The past in the present

The Past in the Presenta Psychoanalytic Perspective
A one day conference
Saturday 5th September 2015
Jordanburn Lecture theatre and Psychotherapy department –
Royal Edinburgh Hospital
Morningside Place, Edinburgh EH10 5AF
The Past in the Presenta Psychoanalytic Perspective
A one day conference
Saturday 5th September 2015
Jordanburn Lecture theatre and Psychotherapy department Royal Edinburgh Hospital
Morningside Place
Edinburgh EH10 5AF
Image by Natalia Calvocoressi
Image by Natalia Calvocoressi
An event co-ordinated and facilitated by
An event co-ordinated and facilitated by
The British Psychoanalytical Society
The British Psychoanalytical Society
“The past in the Present – a Psychoanalytic Perspective”
9. 30 10.15
Conference Chair- Dr Jane Naismith (SAPP Glasgow and BPAS London)
Registration and coffee
10.15 10.25
Welcome and introduction to the day from
Conference Chair- Dr Jane Naismith (SAPP Glasgow and BPAS London)
10.25 – 11.30
Introduction to Mrs Irma Brenman Pick: Mrs Clare Cripwell (BPAS
Speaker Mrs Irma Brenman Pick (BPAS London)
“The emergence of Early Object Relations in the Psychoanalytic Setting”
11.30 - 12.00
12.00 – 1.00
Small Group Discussion
1.00 – 2.00
2.00 – 3.00
Introduction to Professor Ken Robinson: Dr Esti Rimmer (SAPP
Speaker Professor Ken Robinson (SAPP Newcastle and BPAS London)
“The horror, the horror”; making sense of the unrepresented past.
3.00 – 3.15
3.15 – 4.00
Small Group Discussion
Plenary and Vote of Thanks
The discussion groups will be led by Psychoanalysts and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapists
from the Scottish Association of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapists and the British
Psychoanalytical Society.
At the time of going to press this programme was deemed correct. However, we reserve
the right to alter or cancel any part of the programme due to unforeseen circumstances.
Closing date for applications 5 August 2015 – please/email for availability after this
date to :-
Delegate cancellation. These must be made in writing prior to 14 August 2015 and will
incur an administrative charge of £30.00. We regret that no refunds can be made after
that date but we will accept one substitute delegate before or on the day.
Booking Form
“The Past in the Present – a Psychoanalytic Perspective”
Saturday 5th September 2015
Jordanburn Lecture Theatre and Psychotherapy department
Royal Edinburgh Hospital, Morningside Place, Edinburgh EH10 5AF.
Please complete this form in BLOCK CAPITALS (photocopying it as required) returning it
to the address below using one form per person. You will receive email confirmation of
your booking on receipt of payment. Send with payment to:SAPP Conference, 40 Heatherlie Terrace, SELKIRK TD7 5AH
or email
Cost – Conference fee includes morning coffee, lunch and afternoon tea
 I am applying for an Early Bird place at £90.00 (Before June 5)
 I am applying for a full place at £110.00
 I am applying for an STPP/CAP place at £60.00 (Trainees only)
(Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, Dr, Prof)
Job Title:
Please indicate
 I require wheelchair access/have mobility difficulties (please specify)
 I have special dietary requirements (please specify)
I have other special needs (please specify)
Payment details - Please note we only accept payment by cheque or BACS
 I enclose a cheque for £……………………… made payable to
Scottish Association of Psychoanalytical Psychotherapists
Send to SAPP Conference, 40 Heatherlie Terrace, SELKIRK TD7 5AH
 Payment by BACS to Scottish Association of Psychoanalytical Psychotherapists
Royal Bank of Scotland Sort Code 83 27 05 Account No. 00184545.
Send to SAPP Conference, 40 Heatherlie Terrace, SELKIRK, TD7 5AH
or email