SALLIE CLARK DARRYL GLENN PEGGY LITTLETON COMMISSIONERS DENNIS HISEY, CHAIR AMY LATHEN, VICE CHAIR BUDGET ADMINISTRATION BUDGET, FINANCE, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, AND PUBLIC INFORMATION NICOLA SAPP, COUNTY BUDGET OFFICER Citizen Budget Oversight Committee – March 18, 2015 Voting Members Present: Bob Cordova, Ed Dills (Vice Chair), Jim Egbert, D.R. Engle, Sandy Foote, Lacey Fugleberg, Jennifer George, Ken Kile, Kari Kilroy, Joan Lucia-Treese, Jack Lundberg, Terry Storm, Michael Straub, Scott Turner, Zachary Waugh, Reb Williams (Chair) Excused Absences: Dan Lanotte, Ray Phillips Non-voting Members Present: Nicola Sapp County Staff Present: Josh Handley, Linda Hunt, Elaine Johnsen, Deanna Ruschioni A quorum was established and the meeting was called to order at 3:34 p.m. by Reb Williams, Chair. Reb introduced four new members to the Citizen Budget Oversight Committee. CBOC welcomed each member, and they were asked to share their backgrounds: - Jennifer George, representing the District Attorney’s Office Sandy Foote, representing the Sheriff’s Office Lacey Fugleberg, representing District 1 for the BoCC Jack Lundberg, representing District 3 for the BoCC Election of Chair and Vice Chair Reb Williams was nominated as Chair; the nomination was seconded, and the motion to close the nomination was made and accepted by acclamation. Ed Dills was nominated as Vice Chair; the nomination was seconded, and the motion to close the nomination was made and accepted by acclamation. Administrative Items 1) The March 18, 2015 Agenda was approved. 2) Sunshine Notice Requirements: The motion to accept the Sunshine Act for the 2015 Citizen Budget Oversight Committee was made and seconded; it was approved unanimously (16-0). 3) The October 29, 2014 Meeting Minutes were approved as written. 4) 2015 Meeting Schedule and Location: The proposed 2015 CBOC meeting schedule and location, set by Nicola Sapp, was presented. The meetings will be held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month, from 3:30pm – 5:00pm (with an extended time duration for the months of July and August to accommodate the 2016 Budget Presentations), at the Centennial Hall Building located at 200 South Cascade Avenue. 200 S. CASCADE AVENUE, SUITE 150 OFFICE: (719) 520-6400 WWW.ELPASOCO.COM COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80903 FAX: (719) 520-6486 5) Term Matrix, Appointments (as approved by the Board of County Commissioners): Reb and Nicola explained the CBOC 2015 Term Matrix and Appointments. There are three CBOC representative openings still available: BoCC - District 2; Elected Official - Clerk & Recorder; and the Citizen Community - General Business/Banking, of which interviews are to be scheduled soon. C4C Report: Nicola spoke to the following two C4C presentations which were presented to the Board of County Commissioners on March 5, 2015: 1) Economic & Fiscal Impacts of City for Champions on El Paso County, presentation by Ford Frick (BBC Research & Consulting) 2) Financial Modeling Update Regarding the Feasibility of the Regional Tourism Act Application, by Nicola Sapp, County Budget Officer The meeting adjourned at 5:03 p.m. 2
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