Want to get involved in Interesting Projects? Do you want a job in

UPCYCLED Furniture Program
Want to get involved in Interesting Projects?
Do you want a job in Carpentry /Cabinet Making or
Furniture Making & Restorations?
Marist Youth Care (MYC) are running a 4 week UPCYCLED Furniture Program for young people between
the ages of 16 to 25 years. This program will provide part-time work experience, help participants gain
skills and experience to help them find full-time work.
MYC will provide employability skills training and link people with real job opportunities!
Program dates:
Program days:
Tues 28th April to Thurs 21st May, 2015
Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays
Program hours:
9am — 3pm
Referrals closing date:
1 Dawson Street, Brunswick
Friday, 24th April, 2015
Participants will:
Refurbish & restore furniture and work with recycled materials
Get involved in interesting projects to help them get a job
Participate in a market at the end of the program to sell their items
How to get involved:
Marist Youth Care - (03) 9380 2065
Only 15 places available! First in best dressed.
Participation from those within the 16-25 yr age bracket encouraged.