DEPT. OF MATHEMATICS & STATISTICS: ADVISING RESOURCE GUIDE “With great power comes great responsibility” ― Voltaire *UNM Catalog: ex.html 1. Check prerequisite/co-requisite Department of Mathematics & Statistics Website: 2. Major/minor requirements 1. Announcements 3. Department rules (legally binding) 2. Contact information for staff, faculty, and grad students *Fast Info: Enrollment Management Processes for students. Ex: registration, financial aid 3. Syllabus for students 4. Transfer Evaluation Requests 5. Calendar of Events *UNM Testing Center: 6. Undergrad Students: a. Research Opportunities 1. Check placement scores/courses: *TES: nsfer-course-equivalencies.html 1. Students check transfer course equivs before submitting on Math/Stat Dept. website 2. Submit equiv requests: nsfer_eval.php b. Dept. Honors c. Math/Stat Club 7. Stat Clinic: * 1. See how many students registered and on waitlist per course 2. If course has been canceled 3. XLST – cross listed course 4. Instructor updates IF I WERE AGAIN BEGINNING MY STUDIES, I WOULD FOLLOW THE ADVICE OF PLATO AND START WITH MATHEMATICS. Department of Mathematics & Statistics DO NOT WORRY ABOUT YOUR DIFFICULTIES IN MATHEMATICS. I CAN ASSURE YOU MINE ARE STILL GREATER. GALILEO GALILEI ALBERT EINSTEIN DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS & STATISTICS: ADVISING MATH & STAT SERVICE COURSES WHAT ARE MATH/STAT SERVICE COURSES? DEPT PROCESSES TO KNOW FACULTY SMLC SMLC SUNMARC 1. Student petitions for dept. rule exceptions & complaints about courses, instructors, etc. go to Jurg Bolli Director of Pre-calc (service courses). 300/400 level petitions go to the professor/instructor and complaints go to they will be forwarded to the Dept. Chair. 2. The department follows all posted UNM deadlines. Service course instructors do not have the authority to sign forms, except if a Professor is teaching Math 314. Frequently Used Banner Forms SAAADMS – admissions, residency, checklist of application creds ex. transcripts GOAEMAL – students’ multiple email addresses SFASTCA – registration history, esp. drop and who dropped the course. Also, waitlist info SFASRPO – overrides SFIWLNT –waitlist notification list per course • 100 – 200 level • Courses required for UNM Core • Additional math/stat requirements for “other” STEM majors. Ex: Engineering requires Linear Algebra - Math 314, but Math majors - Linear Algebra Math 321, therefore Math 314 is a service course. * Instructors of 300/400 level courses process their own overrides. Students must email the 300/400 level instructor their requests. When is an override granted for 100/200 level service courses? • are available for you to see. • 3. After 3 absences (regardless of excuse) before Dean’s permission is required, a student may be withdrawn by the instructor, but a student can’t rely on an instructor to drop them. 4. Each service course topic has a faculty coordinator that organizes exams, syllabus, and SLO’s to keep all sections as similar as possible. When official scores are not in Banner, but IP courses from other institutions = ex. CNM Summer College Algebra wants Fall Math 180 at UNM. Audit all overrides the week before courses start to check that prereqs have been met. * All overrides must be tracked in LoboAchieve in the Override Note section. Ex: “Processed Math 162 override. I saw paper/online CNM Summer 2015 schedule where student is registered for Math 123 and Math 150.
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