Giving Thanks to God for over 60 years of Protestant Reformed Education! Tuesday Note May 26, 2015 ENROLLMENT Enrollment packets were sent home and should be completed and returned to the office no later than next Monday. SPLIT CLASS LISTS The class lists will be mailed out next week to parents of students in split classes. SPOTLIGHTS Adams’ yearbook, Spotlight, is available in the office for $10. If you were a sponsor, a patron, or placed an ad in the book, you are entitled to a free book. NEW CD Matthew L. Fisher’s new piano album titled “Lullabies” is available for purchase at the office for $12 ($2 goes to Adams). ALL SCHOOLS BAND CONCERT The All Schools Band Concert is tonight at 7:30 at Allendale High School. Band students may pick up and change into their concert shirts when they arrive at the concert tonight. The shirts should be returned again immediately after the concert. HOT LUNCH Hot lunch tomorrow is pizza, breadsticks, and ice cream novelties. Helpers are Karen Langerak and Tricia Ophoff at 11:20 and Michelle Pipe at 11:30. There will be no snack sale tomorrow! JUNIOR HIGH EXAMS Friday, May 29 (grades 6 – 8 are finished at 11:15) th 6 : Math test, History test th 7 (both classes): Science exam, English exam th 8 : English exam, History exam Monday, June 1 (grades 6 – 8 are finished at 10:00; Awards Assembly at 10:30. Jr. High students should be picked up at noon.) th th 6 – 8 : Bible exam Tuesday, June 2 (grades 6-8 are finished at 11:15) th 6 : Science test, Grammar/Reading test th 7 : History exam, Math exam th 8 : Math exam, Science exam th ~6 grade will be given only one exam, a Bible exam. The rest of their time will be spent taking chapter tests. Exams cover material given throughout the whole semester, the test covers the material from the recent unit or chapter. th th ~6 -8 students must leave after their last exam/test – they may not stay at school. Please make driving arrangements at home – there should be no need of phone calls. ~Students may not be picked up prior to scheduled dismissal time. Students will remain in classroom for entire exam period. AWARDS ASSEMBLY The Awards Assembly will be held next Monday at 10:30 in the gym. GRADUATION Adams’ graduation will take place on Wednesday, June 3, th at 7:30 at Bethany United Reformed Church. The 8 grade graduation photo will be taken at 6:45. Reminder: the Junior High Choir will sing. All Junior High students are expected to participate. SAVE THE DATE Plan now to attend the fifth annual Adams Boosters father-daughter canoe trip, to be held Saturday, August 1, 2015. Watch for announcements to register in a few weeks. Fundraising TRIP NEWS Next week will be our last TRIP day for the school year, and then for the summer we will be doing every other Tuesday from 9-10 at school. Keep up the online orders – and contact Melissa or Rebecca with any questions. Thanks for your support of this ongoing fundraiser! WAYS AND MEANS The Ways and Means committee is in need of a couple of volunteer moms to fill some open positions for ongoing fundraisers during the 2015/2016 school year! We have one opening to help run the sales of Adams Apparel as well as an opening to run the Label/Box Top fundraiser. If you have any questions about these openings or would like to volunteer please contact Amanda Jabaay at 534-4511 or Lindsay Kerkstra at 901-9296. Thank you for your consideration! Attention GFS shoppers: Did you know that when you shop at GFS, you can donate your points to Adams Christian School at checkout? Points accumulate based on purchases, and when our school redeems them for different fundraisers (for example, hot lunch items), we receive $1 for every 91 points accumulated. (Our hot lunch program saved over $150 on points this year.) Feel free to share this info with your extended family and friends for all their event shopping. SMARTSHOP We are still looking for volunteers to work this Thursday night from 6 - 10 pm. Please call Amanda Jabaay or Trish Ophoff if you are willing to help. Thanks! Requested Announcements THANK YOU! The SW YP Society would like to thank everybody involved in the Softball Tournament. To get your LOST and FOUND items, contact Kathy DeKraker 662-1294 or EAT PASTA, RUN FASTA DINNER The CCHS Cross Country Team invites you to their Eat Pasta, Run Fasta Dinner this Friday at 5:30 at Hope School. Come pick up your Hope Classic race packets, and stay for dinner and race videos. All donations will benefit the xc team. Mark your calendars; we hope to see you there! HOOP IT UP This year’s “Hoop It Up!” Heritage girls’ basketball camp registration form for upcoming fall grades 4-7 is available. The dates are August 3-6 from 9:00-noon and will be held at our new campus in the big gym. Contact Greg Holstege at or call at 334-8001 for a registration form or if you have any questions. SAVE THE DATE! The CCHS annual Fall Festival is Saturday, October 10, 2015. Plan now to attend this fun filled family event!
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