Anticipating Sobriety: TTM After Project Dear Perspective Author, This is a formal invitation to share your unique experiences with those interested in your story. Our eBook will be comprised of various true narratives and we would love to include yours; anonymously of course. Our Mission: To provide insight to those afflicted with, curious about, or impacted by addiction. This composition will serve as a guide, outlining the positive and negative, as well as easy and hard, aspects of recovery. These are real, unfiltered stories from personal experience, throughout all 5 phases of change. Instructions: Below is an outline of each of the stages of change. Please describe the actions you took and emotions felt while you went through each stage. 500-1000 words per stage, no more than 5000 words total. The 5 Stages of Recovery: The way someone goes from an active drug user, to a person post recovery, is broken down into 5 stages in the TTM model. It’s pretty much the process someone goes through to maintain long term sobriety. Some actions and attitudes will vary between stages and can go back and forth, but for the most part, they will have similar traits. Although traits may be similar, no two experiences are the same. 1st is the Pre-contemplation Stage This stage is characterized by denial of alcohol or drug addiction. The individual may not think he or she has any kind of problem. They are making the transition from Drug abuse to dependence and addiction. Pre-contemplation is characterized by a lack of severe consequences, or the inability to recognize consequences. Please describe this phase with as much detail as possible. 2nd is the Contemplation Stage A phase of realizations. The individual starts to recognize consequences like health, legal, & social problems. The problem starts to become more obvious and their awareness begins to take place. They want to change but are unsure how and are in fear of treatment, recovery, expenses, detox pain, emotions, etc. 3rd is the Preparation Stage The individual begins to prepare for recovery. At this point, many will attempt to abstain for short periods of time, or cut down use. In this stage they may attend some meetings and make a firm resolution to stop drinking or using. This is usually the "trying to control consumption" phase. If the individual cannot stop on their own without help, they may start to look into addiction treatment at this time. 4th is the Action Stage Usually the attempts and methods in previous stages have failed or are starting to fail. The addict will begin to take direct action towards their recovery. They may attend an outpatient program, short term medical detox, or inpatient addiction treatment program. They begin to increase knowledge of addiction, process underlying issues, and actively work towards a healthier life. This stage is characterized by an array of emotions and even physical pain from withdrawal at first. 5th is the Maintenance and Relapse Prevention stage The most important, and hopefully the longest stage, comes after treatment. The individual will focus on maintaining their recovery program as well as implementing the tools they learned in treatment. They also may participate in aftercare, and use their newfound knowledge and abilities to help others. This phase lasts until death or relapse. By submitting your work you understand all material becomes property of AFTER, and all revenue is put towards AFTER’s Goals
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