Supporting Siblings This workshop is for parents of children with autism and/or ADHD who want to know more about supporting siblings. Purpose of the workshop: This workshop will help parents of disabled children find ways of giving attention, information, and support to the other children in their families What participants will gain: • • Insight into siblings’ needs and experiences Practical ideas for giving siblings attention, explaining disability and supporting siblings with their feelings. The session will be led by Nicola Dean, Development Officer for Young Siblings, from Sibs, the UK charity for people who grow up with a disabled brother or sister ( ) When: Tuesday 7th July 2015 from 10.00am till 2.30pm. Where: CAAS, Television House, 269 Field End Road, Eastcote, HA4 9XA. Fee: £25 for CAAS members, £35 for non-members. A light lunch will be provided. Places will not be confirmed until payment has been received. To register on this workshop please: Email: Phone: 020 8429 1552 Or complete the attached booking form and return to: Centre for ADHD & Autism Support Television House, 269 Field End Road, Eastcote, HA4 9XA . SUPPORT • EDUCATE • EMPOWER 2nd Floor, Television House, 269 Field End Road, Eastcote, HA4 9XA Call: 0208 429 1552 Email: Registered charity number 1080795 Visit: Supporting Siblings Booking Form Fee: £25 CAAS Members / £30 non-members I wish to reserve places for the following people: Name: Address: Postcode: Phone: Email: Child DOB: Diagnosis: Name: Address: Postcode: Phone: Email: Child DOB: Diagnosis: Name: Address: Postcode: Phone: Email: Child DOB: Diagnosis: Payment Methods: BACS Payment: sort code: 30-99-86 account no: 04216032. Please use your name as reference. Cheques: payable to Centre for ADHD & Autism Support and returned to Centre for ADHD & Autism Support, Television House, 269 Field End Road, Eastcote, HA4 9XA. Paypal: book and pay online via our website: . SUPPORT • EDUCATE • EMPOWER
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