Your Newsletter from - Alberta Fish & Game Association

Your Newsletter from
• President's Report P. 2
• 2015 Executive P. 3
• executive vice-president p. 4
• 1st vice-president p. 5
• Program CHAIR report p. 6
• minister’s special licence p. 6/7
• hunting chair report p. 8
• B.o.w. camp p. 9
• Fishing Chair report p. 10
• Early Spring Fishing p. 11
• Zone one report p. 12
• zone two report p. 13
• club events p. 14
• zone three report p. 15
• zone four report p. 16
• zone five report p. 16
elcome to the second issue of
Outdoor Canada West! Hope you
enjoyed the first one and by all reports
you did! Remember this section is yours,
the fine members of the Alberta Fish
and Game Association, so send us your
feedback good, bad, or indifferent. It
all goes together to help us put out the
information that you want. All the best
in your outdoor pursuits!
p. 11
p. 12
p. 14
Alberta Fish & Game association | May/june 2015 1
Alberta Fish & Game Association
President’s Report
Wayne Lowry, President
efore I get too far into this report,
I wanted to spend a bit of time
reviewing our recent Conference that
was held in Lethbridge this past February. The conference went well and I
wish to thank the many volunteers that
put in so much time to make sure that
things were prepared and looked after
for those in attendance. The conference
was well attended with the number
of voting delegates in excess of 160,
about 50 more than our prior conference, and the total attendance exceeded
250 which included all the youth,
companions, life members, executive
and volunteers. The sessions were well
organized and had an abundance of
timely information that was shared by
experts in their respective areas. The
AGM was busy as we had a lot to cover
in the amount of time that we had. We
discussed and debated 48 resolutions
covering a wide number of topics from
all areas of the Province. We really
hope to have a timely response to the
passed resolutions and will let you all
know as soon as we get them. The best
and quickest way to get this information
is to sign up for our e-mail notifications.
You can sign up for these on our website,, and on the right hand side
there is a heading called “get AFGA updates” simply enter your e-mail address
and click “join”.
Communication is one of the areas
that I see as critically important and
signing up for the e-mails is one of
the best ways to stay informed. If you
are receiving information through this
means be sure to let others know and
have them get signed up. The other
need is for better communication with
the public. I know that we can only
speak to those that are willing to listen
however if we are saying nothing that
is exactly what they will hear. The
goal here is to provide timely information on our views and positions with
regards to items of current relevance.
We will do our best to follow news
stories that are catching the attention
of the public and provide our views
on the subject. It is getting to be more
important that the public gets a better
understanding of what drives us, what
our values are, and what we see for the
future of fish and wildlife and the habitats that they depend on.
Another area that I see as needing
some emphasis is that of the public
trust doctrine. Fish and wildlife are
public resources as are public lands.
Over time, and in small increments,
the public trust doctrine has been
eroded to the point that that there
is a lot of grey in things that should
be black and white. The principle is
simple, “public assets must be man-
Submissions to Outdoor Canada West from
Clubs and individual members are welcome
(subject to approval of the editorial board)
and can be forwarded to
or faxed to 780-438-6872
or mailed to us at
6924-104 St, Edmonton, AB, T6H 2L7
2 Alberta Fish & Game Association | May/june 2015
aged in the best inter- Wayne Lowry
ests of the public” and
it is the responsibility
of the elected Government to provide
that management. Private interests
in public assets has made its way into
our society, much of which we have
opposed vehemently and some without
the public even being made aware. We
will continue to advocate to right these
wrongs in an effort to get back to time
tested principals of sound public asset
management. Some examples are:
game farming – a flawed industry on
a multitude of levels, invasive species –
intentional or not, these have a way of
negatively impacting the native species
and habitats, industrial/commercial
activity on public land and the related
impacts to the environment and habitats, and lease revenues from public
land going directly into the pockets of
private individuals. These are only to
name a few but the point trying to be
made is that over time government has
allowed this to happen and if our existing Government is selling themselves
on the basis of a higher standard of
governance then these are the questions that need to be asked of them
and a plan needs to be provided as to
how they are going to be corrected and
managed for the current and future
benefit of ALL Albertans.
I welcome your feedback on these
or any other topics of importance to
you and I can be reached via e-mail at or visit our website
Wayne Lowry
Alberta Fish & Game Association
2015 AFGA Executive
Back Row L-R: Brian Dingreville – Zone 1 Director - NEW: 2nd Vice President; Kevin Wingert – Zone 3 Director; Doug Butler –
NEW: 1st Vice President; Darryl Smith – Fishing Chair; Wayne Lowry – NEW: President; Robert Loewen – Finance Chair; Joe Sinclair
– Zone 4 Director; Gord Poirier – Past President; Ian Stuart-Hunting Chair
Front Row L-R: Deb Clarke-Zone 2 Director; Carole Romaniuk-Life Member Rep.; Martin Sharren- Executive Vice President;
Lila Newsham – NEW: Program Chair; Kristie Romanow-Environment Chair; Robyn Butler-Zone 5 Director
Alberta Fish & Game association | May/june 2015 3
Alberta Fish & Game Association
Executive Vice-President
Martin Sharren, Executive Vice-President
Edmonton Boat & Sportsmen’s Show
Special thanks to the following volunteers that helped
make this show a success by representing AFGA at its two
booths: Robyn and Doug Butler who attended all 4 days,
Dave George, Leslie and Wayne Lowry who made the
long haul from Lethbridge, Rita and Gord Poirier who
also made a drive from the north country and Deanna
and Robert Loewen who were also present for the entire
event. Not only did these fine folks provide AFGA information to show visitors but also sold Minister’s Special Licence
as well as Wildlife Trust Fund raffle tickets.
Speaking of raffles—there are only tickets left for the
Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep as the mule deer and elk
have sold out for the second year in a row so get in on the
action. The proceeds will go towards conservation and
keeping animals on our landscape.
AFGA in Review—2014
Every year we produce a 20-30 minute video highlighting
AFGA’s activities from the previous year. These videos are
available to all Clubs for use at their meetings, trade shows,
or anywhere else. They have been mailed to all Clubs, however if you didn’t receive one or would like a second one
please let the office know.
Oil Lease Auctions
“The Government of Alberta is committed to achieving naturally sustaining woodland caribou populations” so
begins the Woodland Caribou Policy for Alberta penned in
June 2011 by the Government of Alberta.
Then why is Government taking bids on energy leases on
AFGA has made an agreement with Scorpion Optics...
All AFGA members will receive a 10% discount on
Scorpion Products and for every completed purchase
there will be a donation made from Scorpion Optics
to the AFGA. Simply show your AFGA membership
card to an authorized Scorpion Optics dealer to get
your discount.
For a list of Scorpion Optics dealers or for more
information, please visit the AFGA website at:
and look for the scorpion logo...
approximately 21,000 hectares (almost 52,000 acres) in prime
woodland caribou habitat that is held by the Government?
In October 2012, Environment Canada’s recovery strategy for the woodland caribou determined each herd required
at least 65 per cent of its range intact and industry-free if
the animals are to survive. Yet the provincial government
has continued to approve new industry leases within the
Little Smoky range to the point where, according to various
reports, 95% of the Little Smoky herd has been affected.
This latest sell-off is home to the Redrock-Prairie Creek
herd in northwestern Alberta.
The AFGA asked that the Government of Alberta stops
contradicting itself and actually does what it promises. As
an update the closing date of the auction was put on hold. A
cynic might say only until the conclusion of the next election.
Bison in Banff National Park
Parks Canada’s decision to introduce plains bison into the
Rocky Mountains in Banff National Park under the guise
of re-introduction has been signed off by them even though
bison haven’t been seen there in more than a century.
The Association’s main concerns regarding this action are:
1) Disease such as mycoplasma (pneumonia), lungworm,
anthrax which are most fatal to Alberta’s provincial
mammal the Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep which are
native to the release site,
2) Competition with sheep, elk and deer for winter forage,
3) Confinement; although Parks Canada says it will be
a free-roaming herd there will be fencing involved to
control movement. Notwithstanding this contradiction in
terms, fencing and /or drift fencing poses a threat to all
other wildlife cutting off travel corridors.
4) Management costs; will escalate exponentially with
diversion of resources both inside and outside of the
park especially when taking into consideration that all
animals and fencing will be, according to Parks Canada,
flown in by helicopter. Parks Canada is targeting 30-50
bison to be transplanted which, given the stated budget
of $6,400,000, works out to anywhere from $128,000 to
$213,000 per animal, depending on number introduced.
5) Bison/human conflict; the proposed introduction site is
one of the few, most unique and already compromised
montane areas which is a valuable ungulate wintering
ground that also sees heavy equestrian and hiking activity. In short bison and tourists on foot or horseback are
incompatible in spite of Parks Canada’s claim that bison
will enhance the mountain experience.
6) Migration out of the park; bison are known for their
roaming which historically has been proven to be
hundreds of kilometres in order to take advantage of
availability of forage at different times of the year. This
will result in farmers and ranchers bordering the Park to
suffer agricultural losses which most likely will be paid for
by taxpayers.
Given the state that Parks Canada is in with decreasing
programming and staffing the time , effort , and money
spent on this project could better serve the former not to
mention mountain caribou.
4 Alberta Fish & Game Association | May/june 2015
Alberta Fish & Game Association
1st Vice-President's Report
Doug Butler, 1st Vice-President
’m just home from our annual
AGM and conference in Lethbridge
as I write this report. First I want to
thank-you all for your support and
good wishes you gave me. I’ll certainly
try to live up to your expectations for
the coming year. It’ll be a busy one but
your executive under Wayne’s guidance will stay on top of all the issues
at hand! We have a few changes and
some fresh minds to keep us all on our
toes. We certainly received abundant
ideas, new carried resolutions, and
other action items to give us our directions for the rest of 2015.
I’ll continue to represent us at the
AGMAG meetings as well as be your
representative on the Sheep, Mule
deer, Grizzly and CWD committees to
name a few that are front and center.
A meeting was held March 4th with
government and other stakeholders
to hash out the Full Curl proposal for
Trophy Sheep. You either have or will
get a full report on the outcome.
The second phase of the grizzly
bear recovery plan is complete and the
report was also due out in March.
The wild turkey management plan
is also finishing up and implementation
should also be proceeding as you read this.
New management plans for black
bear, wolves, cougars, elk, grizzlies, and
sheep are all either finished or close to
it and should let us move forward with
some policy. Many of these plans should
be on the government website. I know
March is behind us but it’s only February as I write this so I’ll update you as I
can! We’ve also been promised (again) a
Sandhill Crane season for 2016.
CWD remains a big problem, as I
write, we have 86 positives on 3,484
specimens tested from the 2014 harvest
which is 2.4% and mostly on mule
deer bucks, and the slow spread continues west and south, it’s the highest
prevalence yet!
The Suffield Elk fiasco got out of
hand and many rumors spread with it,
with all the social media we now have.
Our hands are a bit tied on that one
but we have made our feelings known.
I hope to start a major improvement
with communications with all our mem-
bers. Reports, updates on everything we
do will hopefully be available for you all.
I also want us to be more visible in the
public eye as well as with all conservation groups etc. Please go to our website and sign up for all document releases and our own updates!
This report should be in the second
“Outdoor Canada West” edition (I still
haven’t seen the first one yet). I’m sure
we’ve read it by now and it should be a
new and improved (and bigger) version
of the good old “Outdoor Edge”. However, it is missing one column from inside
the front cover, ‘As I See It’, and I always
wanted to write one so I’ll end my report
with my one and only version of:
Can anybody remember our grassrooots and what they are? I fondly
remember my Dad and me hunting
but it was much different than most
of today’s hunting. Whether it was
for grouse or deer, we walked lots, still
hunted towards one another, pushed
some bush but all we really had was
the basics. We used open sights, (no
scopes) 100 yards would be a long
shot well worth bragging about. There
were no range finders, tree stands,
binoculars or eve n quads. I’m sure
the game has had to adjust some over
the years with some evolution but they
are still basically the same and haven’t
changed nearly as much as we have.
We have commercialized the sport and
changed it to a competitive challenge
but with each other instead of with the
game we’d like to harvest. Now there
are food plots, horn growing minerals, human scent cover and so on. My
dad taught me to hunt into the wind,
learn where game liked to travel, feed
and bed. Now we go to the bush with
our cell phones, and have trail cams
hanging on many trees. The game has
its picture taken long before we’ve even
seen them. We order our game before
we harvest it, (even before we see it). Is
that really hunting? We sit in a blind
waiting for a particular animal to stroll
by or is just sitting in a tree stand all
day waiting for an unsuspecting feeding animal to walk by really hunting?
Is having all our shooting lanes cleared
out ahead of time
Doug Butler
really fair? I wonder if
driving the back roads
all day looking for an animal to harvest
is really hunting? Does taking the
biggest and best really make us better
than the next guy? Maybe soon we’ll
want our game delivered already cut
and wrapped! I remember when I was
young my Dad was extremely happy to
put his tag on a fat doe or a fork horn
buck, and yes, he was truly hunting!
When I was a kid I went fishing with
my Dad a lot. Many times we rowed
out, anchored and fished over the
side of the boat or sometimes trolled
around the shorelines. Yes we figured
out some places were more productive
than others. We even marked them by
lining up a point with a certain tree or
a bay and a cottage dock. We estimated the distance out and sometimes
got it pretty close. But we had fun and
always figured we were fishing!
Now I sometimes wonder if ripping
out to a previously GPS’ed structure,
setting up the camera to see what’s
there and dropping bait in their noses
is really fishing? We check the temperature and color of the water and use
new and improved lure and scents and
wait for the fish finder to beep. Maybe
soon we’ll be able to catch our limit
already filleted? I know my Dad was
happy to provide a meal of fresh pike
or walleye and yes, he was truly fishing!
I like to shoot or catch the big one
too, and do get caught up in it all
sometimes but I’d like everybody to
remember our grassroots and what
hunting and fishing really is. It really
can be great if we just keep it simple
and enjoy the moment!
So, until next time around...tight
lines and straight shooting!
Doug Butler
1st Vice President
(780) 895-7799
Alberta Fish & Game association | May/june 2015 5
Alberta Fish & Game Association
Program Chair Report
Lila Newsham, Program Chair
i Everyone! Since this
is my first report I
would like to take this
opportunity to introduce
myself and give you some
of my background. I got involved in the
trapping industry in 2001
when I started trapping with family west of
Sundre. I soon realized
that I loved being outdoors. Within a very short
time I joined the Sundre
Trappers Association and
became very involved in
that club as their secretary and treasurer. Close to this same time
I joined the Sundre Fish
and Game Association where I also volunteered as their secretary and treasurer. Both organizations are very active, putting
on awards banquets, kids camps, fishing nights and many other
group activities. The Sundre Trappers has even hosted the Alberta Trappers Associations annual rendezvous! I continued in these rolls for several years, it was quite a hectic
time for me but I have enjoyed it very much. I relocated to the
Crowsnest Pass for my work and had to give up my Sundre
volunteer work but I have kept my Zone 3 commitments as their
treasurer for the last 5 years.
I look forward to the new opportunities and challenges ahead
of me as you newly elected Provincial Program Chair.
Thank you,
Lila Newsham
Program Chair
Purchase memberships online!
Make donations online!
Register for conference online!
Purchase Raffle Tickets online!
Browse our informative site!
Tell us what you think!
6 Alberta Fish & Game Association | May/june 2015
The winning ticket will be able to hunt one ANTLERED MULE DEER, in accordance with all provisions of the Wildlife Act and Wildlife
Regulations*. This special licence is valid anywhere in Alberta during a general mule deer season or special antlered mule deer draw season as
identified in the 2015 Alberta Guide to Hunting Regulations. This licence is not valid in WMUs 728&730 (Camp Wainwright)
This special licence is also valid from December 1 to December 31, 2015, anywhere in Alberta (except WMUs 728 & 730 Camp Wainwright) that
has a general or special antlered mule deer season identified in the 2015 Alberta Guide to Hunting Regulations.
Antlered Mule Deer - This licence does not authorize hunting on Sundays in Wildlife Management units (WMUs) where the Sunday hunting of big
game is prohibited. (This condition applies only to the WMU's in the 100's) This licence does not authorize hunting in any location where hunting is
prohibited (such as in a wildlife sanctuary, park, ecological reserve, or restricted area). If a season is archery only, then only archery equipment must
be used. Raffle Licence # 390127 – ONLY 5,000 tickets printed
The winning ticket will be able to hunt one ANTLERED ELK, in accordance with all provisions of the Wildlife Act and Wildlife Regulation. This
special licence is valid in Alberta during a general elk season or a special licence antlered elk draw season as identified in the 2015 Alberta Guide to
Hunting Regulations. This licence is not valid in WMUs 728 & 730 (Camp Wainwright), WMU 624 (Cypress Hills Provincial Park) and WMU 936
(Cooking Lake-Blackfoot Grazing, Wildlife and Provincial Recreation Area). In addition to the antlered elk seasons listing in the 2015 Alberta Guide
to Hunting Regulations, this special licence is also valid from December 1 to December 31, 2015 in the following wildlife management units:
Antlered Elk: WMUs 102, 104, 108, 116, 118, 119, 124, 144, 148, 150, 151, 152, 164, 166, 200-203, 208. Three point elk (or larger): WMUs 214,
216, 221, 224, 302-360, 400, 402, 429, 504-507, 508, 510, 511, 520-523, 526, 527, 544. Six-point elk (or larger): WMUs 404-408, 412-428, 430-446,
Antlered Elk - This licence does not authorize hunting on Sundays in Wildlife Management units (WMUs) where the Sunday hunting of big game is
prohibited. (This condition applies only to the WMU's in the 100's) This licence does not authorize hunting in any location where hunting is
prohibited (such as in a wildlife sanctuary, park, ecological reserve, or restricted area). If a season is archery only, then only archery equipment must
be used. Raffle Licence # 390129 – ONLY 5,000 tickets printed
The winning ticket will be able to hunt one minimum 4/5 curl Trophy Sheep, in accordance with all provisions of the Wildlife Act and Wildlife
Regulation*. This special licence is valid during open hunting seasons in all locations having an open season to sheep hunt, including a special
licence trophy sheep draw season as identified in the 2015 Alberta Guide to Hunting Regulations.
In addition to the trophy sheep seasons listing in the 2015 Alberta Guide to Hunting Regulation, this license is also valid: from November 1 to
December 15, 2015 in wildlife management units: 302, 303, 306, 308, 400-406, 412-428, 430-437, 439-446 - from December 1 to December 15,
2015 in wildlife management units 408 and 438 - from November 1 to December 15, 2015 in that portion WMU 408 that is east of Highway 40.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep - This licence does not authorize hunting on Sundays in Wildlife Management units (WMUs) where the Sunday
hunting of big game is prohibited. (The WMU's for this sheep hunt are not affected by this condition). This licence does not authorize hunting in any
location where hunting is prohibited (such as in a wildlife sanctuary, park, ecological reserve, or restricted area). If a season is archery only, then
only archery equipment must be used. Raffle Licence # 390128 – ONLY 15,000 tickets printed
Tickets may be purchased by calling 1-855-437-AFGA(2342) or email:, online, or here!
Minister’s Special Licence – Ticket Order Form
Phone #:
ELK # of Tickets
MULE DEER # of Tickets
x $10.00 =
BIGHORN SHEEP # of tickets
x $10.00 =
x $10.00 =
3 Digit Code:
(back of card)
Tickets are $10.00 each. Draw date August 06, 2015 at the AFGA office - 6924 - 104 Street, Edmonton, AB. Minister’s Special Licence will only be
redeemable until December 1, 2015 as it is only valid for the 2015 Hunting Season. Following this date the cash equivalent of the prize will be
awarded. Must be 18 years of age (Restrictions apply) Tickets will be sold to residents of Alberta only.
Mail to: AFGA – 6924 104 Street, Edmonton, AB T6H 2L7
Alberta Fish & Game association | May/june 2015 7
Alberta Fish & Game Association
Hunting Chair Report
Ian Stuart, Hunting Chair
he 2015 Alberta Fish and Game
Association conference is history
and I am once again entrusted with the
Hunting Chair responsibilities for another year. I appreciate the opportunity
to carry on. I am very much looking
forward to working with the other returning members and new members of
the executive for the sustainable utilization of species and ecosystems.
Multiple presentations at our
conference from the scientific community largely supported what outdoors
people have observed. Presentations
from the AESRD folks showed more
progress towards having all facts available to all, and better understand the
overall situation and the multiple and
often competing demands that Fish
and Wildlife managers have to deal
with. Links will be provided on the
AFGA web site to several of the presentations for those who were unable
to attend the conference.
While on the topic of our web site, I
encourage using it, and if you have not
signed up for Emails from the AFGA
please do so. We need better communication to and from our membership as
occasionally things come up on which
we need a timely response from our
membership, new information needs to
be communicated, rumors dealt with
factually et cetera, and this is an underutilized opportunity for such. Further
on communication, expect to see more
reporting on meetings and issues on
our web site in the future.
Back to the topic of
scientific work – we
sometimes tend to
have a “no kidding”
(or perhaps more
“earthy”!) reaction to work that
supports what
we think we
know, such as
predation negatively impacting
ungulate calf survival. However, we
have to recognize that
much of the population
(voters) gives little or no credibility to
knowledge that comes from outdoors
people, especially if it does not fit with
their Disneyesque world view. We need
to support objective science, and decisions based thereon to have influence
with our elected representatives, who
ultimately are the decision makers. It
is no surprise that in the absence of
science, and sometimes in spite of it,
politicians tend to respond to the loudest voices and we have to make ours
heard effectively.
At the same time when it comes to
scientific data, while certainly we have
to be vigilant for unscientific bias, we
also need to be mindful that our own
outdoors community is sometimes
guilty of discounting data that does not
support our own cherished activities.
Keep in mind the Three International Guiding Principles of Resource
Conservation, developed by the World
Conservation Strategy, that the AFGA
adheres to: Maintain essential ecological processes and life support systems,
Preserve genetic diversity, and Ensure
the sustainable utilization of species.
The overall health of our Fish and
Wildlife resources and the habitat that
they depend on have to come ahead of
individual desires for future generations to be able to enjoy the wildlife
and activities we love.
The topics of access, habitat retention, and balanced management are
areas where various stakeholder groups
should be able to put their differences aside and support
balanced and adaptive
management programs from AESRD,
instead of unproductive squabbling
over the share
for our particular group
or method of
harvest. We have
to work across
organizations on
these in my opinion,
and be prepared to
share some negativity
8 Alberta Fish & Game Association | May/june 2015
from people who have Ian Stuart
no little idea of how
nature works and less
of their own impact.
As many of you know I often
send out links to articles in the public
domain that relate to hunting in some
way, many of which, or the comments
that follow, are often illustrative of the
challenge all consumptive conservationists face from those who have no
idea how nature works or what their
own existence costs wildlife. (Send me
an e-mail request if you wish to be
added to that distribution list). I know I
am “singing to the choir” within much
of the outdoors community, but it is
important to remind ourselves how
much vocal opposition to utilization
of wildlife resources there is, hence
the need to collaborate with other
stakeholders where we have common
ground. We also need to be cautious
of unintended consequences of some
of the things we ask for, as sometimes
what seems like a simple solution to an
issue is simple, and wrong, especially
if we only consider our personal point
of view.
Yours in support of the wise use of
the Earth’s resources;
Ian Stuart
Hunting Chair
Become an Outdoor Woman is a program designed for women.
It is an opportunity for women 18 years of age or older to learn outdoor skills
usually associated with hunting and fishing, but useful for many outdoor pursuits.
Robyn Butler: 780-895-7799
Jane Willisko: 780-986-3431
Alberta Fish & Game Association
Laura and Evan Ripley — they would make any parent proud!
Fishing Report
Darryl Smith, Fishing Chair
Youth and Habitat:
The link to the future
s I headed south from my home in
the Peace River region of northern Alberta to attend the 86th Annual
Conference of the Alberta Fish and
Game Association in Lethbridge, one
is awed by the vastness and diversity
of the landscape. Mountains, foothills,
grasslands, parklands and boreal forests
were all encountered. Most of the
major drainage basins originating in Alberta were also crossed beginning with
the Peace, Athabasca, North and South
Saskatchewan. Despite the diversity,
one constant remained and that was the
human impact on land and water. Pulp
mills, clear cuts, oil and gas development, urban sprawl, gravel extraction,
power lines, freeways, industrial scale
cattle and grain farms, irrigation impoundments and recreational development were visible reminders along the
route of our relentless encroachment on
what little remains of wild Alberta.
It was somewhat of a paradox that
when travelling through Calgary on
the freeway with giant transmission
lines overhead, industrial and urban
sprawl everywhere that one constant,
the Bow River continues to resist
man’s attempt to tame it. Recent flood
events are testimony. Seeing drift boats
and fly fisherman on the water in the
middle of winter was a site that this
northern boy found difficult to swallow.
Knowing that it would be at least two
months before an 8 inch hole in the
ice would be replaced by open water
begged the question: Why had I taken
the fly rod which I carry everywhere
on my travels out of my suitcase for
this road trip to the south?
For those that have not attended an
Alberta Fish and Game Conference
you are missing an opportunity that
cannot be duplicated. One highlight
are the presentations during the various sessions that provide insight into
the management of our fish and wildlife resources. During the Fish Session,
presentations from Travis Ripley, Executive Director, Fish and Wildlife Policy
ESRD, Todd Zimmerling, President
10 Alberta Fish & Game Association | May/june 2015
and CEO of the Alberta Conservation
Association and Craig Copeland, Fish
Culture Program Manager ESRD did
not disappoint. Topics ranged from
when tiger trout will be introduced
into Alberta to how to ensure there
will be a next generation of anglers
in Alberta. Habitat issues were at the
forefront of all the presentations. How
to deal with the natural limitations of
our aquatic pothole lake ecosystems
that create challenges in terms of
survivability of trout; can Lake Isle’s
fish bearing capabilities be restored or
the application of fish sustainability indexes that lead to coordinated development on the landscape were but a few
of the topics related to habitat.
The resolution process is always
interesting. From an historical and
grass roots perspective I understand the
passion behind the process. For me,
the question remains are resolutions effective at influencing change within government or other agencies? My belief
is that the time would be better spent
developing and debating policy. Such
policy would be used in the consultation process with other stakeholders and
government. As only delegates can vote
on resolutions, there is always doubt
whether endorsement on the conference floor is consistent with overall
member sediment. Obtaining statistically reliable feedback from members is
vital for organizational success.
Government is also challenged with
this issue. There have been concerns
echoed that public consultation forums
such as the Alberta Fishery Management Round Table do not reflect the
attitudes of the angling public. Recent
surveys on the attitude of anglers or
those on proposed changes to fish and
wildlife regulations were designed to
test this theory. Conference attendees
saw some of the early results. It would
appear AFGA member’s opinions
align closely with the general public.
Affiliation with a more “specialized or
focused” group often saw a shift away
from the mainstream view point. We
must be careful to not associate this
with “we are right and they are wrong
attitude.” It is however extremely
valuable in developing policy and programs that can lead to more effective
management of our wildlife and fish
resources. In upcoming issues the plan
is to report on many of the findings
from these surveys.
Zone 5 and the AFGA Executive put
Alberta Fish & Game Association
forward a number of habitat focused
resolutions. They were all passed with
near or unanimous support. While
they will be sent to government for
comment, there most important value
is the feedback to the AFGA executive
to continue to develop and refine our
own policy in this area. In addition, at
every opportunity we will engage our
elected politicians on this critical issue.
Without habitat, there will be no fish
and wildlife and the recreational activities they support.
With an increasingly urban population the lack of fishing opportunity
near these population centers create
barriers. We need your help to identify
ponds and lakes, particularly those in
or near urban centers where fisheries could be developed. The Alberta
Conservation Association will be attempting to catalogue water bodies for
future fishery enhancement activities
this summer. Sit down with your
friends and send me a list of sites that
may have potential. Better planning
and partnering with infrastructure or
industrial projects could also lead to
the creation of more opportunity in
the near future.
The conference had as its theme,
“Youth-The Link to the Future”. A
highlight of the conference was at the
Presidents Banquet when the youth
came forward to sing “O Canada”.
The stage had barely enough room for
all of them. It shows that the passion
for the outdoors has growing group of
ambassadors in our youth! Passing on
our heritage to others is not just the responsibility of family but is something
we can all become involved in. “Kids
Can Catch” events can be facilitated
by contacting the Alberta Conservation Association.
I appreciate your continued support
in allowing me to be your AFGA Fish
Chair for another year and promise to
do my best to earn it. We have a strong
team in the AFGA executive, zone and
club fish chairs and the AFGA fishery
forum. To be successful is about partnering and working with like-minded
outdoorsmen. I had the privilege to
take many youth fishing last summer
– for many it was their first angling
experience or first fish. To see their
enthusiasm is ample reason to continue
to volunteer our time to ensure fish and
their habitat are in our future.
Darryl Smith
Fishing Chair
Early Spring Fishing
Make sure both you and
your boat are prepared
ost anglers
yearn for
spring when the
ice has receded
from the lake and they can
get back on the water to
visit favourite fishing holes.
If you are like most and
start your fishing early, here
are a few tips to make sure
that you don’t get caught by
an unexpected breakdown
or emergency on the water.
Start by reloading all
your safety equipment onto
the boat making sure that
each piece is in proper
working order and that all
powered equipment have
fresh batteries. You can
minimize the chance of
getting stranded out on the
water by ensuring that all
systems on the boat are mechanically
sound and that the gas tank is full with
fresh gas before heading out. If you
have a boat with external gas tanks,
having a spare full tank on hand is a
sound practice.
In spring, the weather can change
quickly so be sure to check the
(marine) forecast before you go and
be familiar with you and your boat’s
weather limitations. And don’t be
fooled by balmy spring breezes into
dressing in light clothing. The water is
still very cold and has a large influence
in the air temperature above it, so be
prepared with warm thermal protective clothing so you won’t be cutting
your time on the water short.
A key piece of safety equipment is a
marine radio or, where service is reliable, a cell phone to call for assistance.
This time of year, there are fewer boats
on the water to render assistance if you
need it. And before departing, tell a reliable person where you are going, when
you expect to return and the number to
call if you not return as scheduled.
As you head out, be sure to wear
your lifejacket. The water is cold and
the shock you may experience with an
unexpected fall, could hamper your
ability to swim or even simply catch
your breath. A lifejacket will give you
the necessary time to sort things out
and the time to rescue yourself. Plus
with the number of styles available
today, some specifically designed for
anglers, there really is no reason not to
wear one.
And if you do end up in the water,
have a way to get back in your boat
unassisted. It can be as simple as tying
a 4 or 5 foot loop of rope to a cleat
and coiled just inside the boat. Make
sure that you can reach it from the
water to use it as a step to get back
into your boat.
Spring is a great season for fishing
and, with a little preparation, you can
enjoy it safely so you can concentrate
on what’s important.
For more safe boating tips, visit
The Canadian Safe
Boating Council
Alberta Fish & Game association | May/june 2015 11
Alberta Fish & Game Association
Zone One Report
Brian Dingreville, Zone 1 Director/2nd Vice-President
t is with tremendous pride I can
look back at conference 2015 and
say it was a total success. Wednesday
February 18 approximately 16 people
showed up at my work office at 2 pm
to load numerous donations, youth,
delegate and companion bags that
were needed to be hauled down to the
lodge hotel. On arrival at the lodge
it was like a swarm of bees taking all
into the main lobby, once the bus arrived from Edmonton again numerous volunteers jumped in to unload.
Shortly after with more volunteers
arriving they all worked not stop in
putting together items to be included
in everyone’s gift bags. From that moment on until the very end of conference, members from throughout Zone
1 were there to assist in everything
needed. The youth that came out to
assist were tremendous in assisting
members in anything that was needed.
Hats off to the companions and
youth committee chair people from
what I have been told everyone had a
great time. Richard & Steph Roberts
set up a great wildlife display in the
main banquet room which drew a
tremendous amount of appreciation.
Thank you Richard & Steph!
Thursday night meet and great
was hosted by the Foremost Fish and
Game and all I can say is, it was the
most fun I had ever had at any conference. Everyone that came said it was
a riot! Great job done to the boys
from Foremost! After all that fun, most
ended up in the Anton Ball Room
were the Picture Butte boys put on a
hospitality night for all those that were
just not quite full, Andrea & I included. Again all that came had a blast!
For those of you who never made it to
conference this year, you missed out on
the time of your life.
Friday meetings were very educational for all that attended from start to
finish. Our Provincial Fish Chair, Darryl Smith and our Provincial Hunting
Chair, Ian Stuart did a great job! Also,
throughout the day there were numerous silent auction items to view and
bid on if they tickled your fancy.
Friday evening many took in the
wonderful supper, put on by the lodge,
shortly after the meal we had a live
auction. The auctioneers, John and
his son Joe Perlich, did an incredible
job keeping everyone engaged in the
action. Shortly after we had Trevor
Panczak and his band provide us with
the most incredible entertainment, for
those that wanted to shake a leg of
just sit back and listen to the incredible music. Thank you to John & Joe
Perlich as well as Trevor Panczak and
his band for an incredible evening.
Saturday again was a full day with
numerous resolutions as well as the
elections. This is where I was humbled, as on the previous day (Friday) I
had been nominated to become Vice
President of this wonderful organization, and on Saturday I was elected. It
is an honor to have been even considered never mind elected but here I am.
Thank you to all!
Again on Saturday evening we had
a most incredible meal, and followed
shortly after a number of awards were
given out to a several of the Zone 1
clubs and some individuals. I would
like to congratulate those winners.
Foremost Fish & Game – winner of
the JB Cunningham Memorial
Picture Butte Fish & Game – winner of the GM Spargo Memorial
Wayne & Elfriede Heighington – winner of the Gerry Gibson Memorial
Award Hunter Training Rural and
the GE Steven Memorial Award
Picture Butte Fish & Game – winner
of the Outdoor Ethics Award
Stephanie Roberts – winner of the
Neville Lindsay Memorial Award
Scott Sweetman – winner of the GE
Steven Memorial Award
Don Hagen AFGA Support Award
Congratulations to all!
Thank you to every one of the volunteers who did so much to make this
event a success. Without you it could
have never worked!
Who: Ages 0-17
Brian Dingreville
When: Saturday,
June 13, 2015
6:30am - 3:00pm
Where: Payne (Mami) Lake, AB
For more information please e-mail
Steph Roberts at
or call/text 403-394-8834. All who
pre-register will qualify for a grab bag
(While quantities last)
Also, we are looking into having a
youth fly tying club at the LFGA hut
in the fall. To be added to the informant list they can call, text or e-mail
the same info as above.
This will be my final report as Zone
1 director, It has been a wonderful experience to have worked with a lot of
the clubs throughout the zone. I hope
you will continue to keep me up to
date on your activities and please feel
free to invite me to your meetings &
special events. Time permitting I will
always want to be part of them
Brian Dingreville
Zone 1 Director / 2nd Vice President
Alberta Fish & Game Association
Coming up!
Lethbridge Fish & Game Fish
Derby put on by Steph Roberts
What: LFGA 5th Annual Youth
Fishing Tournament
12 Alberta Fish & Game Association | May/june 2015
Supporter of AFGA
Alberta Fish & Game Association
Zone Two Report
Deb Clarke, Zone 2 Director
he AFGA Annual Conference in
Lethbridge had over 160 delegates
attend in addition to guests, companions and 32 youth. Again there was
representation from Environment and
Sustainable Resource Development
(ESRD), Alberta Conservation Association (ACA), Alberta Professional
Outfitters Society (APOS) and likeminded persons on hand who gave
meaningful presentations, along with
our own AFGA Chairpersons. The
AFGA Executive changed with Gord
Poirier moving into the position of
Past President, Wayne Lowry as our
newly elected President, Doug Butler
1st Vice President and newcomer,
Brian Dingreville, as 2nd Vice. Darryl Smith remains the Fishing Chair,
Ian Stuart the Hunting Chair, Kristie
Romanow Environment Chair, Carole
Romaniuk Life Member Rep and new
on the block, Lila Newsham, as the
Program Chair.
It is my understanding that copies
of some Conference presentations
will be posted on the AFGA Conference Highlights webpage... take time
to check them out or talk to your club
Invasive Species should be of great
concern to Albertans. Zebra and
Quagga Mussels can live out of water
for up to 30 days and can move to
and from water bodies by attaching
Call or mail your new address to
The Alberta Fish & Game Association,
6924 104 Street,
Edmonton, AB T6H 2L7
Ph 780-437-2342 Fax 780-438-6872
Please note that $6.00 of your membership fee
is allocated for magazine production.
themselves to boats and/or other
recreational equipment. If you travel
outside this province with your boat
please clean, drain and dry it along
with all your gear, trailers, coolers, etc.
As one component of prevention you
will be seeing boat inspection checkpoints. Go to http://esrd.alberta.
to find out more of what you can do
to stop the spread. If you think you’ve
seen guagga or zebra mussels report it
to the Alberta invasive species hotline
at 1-855-336-BOAT (2628). Other
provinces also have hotlines.
Don’t Let it Loose - Koi and Goldfish are invasive species. Do not release
these fish or aquarium plants into “the
wild” as they can greatly effect the
aquatic ecosystem! Did you know...
it is illegal to release live fish into
Alberta’s lakes or rivers and fines can
be up to $100,000.00. Check out this
website for suggestions on how to depart with unwanted “pet” fish http://
Speaking of fish... if you know of
any urban/rural lakes or ponds that
would be good candidates for enhanced fish stocking let our Provincial
Fish Chair, Darryl Smith, know about
Want to help get more youth
hooked on fishing... ACA can assist
your club or organization with hosting
a free fishing event at a location near
you. They have a “tackle box of tools
and resources” to plan and promote
a Kids Can Catch event. Check out
their website for more information.
While at Conference I found out
Busy Mountain Bluebird parents — 7 young
found in this very successful Sarcee Fish &
Game nest box. Photo Credit Murray Schultz
Sarcee Fish & Game Association Annual Fun
Fishing Day for Physically Challenged Persons.
Photo Credit Murray Schultz
that Brad Fenson is celebrating a milestone... 25 years as our AFGA Habitat
Coordinator. The success of our
Wildlife Trust Fund is due to his hard
work, networking skills and relationships with organizations and industry.
Join me in congratulating him! (brad@ Each year a DVD is produced
with regard to the AFGA & WTF and
sent out to clubs. Contact Brad or TJ
to obtain additional copies, if needed,
as they are a great source of information and a good promotional tool that
can be shown at meetings and/or
I have heard that Antelope fencing
may take place near Brooks this year.
Please set aside some time to participate on one or all the projects. More
volunteers are needed! Contact TJ
Schwanky ( or myself
for more info.
Take time to enhance, conserve and
enjoy the outdoors!
Deb Clarke
Zone 2 Director
Alberta Fish & Game association | May/june 2015 13
Club Events
Athabasca Fish & Game:
Barrhead Fish & Game:
Beaver River Fish & Game:
Breton Fish & Game:
Busby & District Fish & Game:
Camrose Fish & Game:
Cardston Fish & Game:
Clandonald & District Fish & Game:
Claresholm Fish & Game:
Coaldale & District Fish & Game:
Dickson Fish & Game:
Devon Fish & Game:
Dunvegan Fish & Game:
Drumheller Fish & Game:
Edmonton Fish & Game:
Edmonton Old Timers:
Edmonton Trout Fishing
Ft. MacLeod Fish & Game:
Ft. Saskatchewan Fish & Game:
High Level Sporting Association:
High Prairie Fish & Game:
High River Fish & Game:
Hillcrest Fish & Game:
Innisfail Fish & Game:
Iron Creek Fish & Game:
Lacombe Fish & Game:
Leduc Fish & Game:
Lethbridge Fish & Game:
Lloydminster Fish & Game:
Magrath Rod & Gun Club
Medicine Hat Fish & Game:
Millet Fish & Game:
Morinville Fish & Game:
Mundare Fish & Game:
Okotoks Fish & Game:
Onoway & District Fish & Game:
Peace Wapiti Fish & Game:
Picture Butte Fish & Game:
Ponoka Fish & Game:
Provost Fish & Game:
Red Deer Fish & Game:
Red Earth Creek Rod & Gun Club:
Rimby Fish & Game:
Rocky Mtn House Fish & Game:
Sarcee Fish & Game:
Sherwood Park Fish & Game:
St. Albert Fish & Game:
St. Paul Fish & Game:
Southern AB Outdoorsmen:
Spedden Fish & Game:
Spruce Grove Fish & Game:
Stony Plain Fish & Game:
Sundre Fish & Game:
Sylvan Lake & District:
Taber Fish & Game:
Thorsby Fish & Game:
Vegreville Wildlife Federation:
Vermillion Fish & Game:
Viking Sports & Wildlife Society:
Wheatland Conservation & Wildlife:
Whitecourt Fish & Game:
Wildwood & District Rod & Gun Club:
Willingdon & District Fish & Game:
Wimborne & District Fish & Game:
2nd Friday
Last Wednesday
1st Tuesday
4th Wednesday
2nd Monday
2nd Wednesday
2nd Thursday
3rd Thursday
3rd Monday
2nd Tuesday
2nd Monday
4th Thursday
3rd Wednesday
3rd Tuesday
2nd Wednesday
2nd Tuesday
1st & 3rd Tuesday
2nd Wednesday
3rd Wednesday
3rd Wednesday
2nd Tuesday
2nd Wednesday
1st Thursday
1st Monday
2nd Thursday
2nd Tuesday
1st Wednesday
3rd Monday
Last Tuesday
3rd Thursday
2nd Tuesday
1st Tuesday
2nd & 4th Tuesday
Last Monday
3rd Tuesday
2nd Tuesday
1st Tuesday
1st Tuesday
1st Thursday
2nd Tuesday
3rd Monday
3rd Tuesday
1st Wednesday
2nd Wednesday
2nd Tuesday
Last Thursday
2nd Tuesday
1st Wednesday
2nd Tuesday
2nd Sunday
1st Thursday
2nd Monday
3rd Tuesday
1st Monday
1st Wednesday
3rd Monday
1st Thursday
2nd Wednesday
1st Tuesday
2nd Thursday
1st Wednesday
2nd Thursday
Last Tuesday
1st Wednesday
Provincial Building – Sept to June
Barrhead Legion
Except July & August
Breton Golden Age Centre – 50th Avenue – except July/Aug/Dec
Lone Goose Club House
Superstore meeting room
Civic Center
Clandonald Coffee shop
Claresholm indoor range
The Range
Dickson Fish & Game Hall: Contact Ike: 403-588-2646 or 403-728-3818
Pioneer 73 Center: #29 St. Lawrence Avenue
Except July/Aug – FCSS Room – Audits and Safety building
Except July/Aug
no info
Spruce Avenue Hall – 10240 115 Avenue
Queen Mary Park Community League – 109 Ave & 117 Street
NWMP Library –back door
Old Train Station – Sept to June
no info
Summer @ Range – Winter @ Amiro’s
For more info:
Hillcrest Fish & Game Hall
Innisfail Royal Canadian Legion – except July and August
Lougheed Lions Den - Mainstreet
Lacombe Legion (except July & August)
Leduc Clubhouse – for more info – (780) 986-1807 - Sept to June
LFGA Clubhouse – 9th Avenue & 10th Street South
Except July & December – Legion Hall
Magrath Library
Medicine Hat Boy Scout Hall – 79 Cuyler Rd. SE - Sept to June
Millet Fish & Game Hall
Morinville F&G Clubhouse – except July/Aug
Mundare Gun Range – May - August
No other info
Education Centre @ gun range – (780) 924-0005 - Sept to June
Better than Fred’s – 9903 101 St, Gr. Prairie - Sept to June
Archery Range – 464 Crescent Ave.
Indoor Gun Range – 2km East of Provost (except July/August)
Red Deer Legion (use Molly B door) – Tues if stat --except July/Aug
No other info
Super 8 Motel – Contact Daryl Hunt (403) 843-6466
Rocky Arena meeting room or (summer) fish pond.
Mtn View Funeral Home Auditorium – September to June
50 Spruce Avenue
St. Albert community Hall on Perron St. – September to June
Town Hall - Downstairs
Kings Home – 108 – 5th Avenue NE – Milk River
Elks Hall – 400 Diamond Avenue – Spruce Grove – (Except November)
Stony Plain Community Centre, 51 Ave. – Jimmy: (780) 405-0015
McDougal Flats Hall
Community Partner Hall
First Wendy’s at Heritage Hotel
Sunnybrook Hall
Centennial Hall
Vermillion Provincial Building – Conference room
Clubhouse located near Viking
Clubhouse on Olson Land – SW2-26-25-W4
Forestry Training Centre
Range in the clubhouse
Willingdon Arena – upstairs clubroom – Sept to June
Wimborne Hall
Beaver River Fish & Game: Every Wednesday 6:00 – 8:00pm Youth / Adult Archery
Edmonton Old Timers Fishing Club is looking for you! Calling all fishermen over 50! You’ll find lots of people to go fishing with both summer & ice fishing in
the winter. We have meetings once a month with a guest speaker. For more info: Ron Gale – 780-232-6261
14 Alberta Fish & Game Association | May/june 2015
Alberta Fish & Game Association
Zone Three Report
Kevin Wingert, Zone 3 Director
hen this is in your hands, there
will be trees, bugs, and birds
back. Coming back in late February from the Alberta Fish and Game
Convention, I noted Canada Geese on
Golf Courses, many species of Hawks
on fences and poles, Starling flocks
on the wires and a bit of open water
nearer to Lethbridge. This winter has
been mild by my standards, but the
temperature swings are incredible.
Climate change is making our world
a different place as I note many new
invasive species, and changing habits
amongst animals and birds. The
magazine Cottage Life had an article
on Western Grebes which winter
on the Great Lakes, falling victim to
landing on ice. They are dying by the
hundreds; with the Lakes 86% frozen
this year, as they cannot take off from
a hard surface. It was so warm in
Alberta last week that kids saw insects
and spiders out.
The Annual Conference was well
attended with 164 voting Delegates.
Good to see so many dedicated conservation minded people in attendance.
As usual, Host Lethbridge volunteers
had the junior delegates’ and companion program attendees busy with
interesting trips. The message from
Kyle Fawcett, the ESRD Minister was
filled with cautious optimism, despite
the gloomy economic picture.
Elections were held and the Zone 3
Treasurer, Lila Newsham, agreed to let
her name stand for Programs Chair.
Wonderful news, as the Conservation
camps are always full and we turn kids
away, Zone 3 may be able to put one
on at Poffianga again in August this
Kevin Wingert
year. Wes Wagar and
his previous Director
have our bylaws registered, and a Non
Profit status so we can hold fundraising events to provide for monies for
camps, and other programs. Well, I
received an eligibility notice for an
event for August 22, 23, 2015 in which
I will need 15 volunteers to help me.
At the Conference, several other clubs
offered to help.
I asked for volunteers for selling the
AFGA Ministers Special License raffle
tickets from among Zone 3 Clubs—we
filled the booth with folks who came
out for the 3 day Red Deer Fish and
Game Outdoor Adventure Show,
thanks Ian, Ernie, Rob, Marc, Len,
Joyce, Carole, and Cynthia. Martin
and I appreciated the efforts as we
sold quite a few.
While at the show, Junior Shooter
Ashley Pickert of Red Deer brought
her air pistol target shooting Gold
Medal from the Canada Games which
wrapped up in Prince George.
The local Red Deer Fish and Game
Club have some of the best up and
coming target shooters in Canada. The
City of Red Deer will host the Canada
Games in 2019 but shooting is not one
of the sporting events. This means
no one will be able to go to the next
Olympics in target shooting not only in
Alberta but other Provinces as well. A
petition has been started and President
Doug Wood is hoping many signatures
will change the committees mind as the
ground work is there to collect many
medals in Red Deer in 2019. Call
Doug @ 403-347-7968 if you agree.
Kevin Wingert
Zone 3 Director
This Merlin sat in the backyard
waiting for the next meal to fly by.
Alberta Fish & Game association | May/june 2015 15
Alberta Fish & Game Association
Zone Four Report
Joe Sinclair, Zone 4 Director
Hi everyone and I hope you are
already to enjoy your summer and fishing season. Now is our chance to take
someone out for a fishing adventure.
Narrow Lake is working for another
season of successful youth camps.
These camps are an absolutely tremendous event for our youth. We do need
volunteers to help get the camp ready
and there is always something that
needs being done. One thought is a
club could volunteer some time and go
up and enjoy the camp as well as get
some chores done. Bring your family,
camp or use the cabins and get some
work in. It is a win-win weekend.
By the time this is out our zone four
meeting will have been held and also
our AGM for NLCC will be over. I
have decided that if I was nominated
I would not let my name stand. I have
been involved with zone and NLLC for
the past few years and think a change
is important for any organization. The
zone and NLCC have worked very
hard this past few years to become
very effective and active groups. I
thank everyone for all of their support
and patience with me and wish you all
the best. My home club has some big
changes coming up this next year and
I want to spend my time and energy
with those changes.
I wish the new AFGA executive all
of the best in the next year and am
confident they will continue to take
our voice and direction forward in
Joe Sinclair
our fight for a better
So in closing thank
you again and I will see many of you
at zone events and NLCC events as I
plan to stay active in both.
Joe Sinclair
Zone 4 Director
Zone Five Report
Robyn Butler, Zone 5 Director
pring is here and everyone is very
busy, and glad to see winter over
with. Congratulations to all the new
executive of AFGA, and a huge thank
you to past president Gordon Poirier
for a job well done. Also, congratulations to all the clubs who received
awards at the conference. It was nice
to see a large turnout of youth this
year. Great to see so many clubs getting their youth involved whether it
be attending conference, youth camp,
archery, trapshooting or various other
The Alberta Conservation Association would like you to join in in their
Kids Can Catch program. Please feel
free to contact them for info or a date
available for your club.
The Zone 5 meeting was held on
April 18 in St. Paul and was very
well attend. Thank you St. Paul for
hosting the meeting and providing a
wonderful lunch.
As usual there was a great turnout
of clubs at the Edmonton Sportsman
Show March 12-15. This venue is a
great chance for everyone to promote
their club. Thank you to Jim and Ruth
Shewfelt and the Edmonton Fish and
Game for organizing the booths, a job
well done.
May 3 will be the Annual General
Meeting at Narrow Lake Conservation Centre, every club can send as
many people as they want but only 2
can vote. Please help out with the work
parties. I will contact every club about
the dates.
I hope all your club banquets were
a success. There is a lot of work that
goes into fundraising and I am sure the
rewards are much greater.
If you have any events you would
16 Alberta Fish & Game Association | May/june 2015
like forwarded to other
clubs in the zone please
contact me and I will get
the word out.
Robyn Butler
Robyn Butler
Zone 5 Director