ERRIN and ERIAFF cordially invites you to the upcoming event “Boosting economic growth and facilitating investments through Bioeconomy: How to build effective regional strategies”, 20th March at Committee of the Regions in Brussels. This high level event will launch a debate among Regions and EU Stakeholders about how regional Bioeconomy strategies can help reaching European sustainability and development targets and how this can boost growth and jobs. The agenda involves high level speakers from the European Commission, Academy and European Associations and foresees two interactive regional panel discussions: “Stimulating Bioeconomy environments at regional level” and “A Bioeconomy for EU regions: tools and actors”, where participants in the audience are invited to actively contribute to the discussion on the following points: Structural and operation challenges Public acceptance and consumers’ demand Stimulating Bioeconomy ecosystems at regional level The importance of smart specialisation strategies Existing funding and supporting tools Key actors and regional clusters Interregional cooperation National strategies as a background for good regional strategies Outcomes of the event will be used for a concept document that will be written by ERRIN and ERIAFF and will position the regional status in the on-going discussion at EU level. Please register your participation here no later then 9 March 2015. Participation is free of charge. In case the number of participants will exceed the number of available seats, precedence to participants from outside Brussels will be assured. A confirmation email will inform you about the acceptance of your registration. Please note that there will be no reimbursement available for participants and the participant is expected to arrange the trip and accommodation by themselves. Do not hesitate to contact Andrea Lagundzija or Fabio Boscaleri should you have any questions. ERRIN/ERIAFF joint initiative BOOSTING ECONOMIC GROWTH AND FACILITATING INVESTMENTS THROUGH THE BIOECONOMY: HOW TO BUILD EFFECTIVE REGIONAL STRATEGIES? 19 - 20 March 2015, Brussels Draft AGENDA March 19th – Regional Office of the Lodzkie Region in Brussels (Square Marie-Louise 2, Brussels) 18:00 – Networking reception & Exhibition March 20th – Committee of the Regions (Rue Belliard, 99-101 - 1040 Brussels) 8:30 – Registration (please arrive sharply at 8:30 for the registration procedures) 9:00 – Welcome and keynote speeches Moderator: Richard TUFFS, ERRIN Director - Rogier VAN DER SANDE, Member of the Council at the Province of South Holland and CoR rapporteur for Bioeconomy (TBC) - John BELL, Director for Bioeconomy at the European Commission DG RTD - Reinhard BUESCHER, Head of Unit Chemicals Industry at the European Commission DG GROW 9:30 – European Bioeconomy as a driver for (Regional) development: Views and perspectives - Barend VERACHTERT, Interim Executive Director of the BBI JU - The EU Bioeconomy strategy and the BBI Fabio FAVA, Italian representative H2020 SC2 and JPI BBI – Bioeconomy in the EU Mediterranean area: the case of Italy Stanislaw BIELECKI, Lodz University of Technology – Bioeconomy in the Eastern EU area: the case of Poland 10:30 – Coffee Break - Pekka PESONEN, COPA-COGECA Secretary General – Opportunities and challenges for farmers and agricooperatives in EU Aljoscha REQUARDT, Secretary General at CEPF – Opportunities and challenges for foresters Dirk CARREZ, Executive Director of the Biobased Industries Consortium – The potential for bio-based industries John DAVIS, Head of Division Life Sciences and Health at EIB – Financing opportunities for the Bioeconomy (TBC) 12:00 – Lunch break Regional panels: An open debate about the development and implementation of Regional Bioeconomy Strategies with the participation of ERRIN and ERIAFF Regions and invited experts from European Commission and from other European stakeholders. 13:15 – Panel 1 – Stimulating bioeconomy environments at regional level 14:45 – Coffee break 15:15 – Panel 2 – A bioeconomy for EU Regions: Tools and actors 16.45 – Wrap-up and next steps - Richard TUFFS, ERRIN Director Gianni SALVADORI, Minister for Agriculture of Tuscany Region and ERIAFF coordinator (TBC) Latvian Presidency (TBC) Info at With the support of Hosted by In association with
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