F. No. AERA/20010/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 Consultation Paper No.03/2015-16 Airports Economic Regulatory Authority of India Multi Year Tariff Proposal and Annual Tariff Proposal for the remaining years of 1st Control Period in respect of Bharat Stars Services Private Limited for providing Into Plane Services at Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport (CSIA), Mumbai. New Delhi: 7th April, 2015 AERA Building Administrative Complex Safdarjung Airport New Delhi – 110 003 1 Brief Background: 1.1 Mumbai Aviation Fuel Farm Facility Private Limited (MAFFFPL), through a competitive bidding process, had appointed M/ Bharat Stars Services Private Limited (BSSPL) for providing Into Plane (ITP) Service at CSI Airport, Mumbai, and accordingly a sub-concession agreement was entered on 31.10.2014. 1.2 BSSPL vide their letter no. BSSPL.HO.AERA dated 18.01.2015 have submitted the Multi Year Tariff Proposal (MYTP) and Annual Tariff Proposal (ATP) for the 4th tariff year (2014-15) and 5th tariff year (2015-16) for the current control period (2011-2016) for providing ITP services at CSI Airport, Mumbai (Submissions of BSSPL have been placed at Annexure-I collectively). 2. Authority’s Analysis: 2.1 The Authority has noted that BSSPL has submitted all the requisite prescribed Forms/ information required along with the MYTP and ATP for the 4th tariff year (2014-15) and 5th tariff year (2015-16) of the 1st control period for rendering ITP Services at CSI Airport, Mumbai. 2.2 In terms of Clause 7.1 of the Airports Economic Regulatory Authority of India (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff for Services Provided for Cargo Facility, Ground Handling and Supply of fuel to the Aircraft), Guidelines, 2011, briefly called CGF Guidelines hereafter, which is applicable in this case, all the Service Provider(s) shall, within two months of the date of the issue of these Guidelines, submit a Multi-Year Tariff proposal (MYTP) for the first control period in the form and manner specified in section AI.2 of Appendix 1 of the Guidelines. In case a new Service Provider is granted permission for providing regulated service(s) at a major airport, the Service provider shall, within two months of the date of grant of such permission, submit to the Authority for its consideration, a Multi-Year Tariff proposal (MYTP) in accordance with these Guidelines. 2.3 Further, as per para 7.4 of CGF Guidelines, after issuance of the Multi Year Tariff Order, the service provider is to submit the Annual Tariff Proposal at least 75 days prior to the start of tariff year. As per Clause 11.2, the ATP is required to be submitted in the manner and form provided in AL8.1 of Appendix I and the proposal is required to be of Annual tariff Proposal, supported by the following: (i) (ii) (iii) 2.4 Form B and Form F14 (b) Details of consultations with stakeholders Evidence of User Agreements clearly indicating the Tariff proposal by the service provider and agreed to by the User. Furthermore, as per clause 3.1 of CGF Guidelines, the Authority is to follow three stage procedures for determining its approach to the regulation of Regulated Service(s) as under: Materiality Assessment; Competition Assessment; Assessment of reasonableness of the User Agreements between the service providers and the users of the regulated services. CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 Page 1 of 50 2.5 As per the traffic statistics of AAI for the year 2010-11, the Materiality Index (MIF) for Fuel Throughput in Kilo Liters at Mumbai Airport is 27.81%. The Materiality Index is more than 5% and hence, the service is “deemed material”. 2.6 As regards the Competition Assessment, the CGF Guidelines provide that where a regulated service is being provided at major airport by two or more Service Provider(s), it shall be deemed ‘competitive’ at that airport. It has been noted that ITP services at CSI Airport, Mumbai are being provided by two service providers, viz. IOSL and Bharat Star Services Pvt. Ltd, both of which have been appointed by MAFFFPL through a competitive bidding process by way of a Public Tender. Since there are two service providers for ITP Services at CSI Airport, Mumbai, it can be deemed as “Competitive”. 3. The Authority also notes that BSSPL in its submissions have stated that: “Bharat Star Service Private Limited (BSSPL) has been awarded the Into Plane Tender award by Mumbai Aviation Fuel Farm Facility Private Limited (MAFFFL, a Joint venture company of MIAL and the Oil PSUs -Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL) and Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) vide its letter dated 29.10.2014. After the privatisation of Airport, the Open Access System concept I introduced and the entire Aviation Fuel Supply has now been segmented into: a) Aviation Fuel Supplies by Fuel Suppliers b) Hydrant Infrastructure Services c) Into-Plane Services Therefore, Into Plane Service which was earlier provided by the Fuel Suppliers at CSI Airport, Mumbai will now be provided by two Into Plane Agents based on the competitive bidding and the Into-Plane service fee has been arrived by the Airport Operator after the competitive bidding process wherein two parties including BSSPL has been selected by MAFFFL. BSSPL has submitted the Multi Year Tariff Proposal in accordance to AERA (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff for Services Provided for Cargo Facility, Ground Handling and Supply of Fuel to the Aircraft) Guidelines, 2011. Details are as under: a) b) c) d) Form A & B Executive Summary Various Forms as per AERA Guidelines User Agreements Copy of Sub Concession Agreement with MAFFFL Copy of Into Plane Agent Agreements with Supplier ” 3.1 Since the Authority would consider the ITP service to be "material but competitive" at CSI Airport, Mumbai, therefore in terms of Clause 3.2 (ii) of the CGF Guidelines it proposes to determine tariff(s) for ITP service provider(s) based on a "light touch approach" for the remaining duration of the current control period (2011-2016) CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 Page 2 of 50 4. Proposal: 4.1 The Authority has carefully considered the tariff proposal (MYTP and ATP) submitted by BSSPL for ITP Service at CSI Airport, Mumbai and has decided to make the following proposal for stakeholder consultation: (i) The Service for Into Plane Services being provided by Bharat Star Services Private Limited at CSI Airport, Mumbai is “material but competitive”. Therefore, the Authority tentatively decides to adopt a “Light Touch Approach” for determination of tariff for the 1st Control period (20112016); (ii) Annual Tariff Proposal for the remaining period ( w.e.f. 01.04.2014 to 31.03.2016) of the first control period submitted by Bharat Star Services Private Limited for providing Into Plane Services at CSI Airport, Mumbai is tentatively decided as at Annexure –II. 5. In accordance with the provisions of Section 13(4) of the AERA Act, the proposal contained in para 4 above is hereby put forth for stakeholder consultation. To assist the stakeholders in making their submissions in a meaningful and constructive manner, necessary documents submitted by M/s Bharat Stars Services Private Limited (BSSPL), are enclosed at Annexure-I & II. For removal of doubts, it is clarified that the contents of this Consultation Paper may not be construed as any Order or Direction of this Authority. The Authority shall pass an Order in the matter, in terms of the Provisions of the Act only after considering the submissions of the stakeholders in response hereto. 6. The Authority welcomes written evidence-based feedback, comments and suggestions from stakeholders on the proposal made in para 4 above, latest by 18.04.2015 at the following address: Secretary, Airports Economic Regulatory Authority of India, AERA Building, Administrative Complex, Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi- 110003 Email: alok.shekhar@gov.in Tel: 011-24695042 Fax: 011-24695039 Shri S. Machendranathan Chairperson CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 Page 3 of 50 BH /U1AT STARS SERVliCE S PRIVATE LIMITED 08 .01,2015 . ."J I) I I) Th e Secretary 'TrustedPartnership Airports Economic Regulatory Authority of India AERA Building, Administrative Complex Safdarjung Airport NEW DElHI-110 003 ! ~' I I ~ ~ ) i' Dear Sir I) Subject: Submission of Multi Year Tariff Proposal for determination of Tariff for Into Plane Service Fee by Bharat Stars Services Private Limited - ITP Service Provider at Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport (CSIA) ,Mumbai. ) ) \ Sharat Stars Services Private Limited (BSSPl) has been awarded the Into-Plane Tender award by Mumbai Aviation Fuel Farm Facilities Private limited (MAFFFl), a Joint venture company of MIAl and the Oil PSUs -Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCl), Sharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (SPCl) and Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPC l) vide letter ref MAFFFUrTP/BSSPU01 dated 29.10.2014 (Copy of Award letter enclosed). ) ) ,4) ,) After the prlvatlsatlon of Airport, the Open Access System concept is introduced and the 'entire Aviation Fuel Supply has now been segmented into: ; ) : :' ) a) Aviation Fuel Supplies by Fuel Suppliers b) Hydrant Infrastructure Services c) Into-Plane Services )" , ~ ) i) ~ , ,< \ - Therefore, lrito Plane Service which was earlier done by the Fuel Suppliers at CSl Airport, Mumbai will now be provided by two Into Plane Agents based on the competitive bidding. The Into-Plane service fee has "been arrived by the Airport Operator after the competitive bidding process wherein two parties including Sharat Stars Services Pvt. Ltd. has been selected by the Airport Operator i.e, MAFFFL. ~ We are pleased to submit, our Multi Year Tariff Proposal in accordance to AERA (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff for Services Provided for Cargo Facility, Ground Handling and Supply of Fuel to the Aircraft) Guidelines, 2011: 1. 2. 3. 4. Form (A) Executive Summary Various Forms as per-AERA Guidelines User Agreements a) Copy of Sub Concession Agreement with MAFFFL b) Copy of Into Plane Agent Agreements with Supplier. - ~ ~~'i~. ~"I:t-5 ~ 6, ~-1 , ~ - 201301, '1TUf i'R : +91120 2474154 /4415WY,W,bsspLin Corporate Offi ce ; 1st Floor, Plot A-5 & 6. sector-t, Nolda - 201 301, India Phone : +91 1202474154/4415 www .bsspl .tn \ ~ ~ : ;ft 1ft tft l1'Jf ~ ~ ~. ~ llhft ~;:c;{?jQli1~ ~ fflrffi II, r;~110061 Registered Office : BPCLAviation Fuelling SIn" Indira Gandhllntemational Airport Terminal II, . ew Delhi - 110061 CIN: u11100DL2°ffOTD1Ur~ CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 4 Page 4 of 50 8SSPL is seeking the approval of tariff under "Light Touch Regulation" because as per AERA Guidelines, we meet the following criteria: 1. Materiality Assessment (Clause 4.2) The Materiality Index is more than 5 % (Fuel throughput in KL at MWmbai Airport / Total Fuel Throughput in,KL at major Airports x ,100 l.e. 1492000 KL /56000000 K x 100 29 .84 %) = 2. Competitive Assessment (Clause 5) I , Two Into-plane Service providers viz. ourselves and IndianOil Skytan king Ltd have been appointed by 'MAFFFL through a competitive biqding process ~ay of a Public Tender. Since this Regulated Service at CSI Airport Mumbai shaH be provided by two service providers, it may 'be' considered as "Competitive" at this airport. 3. User Agreement (Clause 6) BSSPL has entered into an agreement ,with MAFFFL and also with the suppliers whereby rates and other terms and conditions on which JTP services would .b e provided are mentioned. These agreements are entered for a period ,of ten years with an annual escalation as per tender conditions. From the above, it is clear that we meet the conditions prescribed under the AERA ~uidelin'es for the 'category of "Material but Competitive". Confldentlallty of the documents' submitted: . The information provided in the MYTP Formats and other forms is confidential business ~m~tion for your .QeDJ..§aiY';d~· is_~9~sted that same is· not tobe·~put in' 'tii'epublic 90main fQL.pf.olec1itl9--.QY[ bus,ilJ~~§.. .~!!~t,an(rmaH'mm;rn[aWfol?f[~e c(jy,-fide~rrtr~!J!f --We~ are also required to maintain the confidentiality of the terms of agreements entered into with MAFFFL and the suppliers . . The following annexures may be uploaded on your website as per enclosed ' list . 'W e also request you ·to kindly ensure .confident~ality of our. financials.~whJ.?h are· sensitive to our businesses and request you to upload on your website only the following financial formats submitted by us: Approval for ITP Tariff: We hereby seek approval of the following tariff for the forth and fifth Tariff year of the First Control Period of 5 years etartlnq from 01.04.2011 to 31.03.2016 under the LIGHT TOUCH REGULATION:' CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 Page 5 of 50 Rate in Rs/KL Aircraft Fuelling Tariff Year Aircraft De-fuellinq Within 6 hrs 1st Control Period Aircraft ReFuelling DeFuelled Product Into an Aircraft Beyond 6 hrs Within 6 hrs Beyond 6 hrs Tarrif Year-4 (2014-15) 198 200 250 200 250 Tarrif Year-5 '(2015-16) . 207.9 210 262.5 210 · 262.5 The rates amvedbased on the AERA GuIdelines are much higher than the Rates requested for approval. In viewof above subrnlsslon, we request for kind approval of the Authority at the earliest. Tha~klng you & assuring of our best cooperation at all times. . \,'0 I Yours trul.~ , . For Bharat Stars Services Pvt Ltd . . ~\l19\S Ak sh Tlwar! Chief Executive Office - - - -- ------- - -_._ ..._ - - 0000.136 CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 Page 6 of 50 ~ !f9 8' ~ ~ *1fc:l~\if ~I~~C f&flle~ t BHARAT STARS SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED FormA It Trusted' (fJartmrsfzip " BEFORE THE AIRPORTS ECONOMIC It J D REGULATO~Y AUTHORITY,OF INDIA AT NEW DELHI SUBMISSION OF MULT~ YEAR TARIFF PROPOSAL FOR AND ON BEHALF OF: • MIS BHARAT STARS SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED • ~ ~ " I, Mash Tiwari, aged 44 years, resident of D2I101, Bharat Petroleum Housing Complex, Sector 56, Noida - 201301, acting ,in my official capacity as Chief Executive Officer In MIs Sharat Stars Services Private Umlted having its registered office at Aviation Fuelli,ng SrotJon, IGI Airport, New' Delhi -110061, do hereby state and affirm as under that: t;, • ~ 1. That I am duly authorized to act for and on behalf of Mis Bharat 'Stars Services Private' • • • .. Limited'in ,the matter of making this submission before the Airports EConomic Regulatory Authority of india, New Delhi ('the Authority ') ;', ' 2. larn competent to make this submission before the Authority; " • • 3. I am maklng this submission In my official capacity and the facts stated herein are based' ~n official records; , , 4. The contents of'this submission which include Inter alia (i) Business plan; (ii) lntormatlon relating to,(fU~' ~Regulatory BUilding Blocks; (iii) Competition Assessment; ( Iv ) Historical and Forecasted Velumes : and (v) Historical Revenues • are correct and true to my ~nowledge and belief and nothing material has been concealed there from. " Akash Tiwari Chief executIve Officer Place: New Deihl Date: 08.01.2015 0000137 ' ", ; ,;:.~'j" i~ -,,» :~: ~ ~ : 1~. ~~-5 ~ 6, ~-1, ~ - 201301, 'lmf ~: +911202474154/4415v.ww.bsspl.ln . Corpdrate Office : 161 Floor, Plot A-5 & 6, :Sector-1, Naida - 201 30~, India Phone: +91 1202474154 14415 www.bsspl.in , .~~: ; ~ ..:t~ ~,..Offi~ . w : 1ft 1ft"d1 t;@- ~ ~ ~, I:lDf"""1 A",I~+l",,,, I::'t._IU...,.. 0"- ~ 'Illtfi ~<A~I'1¢1 ~ ~ II, ~ futft 1_ .....1__ " ' _ _ .... L:I 1 _" _ _ -4: CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 1 A 1 _ _ ..... T .... _ l .... _. " .. - 110061 a .... .. "'_1 .... 1 ..... n.n.rto~ Page 7 of 50 Trnste(ftpartnersfiip . TABLE OF CONTENTS ... 1. Introduction 2. Backgrounc;l.Activity Explain what constitutes fuel infrastructure a) Historical Perspective " .b) Current development & reasons' for the same . "3.. Detail' of the project cost with future plan 4. [,.Ist of Items, technical specifications and rationale 'of the same 5. RAB 6. Means of Finance .s) Debt Cost b) ::,Equity Cost 7. Operat,ing"Expenses , , . Give all details of each head of capex and rational for arriving at the number 8. Depreciation " , . / . , Give list of equipments, their classfficationS rate of depreclatlon ..... .9. Forecast offuel off-take Basis of forecast . 10. Tariff Proposal Herein we give the detailed working of the tariff proposal and pray for the .requlsite tariff ~ I I \.:... J I II ~ ~ :1 I r i I I I I Conftdentlal- Ta riff Plan Submission AERA CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 (ro 00-'13 8 Page 8 of 50 .' Introduction Sharat Stars Services Private Limited (SSSPL) Is a Joint Venture 'Company of Bharat Petroleum Corporation limited (BPCL)- a Fortune 50~. Company and St-Alrport Services Pte Ltd (STARS) Singapore was Incorporated in September 2007 & started its first commercial operation In May 2008 at the new Bengalu'ru International Airport when the Greenfield airport started its commercial operations and later in new Tennlnal III of I.G.I.A Airport, New Deihl since July 2010 after obtaining requisIte approvals from the offiCe of Director General of CiVil Aviation. . BPCi.. & STARS 'own 50 % ~ulty each In the JV Company. Both ...$PCL & STARS ' are ' r~puted specialists In the aviation fuel logistics & total supply. chain mahageme'nt, Including the provision of ITP services with many of years of experience & outstanding track record. BSSPL therefore has inherited full benefits & ~lth of Indian & International experiences. No~ BSSpL has been awarded the contract for ITP Operations at CSIA, Mumbal. M,lfmbal Operation Presently there are two areas of the Airport ., Domestic andlnternatlonal, The majority of fuelling of A1rcrafts at Domestic Is throogh ~~aUers and 0!1 the !n~ernatlonal side through the Hydrant system. On an average. about 260~2~' oOmestic..tllgh~ with volumes 'of about 1000~1200 per day and 160-180 International fllgl:lts'wtth volumesot.ebout 28bo~3000·t<L per day arerefueled, With a total volume of about 4000 KL ~i'ciay:' . . ." . . KL 'P:afkground of the activity The'buslness model a~ iCSIA, MumQai has lntodueed the conceptot "Open Aoce$$;$ystem" , ..···,'Whlch has encouraqed the competition & optimisation. The "Value. Ghaln of 'Aviat i~fJ Fuel -. "'Supply has been seqrnented Into: . ". \...J a) Aviation Fuel Supplies by f::"uel Suppliers b) Hydrant Infrastructure Services c) Into-Plane Se~s Thus the Into-Plane service il? a P.~rt of Value Chain & was eartier done by fuel suppliers pe/ng a part of Integrated fuel SUpp!y. ' .The Into-Plane service 'fee has been anived by the Airport Operator through ~ cornpetiti~ bidding process wherein based on Technical & Cornmerciei evaluation the price ', d j~ for .Into-Plane service fee was made. MIs Bharat Stars ,Services Pvt' Ltd was s.e~~ thraU~h this competitive process by the Airport Operator. Thus In current context the~·~ two "'"fP" service providers. Consequent 'to selectiOn thr-oUgh competitive bidding proeess, the selected Companies as Into-Plane ooncesslonalre ha\(e rnade,' cOmmitted investments In line with long term project requirements . . -0000139 CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 Page 9 of 50 .. Detail of Pro tect Cost As per tender condition we have to purchase. existing fleets of lot from 'the Oil Marketing companies costing Rs. 11 .27 Crores. These are old vehicles and we have to replace them and- have to comply the norms of regi.onal Transport Regulations and other regulatory authorities. Hence we have to buy new fleets in the future, " Hydrar:Jt Dispenser I . Hydrant Dispenser is a specially designed and fabricated item having various aviation modules.on suitable diesel engine driven chassis .meeting regljlatory.je"qulrements of RTA, CCOE, OGCA,' petroleum rules, MI guidelines etc like: pennitted axle load, length, width height, pennitted safety fittings. The engine is used for propulsion and auxiliary duties complying latest EURO norms. Dispensers are used for airport having hydrant facilitY having international standard for handling all type of aircrafts starting from small aircrafts like Beachcraft-20, Falcon-900 to Boeing -777, Airbus380, Antonov 228. This is designed and fabricatedin order to meet national and international requirements and safety standards, such as JIG, OISO. . The keyteatures are given below: 1. Brake interlock system: 2. . Power take off system: for taking extra energy from engine . 3. ~eteiing 'and digital display with key pad' and fuelling database memory and report generation and 'provision for wireless data transmission. 4. Electrical and pneumatic system.for various controls and indication. 5. Flow control system comprising of latest" JIG approved Inlet coupler, Aviation fuel . pressure control valve, aviation hoses, piping, filter housing, venturi, and Hose end pressure control valve (HEPCV) and delivery couplings. 6. ATF filtration system' (fuel monitors), online sampling and product recovery. 7. Fire Extinguishers of different type as per CCOE guiqelines 8. Scissor platform lifting mechanism', boom, stabtliser, reel hose winding mechanism SUitably designed for single man operation. 9, .Provisions for various fevers and buttons to handle emergency situation to ensure safe and uninterruptedrefuelllnq. . '. ~', ~i;,; .,. . ~~\~,~ \~~~. ' ~ . ,\ ~ _Confldential- Tariff Plan Submlss . : ' . ,1,( : ttl • . CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 ~~ 0000140 Page 10 of 50 ~ pg' t It It Trusted'1'artlwrsfiip ,Refuell ers ~ It Is also specially designed and fabricated item having various modules on .sultab le diesel engine driven chassis meeting regulatory requirements of RTA, CCOE, OGCA, petroleum rules, AAI guidelines etc like pennltted ,' axle load, length, width ' height, permitted safety fittings. The engine is used for propulsion and auxiliary duties complying latest EURO norms. t D t • • ~ .' t ~ • • • ~ , / -~) .( '. Refuellers are used for refuelling when no hydrant point Is available activities using its own-tank age. This is designed and -fabricated in and international requirement and safety standards, such as IS9290, and Petroleum Act, lATA-JIG guldelines~ latest standard, OISO etc. and also for defueJling order to meet national Petroleum Rules 2002 ." The key features are given below: 1. Brake interlock system , 2. Power take off system: for taking extra .energy ·from engine 3. Metering and digital display with key pad and fuelling database memory and report generation and provision for wireless data transmission. 4. Fuelling and Oefuelling activity with educator mechanism 5. ElectriCal and pneumatic system for various controls 'and indication. 6. Flow control system comprising of aviation hoses: piping, filter housing, venturi, . Hose end pressure controi valve (HEPCV) and delivery couplings. 7. ATF filtration system (fuel monitors), online sampling and. product. recovery. 8. Fire Extinguishers of different type as per: CCOE gt,lid~lines 9" Provisions for various levers and buttons to handle emergency situation to ensure safe and uninterrupted refuelli.ng. , .1 :j :1 J i I I I I . As per the Into Plane operation and its Quality requirement, the office should havea proper workshop haVing critical spares and consumables and maintenance and Quality check tool . kits. Few·pf the key items are listed below; 1. Hose testinp machine and supporting parts. , , I ) 2; I I !. ConfidentlaJ CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 0000141 Page 11 of 50 3. MHlipore kit and ASTM chart 4. Other masters like master hydrometers and master thermo meter with sufficient / number of hydrometers and thermometers " . 5. Complete sampling kit-for each dispenser and Refuellers and lts spares. 6. Critical spares like seals and repair kit for Inlet coupler, AFPCV, Delivery coupling. .' 7~ i " I Air Compressor ) 8.. Car Washing system 9. Various tools. . " .::· ~ f ,.c;ommunicatio n Wireless radlocomrnuntcatlon system with base station and Intrinsically safe radio hand sets .for smooth operations. ·1Hber.capex.ftems: ., ~. AS' Pbr tender terms, we have to comply with all the regulatory and best practices, sowe . ..)~v~:to purchase Aviation equipments l.e, hoses, couplings, filters, maintenance equipments .etc, We also have to "develop iTP Offlce along with other fumiture Items and facilities.• · II Peripherals and other workshop items for carrying out operations smoothly. (). -1>''~fd "~" "- $i:t~. . Cno""".""_T._~.~••ilffi').,¥j , \ V'1l!': "W \ . ~ ~~ ~ CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 <, ' ''''0\ \~ , 00001'42 Page 12 of 50 ! ! .Capex Plan The plan Is provisional and subject to change as per the market regulations. We may add or < reduce the nos. if required. Rs In MIllions TOTAL aREAK PARTICULARS 2014-15 2015- ' 16 201&17 2ofY- '201718 202021 ' 20 . , , A 'Infras truc,tu re Development 1 Office at IlP Mumbal 12.00 2.00 5.00 2 Gen P&M 9.60 4.80 4.80 6.80; 9.aO 5.0Q 17.~ . 0.00 " - " . :. B , D i spense~ l' 'DispOesers (Lei option) (16)· 80.00 80.00' 34.85 17.00 l '": 2 New Dispensers (4 Nos) , 3 Refuelle~ (Lot option) (3) , , ~efurbished.oispensers 5 , , 3O~OO 0.00 21.00 ' O.po ~.50 (6 Nos) 1~~.70 31,50 31.50 ' 44.85 . .~ ' (l~o&' 0.00 3.00 ' .Apron Vehicles !Tala Magic (4 Nos) 0 . Fumltu'~· Fixtures ~ Misc. Assets ,SUB TOTAL 0.50 Computers 0.00 ' 3.00' 3.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 2 F&F 0.50 0.50 3 Electriqallnslalla60ns 0.50 0.60 4 Office Equlpments 0.50 0.50 ' . .', ' 0.(10 ' .. 0.00 O.Qq, O~OO O~ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 , , I 0.00 O.(H) 0.00 , ,O.QQ. 1.00 0.00 O',5Q '0:00 0.10 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0,00 , ' 168.5() TotallnYeWnent 57.65 3fwt60 w Z.10 ,RegUlat o ry Asset ~ase RAB 'ls calcuiated by taking Into consideration all UJe fixed assets proposed to be Int~ll~~ , after"proViding depreciation, addition and disposal, if any, as per ,too'gul4ellne 'b y AERA: Vi~e Dlreetlon No.4 Issued on 10.01.2011 ~.: , :r~M(d~n+I ,; I " :':'" T"'*f. DI,. ... C..I-_I._I __ . .. l' 1 0.00 , Veltlctes C () 57.00 Rehiellers (6) 0.00 0.00 32.70 32.70' , 4- 5.00 ~~~ .. en.. CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 000014 3 ~'::.-~\~ Page 13 of 50 - " ,' :j ~n~ 9f Finance Estimated cost of project: Rs 265 million Debt: • . Debt - EquIty ratio. Is 65:35 . ... • Cost .of debt: 12% per .annum : .{. The. detalls of all the head of the operating 'e xpenses are given ~n. Jhe enclosed financIal sdrtement. Followi!1g are key conskierationpolnts: :.. () '\ " .' . The ,Q19~nogra:m structure of CSIA, Mumbal of B.S$PL,~ :gl¥en-~n~rp1~~ .. • Iv1nU~1 manpower cost esealaflon; 7.5 % (constdeiing··..I~se·"Qf< :nmnlX>W~~ as well a9'$itary enhancement) . . . '- ' ", ., : .. ' . .." "'ffie o. : . . ' ~~i . COmponents' of D!spen;;ers and "Refuners ~~e. .Im~, .~TT?,~ r~p~ed . mlrrtufaetur~ globally. The Last two -th~ year trend ·(s. 1q% ":1~% e~lf!ltiOFl : , ~" ' . ' . . . . . .thcludfri~ Exchange ~te Variance.·. : .' " .' . ' • ITl' general 5' % ~t escalation is. ~en' lri .oorjslde~1iOn ' for ' ~a ll ~ l ~eftl"~~s:. Unless , tnet:e. ~ some .ptecooditio·n::·ohfhe Pro.tect 1~~,·.~nqJlar re.r)J ' :~dotl' by MAFFFL is 7.5% . ~... . . . , .' . .. . j ' • 6 % revenqe ~fr:.e to alrporf'eperatdr' I~ ,~ ~n(ed .as per ex.:moossl~~g,r~~t~~~~it. • For the year'2014:-15, T~ee. mori~ :-e~)';s'~:is taken ori P·l!? ·~ basis, <. . .. . " • ~s.!)O Lacs pre 8War<;1 cost paid to:MAPFFL'is 'ch8r9~(t~'Revenue eXp~ In' tt\.~.. .First Tariff Y-eat. . . " .' . ... ". . . ' ; >'. . . . . rnnfirlontl"l_ T?,l"rff Pbn c .. h ...... icdnn A~DA CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 0000144 Page 14 of 50 .- • " I' , " (lr', Form B E3EFORE THE AIRPORTS ECONOMIC REGULATORY AUTHORITY OF INDIA AT NEW DELHI SUBMISSION OF PROPOSAL FOR DETERMINATION OF ANNUAL TARIFF FOR AND ON BEHALF OF: MIS ,B HA RAT STARS'SERVICES PVT. LTD. I, Akash Tiwariaged 45 Years resident of 0-2/101 , Bharat Petroleum Housing Complex, Sector acting in my official capacity as Chief Executive Officer in M/s·Bharat Stars Services Pvt. Ltd. having its reqistered office at Aviation Fuelling Station, IGI Airport, Shahbad Mohammedpur , N ew Delhi -110061 do hereby state and affirm as under that: -56, Noida , ' 1. That I am duly authorized to act for and on behalf of Mis Bharat Stars Services Pvt. Ltd. in the matter of-making this submission 'before the Airports Economic 'Regulation Authority of India , New Delhi (the Authority'); 2. I am competent to, make this submission before the Authority; 3. I am making this submission in my offi cia I capacity and 'the 'facts stated herein are based on official records; 4. The contents of the Annual Tariff Proposal submission \Vhich inclUde inter alia (if Estimated Maximum Allowed Yield por Unit and the ,propo.sed detailed break-tip of Tarlff(s) (ill context to Estilliated Maximum Allo'tved Yield per Unit where detem,ined by the Authority) where the Authority has specifi€ d ' a price cap approach , for the duration of the Control Period, pursuant to Clause 3.2; OR Proposed detailed break-Up of Tariff(s) based on Clause 11.2 where the Authority has specified a light touch approach for the duration otthe Control Period, pursuant, to Clause 3.2 (stn'keout whichever is not applicable), and (ii) Justifications are correct- and true to my knowledge and belief and noth,ing material has e n Concealed there from. ~W .. ,(); , Akash Tiwari ' Chief Executive Officer ·c.· .0." . ,- Place: t-Jo (bA . Date: 22 '7::SQ",,'z.:,U 0000145 CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 Page 15 of 50 Pages which May be uploaded on Website SI No. 1 2 3 4 Form No. Form - F1 (a) Form - F1 (b) Form - F6 Form - F7 G Form - F8 (a) 6 Form - F8 (b) . 7 Form - F10 (a) Form - F10 (b) Form - F10 (d) 10. Form - F10 (e) 11 Form - F11 (a) 12 Form - F12 (d) 13 Form - F13 ·(a) ·8 9 14 Form - F·14 (a) 15 16 Form - F14 (b) Description Historical and Proposed Acoreuate Revenue Requirement Competition Assessment Contributions Grants and Subsidies Master Format for Identifvino Regulatory Asset Base Format tor providinqAsset-wise information of stake holder contributions Format for providing proposed exclusions from RAB Capital Projects Completed before Review of roll-forward of RAB Capital Expenditure Projected Plan- 10 Year Maste r Summary Statement of Expenses Capitalized Additional Capital Projects Summary Employee Strength Historical and Protected fuel throughput in kilolitres Historlcal Tariff(s) and Revenue from Requlated Service. . . Annual Tariff Proposal for Tariff Year t providing Information on EMAY Annual Tariff Proposal for Tariff Year t providing Information on Tariff(s) Format for Format for 17 Form - F17 18 Form - F18 Revenues from Regulated Services recovered during the Tariff Year Revenue from Services other than Regulated Services recovered durmq the Tariff Year 19 Form - F21 RAB Reconciliation Statement . . , \. ,i 0000146 CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 Page 16 of 50 r: "---J ~ - ~ ~ ~ v v ~ ~ --.., ~' v V ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 ) '--' " MULTI YEAR TARIFF PROPOSAL AERA ANNEXURES ~ <::;) <::;) e;:, ~ ~ ~ BHARAT·STARS SERVICES PVT. LTD. . Regd. Office : Aviation Fueling Station, IGI Airport, Delhi-110061 Mumbai Office: CSI Airport, Santacruz, Mumbai CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 Page 17 of 50 0 -~-~~~v~ •• v •• o.vu~~ g Form F 1 (a) Historical and Proposed Aggregated Revenue Requirement INR Million Last available S.N. Aggregated Revenue Requirement ~ audited Year Tariff Year 4 NA Aggregated Revenue Requirement Tariff Year 'S 47.52 111.86 TheARR for Tariff Year 4. is.onl:; for three montns only. 'v ~ C) ~ c::::» .-.. ~ CO t" ">, CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 '---' ~ \ --..J Page 18 of 50 ~ r \ ---~~WVWW~U <:: ---- Form 1 (b) .M Competition Assessment' SI.No. ••• ~~UQeOQa ~ ~ ; Details ofCornpetltlve Facilities a BharatStars Services Pvt Ltd 2 Indian Oil Sky tanking Pvt Ltd .. - There are two ITP service pro:viders and hence it is a competitiveservice. y e:::t c:;::) c:;) c;:) ~ ~ CQ CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 Page 19 of 50 ---~~vvv~v.u~~w~~ ~ Form F2; Historical and Projected Ba~ance Sheet: S.N. Particulars 2014-15 2015-16 cn:.r;o u3·5 0 0.00 Sourcesof Funds· Sharaholdel3 Funds Share. Capftal - ShareApplleatfon. Money Re!lervRS & Surplus SharePrnmlum 0.00 0.00 0.00 P& l aIc-Open Balance 0:00 -9 .07 AddIfion During the year -Q.07 2<;.4 2 n ·4<: 0.00 8"l.8r; Ul\S8CUred Loans CapitalGrants - Loan Fund SeaJred loan DeferredTax Uability Sources Of Funds 0.00 .. - - 157.8 8 213.7 0 Gross.Block Less : Depredation 168.5 0 <;.66 226.1~ Net Block Caplt:ilWork In ProgreSs 162.84 2 07 .42 . - Deferred Tax Assets Currant Assets & Loans & Advancos SUndry Debtoo;. - - CashandBank Balanc:os 4.07 Total IApplicatlon of Funds FIxed Assela ~ <::> <::> e;, ...-. en lnvntments ~ . 1.1<; 18 .7' . 4-86 15. 2, InvenlOl1es - - 0.00 0 .00 <::22 20 .09 Current Uablfdles 10.17 1,.81 Provisions Total Net Current Assela 0.00 10.17 t'o. Other Current Assets loans lind Advances Total Lass: CUrrent UabilltJas & ProvisIons Total APpllcallon at Funds 0.00 -4-9 6 13. 81 6 .28 157·88 21 3.70 ~ r> CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 \.....- . ~' Page 20 of 50 o ,n ~- (; , ~ - ~ - ~ v ~ ~ ~ g -1 .......... ' • •• ~. ~ u ~ ~ ~ 0 0 Q u J <:» FORM 3: Historical & Projected Profit and loss Account S.N. A :l 2 3 b :l 2 3 4 C D E F G H \ J Particulars Revenue Revenue from Regulated Services Revenue Sharing Expenses Revenue from Other Than Regulated Services Operating Expenditure payroll Costs Admin. Gen. Cost Utilities & Outsourcing Cost Repair & Maint,& lIP Cost Earning Before Interest, Depreclatlon and Tax Depreciation & Amortization Earning Before Interest and Tax Interest and Finance Charges ProfitiLoss Provision for Taxation Profit/l.oss After Taxation Balance Carried to Balance Sheet 2014-15 2015-16 27.97 (1.68) 117.76 (7.07) - - 9.94 12.76 0.21 2.94 0.44 5.66 · '(5:22) 2.20 (7.42) (7.42) (7.42) 32.12 14,37 0.93 12.70 50.58 13.07 37.51 10.06 27:45 2.91 24.55 Z4.55 The above data for Tariff Year 4(2014-15) is only for three months only. t ~ e;::, ~ .... Q Ul ...... CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 Page 21 of 50 ~~~~VV~~~WW~~~~~~O r Form F4: PROJECTED CASH FLOW STATEMENT PARTICULARS e:" c:::> c ee e:-. ton N 2 °14--15 A. Cashflow from operatlnq activities Net Profit BeforeTax -Adjustmentsfor: Depreciation loan Interest Expenses Other income Pre Operative CharqesWritten off ' Operatinq Profit BeforeW.e. Chances Adjustmentfor: (Increase){Decrease in Current Assets Increase{(Decrease) in Current Llabllities Cashqenerated from operations IncomeTax Paid1(Refund) Net Cash Generated 'from operations B. Cashflow from investinq activities Acquisition of fixed assets Net Cashfrom{(used in) investing activities 2015-16 (7.49) 27.46 5.66 2.20 0.00 0.00 0.37 13.07 10.06 0.00 0.00 50.59 (1.15) 10.17 9.40 , 0.00 9.40 (3.69) 3.63 50.53 2.91 47.52 (168.50) (168.50) (57.65) (57.65) 73.45 93.50 0.00 (2.20) 10.40 20.00 0.00 (10.06) e. Cash Flow From Financinq.Activlties Increase/(Decrease) in loans Increase in Equity Dividend paid Interest paid Share Issue & Pre-Op Exp Net Cash from{(used in)financinq activities Net increasef(Decrease) in cash Opening balance of cash & equivalents Closing balance of cash & equivalents 164.75 5.65 0,00 5.65 20.34 10.31 5.65 ' 15.96 , ~, The above data for Tariff Year 4(2014-15) is on.1y for.three months only. ,- CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 '-- - . - ' "' Page 22 of 50 A'h 'oW - - ....,. r---. --~~ vvw w~· . e 9~ U~ •• Q @ O ~ \.~: "''''''./ Form F5 Cost of Equity and Post FROR I i !High Low Gearing 40% :1.2% 8% 8% Pre Tax Cost of Debt [Risk Free Rate Equity Risk Premium Beta Post Tax Cost of Equity Post Tax FROR ~6% 12% 8% 10% 1.26 21% 1.4% 14% 0·97 . ' 80% csnmate 49% :1.2% ·8% 9% 1.17 19% 15% Low 50 % :1.2% 6% 8% 0·97 ' 1.4% 13% . High 80% 1.4% :1.0% 10% 1.26 22% 16% 49% :1.2% 8% 9% 1.17 19% 1,5% e:::t <:::> c:::> c::;) ........ ut e,.., CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 Page 23 of 50 ...... '-VI In '-O\il} "'Oil" IYlilI:>.e .. '-' ~~~~VVVUY~~U~UUUV~ Q INR Million Last available Particulars Un Secured Loans auditedYear Tariff Year 4 ,.----- Repayment durinq the Year Interest payment durinq the year ' Outstanding at the end of year Secured Loans ' Openinq Balance Additions durino the year Repavrnentdurinq the Year Interest payment durinq the year Outstandinq at the end of year Tariff Year 5 - - - - - - N. - A. 73.45 10.40 73.45 - 2.20 73.45 10.06 83.85 Information in respect of-all Loans ~ c:;:) C> Il:) .-. c.n ~ :I. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 , 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 ,:1.6 17 ],8 :1.9 ZQ Particulars Source Type of Loan (PSlWC) If PS, then indicate the projectl Apportionment to a project Total Loan Amount Sanctioned Loan Tenure Interest Type (Fixed/ Floating) IfFixed Interest, rate of Interest BaseRate, if Floating Interest Marqin, if Floatinq Interest Are there any Caps/Floor? if above is yes, specify caps/floo r Moratorium Period, Moratorium effective from Repayment Period . Repayment Start Date Repayment Frequency Arrangement Fees Outstandinq Loan Loan 1 .. ,I : , Bank Loan 2 Bank Loan 3 Bank P$ PS PS 73.45 gYears 10.40 9Years Floating 12% 10% 66.15 9Years Floating 12% 10% 0 . ' 0 0 24 ·Months Jan-15 Floating 12% 10% 0 0 0 24 Months J~m-15 ! \ 7, Years . Jan-17 Quarterly . 20 Lacs Upfront Fees . ; NA , I Qtl'H:r terms 0 0 0 24 Months Jan-15 7 Years ' Jan-17 Quarterly . 7 Years Jan-17 Quarterly NA NA NA NA "" r>. CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 ', ,--) ----- t Page 24 of 50 ~ ~ r: \..-/ ~~~~~~VVVVV~VVVUUU~ ~ '\ ' ---J Form F6(b) Summary Statement of Interest: and Finance Charges INR Million . Statement of Interest and Finance charges S.N. Al Particulars Interest Charges 0!1 Government Loans and Advances Government Loans Tariff Year 4 Tariff Year 5. - Bonds Foreign Currency Loans ' Debentures Total - - - - - - - - Interest on Long Term Loansl Credit from Fls/Banks/Organisation A approved by the Government Un Secured . B Secured 1 Loan from Bank Total 0 .2 ~~ cl> C) ;.: CJp , 2.20 . 2.20 2.20 Total a-z U . B C D E· F G. H Cost of Raising Finance and bank Charges .Grandtotal Interest and Bank charges (A+B) Less; Interest and bank Charqes capitalised Net of Interest and Bank charges . Interest on Working Capital Loans Other Interest Charges · Total Interest and Finance Charges debited to P & ~ alc(E+F+G) 2.00 4.20 ' . 10.06 10.06 1'0.06 1'0,06 - - 4.20 10.06 - - 4.20 10.06 - ~. CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 Page 25 of 50 0 ..... ...... y ..J .....,. ""--" "-J '-' <;» v --.. ..., v y I(J 'W-" '.J ....., '-" '<iF w:' "J , .,. f'. . .: "-~ Form 6( C): Contributions, Grants and subsidies Master ..... . '" • • •• • 0• . . ' ' -.'- - -. " 'M_ .-.-., -.• - ." .- - ' -. ~ •• . . _, .•• -.- .•..• --.-_. u ~. - . - · . _ . ·. · ..... • ·.· _ ~ source Particulars INRMiliion ' -.q, "', . ........- .......',.- -. ~ _.u .~ " .~ Tota l Amount . • ',,;"l.::,-.• ~ ~::-. -~ , ' .... . .. .. 'w " m ' • •:.:.:.:,'.;....• •.. .... •. ..• ..• .... .-.pJ ••-;•••;." ;. ~ -~ _ .'~· ~ ..,. ~."':'" ......... ...'.. . · . :..~ H;> f t _ • ..-.. _·~ .. ..: , .:.._ ,.-.. . - _..v' .:.._.;..... :" ;" , - ........ -~ ..... Add ...~_ '......, .';.:. 3 ;.:•••~ • ..:•.• :-.,·.:.': ~;. ~!' ;; Tariff yearS OB CB 93.50 . 93.50 .CB · Add - 93.50 93.50 . -: . :,~~,~ . :~~~~4~ii&L1E~~;~1ZWtlit*diA~tt~0~*f~!f}ie~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~l~~~~l.!D~,~ :r :~.r·:i. , . Sou ~ce Particulars ....-- __. . -.. ..,- .·_.,.... 113.50 N.A. Equity :~, ~ _~, ., ~. : ~ .:_~ /~.: ~ ~ ~. ~. ,_ Tariff year4 OB Bharat Stars Services Pvt. Ltd. ..... Total Amount Tariff year4 OB Add Tariff yearS CB ~1f'\T .. ...... ADDI I('ART OB Add CB I ~ I - I ",""UJ,J...w I "'-"I'''''''' ~ -j I ',;: -,:'.' ".' ... . ....:~ :. ~ . : .;.: ':.;::-::.-;: :.. ';' ..:~- '...>~....:;. ;:~~; ~ ;:~i,- ::r:,':~;. ;;;.-..! ::~:;t: ~,;::. .':::;:; ;<;.' ;: :~•.-~7;~~~::. .~ ~~~ ;;;:/.~ . ~,.:~1·~~~:;n: {:-;t..~ :::~~ ~ ~~ ;«-~~~~ ~~~~-~!t<"~t.":t'~t~~<; :;-.;.~.:,;w,s. ~ ~~;;-~ ~~;,;._;~~ ~ !tt...= Particulars . .Source Total Amount Tariff year4 OB I· I Add ;·;::.,:..... ··: . ~'*_ ,...:~ Tariff yearS OB CB NOT APPLICABLE Add CB - e:::t C) C) v ~ I-"' ut c:n CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 '----' Page 26 of 50 '<IP ..." '"" y '"'" v V v VVV~JUUUl'B ·.~Q.·. r · v ;.'\ ott@~ 0\ ':; i Q1l 1 Form 7: Format for Identifying Initial Regulat ory Asset base '1:..-_"_0_" -' • ".'." . -' .,.,.c....: "O'-,.,·"'",.,,"" '-<W.;.<X<ii&f.~~-m.Fr:K'f.f4~;$t£t4.lliil:fF·i" ' '' · •. ;: :;:.:~.» 7 ; · •• ~ - -;-:.- ' - .. .. - ,~ , ~:.: :,,:, .-,-~~ J ::·:.:r c-·:-;:~' ':"·'''.·;.··,:::·· ~;;:';O;-'~:::'~:..;.>:':::7;:':'"~-''7'''~'7 Asset name Asset Type Description ofthe e Asset S.N. ,".." ~ _ . ,, ....., )eM: ....., :......i·.~ ;.~ ...-.....~;.:r; -~_:-, ~."£. :::..; . ;-.:.~.~v:·:;,.,...:.;lo:;~·-:-· ,~:·:-::·;<- · - ···;:··.: ....';~;;,;=,....~~!;s::: ..; :'::;:~'::,..:;:;:Y,.~~;;. ...·i: :.:!;::;::~ t'~;"::: ;"~"-"::·i·;;,.!> ~ '~ ~ V NV -~ ~ ~~~)i.:..::.:;. ...--e.:.~::~~.:; .: ,(, --.:.:~~ ~ ...;~'.~~~.....:,: ~::, Z':.; .,.;.:.. .,.~....._; .•.. ,',_ ,": :.._ ~~"j ;: ;"".JX >rx..+J.~-fII."t~-; ~" ~;" :"" : Corrunission Date Useful Life Original Costof Asset ".,; .", '. .., ... , ._ 1 2 3 4 5 I I I I. NA v Co:) C) ~ C':) ..-.. e.n -..1 . CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 .:.... ,~ '. Depreciation Rate Accumulated Depreciation .. r Page 27 of 50 ~ -----~~v.~v.~ •• •• ~ U ~ O Fonn 8(a): Fonnat for providing Assetwlse Infonnation of stakeholder conbibution "Defa1l's of; Ug.~: t~ ¢QHttl tiQttofiteoi:it If~U~(:· ·: ' ~ ~:~>:::~~) ~~~~ ~?~ :.t.·: ::~ ~3j~ ~: }t~~ti:1.~~~~~ ·~~~Y~·fr-§~~~tt*~/;· ~t~F£~7Iili ~~;~}111£~t. ~ ~· i¢+%fl~;~;}{ tt~{Krrat.Ef.?~~~;1~;i~/?)~? /:A~r?: ~ :~~f~ :":~ ;~;,:.~~;::~~:::~:. ; <.:..., Contribution name S.N. J. Grant 2 Extent of User Contribution approved Asset name. forthe Project AssetA AssetB Actual Accumulated Tenure for Contribution Collection Year of User Contribution : till beginning of approval collection Previous Year Collection Accumulated CoII~lon estimated till the beginning of the First Tariff year Total Collection Proposed in Tariff Year 4 Total Collection Proposed in Tariff Year 5 3 Development Fee 4 I I NA I I I 1 I 1 I j I I ~ ~ ~ c::> c;::) """""" en 00 ...-..... CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 '---., .---- Page 28 of 50 O Q 0 o --~ ~W~~W~ ••• .-.. ~V8u e J -~I ----- Form F8 (b): Format for proYidlng proposed exclusions-from HAB . S.N. BookValue Asset Na me Accumulated Depreciation Justifications for exclusion AnyLand associated with asset 2 NOT.APPLJCABLE , ~ <::> ~ c::::> ~ Q I-&. ~ CO CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 " .:. . ,.-. . .", .....,. Ifyes, Details of land 1 3 4 5 ..--.... ,,~' Page 29 of 50 .-.. "-" "-..J ......, '-'" ......, '-....l v w V l;J V v.w~ .. 9V~ ~~~ Form 9 : Formats for Forecast and Actual Roll Forward Rab " .~ Ma!:lfl _. . .., . .. ·.'.· ·< ~ : ·~~ ~"Je:~}~~;~fo~l'&¢j$uiS1.:go.il$]P~iipa J.il-»~e1~1'~~'3 ":; :- . .;:" Last available S.No. Particulars audited Year Tariff Year 4 Opening RAB Building. A · · · · Beetricallnstallation Furniture & Fixtures BuildinQTemporary - OfficeEQui~ment Vehicles General P&M Computer & IT Pheripherals IAdditions WlP ~apltallsatlon Buildings ~ . - · EleCl r ;ca l lnsta li ation Furniture & Fixtures Building Temporary OfficeEquipmerrt Vehicles Genera!P&M Computer& ITPheripherals Total (B) ) M6 162.84 · - - 47.85 4.80 · 57.8& · -- ~ · · - ·- - · · Total (Cl D 0.48 0.48 1.68 0.45 154.64 4.65 5.00 0.50 0;50 2.00 0.50 159.70 4.80 0.50 168.60 DisposalfTransfer .....,l;,. . · Total (A) B TariffYear 5 · [Depreciation Charge ~ E · Building, EleCl rical lnsta!lation 0.08 0.05 0.05 0.63 0.10 11.63 0.46 0.08 13.07 0.02 0.02 0.32 0.05 5.06 : 0.15 0.04 &.68 Furniture & Fixtures Building Temporary Office Equipment Vehicles General P&M c.omputer & IT Pherioherals Total (D) IClosing RAB (MB-e-o) 1----------1 Buildings Electr;callnstallation ~ F um i tu re & Fixtures Building Tempol>lry OffiCe Equipment 4.92 0.43 1.68 I 1.05 0.36 190.B6 0.45 I 154.64 I " .0::;1 0.46 I 162.84 t Vehicle' a~_""" tomputer Sc 11 l''he~phera)s Total (E) ~ ;''1O :' .::Ayerag'''RAB o, . ;x; •,· '> O '' :,,"""..•. 6''' ''''''< • 0.48 I 0.48 I ~ I CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 S§WZ; 0.43 1v ~ 0.38 . 2<17.42 *~ ~ .~ <:> Page 30 of 50 JC ~ ~~~~~~UUUUVU~WW'WUWO~O r> \ ..) Q ~ '-~ Form F10 (a)-Capital Projects Completed before Current Review for Roll Forward of RAB Project Details S.N. Projected Capital Expenditure Project name . Project Type' Commn. Date - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Capex Tariff Year 4 Commn C Date ! Actual Capital Expenditure Project name Project Type Tariff Yeara ' . Commn. Date Capex 4~ 1 ~ ~ 2 3 4 5 _ 6 7 WIP , Project Details ,...a. Capex Project 1 Plant Startup .Cost Project 2 . Dispensers ( P & M) Furniture and Fixtures Project 3 Veh icles Project 4 Computers ' Project 5 Office Equipments Project 6 Buildings Project 7 ~ ::S.N. WIP Tariff Year 5 Commn C Date Proiect i Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Project 5 Project 6 Project 7 Commn -C Date WIP Capex. Tariff Year 2 Comm n . C Date WIP Plant Startup Cost Dispensers ( P s, M) Furniture. and Fixtures Vehicles Computers Office Equipments I I Buildings I ~. CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 -------- - - - - -.--__ .- - - Page 31 of 50 0 ..... , '\ ....,. '-' "'-J "'-' '-/ ';,;.' '# 'V 'J-17/?WV Y'l v~ ~ ~ ~ Form'F10[b) Capital Expen<flllJre Project Plan 10YearMastar :. :·;;·:;.:i': ~ ( ' " S.N. : . • , p ( Olo:IrtJ),~ I I ~~~;;;.:: ~· ·.: · · ~ : : ; :: :::· ~ ~ ~ : l« :~ t~: : ~~:~~~:8:::~~: ~ ;;').~ :.J% ~, ~~ ~~~¢»1~;;P A ~~rnl,~ ~)1 (IJ·o;:o.a ~~....ctf-~r::~ %~~0: ~0'~~.~~~~~~X Anll1cLaI Y.ar before Co<n . TarlffYear 1 TCAPEX TCOMM W1P ProjS'Ctname P roleaT ~ Project 1 1C3pe;< Tar!!r-Ye.. ~ Com. ~ Fln All .... Dispe.-.l ReI 09 D 10 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 0 18 019' 02 0' .06. .06. .06. .07. 07. 07. .07. .07. .08. .10. 7.00 16.06.10 7.00 .16.06.10 7.00 16.06.10 7.00 13.07.10 7.00 14.07.10 7.00 14.07.10 5.50 29.07.10 6.95 29.07.10 5.96 30.0&A'0 6.21 0611"0.10 7.0n 1<00 ~ 1/6.60 ( \ / 6.60 \'-' Refuell er" RefueUer" . Dispenser Dlspen.ser / Dispenser L Dispenser ./ Refu ell el"'. / . lIP Depot Dlsllllflsel'$ others/Cart O)Spensers others/Cart IOis2ensers others/c'l!rt / Dispensers otherslCart 1/ Dispenser Dispenser / / ..1 ./ n ./ IJeX ( ./ '\ ( J \ ,..,x ./ \C.,.I . TirIlIYn,2 / W1P [g\'loox IFln AiI Com. Cdste IWIP / / 1'-' ./ ". / \, / \. J IX ' • .; / / / 1/ / / / / / / 7.60 . 7.50 7.60 7.so 10.00 20.20 / 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 / ~ c:: - /. -..-. "-' / C1) O'l!e r pla_ and the 10_ dalO0100u....1)' t. 31.CO.2011 l'\;; TCAPEX lTCOMM Prclect t IWIP 30.66 16.61 Computers F &F Electricallnstanations Office Equpim enls Infrastructure Development ~.t "PMumbM ~~\\ ~ ~~ Apron Vehicles r 63 .17 Dispenser Refueners I 1'I\01~~'C&rO·ml.\l!@ lijj ~Clj:Y!" ~~ ~ ~ TarfffYear1 I · . ,.,..... .r2 lFinAll ICom. lCda lo lWlP lca_ IAn ~ lcom. ICdato IWIP bTSpefk&Qrs/ Ref Existing Fleet of OMCs Purchased From HPCL Puretlased From BPCL Puretlased From IOeL r ca_ 17.00 30.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 2.00 17.85 27.00 4 : 8 0, 5. 0 0 \ 4.80 I 3.00 ( .-...... CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 \ "--". . --...-' " Page 32 of 50 .; ,: tS-TOOOO .... Iii' Z Z 0 - -' ' en !>- Col\) "'0 CD Q) --J c..n X (Jl a. g c (=l E I\) 0' ;;; "'0 (l) CD x ~ a, :;: Equity Infusion User III -< User I ....Jlo ~ Uj' 0;: (D (") ~ II) III ::I• . :-":1f~ 'tJ -< !. :;: (l) ~ a Contribulion ....Jlo i+ . 2 . : ' ..: (D :J C. -. c .'; -I{-; ?1 Total Total Debt (D 5' ~ Contribution -< ...l» Ri:: ~ Accrual Equity Infusion ... o 0 ro ~ Internal Internal Accrual o -~ NCD(") §: ro (") "Tl $l5 ' o :::J III '3 (D ' 0 :::J I\) 0 :::J l)} :::J - ~ 0 ""0---4 I\) _ 0 -0 _ ---4 m - 0 ...""0 (j) ""0 (j) pt. J g Debt ... :~ (D ~~ s ~ Equity Infusion :;: -< User ...en ~ so (Q -a ::I: ...en ~. User i ~ 1-: ~ .: $~ AI ;; -. ( ~ j~ ; i ~ Total ~ Debt Total Debt :1 ~: ( ). c J, ~l i a a Accrual ~ Equity Infusion ::1, :;: -< III User ...100) ~ Contribution ! A) .~ ::I. ~ =: . ;: III a Contribution ... 100) € C ,~ ~' c t• I': a Total Total Debt ~ -I ~ p Equity a Infusion a User AI € ( a Internal Internal Accrual Ii ~: <::> a Debt ~. s , c .: ~ Internal Accrual Equity Infusion ) Internal <::> Accrual 0 (Jl - ~ III :], ::I: -< m User ..., I ,. ;n Equity Infusion $r User -< .,_ ro III Contrtbulion .... W,' III W Contribulion ~J "" z ;;;J CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 Total Debt _-1-- ' -'-- Tolal Debl , C , "f .... 1; a Contribution ( ( ~ j: User AI Contribution ( ( -I I: , Equity Infusion ... .... { ~ l» < =: -< III 0... o Internal Accrual ~ a, ( !.... ~ Total Equity Infusion :J :J s Debt Internal Accru al (). i' -< III a Contributlon . Total Debt (Jl n 't ::I. AI Contribution II) :J l ~ User (ll S' ,~ , Equity · Infusion :l. ." 11 ~ Internal Accrual Internal Accrual 5; Page 33 of 50 - - J ~- ~ ~ ~v~ u uuu uuuvvuu .u ~oo o Form 1 O(d).Sum~ary ~ Statement of Expenses Capit~lised INR Million S.N A B C 0 Particulars Tariff Year 4 Tariff Year 5 - - Interest & Finance Charges Capitalis.ed Cost of Ralslnq the Funds & Bank CharQes Other expenses Capitalised Employee Expenses Administrative Expenses Pre Award Cost Total expenses Being Capitalised - - - - - - 0.00 . 0.00 y e::t C) e:;:, e:;:, ......... C1) ~ r> CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 x.; . --./ Page 34 of 50 .......", -... r-. - ..... '-' -...r '-" ........ v \....;' vvuvvv~w~~~~~~ e r> \ Form 10(e) Additional Capital Project~Uinmary ~! ... ~~ ~~ ~ i-';:~;~ J.<=·<:<1-;~;';f· ~ -~>:' i ;:J:,:", .~>~~ " c:-r'---~--;-~jWJl.-'''''"''' ''>H~' :' ';' ~' 0:0'74.§:,~qmWk'" J"'''"'=:", ~" ·'::~ii:JI~"":'-"~~·'14-l': :': ~1:'~....-r~'Si S.N. Particulars ~ ~ ~ ~ TariffYear 4 . Tariff-Year 5 Opening WIP Assets E . Building Plant & Machinev Electrical Installation Furniture & Fittings Startup Expenses Vehicles F C) c:> ~ Additlons - WIP Assets Building Plant & machinev Electricalln'stallation Furniture & Fittings Startup Expenses Vehicles I c::Y ~ G WIP capltansatron Building Plant & machinev Electrical Installation Furniture & Fittings Startup Expenses Vehicles H Closing WIP.Assets Building Plant & machinev . . Electrical Installation Furniture & Fittings 0') c.n y Startup EXp<:fnses Vehicles CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 / Page 35 of 50 ~ n - ...... '-" 'o;f ' ~ -- V V "...J ., U v 'iii' ~ 9 I!III' U " ~ ~ ~ ~' Form F11 (a) Empl9yee Strength S.N. A Particulars with Detailed Breakup Tariff Year 4 QC NOC Maint 51 Head -Other( accounts) f-. ~ ~A - e> Department wise Part time Employeel Contractual Employees ~ Engineering & OC Administration & Accounts L- - 45.00 20.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 ' . - 45.00 20.00 . '. 5.00 5.00 1.00 ' 1.00 ~ - - 77.00 77.00 . - - , . Operational 10". Tariff Year 5 . - Department wise Full time Employee f-' - - . - Y" r-. CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 i",--" , \ <:» Page 36 of 50 'I ' ~ . ,.,., '"" ....,; 'Y" V ~ U W V U U W V V ~ . ~• . • r> ~~W.~. Q ;'~) \'J -~ Form F11 (b) Payroll Related Expenditure & Prqvisions INR Million . S.N. 1 2 3 Particulars with Detailed Breakup Tariff Year 4 Man Power Cost Grand Total Employee Expenses Capitalised Net Employee Expenses (1-2) ' Tariff Year 5 9.94 32.12 32.12 9.94 - .9.94 32.12 - - The above data for Tariff Year 4(2014-15) is only for three months only. C> ~ e,::, C) c::') ~ ~ -.J CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 Page 37 of 50 ' .',,>! "'" ".... ~~~~ VUU UU~UU~~~~Q~@~ -,:;~ Form 11( c);Administration and -General Expendit r · INR Million , S.N. Particulars-with detailed break up Administration Charges Rent Communication Expenses Travelling and Conveyance Business Promotion & Advertisement 4 5 Printing and Stationery 6 Recruitment 7 Computer - . H_S ..s.E.Costs 8 9 Bank Charges 10 Festival Expenses 11 Mis Expenses 12 Rates & taxes B Consultancyl Advisory Expenses . 1 other Professional Charoes A 1 2 3 C Tariff Year 4 Tariff Year 5 I Pre Award Costs Total Less; Expenses Capitalised Net Administrative And General Exp 3.79 - 0.10 0.08 0.08 0.13 0.03 _ 2.10 0.05 1.23 0.12 9.43 0.43 0.32 0.320.54 0.11 1.00 1.00 0.08 0.22 0.07 0.52 0.08 0.32 - " 5.00 12.76 14.37 12.76 12.76 14.37 14.37 v o c:> c;:) ..... c:;) 0:. C1Q CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 ,~ \<:> , , \ <::» Page 38 of 50 8 -~" <~ ~~~~VVVUUUU~~~OQOO@ r> , , ~, ._ j '"-,,,,; Form F 11(d) Repair & maintenance & ITP EXpenditure INR Million S.N. Particulars With Detailed Break up TariffYear 4 Tariff Year 5 A Building - B Plant cSt .Machinery (Dispensers & Refuellers) Electrical Installation Furniture & Fittings Vehicles Running Consumables (Capsules & Filter Elements) Repair & Maint (other than Disp. & Ref.) 0.38 C D E F j Grand Total <: ~ 1.62 - - - 6.42 4.32 0.35 12.70 1.49 1.00 0.08 2.94 The above data for Tariff Year 4(2014-15) is only for three mor.ths only. c=- ~ ~ C) c:> ~ en U) CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 Page 39 of 50 l ~\ --... '-' ~ ~VVUU U U U U U D O Q a . o O g · o@ ~ Form F 11 (e)Utilities & Outsourcing Expenditures ' INR Million S.N. A Utilities Cost Power Charges Units Consumed effective Unit rate, Power Costs 24600, 8 0.20 1750 10.00 ' 0.02 Others Conservancy .Charges c:: <:: - Tariff Year 4 Tariff Year 5 Water Charges Units Consumed effective Unit rate Water Costs -- - Particulars With Detailed 'B reak up B c; 1 2 3 101211 8.40 0.85 7000.00 10.80 0.08 a Department wise Outsourcing Costs Airfield Services & facilities Terminals Maintenance Cleaning, 0 0 ,0 0 0 '0 0 Grand total Utilities &, Outsourcing Expenses Capitalised , Net Utilities & Outsourcing Expenses 1-2 0 0:21 0 0.93 0.21 0.93 0 17/ CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 r> . .. , ',--, -..-/ i - -~ Page 40 of 50 ~ ~ - r>: .. -......--' . Form F 11 (f) Other Outflows "ir V~ U UUO~ (J 0 <>, I --.J '. S.N. Particulars With Detailed Break up , Tariff Year 4 Tariff Year 5 t· . . : ; , ; : I . I ; , Q' c::::J . . .. _ .... A I" _ I · ,...u ........·• • ' " A • r. • .... Lol ' - r " U L-L I ; c;:) .-.. -.:z c;:) ; ~ ; : ; ~ CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 Page 41 of 50 r<' --- '-.-' ~v uu uu u u u u o o a G o o o o o o . e Form F 11 (g) Current Assets & Liabilities lNR Million S.N. . B I ~ c:::> 11 C> e:;:, ~ -....:z Particulars Current Assets &Loans & Advances Sundry Debtors Cash and Bank Balances Loans and Advances Inventories Others Total A .. Current Uabilities & Provisions Current Liabilities . Sundry Creditors Liabilities towards Suppliers Tariff Year 4 Tariff Year 5 1.15 4.07 0.00 4.86 15.23 0.00 '5.22 .20.09 10.17 13.81 Provisions Total"B(I + II) 10.17 13.81 e " :qt:;'i'~""""'~-M~·s :e" >~~·s ·:1i"~~;m:'ff~~e~~;}1'!t%:;~"W <""'1~ t#lJ~mr.fi,.,.t:l:~ 6~ ~1,?--pm C· :<~;,t._/;:;.in· .~ :~ ...lI.~l 1" ~i~>Y1J~~~..[Gt~~=!~~~,. M~~~i. . ~-=~~~~05~ ,~~~,}:~~~1r.~~~~J" - ~ "'=~~~~ .. . . i";,. -. 'f /"""-, , J CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 ' ' ' ' '- . .~ I .:» Page 42 of 50 Q ~ ~ '-~ . Form F12{a)~ '-' -:» ""-" v u General UV\.J ~ .\iJ @ g 9 (i) G e · €): \...-) ~ ;I Historical and Projected Cargo volumes in tonnes Loaded Perisable Valuable. other General Unloaded Perlsable Valuable other General International .Load ed Perisable Valuable other General Unlo aded Perisable Valuable other Forecast error correction ban d . 20 ° 3-0 4 200 4-0 5 2005- 0 6 2006 -°7 20°7 - 0 8 2 0 0 8 -0 9 2009-10 i~ ~' ~) Domestic Year v v / '. ~ NOTAPPLICABLE , I 2 010-1.1. 2011.-1.2 2 0 n-1 3 2 0 1.3-14 2 °14-15 201.5-1 6 2 016-17 2017<18 2018-19 2019-20 c:> tt=::jt' ~ <:::) .~ -Z ~ CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 ~ Page 43 of 50 -~~~~VVVYVV~~~u@~~ ~ Form F12 {b): Historical Aircraft Movements Year Domestic (Landing) Intermtional(Landing) . . 2003-0 4 200 4-0 5 2005~06 - Not Applicable 2006-07 2007-08 2008-0 9 - 2009- 10 20:10-11 .1r <:;:) <::) iC::) iC::) .....,.. .-...2 ~ CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 r' \.~ . -- ) -::» Page 44 of 50 l) <» ,",, ' .....; V 1.. .•' l,.,,/ ,----. ~j C) l) Ll 0 (.)' ---' Optimistic Most Likely 0 ~ 0 {) ~ 0 () I Mov~ments Internatlonal (Landinq) ' Domestic (Landing) Year' () ~ \ .......,: FormF12(c): Projected Aircraft t;} Conservative Optimistic Most Likely Conservative Forecast Error Correction band 2011- 1 2 2 012-1 3 201 3-1 4 2 0 1 4-1 5 N'ot Applicable 2015-16 2016-1 7 1 201 7-1 8 2018-1.9 . _~ 2 0 1 9-20 2020-21 Co:) e,:, Q o t- -..z tV ~ CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 Page 45 of 50 (1';). .....;.. - ~V ~ ·V UVU UU ·VUU~9 . 0 g00 ~ @ Form F12 (d) • Historical and Pr:-ojected fuel throughput in kilolitres , Domestic Fliqhts Intematlorial Flights Total - - Year ' Forecast Error Correction Band 200 3-0 4 2004-05 2005-0 6 2006-07 2007- 0 8 2008-°9 2009 -:10 201.0-:U 20ll~1.2 2012-13 2013 -:14 20:14-15 2 0:15 -1 6 20:16-17 20:17-:18 . ~ e::t e;::, e:t ........ 2018- 19 20 1 9- 2 0 . 403792.2 383863.2 39847.7.8 413603.4. 420589.5 425005.0 417389 .2 421563.1 425778.7 . 4300;36.5 434336.9 438680.1- 1038322.8 ' 987076.8 , 1024657.2 1063551.6' 981375.5 1052527.0 1074414.8 1085158.9 . 1096010.5 ,1106970.6 1118040.3 1129220.8 1442115.0 1370940.0 1423135.0 1477155.0 1401965.0 1477532.0 1491804.0 1506722.0 1521789.3 ' '1537007.2 1552377.2 1567901 .0 . Source : Industry Information ~ Q): ~ CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 ( "' ' ....--' ,------,1 • ---./ Page 46 of 50 G -- ~~ V UUVUUUVUUU~OOGoe r: ---- Form F 13 (a) Historical Tariffs an d Revenue from Regulated Services Particulars 20 ° 3 -<>4 PerUmt Tariff 20°4- 0 5 Per Unit Revenue Tariff 20°5- 0 6 Unit Revenue Tariff Per 2006-0 7 PerUnit Revenue Tariff 2007-08 Per Unit Revenue Tariff 2008-09 PerUmt Revenue Tariff 20 ° 9 -:1. 0 Per Un it Revenue Tariff Revenue FromRequlatedServices A 1. Tariff -a 2 Tarlff z 3 Tariff3 ~ e;:, *Beforethe award of ITP Tenderto ITP Agent, Into plane servke was provided by the Oil Supplier and the cost of service was included ~ inthe cost of fuel. '.•_,..... ., J . ~ .-.. C) -...z ~ CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 Revenue -~ Total Revenue e:;:, r... ..:~ :) \ ...> S.No. ~ ~ Page 47 of 50 f~ ----y~VVvVV~u~~~ ~, _ _ . ~ ~ 8 e J Form F 13(b)~ Historical and Projected revenues from services other than Regulat~d Services S.N. A 1 B 1 2 Particulars Revenue from Services other than Regulated Services Revenue from .,........ Other Revenue Revenue from Interest Income Revenue from any other source (Specify) Total Revenue Tariff Year 1 Tariff Year 2 Tariff Year 3 Tariff Year 4 Tariff YearS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 We do not expect any revenue from Services other than Regulated Services C) ~ ~ ~ e::;, ..-.. ...,z QQ (~ CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 \ '---- ' " <:> Page 48 of 50 9 ~~ - ___ v~vvvww~~ r> : •••• w~u f!} ~ r ~ -- l , '-.-/ Form F 14 (a): Annual Tariff Proposal For Tariff Year t· Format for providing information EMAY S.N. Particulars . Yield per Unit 2 Error Correction term (from vear t-z) 3 Estimated Maximum Allowed Yield (EMAY) Rs. PerKL Tariff Year 5 (Year t+:l) Tariff Year 4 {Yearn ' 1 223.13 233 .31 223.13' 2:43,11 :?:Js. J I 0 Jr The aboveyeild is arrived as per AERA Guideli,!13s tt e::t C' C:J ~ ~ ......:l c.o CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 Page 49 of 50 ..... - '"" __ . . . . , _ , . . . . V ~ ~ Y ' V ~ ' V B ' V3fW' ~ <,$ Annexure - II Form 14{b): Annual Tariff Proposal for Tariff Year 2014-15 & Tariff Year 2015-16 (Rs. In M/7/ions) Tariff heading 2014-15 Fuelling Defueling Redelivery Tariff heading 2015-16 Fuelling Defueling Redelivery Condl~ons of Tariff Applicable Discount/Surcharge Estimated Units Estimated Revenues . '. e.g. Tariff per KL of fuel e.g. Discount If paid within 15 day e.g. Through put In KL Tarlff " EStimated Units 198.00 Nil 124,938.585 24.74 Within 6 Hrs 200:00 210.00. Beyond 6 Hrs 200.00 Within 6 Hrs 250.00 Beyond 6 H~ Applicable Discount/Surcharge Estimated Units Estimated Revenues Conditions of Tariff e.g. Tariff per KL of fuel e.g. Discount if paid wIthin 15 day e.g. Through put In KL Tariff· Estimated Units Nil 504,751.883 104.94 207.90 210.00 Within 6 Hrs 262.50 Beyond 6 HT'l 210.00 Within 6 Hrs 262.50 Beyond 6 Hrs ·Total units to reconcile • Total estimated traffic forecast revenue consistent with Estimated Maximum Total e:t The Through put for the yea r 2<n4-15 is for three months only ~ C> ~ ~ cO 0 ' .4v 1~' CP No. 03/2015-16/MYTP/BSSPL/ITP/Mum/2014-15 ',--.: '. _ / Page 50 of 50 ~ ~~ \:'
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