In this issue... Worship & Music • Notes • Themes/Lessons • Summer Worship • King’s Kids Christian Education • Sunday School • Appreciation Dinner • VBS 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 Youth and Family • Graduation • Prayer at Home • Family Service • Faithful Readers • Theater Outing 5 5 5 6 6 Evangelism and Stewardship • Parade Meeting 6 Missions • Tanzania • China • Neighbors • Habitat for Humanity • Guatemala • Lewis House • World Hunger • Mobile Meals • Back to School Bash 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 Business Management • Treasurer’s Report • Attendance 9 9 Council Corner 9 Connections • Servant Ministry • Pastoral Care • Prayer Chain • Birthdays/ Anniversaries • March MN Food Share • Summer Schedule Inserts • Calendar • Ministry Volunteers • Youth News • VBS Volunteer Forms • His Harmony Musical 10 10 10 11 11 11 M A Y 2 0 1 5 Moving Beyond Easter By Pastor Julie Wright Truth be told, I’m a little sad that Lent is over. Just ask my family – it’s my favorite time of the year. It’s when I embrace my super geeky Lutheran-ness and really get into it by enjoying Lenten worship and Wednesday night meals, service opportunities, and I even paint my toenails purple for the occasion. Weird, right? Or not. Not all Christians celebrate Lent, but it is one of the cooler things about the Lutheran tradition. Lent is a time set aside, a time for reflection and contemplation – to turn inward – not in a self-centered fashion, but to reflect upon the journey of Jesus and how our journey has been forever changed by our savior and brother Jesus. Now that we have moved beyond Easter, I am reflecting on how the relevance of Good Friday and Easter continues in our lives as we encounter hope and times when hope seems miles away. One of my favorite professors taught me to always ask myself these questions: 1) So what? and 2) Now what? We have journeyed with Jesus through the darkness of Good Friday and we have rejoiced with the women as they discovered the empty tomb and the good news that Christ is risen! Alleluia! Now we ask ourselves these questions: So what? and Now what? What difference does the life and death of Jesus make in this world? What difference does it make in our day to day lives? How have you been forever changed? Where do you see Jesus? Where do you long to see Jesus show up in this world? The truth is that when Christ takes up residence in our lives, we cannot help but be changed. We simply cannot contain the hope and joy. We cannot ignore the freedom and responsibility that Christ has given us. But more than that, we see the world differently when we see it through Christ’s eyes. As I continue my journey as a Christian, I am constantly surprised by how God continues to shape and mold me, challenging my assumptions and guiding me in new ways – even putting new adventures in front of me from time to time. I am astounded by the wideness of God’s mercy and the resilience of God’s people when we join together to care for one another, as Christ taught us. As I continue to get to know each one of you, I’m curious about your journey of faith. Is being a disciple of Jesus what you had expected? Has God placed challenges in your path that you never saw coming? Where have you seen joy and sorrow, sickness and health, gain and loss? How does Jesus surprise you? To what is Jesus calling you now? Join me in conversation (in person and on Facebook) to engage these questions and more as we continue this journey together. Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! Alleluia! Pastor Julie Wright PAGE 2 Worship and Music Ministry Notes by Louise Lentz, Worship and Music Chair You may have noticed the additional technology in the Sanctuary. We now have two high-definition digital cameras capable of recording and projecting our worship services to the nursery, narthex, upper room, kitchen, hall, lower level hall and gathering area. This will allow us to engage all in worship when the Sanctuary is full to overflowing. It also allows us to distribute copies of the services to members who are not able to attend. The Worship & Music Ministry team brainstormed other uses for the technology to enhance our worship experiences. We will be exploring projecting visual images, such as pictures or video clips, to embellish our worship. We want our worship services to be meaningful, relevant, Spirit-filled, and, as always, grounded in God’s Word. Services that inspire and lead us in the direction that God would have us go. In addition to using the technology, we will be trying different things such as piano music only during communion so that members can meditate on the meaning of communion, oneon-one prayers during communion, focusing on blended music, using different versions for Scripture, etc. A heartfelt thank you goes to Ryan Guggisberg, who led the project, with help from Jeff Waska, Norm Goetzke and Larry Kinney for their persistence and work in researching, analyzing and installing technology that more than meets our current needs and can be expanded for future needs. And now the work begins. We need individuals who have a working knowledge of video compilation, mixing and editing; and who want to be immersed in operating and optimizing this technology. The individuals would work with Pastor Chris and Pastor Julie to build and project video and graphics during weekly services as well as work with committees to take on and manage video projects from beginning to end. As we continue to fine-tune and experiment, we welcome your ideas on what would heighten your worship experience and your feedback on what you appreciate about our services. MAY WORSHIP DATE THEME LESSONS WORSHIP SERVICES May 3 Easter 5 His Harmony Musical Are We There Yet? TBD 8:00 and 10:30 am Worship with Holy Communion May 10 Easter 6 Mother’s Day TBD Acts 10:44-48 Psalm 98 1 John 5:1-6 John 15:9-17 8:00 and 10:30 am Worship with Holy Communion May 17 Easter 7 TBD Romans 1:1-17 John 17:6-19 8:00 and 10:30 am Worship with Holy Communion May 24 Pentecost TBD TBD 8:00 am Abbreviated Worship with Holy Communion 9:30 am Worship with Holy Communion May 31 Holy Trinity TBD TBD 8:00 am Abbreviated Worship with Holy Communion 9:30 am Worship with Holy Communion PAGE 3 SUMMER WORSHIP Starting Sunday, May 24th we will begin our summer worship schedule with worship at 8:00 and 9:30 a.m. The 8:00 a.m. abbreviated worship service will include prayer and Holy Communion. At 9:30 a.m. we will have a full worship service including Holy Communion. Both services will be held in the Sanctuary. King’s Kids Choir: Do you see Him? Submitted by Angy Thelemann, Director Have you seen Jesus, My Lord? I have!!! Each Wednesday night in the lower level where 15 young kids gathered to sing praises to God, create works of art, and enjoy snacks and games with each other. Together we explored where we see Jesus in our everyday lives—at home, school, or play… in our families, at church, or out in the world… and in each other. Have you seen Jesus, My Lord? He’s here in plain view. Take a look open your eyes, He’ll show it to you. A huge thank you goes out to all the kids who made this a wonderful year!!!!! They are so amazing! Thank you to Susan Young for joining us again and sharing her love of music and the Lord! Thanks to all the parents for sharing snacks, helping out, and bringing your kids each week. Thank you to the congregation for supporting this ministry, and to all who attended our end of the year concert. A huge thank you to Kayla Thelemann and Alex Guggisberg who were assistants again this year and helped in a whole variety of ways!! It is an honor and privilege to work with all these children! Looking forward to next year!! (3 years old—1st Grade) PAGE 4 From the Christian Education Ministry Team By Linda Becker, Sunday School Coordinator We have seen Jesus in Sunday School. We have seen him in the faithful teachers and shepherds nurturing and loving the children as they learn. During April we were blessed with a new teacher, Colleen Losie, teaching the children about the life of Lydia, a woman from the New Testament who made clothing from purple cloth. Colleen and her daughter, Stella, are new members and we welcome them warmly! Many thanks also to Jennifer and Michael Rutschke, Lynn Waska, and Trudy and Vic Johnson for teaching in April. Lydia was the first Christian to be converted by the Apostle Paul, and she brought her whole family to be baptized. Let us tell others and bring them to hear about Jesus, as well! In May children will learn about “The Fruits of the Spirit.” Cyndi Berg will teach a cooking class, and Trish Ebensteiner will teach Bible Skills and Games. We thank them for sharing their gifts with all the children. There will be rotation classes on May 3 and 10. May 17 will be a special Appreciation Assembly. Parents and children are invited to attend class together. We will celebrate our year of Rotation Sunday School and create thank yous for all the teachers and shepherds who have helped during the year. This will be an important Sunday to bring our year to a close and to help shape the year to come. Please plan to attend as a family!! Refreshments will be served. SAVE THE DATE: Wednesday, May 20, 2015 6:00 p.m. Appreciation Dinner for all Teachers and Shepherds It’s time to register for Vacation Bible School happening June 15-18th! Registration packets and volunteer sign-up forms are available at Registration Deadlines and Fees (registration form and payment must be received by these dates): April 16-May 29: $60 per child May 30 - June 15: $70 per child Register before May 30th to guarantee your child gets the correct t-shirt size. For questions about volunteering contact Lisa Barnhart ( For all other questions contact Lynn Waska ( Donations are always welcome and needed to help make the program a success. Watch for the VBS donation table in the Narthex. PAGE 5 From the Youth and Family Ministry Team High School Graduating Class of 2015 Kara Gulbro Adam Johnson Christina Rademacher Kayla Thelemann Sarah Yotter Join us Sunday, June 7th at 9:30 a.m. as we celebrate during a special sending worship service. A social time will follow the service. Teaching Prayer at Home: Remembrance Poppies Submitted by Merri Guggisberg, Youth and Young Adult Coordinator Make homemade poppies or purchase them from your local American Legion to remember those who gave their lives in war. To make homemade poppies – trace the bottom of a glass to make four circles, cut these out, then gently crumple them; open the circles and poke a green pipe cleaner through the center as if they were beads; loop the end of the pipe cleaner as a knot, and push the red paper circles toward the knot to make poppy flower. While making share with your family that they are making these as reminders of soldiers who died in war. Red poppies are the symbol for Memorial Day. When you have all the flowers finished, pray and thank God for people who died for our country and remember any family members who have served for our country. Invite your children to share their poppies with others and ask the person they give it to who they are remembering on Memorial Day. Family Service Idea for May Submitted by Merri Guggisberg, Youth and Young Adult Coordinator Practice Random Acts of Kindness All Summer Long—All Year Long—All Ages Service ideas: Stage an early morning chalk attack. Pick a street –yours or another – and write a “good morning” or “have a great day” message on every driveway. Leave your mail carrier a wrapped treat – package of cookies etc. with a note saying thanks. Bake some cookies or muffins – share with your local fire or police department with a note saying thanks for all you do to keep our community safe. Stop by a local senior center and deliver a bouquet of flowers to the nurses. Create a flyer that reads: Take a smile with individual smile pull notes. Post on community bulletin boards such as a coffee shop. Leave change in the washers at your local Laundromat. Stop by the local dollar store and leave a dollar near a toy or book – what a great surprise. Help out a friend, parent or neighbor with yard work. Plant a garden with extra produce seeds – at harvest time, share with your local food shelf. Give smiles and compliments to everyone to meet. Free and everyone loves it! Share your stories and pictures on the AGLC Face Book page. Great way to share Jesus’s love with all! PAGE 6 FAITHFUL READERS… SO MANY BOOKS—SO LITTLE TIME We gather at 6:30 p.m. at Barnes & Noble Booksellers Café on Promenade in Eagan to discuss our book of the month. We meet the third Sunday of the month. We read a variety of books. Title suggestions are welcome. Contact person: Barb Malamen All are welcome to join in the discussion. Let’s read together faithfully. May 17 The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd The setting is Charleston in the early nineteenth century. On Sarah’s eleventh birthday, she is given ownership of a 10 year old slave, “Handful”, to be her handmaid. We follow their lives over the next 35 years as both strive for a life of their own. June 21 The People in the Trees by Hanya Yanagihara Written in the form of a memoir, this is the story of a young medical researcher who joins a 1950 anthropological expedition to a remote Oceanic nation in a search of a lost people who are rumored to have discovered the secret of eternal youth. July 19 The Red Tent by Anita Diamant (Books in a Bag selection) Told in Dinah’s voice, the author imagines the traditions and turmoil of ancient womanhood—the world of the red tent. It begins with the story of the mothers Leah, Rachel, Zilpah, and Bilhah—the four wives of Jacob and presents a new view of the lives of Biblical women. August 16 The Sandcastle Girls by Chris Bohjalian Parallel stories of a woman who falls in love with an Armenian soldier during the Armenian genocide and a modern day New Yorker prompted to rediscover her Armenian past. Attention Theater Lovers Guess who is coming to town? Why is there a groom missing, and why did a bride discard her wedding gown? Most important, why is there a dead body in the ice palace? The Winter Carnival Mystery is hardly elementary and Saint Paul needs Sherlock Holmes’s legendary powers of deduction. The play is Sherlock Holmes and the Ice Palace Murders by Jeffrey Hatcher adapted from the novel by Larry Millett. The performance is at the Park Square Theatre in downtown St. Paul. The date is Saturday evening June 20 at 7:30 p.m. The cost is $22. There are 30 seats reserved at this time. Save the date and watch for the sign up sheet. Payment is due by May 20th. Contact person: Barb Malamen. Notes from Evangelism/Stewardship Team EVERYONE LOVES A PARADE!!!! Inver Grove Heights Parade—Saturday, September 12th All interested in planning this year's float and handouts are welcome!! Thursday, May 7, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the Upper Room Treats and Fun Promised!!! All are welcome!! PAGE 7 Missions Updates... News From Tanzania NEIGHBORS INC Submitted by Pastor Chris Becker Submitted by Lisa Barnhart Since the year 2000, we have had about 25 people from Amazing Grace travel to our companion congregation in Magulilwa, Tanzania. We are planning another trip in 2016. There are about 9 people who expressed an interest in going. March Food Drive update: The totals are in! During the month of March we collected a total of 4,647 pounds of food and $2,530 (which brings our total to 7,177 pounds) for the Neighbors food drive! Although we fell a little short of our 10,000 pound goal, we were still one of the top groups in donations given. Thank you to everyone who supported this effort. Your generosity and support of the community is truly amazing! I want to share further information that may encourage others to consider this life changing journey. The date will be around August 2016. The estimated cost is about $4,000. This cost includes: air, visa, gratuity, ground transportation, lodging, most of the food, and a fee that the synod charges for groups traveling. Our itinerary would include: 3 days in the larger city of Iringa (9 hours from Dar-Es Salaam). 2 nights/3 days in the village of Magulilwa participating in lively worship and building life-long relationships along with some form of teaching experience. A visit to an orphanage run by a Lutheran Church A visit to a 60,000 year old Stone Age site 2 days/3 nights on safari at Ruaha Park Daily group times for faith growth and spiritual awakening. The group will begin meeting sometime in September of 2015 to prepare for this incredible journey of faith. Please contact Pastor Chris at, Helen Yotter or Annie Morgan for more information. China Submitted by Charlotte Gronseth All welcome to the annual China Service Ventures (CSV) banquet and program on Sunday, May 3rd! Chinese food, interesting and fun fellowship, and a stimulating program with updates on exciting developments with CSV's ministry in the Rooster Mountain area. Luther Seminary (2481 Como Avenue, St. Paul) at 4:30. More information at Check out these other opportunities to serve Neighbors: 2015 Spring/Summer Events Line-Up Featuring Fashion, Tea Parties & Beer Tasting Events Looking for something to do as the weather turns warmer and Spring approaches? Check out one of our upcoming Spring feel-good events. Not only are they a lot of fun to attend, but the proceeds from these events benefit Neighbors, Inc., including our emergency assistance programs and Food Shelf. Design On A Dime Fashion Show Thursday, May 7th, at 6pm at the Historic Concord Exchange in South St. Paul Fashion show featuring clothes from the Neighbors’ Clothes Closet. There will be a sale after the show of all featured items. This is the third year in a row that this event is being organized by a youth volunteer. Tickets are $10 for adults / $8 for students and VIP tickets are also available. Princess Tea Party Saturday, May 9th, at 10am at Veteran’s Memorial Community Center in Inver Grove Heights Tea Party includes brunch, tea, themed craft activities for children and special appearances by real princesses. Princes & princesses of all ages welcome. Guests encouraged to wear their “royal best.” Photo opportunities available. Tickets are $25 for adults / $15 for children (ages 3-13) Taps & Apps: An Event to Fight Hunger Wednesday, June 17, at 6:00pm at Summit Brewing Company in St. Paul Join us for a fun-filled evening of beer tasting, appetizer pairings, lawn games and a silent auction. VIP tickets are $30 each & include the event plus a tour of brewery. Regular admission is $20. Limit 150. Detailed information about all of our events, including links for tickets, can be found on line at: events/. Photos from previous events available. PAGE 8 Habitat for Humanity Mobile Meals Submitted by Norm Beckman Submitted by Barb Malamen We will be joining Augustana Lutheran Church again this year for two weeks to work on building a Habitat for Humanity home in Cottage Grove. This will take place from July 20th to the 31st. If you have an interest in working contact Norm Beckman. Guatemala Submitted by Tom and Judy Thompson GUATEMALA MISSION TRIP FUNDRAISER Dad’s Belgian Waffles at Bethesda Lutheran Church, 2855 47th St. E, IGH MN on May 3rd from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon. Adults $7 in advance/$8 at the door. Kids ages 6-12 $5 in advance/$6 at the door. Ages 5 and under are free. Call Bethesda at 651-451-1355 for advance tickets. MOBILE MEALS DRIVERS NEEDED Delivering meals to seniors and disabled adults in their homes through Mobile Meals of northern Dakota County is one of the ways we members of Amazing Grace are at work in the world. We drive every 4 weeks on Monday and Friday. The next Monday date is April 27 and May 1. The meals and route directions are picked up about 10:30 a.m. at Faith Methodist Church on Oakdale in West St. Paul. There are routes in West St. Paul, South St. Paul, Mendota Heights, and Inver Grove Heights. There are about 6-8 stops on each route and it usually takes 45-60 min. to deliver. Each route has directions to each stop. I’m looking for drivers available as regulars and also drivers available to sub. It would be possible to set up a ride along with a current driver to check out the system. Questions? Interest?!? Contact Barb Malamen. Lewis House Back to School Bash Submitted by Bonnie Petrasek Submitted by Pastor Chris Becker To the members of Amazing Grace Lutheran,’ This congregation is so supportive of the mission of Lewis House. Women and children who are abused need people like all of you who are willing to show you care through your gifts and financial support. And prayers. Thanks for your help in addressing the needs of those who cannot help themselves. Bonnie Petrasek, Lewis House Volunteer Judy Bowman, House Manager World Hunger Submitted by Zella Vandervort Thank you to all who gave generously to ELCA World Hunger during this Lenten Season. You gave a total of $1003.48 to help our neighbors here and around the world. If you still have your World Hunger box and would like to turn it in, you may give it to Craig Yotter in the church office. Also, please remember ELCA World Hunger throughout the year, hunger is year round. Thank you again! Right in our own backyard! “Back to School Bash” August 20, 2015 Last year we worked with a number of faith communities in Inver Grove Heights to provide a day of support for over 100 families. Backpacks with school supplies were given to 1000 children from Inver Grove Heights. Clothing was given out as well. There was food and games and music. It was a witness of how God can bring so many different people together to share resources with those in need. There were people from all cultures and economic places in life who were welcomed and shown the love of Jesus through acts of kindness. Below is information from some initial planning for this year’s event in August. Please look at what is happening, see who is getting involved, and then see if this is something you are willing to work towards. We need people from Amazing Grace to be part of the planning team. People are needed to help set-up the day of the event. People are needed to work at the event on August 20 at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church. People are need to help clean-up. Please let me know if you can serve in one of these areas. God’s peace. Pastor Christopher Becker PAGE 9 Business Management Ministry Team AGLC Financial Summary through March 2015 Year to Date 2015: Amazing Grace has Prepared by Tim Sanborn, Treasurer YTD Income: $108,962 ( a $20,216 positive cash flow (giving is $362 over budget – 0.3% favorable) YTD Expense: $88,746 ($19,167 under budget – 17.8% favorable) greater than expenses). YTD Net Inc.: $20,216 ($19,529 over budget – very favorable) Net Income = Ordinary + Other Inc/ Exp. Income = General (envelopes) + Designated Funds. Expenses are currently $19,167 under budget, due in part to some realized savings (less snow removal required this year) and unrealized savings (many of the Ministry teams have upcoming expenses that have been budgeted over the course of the year, but haven’t occurred yet). Attendance figures – comparing 2014 to 2015 Contributed by James Jeyachandran and Tim Sanborn Many factors contribute to the attendance numbers captured at our services. The post-Christmas time period is no exception with the weather (both the bitter cold of January and first nice days of April), which choir(s) and musicians are blessing us with their heavenly gifts, special programs, baptisms, and even the timing of Lent and Easter. As a congregation we are also affected by family events such as newly retired folks who are perhaps snow birding out of state or when particular schools are holding their Spring breaks. Looking at the posted attendance figures: Average attendance for 6 weeks Prior to Ash Wednesday: 2014 Total attendance for Ash Wednesday to Easter: 2014 8:00 10:30 60 132 192 2015 2,595 2015 8:30 10:30 53 122 175 Change: -17 Down 9% 2,174 Change: -421 Down 16% Council Corner By Jim Zentner Council President As I write these thoughts, the event I am commenting on has not yet happened and by the time you read this, it will be over. So I will have to imagine a little bit as I write. On Sunday, May 3rd, we honored and celebrated the service of three truly amazing and wonderful people within our congregation. Gail Wold, Susan Young and Angy Thelemann. These three women have dedicated so much of their lives to serving God and others that together their years total well over 90. Gail and Susan have given of themselves to bring alive our worship services through music by directing the His Harmony Choir and Sanctuary Choir and in accompanying the Sanctuary Choir and King’s Kids Choir. They have been tireless workers in their endeavor to build and sustain the music program at Amazing Grace. In addition to the choir directing, Gail has for many years led the children’s musical presentations that typically occur in the Spring and culminate a year’s worth of music activity. Both of these women have brought accomplishment to our faith community as they help us to sing praises to our God. It has been truly inspirational for me as President to see the growth in participation of PAGE 10 both the Sanctuary and His Harmony Choirs over the past few years. That growth in numbers and quality of music is attributable to Gail and Susan. Angy Thelemann was honored not only for directing the King’s Kids Choir, but more specifically her 20 years of service as the Amazing Grace Lutheran Church Administrator. It is not an easy task to do all the different things she does as the Administrator. Making sure the Sunday bulletin’s are done on time to keeping the pastor straight on where he needs to be can be a monumental effort. Knowing the answers to 99% of the questions we call and ask of her is the job of a heroine. Angy has fit that bill for all these years. In addition to the daytime hours she spends, on Wednesday evenings she returns to direct the King’s Kids Choir. Managing 15 or more squirrely children and teaching them how to sing sweet songs is in itself praiseworthy. Angy has surely demonstrated over these past 20 years that she is not only competent, but joined at the hip with her God in serving us at Amazing Grace. I am sorry if you missed the May 3rd service that honored and celebrated the contributions of these three women. It was a wonderful testament of their faith and our deep thanks to their service. Pastoral Care = Soul Care Pastoral Care is a term we use for soul care. It is intentionally listening to one another and offering Christ's love. It points to how God is present in all of it - the joy, the pain, and even in the messy, complicated, and stressful stuff, too. Sometimes pastoral care is needed when there is a crisis (i.e., illness, death, or struggle of some kind) but it can happen any time there is a great need to connect our experiences with the God who loves us. Pastoral care is a priority in the life of Amazing Grace and it can happen anywhere - over the phone, at a hospital, in your home or in a coffee shop. If you are in need of pastoral care, please do not hesitate to call the church office at 651.455.0093. In a pastoral care emergency, please contact Pastor Chris Becker at 651.402.2846 or Pastor Julie Wright at 651.271.1427. Please indicate if you would like a visit, phone call or prayers - or all of the above. Note that with current healthcare data privacy practices, the church is not notified when you are admitted to a hospital. Pastor Chris and Pastor Julie In Christ, Jim Zentner Pastoral Care—Focused Outreach Servant Ministry Coordinator: Judy Thompson Meal Coordinator: Lynda Bartlette Ride Coordinator: Norm Beckman Respite Care Coordinator: Judy Thompson Funeral Support Coordinator: Barb Malamen Hands and Feet Ministry— Evangelism/Stewardship Team Coordinators: Pastor Chris Becker Prayer Concerns can be called in to Mary Garfield. PAGE 11 March MN Food Share Update The goal Neighbor’s set for the March Food Drive was 125,000 pounds. Thanks to the many organizations and generous donors they brought in 132,021 pounds! Even with this wonderful drive there is still a shortage in some items. Current needs are jelly, pancake mix, syrup, toothbrushes, baked beans, ramen noodles, canned meats, tuna and Hamburger Helper. If you can continue to help support Neighbor’s, items can be dropped off in the collection bins in the hallway. Starting Sunday, May 24th we will begin our summer worship schedule with worship at 8:00 and 9:30 a.m. The 8:00 a.m. abbreviated worship service will include prayer and Holy Communion. At 9:30 a.m. we will have a full worship service including Holy Communion. Both services will be held in the Sanctuary. Do you see Him? 7160 South Robert Trail Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077 651-455-0093 Address Service Requested NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 99 SO. ST. PAUL MN Mailed on April 29, 2015 Amazing Grace Lutheran Church Joining God at Work in the World! All are welcome!! Website: Staff: Pastor—Pastor Chris Becker: Associate Pastor—Pastor Julie Wright: Administrator—Angy Thelemann: Youth and Young Adult Coordinator— Merri Guggisberg: Finance/Office Assistant— Craig Yotter: Building Supervisor— Norm Goetzke: Worship Musician: Brad Pipal Sanctuary Choir Director: Susan Young His Harmony Choir Director: Gail Wold King’s Kids Choir Director: Angy Thelemann Sunday School Coordinator— Linda Becker: Vacation Bible School Co-Coordinators— Lynn Waska: Lisa Barnhart: Main Office Hours: (Typically) Monday: Working Offsite Tuesday—Friday: 8:30 a.m.—4:00 p.m. Deadlines: The newsletter article deadline is always on the 15th of the month. Bulletin announcements or additions are due on Wednesdays.
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