Atholton Elementary School Panther Press 4/17/15 Dates to Remember 4/17 Spirit Day Celebrate Atholton Pride, wear AES spirit wear or colors 4/17 PTA Family Fun Scavenger Hunt 6pm—if weather permits 4/18 Earth Week Begins 4/20 Oakland Mills Middle School Parent Orientation 6:30 4/22 Earth Day at AES 4/22 Secretaries Day! 4/22 Preschool and Kindergarten Parent Workshop—Executive Functions 6:30 4/23 Sandy Spring Banking Day at AES 9-‐9:15 4/23 Family Fitness Night 4/24 Kindergarten Spring Visitation 1:00 4/30 PTA Cheeburger Cheeburger Restaurant Night 5-‐9pm (flyer needed) 5/1 Schools closed for students 5/4 Teacher Appreciation Week 5/7 Sandy Spring Banking Day at AES 9-‐9:15 5/7 Interim reports go home 5/8 Spirit Day—Hat Day 5/9 Board of Education Coffee and Conversation, Waverly Elementary 9:30 5/11 PTA Meeting 7pm 5/14 Field Day PTA The Atholton PTA is looking to fill several Executive Board and Committee Positions for next year. The time commitment is minimal and we really need your help! PTA plays a very important role in the Atholton Elementary community and many activities will be greatly impacted if positions are not filled. Please contact the current president, Amy Rushing, at to share your interest. Part 2 PARCC Students in Grades 3, 4, and 5 will take the second part of PARCC in May. Please do not schedule appointments on testing days. Grade 3 5/4 Math 9:30-‐11:00 5/5 Math 9:30-‐11:00 5/6 ELA 9:30-‐11:00 Grade 4 5/4 ELA 12:50-‐2:30 5/7 Math 10:35-‐12:35 5/8 Math 10:35-‐12:35 Grade 5 5/6 ELA 1:35-‐3:00 5/11 Math 10:20-‐12:20 5/12 Math 10:20-‐12:20 Thank You Volunteers! The Howard County Board of Education issued a proclamation designating the week of April 12 through 18, 2015 as Partnerships in Education and Volunteers Week in the Howard County Public School System. Thank you to all the volunteers who partner with us to make Atholton Elementary a great school! Please join us on the morning of May 28th when we will honor our volunteers. More information will follow. EARTH DAY WEEK AT AES This year's theme for Earth Day Week is "Earth-‐Friendly Transportation." We are using this theme to encourage our families and staff to engage in some Earth Day Week activities: • • Starting this weekend and running all week, through next weekend, AES families are encouraged to take 'selfies' of any Earth-‐friendly transportation they engage in to get somewhere, which could include walking, bike-‐riding, carpooling, or taking a bus. Selfies should include everyone involved and should be sent to Mrs. Simon in the front office ( She will print them out and put them on a bulletin board in our front hallway. Our goal is to fill up the board with pictures of our students and staff using Earth-‐Friendly ways to get around in our community. When you email your selfie to Mrs. Simon, be sure to explain the photo. An "Earth-‐Friendly Transportation" survey can be found in today's Friday folders. Please consider reading the directions to fill out one or more portion(s) of the survey. Each portion returned to school will serve as a submission for daily drawings during morning announcements. Surveys will get shared on announcements and posted on our hallway tree. We look forward to hearing how the families of our school consider the Earth while getting from one place to another. All students were presented this information by fifth grade Green Ambassadors during Thursday's lunch shifts. Students were told parents would also receive this information in the Panther Press. Thank you for participating in Atholton's Earth Day fun. As always, we will continue our Waste-‐free lunches, recycling, and our regular environmental instruction Have a wonderful Earth Day Week; hope you can get outside to enjoy NATURE! FAMILY FITNESS NIGHT Our annual Family Fitness Night is taking place on Thursday, April 23rd. This year, our event will focus on an Earth Day Game called Energy Savers that students will be participating in during Physical Education class. All parents/guardians are welcome to attend with their children. The activity will be appropriate for students in grades K-‐5. Please come prepared to exercise! If you would like to sign up for a time slot, please use the link below and be sure to include how many family members will be attending in a comment.‐family Please e-‐mail Mrs. Hlavka at if you have any questions or need help signing up. Keys for Reading Celebrate your child's reading achievements at the ballpark! Howard County Keys for Reading Weekend is April 24 -‐ 26th. Choose the game that works best for your family! All your child needs to do is complete the front of 2015 Keys for Reading Ticket Voucher (bright orange) with three book titles they have read. Then, a parent/guardian must verify the information with a signature. The bookmark serves as the actual ticket, so do not lose it or throw it out! Redemption information is on the back of the voucher. Students DO NOT need to turn in the bookmark to homeroom teachers. Simply complete it, save it, and take it with you to the ballpark! Feel free to email with any questions concerning this program. Parent Workshops Presented by our School Psychologist and Counselor Dr. Ridgely and Mr. Tobin will present Session 2 of Executive Functions for Preschool and Kindergarten Students on April 22nd at 6:30 pm in the media center. This workshop will provide parents with strategies for helping their children develop self-‐control, manage frustration, develop flexibility, and develop organization skills. This is a series of workshops, each one with different content. Free babysitting is available. Middle School Orientations The Oakland Mills Middle School Parent and GT Orientation is April 20th at 6:30. Arrival for Walkers/Car Riders Students should not arrive to school before 9:00, except on rainy days when cars can use the bus loop from 8:50 to 9:00. Walkers/car riders should use the Atholton Park for drop off in the morning and pick up in the afternoon. Thank you for your assistance. PTA News The next AES Restaurant Night will be at Cheeburger Cheeburger on April 30th from 5-‐9 pm. Community Notices These events are provided to you as a service. They are not sponsored nor endorsed by the Howard County Public School. Hammond Community Green Festival Join us on Saturday, April 25th from 10am-‐2pm @Hammond High School 8800 Guilford Rd. Columbia, MD 21046 TONS of fun activities for kids of ALL ages! Live animals at our 11am and 12pm Scales and Tales programs! Awesome door prizes -‐ aquarium tickets, books, Larriland Farm gift certificates, and MORE! A performance by our very own Hammond Dramastics team at 10:30am! Tons of vendors -‐ build a planter to take home from Home Depot, meet the Chick-‐ Fil-‐A cow, play a game, meet and learn about bees and much, much more! Bring your old dried out markers, your old shoes, and your old plastic bags. All will be collected for recycling. For every pair of shoes and/or every 10 markers you turn in, you will receive an additional door prize entry. Stay for lunch -‐ ChickFilA sandwiches will be available for purchase from 11am -‐ 1pm. We hope to see you there! Best of all -‐ the event is FREE! The first 100 families can adopt a tree to take home and plant. Check out our website for more information: The following Howard County Recreation and Parks Spring 2015 After School Classes at Atholton began last week. To Register: Call 410-‐313-‐7275 (8am-‐4:30pm, Monday-‐Friday), or go to and type in the Course & Section number of the class (ex. RP3329.311). Bricks4Kidz LEGO® After-‐School Cranium Contraptions Grades K-‐5 / 6 classes starting Apr 17 / $99 Build and explore crazy contraptions that really work your brain! Use LEGO® bricks, axles, pulleys, gears, and motors to create fun and interactive models. Compete with friends in a rousing game of Battle Tops or Foosball! Put your hand-‐ eye coordination to the test with the Ping Pong Popper model. Experiment with the Mini-‐Figure Mover to see your mini-‐figure go for a ride! Bricks4Kidz is a STEM-‐ based program that teaches science and technology concepts using LEGO® bricks. (No class 5/1.) Info:‐md. Info: Adam Wienckowski, 410-‐313-‐4714, RP3329.311 3:50-‐4:50 PM Fridays After-‐School Tennis 8-‐10 yrs / 7 classes starting Apr 16 / $55 Have fun while you learn the basics or fine-‐tune your skills in this program taught by trained coaches. Classes include a variety of drills and games and an introduction to match play. Meet in front of school office; coaches escort players to tennis courts. Info: Brian Wyman, 410-‐313-‐4705, RP6871.304 4:05-‐5:05 PM Thursdays Kiddie Tennis 5-‐7 yrs / 7 classes starting Apr 16 / $55 Have fun while you learn the basics or fine-‐tune your skills in this program taught by trained coaches. Classes include a variety of drills and games and an introduction to match play. Meet in front of school office; coaches escort players to tennis courts. Info: Brian Wyman, 410-‐313-‐4705, RP6870.304 5:10-‐6:10 PM Thursdays The First Tee A unique youth development program that teaches children and youth ages 7-14 core values and healthy habits through the game of golf. Classes begin in Apr. at Fairway Hills Golf Club in Columbia and additional program locations will be offered around the county this summer. Sessions are $60-$150 and scholarships are available. For more information visit email, call 410-730-1114. Cedar Lane School Cedar Lanes Annual Walk for Our Stars, Sat. April 18, 10 a.m., Maple Lawn Community Center. Come join us for this fun, non-competitive walk. All money raised will be used to support our students with significant special needs and our staff. Funds will go towards the purchase of specialized equipment, expand the school's cultural arts program, increase the number of student field trips, and provide staff development opportunities beyond what is provided by the county. Please support The Walk and help those who can't walk, learn to stand on their own and those who can't speak, find their voice. For further information, please contact Cedar Lane School at 410-888-8800 or Mt. Hebron High School Girls Lacrosse Program (Viking Backers) 12th Annual Golf Tournament, Mon., Apr. 20, Turf Valley Resort. Cost: $150 individual/$550 foursome. Tickets can be purchased on-line at Howard County Government Womenfest, A Health & Wellness Event for Women, Sat., Apr. 25, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. FREE Gary J. Arthur Community Center at Glenwood, Cooksville, MD. For more information visit the event’s website at or call 410-313-5440. Harpers Choice Community Association Health and Safety Fair, Sat. Apr. 25, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Kahler Hall, 5400 Old Tucker Row Columbia, MD. LUNGevity Help fight lung cancer. Join us for Breathe Deep Columbia, a 5K walk in Town Center on Sat., Apr. 25 sponsored by the LUNGevity Foundation. Register at Columbia Association Mixed Media Mania with Korey Rosenbaum ages 5-10, Tues., April 26 - May 18, or Sun., June 7-28,1-2:30pm. Note: Drop-ins for one or two classes are welcomed. To register, please call Columbia Art Center at 410-730-0075 or email Slayton House On Camera Kids, Learn techniques for Acting on Camera and how to get started in the television/films. Classes begin Weds. Apr. 29, 5-6 p.m., for three weeks for $60.00. Both classes are held at Slayton House in the Wilde Lake Village Center. For More Info please call Slayton House at 410-730-2380. AFS USA INC. Host Families Sought for AFS Exchange Students: Next school year, some twenty AFS exchange students from around the world will come to Howard County for a life-changing year of cross-cultural sharing. Exchange students live in a family such as yours and attend the locally district HS from your address. Contact Christina McGarvey at 410-997-7087 or More information is also available Slayton House Sign up now for these spring workshops in the Performing Arts Razz-A Ma Tap-Shuffle off to Buffalo and learn techniques of Tap dance for fun, Exercise or that next audition. Classes begin May 12 on Tues., for grades 3-10. For more information call 410730-2380. Columbia Association Schools Out Botanical Printmaking, June 17; Dimensional Explorations, June 18. To register, please call Columbia Art Center at 410-730-0075 or email CAMPS Centennial High School Boosters 2015 Lady Eagles Basketball Camp, girls ages 8-14, July 13-17, 9 a.m.- 12 p.m., Centennial HS, 4300 Centennial Lane, Ellicott City, MD. For information contact Bobby Macheel, 443-4745558, University of Maryland iEngineer@UMD a summer STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) camp for rising 4th and 5th grade girls. This one-week commuter day camp is an exciting opportunity for girls to learn more about STEM through a variety of fun, hands-on activities. Mon., Jul. 6 –Fri., Jul. 10, 9 a.m. -3 p.m. for more information and to apply, visit UMBC Summer Day Camp The UMBC summer Day Camp will be celebrating it’s 36th year of existence in 2015, and we hope that you will send your child to spend all or part of the summer with us. Please let us know if you have any questions 410-455-2638 or email us at Savage Boys and Girls Club Savage Recreational Baseball, register now and learn from the 2014 Maryland High School Coach of the Year. Coach Adam Leader of the Reservoir Gators will conduct free in-season Coach & Player clinics this season. Ages 5 - 14 can register at or call Ken Harn at 443-605-6977 Baseball Factory July 6-10, 2015 at Kiwanis-Wallas Park, July 13-17, 2015 at Kiwanis-Wallas Park. All Star Camp Designed for boys and girls ages 8-11. Grouped according to age and ability, players will learn the fundamentals of baseball through individual, group and team instruction. Elite Camp This camp is for boys ages 12-15 and is designed to teach fundamentals, advanced skills and strategies of baseball. Learn and improve skills through an intense week of instruction, drills and simulated game experiences. All proceeds benefit the Factory Athletics Foundation, the charitable arm of Baseball Factory. Mark Lemon at 800.641.4487 x 109
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