Dog Tales Volume 33, Issue 065 June, 2014 Commodore’s Log Hello Salty Doggers, This month I have a topic that is sometimes ignored, skin cancer. Our state has one of the highest occurrences of skin cancer because of our altitude and when you factor in water and snow reflection, the exposure can increase by up to 80%. Meeting June 12 5:30 Seagull’s Inside this issue: Sailing Schedule 2 Upcoming Events 3 Event log 4 Dry Land 6 Lazarette 7 Event Schedule 8 While most of us favor a suntan, (a primitive need to connect with our Neanderthal ancestors while getting burnt to a crisp and howling at the moon), if you look at the statistics, a nice golden tan has many drawbacks. I won’t go into the details but skin cancer, melanoma being one of the most dangerous, can sneak up on us. It is very treatable if caught in the early stages but can spread rapidly throughout the body if ignored. I know there are a few of us that have had exams resulting in further testing, biopsies and treatments for potential skin cancer including myself. What people don’t realize that the skin damage you have today start- by Dick Hug ed when you are young and shows up in later years. I recently went in for my annual skin test and this time the doctor took a sample for biopsy from my head and back. Because I am ahead of the evolutionary timeline and am ready for the day in the future when humans do not need hair, my unprotected man solar collector is major target for skin issues. The biopsy on my scalp was a pre-cancerous condition which was eliminated by the suspect area being frozen with liquid nitrogen. The spot on my back? The doc said it is, wait for it, a “Benign Barnacle”. A WHAT? I know I sail and like the water but didn’t remember being tied off to a boat dock in the ocean floating next to boats for my young life! What to do? The following is an excerpt from the American Cancer Society web page: The best ways to lower the risk of skin cancer are to avoid long exposure to intense sunlight and practice sun safety. You can still exercise and enjoy the outdoors while using sun safety at the same time. Here are some ways to be (Continued on page 5) Upcoming Events Details found in newsletter New Sail & BBQ Jun 7 Vice Commodore’s Log Vice Commodore’s Log – June 2014: Meeting Sail Jun 12 By Janet Heinen Men’s Day Sail Jun 22 Granby Sail Jul 3-6 Meeting Sail Jul 10 Full Moon Sail Jul 12 Yeah! We have arrived, the sailing season has begun, so don’t forget the Salty Dogs Monthly meeting is at the Seagulls Restaurant, Chatfield Marina @ 5:30 p.m. As always, order from the menu, eat up, and be ready to hit the water – weather permitting, as soon as we hear a short report from our esteemed Commodore, Dick Hug and the Salty Dogs Board members. I don’t wish to “flog a dead horse,” but please remember to tip – thanks. You all know the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words,” so please remember to document your adventures with photo’s, so by Janet Heinen we can send them to Art for uploading to the web site, and to me, so I can show them in the Power Point presentation that I show during the winter months. Also if you could commit those adventures to words, we would love to read about them in the Monthly Newsletter. Submit your short essays/stories to Becky Mock, by the 25th of the month, so she can get them organized and pasted in the Newsletter – thanks. Once again, Kudos to Ron for a fabulous spread and event at the Ladies Day Sail. Speaking for myself and all the club members I spoke to, a great time was had by all, and for me, all I could eat – thanks. Kudos to Dave and Jo (Continued on page 5) Volume 33, Issue 065 Page 2 Sailing Schedule 2014 By Carol Kolesnikoff To volunteer as a Sail Coordinator, contact Carol Kolesnikoff at (303) 588-9198 or at Date Event Location Coordinator Saturday, June 7 Ahoy New Members Sail & BBQ (new members sail ½ price) Chatfield Debbi Kethley and Art Blevins Thursday, June 12 Meeting Sail Chatfield Diana Bliss Sunday, June 22 Men’s Day Sail (Men sail free) Chatfield Lori Conway Thursday – Monday, July 3-6, leave on the 6th 3-5 Day 4th of July Mtn Sail Setup on Thurs, leave on Sun. Lake Granby Becky Mock & Tom Prebynski Thursday, July 10 Meeting Sail Chatfield Diana Bliss Saturday July 12 Full Moon Pre-Bastille Day Sail Chatfield Sunday, July 20 and/or Monday, July 21 2 Day Mountain Sail Lake Dillon John & Patsy Venema Friday, August 8 and/or Saturday, August 9 2 Day Mountain Sail Lake Dillon John & Patsy Venema Thursday, August 14 Meeting Sail Chatfield Diana Bliss Saturday, August 23 Sunday, August 24 (Dates tentative) Saturday raft up party with BVSPS and BBQ dinner at campgrounds, Sunday Sail Chatfield Carol Kolesnikoff Friday, August 30 to Sunday, September 1 Multi-Day Labor Day Sail Lake Dillon Marilyn Allen Saturday, September 6 Moonlight Sail Chatfield Shane Broullette Saturday, September 13 Autumn Breezes Sail Chatfield Shane Broullette Sunday, September 28 Golden Colors Sail Chatfield Saturday, October 4 End of Season Sail Chatfield TBD TBD Becky Mock Up Coming Sail Events New Member BBQ & Day Sail Saturday, June 7, 2014 The Chatfield Reservoir Dock This is a free BBQ with Salty Dog providing the hamburgers, hot dogs and drinks, with a Request that Everyone Attending Provide a Side Dish of Your Choosing Thank you in advance for your contri- bution!! Plan to arrive @ 11:30 am Meet up at the dock area just north of the convenience store (Look for the Salty Dog Banner) On the water will commence at approximately 12:30 pm Donation for this event is: $7.50 for new members only (½ price) $15.00 member’s $22.00 nonmembers Mail your donation payable to Salty Dog to: Debbi Kethley, Volume 33, Issue 065 Page 3 Up Coming Sail Events (continued) 4th of July Sail Thurs.—Sun., July 3-6, 2014 Lake Granby The 4th is coming up in 5 weeks, several members have paid. But we need to know if the others are still coming by paying there outing fee by the 15th of June. The lake will be full this year, and there will be plenty of water. In the last 10 years Granby has not been low as it was in 2013 so this will be a good sail in 2014. We are happy to have lakes as these, GREAT LAKES of COLORADO. Reading over several years of sailing mags, it struck me that we have had a lot of cases of piracy in the world. But not here on the waters of Colorado. We’re looking forward to this sail. Any questions about the sail? Donation: $75 for members to camp, $115 for guests to camp, $55 for members staying in a motel, $85 for guests staying in a motel. Your check is your reservation. Mail to Tom Prebynski, 1838 S Van Gordon CT, Lakewood, CO 80228 Looking forward to seeing you on the 4th. Contact: Tom and Sandy Prebynski, Becky Mock, Lake Dillon Sails July 20 - 21, Sunday &/or Monday, AND AGAIN August 8 - 9, Friday &/or Saturday Now is the time make your reservation for sailing beautiful Lake Dillon. Each day we will do a morning and afternoon sail with a lunch break ashore. In the evening, we will gather at a local restaurant for socializing. Inexpensive motels are nearby should you decide to spend the night on July 20 and/or August 8. Donation: Members: $30 for a full day or $45 for two consecutive days. Add 50% for guests of members. Your check payable to Salty Dogs is your reservation. Send your check and I will send details of where and when to meet, etc. Include your phone number and email address. Contact: John Venema Labor Day Weekend August 29—September 1, 2014 Lake Dillon Save Labor Day weekend for Dillon! Plan to join the Salty Dogs (and possibly guests) Friday August 29 through Sept. 1. I will reserve a condo for us and it would be REALLY helpful to have a tentative head count. Please let me know if you'd be interested in sharing the condo. I'm looking at 3 bedroom places that sleep 6-10 so I want to be sure we can pretty well fill it, to keep the cost reasonable. We'll have single beds/bunks availa- Boat for Sale I have a 20 ft. Melges sailboat for sale. It is a racing skow with sails and trailer. It has been parked for too long and needs some TLC. The boat is in Cheyenne, Wyo- ming. $850 obo. For more information, please call or text me at (307) 421-3004. Linda Hawkins Oster ble as well as queen/king size and possibly a studio couch in the living room. In previous years, I've been able to keep the cost to $105-120/ pp for all 3 nights. Members will have first option - guests may sign up for the condo after August 1, for the same cost as members. I don't know the cost of the sails yet (hey, it’s over 2 months away, but I know some of you get pretty anxious). Hopefully there will be plenty of boats available so everyone can sail as much as they'd like, but if we're short, the people staying at the condo will get preference for sailing spots. Please let me know ASAP if you're interested in joining us. As always, you check will be your reservation. Once I get a place and price confirmed, I'll contact the people on the "interest list" and give them first opportunity to confirm their reservations. Rooms and beds will be assigned in the order checks are received. Hope to see lots of Dogs there. Contact: Marilyn Allen, Volume 33, Issue 065 Page 4 Sail Log Wax on The early bird gets the pressure washer! Fourth Annual Boat Wash Wax off There were almost a dozen Salty Dogs and friends and three boats on a nearly perfect day. The boats cot cleaned and polished, lunch was shared, and a small group went sailing. The pictures tell the story. Thanks to all the members who came to wash the boats. Don’t point it direct and you won’t get wet Now Showing; Attack of the Pressure Washer Get the hips into it! Barefootin” Where does all this black stuff come from? Recipe for elbow grease: effort + perseverance. A real “salty dog” The “relief” crew A salty dog and a Salty Dog A Tying a “foot cleat” The early bird takes a nap! Volume 33, Issue 065 Page 5 Commodore’s Log (Continued from page 1) sun safe: 5. Slop on sunscreen: Use sunscreen 8. Sunscreen doesn’t protect from all 1. Avoid direct exposure to the sun and lip balm with broad spectrum protection and a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or higher. Apply a generous amount of sunscreen (about a palmful) to unprotected skin at least 30 minutes before outdoor activities. Reapply every 2 hours and after swimming, toweling dry, or sweating. UV rays, so don’t use sunscreen as a way to stay out in the sun longer. between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Teach children the shadow rule: if your shadow is shorter than you, the sun’s rays are at their strongest. 2. Seek shade, especially in the middle of the day when the sun’s rays are strongest. 3. Follow the Slip! Slop! Slap!® and Wrap! rules: 4. Slip on a shirt: Cover up with protective clothing to guard as much skin as possible when you’re out in the sun. Choose comfortable clothes made of tightly woven fabrics that you can’t see through when held up to a light. 6. Slap on a hat: Cover your head with a wide-brimmed hat, shading your face, ears, and neck. If you choose a baseball cap, remember to protect your ears and neck with sunscreen. 7. Wrap on sunglasses: Wear sunglasses with 100% UVA and UVB absorption to protect your eyes and the surrounding skin. 9. Follow these practices to protect your skin even on cloudy or overcast days. UV rays travel through clouds. Avoid other sources of UV light. Tanning beds and sun lamps are dangerous. They damage your skin and can cause cancer. Point is, there are many skin conditions that are benign and many that are serious. The only way to know is to see your dermatologist and get a full body scan. So lather up, cover up, and have fun on the water! Dick Hug, Commodore Vice Commodore’s Log (Continued from page 1) Davies for welcoming everyone to their home after the recent tour, from all reports a great time was had by all. I want to give a special “shout-out” to both Elaine, and Jo, as we know, behind every good man their stands a wonderful woman – so ladies – “Thank You” for all you do!!!! As we speak, rather as I prepare this, United States Ensign The U.S. national ensign, sometimes called "50-star" or "Old Glory," is the proper and preferred flag for all U.S. vessels. Your boat should wear it from 0800 until sunset, and when you enter or leave port during daylight or at night, weather and rig permitting. While in port, if you leave your boat and will not return before sunset, lower and stow the national ensign before you go. the Memorial Weekend Camp/Sail event is happening in Glendo, Wyoming. I look forward to hearing about the adventures that I have no doubt abounded there. Don’t forget the upcoming Monthly Meeting, July 11th 2014, Thursday, @ 5:30 p.m. Same “Summer” Place as usual Seagull’s Restaurant: Chatfield Marina Make your dinner choice from the Menu – you only have until 6:30 p.m. at which time our esteemed Commodore - Dick Hug will conduct the Club’s Business, then at 6:45 – 6:50 p.m. Hit the water for some evening sailing. The national ensign worn by a vessel must be the flag of her registry—not necessarily that of the owner or operator. the gear, and vice versa, the practice is to fly the ensign from a halyard rigged amidships on the after part of the superstructure. Generally, the national ensign should be displayed at the peak of the gaff, i.e., the outer end of the spar extending aft from the mast of your boat—if you boat has a gaff. If it does not, fly it from the flagstaff at your boat's stern. If your boat has an overhanging boom or an outboard motor, your flagstaff may be offset to starboard (preferably) from your boat's centerline. On a sportfishing boat, where a stern staff might interfere with Marconi-rigged sailboats may fly the ensign from the leech of the aftermost sail (or from the back stay), approximately 2/3 the distance up its length. This puts it in about the same position it would occupy if the boat were gaffrigged. At anchor or made fast, the ensign should be flown from the stern staff of all boats. The U.S. national ensign has a 10:19 hoist/fly ratio. Source: Volume 33, Issue 065 Page 6 2014 Dry Land Activities Jo Davies did a wonderful job with the NOAA tour, and to top it off, prepared an excellent buffet of Chicken Kabobs, Pulled Pork, brats, (all barbequed out in a torrential down pour, to perfection) Wine, Beer & soft drinks. How could you ask for anything more except to host the affair in their beautiful mountain home? Our thanks go out to Jo & Dave for being such gracious hosts. June is open for your dry land event. What would you like that would be riproaring, exhilarating, intriguing, tantalizing or just plain fun. Call soon Ron by Ron Gahan NOAA Weather Center. a Sphere" where a huge 10 foot diameter globe represents the earth and the On the 23rd of May twenty Salty DogNOAA people showed us 3D imaged gers braved the threat of possible weather & cloud patterns across the storms (and the horrendous construcglobe as they happened, images of the tion on the Boulder Turnpike) to visit at total earth surface at different wavethe NOAA (National Oceanographic and lengths, images such as actual ocean Atmospheric Agency ) Center in Boulder. temperatures and much else. We endAfter some tough security--including car ed with the view of all the airplanes at searches and ID verification, they let us one period of time as they traverse the all in (we were nervous that Neal Wiler earth, the data from their transponders would make it through security but he is collected and imaged on the globe did). The NOAA tour focused on Weath- (this is the transponder that was er, we had a 2 hour narrated tour that turned off at the start of the Malaysian included a view and explanation of the Air disaster). We ended with a unique Space weather monitoring system look- view of almost current Facebook intering at the emanations from the Sun action traffic worldwide presented which have a powerful impact on earth across the globe. weather. We then visited the Colorado weather forecasting center that is reWe ended with a potluck at the Davies sponsible for the daily and long period home just a few minutes away. Many Colorado weather forecast, the forecast thanks to NOAA and in particular to our you see on local TV is largely based on guide (Carol Knight) who did an excelthis NOAA forecast, as is the long term lent job narrating and explaining on the forecast. After looking at some ways tour. that data is collected, including some of the thousands of volunteers worldwide Dave and Jo Davies who collect data and send it to NOAA, we then went to the famous "Science on Volume 33, Issue 065 Page 7 Lazarette The following are excerpts from the Salty Dog Bylaws. These sections are pertinent to the start of sailing season, and all members should be familiar with them. Full text of the bylaws and policies are available on the Salty Dog website at Any questions can be directed to any board member. SECTION II – PARTICIPATION IN SAILING EVENTS Participants shall respect and comply with all rules made by the sailboat owner and respect the sailboat owner’s property. Participants will be responsible for any damages that they may cause. All persons attending a sailing event shall pay the full amount due, prior to departure. Those in the advance party should take responsibility to seek out and pay the trip coordinator(s) as soon as possible. The trip coordinator shall not have to approach event participants more than once for funds. Members are encouraged to make reservations for events by the published deadlines. Members paying for multi day trips more than four weeks prior to the beginning of the trip shall receive a 15% discount on the total trip cost. Members choosing to stay in areas other than the reserved camp site shall receive a $20 discount on the trip cost, so long as the trip coordinator is notified at least four weeks prior to the beginning of the trip that space at the campsite will not be needed. Participants are encouraged to form carpools at the meeting site and they are expected to work out expense sharing arrangements with the driver. Participants shall arrive at the designated meeting place 15 minutes before departure to pay donations, register non-member guests and sign up for sailboats. During sailing events, upon arrival to or departure from the point of sail, the crew is expected to be available to help rig and de-rig the sailboats under supervision of and as a courtesy to the sailboat owners. The fundamentals of docking and leaving a dock. All participants are responsible for their own food, beverage and equipment. Salty Dog Sailing Club is an adult only club. Children (those persons under the age of 18) cannot become members nor is there any family membership; therefore, they shall always be considered as guests. All children shall be the sole responsibility of the parent, relative, or guardian bringing them to the event. Children of a participating boat owner may bring his/her children along on any sail provided that they remain on said owner’s boat only and under said owner’s supervision. There shall be no financial costs involved for these children. Children of a non participating boat owner will be permitted on the event only when prior approval is obtained from a Participating Boat Owner (POB) that the child is welcome on his/her boat. This approval is necessary even if the boat is sitting in a slip or at anchor. Children of any other member will donate the same amount as the member’s donation and sign the waiver with parent’s, relative’s, or legal guardian’s additional signature authorizing their approval. The location of all safety equipment on-board and how to use it. Pets are not allowed on boats unless prior approval has been given by the boat owner. SECTION V FIRST MATE GUIDELINES The First Mate should fulfill all the requirements of crew member and know or be interested in learning: The knowledge necessary to take over from the captain when necessary. How to assist and direct crewmembers as required. The fundamentals of sailing and anchoring. How to recognize adverse conditions that could compromise the sailboat or crew. The basics of navigation. How to start and stop the motor SECITON VI CAPTAIN GUIDELINES The Captain should fulfill all the requirements of the First Mate and know: The safety rules for the crew and how to qualify their Crew Members and First Mate according to Sections IV and V. How to provide for the safety and well-being of all those on-board. How to board and disembark, move around on a sailboat safely and without assistance. How to maintain the sailboat and its equipment in good condition. It is recommended that the Captain obtain the Coast Guard Auxiliary Courtesy Inspection for their sailboat each year. The basics of rigging and de-rigging a sailboat of any type. How to assess weather conditions before departure and during a sail. Nautical rules of the road and safety procedures required in adverse weather and in current traffic conditions. It is the responsibility of everyone to leave the event site as neat and clean as possible. Please pick up all trash! SECTION IV CREW MEMBER GUIDELINES The Crew Member should be interested in learning: The names of the parts of a sailboat and pieces of sailing equipment in order to follow simple verbal instructions from the captain. Salty Dog Sailing Club Officers Commodore Vice Comm Membership Secretary Dry Land On the Water Newsletter Treasurer Web Admin Dick Hug Janet Heinen Debbi Kethley Dave Davies Ron Gahan Carol Kolesnikoff Becky Mock Bobby Olsen Art Blevins 303-841-3115 720-6901703 303-829-7547 303-588-8557 303-462-0538 303-588-9198 303-253-5164 303-521-8589 720-275-7577 We’re on the web! Saturday, August 23 The Salty Dog Sailing Club, Inc. is a Colorado nonprofit organization composed of couples and singles interested in sailing and socializing with others who share their love for the sport. Boat owner and non-owners are welcome! The Club plans about a dozen sails each season, including day and weekend sails at nearby lakes. Special three day holiday trips often include Lake Granby or Pueblo Reservoir in Colorado, Lake McConaughy in Nebraska, or Glendo Reservoir in Wyoming. Salty Dog members have also organized charter sails in the Virgin Islands, the Bahamas, Greece, and France. Aside from sailing, we have a variety of fun dryland activities throughout the year. Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month, except for February, November and December when there are banquets and special parties. Meetings during the off season are held at Red and Jerry’s at 1840 W Oxford Ave. #B, Sheridan, CO 80110. Beginning in June regular club meetings resume at the Chatfield Marina. Rendezvous at the Seagull (Chatfield Marina) Restaurant around 5:30-6:00 for socializing with other members and to order dinner. A brief meeting will follow with the goal of being on the water by 7:00 pm. (I’m going to try to keep this projected for 2 months, space permitting. Check each issue for changes.) Date Event Location Coordinator/Presenter June 7 New Member Sail and BBQ Chatfield Debbi Kethley and Art Blevins June 12 Meeting Sail Chatfield Diana Bliss June 22 Men’s Day Sail Chatfield Lori Conway July 3-6 4th of July Mountain Sail Lake Granby Tom Prebynski and Becky Mock July 10 Meeting Sail Chatfield Diana Bliss July 12 Full Moon Pre-Bastille Day Sail Chatfield TBD Sunday, July 20 and/or 2 Day Mountain Sail Monday, July 21 Lake Dillon John & Patsy Venema Friday, August 8 and/or 2 Day Mountain Sail Saturday, August 9 Lake Dillon John & Patsy Venema Thursday, August 14 Meeting Sail Chatfield Diana Bliss Saturday, August 23 Sunday, August 24 (Dates tentative) Saturday raft up party with BVSPS and BBQ dinner at campgrounds, Sunday Sail Chatfield Carol Kolesnikoff Friday, August 30 to Sunday, September 1 Multi-Day Labor Day Sail Lake Dillon Marilyn Allen Articles for next issue are due on the 25th. Please send Word Doc files to:
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