The AIA Fellowship program was developed to elevate those architects who have made a significant
contribution to architecture and society and who have achieved a standard of excellence in the profession.
Elevation to Fellowship not only recognizes the achievements of the architect as an individual, but also
honors before the public and the profession a model architect who has made a significant contribution
to architecture and society on a national level.
The College of Fellows mission includes distinguishing criteria and guidelines for nominating AIA members as
chapter endorsed candidates who have accomplished the following achievements, recognition and honors:
Significant Contribution – to architecture and society
Standard of Excellence – in the profession
Recognized Achievements – as an architect, individually
Model Architect – before the public and the profession
Significant Contribution – on a national level
Fellows and AIA members interested in sponsoring nominees for elevation to Fellowship are requested to
contact potential candidates to prepare a summary of their notable achievements for submission to the
AIA|DC Fellows Nominations Committee. Nomination letters from Sponsors along with their nominee’s
summary shall be sent to the Committee Chair, Janet R. White, FAIA, via email to white88white@aol.com
and are due by COB, Thursday, March 26, 2015.
Nomination letters from Sponsors must include a commitment to support their potential candidate and a draft
description of the nominee's demonstrated success. A summary document (1 pdf<3 MB) by each nominee
shall include the information sections below, an introductory statement, and examples of exemplary work
presented in three to four pages. The summary document must succinctly and saliently convey the nominee's
significant contributions, standard of excellence, and recognized achievements as a model architect
before the public and the profession and to architecture and society on a national level. The first page must
include the following:
Personal Information:
Phone/Fax Numbers
Email Address
AIA Information:
AIA Membership Number
Date of Initial Membership
Category of Nomination
Name of Sponsor with email
Professional Information:
Exemplary Achievements (min 3)
Returning candidates must resubmit all the above along with their AIA debrief and plan for revisions.
Categories of Nomination: 1. Design (Design, Urban Design, or Preservation); 2.Education, Research,
Literature, or Practice; 3. Led the Institute, Led a Related Organization; 4. Public Service, Government,
Industry, or Organization; 5. Alternative Career, Volunteer Work with Organizations Not Directly Connected
with the Built Environment, or Service to Society.
Following the reviews by the Nominations Advisory Panel in April, the successful Candidates will be invited to
participate in the AIA|DC Fellows Committee Introductory Meeting on Tuesday, April 28, 2015 and the monthly
review sessions at noon at the District Architecture Center during the and spring and summer. A list of the
nominees recommended for candidacy will be submitted to the AIA|DC Chapter President for signature prior
to the final submissions on October 16, 2015.
Information regarding recent elevation to Fellowship may be found on the AIA website and will be updated
http://www.aia.org/practicing/awards/AIAS075320 following the investiture ceremony honoring the 2015 Fellows
at the AIA Convention, May 14-16, 2014 in Atlanta, Georgia.