2015 Autism Resource Fair Vendor Invite

6th Annual Autism Resource Fair
Vendor Registration Form
We are pleased to announce that planning is underway for the 6 th Annual Autism Resource Fair sponsored by
Autism Allies of Wright County! The Resource Fair will be held Saturday, April 11th 2015 at the Monticello
High School. We would like to invite you to participate as a vendor!
WHEN: Saturday, April 11, 2015 9:00-3:00pm
SCHEDULE: 7:30 to 9:00
Monticello High School
5225 School Blvd.
Monticello, MN 55362
Vendor set-up
9:00 Vendor tables open
9:30 to 10:30 Session I Workshops
11:00 to 12:00 Session II Workshops
12:30 to 1:30 Session III Workshops
2:00 to 3:00 Session IV Workshops
2:30 Vendor tables close (you are welcome to stay open until 3:00)
** Food will be available for (cash only) purchase. Orders will be taken and delivered to your table.**
Registration Deadline is 03/01/15
Company Name: ____________________________
Contact Name: __________________________________
Address: ___________________________________
Website: _______________________________________
Phone: _____________________________________
E-mail Address: __________________________________
Number of Chairs Needed: ____
Electricity Requested: ____ Yes ____ No
(We cannot guarantee the availability of electricity)
Area of service/specialty:
___ Advocacy ___ Autism Products ___ Consumer-Directed (CDCS) ___ Education ___ Health/Wellness
___ Recreation ___ Residential services ___ Therapy ___ Transition/Employment ___ Other: ______________
Special Requests/Comments: __________________________________________________________
The non-refundable registration fee of $60 includes one table. Vendors supply their own table covering and
extension cords.
Please make checks payable to Autism Allies and return registration by 3/1/15 to;
Autism Allies
2400 Prairie View Lane
Buffalo, MN 55313
I agree to the above terms and understand that Autism Allies, volunteers, and the Monticello School District are not responsible for
damage, loss, theft, and/or injury of property belonging to the agency named above.
Signature: _____________________________________________________
Date: _______________
Door prizes are encouraged. Vendors are responsible for awarding and distributing their own door prizes.
For more information, please contact Brandy Volbrecht (brandy. volbrecht@co.wright.mn.us)
We hope to see you in April! Thank you for supporting Autism Allies of Wright County!