Protestant Reformed Education! Monday Note April 13, 2015 WELCOME BACK! We hope everyone enjoyed their break, and Sports have come back refreshed for the last 7 weeks of school. CONGRATULATIONS! GIRLS SOCCER Congratulations to Michael and Lindsay Kerkstra, Landon & Nathan (1A), on the birth of Stella Jordan on Friday, April 3. DIRECTORY UPDATE ~practice Wednesday until 5. ~game Thursday at Adams vs. Dutton Chr. at 4. BOYS BASEBALL th Rick and Carmen Mingerink’s new address is: 3325 24 Ave. Hudsonville 49426. Rick’s cell: 309-0274, Carmen’s cell: 3090303. Please make this change in your directory. ~practice tomorrow until 5. ~practice Wednesday until 5. ~ game Thursday at Dutton Chr. at 4. Drivers: Melissa Lubbers, Lydya Hulst, Robin Block, and Tami Boorsma PLEASE CHECK YOUR GLOVES! Before you wash and put away your winter gloves for the season, please check the tags to make sure they belong to you. Several gloves are missing that had names on the tags. Thanks! HOT LUNCH Hot lunch this Wednesday will be hot dogs, assorted chips, and ice cream novelties. Helpers are Trisha Bruinsma at 10:30, Joan Kaiser and LaRae Kamps at 11:15. th Snack sale will be provided by the 6 grade. CHAPEL Chapel will be held this Friday at 8:45 AM. Rev. Koole will th be speaking, and the 4 graders will be playing their recorders. You are welcome to join us. END OF MARKING PERIOD th th th This Friday is the end of the 5 marking period for 4 – 8 grades. Report cards will be sent home next Wednesday with these students. CCHS SPORTS PHYSICALS CCHS Sports Physicals will be offered at Covenant Christian High on Monday, April 20 from 6:00-8:30 pm. To set up your physical or if you have questions, call the CCHS office at 453-5048. This is an inexpensive physical at a cost of only $15 per student (checks payable to Covenant Christian High School). In order for your child to be eligible to play sports at CCHS during the 2015-16 school year, he/she must have a sports physical AFTER April 15, 2015 and prior to the start of practice for the sport they will be playing. UPCOMING EVENTS -April 21 & 23: Kindergarten testing for next year’s students -April 28: Kindergarten Round-Up (9:30a) -May 4: Association meeting (7:30 p) -May 6: Kindergarten program (7:30 p) at Bethany URC -May 11: Foundation Golf Outing (Egypt Valley, registration at noon) -May 25: Memorial Day (no school) -May 26: All-School Band Concert -May 29, June 1, June 2: Jr. High exams -June 3: Graduation (1/2 day) Fundraising TRIP NEWS We will have our regular hours today on Tuesday morning from 8:30-9:30. Any orders placed before 8:30 Tuesday morning will be filled and sent home with your kids. Please remember to refrain from placing online orders from 8:30-midnight on Tuesdays, unless they are for virtual items. This messes with our accounting system, so if we can avoid having orders placed at that time, we would appreciate it! We are encouraged by the number of new families signing up for accounts on! Remember to fill out and send in your new registration form if you haven’t already done so. You can find it on the school website under TRIP, and print it off. We will be sending home statements and doing payouts on Monday May 4. Any questions may be directed to Melissa or Rebecca. AMAZING RACE Plan to join us on Saturday, May 2 for our Amazing Race fundraiser! This year we will be taking a trek "around the world" full of clues, challenges, fun photos and more! The race will begin at 4PM and end at Adams School for supper and fellowship. See the flyer that will come home today for information about how to sign up. ADAMS FOUNDATION GOLF OUTING Attention golfers! Please remember that the annual Adams Foundation Golf Outing is on May 11, 2015, at Egypt Valley Country Club. Registration and practice privileges begin at 12:00 noon. Actual event begins at 3:00 pm. Delicious dinner, presentations and prizes follow the round. Please contact one of the following Foundation members to sign up your team and/or to become a program or hole sponsor. We look forward to seeing you all there. Please call with any questions. Thanks in advance for your ongoing support! We look forward to your participation! Jordan Pipe (889-2072), Terry Kaptein (437-7943), or Harlow Kuiper (2629495). See reverse for Requested Announcements. Requested Announcements PIGS-IN-THE-BLANKET Hope school Circle will be making Pigs-in-the-Blanket this th week Tuesday, the 14 . Your orders can be picked up at school between 9:30am and 1:00pm. Thanks so much for your orders! FAITH PRC RAINBOW GRILL FUNDRAISER Faith PRC Young People's Society invites you to the Rainbow Grill THIS Wednesday, April 15, for a fundraiser towards the 2015 convention. The Rainbow Grill will donate 10% of the day's total sales! Visit either the Grandville or Hudsonville locations. They are open 6:30am-10:00pm. Support the conventioneers by dining out! HOPE FOUNDATION CLAY SHOOT EVENT The Hope Foundation is sponsoring their annual Sporting Clay event Saturday, May 9 starting at 10:00 at the Kent County Conservation Club. So put a team together, come on out, and have an enjoyable day. For information call Tom DeVries at 293-1830 or Phil Kalsbeek at 217-6021. The deadline for sign up is this Wednesday, April 15. SPECIAL NEED PROGRAM The Special Needs Program will be held this Friday at 7 pm at Faith PRC. We welcome you to join us as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior in a very special way! Refreshments will be served after the program. AUSSIE BURGER FRY Trinity Young Peoples Aussie Burger Fry and Bake Sale is scheduled for Saturday April 25 at Heritage from 5.00 to 6.30. All proceeds will benefit the young people attending the convention. SE PRC YOUNG PEOPLE’S BREAKFAST Southeast PRC Young Peoples Society is hosting a breakfast on April 25th from 8:00-10:30 am. Come out and join us at Adams gym for egg casseroles, pancakes and baked goods. All proceeds will go to the young people to help with the cost of the convention. PR STUDENT ORCHESTRA (PRSO) Students who are interested in joining the PRSO are invited and encouraged to attend PRSO's clinic! Our clinic is a class for students who are new to their instruments (and haven't yet played in the PRSO but would like to join us at some point). In our clinic classes, students will learn how to play in a group and follow a conductor. The clinic is held in four sessions (students should plan to attend all four sessions) on April 30, May 7, May 14, and May 21 at Hope PR School (3:40 PM - 4:25 PM). Please contact Crista Phelps at to reserve a stop or to ask a question. HOPE SCHOOL SPRING FLEA MARKET The Spring Flea Market at Hope School is May 2, 2015 from 9am-3pm. We have a wide variety of vendors and with Mother's Day just round the corner, you are sure to find something unique. Donuts and coffee will be available from 9am -11am. Lunch will be served from 11am-1pm and the ever popular bake sale will begin at 9am. Email your questions to SPRING SPRINT 2015 The Ladies Auxiliary of the Protestant Reformed School of Dyer, Indiana invites you to our annual Spring Sprint 5K and 1 Mile Walk/Run. The event will take place on Saturday, May 16 at Crete PRC. Registration information can be downloaded on the school website ( or at TH Timing company website for an additional small fee ( The deadline for registration is April 17. If you have questions, please contact us through our email at EAT PASTA, RUN FASTA DINNER The CCHS Cross Country Team invites you to their Eat Pasta, Run Fasta Dinner on Friday, May 29 at 5:30 at Hope School. Come pick up your Hope Classic race packets, and stay for dinner and race videos. All donations will benefit the xc team. Mark your calendars; we hope to see you there! BASES LOADED BASEBALL CAMP Look for registration forms to be distributed soon. The camp will be held July 27-30 for boys going into grades 3-5. It will be held August 3-6 for boys going into grades 6-8.
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