trestleboard2015 - Ainsworth Lodge No. 201 AF&AM

Santiam #25
Jefferson #33
Scio #39
East-Linn #44
Pearl #66
Ainsworth #201
Volume 23 Issue No. 3
Mid-Valley Trestleboard
District #11, AF & AM of Oregon, USA
Sickness and Distress
Billy Herron—Scio #39
Masonic Happenings
Greetings Brethren All. It’s that time of year when I conduct my Official Visit to each of the lodges and examine
their books. To most of you this is uneventful, but essential to the administration and financial security of
each. I look forward to seeing each of you during my
visit. We will be discussing the tasks for our summer
time “Outdoor Degree” to get a head start on planning.
As the “Enlightenment Gavel” I spoke about last month
has rapidly gone through District #11, it’s hoped that it
has brought together the brothers in each Lodge in a
spirit of friendship and brotherly love intended. In a little over one month, it has been to five or our lodges. What a great way to stir those feelings in each.
Until I see you in lodge, Fraternally yours, RWB Stan Miller, DD#11.
Vista Masonic #215
Euclid OES #70
Victoria OES #76
Salem York Rite
Salem Scottish Rite
Santiam Shrine Club
MARCH 2015
Victoria Chapter
is having a Big
Western Whoop-tido!!!!
Victoria Chapter’s 49th Annual Western Dinner and Honor Night will be on
Friday, March 20, 2015.
Dinner will be
served (with a smile) anytime you show up between 5pm and 6:30pm. The Chuck wagon
menu is BBQ beef and/or ham, slaw, baked
beans, jello and of course pie..pie..pie.. me-omy. Cost is $8.00 for the big buckaroos and
$5.00 for the little cow’pokes (10 and under).
The Honors start at 7pm. We are honoring 7
Committee members, so come on out to see
who they might be. Our best dressed award will
go to the best Cowboy and Cowgal for a monetary reward. Ya’ll come down ya hear!!!
In February Vista Masonic Lodge #215
is launching the traveling lights!
This is a wooden box that contains a journal and pen. It
is our intent that each lodge that receives the lights
take a little time to make an entry into the log before
passing it to another lodge. The entry can be anything.
autographs drawings, words of wisdom, anything that
the holding lodge wants to archive. This journal does
not have to stay in the district. in fact we want it to travel as far and wide as possible. One day it will come
back and there will be an interesting story inside. Ben
Lane WM Vista #215
The Enlightment "Traveling Gavel"
has made it's way to Jefferson. Pictured
above is Jefferson Lodge #33 WM Duane
Gay receiving it from Santiam Lodge
#25 WM Wes Palmer
Volume 23, Issue 3
Santiam #25
WM Wes Palmer
Sec Phil Hitchcock
3rd Monday, 7:30 PM
March 2015
Page 2
Scio #39
WM Paul Hamby
Sec Duncan Tucker
3rd Thursday, 7:30 PM
On February 2nd, Santiam Lodge went to Jefferson to
visit and take The Enlightenment Gavel on its journal
through the state. We had seven members make the
trip. On February 16th our EA Proficiency was VERY
GOOD. We are cancelling our FC Degree on March
2nd at 7 PM. At our next Stated Communication on
March 16th we will have a dinner at 6:30 pm before
the meeting. It will also be an Official Visit of our District Deputy RW Stan Miller.
With the help from visiting brothers from Santiam, Vista
and Jefferson Lodges, we put on a Fellow Craft Degree in
Scio for our Brother Travis Moore. Second step, Brother
and now just one more degree to complete your path in
Blue Lodge. You're young and you will have many years to
enjoyment from participating in Masonry. We are planning on an Master Mason Degree for our next meeting for
our other Fellow Craft Mason, Wayne. So Brothers of the
District, please attend the next stated meeting in Scio on
March 19th and help us welcome a new Master Mason.
WM Wesley R Palmer II
Santiam Lodge No. 25
We had the thrill of being delivered the Traveling Gavel.
So watch out for some brothers of Scio, which we intend
on present to a deserving lodge soon.
Jefferson #33
WM Duane Gay
Sec David Gay
1st Monday, 7:30 PM
East Linn #44
Greetings from Jefferson
This month we will be having a Potato Bar with all
the fixings at 6:30pm, so come and join us for a
good evening. We are opening our Lodge on the EA
degree so our new EA's can come too. Any EA's at
there feel free to come and enjoy. This month we
were presented with the Enlightenment Gavel which
is a beautiful gavel. I have passed it on to Scio Lodge
this month also got to enjoy a FC Degree the same
Fraternally, Duane S Gay WM
Greetings Brothers, Our Widows, Wives, & Sweethearts dinner was held in our lodge on Feb. 12, We
had 15 ladies in attendance. We served them A nice
dinner of lemon Chicken, roasted potatoes, steamed
veggies the meal was well prepared with lots of
praise for the chicken. In attendance were: Marjorie
Wilson, Betty Trevenna, Norma Carns, Betty
McCown, Ruth Moss, Lavon Gabrielsen, Mae Tidwell,
Marilyn Van Epps, Lyllian Griffith, Mildred Patterson,
Marlene Atchley, Jeanne Kroker, Chris Wilson, Pam
Kroker, Laura Frye. Dinner was followed by our Stated Communication. Charles Bushman WM East Linn
# 44
Ainsworth #201
Pearl #66
WM Bill Motta
Sec Willard Richards
1st Saturday, 7:30 PM
WM Charles Bushman
Sec Wayne Metz
2nd Thursday, 7:30 PM
I would like to congratulate Brother Jon Hall in delivering his final proficiency and joining the ranks of Master Mason’s at Pearl Lodge. Thanks RWB S Miller for
presiding on his behalf. We installed GJW Myles
McMillan as Treasurer once again and now have a
complete rooster of installed officers. Thanks Brother
Myles for another year of watching the funds. We will
be doing our first Child ID this year at Turner Grade
School on Feb 28 between the hours of 5:00 PM &
8:00 PM The Awesome 3000, Cloverdale and
Aumsville are still on the horizon. Be sure to come and
have Breakfast with us on Sun. March 5th. All you can
eat $5.00 Lot’s great Fellowship. Fraternally, Bill
WM Kristopher Fahndrich
Tom Valente
2nd Tuesday, 7:30 PM
The Brothers of Ainsworth would like to thank RWB
Stan Miller and his grandson Cody for attending our
February stated. Cody gave a wonderful presentation
on the benefits of the DeMolay Conclave that was enjoyed by all in attendance. Our officers meeting will
be held on March 2nd. We will be receiving our District Deputy RWB Stan Miller at our stated communication on March 10th for an official visit. We also
have an Entered Apprentice degree scheduled for our
special communication on March 24th. We look forward to seeing you there.
Fraternally, WM Kristopher Fahndrich
Volume 23, Issue 3
March 2015
Vista Masonic #215
Euclid #70 OES
WM Benjamin D. Lane
Sec Dennis Stephens
1st Tuesday, 7:30 PM
Thomasa Noonan
Don Gay, PGP
Mary Drushella
2nd Tuesday, 7:30 PM
We would like to remind all brethren that every 4th
Wednesday we have reserved the Gold room of the
Salem Scottish Right Center at 7pm for practice of
any ritual work, floor work or degree practice that you
would like to work on. This is open to any Mason
from any lodge. This is a come as you are event no
dress code. very relaxed. For our next class March
25th we will be working on things related to the FC
degree Hope to see you there Fraternally Benjamin Lane WM
Page 3
History Of Order Of Eastern Star is divided into three Eras:
1. From 1850-1866, under the leadership of Dr. Rob Morris
2. From 1866-1876, under the leadership of Robert Macoy of NY
3. From 1876, when the General Grand Chapter, Order Eastern
Star, was established to the present time… The real origin of the
Eastern Star, like Masonry, will always be shrouded in mystery.
Many researchers believe it had a French origin as early as
1703. By some, this is claimed to be the first inception of
"Female Masonry" or "Androgynous Degrees"-- (degrees for both
men and women). As to the real origin of the Eastern Star degrees in its Initiatory form, there is not the least shadow of doubt
that the honor belongs to Dr. Rob Morris and its real origin
comes under the First Era... just a little FYI from, Karen Beins
Santiam Shrine Club
Victoria #76 OES
Lohree Kottke
Robert Kottke
Sara Greer
2nd & 4th Wednesday 7:30 PM
Bradley, Jim
Stan Miller
3rd Wed, Oasis/Dinner 6PM, Neufeldts (Aumsville)
Our President, Noble Jim Bradley displayed his training from the Temple as he presided over our February meeting and conducted the business of the club
with only a small crowd present. The registration
forms for our “Tub Drivers” were dispersed. We are
always looking for new “bathtub drivers” and look
forward to training you in our intricate maneuvers.
We invite all local Nobles to come out & join us on
the 3rd each month at Neufeldt’s Restaurant in
Aumsville, 6:00pm Dinner (Oasis), 7:00pm Meeting.
Fraternally yours, Noble Stan Miller, Sec.
By the time you read this we will have received petitions and had an opportunity to ballot on them. Growth
of a chapter is always an exciting time. We hope to be
having an actual initiation, but even if not, we will be
exemplifying degrees in March. The reception for Carol
Motta as Grand Electa and Hank Dougherty as Grand
Warder offered a great time for all. Coming up in
March also is our annual Western Dinner. It is Friday,
March 20, 2015. Details will be elsewhere in Trestleboard. Ya'all come. We always have a fun time. Victoria members, keep working on your proficiency and
give it to our committee. Let's make Judy proud!
Lohree & Robert Kottke, WM & WP
Scottish Rite Ladies Auxiliary
Salem York Rite
President Teri Rollman
Meeting is at 12:00 PM, Lunch is at 12:30 PM
($5.00). Please RSVP to (503) 551-4494
Chapter - Vern Harris
Council - George Dickie IV
Commandery - Grant Sharp
Secretary - Stan Miller
Happy St Patrick's Month! Legend says that each leaf of
the clover means something: the first is for hope, the second for faith, the third for love and the fourth for luck,
may you enjoy all in abundance! The next SRLA meeting
will be March 10th. We're hoping to have an opportunity
to meet the newest staff addition to Kid Talk and get updates on the latest clinic activities. Lunch will be at 12
noon followed by our guest speakers and business meeting. Our annual Spring Flower Sale is underway, they are
beautiful plants from Egan's Gardens Nursery, we also
have gift cards available to order. Orders are due by April
23rd and delivery will be by May 7th. Save the date for
April 26th and join us for the Annual Pancake Breakfast.
We hope to see you all there! Teri Rollman, President
503 692-5896
503 930-9541
The three York Rite bodies will be busy again this
month as we prepare for the Grand York Rite sessions the first part of next month. Multnomah Chapter finished conferring all its degree last month and
then got Hodson Council started on their degrees
the following week. Their meetings this month will
be the planning & practice for the Council degrees
conferred again on 13 March. That means DeMolay
Commandery will be getting ready to do their Orders
in the coming months. Hope to see each of at the
meetings. Yours in the faith – Stan Miller, Recorder/
Volume 23, Issue 3
March 2015
Page 4
Important Dates to Save
March 2
March 3
March 6
March 7
March 8
March 10
March 10
March 10
March 11
March 12
March 14
March 16
March 18
March 19
March 21
March 23
March 25
Jefferson Lodge #33, Dinner 6:30 PM, Stated Communications 7:30 PM, Jefferson
Vista Lodge #215, Dinner 6:30 PM, Stated Communications 7:30 PM, SSRC
Multnomah Chapter #1 and Hodson Council, 7:30 PM, SSRC
Pearl Lodge #66, Stated Communications 7:30 PM, Turner
Pearl Lodge #66, “Breakfast at Pearl” 8 am to 11 AM… AYCE.. for only $5.00, Turner
Scottish Rite Ladies Auxiliary, Luncheon, Noon, SSRC
Ainsworth Lodge #201, Stated Communications 7:30 PM, SSRC
Euclid #70, Meeting 7:30 PM, Jefferson
Victoria #76, OES, Meeting 7:30 PM, Turner
East Linn Lodge #44, Dinner 6:30 PM, Meeting 7:30 PM, Lebanon
Jefferson Lodge #33, 1 PM
Santiam Lodge #25, Stated Communications 7:30 PM, Stayton
Santiam Shrine Club, Neufledt’s Restaurant Oasis/Dinner 6 PM, Aumsville
Scio Lodge #39, 7:30 PM, Scio
Victoria Chapter 76 “Western Dinner” Pearl Lodge, Dinner Starts at 5PM, reception 7PM
DeMolay Commandery 7:30 PM
Victoria #76, OES, Meeting 7:30 PM, Turner
Would you like to see the Trestleboard in color? The Mid-Valley Masonic Trestleboard is emailed all over the
world in color and is printed in B/W for paper distribution. Would you prefer to see your pictures in rich
detail and enlarge the articles for better reading? You can—by emailing Stan Miller at
Need to polish up on ritual?
Vista #215 has reserved the Gold Room of the Salem Scottish Right Center every 4th Wednesday at 7pm. We are
looking for instructors as well as students. This is open to
anyone who wants to attend regardless of what lodge you
are from. We will cover Ritual, floor work, proficiency,
Open and close of lodge. Need help with your new station
for this year or want to learn a part for a degree? This is
the time and place to do it.
Terms of the Trade: What Does "Plumb" Mean?
If you don't what know the term "plumb" means,
you may be surprised to hear that it doesn't directly
have anything to do with plumbing. It's actually
used to describe when a edge or surface is perpendicular to to a level line, with true vertical orientation. (Think when
you're framing a house or installing a door jamb.) To know if a surface
is plumb, you can use a level, which usually has at least one vial to
read plumb, or a plumb bob, which is a weight suspended by a string....
Helping Masons
Help their families
Help Fulfill Your Masonic Obligation
Membership conveniently implements the
Masonic obligation of assistance to widows
and orphans. Membership is open to all Master Masons in good standing of an Oregon
Initiation fee is $10.00
Annual Assessment is
Masonic Low 12 Club
P.O. Box 4745
Salem, OR 97302
(503) 364-8144
Trestleboard Folding Schedule
Meeting Times for the Valley Youth
Job’s Daughters, Bethel #43, meets 2nd & 4th Monday SSRC, 6:30 PM
Rainbow Girls, Cherry #61, meets 2nd & 4th Thursday, SSRC 7 PM
Canby Demolay for Boys, meets 2nd & 4th Monday Canby 7 PM
Support Our Masonic Youth Groups
Trestle Board Editor:
Sara Greer
(503) 503-930-9541
PO Box 61
Turner, OR 97392
 January - Pearl #66
 February - Santiam #25
 March - Jefferson #33
 April - East Linn #44
 May - Victoria OES #76
 June - Euclid OES #70
 September - Salem York Rite
 October - Ainsworth #201
 November - Vista #215