Thursday 23rd April 2015 - Issue No 14 KEEPING OUR CHILDREN SAFE Dear Parents Following a safeguarding incident on Thursday 23rd April, when two men tried to physically grasp two children through the security fence surrounding Adderley Primary School during the school day. Firstly let me reassure you that the children involved are safe and well because of all safeguarding measures that are in place. Also the school followed all the safeguarding procedures, which included contacting West Midlands Police to report the incident. We would like to take this opportunity to remind all our parents, especially if your child walks home alone to be extra careful and vigilant and report any incidents or concerns directly to West Midlands Police on 101 or if it is an emergency call 999. Below are some important tips and strategies for parent to teach their children to help protect themselves: Know your name, address, and phone number. Use the buddy system – avoid walking anywhere alone. Trust your instincts – if you feel you are being followed or something is not right, seek help immediately. If a stranger approaches you, you do not have to speak to him or her. Never approach a stranger in a motor vehicle. Just keep walking. Do not accept sweets or any other items from a stranger. Never walk off with a stranger no matter what he or she tells you. If someone is following you, try to remember the license plate of his or her vehicle and immediately tell a trusted adult. If a stranger grabs you, do everything you can to stop him or her from pulling you away or dragging you into his or her car. Drop to the ground, kick, hit, bite, and scream. Do whatever it takes to attract the attention of others who can help you. If someone is dragging you away, scream, "this is not my dad," or "this is not my mom." Yours faithfully Mrs Rizvana Darr Headteacher YEAR 6 SATs DROP-IN SURGERY Mrs Ashraf (Deputy Head Teacher) and the Year 6 Team will be running a SATs ‘Drop-In Surgery’ for Year 6 Children on Friday 8th May 2015 between 3.30-4.45pm in the school. The Year 6 team will be able to answer any of your questions regarding the SATs or to help children on areas they find difficult. SATs week: 11th - 14th May 2015 Date Levels 3-5 and level 6 test Monday 11th May Levels 3-5: English reading test Level 6: English reading test Tuesday 12th May Levels 3-5: English grammar, punctuation and spelling test Level 6: English grammar, punctuation and spelling test Wednesday 13th May Levels 3-5: Mental mathematics test and mathematics Paper 1 No level 6 tests timetabled for this day Thursday 14th May Levels 3-5: Mathematics Paper 2 Level 6: Mathematics Paper 1 and Paper 2 Dates for Your Diary Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 Parents’ Open Mornings From Monday 27th April until Friday 1st May 2015 between 9:00am and 10:00am. This is a great opportunity for parents to come in to school and see how well their children are achieving and support them in the school environment. Come to support your child’s learning in class. Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5 Parents’ Open Mornings Tuesday 5th May - 9:00am - 10:00am - Year 3 Wednesday 6th May - 9:00am - 10:00am - Year 4 Thursday 7th May - 9:00am - 10:00am - Year 5 Come and spend time with your child in the classroom environment and support their learning. YEAR 1 WONDER DOME EXPERIENCE Today, Year 1 children visited The Wonder Dome in school. The wonder of a planetarium or 360 degree immersive cinema is a great learning experience for your child. Once inside the inflatable dome, children experienced space and adventure in a wonderful and educational way. SCHOOL UNIFORM SCHOOL CLOSED ON During the summer months, girls can wear a blue and white checked dress and boys can wear shorts. Please ensure that during the warm weather, your child is wearing the appropriate sun protection such as hats/caps and sun block. The school carries out uniform checks every Monday, please ensure your child has the correct clothing. MONDAY 4TH MAY 2015 FOR BANK HOLIDAY BREAKFAST CLUB SCHOOL GATES To support parents, Adderley Primary School provides a free Breakfast Club from 8:00am every day. Below is a menu for breakfast Club which includes extra options at a charge. As you know, the school gates open at 8.30am and all Toast Cereal with milk Fruit Juice Cuplet 85ml Bagel Fresh Fruit Beans on Toast Egg on Toast Omelette on Toast Yoghurt Milkshake Cheese and Beans on Toast Crumpet Free Free Free Free 20p 20p 25p 20p 25p 30p 30p 15p If parents are rude/aggressive to any member of staff, the privilege of using breakfast club will be removed as agreed by the Governing Body. children go directly to their classroom. The school day starts at 8:45am. The school gates CLOSE promptly at 8:50am. If your child arrives after the gates close at 8:50am, they must report to the school office where their lateness will be recorded and monitored. The school will be warning parents of persistent lateness by letter. If lateness continues, the school will take action, which could involve legal proceedings. To support parents we also have a free breakfast club from 8:00am each day. As part of safeguarding your child, it is a parents’ responsibility to escort their child to school. Please ensure that you walk your child into school for their own safety. Only Year 6 children can come to school on their own and go home on their own only if a permission slip is completed and given to the school office. Year 6 children cannot escort younger siblings to and from school. YOUR SAY, YOUR SCHOOL All of the staff at Adderley Primary School are very interested in hearing from you. Good, or bad, questions or ideas, any and all feedback is welcome. Please go to , click on the Parent Section , select Your Say, Your School and complete the on-line form to submit your thoughts. Thank you for your continued support.
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